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本文基于K理论和北京325m铁塔湍流观测资料直接计算了城市污染条件下的湍流热扩散系数H.KH具有明显的日变化特征,其垂直分布随个例和时间而变化.负KH较高发生频率对应高度在日出后逐渐升高,在中午达到峰值,在日落附近下降,而在夜间大部分时间集中在140 m左右.和传输和清除阶段相比,污染物累积阶段的KH大小和波动程度均较...  相似文献   

This is a study of ozone profile shapes in the 800 to 100 millibar range obtained with balloonsonde data over Trivandrum (8.5° N) during 1975–76 and possible associations of these shapes to some meteorological parameters.Whereas monotonic ozone profiles were noted with clear weather conditions, those associated with cloud cover show three basic anomalous features. Some bulges of increased values are observed in the range of 800 to 500 mb. In the 500–100 mb range, short range or localized cloud cover or passing weather disturbances are associated with fluctuation patterns in the ozone profile and an average depleted value of ozone. The fluctuations are also associated with changing wind speed and direction at these heights.Possible causative mechanisms are discussed. Lightning associated with thundestorm, producing additional CO and NO are sought to interpret the bulges at lower heights. The decrease in values as well as the fluctuation patterns are suggested as due to possible incursion of water vapour from troposphere to stratosphere in the tropical region and dynamical effects associated with it.  相似文献   

Radon is an excellent tracer for the study of transport processes in the lower atmospheric boundary layer. Analyses of the radon data measured on a 300-m meteorological tower at Philadelphia show that the diurnal variation of atmospheric turbulence is closely related to the meteorological variables. A model of variation of radon concentration with mean wind speed and low-level vertical temperature difference is derived. It indicates that radon concentration is inversely proportional to the mean wind speed and directly proportional to the temperature difference. These predictions are in good agreement with the measurements.  相似文献   

利用长白山脉哈尔巴岭气象塔高频率湍流梯度观测数据,分析了2007—2009年间2月和7月2 m、30 m和100 m 3个观测高度湍流统计特征,对复杂下垫面局地相似理论适用性进行了检验,求出了无量纲风速标准差、无量纲温度和湿度标准差与稳定度关系的经验公式,发现了该地域湍流统计特征的新现象。结果表明:(1)冬季和夏季对流条件下2 m、30 m和100 m高度上无量纲风速标准差与稳定度Z/L之间能较好的满足1/3幂律,但夏季能更好地满足1/3幂律,且变化趋势明显,而冬季变化趋势平缓,接近直线。通过和其他学者的研究结果进行比较,发现了一些差异。(2)冬季无量纲温度、湿度标准差观测值随稳定度分布十分离散,但总体变化趋势基本满足-1/3幂律,而夏季观测值分布集中,变化趋势较好地满足-1/3幂律,反映出该地域无量纲温度、湿度标准差与稳定度关系随季节变化十分明显,且夏季对流强于冬季。(3)在30 m和100 m高度上,摩擦速度具有明显的日变化,但2 m高度上摩擦速度的变化比较特异,出现了夜间高于日间的情况,通过研究三维风速的脉动资料,发现夜间的风速脉动资料明显偏大,是导致夜间摩擦速度u*取值较大的直接原因,这种现象的发生可能是由该地域地形效应和下垫面特征引起的。  相似文献   

A time-dependent integrated dynamical boundary-layer model is used to study various features of the nocturnal low-level jet (LLJ). The basic concept is that of Thorpe and Guymer (1977). It is extended by entrainment processes, advection and an equation for the upper height of the turbulent layer. Applications show the role of the energy terms and how the LLJ changes considerably under synoptic forcing processes of variable geostrophic wind.  相似文献   

Four distinct types of autocorrelograms were observed using high-frequency vertical velocity data measured at 100 m above a flat terrain. Several types of nonstationary atmospheric motions due to low frequency fluctuations were examined. Under nighttime stable conditions, these phenomena were found to lead to abnormally slow exponential decay of the autocorrelation function. Several different techniques for estimating Eulerian integral time scales were compared in order to select an appropriate method of estimation. When grouped by stability classes, the Eulerian integral time scales decrease slightly with increasing stability, but generally exhibit no significant correlation with other meteorological parameters. Using a postulated relation, estimates of the Lagrangian to Eulerian integral time scale ratio range from 3 to 5 under unstable conditions and 15 to 25 under stable conditions. Under unstable conditions the average Lagrangian integral time scale is on the order of 40 s and exhibits no significant correlation with several pertinent meteorological parameters. Under stable conditions, the Lagrangian integral time scale correlates well with the Monin-Obukhov length and temperature lapse rate.Work conducted while a visiting scholar at Systems Applications, Inc.  相似文献   

The identification of katabatic flows and their characteristics observed on a simple slope (the western side of Hymettos mountain) for a six-month period (January to June, 1990) are presented. This is the first application of data obtained from an 84 m high meteorological research tower recently erected at the National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos in Athens, Greece. The tower is described with respect to construction and instrumentation. The topography of the region and the observational site are also described. Criteria for the identification of katabatic flows are presented, while the frequency of occurrence of such flows is estimated. Finally, two case studies are analysed in order to reveal the special characteristics of the katabatic flows.  相似文献   

王坚红  王阳  程远  王兴  程墨  王立军 《气象科学》2019,39(5):578-587
对FY-3A气象卫星大气温度湿度廓线资料进行夜间大雾低能见度分布反演计算,并运用美国LAPS(Local Analysis and Prediction System)局地分析与预报系统,与FNL再分析资料多要素反演数据进行多源要素融合分析。FY-3A卫星反演得到的大雾低能见度分布,经与Micaps(Meteorological Information Comprehensive Analysis and Process System)系统地面天气图, FY-2E地球同步卫星红外云图,要素统计气象年鉴记录等对比检验,显示反演的低能见度区范围及强度合理。尤其是对海上缺乏常规观测资料网的海域,提供了夜间海上能见度分布信息。进一步地通过LAPS系统对比卫星资料、再分析资料、以及卫星与再分析资料融合的3种方案结果,显示将卫星监测资料与FNL再分析资料的融合效果,对单来源资料反演的大雾低能见度分布有较好的改善。融合后对卫星资料而言,卫星轨道盲区已经弥合,其次,获得了海上低能见度区分布的信息,对海上和沿海雾区能见度的强度得到合理改善。对于FNL再分析资料,原有的各项要素强梯度被合理平滑。低能见度范围也有调整改善。重要的是海上大雾低能见度区的分布,得到FY-3A卫星信息和数值模拟信息的互相验证与信息综合,可信度增强。  相似文献   

A miniature robotic plane meteorological sounding system   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article presents a miniature robotic plane meteorological sounding system (RPMSS), which consists of three major subsystems: a miniature robotic plane, an air-borne meteorological sounding and flight control system, and a ground-based system. Take-off and landing of the miniature aircraft are guided by radio control, and the flight of the robotic plane along a pre-designed trajectory is automatically piloted by an onboard navigation system. The observed meteorological data as well as all flight information are sent back in real time to the ground, then displayed and recorded by the ground-based computer. The ground-based subsystem can also transmit instructions to the air-borne control subsystem. Good system performance has been demonstrated by more than 300 hours of flight for atmospheric sounding.  相似文献   

Summary A general expression is derived for the intensity of dryfallout based on time variations of beta-activity in surface air, due to worldwide tropospheric distribution of debris from nuclear testings. Model assumptions are outlined for the consideration of large-scale effects of horizontal divergence of air flow, and small-scale effects of eddy diffusion. The parameterization is based on the concept of geostrophic drag coefficients and atmospheric boundary layer theory. The model is completed by a two-parameter representation of tropospheric profiles of beta activity. Case studies of dry-fallout in 1962 and 1963 at three stations of the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) network are discussed. Dry-fallout rates per day are found to be approximately 10% of average wet-fallout rates of the same period. The average residence time of debris in the troposphere is estimated to be about 65 days if dry-fallout would be the only cleansing process.
Zusammenfassung Für die Intensität von radioaktivem Ausfall wird eine allgemeine Formel abgeleitet. Sie beruht auf der beobachteten zeitlichen Veränderung der bodennahen Konzentration radioaktiver Beta-Teilchen, die als Abfallprodukte der Kernwaffenversuche weltweite Verteilung erfuhren. Das theoretische Modell zur Berechnung von Trockenausfall erfordert gewisse Annahmen zur Berücksichtigung von 1. großräumigen Effekten der horizontalen Divergenz der Luftströmung und 2. kleinräumigen Turbulenzeinflüssen. Diese Effekte werden durch Parameter der horizontalen Luftdruckverteilung berücksichtigt, die auf dem Konzept des geostrophischen Widerstandsbeiwertes und der atmosphärischen Grenzschichttheorie beruhen. Das Modell ist durch zwei weitere Parameter vervollständigt, welche das troposphärische Profil der Beta-Aktivität repräsentieren. Beispiele von Trockenausfall in den Jahren 1962 und 1963 werden für drei Stationen des Beobachtungsnetzes des United States Public Health Service diskutiert. Es ergab sich, daß Trockenausfall pro Tag etwa 10% des Ausfalles durch Niederschlag (pro Regentag) für den gleichen Zeitabschnitt ausmacht. Ferner wird abgeschätzt, daß die Verweilzeit der radioaktiven Teilchen in der Troposphäre im Durchschnitt 65 Tage beträgt, wenn Trockenausfall der alleinige Reinigungsprozeß ist.

Résumé On développe ici une formule générale permettant le calcul de l'intensité des retombées radio-actives. Cette formule est fondée sur la variation de la concentration au voisinage du sol des particules radio-actives béta, disséminées dans l'atmosphère entière à la suite d'essais d'armes nucléaires. Le modèle théorique permettant de représenter la sédimentation en atmosphère sèche nécessite certaines suppositions afin de tenir compte d'une part des effets à grandes dimensions de la divergence horizontale des courants aériens et d'autre part des effets de la turbulence à petites dimensions. On tient compte de ces effets au moyen de paramètres de la répartition horizontale de la pression, paramètres basés sur le coefficient de la résistance géostrophique et sur la théorie des couches limites atmosphériques. Ce modèle est complété par deux paramètres supplémentaires qui représentent le profil troposphérique de l'activité béta. Comme exemple, on discute les quantités de retombées recueillies à trois stations du «United States Public Health Service» durant les années 1962 et 1963. Le résultat en est que la sédimentation à sec par jour représente environ le 10% des retombées entraînées par les précipitations durant la même période. On estime en outre que les particules se maintiennent en moyenne durant 65 jours dans la troposphère si la sédimentation se fait uniquement sans le concours de précipitations.

With 2 Figures

The research reported was supported, in part, by the National Science Foundation, Grant No. GP-444.  相似文献   

陈坚  保小林  李蒙 《贵州气象》2003,27(Z1):48-52
根据办公自动化、人工增雨防雹、气象业务和服务工作发展的需要,曲靖市气象局依托当前迅速发展的Internet网络通信技术,建立以宽带接入为基础的曲靖市气象电子信息传输系统,实现曲靖市气象局各科室、各直属事业单位和所属各县(市、区)气象局之间的点对点和一点对多点的电子信息的快速传递和人工增雨防雹信息管理,极大地提高了传输效率,同时为下一步建立气象服务产品分发系统,为政府、公众及其它用户服务,提供了技术保障.  相似文献   

On the basis of wind direction measurements with 1-s discreteness at the meteorological tower VMM-310 in the town of Obninsk, maximum fluctuations of wind direction are obtained with 10-s averaging over limited time intervals that correspond to the transport of pollutant puffs at distances about 10 km from the source at altitudes up to 300 m. Average values of maximum fluctuations of wind direction decrease with increasing wind speed, level of measurements, and stratification stability. Examples are presented of distributions of maximum fluctuations of wind direction as dependent of these factors. Parameters are given of distributions of maximum fluctuations of wind direction at six levels under different wind speeds and different atmospheric stability. The empirical distributions are approximated by Weibull distribution, and parameters of the latter are presented for separate levels. The results obtained can be used for estimation of an angular size of an area of possible pollution under different conditions of atmospheric stratification, wind speed, and levels of transport of an instantaneous puff of pollutants for the pollutant cloud motion up to a distance of 10 km from the source.  相似文献   

多源气象数据融合格点实况产品研制进展   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
阐述了中外主要的多源气象数据融合产品研究进展与趋势,重点介绍了中国气象局国家气象信息中心研制的陆面气象要素(包括气温、降水、湿度、风、气压、辐射等)、土壤温度与土壤湿度、洋面温度与洋面风、三维云等多源融合格点产品研发现状,以及中国气象局国家气象信息中心多源数据融合中试平台及统一质量检验评估系统的进展,并对未来多源气象数据融合产品研制进行了展望。   相似文献   

气象卫星遥感地表温度推算近地表气温方法研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
韩秀珍  李三妹  窦芳丽 《气象学报》2012,70(5):1107-1118
气温是各种植物生理、水文、气象、环境等模式或模型中的一个非常重要的近地表气象参数.多年来气温数据以离散的常规气象站点观测为主,连续分布的格点气温数据则以站点资料插值而得到,分辨率低,无法反映地形等下垫面因素对局地气温的影响,在农业气候区划等研究中具有一定的局限性.随着卫星遥感地表温度算法的日趋成熟,为探讨卫星遥感地表温度数据在气温观测中的可能性和可行性,利用全中国2340个站点1998 2007年的逐旬平均最高气温数据,以及相应时段的NOAA/AVHRR旬最高地表温度数据,以线性回归及拟合模型为主,通过考虑植被指数、土地覆盖类型、季节、风速、气压、降水等各类影响因子,建立了旬最高地表温度与旬平均最高气温间的推算模型,并利用未参与建模的2002-2003年的常规气象站点气温数据,同时与推算气温和插值气温结果进行对比分析.结果表明,利用卫星遥感地表温度数据推算的旬值气温数据可取得较高的精度,尤其在地形复杂地区以及站点稀疏地区精度明显高于插值气温结果.  相似文献   

气象情报业务系统是省气象台的主要业务系统之一。该系统首次实现了实时与历史气象资料的查询自动化。气温等气象资料分析服务子系统是该系统的主要构成之一。本系统提供了气温以及大风日数、日照时数、日照百分率、积温、积雪深度、高低温日数、积雪深度等各项气象资料的查询、检索、排序、极值查找、等值线分析、曲线分析等功能 ,同时还提供了图形分布显示、图形放大、切换、打印和查询结果保存等功能 ,操作界面友好、使用便捷。1 系统的主要功能1 1 平均气温查询功能可以查询任意时段内日平均气温实况 ,日历史平均气温 ,日平均气温距…  相似文献   

Characteristics of intermittent turbulence events in the stably stratified nocturnal boundary layer are investigated with data collected in the CASES-99 tower array of 300-m radius. The array consists of a central 60-m tower with eddy covariance measurements at eight levels and six satellite towers with eddy covariance measurements at 5 m. A significant increase in the magnitude of vertical wind velocity () and spectral information are used to define the onset of an intermittent turbulence event. Normally, only a subset of 5 m-levels in the tower network experience an intermittent turbulence event concurrent with one at the 5 m-level on the main tower. This behaviour reveals the small horizontal extent of most events. Intermittent turbulence events at the main tower 5-m level are normally confined to a layer much thinner than the 60-m tower height. The turbulent kinetic energy budget is evaluated for intermittent turbulence events observed at the 5-m level on the main tower. Generally, the onset of an intermittent turbulence event is not closely related to the reduction of the gradient Richardson number below 0.25, the critical Richardson number of turbulence generation for linear instability. Possible explanations including the influence of advected turbulence patches are discussed.  相似文献   

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