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A summary is given of the literature data on the content of volatiles in the lunar regolith, the characterization of the likely sources of the volatiles, and the possible processes of their migration and burial. The main sources of volatiles in the regolith are the solar wind, small Solar System bodies (comets and meteorites), and the lunar interior. Different sources are the leading ones for different volatiles. Water and other volatiles can accumulate on the surface and in the near-surface layers of the Moon only in the so-called cold traps in polar basins, where other volatiles, as well as water ice, including highly toxic elements such as mercury and cadmium must be accumulated. The content of volatiles in the lunar interior is comparable to that in terrestrial rocks. Water could have played an important role in the early stages of the Moon’s history, e.g., in the formation of mare basalts. The isotopic composition of the lunar juvenile water is similar to that on the Earth, which suggests a common origin of the terrestrial and lunar water.  相似文献   

Abstract— Eighteen new lithic fragments from the Soviet Luna missions have been analyzed with electron microprobe and 40Ar‐39Ar methods. Luna 16 basalt fragments have aluminous compositions consistent with previous analyses, but have two distinct sets of well‐constrained ages (3347 ± 24 Ma, 3421 ± 30 Ma). These data, combined with other Luna 16 basalt ages, imply that there were multiple volcanic events filling Mare Fecunditatis. The returned basalt fragments have relatively old cosmicray exposure (CRE) ages and may have been recovered from the ejecta blanket of a young (1 Ga), nearby crater. A suite of highlands rocks (troctolites and gabbros) is represented in the new Luna 20 fragments. One fragment is the most compositionally primitive (Mg# = 91–92) spinel troctolite yet found. Both troctolites have apparent crystallization ages of 4.19 Ga; other rocks in the suite have progressively younger ages and lower Mg#s. The age and composition progression suggests that these rocks may have crystallized from a single source magma, or from similar sources mobilized at the same time. Within the new Luna 24 basalt fragments is a quench‐textured olivine vitrophyre with the most primitive composition yet analyzed for a Luna 24 basalt, and several much more evolved olivine‐bearing basalts. Both new and previously studied Luna 24 very low‐Ti (VLT) basalt fragments have a unimodal age distribution (3273 ± 83 Ma), indicating that most returned samples come from a single extrusive episode within Mare Crisium much later than the Apollo 17 VLT basalts (3.6–3.7 Ga).  相似文献   

Magnetic observations yield information about the amount and nature of the magnetic phases present in a sample. They reveal that the predominant magnetic phase in the lunar samples is metallic iron which is sometimes alloyed with nickel and cobalt. In the mare basalts less than 0.1% of metallic iron is present, whereas in the non-mare crystalline rocks several percent of iron has been found in some samples. The soils have approximately 0.5% of iron, which is fine grain, rather pure iron occurring in impact glass. In the recrystallized breccias and the igneous rocks the iron is coarser. Systematic minor variations in metallic iron content in the soils reveal soil maturity trends. Mixing between highland and mare soils can be traced with the Fe2+ content. Mare soils differ from highland soils in having a higher value of reduced remanence. The magnetic characteristics of the Apollo 14 breccias are not consistent with the progressive metamorphism of a common starting material. Shock welding in the range of tens of kbs can account for the characteristics of some of the ‘unmetamorphosed’ breccias. Greater shock accompanied by recovery can account for the magnetic characteristics of the ‘recrystallized’ breccias.  相似文献   

H.M. Böttger  S.R. Lewis  F. Forget 《Icarus》2005,177(1):174-189
This paper describes General Circulation Model (GCM) simulations of the martian water cycle focusing on the effects of an adsorbing regolith. We describe the 10-layer regolith model used in this study which has been adapted from the 1-D model developed by Zent, A.P., Haberle, R.M., Houben, H.C., Jakosky, B.M. [1993. A coupled subsurface-boundary layer model of water on Mars. J. Geophys. Res. 98 (E2), 3319-3337, February]. Even with a 30-min timestep and taking into account the effect of surface water ice, our fully implicit scheme compares well with the results obtained by Zent, A.P., Haberle, R.M., Houben, H.C., Jakosky, B.M. [1993. A coupled subsurface-boundary layer model of water on Mars. J. Geophys. Res. 98 (E2), 3319-3337, February]. This means, however, that the regolith is not able to reproduce the diurnal variations in column water vapour abundance of up to a factor of 2-3 as seen in some observations, with only about 10% of the atmospheric water vapour column exchanging with the subsurface on a daily basis. In 3-D simulations we find that the regolith adsorbs water preferentially in high latitudes. This is especially true in the northern hemisphere, where perennial subsurface water ice builds up poleward of 60° N at depths which are comparable to the Odyssey observations. Much less ice forms in the southern high latitudes, which suggests that the water ice currently present in the martian subsurface is not stable under present conditions and is slowly subliming and being deposited in the northern hemisphere. When initialising the model with an Odyssey-like subsurface water ice distribution the model is capable of forcing the simulated water cycle from an arbitrary state close to the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer observations. Without the actions of the adsorbing regolith the equilibrated water cycle is found to be a factor of 2-4 too wet. The process by which this occurs is by adsorption of water during northern hemisphere summer in northern mid and high latitudes where it remains locked in until northern spring when the seasonal CO2 ice cap retreats. At this time the water diffuses out of the regolith in response to increased temperature and is returned to the residual water ice cap by eddie transport.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have analyzed a suite of lunar regolith breccias in order to assess how well space weathering products can be preserved through the lithification process and therefore whether or not it is appropriate to search for space weathering products in asteroidal regolith breccia meteorites. It was found that space weathering products, vapor/sputter deposited nanophase‐iron‐bearing rims in particular, are easily identified in even heavily shocked/compacted lunar regolith breccias. Such rims, if created on asteroids, should thus be preserved in asteroidal regolith breccia meteorites. Two additional rim types, glass rims and vesicular rims, identified in regolith breccias, are also described. These rims are common in lunar regolith breccias but rare to absent in lunar soils, which suggests that they are created in the breccia‐forming process itself. While not “space weathering products” in the strictest sense, these additional rims give us insight into the regolith breccia formation process. The presence or absence of glass and/or vesicular rims in asteroidal regolith breccias will likewise tell us about environmental conditions on the surface of the asteroid body on which the breccia was created.  相似文献   

Abstract– Space weathering products, such as agglutinates and nanophase iron‐bearing rims are easily preserved through lithification in lunar regolith breccias, thus such products, if produced, should be preserved in asteroidal regolith breccias as well. A study of representative regolith breccia meteorites, Fayetteville (H4) and Kapoeta (howardite), was undertaken to search for physical evidence of space weathering on asteroids. Amorphous or npFe0‐bearing rims cannot be positively identified in Fayetteville, although possible glass rims were found. Extensive friction melt was discovered in the meteorite that is difficult to differentiate from weathered materials. Several melt products, including spherules and agglutinates, as well as one irradiated rim and one possible npFe0‐bearing rim were identified in Kapoeta. The existence of these products suggests that lunar‐like space weathering processes are, or have been, active on asteroids.  相似文献   

Soils at the Apollo 16 site become progressively darker as the percentage of glassy agglutinates increases. Magnetic separates of the agglutinate fraction of a soil always are darker than the bulk soil, and darker than the non-agglutinate fraction that consists of rock and mineral fragments. Darkening of a soil with maturity is due mainly to the increasing proportion of agglutinates. Coating of rock and mineral fragments with thin deposits of glass aids darkening in a minor way, but most of these particles eventually are destroyed by melting as the soils mature.Present address: Dept. of Geological Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash., U.S.A.  相似文献   

The strength of regolith and rubble pile asteroids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We explore the hypothesis that, due to small van der Waals forces between constituent grains, small rubble pile asteroids have a small but nonzero cohesive strength. The nature of this model predicts that the cohesive strength should be constant independent of asteroid size, which creates a scale dependence with relative strength increasing as size decreases. This model counters classical theory that rubble pile asteroids should behave as scale‐independent cohesionless collections of rocks. We explore a simple model for asteroid strength that is based on these weak forces, validate it through granular mechanics simulations and comparisons with properties of lunar regolith, and then explore its implications and ability to explain and predict observed properties of small asteroids in the NEA and Main Belt populations, and in particular of asteroid 2008 TC3. One conclusion is that the population of rapidly rotating asteroids could consist of both distributions of smaller grains (i.e., rubble piles) and of monolithic boulders.  相似文献   

Based upon our characterization of three separate stones by electron and X‐ray beam analyses, computed X‐ray microtomography, Raman microspectrometry, and visible‐IR spectrometry, Sutter's Mill is a unique regolith breccia consisting mainly of various CM lithologies. Most samples resemble existing available CM2 chondrites, consisting of chondrules and calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusion (CAI) set within phyllosilicate‐dominated matrix (mainly serpentine), pyrrhotite, pentlandite, tochilinite, and variable amounts of Ca‐Mg‐Fe carbonates. Some lithologies have witnessed sufficient thermal metamorphism to transform phyllosilicates into fine‐grained olivine, tochilinite into troilite, and destroy carbonates. One finely comminuted lithology contains xenolithic materials (enstatite, Fe‐Cr phosphides) suggesting impact of a reduced asteroid (E or M class) onto the main Sutter's Mill parent asteroid, which was probably a C class asteroid. One can use Sutter's Mill to help predict what will be found on the surfaces of C class asteroids such as Ceres and the target asteroids of the OSIRIS‐REx and Hayabusa 2 sample return missions (which will visit predominantly primitive asteroids). C class asteroid regolith may well contain a mixture of hydrated and thermally dehydrated indigenous materials as well as a significant admixture of exogenous material would be essential to the successful interpretation of mineralogical and bulk compositional data.  相似文献   

The elemental and isotopic composition of noble gases in six samples from different depths of the Luna-24 drill core soil column, obtained by mass spectrometric analyses, are presented and the results are compared with those obtained by others for additional samples from the same drill core. The elemental ratios of22Ne/132Xe, seem to indicate a low degree of maturity for the majority of the samples in this soil column. A detailed study of the cosmogenic isotopes, particularly21Ne, in samples from different depths suggests that the entire soil column could be divided into two zones. Most of the samples in the upper zone fit to a regolith deposition model where about a meter of material got rapidly deposited and was irradiated as a single slab for a period of about (500±100) m. y. The samples from the lower zone, however, show cosmogenic21Nec contribution due to predepositional irradiation.  相似文献   

We have done petrologic and compositional studies on a suite of polymict eucrites and howardites to better understand regolith processes on their parent asteroid, which we accept is (4) Vesta. Taking into account noble gas results from companion studies, we interpret five howardites to represent breccias assembled from the true regolith: Elephant Moraine (EET) 87513, Grosvenor Mountains (GRO) 95535, GRO 95602, Lewis Cliff (LEW) 85313, and Meteorite Hills (MET) 00423. We suggest that EET 87503 is paired with EET 87513, and thus is also regolithic. Pecora Escarpment (PCA) 02066 is dominated by melt‐matrix clasts, which may have been formed from true regolith by impact melting. These meteorites display a range in eucrite:diogenite mixing ratio from 55:45 to 76:24. There is no correlation between degree of regolith character and Ni content. The Ni contents of howardite, eucrite, and diogenites (HEDs) are mostly controlled by the distribution of coarse chondritic clasts and metal grains, which in some cases resulted from individual, low‐velocity accretion events, rather than extensive regolith gardening. Trace element compositions indicate that the mafic component of HED polymict breccias is mostly basalt similar to main‐group eucrites; Stannern‐trend basaltic debris is less common. Pyroxene compositions show that some trace element‐rich howardites contain abundant debris from evolved basalts, and that cumulate gabbro debris is present in some breccias. The scale of heterogeneity varies considerably; regolithic howardite EET 87513 is more homogeneous than fragmental howardite Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 97001. Individual samples of a given howardite can have different compositions even at roughly 5 g masses, indicating that obtaining representative meteorite compositions requires multiple or large samples.  相似文献   

The lunar regolith contains a variety of chemically reduced phases of interest to planetary scientists and the most common, metallic iron, is generally ascribed to space weathering processes (Lucey et al. 2006 ). Reports of silicon metal and iron silicides, phases indicative of extremely reducing conditions, in lunar samples are rare (Anand et al. 2004 ; Spicuzza et al. 2011 ). Additional examples of Fe‐silicides have been identified in a survey of particles from Apollo 16 sample 61501,22. Herein is demonstrated the utility of low keV electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), using the Fe Ll X‐ray line, to analyze these submicron phases, and the necessity of accounting for carbon contamination. We document four Fe‐Si and Si0 minerals in lunar regolith return material. The new Fe‐Si samples have a composition close to (Fe,Ni)3Si, whereas those associated with Si0 are close to FeSi2 and Fe3Si7. Atom probe tomography of (Fe,Ni)3Si shows trace levels of C (60 ppma and nanodomains enriched in C, Ni, P, Cr, and Sr). These reduced minerals require orders of magnitude lower oxygen fugacity and more reducing conditions than required to form Fe0. Documenting the similarities and differences in these samples is important to constrain their formation processes. These phases potentially formed at high temperatures resulting from a meteorite impact. Whether carbon played a role in achieving the lower oxygen fugacities—and there is evidence of nearby carbonaceous chondritic material—it remains to be proven that carbon was the necessary component for the unique existence of these Si0 and iron silicide minerals.  相似文献   

We present theoretical Ca ii K-line profiles and filtergram contrasts for several recent models of solar faculae. The line profiles vary greatly between models and between complete and partial frequency redistribution non-LTE calculations for any given model. The filtergram contrasts are relatively insensitive to the line formation theory which greatly simplifies the calculation for comparison with observations. All of the models considered exhibit K-line contrasts smaller than the mean value observed by Mehltretter.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

We report new CO2 adsorption measurements on palagonites. These results are used together with earlier results on basalt and nontronite adsorption to derive a “generic” relationship which is valid to within a factor of 3 for likely mixtures of basalt and weathering products of basalt. The relationship involves only t, PCO2, and the specific surface area, and is relatively insensitive to mineralogy. It is used to predict the distribution and exchange of CO2 on Mars. We conclude: (1) One to two orders of magnitude more CO2 is adsorbed on the regolith than is present in the atmosphere and cap. (2) Nonetheless, most of the initially degassed CO2 must have been lost to space or must be present as carbonates, especially if there was enough degassed CO2 to provide a significant early greenhouse effect. (3) Given the derived relationship, the CO2 vapor pressure curve, and the constraint that the system exhibits the current PCO2 at the current obliquity, it is possible to predict approximately the atmospheric pressure at any obliquity (with or without a cap) without knowing the total available CO2 inventory, the regolith mass, the regolith distribution, or its mineralogy, any better than those parameters are currently known.  相似文献   

Abstract— A large hand sample and numerous polished thin sections, made from the hand sample, of the Kapoeta howardite and its many diverse lithic clasts were studied in detail by optical microscopy and electron microprobe techniques in an attempt to understand the surface processes that operated on the howardite-eucrite-diogenite (HED) parent body (most likely the asteroid 4 Vesta). Four unique, unusually large clasts, designated A (mafic breccia), B (granoblastic eucrite), D (howardite) and H (melt-coated breccia), were selected for detailed study (modal analysis, mineral microprobe analysis, and noble gas measurements). Petrographic studies reveal that Kapoeta consists of a fine-grained matrix made mostly of minute pyroxene and plagioclase fragments, into which are embedded numerous different lithic and mineral clasts of highly variable sizes. The lithic clasts include pyroxene-plagioclase (eucrite), orthopyroxenite (diogenite), howardite, impact-melt, metal-sulfide-rich, and carbonaceous chondrite clasts. The howardite clasts include examples of lithic clasts that constitute breccias-within-breccias, suggesting that at least two regolith generations are represented in the Kapoeta sample we studied. The clast assemblage suggests that repeated shock lithification was an important process during regolith evolution. Noble gas analyses of clast samples fall into two populations: (a) solar-gas-rich clasts H (rim only) and D and (b) clasts A and B, which are essentially free of solar gases. The concentrations of solar noble gases in the two matrix samples differ by a factor of ~40. It appears that clast D is a true regolith breccia within the Kapoeta howardite (breccia-within-breccia), while clast H is a regolith breccia that has been significantly impact reworked. Our data indicate that the Kapoeta howardite is an extraordinarily heterogeneous rock in modal mineral and lithic clast abundances, grain size distributions, solar-wind noble gas concentrations and cosmic-ray exposure ages. These results illustrate the repetitive nature of impact comminution and lithification in the regolith of the HED parent body.  相似文献   

The methodology and the main features of the Thermophob experiment developed for the direct analysis of the thermophysical properties of the surface of the Martian satellite Phobos from the Phobos-Grunt lander are considered. The methodical and engineering aspects of the measurements are discussed, and the design of the instrument and the potential of the interpretation of the measurement results with accounting for the theoretical estimates and the data of the laboratory tests are discussed.  相似文献   

Galsgaard  K.  Mackay  D.H.  Priest  E.R.  Nordlund  Å 《Solar physics》1999,189(1):95-108
Several mechanisms have been suggested to contribute to the heating of the solar corona, each of which deposits energy along coronal loops in a characteristic way. To compare the theoretical models with observations one has to derive observable quantities from the models. One such parameter is the temperature profile along a loop. Here numerical experiments of flux braiding are used to provide the spatial distribution of energy deposition along a loop. It is found that braiding produces a heat distribution along the loop which has slight peaks near the footpoints and summit and whose magnitude depends on the driving time. Using different examples of the heat deposition, the temperature profiles along the loop are determined assuming a steady state. Along with this, different methods for providing average temperature profiles from the time-series have been investigated. These give summit temperatures within approximately 10% of each other. The distribution of the heating has a significant impact on both the summit temperature and the temperature distribution along the loop. In each case the ratio between the heat deposited and radiation provides a scaling for the summit temperature.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have investigated the native amino acid composition of two analogs of Martian soil, JSC Mars‐1 and Salten Skov. A Mars simulation chamber has been built and used to expose samples of these analogs to temperature and lighting conditions similar to those found at low latitudes on the Martian surface. The effects of the simulated conditions have been examined using high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Exposure to energetic ultraviolet (UV) light in vacuum appears to cause a modest increase in the concentration of certain amino acids within the materials, which is interpreted as resulting from the degradation of microorganisms. The influence of low temperatures shows that the accretion of condensed water on the soils leads to the destruction of amino acids, supporting the idea that reactive chemical processes involving H2O are at work within the Martian soil. We discuss the influence of UV radiation, low temperatures, and gaseous CO2 on the intrinsic amino acid composition of Martian soil analogs and describe, with the help of a simple model, how these studies fit within the framework of life detection on Mars and the practical tasks of choosing and using Martian regolith analogs in planetary research.  相似文献   

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