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This research investigated the potential for industrial-strength 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) degradation by activated sludge microorganisms in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) under nitrate-reducing conditions. The research was divided into four phases consisting of Phase I (a “proof-of-concept” phase); Phase II (an initial “tolerance” exploration phase); Phase III (an “effect of hydraulic retention time” phase), and Phase IV (a “limits” phase). The SBR successfully and simultaneously removed the nitrates completely and around 98 % of the MCPA up to an initial concentration of 50 mg/L MCPA in the dimethylamine salt form (DMCPA) (Phases I, II and III); however, it took approximately 28 days to observe a steady, high-level of MCPA removal. When the concentration of DMCPA was increased to 75 mg/L (Phase IV), the MCPA removal efficiency dropped to 85 %, but removal was observed only for a relatively short period of time since the biomass appeared to eventually become saturated with the herbicide, stopping conversion of DMCPA to its acid form and halting biodegradation.  相似文献   

In this study, the performance of moving-bed biofilm sequencing batch reactor in operating the anaerobic/anoxic/oxic (A2O) process for treatment of wastewaters containing nitrogen and phosphorous was evaluated. For this purpose, a pilot system with two bench-scale sequencing batch reactors with a total volume of 30 L and functional volume of 10 L was used. The installation was elaborated using plexiglass, in which 60% of the functional volume consisted of PVC suspended carriers (Kaldnes K3) with a specific surface area of 560 m2/m3. The independent variables used in this study were hydraulic retention time (HRT) (1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, and 3.5 h) and the initial organic load (300, 500, 800, 1000 mg O2/L). The results showed impressive performance in the case of an initial organic load of 300 mg O2/L and HRT of 3 h with maximum removal of COD and TN, respectively, by 95.1 and 89.8%. In the case of an initial organic load of 1000 mg O2/L and HRT of 3.5 h, the maximum total phosphorus removal was 72.3%. Therefore, according to the analysis of data obtained by different HRTs, it was revealed that the system of A2O has greater efficiency in removing organic matter from wastewater in the shortest possible time.  相似文献   

Tracer tests are conducted to ascertain solute transport parameters of a single rock feature over a 5-m transport pathway. Two different conceptualizations of double-porosity solute transport provide estimates of the tracer breakthrough curves. One of the conceptualizations (single-rate) employs a single effective diffusion coefficient in a matrix with infinite penetration depth. However, the tracer retention between different flow paths can vary as the ratio of flow-wetted surface to flow rate differs between the path lines. The other conceptualization (multirate) employs a continuous distribution of multiple diffusion rate coefficients in a matrix with variable, yet finite, capacity. Application of these two models with the parameters estimated on the tracer test breakthrough curves produces transport results that differ by orders of magnitude in peak concentration and time to peak concentration at the performance assessment (PA) time and length scales (100,000 years and 1,000 m). These differences are examined by calculating the time limits for the diffusive capacity to act as an infinite medium. These limits are compared across both conceptual models and also against characteristic times for diffusion at both the tracer test and PA scales. Additionally, the differences between the models are examined by re-estimating parameters for the multirate model from the traditional double-porosity model results at the PA scale. Results indicate that for each model the amount of the diffusive capacity that acts as an infinite medium over the specified time scale explains the differences between the model results and that tracer tests alone cannot provide reliable estimates of transport parameters for the PA scale. Results of Monte Carlo runs of the transport models with varying travel times and path lengths show consistent results between models and suggest that the variation in flow-wetted surface to flow rate along path lines is insignificant relative to variability in the amount of diffusive capacity that can be accessed along the transport pathway.
Resumen Delimitando la eficacia de modelos de evaluación con resultados de pruebas de trazadores: una comparación entre dos modelos conceptuales.Se llevaron a cabo pruebas de trazadores para evaluar los parámetros de transporte de solutos en un rasgo rocoso a lo largo de una trayectoria de transporte de 5 m. Dos diferentes conceptualizaciones del transporte de solutos de porosidad doble aportan estimados de las curvas de avance de trazadores. Una de las conceptualizaciones (ritmo único) utiliza un coeficiente de difusión efectiva único en una matriz con profundidad de penetración infinita. Sin embargo, la retención del trazador entre diferentes trayectorias de flujo puede variar debido a que la relación entre la superficie mojada de flujo y el ritmo de flujo difiere entre las líneas de trayectoria. La otra conceptualización (multi-ritmo) utiliza una distribución continua de coeficientes de ritmos de difusión múltiple en una matriz con capacidad variable pero finita. La aplicación de los dos modelos con los parámetros estimados en base a las curvas de avance de trazadores producen resultados de transporte que difieren en varios órdenes de magnitud, tanto en concentración pico como en el tiempo en que se alcanza la concentración pico, en las escalas de evaluación de eficacia (PA) de tiempo y longitud (100,000 años y 1,000 m). Estas diferencias se examinan mediante el cálculo de límites de tiempo en que se considera que la capacidad difusiva actúa como un medio infinito. Estos límites se comparan en ambos modelos conceptuales y contra los tiempos característicos para difusión en escalas de PA y de prueba de trazador. Adicionalmente, se examinan las diferencias entre los modelos calculando de nuevo los parámetros para el modelo multi-ritmo a partir del modelo tradicional de doble porosidad a escala PA. Los resultados indican que para cada modelo la cantidad de la capacidad difusiva que actúa como un medio infinito sobre la escala de tiempo especificada explica las diferencias entre los resultados del modelo y que las pruebas de trazadores por sí solas no aportan cálculos confiables de los parámetros de transporte para la escala PA. Los resultados provenientes de corridas Monte Carlo de los modelos de transporte con distintos tiempos de viaje y diferentes longitudes de trayectorias muestran resultados consistentes entre modelos y sugieren que la variación en la relación de superficie de flujo mojada a ritmo de flujo a lo largo de las líneas de trayectoria es insignificante en relación con la variabilidad en la cantidad de capacidad difusiva que puede alcanzarse a lo largo de la trayectoria de transporte.

Résumé Contraindre le bilan des performances des modèles avec les résultats de traçages: une comparaison entre deux modèles conceptuels.Des tests de traçage sont mis en oeuvre pour étudier les paramètres de transport de soluté dune roche sur une longueur de 5 m. Deux différents modèles de transport de soluté dans un milieu à double porosité fournissent des estimation des courbes de restitution. Lune des conceptualisations (unique taux de restitution) emploie un seul coefficient effectif de diffusion dans une matrice possédant une pénétration infinie en profondeur. Par ailleurs, la rétention du traceur entre les différentes lignes découlement peut varier comme le rapport des débits aux surfaces mouillées et comme le rapport de la différence de débits entres les lignes découlement. Lautre conceptualisation (taux multiple) emploie une distribution continue de coefficients de diffusion dans une matrice à capacité variable et finit. Lapplication de ces deux modèles avec les pa! ramètres estimés grâce aux courbes de restitution produit des résultats de transport qui différent de plusieurs ordres de grandeur dans la magnitude du pic, le temps du pic de concentration, au bilan des performances (PA) et aux échelles de distance (100,000 ans et 1,000 m). Ces différences sont éxaminées par lintermédiaire des temps limites pour que la capacité diffusive équivaille à un milieu infini. Ces limites sont comparées à travers les modèles conceptuels ainsi que les temps caractéristiques de diffusion à léchelle du test de traçage et à léchelle du PA. Par ailleurs, les différences entre les modèles sont éxaminées en réestimant les paramètres pour le modèle à taux multiple à partir des résultats du modèle à double porosité à léchelle du PA. Les résultats indiquent que pour chaque modèle la valeur de la capacité diffusive dans un milieu infini sur une période de temps spécifiée explique les différences entre les modèles et le ! fait que le test de traçage seul ne permet pas de déterminer les paramètres de transport à léchelle du PA. Les résultats des simulations Monte Carlo du modèle de transport avec des temps et des distances de transport variables montrent des résultats concordances entre les différents modèles et suggère que la variation que la variation entre surface mouillée et le rapport de la différence de débits entre les lignes découlement est insignifiante, en regard de la variabilité du montant de la capacité diffusive qui peut être accessible le long de la ligne de transport.

《Applied Geochemistry》1995,10(5):581-598
The Paleozoic quartzites and graphite-rich metapelites cropping out in the area of Monti Romani, in Central Italy, show very common mineralogical and petrographical features and are lacking of fossils. For this reason, their stratigraphic attribution in the general picture of the Tuscan Paleozoic is still debated.In this work 23 rock samples have been analyzed for major and trace (Li, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Ag, Ba, La, Ce and Pb) elements, in order to give a contribution to their stratigraphic interpretation. Using linear discriminant analysis (LDA) on major elements, the paleozoic formations of Monti Romani have been compared with 4 “reference groups”, representing the formations of: (1) Cambro-Ordovician; (2) Middle Ordovician; (3) Late Ordovician-Silurian; (4) Permo-Carboniferous age, cropping out in Tuscany (in total 136 samples).The application of LDA to real geological data is generally limited by (a) the deviation of the data from the normal (Gaussian) distribution model, which is an important basic assumption of LDA, and (b) the closure of compositional data (e.g., major elements sum to 100), which can induce false correlations between elements. With regards to both problems, the log-ratio transformation of the data suggested by Aitchison has resulted in a satisfactory solution for the application of LDA.The results of LDA show that most Paleozoic formations of Monti Romani closely resemble the Tuscan Permo-Carboniferous formations: the samples are in fact attributed to this group with probability ranging from 0.632 to 0.995. Only the data of the “Valle Tegolaie Carbonatic-Phyllitic Complex” give contradictory indications; this unit is in fact believed to be Devonian in age, on the basis of field evidence, and should be eventually compared with the other Silurian-Devonian formations of the Northern Apennines.Correlations between elements have been studied with the Spearman rank correlation coefficient ϱ, which is much less influenced by the non-normal distribution of the data than the Pearson coefficientr. The analysis of the Spearman's matrix allowed some inferences about mineralogy. The high correlation of Fetot and Na with K, Al and LOI should account for a phengitic-paragonitic composition of sericite. The same mineral strongly controls the distribution of most trace elements, namely Li, Ni, Rb, Sr, Y, Nb, Ag, Ba, La and Ce (coefficients between 0.600 and 0.877). In contrast, low coefficients for Cu, Pb and, to minor extent Zn, suggest that other minerals such as graphite or sulphides are probably important for the distribution of these elements. In the same way, Zr does not show any significant correlation, as expected, being concentrated mainly in the granoblastic layers (detrital zircon).  相似文献   

The oxidation rates of Mn(II) in water samples from two English lakes, Esthwaite Water and Rostherne Mere, display clear temperature optima, varying from 15°C to 30°C, in the pH range 7–8. This is strong evidence of biological mediation of the oxidation. The types and concentrations of Mn-oxidising organisms appear to vary with depth and time in both lakes.  相似文献   

Involutions in the early Anglian Barham Soil at Newney Green, Essex, and Badwell Ash, Suffolk, in eastern England, are attributed to soft-sediment deformation during an episode of regional thermokarst development. The involutions show a striking resemblance in morphology and size to thermokarst involutions within a palaeo-thaw layer at Crumbling Point, western arctic Canada. By analogy with the thermokarst involutions, the involutions in the Barham Soil are reinterpreted to have formed by loading during the melting of an ice-rich layer at the top of Anglian permafrost. This period of thermokarst development may have coincided with an episode of intra-Anglian climatic amelioration. Reinterpretation of the Barham Soil involutions implies that many other Pleistocene involutions in Britain may have formed during periods of thermokarst development rather than by active-layer cryoturbation.  相似文献   

We have analysed the earthquake sequence occurred at Campi Flegrei during an unrest episode of strong ground uplift and seismicity, occurred in the period 1982–1984. The maximum magnitude of these events was about 4. Both earthquake occurrence and ground deformation have been interpreted in terms of the role played by a ring fault system, inward dipping, related to phenomena of caldera collapse and resurgence. Earthquakes are of mixed strike-slip and normal fault type. They show a dip movement opposite to the static ground deformation. The rising of the internal block with respect to the zone external to the ring fault, as observed by ground deformation, should cause thrust fault slip on the fracture system, whereas a normal fault dip component is observed. The simulation of the stress field generated by overpressure in a magma chamber in presence of lateral discontinuities, as performed by a boundary element method, allows to hypothesise that reverse fault slip on the ring fault is mainly aseismic, and such aseismic movement is able to focus normal fault shear stress along the lateral discontinuities. Aseismic slip on the ring fault in response to static deformation is also supported by the low amount of seismic moment released (M0 ≅ 1015 Nm), about two orders of magnitude lower than expected from the shear slip on the discontinuities needed to accomplish the total static surface deformation (1.8 m). Such results have been compared with observations at Rabaul caldera, during a similar unrest episode. In such area, the seismic moment release is in good agreement with shear slip produced on a system of outward dipping ring faults, and seismicity is much more focused on the fault structures. The comparison between the two areas shed new light about the dynamics of earthquakes in calderas, as due to the role of bordering ring fault systems.  相似文献   

Performance of moving bed biofilm reactor system for a real hospital wastewater (HW) was experimented, modelled, and optimized using response surface methodology. Prior to conducting laboratory tests, design of the experiments was evaluated to minimize any prediction error. Statistical analyses demonstrated the models’ validity and adequacy for anticipation of the removal of BOD and COD by the process. The models predictions (with desirability of 0.98) were found to be in very good agreement with confirmative experiments results. The results indicated that under convenient operating conditions of the studied variables (packing rate 70%, HRT 24 h, and MLSS 3000 mg/L), the removal efficiencies for BOD and COD were 97.8 and 95.6%, respectively. Moreover, kinetics of the biological process showed that removal of organic matters for the tested wastewater adheres to modified Stover–Kincannon model with a correlation coefficient of 0.998. Ratio of BOD to COD of 0.6 (optimal range for biological treatment normally is >0.5) suggests acceptable efficiency of the reactor for decomposing organic load. A high overall efficiency of the process and fulfilling the related standards make this system an appropriate option for treating HDW.  相似文献   

Sr-, Nd-isotopic and trace element data are reported for a suite of Marquesan volcanic rocks. These data complement earlier work on the island of Ua Pou and reveal that the marked shifts in source composition between shield-building and post-shield eruptives noted there are common to most islands in the archipelago. In addition, there appears to be a relationship between the magnitude of these shifts and the repose period between shield-building and post-shield activity such that, the longer the period of volcanic inactivity, the larger the isotopic and trace element differences between the two phases of volcanism. This, coupled with the compositional uniformity of the shield-building phase, and its close geochemical similarity to depleted mantle reservoirs, implies a strong lithosperic control on magmatic evolution: models invoking entrainment of asthenospheric material during plume ascent are not readily compatible with the observed time-compositional paths. Comparisons with other oceanic islands reveal two end member styles of temporal evolution, herein termed Marquesan and Hawaiian, and attributed to the interaction between the oceanic lithosphere and respectively weak and strong plumes, terms used to denote penetrative capacity and not necessarily size or buoyancy flux. Many other plumes may display characteristics intermediate between these extremes. The state of stress and temperature within the oceanic lithosphere in the region of an ascending diapir is also likely to exert a strong control on the geochemical evolution of OIB suites.  相似文献   

The reported study contributes to research on earthquake prediction. Between 2007 and 2009, changes were observed in two geothermal and mineral springs located in Eskipazar (~3–5 km to the north of the North Anatolian Fault Zone) in Turkey, in relation to small-magnitude earthquakes. During pre-seismic and post-seismic activities, variations were observed in the hydrogeological parameters of the spring waters. Temperature increases of 0.4–1°C were measured in one of the springs prior to three different earthquakes. There was a slight increase in the spring discharge with respect to the first earthquake, which occurred closest to the spring. This led to a reduction in electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), Ca, HCO3, δ13C, Al, Mn, and Fe concentrations in the spring water, whereas tritium and Se values increased. Several days before the third earthquake, which occurred at a shallower depth, a decrease was observed in the discharge, which led to a reduction in tritium, δ13C and Si concentrations. These variations could be explained by changes in the mixing ratio of waters of different genesis, depending on changes in permeability, pore pressure, and flow paths of the aquifer due to regional stress changes.  相似文献   

In the Central Andes (Bolivia) and the Western Carpathians (Slovakia) Sb-(Au) deposits are of wide-spread occurrence. They may be subdivided into two principal types: (I) shear zone-hosted and (II) stockwork-like Sb deposits. Type I Sb deposits are widespread in fine-grained metasedimentary, granitic and gneissic rocks. Type II is only found in volcanic rocks and may be further subdivided into acid sulphate-type (IIa) and low sulphidation-type (IIb). This more subtle classification is based upon the presence or absence of sulphate and K feldspar and applied in the same way as for epithermal Au deposits elsewhere. Type III is a composite vein type transitional between types I and II Sb deposits. Mesothermal deposits (type I) were emplaced syntectonically and synmetamorphically under low grade to very low grade stage metamorphic conditions. The mineralising fluids are likely to have been derived from crustal sources through devolatalisation. Epithermal types (IIa) and (IIb) are related in time and space with the formation of acidic to intermediate (sub)volcanic rocks of Miocene age. To distinguish the various types of Sb mineralisation, Bi, Ag, As and Hg have proven most diagnostic. These elements are anomalously enriched in the volcanic-hosted types IIa and IIb, whereas type I mineralisation are poor in Bi, Ag and As. The element contents of these trace elements in type III deposits vary according to the position of the host mineralisation relative to the Tertiary igneous rocks. Hg tends to be enriched in type II mineralisations. Even so there are also some Sb mineralisations of type I abundant in Hg, possibly due to tetrahedrite intergrown with stibnite. In contrast to porphyry copper deposits, Sb deposits are distal relative to the subduction zone. They are confined to sections of the fold belt where the continental crust is thick and was subject to strong horizontal displacements. The ratio of horizontal to vertical crustal movements during the structural evolution of the fold belt and the resultant skewness of the geothermal gradient played a decisive role for the type of volcanic-hosted Sb deposits (types IIa and IIb) to develop and to what extent composite stibnite deposits (type III) evolved. Received: 14 February 1997 / Accepted: 28 August 1997  相似文献   

In this study, the characteristics of sewage of small community were determined for 6 months to ascertain the type of treatment required in subtropical conditions. The results demarcated sewage of this community as a medium-strength wastewater (chemical oxygen demand: 475 mg/L, biochemical oxygen demand: 240 mg/L and total suspended solids: 434 mg/L). Chemical oxygen demand to sulphate ratio of the sewage (11.6) established that it was amenable to anaerobic digestion. The temperature, strength, biodegradability and components of sewage were suitable for anaerobic digestion, and thus, upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB) was selected for its treatment. These reactors are often shutdown in small communities due to environmental and/or socio-economic factors. The ability of two UASB reactors, seeded with cow dung (UASBCD) and activated sludge of a dairy treatment plant (UASBASDIT) to restart after a long idle period of 12 months, was investigated along with sludge analysis by scanning electron microscope. Biomass in both reactors reactivated rapidly after shutdown period and within 30 days after substrate feeding achieved uniform removal efficiencies for chemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids, total dissolved solids, chloride and oil and grease. Chemical oxygen demand removal efficiency of both reactors became uniform and remained close to 80% after 30 days through reactivation of microbes in sludge bed due to adequate food and temperature conditions. During restart-up, at an average organic loading rate of 0.902 kg COD/m3 per day, methane yields of 0.091 and 0.084 m3/kg COD removed were achieved for UASBCD and UASBASDIT reactors, respectively.  相似文献   

Comparison of ultrastructures in Pliocene periplatform carbonates from the Bahamas with Silurian limestones from Gotland (Sweden) reveals that despite the differences in primary sediment composition and age, they reflect a similar mechanism of lithification. In both sequences calcite microspar was formed as a primary cement at an early stage of marine burial diagenesis. Neither significant compression nor meteoric influence are necessary for the formation of calcite microspar. A model is proposed for the process of microsparitic cementation of fine-grained aragonite needle muds comprising four stages: (1) unconsolidated, aragonite-dominated carbonate mud; (2) precipitation of microspar that engulfs aragonite needles; (3) dissolution of aragonite, resulting in pitted surfaces of the microspar crystals; and (4) slight recrystallization. Our results contradict the widespread opinion that microspar necessarily is a product of secondary recrystallization of a previously lithified micrite.  相似文献   

Deposition of stratabound Zn-Pb-Ba ores in the Lower Cambrian carbonates in South-west Sardinia show a distinct relation with the prominent tensional tectonics in the area. A part of the mineral deposits are syngenetic (sedimentary-exhalative), other massive sulfides and/or barite are early diagenetic. Other occurrences (MVT) are from early to late-diagenetic. They are mostly confined to matrix- and cementbreccias which might be dependent on the Cambrian tectonics. The Precambrian-Lower Cambrian (?) carbonates occupying the core of the Aracena anticline, at the boundary between the provinces of Huelva and Badajoz (South-west Spain), are also an important metallotect for Zn-Pb-Ag-Ba mineralization. The ores at Aracena are stratabound (to stratiform) (Sedex) and occur as disseminations or layers in a volcano-sedimentary sequence with carbonate intercalations. Both the carbonate intervals and the ores show evidence of synsedimentary tectonics, like slumpings, slump breccias and neptunian dykes. Their deposition most likely occurred in a subtidal environment controlled by faults. Apparently, in South-west Sardinia and in the Sierra de Aracena, both sedimentary evolution and ore deposition were strictly related, and conditioned by several pulses of tensional tectonics.  相似文献   

Landslide susceptibility and hazard assessments are the most important steps in landslide risk mapping. The main objective of this study was to investigate and compare the results of two artificial neural network (ANN) algorithms, i.e., multilayer perceptron (MLP) and radial basic function (RBF) for spatial prediction of landslide susceptibility in Vaz Watershed, Iran. At first, landslide locations were identified by aerial photographs and field surveys, and a total of 136 landside locations were constructed from various sources. Then the landslide inventory map was randomly split into a training dataset 70 % (95 landslide locations) for training the ANN model and the remaining 30 % (41 landslides locations) was used for validation purpose. Nine landslide conditioning factors such as slope, slope aspect, altitude, land use, lithology, distance from rivers, distance from roads, distance from faults, and rainfall were constructed in geographical information system. In this study, both MLP and RBF algorithms were used in artificial neural network model. The results showed that MLP with Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno learning algorithm is more efficient than RBF in landslide susceptibility mapping for the study area. Finally the landslide susceptibility maps were validated using the validation data (i.e., 30 % landslide location data that was not used during the model construction) using area under the curve (AUC) method. The success rate curve showed that the area under the curve for RBF and MLP was 0.9085 (90.85 %) and 0.9193 (91.93 %) accuracy, respectively. Similarly, the validation result showed that the area under the curve for MLP and RBF models were 0.881 (88.1 %) and 0.8724 (87.24 %), respectively. The results of this study showed that landslide susceptibility mapping in the Vaz Watershed of Iran using the ANN approach is viable and can be used for land use planning.  相似文献   

The study presented in this work emerged as a result of a multiyear regional geochemical survey based on low-density topsoil sampling and the ensuing geochemical atlas of Croatia. This study focuses on the Dinaric part of Croatia to expound the underlying mechanisms controlling the mobilities and variations in distribution of potentially harmful elements as observed from different environmental angles. Although serious environmental degradation of the vulnerable karst soil landscapes was expected to occur chiefly through the accumulation of various heavy metals, the most acute threat materialized through the soil acidification (Al-toxicity) affecting the entire Dinaric karst area. This picture surfaced from the analysis of all three investigated discriminant function models employing the abovementioned environmental criteria selected autonomously with respect to the evaluated soil geochemistry, namely, geologic setting, regional placement and land use. These models are presented by not only the characteristic discriminant-function diagrams but also a set of appropriate mathematically derived geochemical maps disclosing the allocations of potential threats to the karst soil landscapes posed by soil acidity.  相似文献   

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