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通过对敦化市玄武岩地区的含水层特征进行分析,结合本次抽水试验及回灌试验结果,对研究区浅层地热地下水换热方式适应性进行分析评价,计算得出地下水换热功率。  相似文献   

赵洪满  聂维辰  柴雨  孙亚红 《吉林地质》2013,(1):125-128,139
地下水水源热泵技术是浅层地热能开发的主要形式之一,并在国内得到广泛应用。然而并不是所有区域均适合利用地下水水源热泵技术进行浅层地热能开发和利用,不合理的开发不仅得不到理想的应用效果还可能产生严重的环境问题及地质灾害问题。地热能开发利用前应进行详细的调查,不仅应具有技术可行性,还要具有环境可行性及经济可行性。  相似文献   

Soil is a vital biological habitat, which is of primary importance in determining and regulating biological activity and biodiversity. Therefore, it is Earth’s most important resource in sustaining both belowground and aboveground biological activities. Biodiversity versus landscape diversity and land use practices in multifunctional landscapes have been addressed. Humans have so manipulated nature that few locations in the world remain without human influence, causing unforeseen changes in ecosystem continuously and biodiversity. Among the environmental compartments, about 90 % of environmental pollutants are bound with soil particles. The soil-bound pollutants may be released to the soil solution through physical, chemical and biological interfacial interactions and pose a threat to biodiversity and ecosystem integrity. These interfacial interactions are especially important in the rhizosphere, where the kinds and concentrations of biomolecules are different from the bulk soil because of intense biological activity. These biomolecules affect biogeochemical processes, soil microbial ecology, nutrient and contaminant dynamics, abiotic and biotic factors, and soil biodiversity through allelopathic interactions. Soil interfacial interactions under different pedogenic processes and anthropogenic activity in relation to belowground biodiversity and the impact on aboveground biodiversity, productivity and integrity should be an important and exciting area of science for years to come.  相似文献   

It is important to predict how groundwater levels in an aquifer will respond to various climate change scenarios to effectively plan for how groundwater resources will be used in the future. Due to the overuse of groundwater resources and the multi-year drought in the Kerdi-Shirazi plain in Iran, some land subsidence and a drop in groundwater levels has taken place, and without active management, further degradation of the groundwater resource is possible under predicted future climate change scenarios in the country. To determine the potential impacts of climate change on groundwater levels in the region, the groundwater model GMS was coupled with the atmospheric circulation model HADCM3 using scenarios A1B, A2 and B1 for the period 2016–2030. The results of the climate modelling suggest that the Kerdi-Shirazi plain will experience an increase in minimum temperature and maximum temperature of, respectively, between 0.03 and 0.47, and 0.32–0.45 °C for this time period. The results of the groundwater modelling suggest that water levels on the Kerdi-Shirazi plain will continue to decline over the forecast period with decreases of 34.51, 36.57 and 33.58 m being predicted, respectively, for climate scenarios A1B, A2 and B1. Consequently, groundwater resources in the Kerdi-Shirazi plain will urgently need active management to minimize the effects of ongoing water level decline and to prevent saltwater intrusion and desertification in the region.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2003,18(5):675-691
The small karstic watershed of Lanmuchang, in a Hg–Tl mineralized area in SW Guizhou Province, China, exhibits an enrichment of toxic Tl in groundwater and related stream water. This affords an excellent demonstration of the natural processes of Tl dispersion, and the resultant impact on the local ecosystem. The distribution of Tl in the water system follows a decreasing concentration pattern from deep groundwater to stream water to shallow groundwater. Tl shows high levels (13–1100 μg/L) in deep groundwater within the Tl-mineralized area, decreasing with distance away from the mineralized area to background levels (0.005 μg/L). The distribution of Tl in the water system is constrained by Tl mineralization, water–rock interactions and hydrogeological conditions. Tl concentrations in waters generally correlate with concentrations of total dissolved solids, sulphate, Ca and pH values, suggesting the contribution of water-rock interactions to water geochemistry. Water–rock interactions are driven by weathering of Tl-bearing sulfides which decreases pH values in groundwater, and by dissolution of limestone enhanced by acid fluids. Tl in stream water in both the base-flow and flood-flow regimes shows higher concentrations than it does in shallow groundwater that serves as the stream's source (mainly springs, dug-well flows and karstic cave waters). Concentrations of Tl in stream water in the flood-flow regime are generally lower than in the base-flow regime due to dilution effects, but those in the waters of mid-stream are almost the same as in the base-flow regime, probably due to contribution from Tl-rich soil water seepage or from acid mine drainage (AMD). Unexpectedly, Tl concentrations in stream water in both regimes are remarkably higher (2–30 fold) downstream than up- and mid-stream. These pronounced increases of Tl concentration are likely caused by unidentified discharges of deep groundwater through fractured zones to the downstream trace. The groundwater-related Tl transfer processes affect the ecosystem through contamination of water supply and arable soil and ultimately the food chain with undoubted risks to human health. Therefore, the results of this study are important for environmental planning and regulations, and will also serve as baseline data for future research on Tl natural dispersion processes.  相似文献   

Groundwater extraction can have varied and diffuse effects. Negative external effects may include costs imposed on other groundwater users and on surrounding ecosystems. Environmental damages are commonly not reflected in market transactions. Groundwater transfers have the potential to cause spatial redistribution, concentration, and qualitative transformation of the impacts from pumping. An economically and environmentally sound groundwater transfer scheme would ensure that marginal costs from trades do not exceed marginal benefits, accounting for all third-party impacts, including those of a non-monetary nature as well as delayed effects. This paper proposes a menu of possible management strategies that would help preclude unacceptable impacts by restricting transfers with certain attributes, ideally ensuring that permitted transfers are at least welfare-neutral. Management tools would require that transfers limit or reduce environmental impacts, and provide for the compensation of financial impacts. Three management tools are described. While these tools can limit impacts from a given level of extraction, they cannot substitute for sustainable overall withdrawal limits. Careful implementation of transfer limits and exchange rates, and the strategic use of management area boundaries, may enable a transfer system to restrict negative externalities mainly to monetary costs. Provision for compensation of these costs could be built into the system.  相似文献   

Groundwater contamination due to accidental releases of mono- and polycyclic aromatic compounds (MAHs and PAHs) from decommissioned manufactured-gas plants is an ongoing and litigious problem. The MAHs and PAHs are derived from coal tar, which was a by-product of the gas-manufacturing process. While originally designed to contain coal tar, the manufactured-gas plant structures that remain today have often degraded over time and are not completely leak-proof. Over a period of many years, subsurface water has seeped into and out of the structures, resulting in groundwater contamination. This was particularly true once the tops of the structures were removed. In this study, process-based simulations were conducted to estimate the groundwater-quality impacts of accidental releases of dissolved naphthalene (C10H8) from the sites of three former manufactured-gas plants. The results from one-dimensional, transient, unsaturated, near-surface fluid-flow and solute-transport simulations served as input to three-dimensional saturated subsurface fluid-flow and solute-transport simulations. The simulation results and sensitivity analysis reported here indicate that accidental releases of naphthalene had significant, negative impacts on groundwater quality at each of the three sites. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Celico  F.  Musilli  I.  Naclerio  G. 《Environmental Geology》2004,46(2):233-236
Hydrogeological and microbiological research is in progress to analyze the interaction between groundwater and microbial pollutants, produced by pasture and/or manure spreading, in the areas of different carbonate aquifers of southern Italy. Several springs and wells were studied, and the precipitation, the discharge, the groundwater level and the classic microbial indicators of pollution were monitored weekly or daily. The experimental results show that the pasture and the manure spreading produced microbial contamination of the groundwater, even if runoff infiltration in swallow holes does not exist. The time dependence of microbial contamination shows a series of peaks irregularly distributed, related to the precipitation that produce effective infiltration.  相似文献   

Three sequential hurricanes in the fall of 1999 provided the impetus for assessing multi-annual effects on water quality and phytoplankton dynamics in southwestern Pamlico Sound, North Carolina. Two and a half years of post-hurricane data were examined for short- and long-term impacts from the storms and >100 year flooding. Salinity decreased dramatically and did not recover until May 2000. Inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations were briefly elevated during the flooding, but later returned to background levels. Dissolved organic carbon concentrations declined through the whole study period, but did not appear to peak as was observed in the Neuse River estuary, a key tributary of the Sound. Light attenuation was highest in the fall to spring following the storms and was best correlated with chlorophylla concentrations. Phytoplankton biomass (chla) increased and remained elevated until late spring 2000 when concentrations returned to pre-storm levels and then cycled seasonally. Phytoplankton community composition varied throughout the study, reflecting the complex interaction between physiological optimal and combinations of salinity, residence time, nutrient availability, and possibly grazing activity. Floodwater advection or dilution from upstream maxima may have controlled the spatial heterogeneity in total and group-specific biomass. The storms produced areas of shortterm hypoxia, but hypoxic events continued during the following two summers, correlating strongly with water column stratification. Nitrogen loading to the southwestern sound was inferred from network analysis of previous nitrogen cycling studies in the Neuse River estuary. Based on these analyses, nutrient cycling and removal in the sub-estuaries would be decreased under high flow conditions, confirming observations from other estuaries. The inferred nitrogen load from the flood was 2–3 times the normal loading to the Sound; this estimate was supported by the substantial algal bloom. After 8-mos, the salinity and chla data indicated the Sound had returned to pre-hurricane conditions, yet phytoplankton community compositional changes continued through the multi-year study period. This is an example of long-term aspects of estuarine recovery that should be considered in the context of a predicted 10–40 yr period of elevated tropical storm activity in the western Atlantic Basin.  相似文献   

浙江地热田的地球化学体系及其热能潜力评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐步台  周树根 《地球化学》1999,28(2):163-170
浙江位于中国东南活动大陆边缘,与粤闽高温地热带毗连。目前,浙江主要有武义、宁海及泰顺等三个地热田。为了评估热能潜力和开发前景,本文着重地它们进行了较系统的水化学和同位素示踪研究,应用SiO2、Na/K及δ^18O(SO4/H2O)地热示,估算出热储温度大致80-100℃,热储深度大致850-950m。此结果与地热田中微量张Sr同位素特征一致。地热水的H、O同位素示踪表明,它们的来源与在气降水有关,  相似文献   

The hydrogeochemical study of groundwater in Dumka and Jamtara districts has been carried out to assess the major ion chemistry, hydrogeochemical processes and groundwater quality for domestic and irrigation uses. Thirty groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), total hardness, anions (F?, Cl?, NO3 ?, HCO3 ?, SO4 2?) and cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+). The analytical results show the faintly alkaline nature of water and dominance of Mg2+ and Ca2+ in cationic and HCO3 ? and Cl? in anionic abundance. The concentrations of alkaline earth metals (Ca2+?+?Mg2+) exceed the alkali metals (Na+?+?K+) and HCO3 ? dominates over SO4 2??+?Cl? concentrations in the majority of the groundwater samples. Ca?CMg?CHCO3 is the dominant hydrogeochemical facies in 60?% of the groundwater samples, while 33?% samples occur as a mixed chemical character of Ca?CMg?CCl hydrogeochemical facies. The water chemistry is largely controlled by rock weathering and ion exchange processes with secondary contribution from anthropogenic sources. The inter-elemental correlations and factor and cluster analysis of hydro-geochemical database suggest combined influence of carbonate and silicate weathering on solute acquisition processes. For quality assessment, analyzed parameter values were compared with Indian and WHO water quality standards. In majority of the samples, the analyzed parameters are well within the desirable limits and water is potable for drinking purposes. Total hardness and concentrations of TDS, Cl?, NO3 ? , Ca2+ and Mg2+ exceed the desirable limits at a few sites, however, except NO3 ? all these values were below the highest permissible limits. The calculated parameters such as sodium adsorption ratio, percent sodium (%Na) and residual sodium carbonate revealed excellent to good quality of groundwater for agricultural purposes, except at few sites where salinity and magnesium hazard (MH) values exceeds the prescribed limits and demands special management.  相似文献   

A modeling study was carried out to evaluate the influence of aquifer heterogeneity, as represented by geologic layering, on heat transport and storage in an aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) system in Agassiz, British Columbia, Canada. Two 3D heat transport models were developed and calibrated using the flow and heat transport code FEFLOW including: a “non-layered” model domain with homogeneous hydraulic and thermal properties; and, a “layered” model domain with variable hydraulic and thermal properties assigned to discrete geological units to represent aquifer heterogeneity. The base model (non-layered) shows limited sensitivity for the ranges of all thermal and hydraulic properties expected at the site; the model is most sensitive to vertical anisotropy and hydraulic gradient. Simulated and observed temperatures within the wells reflect a combination of screen placement and layering, with inconsistencies largely explained by the lateral continuity of high permeability layers represented in the model. Simulation of heat injection, storage and recovery show preferential transport along high permeability layers, resulting in longitudinal plume distortion, and overall higher short-term storage efficiencies.  相似文献   

A common management technique for preserving and maintaining biodiversity is the establishment of large refuges and preserves. Although extensive sanctuaries can provide crucial protection for many organisms and ecosystems, they cannot fulfill all the needs of regional conservation. An alternative to a few large refuges is to create many different habitats across the landscape that enhance and improve local and regional biodiversity and provide immediate benefits to nearby communities in the form of ecosystem services. Furthermore, these can all be initiated and achieved by individuals or communities. Some key landscape enhancements can be undertaken on a local level: the creation or expansion of small wooded areas, windbreaks, or hedgerows; the construction of small wetlands; and the release of some lands from heavy pressure for the reestablishment of natural ecological processes, namely, the natural accumulation of woody and other organic materials. Newly created ecosystems can be inoculated at the outset with soil biota such as seed banks, microbes, fungi, and organic material that can accelerate ecological functioning and balance. In addition to increasing much local and regional biodiversity, locally enhanced areas can provide fuel, plant and animal food and medicinal products, and agroforestry products directly to the nearby community. These small ecological oases can serve as nesting and overwintering sites for numerous pollinators that are hugely beneficial to agricultural production. Moreover, several ecosystem enhancements may contribute positively to local and regional hydrologic cycles and prevent prolonged droughts. Enhancements to local landscapes can take on many forms. We believe that any changes that increase structural complexity in natural systems almost certainly lead to increases in local biological complexity. In addition, wider landscape level considerations, such as corridors and connectivity of populations, can be integrated on a broader scale to improve regional biodiversity and ecosystem services. Small landscape enhancements undoubtedly cannot provide for all conservation needs, but they can greatly increase widespread biodiversity, restore local ecosystem services, and can be used to complement the relatively few larger parks.  相似文献   

Salinization in coastal aquifers is usually related to both seawater intrusion and water–rock interaction. The results of chemical and isotopic methods were combined to identify the origin and processes of groundwater salinization in Daguansha area of Beihai, southern China. The concentrations of the major ions that dominate in seawater (Cl?, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and SO 4 2– ), as well as the isotopic content and ratios (2H, 18O, 87Sr/86Sr and 13C), suggest that the salinization occurring in the aquifer of the coastal plain is related to seawater and that the prevailing hydrochemical processes are evaporation, mixing, dissolution and ion exchange. For the unconfined aquifer, groundwater salinization has occurred in an area that is significantly influenced by land-based sea farming. The integrated impacts of seawater intrusion from the Beibuwan Gulf and infiltration of seawater from the culture ponds are identified in the shallowest confined aquifer (I) in the middle of the area (site BBW2). Leakage from this polluted confined aquifer causes the salinization of groundwater in the underlying confined aquifer (II). At the coastal monitoring site (BBW3), confined aquifer I and lower confined aquifer II are heavily contaminated by seawater intrusion. The weak connectivity between the upper aquifers, and the seaward movement of freshwater, prevents saltwater from encroaching the deepest confined aquifer (III). A conceptual model is presented. Above all, understanding of the origin and processes of groundwater salinization will provide essential information for the planning and sustainable management of groundwater resources in this region.  相似文献   

The recharge processes in the overexploited aquifer of the Silao Romita basin, central Mexico, were investigated by means of gaseous tracers (chlorofluorocarbons, CFCs) and radioactive isotopes (C-14, tritium). CFC concentrations varied between 0.06 and 12 pmol/l (CFC-11), 0.03 and 1.7 pmol/l (CFC-12), and <0.01 and 0.23 pmol/l (CFC-113). CFC concentrations are controlled by irrigation return flow which became apparent by the comparison with tritium. Tritium activities ranged from 0 to 3.5 TU. The calculated mean residence times of 70 to more than 300 years are considerably lower than the ages estimated based on the CFCs data. These data showed that CFCs were not appropriate for groundwater dating in this particular area but the CFCs were suitable as a qualitative measure of the magnitude of irrigation return flow which proved to be a significant source of recharge in the irrigated areas. Radiocarbon activities were in the range of 6–109 pmC. Carbon-13 values varied between –11.9 and –7.2‰ VPDB. Modelling of carbon isotopes with NETPATH along a plausible flow path reveals considerable influences of exchange with soil CO2 and carbonate dissolution. Radiocarbon data indicate, at least in one case, the existence of groundwaters with residence times of more than 10,000 years.  相似文献   

地下水质量和污染问题已成为制约城市发展的重要因素。该文对厦门市平原区地下水的有机和无机化学组分进行了系统全面的分析,根据"地下水标准"和"矿泉水标准"对地下水质量进行了综合评价。研究表明:厦门市地下水质量总体一般,可以直接饮用的水占22.9%,经过适当处理可以饮用的水占59.8%,不能饮用的占17.3%。有益人体健康的H2SiO3、Sr微量组分在地下水中含量普遍较高。在采集的87组样品中,有17组高H2SiO3或Sr元素地下水优于"地下水标准"Ⅲ类水标准和"矿泉水标准"相关标准,为兼有饮用和医疗价值的优质天然矿泉水。影响地下水质量的主要因子为pH值和Mn、Fe等与原生地质环境有关的无机组分,以及由人类活动引起污染的无机组分NO3-、Pb和有机组分二氯甲烷等。基于"优质优用,按需开采"的原则,从居民饮水安全的角度,对厦门市地下水开发利用提出科学有序开采优质矿泉水、适度开采水质优良水、应急利用原生水质较差水的建议。  相似文献   

Land use changes in peri-urban areas are usually associated with significant impacts on groundwater resources due to alteration of the recharge regime as well as through the establishment of pollution sources. Quantifying the aforementioned impacts and assessing the vulnerability of the groundwater resources is an important step for the better management and protection of the aquifers. In the present study, a physically based, distributed hydrologic model has been used to identify the impacts from specific land use change scenarios in the protected area of Loutraki catchment. A vulnerability assessment method has been also implemented to provide a decision support tool to the land planning authorities and also hydrologic mitigation measures for the sustainable development of the area have been proposed. The hydrologic impacts of the land use scenarios include a 5% reduction in the annual recharge of the study aquifer for scenario 1 (doubling of the current urban areas) and 7% decrease for scenario 2 (tripling of the current urban areas). Nevertheless, these impacts can be minimised if small-scale artificial recharge infrastructure is developed and the land planning measures suggested through the vulnerability and recharge maps will be followed.  相似文献   

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