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Abstract— A recently published meteoroid fragmentation model (FM) was applied to observational data on the Tagish Lake meteoric fireball. An initial mass of 56,000 kg, derived from seismic and infrasound data by Brown et al. (2002), proved to be consistent with a very low value of intrinsic ablation coefficient of 0.0009 s2 km?2. The average residual of the best fit to the observed light curve was ±0.10 stellar magnitude. The apparent ablation coefficient varied from 0.0009 to 1.52 s2 km?2 with an average value of 0.054 s2 km?2 (determined by the gross fragmentation [GF] model). The FM found 33 individual fragmentation events during the penetration of the 56,000 kg initial mass of the Tagish Lake meteoroid through the atmosphere, with five of the events fragmenting more than 10% of the instantaneous mass of the main body. The largest event fragmented 88% of the mass of the main body at a height of 34.4 km. The velocity of the main body mass of 2660 kg at a height of 29.2 km (the last observed light) was 13.1 km/s. Strong fragmentation at heights lower than 29.2 km is very probable. The extreme fragmentation process of the Tagish Lake meteoroid puts its classification well outside the IIIB type in the direction of less cohesive bodies. The light curve could not be explained at all by making use of only the apparent ablation coefficient and apparent luminous efficiency.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss two methods, one analytical and the other graphical, to determine the trajectory of a fireball using the arrival times of atmospheric shock waves recorded by a seismic network. In the analytical method the trajectory and the raypaths are assumed to be straight and we solve for the fireball velocity, the azimuth (?) and elevation angle (δ) of the trajectory, the coordinates of the intersection of the trajectory with the earth's surface, and the corresponding intersection time (t0). Because the problem is nonlinear, we solve it iteratively. The fireball velocity cannot be determined uniquely, and trades off with t0. The graphical method is based on the drawing of contours of arrival times, which should be elliptical for fireball shock waves. If the distribution of seismic stations is appropriate, the horizontal projection of the fireball is given by the axis of symmetry of the contours, which allows the estimation of ?, while δ can be estimated from the spacing between contours along the symmetry axis. Application of the two methods to data from four fireballs shows that the graphically derived parameters can be within a few degrees of the analytical parameters. In addition, a fireball recorded in the Czech Republic has reliable trajectory parameters derived from video recordings, which allows an independent assessment of the quality of the parameters determined analytically. In particular, ? and δ have errors of and , respectively, which are not particularly large considering that the station distribution was not favorable.  相似文献   

Abstract— Terminal bursts and fragmentations of meteoritic fireballs in the atmosphere may now be accurately located in four dimensions (three spatial + temporal) using seismic arrival times of their acoustic waves recorded by seismometer, camera, microphone, and/or infrasound stations on the ground. A computer program, SUPRACENTER, calculates travel times by ray tracing through realistic atmospheres (that include winds) and locates source positions by minimization of travel time residuals. This is analogous to earthquake hypocenter location in the solid Earth but is done through a variably moving medium. Inclusion of realistic atmospheric ray tracing has removed the need for the simplifying assumption of an isotropic atmosphere or an approximation to account for “wind drift.” This “drift” is on the order of several km when strong, unidirectional winds are present in the atmosphere at the time of a fireball's occurrence. SUPRACENTER‐derived locations of three seismically recorded fireballs: 1) the October 9, 1997 El Paso superbolide; 2) the January 25, 1989 Mt. Adams fireball; and 3) the May 6, 2000 Morávka fireball (with its associated meteorite fall), are consistent with (and, probably, an improvement upon) the locations derived from eyewitness, photographic, and video observations from the respective individual events. If direct acoustic seismic arrivals can be quickly identified for a fireball event, terminal burst locations (and, potentially, trajectory geometry and velocity information) can be quickly derived, aiding any meteorite recovery efforts during the early days after the fall. Potentially, seismic records may yield enough trajectory information to assist in the derivation of orbits for entering projectiles.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Tagish Lake C2 (ungrouped) carbonaceous chondrite fall of January 18, 2000, delivered ?10 kg of one of the most primitive and physically weak meteorites yet studied. In this paper, we report the detailed circumstances of the fall and the recovery of all documented Tagish Lake fragments from a strewnfield at least 16 km long and 3 to 4 km wide. Nearly 1 kg of “pristine” meteorites were collected one week after the fall before new snow covered the strewnfield; the majority of the recovered mass was collected during the spring melt. Ground eyewitnesses and a variety of instrument‐recorded observations of the Tagish Lake fireball provide a refined estimate of the fireball trajectory. From its calculated orbit and its similarity to the remotely sensed properties of the D‐ and P‐class asteroids, the Tagish Lake carbonaceous chondrite apparently represents these outer belt asteroids. The cosmogenic nuclide results and modeled production indicate a prefall radius of 2.1–2.4 m (corresponding to 60–90 tons) consistent with the observed fireball energy release. The bulk oxygen‐isotope compositions plot just below the terrestrial fractionation line (TFL), following a trend similar to the CM meteorite mixing line. The bulk density of the Tagish Lake material (1.64 ± 0.02 g/cm3) is the same, within uncertainty, as the total bulk densities of several C‐class and especially D‐ and P‐class asteroids. The high microporosity of Tagish Lake samples (?40%) provides an obvious candidate material for the composition of low bulk density primitive asteroids.  相似文献   

The Tagish Lake meteorite, an ungrouped C2 chondrite that is related to CI and CM chondrites, is a heterogeneous accretionary breccia with several distinct lithologies that, in bulk, are thought to represent the first known sample of a primitive carbonaceous D-type asteroid. Textural and chemical zoning of clasts and matrix have been little studied and promise additional insight into early solar system processes in both the solar nebula and on the Tagish Lake parent asteroid. We have examined an intact 2.9 g fragment and two polished thin sections from the spring 2000 (non-pristine) Tagish Lake collection to ascertain the major mineralogy and textures of notable features such as chondrules, amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs), inclusions, clasts, matrix, and fusion crust. We designed three stages of analysis for this friable meteorite: an initial, non-destructive in situ reconnaissance by μXRD to document meteorite mineralogy and textures and to identify features of interest, followed by spatially correlated μXRD, SEM-EDX and colour SEM-CL analysis of polished thin sections to fully understand mineralogy and the record of texture development, and finally higher resolution SEM-BSE mapping to document smaller scale relationships.Our analyses reveal several previously unreported or poorly characterized features: (1) distinctive colour cathodoluminescence (CL) zoning in relict CAI spinel, in chondrule and AOA forsterite, and in calcite nodules occurring throughout the Tagish Lake matrix. Forsterite frequently shows CL colour and intensity zonation that does not correspond with major or minor element differences resolvable with EPMA, indicating a trace element and/or structural CL-activation mechanism for the zonation that is likely of secondary origin; (2) an irregular inclusion dominated by magnesioaluminate spinel, dolomite, and phyllosilicates with traces of a Ca, Ti oxide phase (likely perovskite) interpreted to be a relict CAI; (3) variable preservation of mesostasis glass in porphyritic olivine chondrules. We anticipate that our multi-technique methodology, particularly non-destructive μXRD, can be successfully applied to other rare and friable materials such as the pristine Tagish Lake fragments.  相似文献   

Abstract— Most studies of Tagish Lake have considered features that were either strongly affected by or formed during the extensive hydrous alteration experienced by this meteorite. This has led to some ambiguity as to whether Tagish Lake should be classified a CI, a CM, or something else. Unlike previous workers, we have focused upon the primary, anhydrous component of Tagish Lake, recovered through freeze‐thaw disaggregation and density separation and located by thin section mapping. We found many features in common with CMs that are not observed in CIs. In addition to the presence of chondrules and refractory forsterite (which distinguish Tagish Lake from the CIs), we found hibonite‐bearing refractory inclusions, spinel‐rich inclusions, forsterite aggregates, Cr‐, Al‐rich spinel, and accretionary mantles on many clasts, which clearly establishes a strong link between Tagish Lake and the CM chondrites. The compositions of isolated olivine crystals in Tagish Lake are also like those found in CMs. We conclude that the anhydrous inclusion population of Tagish Lake was, originally, very much like that of the known CM chondrites and that the inclusions in Tagish Lake are heavily altered, more so than even those in Mighei, which are more heavily altered than those in Murchison.  相似文献   

Here, we present the results of a multitechnique study of the bulk properties of insoluble organic material (IOM) from the Tagish Lake meteorite, including four lithologies that have undergone different degrees of aqueous alteration. The IOM C contents of all four lithologies are very uniform and comprise about half the bulk C and N contents of the lithologies. However, the bulk IOM elemental and isotopic compositions vary significantly. In particular, there is a correlated decrease in bulk IOM H/C ratios and δD values with increasing degree of alteration—the IOM in the least altered lithology is intermediate between CM and CR IOM, while that in the more altered lithologies resembles the very aromatic IOM in mildly metamorphosed CV and CO chondrites, and heated CMs. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, C X‐ray absorption near‐edge (XANES), and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy confirm and quantitate this transformation from CR‐like, relatively aliphatic IOM functional group chemistry to a highly aromatic one. The transformation is almost certainly thermally driven, and probably occurred under hydrothermal conditions. The lack of a paramagnetic shift in 13C NMR spectra and 1s‐σ* exciton in the C‐XANES spectra, both typically seen in metamorphosed chondrites, shows that the temperatures were lower and/or the timescales were shorter than experienced by even the least metamorphosed type 3 chondrites. Two endmember models were considered to quantitatively account for the changes in IOM functional group chemistry, but the one in which the transformations involved quantitative conversion of aliphatic material to aromatic material was the more successful. It seems likely that similar processes were involved in producing the diversity of IOM compositions and functional group chemistries among CR, CM, and CI chondrites. If correct, CRs experienced the lowest temperatures, while CM and CI chondrites experienced similar more elevated temperatures. This ordering is inconsistent with alteration temperatures based on mineralogy and O isotopes.  相似文献   

Abstract— I have determined the composition via instrumental neutron activation analysis of a bulk pristine sample of the Tagish Lake carbonaceous chondrite fall, along with bulk samples of the CI chondrite Orgueil and of several CM chondrites. Tagish Lake has a mean of refractory lithophile element/Cr ratios like those of CM chondrites, and distinctly higher than the CI chondrite mean. Tagish Lake exhibits abundances of the moderately volatile lithophile elements Na and K that are slightly higher than those of mean CM chondrites. Refractory through moderately volatile siderophile element abundances in Tagish Lake are like those of CM chondrites. Tagish Lake is distinct from CM chondrites in abundances of the most volatile elements. Mean CI‐normalized Se/Co, Zn/Co and Cs/Co for Tagish Lake are 0.68 ± 0.01, 0.71 ± 0.07 and 0.76 ± 0.02, while for all available CM chondrite determinations, these ratios lie between 0.31 and 0.61, between 0.32 and 0.58, and between 0.39 and 0.74, respectively. Considering petrography, and oxygen isotopic and elemental compositions, Tagish Lake is an ungrouped member of the carbonaceous chondrite clan. The overall abundance pattern is similar to those of CM chondrites, indicating that Tagish Lake and CMs experienced very similar nebular fractionations. Bells is a CM chondrite with unusual petrologic characteristics. Bells has a mean CI‐normalized refractory lithophile element/Cr ratio of 0.96, lower than for any other CM chondrite, but shows CI‐normalized moderately volatile lithophile element/Cr ratios within the ranges of other CM chondrites, except for Na which is low. Iridium, Co, Ni and Fe abundances are like those of CM chondrites, but the moderately volatile siderophile elements, Au, As and Sb, have abundances below the ranges for CM chondrites. Abundances of the moderately volatile elements Se and Zn of Bells are within the CM ranges. Bells is best classified as an anomalous CM chondrite.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Tagish Lake carbonaceous chondrite consists of heavily aqueously altered chondrules, CAIs, and larger mineral fragments in a fine‐grained, phyllosilicate‐dominated matrix. The vast majority of the coarse‐grained components in this meteorite are surrounded by continuous, 1.5 to >200 μm wide, fine‐grained, accretionary rims, which are well known from meteorites belonging to petrological types 2 and 3 and whose origin and modification is still a matter of debate. Texturally, the fine‐grained rims in Tagish Lake are very similar throughout the entire meteorite and independent of the nature of the enclosed object. They typically display sharp boundaries to the core object and more gradational contacts to the meteorite matrix. Compared to the matrix, the rims are much more finegrained and characterized by a significantly lower porosity. The rims consist of an unequilibrated assemblage of phyllosilicates, Fe,Ni sulfides, magnetites, low‐Ca pyroxenes, and forsteritic olivines, and are, except for a much lower abundance of carbonates, very similar to the Tagish Lake matrix. Electron microprobe and synchrotron X‐ray microprobe analyses show that matrix and rims are also very similar in composition and that the rims differ significantly from matrix and bulk meteorite only by being depleted in Ca. X‐ray elemental mapping and mineralogical observations indicate that Ca was lost during aqueous alteration from the enclosed objects and preferentially crystallized as carbonates in the porous matrix. The analyses also show that Ca is strongly fractionated from Al in the rims, whereas there is no fractionation of the Ti/Al‐ratios. Our data suggest that the fine‐grained rims in Tagish Lake initially formed by accretion in the solar nebula and were subsequently modified by in situ alteration on the parent body. This pervasive alteration removed any potential evidence for pre‐accretionary alteration but did not change the overall texture of the Tagish Lake meteorite.  相似文献   

Abstract– The Grimsby meteorite (H4–6) fell on September 25, 2009. As of mid‐2010, 13 fragments totaling 215 g have been recovered. Records of the accompanying fireball from the Southern Ontario Meteor Network, including six all‐sky video cameras, a large format CCD, infrasound and radar records, have been used to characterize the trajectory, speed, orbit, and initial mass of the meteoroid. From the four highest quality all‐sky video records, the initial entry velocity was 20.91 ± 0.19 km s?1 while the derived radiant has a local azimuth of 309.40° ± 0.19° and entry angle of 55.20° ± 0.13°. Three major fragmentation episodes are identified at 39, 33, and 30 km height, with corresponding uncertainties of approximately 2 km. Evidence for early fragmentation at heights of approximately 70 km is found in radar data; dynamic pressure of this earliest fragmentation is near 0.1 MPa while the main flare at 39 km occurred under ram pressures of 1.5 MPa. The fireball was luminous to at least 19.7 km altitude and the dynamic mass estimate of the largest remaining fragment at this height is approximately several kilograms. The initial mass is constrained to be <100 kg from infrasound data and ablation modeling, with a most probable mass of 20–50 kg. The preatmospheric orbit is typical of an Apollo asteroid with a likely immediate origin in either the 3:1 or ν6 resonances.  相似文献   

Here, we evaluate the extent of aqueous alteration among five pristine specimens of the ungrouped Tagish Lake carbonaceous chondrite (TL5b, TL11h, TL11i, TL4, and TL10a) using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and infrared (IR) transmission spectroscopy. Both TGA and IR spectroscopy have proven to be reliable methods for determining the extent of aqueous alteration among different carbonaceous chondrites, in particular the CM chondrites (e.g., Garenne et al. 2014), with which Tagish Lake shares some affinities. Using these two methods, our goal is to incorporate TL4 and TL10a into the known alteration sequence of TL5b < TL11h < TL11i (Herd et al. 2011; Blinova et al. 2014a). This study highlights the compositional variability of the Tagish Lake specimens, which we ascribe to its brecciated nature. Our TGA and IR spectroscopy results are congruent with the reported alteration sequence, allowing us to introduce the TL4 and TL10a specimens in the following order: TL4 < TL5b ≤ TL10a < TL 11h < TL11i. Notably, these two specimens appear to be similar to the least altered lithologies previously reported, and the alteration of Tagish Lake is similar to that experienced by lesser altered members of the CM chondrites (>CM1.6). Based on these findings, Tagish Lake could be considered a 1.6–2.0 ungrouped carbonaceous chondrite. Visible and near‐IR reflectance measurements of Tagish Lake were also acquired in this study to revisit the Tagish Lake parent body connection. While other studies have paired Tagish Lake with D‐ and T‐type asteroid parent bodies, the reflectance spectra acquired in this study are variable among the different Tagish Lake specimens in relation to their alteration sequences; results match with spectra characteristic of C‐, X‐, Xc‐, and D‐type asteroids. The heterogeneity of Tagish Lake coupled with its low albedo makes the parent body connection a challenge.  相似文献   

Effects of aqueous alteration on primordial noble gas carriers were investigated by analyzing noble gases and determining presolar SiC abundances in insoluble organic matter (IOM) from four Tagish Lake meteorite (C2‐ung.) samples that experienced different degrees of aqueous alteration. The samples contained a mixture of primordial noble gases from phase Q and presolar nanodiamonds (HL, P3), SiC (Ne‐E[H]), and graphite (Ne‐E[L]). The second most altered sample (11i) had a ~2–3 times higher Ne‐E concentration than the other samples. The presolar SiC abundances in the samples were determined from NanoSIMS ion images and 11i had a SiC abundance twice that of the other samples. The heterogeneous distribution of SiC grains could be inherited from heterogeneous accretion or parent body alteration could have redistributed SiC grains. Closed system step etching (CSSE) was used to study noble gases in HNO3‐susceptible phases in the most and least altered samples. All Ne‐E carried by presolar SiC grains in the most altered sample was released during CSSE, while only a fraction of the Ne‐E was released from the least altered sample. This increased susceptibility to HNO3 likely represents a step toward degassing. Presolar graphite appears to have been partially degassed during aqueous alteration. Differences in the 4He/36Ar and 20Ne/36Ar ratios in gases released during CSSE could be due to gas release from presolar nanodiamonds, with more He and Ne being released in the more aqueously altered sample. Aqueous alteration changes the properties of presolar grains so that they react similar to phase Q in the laboratory, thereby altering the perceived composition of Q.  相似文献   

Four samples (TL5b, TL11h, TL11i, and TL11v) from the pristine collection of the Tagish Lake meteorite, an ungrouped C2 chondrite, were studied to characterize and understand its alteration history using EPMA, XRD, and TEM. We determined that samples TL11h and TL11i have a relatively smaller proportion of amorphous silicate material than sample TL5b, which experienced low‐temperature hydrous parent‐body alteration conditions to preserve this indigenous material. The data suggest that lithic fragments of TL11i experienced higher degrees of aqueous alteration than the rest of the matrix, based on its low porosity and high abundance of coarse‐ and fine‐grained sheet silicates, suggesting that TL11i was present in an area of the parent body where alteration and brecciation were more extensive. We identified a coronal, “flower”‐like, microstructure consisting of a fine‐grained serpentine core and coarse‐grained saponite‐serpentine radial arrays, suggesting varied fluid chemistry and crystallization time scales. We also observed pentlandite with different morphologies: an exsolved morphology formed under nebular conditions; a nonexsolved pentlandite along grain boundaries; a “bulls‐eye” sulfide morphology and rims around highly altered chondrules that probably formed by multiple precipitation episodes during low‐temperature aqueous alteration (≥100 °C) on the parent body. On the basis of petrologic and mineralogic observations, we conclude that the Tagish Lake parent body initially contained a heterogeneous mixture of anhydrous precursor minerals of nebular and presolar origin. These materials were subjected to secondary, nonpervasive parent‐body alteration, and the samples studied herein represent different stages of that hydrous alteration, i.e., TL5b (the least altered) < TL11h < TL11i (the most altered). Sample TL11v encompasses the petrologic characteristics of the other three specimens.  相似文献   

Abstract— The radicals in the insoluble organic matter (IOM) from the Tagish Lake meteorite were studied by electron paramagnetic resonance and compared to those existing in the Orgueil and Murchison meteorites. As in the Orgueil and Murchison meteorites, the radicals in the Tagish Lake meteorite are heterogeneously distributed and comprise a substantial amount (?42%) of species with a thermally accessible triplet state and with the same singlet‐triplet gap, ΔE ?0.1 eV, as in the Orgueil and Murchison meteorites. These species were identified as diradicaloid moieties. The existence of similar diradicaloid moieties in three different carbonaceous chondrites but not in terrestrial IOM strongly suggests that these moieties could be “fingerprints” of the extraterrestrial origin of meteoritic IOM and markers of its synthetic pathway before its inclusion into a parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract– We report an analysis of the first instrumentally observed meteorite fall in Australia, which was recorded photographically and photoelectrically by two eastern stations of the Desert Fireball Network (DFN) on July 20, 2007. The meteoroid with an initial mass of 22 kg entered the atmosphere with a low speed of 13.36 km s?1 and began a luminous trajectory at an altitude of 62.83 km. In maximum, it reached ?9.6 absolute magnitude and terminated after a 5.7 s and 64.7 km long flight at an altitude of 29.59 km with a speed of 5.8 km s?1. The angle of the atmospheric trajectory to the Earth’s surface was 30.9°. The first organized search took place in October 2008 and the first meteorite (150 g) was found 97 m southward from the predicted central line at the end of the first day of searching (October 3, 2008). The second stone (174 g) was recovered 39 m northward from the central line, both exactly in the predicted mass limits. During the second expedition in February 2009, a third fragment of 14.9 g was found again very close (~100 m) from the predicted position. Total recovered mass is 339 g. The meteorite was designated Bunburra Rockhole (BR) after a nearby landscape structure. This first DFN sample is an igneous achondrite. Initial petrography indicated that BR was a brecciated eucrite but detailed analyses proved that BR is not a typical eucrite, but an anomalous basaltic meteorite ( Bland et al. 2009 ). BR was delivered from an unusual, Aten type orbit (a < 1 AU) where virtually the entire orbit was contained within Earth’s orbit. BR is the first achondrite fall with a known orbit and it is one of the most precise orbits ever calculated for a meteorite dropping fireball.  相似文献   

Abstract— Using a nuclear microprobe, we measured the carbon and nitrogen concentrations and distributions in several interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) and Antarctic micrometeorites (MMs), and compared them to 2 carbonaceous chondrites: Tagish Lake and Murchison. We observed that IDPs are richest in both elements. All the MMs studied contain carbon, and all but the coarse‐grained and 1 melted MM contained nitrogen. We also observed a correlation in the distribution of carbon and nitrogen, suggesting that they may be held in an organic material. The implications for astrobiology of these results are discussed, as small extraterrestrial particles could have contributed to the origin of life on Earth by delivering important quantities of these 2 bio‐elements to the Earth's surface and their gas counterparts, CO2 and N2, to the early atmosphere.  相似文献   

An analytical solution is given for the motion of an artifical Earth satellite under the combined influences of gravity and atmospheric drag. The gravitational effects of the zonal harmonicsJ 2,J 3, andJ 4 are included, and the drag effects of any arbitrary dynamic atmosphere are included. By a dynamic atmosphere, we mean any of the modern empirical models which use various observed solar and geophysical parameters as inputs to produce a dynamically varying atmosphere model. The subtleties of using such an atmosphere model with an analytic theory are explored, and real world data is used to determine the optimum implementation. Performance is measured by predictions against real world satellites. As a point of reference, predictions against a special perturbations model are also given.  相似文献   

Abstract– We have carried out a sample‐correlated spectroscopic and mineralogical investigation of samples from seven different collection sites of the Tagish Lake C2 chondrite. Rietveld refinement of high‐resolution powder X‐ray diffraction (XRD) data was used to determine quantitative major mineral abundances. Thermal infrared (400–4500 cm−1, 2.2–25.0 μm) spectra of the same samples were obtained using diffuse (biconical) reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS). Our results are in good agreement with previous studies of the mineralogy of the Tagish Lake meteorite; we find however that Tagish Lake is more varied in major mineralogy than has previously been reported. In particular, we observed two new distinct lithologies, an inclusion‐poor magnetite‐ and sulfide‐rich lithology, and a carbonate‐rich, siderite‐dominated lithology in addition to the previously documented carbonate‐rich and carbonate‐poor lithologies. Grain density for each Tagish Lake sample was calculated from the measured mineral modal abundances and known mineral densities. For powders from three originally intact inclusion‐rich samples, the calculated grain density is 2.77 ± 0.05 g cm−3, in excellent agreement with those reported in the literature for other intact inclusion‐rich Tagish Lake samples. Tagish Lake disaggregated samples have a significantly higher calculated grain density due to their lower saponite‐serpentine content, likely a result of mineral separation in the meltwater holes from which they were collected; the disaggregated samples may not therefore adequately represent bulk samples of the Tagish Lake meteorite. The predominance of very fine‐grained material in the Tagish Lake samples investigated in this study is expected to produce infrared spectra representative of asteroidal regolith. Gypsum and talc have been found by XRD in powders from the inclusion‐rich, intact Tagish Lake samples in this study, and may have been present in the parent body; if present, these hydrous sulfates would complicate the interpretation of possible hydrated mineral features in asteroid infrared spectra.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have studied the carbon and nitrogen stable isotope geochemistry of a small pristine sample of the Tagish Lake carbonaceous chondrite by high‐resolution stepped‐combustion mass spectrometry, and compared the results with data from the Orgueil (CI1), Elephant Moraine (EET) 83334 (CM1) and Murchison (CM2) chondrites. The small chip of Tagish Lake analysed herein had a higher carbon abundance (5.81 wt%) than any other chondrite, and a nitrogen content (?1220 ppm) between that of CI1 and CM2 chondrites. Owing to the heterogeneous nature of the meteorite, the measured carbon abundance might be artificially high: the carbon inventory and whole‐rock carbon isotopic composition (δ13C ? +24.4%o) of the chip was dominated by 13C‐enriched carbon from the decomposition of carbonates (between 1.29 and 2.69 wt%; δ13C ? +67%o and δ18O ? +35%o, in the proportions ?4:1 dolomite to calcite). In addition to carbonates, Tagish Lake contains organic carbon (?2.6 wt%, δ13C ? ?9%o; 1033 ppm N, δ15N ? +77%o), a level intermediate between CI and CM chondrites. Around 2% of the organic material is thermally labile and solvent soluble. A further ?18% of the organic species are liberated by acid hydrolysis. Tagish Lake also contains a complement of presolar grains. It has a higher nanodiamond abundance (approximately 3650–4330 ppm) than other carbonaceous chondrites, along with ?8 ppm silicon carbide. Whilst carbon and nitrogen isotope geochemistry is not diagnostic, the data are consistent with classification of Tagish Lake as a CI2 chondrite.  相似文献   

We consider a model that describes the evolution of distant satellite orbits and that refines the solution of the doubly averaged Hill problem. Generally speaking, such a refinement was performed previously by J. Kovalevsky and A.A. Orlov in terms of Zeipel’s method by constructing a solution of the third order with respect to the small parameter m, the ratio of the mean motions of the planet and the satellite. The analytical solution suggested here differs from the solutions obtained by these authors and is closest in form to the general solution of the doubly averaged problem (∼m 2). We have performed a qualitative analysis of the evolutionary equations and conditions for the intersection of satellite orbits with the surface of a spherical planet with a finite radius. Using the suggested solution, we have obtained improved analytical time dependences of the elements of evolving orbits for a number of distant satellites of giant planets compared to the solution of the doubly averaged Hill problem and, thus, achieved their better agreement with the results of our numerical integration of the rigorous equations of perturbed motion for satellites.  相似文献   

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