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The indigenous peoples of the Northwest Coast of North America are widely believed to have been true “hunter-fisher-gatherers,” lacking plant cultivation of any kind. This depiction of the region's indigenous inhabitants emerged within early colonial accounts and was perpetuated within the literatures of geography, anthropology, and archaeology. Still, there is ample evidence of plant cultivation available from archival, archaeological, and ethnographic sources. In particular, the peoples of coastal British Columbia created large gardens of edible estuarine plants, using sophisticated indigenous technologies. The oversight of these practices in written representations of the region reveals consistent patterns of bias, emanating from the agendas of colonial agents and early academics alike. In turn, this bias has undermined aboriginal traditions of cultivation and indigenous land claims.  相似文献   

采用土壤和改良的Knop’s固体培养基培养湿地敏感植物、国家一级保护极危蕨类中华水韭(Isoetes sinensis),并获得有性生殖苗;观察记录了配子体发育及幼孢苗发生各阶段的详细过程;总结了幼孢苗的人工管护技术;分析讨论了配子体发育与环境因素间的规律、幼孢苗复壮对策以及病虫害类别、病症及其防治措施等.研究结果表明,中华水韭孢子在22~28℃、光照强度为60 μmol/(m2·s)、每日光照14h和黑暗10h的条件下,可达到90.3%的成熟率;已完成中华水韭的生活史,掌握了孢子育苗及日常管护方法,获得孢苗5 000棵,长势良好,出现孢子囊,以期为回归原产地,拯救该野生种群及湿地保护提供一定的理论依据和可靠的技术支撑.  相似文献   

Agriculture represents less than 2 per cent of the GDP of New Caledonia where the economy (and wage-earning activities) is dominated by the service sector and the nickel industry. However, family farming remains strong, especially for the Indigenous Melanesian tribes of the east coast of New Caledonia. Yams (Dioscorea spp.) are still one of the pillars of traditional Kanak society despite the social and economic changes that followed colonisation by France. This study of Kanak yam cultivation on the north-eastern coast of New Caledonia underscores the fact that yam cultivation systems have greatly changed since the 1950s, when they were last described. In addition to customary gift exchanges and subsistence consumption, yams are increasingly being grown for market sales. Five cropping systems, three yam production systems, and three Kanak social activity systems are described and their linkages to each other are explained. There are three levels of Kanak market participation: none, transitional, and fully engaged, and the extent of market participation and associated technical choices defines farmers’ levels of cultural activity and the nature and characteristics of yam cultivation.  相似文献   

张华  李晓云  荔克让 《中国沙漠》2000,20(Z2):141-145
油桃设施促早栽培是国内近年来兴起的一项高新农业技术,为了促进油桃设施栽培在豫北沙地的稳步发展,使之成为沙地高效开发的果产业之一,本文根据果树设施栽培环境因子的变化规律,借鉴国内油桃设施栽培的成功经验,结合豫北沙地自然、社会经济的状况,建立沙地油桃高效设施栽培模式,提出适宜的设施类型、结构,适栽品种,配置模式,栽植密度及配套栽培管理技术。  相似文献   

A fundamental geological tenet is that as landscapes evolve over graded to geologic time, geologic structures control patterns of topographic distribution in mountainous areas such that terrain underlain by competent rock will be higher than terrain underlain by incompetent rock. This paper shows that in active orogens where markedly weak and markedly strong rocks are juxtaposed along contacts that parallel regional structures, relatively high topography can form where strain is localized in the weak rock. Such a relationship is illustrated by the topography of the central Coast Ranges between the Pacific coastline and the San Andreas fault zone (SAFZ), and along the length of the Gabilan Mesa (the “Gabilan Mesa segment” of the central Coast Ranges). Within the Gabilan Mesa segment, the granitic upper crust of the Salinian terrane is in contact with the accretionary-prism mélange upper crust of the Nacimiento terrane along the inactive Nacimiento fault zone. A prominent topographic lineament is present along most of this lithologic boundary, approximately 50 to 65 km southwest of the SAFZ, with the higher topography formed in the mélange on the southwest side of the Nacimiento fault.This paper investigates factors influencing the pattern of topographic development in the Gabilan Mesa segment of the central Coast Ranges by correlating shortening magnitude with the upper-crust compositions of the Salinian and Nacimiento terranes. The fluvial geomorphology of two valleys in the Gabilan Mesa, which is within the Salinian terrane, and alluvial geochronology based on optically-stimulated luminescence (OSL) age estimates, reveal that the magnitude of shortening accommodated by down-to-the-southwest tilting of the mesa since 400 ka is less than 1 to 2 m. Our results, combined with those of previous studies, indicate that at least 63% to 78% of late-Cenozoic, northeast-southwest directed, upper-crustal shortening across the Gabilan Mesa segment has been accommodated within the Nacimiento terrane. This is significant because perpendicular to orogenic strike the Nacimiento terrane constitutes less than ¼ of the distance between the coast and the SAFZ, and the other ¾ (or greater) of the distance between the coast and the SAFZ is underlain by the granitic upper crust of the Salinian terrane. We propose that strain and mountain building are localized within the Nacimiento terrane because it consists predominantly of the relatively weak Franciscan Complex mélange, and because the upper crust of the Salinian terrane is composed of relatively strong granitic rocks. Our hypothesis is supported by the distribution of post-seismic surface uplift associated with the 2003, 6.5 MW San Simeon earthquake, which mimics the topography of the southwestern part of the Gabilan Mesa segment of the central Coast Ranges.  相似文献   

西北太平洋柔鱼中心渔场分布模式   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
本文利用ArcGIS对西北太平洋SST和柔鱼渔捞统计时间序列数据进行了处理分析 ,研究了西北太平洋柔鱼中心渔场分布模式。该海域柔鱼中心渔场有三类 :舌型渔场、枝叉型渔场、涡流型渔场。涡流型渔场出现次数最高、渔获总产量最高、CPUE平均值最高 ,表层水温为 10~ 18℃。舌型渔场出现次数第二、渔获总产量第二、CPUE平均值最低 ,表层水温为 15~2 1℃。枝叉型渔场出现次数最少、渔获总产量最低、CPUE平均值第二 ,表层水温为 17~2 4℃。 8月枝叉型渔场为主 ,9月舌型渔场为主 ,10月舌型渔场和涡流型渔场为主 ,11月涡流型渔场为主。  相似文献   

西北干旱区气候变化对水文水资源影响研究进展   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
西北干旱区是对全球变化响应最敏感地区之一,研究分析全球变暖背景下的西北干旱区水资源问题,对应对和适应未来气候变化带来的影响具有重要意义。本文通过对西北干旱区气候变暖影响下的水资源形成、转化与水循环等关键问题最新研究成果的总结分析,得出如下结论:(1) 西北干旱区温度、降水在过去的50年出现过“突变型”升高,但进入21世纪,温度和降水均处于高位震荡,升高趋势减弱;(2) 西北干旱区冬季温度的大幅升高是拉动年均温度抬升的重要原因,而西伯利亚高压活动和二氧化碳排放是引起冬季升温的重要影响因素;(3) 西北干旱区蒸发潜力在1993年出现了一个明显的转折变化,由显著下降逆转为显著上升的趋势。气候变暖、蒸发水平增大对西北干旱区生态效应的负作用已经凸显;(4) 西北干旱区冰川变化对水资源量及年内分配产生了重要影响,部分河流已经出现冰川消融拐点。在塔里木河流域,冰川融水份额较大 (50%),可能在未来一段时期,河川径流还将处在高位状态波动。全球气候变暖在加大极端气候水文事件发生频率和强度的同时,加剧了西北干旱区内陆河流域的水文波动和水资源的不确定性。  相似文献   

引入区域间相互作用的引力模型,以海峡西岸经济区作为研究对象,测算出城市间的经济联系强度,并用对应的航空、公路和铁路客运联系资料进行验证,得出海峡西岸经济区内部的主要联系方向以及省际的主要联系方向。研究结果表明,海峡西岸经济区内部的经济联系主要集中在东部的海峡西岸城市群;而海峡西岸经济区的省际经济联系方向仍然是长江三角洲和珠江三角洲地区,所得结论与实际基本吻合。  相似文献   

苏北潮滩湿地植被对沉积物N、P含量的影响   总被引:20,自引:7,他引:13  
文章对比分析了植被和沉积物中N、P垂向分布和季节变化,探讨不同植被对潮滩湿地N、P动态变化的影响。分析表明:潮滩湿地的分带性差异使N、P在潮滩湿地各地带有不同的分布规律和季节性变化特性,植被尤其是有较高地下生物量的互花米草和芦苇在整个潮滩湿地N、P的分布以及季节变化中起重要作用,潮滩植被主要是通过N、P在体内的主动转移,植物对沉积物中N、P的吸收以及富集死亡的地下根茎中分解矿化后释放的N、P来影响沉积物中N、P分布的; 1~4月通过枯落生物量回归到地面的N、P总量分别达到149.4 t和18.2 t,对整个湿地生态系统的生源物质循环以及生态环境产生很大影响。  相似文献   

Kolguev Island in the Russian Arctic has a unique tundra ecosystem and an indigenous Nenets population whose livelihood is traditionally based on reindeer herding. The Nenets faced a major crisis in 2013–2014 when the reindeer population collapsed. Widely different explanations for this collapse were put forward. This lack of a shared perspective points at the failure of genuine joint knowledge production (JKP) in the island’s UNEP–GEF’s ECORA project (2004–2009). The ECORA project aimed to achieve integrated ecosystem management by stimulating dialog and mutual learning among indigenous people, state agencies, and scientists. This paper analyses the failure of ECORA’s JKP, using a recently developed framework of conditions for successful JKP. The results suggest that ECORA met none of these conditions. It failed at bringing the scientific and indigenous knowledge systems together, and the produced knowledge did not resonate with indigenous people’s perception of living in Kolguev.  相似文献   

西北干旱区山区融雪期气候变化对径流量的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
李宝富  陈亚宁  陈忠升  李卫红 《地理学报》2012,67(11):1461-1470
利用8 个山区气象站1960-2010 年日平均气温、降水和7 个出山口水文站的年径流数据(1960-2008), 统计分析了山区融雪期开始时间、结束时间、天数、温度和降水的变化趋势及其空间差异性, 并定量评估了年径流量对融雪期温度和降水变化的敏感性。结果表明, 近50年来, 山区融雪期平均提前了15.33 天, 延迟了9.19 天;其中, 天山南部山区融雪期提前时间最长, 为20.01 天, 而延迟时间最短, 仅6.81 天;祁连山北部山区融雪期提前时间最短(10.16天), 而延迟时间最长(10.48 天)。这显示山区融雪期提前时间越长, 延迟时间则越短。山区融雪期平均降水量增加了47.3 mm, 平均温度升高了0.857℃;其中天山南部山区降水增量最大, 达65 mm, 昆仑山北部山区降水和温度增量均最小, 分别为25 mm和0.617℃, 而祁连山北部山区温度增量最高(1.05℃)。河流径流量对融雪期气候变化敏感, 降水变化诱发年径流量变化了7.69%, 温度变化使得年径流量改变了14.15%。  相似文献   

西北地区山区融雪期气候变化对径流量的影响(英文)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Water resources in the arid land of Northwest China mainly derive from snow and glacier melt water in mountainous areas. So the study on onset, cessation, length, tempera-ture and precipitation of snowmelt period is of great significance for allocating limited water resources reasonably and taking scientific water resources management measures. Using daily mean temperature and precipitation from 8 mountainous weather stations over the pe-riod 1960?2010 in the arid land of Northwest China, this paper analyzes climate change of snowmelt period and its spatial variations and explores the sensitivity of runoff to length, temperature and precipitation of snowmelt period. The results show that mean onset of snowmelt period has shifted 15.33 days earlier while mean ending date has moved 9.19 days later. Onset of snowmelt period in southern Tianshan Mountains moved 20.01 days earlier while that in northern Qilian Mountains moved only 10.16 days earlier. Mean precipitation and air temperature increased by 47.3 mm and 0.857℃ in the mountainous areas of Northwest China, respectively. The precipitation of snowmelt period increased the fastest, which is ob-served in southern Tianshan Mountains, up to 65 mm, and the precipitation and temperature in northern Kunlun Mountains increased the slowest, an increase of 25 mm and 0.617℃, respectively, while the temperature in northern Qilian Mountains increased the fastest, in-creasing by 1.05℃. The annual runoff is also sensitive to the variations of precipitation and temperature of snowmelt period, because variation of precipitation induces annual runoff change by 7.69% while change of snowmelt period temperature results in annual runoff change by 14.15%.  相似文献   

城市化是西北干旱区实现小康目标的必由之路,然而最大的自然障碍因素是水资源严重短缺。现实的城市化与水资源及生态环境保护之间存在着各种矛盾与胁迫。从城市化过程及其生态效应研究的重要性出发,透过对国内外研究进展的分析与评述,把水资源作为西北干旱区先决约束条件。提出了水资源约束下西北干旱区城市化过程及其生态效应的研究思路,包括选择水资源变化过程与城市化过程之间相互胁迫的驱动因子,揭示水资源变化对城市化过程的胁迫机制与规律;分析城市化过程引起的与水相关的生态效应;建立城市化过程及其生态效应预警指标体系。对不同强度水资源约束下城市化过程进行动态预警和情景分析;选择最节水的城市化发展模式和建设节水型城镇体系等。进而为加快西北干旱区城市化发展进程、改善干旱区生态环境、实现小康目标提供科学的决策依据。  相似文献   

以海峡西岸城市群为例,通过修正引力模型构建旅游经济网络,依托“增长极”理论,运用QAP和地理探测器分析方法,探讨旅游经济网络驱动因素,并运用fsQCA方法探讨其因果组合配置策略。结果如下:(1)海峡西岸城市群旅游经济网络空间结构呈东部沿海地区网络相对密集、中西部网络稀疏特征。(2)地区经济水平、对外开放程度是其核心驱动因素;各影响因子对促进旅游经济空间发展的影响强度均较高。(3)地理探测器分析结果显示,各影响因素在旅游经济网络系统中处相对优势地位,旅游经济空间发展核心驱动因素明显,其中,以地区GDP、对外开放程度最为突出,这也体现为旅游需求不断提升以及旅游供给向高质量方向发展的趋势。研究最终识别出两种因果组合配置方案。本研究有助于实现区域旅游经济空间发展优化及管理。  相似文献   

邱岳  韦素琼  陈进栋 《地理研究》2011,30(5):795-803
随着近年来建设海峡西岸经济区上升为国家战略,该区域城市的发展倍受关注.本文采用场强模型测算了2007年海西区20个地级及以上城市影响力,划分3个城市群强影响圈层.通过场强与等高线的叠加分析,发现900m以上的高大山脉对城市影响力的削减明显,并造成了3个强影响圈的割据分布.进一步依据场强取大原则划分腹地范围,从腹地与行政...  相似文献   

植物护理效应研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨龙  刘楠  王俊 《热带地理》2012,32(3):321-330
植物护理效应是指护理植物在其自身冠幅下辅助目标植物生长发育的现象.近年来,植物护理效应被应用于世界范围内多数的退化生态系统的修复与重建.文章综述了当前植物护理效应的主流研究内容主要为护理植物的确定、影响其效应的因素、形成其效应的原因与机理以及护理、竞争及胁迫梯度假说,归纳了样方调查、种子萌发实验、幼苗栽植实验等研究方法,总结了其与生态位、系统发育、全球变化等相关生态学概念的关系,指出未来对植物护理效应的研究不应仅仅局限于中观尺度上,在微观尺度上(目标植物对护理效应的生态适应性的激素效应与分子机制)和宏观尺  相似文献   

云南石林景区主要乡土植物物候特征的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为掌握石林景区主要乡土植物物候节律,选择25科35种乡土植物,对其物候特征与同期主要气象因子进行了2 a平行观测。结果表明,在2月气温达到10℃,有46%的植物开始萌动;3月气温持续增高并超过15℃,展叶的植物最多,占57.1%;开花期集中在3~6月,尤其在5月温度超过20℃,有82.9%的树种开花;果实成熟期则分散在4~12月。各个物候期的平均温度和≥5℃积温与植物物候表现较为密切,光照和温度对植物开花和结实期影响较大。根据乡土植物物候特征,结合喀斯特山地自然景观特点和景区适配植物群落建设,提出“石中有树,树中有石”的配置原则,筛选在时空格局上适应喀斯特山地环境的观赏植物,构建出与石林喀斯特景观相协调的植被景观,增加景区景观和生态价值,提升景区的内涵。  相似文献   

川西北高原地貌垂直地带性明显:现在流水地貌带海拔高度<3800m;冰缘地貌带为38004200m;冰川地貌带>4200m;相应的主导地貌过程分别是流水侵蚀、冻融侵蚀和冰川侵蚀。川西北高原是大面积构造隆升背景下冻融侵蚀形成的夷平地貌,花岗岩和石灰岩等结晶岩抗寒冻风化能力强,三叠系砂板岩,抗寒冻风化能力差,前者可以形成冰川发育的高山,后者为融冻地貌等发育的丘状起伏的高原面。南水北调西线一期工程主要位于流水地貌带与冰缘地貌带的交界地带,滑坡、崩塌、融冻土流是工程沿线的主要斜坡灾害,规模多为中小型。工程沿线地区泥石流沟数量多、规模小,但流水地貌带内的部分沟谷可能有大型泥石流发生。融冻土流是该区河流泥沙的主要来源,侵蚀产沙对水库淤积的影响应引起重视。冰缘地貌和流水地貌的交错带部位,地貌过程对气候变化的响应相当敏感。  相似文献   

青海湖鸟岛沙地植物群落物种多样性研究   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
根据野外样地调查资料,采用丰富度指数、物种多样性指数和均匀度指数对青海湖鸟岛沙地植物群落的多样性进行了研究,并用相关分析研究了多样性指数间的关系,结果表明:①鸟岛7个主要沙地群落间的植物多样性差异很大,分布于固定沙丘上的赖草、甘青铁线莲等群落均具有较高的丰富度指数、多样性指数,而西伯利亚蓼、藏虫实等分布在流动沙丘上的群落则最小,但均匀度指数最高。②从流动沙丘到固定沙丘阶段的变化过程中,丰富度指数、Shannon Wiener指数和Simpson指数的变化趋势基本一致,而均匀度指数则呈相反趋势,半固定沙丘是这一变化的重要转折点。③物种在各沙地类型中出现频率的多样性指数差异很大,特有种多样性指数在固定沙丘中最高,占主导地位,而在流动沙丘阶段,普通种的物种多样性指数最高。④植物生活型上各沙丘类型上的物种多样性指数均以多年生草本为最高,其次为一年生草本,而且从流动沙丘至固定沙丘阶段呈递增变化。⑤丰富度指数与多样性指数、均匀度指数之间存在极显著的相关性。  相似文献   

基于聚落地名记录的过去300年吉林省土地开垦过程   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
曾早早  方修琦  叶瑜 《地理学报》2011,66(7):985-993
聚落作为一种土地利用类型,是人类活动与自然环境之间相互作用的综合反映。新开垦区的聚落建立与农业土地开垦相辅相成,聚落格局演变可反映出土地开垦的过程。聚落地名,记录人类移居到新开垦区域时的直观状况,对于认识土地开发过程和恢复土地利用/覆被变化的历史进程有着重要的价值。本文根据地名志资料,将聚落地名依据不同的土地开垦类型进行划分,提出了土地开垦-聚落地名的分类方法,在此基础上辨识出土地开垦-聚落类型,即官垦聚落和民垦聚落,其中民垦聚落又可分为自发移民聚落和政府招垦聚落,并得到各类型聚落近300年来的时空格局演变过程,为认识吉林省土地利用/覆被变化提供依据,也为利用聚落地名进行土地开垦格局重建提供尝试。  相似文献   

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