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晚更新世以来以一系列地磁漂移事件是区域地层对比和确定沉积物年代框架的重要工具.但是在海相沉积物中,识别这些地磁漂移事件多依赖相对磁场强度(RPI)的变化,在地磁方向异常方面鲜有报到,从而影响对这些事件可靠性的讨论.本文选择南海南部巽他陆架附近重力活塞钻孔BKAS2PC的沉积物,进行系统的岩石磁学和古地磁研究,获得该钻孔沉积记录的RPI和磁倾角变化信息.岩石磁学及扫描电镜结果表明沉积物的原生主要载磁矿物为单畴(SD)和假单畴(PSD)钛磁铁矿.在一些层位,沉积后发生的还原作用形成胶黄铁矿等铁硫化物.磁性矿物的浓度和粒度等参数呈现显著的两阶段变化特征,上部(约220 cm以上)含量低而粒度细,下部含量高但粒度相对较粗,整体上均在一个数量级范围内波动.样品的交变退磁特征显示当交变场超过60 mT时,受胶黄铁矿影响产生旋转磁化,剩磁强度反而上升.因此,在20~60 mT之间确定原生特征剩磁,并把RPI定义为NRM(20-40)mT/ARM(20-40)mT.通过14C限定,并与其他有良好年代控制的相对磁场强度曲线进行对比,建立了钻孔的年代框架.结果显示,钻孔沉积物记录了几次显著的地磁漂移事件,这为联合应用RPI与磁场方向异常构建海相沉积物年代学框架提供了新的依据.


南海南部边缘沉积盆地构造-热演化历史   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
南海南部边缘发育众多含油气盆地,具有可观的油气资源潜力.本文采用基于多期有限拉张模型的应变速率方法对南海南部边缘沉积盆地进行了构造-热演化模拟,并与南海北部边缘沉积盆地的构造-热演化历史进行了对比分析.南海南部边缘晚新生代具有明显碰撞挤压、走滑改造的痕迹,而同时期北部边缘以小规模的张性断裂活动为主,由于构造活动背景的不同,造成了南、北边缘沉积盆地构造-热演化历史的差异.  相似文献   

南海东部海盆扩张过程的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
南海的形成演化一直是国内外关注的热点之一,南海的扩张发生在早渐新世-早中新世,并且在南海的扩张中至少包括一次洋脊跃迁.本文采用上升离散地幔流和热对流耦合模型模拟了南海东部海盆扩张、洋中脊跃迁和扩张停止后岩石圈的热结构演化和岩浆熔融过程.数值模拟结果表明,洋中脊跃迁是南海扩张中的一个重要的过程,由于洋脊跃迁使得在两洋脊之间形成一个部分熔融岩浆区,岩浆部分熔融的存在使洋脊之间海底火山分布也相对较多以及地形相对较高,同时造成南侧的洋脊两侧地形以及海山都分布不对称的现象,这反过来也能论证跃迁模型的可行性.  相似文献   

南海南部深部结构的复杂构造地震成像   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
南海南部海底崎岖、地下构造复杂、二维地震资料中多次波非常发育,在地震数据处理中很难获得令人满意的成像效果,为此本文采用了预测反褶积后F-K域滤波及叠前时间偏移后Radon变换去除多次波的组合方案,有效地衰减了多次波,突出了有效信号能量;采用速度分析点加密法获取了更为准确的速度,实现了陡倾角构造与海山的准确成像;采用百分比扫描弯曲射线克希霍夫叠前时间偏移法,有效地保证了处理结果的准确性和有效性,获得了清晰的地震成像,并最终形成了对南海南部海域地震数据具有针对性的处理流程.  相似文献   

Wang  Xuechao  Liu  Qin-Yan  Sui  Dandan  Wang  Dongxiao 《Ocean Dynamics》2020,70(10):1315-1323
Ocean Dynamics - Global warming is changing the global wave climate, making waves stronger. In this study, we find that the wave climate in the South China Sea (SCS) undergoes an intensifying trend...  相似文献   

South China Sea   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The South China Sea is poorly understood in terms of its marine biota, ecology and the human impacts upon it. What is known is most often contained in reports and workshop and conference documents that are not available to the wider scientific community. The South China Sea has an area of some 3.3 million km2 and depths range from the shallowest coastal fringe to 5377 m in the Manila Trench. It is also studded with numerous islets, atolls and reefs many of which are just awash at low tide. It is largely confined within the Tropic of Cancer and, therefore, experiences a monsoonal climate being influenced by the Southwest Monsoon in summer and the Northeast Monsoon in winter. The South China Sea is a marginal sea and, therefore, largely surrounded by land. Countries that have a major influence on and claims to the sea include China, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam, although Thailand, Indonesia and Taiwan have some too. The coastal fringes of the South China Sea are home to about 270 million people that have had some of the fastest developing and most vibrant economies on the globe. Consequently, anthropogenic impacts, such as over-exploitation of resources and pollution, are anticipated to be huge although, in reality, relatively little is known about them. The Indo-West Pacific biogeographic province, at the centre of which the South China Sea lies, is probably the world's most diverse shallow-water marine area. Of three major nearshore habitat types, i.e., coral reefs, mangroves and seagrasses, 45 mangrove species out of a global total of 51, most of the currently recognised 70 coral genera and 20 of 50 known seagrass species have been recorded from the South China Sea. The island groups of the South China Sea are all disputed and sovereignty is claimed over them by a number of countries. Conflicts have in recent decades arisen over them because of perceived national rights. It is perhaps because of this that so little research has been undertaken on the South China Sea. What data are available, however, and if Hong Kong is used, as it is herein, as an indicator of what the perturbations of other regional cities upon the South China Sea are like, then it is impacted grossly and an ecological disaster has probably already, but unknowingly, happened.  相似文献   

关皓  王汉杰  周林  杨松 《地球物理学报》2011,54(5):1141-1149
本文建立了一个综合考虑大气-海流-海浪相互作用的区域海-气耦合模式系统,利用该系统模拟研究了南海台风发生发展的大气、海洋动力学机理.结果表明:耦合模式较真实地反映了台风和上层海洋的相互作用过程,提高了对台风路径和强度的模拟准确率;在台风充分发展阶段,上层海洋的反馈作用使台风路径发生左偏,并抑制了台风强度的发展;三种海洋反馈作用(海面降温、飞沫效应和波浪作用)对台风系统的影响程度不同,海面降温和波浪作用阻碍台风系统的发展,而飞沫效应增强了海气界面的热量传递,促进台风系统的发展;与海面降温和飞沫效应相比,波浪作用对台风系统的影响较小.只有综合考虑各种海洋反馈作用才能更好地解释和预测台风等海上灾害性天气的发生和演变过程.  相似文献   

南海北部无明显BSR地区天然气水合物识别研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
似海底反射(BSR)作为海域天然气水合物的重要地震识别标志之一,已得到广泛认同.然而,科学钻探证实,天然气水合物和BSR之间并不具有严格对应关系,即存在水合物的地区却并不一定存在BSR.本文在分析BSR与天然气水合物非充分必要对应关系及其原因的基础上,着重对无明显BSR地区天然气水合物的地震识别方法和应用进行研究.对经钻探证实的存在天然气水合物的神狐海域地震资料进行处理分析后发现,含水合物沉积层具有层速度相对较高、高波阻抗、瞬时高频等特征,且层速度反演、波阻抗反演和瞬时属性分析等方法能有效识别无明显BSR区域的天然气水合物.最后,综合利用这些识别方法,应用于琼东南盆地无明显BSR地区的天然气水合物地震识别,取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   

华南及南海北部地区瑞利面波层析成像   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于华南及周边地区106个宽频带地震台站多年记录的MS≥5.0中浅源地震事件, 开展瑞利面波层析成像和速度结构特征研究, 获得了华南大陆及南海北部地区10~100 s瑞利波群速度分布图像和典型剖面下方地壳上地幔速度结构, 为理解该地区构造演化和深部过程提供约束.考虑到实际地震射线的覆盖情况以及华南地区主要构造的主体展布特征, 本文同时采用传统的规则网格剖分和平行主要构造走向的非规则网格剖分方法, 分别进行分格频散反演, 开展了不同参数化方案对反演结果影响的对比分析研究.基于瑞利面波层析成像结果, 进行了典型剖面横波速度结构反演, 重建了华南地区由内陆至南海海域主要构造单元的壳幔横波速度结构.研究结果表明, 扬子和华夏块体地壳上地幔结构特征差异显著, 扬子块体地壳和岩石圈厚度均大于华夏地块, 且扬子块体上地幔顶部速度较华夏块体低, 岩石圈厚度在雪峰山造山带下方发生过渡和转换;南海北部陆缘和南海海盆上地幔速度较高且形态相对完整, 表现为非火山型大陆边缘和已停止扩张海盆的壳幔结构特征.  相似文献   

The western boundary current in the southern South China Sea (SCS) in summer does not always flow northward along the Indo-China Peninsula, it leaves the southeast coast of peninsula around 10–14°N, forming a strong eastward jet called “Vietnam Coastal Current” or “Southeast Vietnam Offshore Current” (SVOC). It is known that the wind stress curl is the major driving factor responsible for this current. In this paper, we carry on the study of the separation position, strength and forming time of this current. A connected single-layer/two-layer model is employed here to study these problems. According to the numerical experiments and analyses of the vorticity dynamics, it is found that, the local wind stress curl (including the northern cyclonic and the southern anticyclonic wind forcing curl), the nonlinear term, the topographic effect, the planetary vorticity advection and the water exchange between the SCS and Java Sea via the Sunda Shelf have an important effect on both the position where this current leaves the coast and its strength; when there is an inflow via the Sunda Shelf, the current is stronger and the separation position is more northward; whereas the water stratification, the coastline and the inflow of Kuroshio have little effect on its separation. In fact, two opposite flowing currents, the northward SVOC and the southward western branch of the cyclonic eddy to its north near the Indo-China Peninsula, collide with each other, and the strength of these two currents determine the separation position of the SVOC. Origin of the SVOC may be driven by the local negative wind stress curl in the middle SCS in mid-spring, this current flows along the coast of the Indo-China Peninsula and leaves the coast at high latitude, flowing northeastward; once the local positive wind stress curl near the northern Indo-China Peninsula or the negative one near the southern Indo-China Peninsula is large enough, this current will begin to leave the coast at low latitude.  相似文献   

南海东北部及其邻近地区的Pn波速度结构与各向异性   总被引:7,自引:12,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
利用中国地震台网和ISC台站1980~2004年的地震数据,反演了南海东北部及其邻近地区的Pn波速度结构和各向异性.上地幔顶部的速度变化揭示出区域地质构造的深部特征:华南地区速度较高并且变化平缓,具有构造稳定地区的岩石层地幔特征;华南沿海尤其是滨海断裂带附近出现低速异常,表明该断裂可能穿过壳幔边界深达上地幔顶部.南海北部至台湾海峡较高的速度与华南地区类似,反映出大陆边缘和陆架地区的岩石层地幔性质;西沙海槽附近较高的速度不仅反映了华南大陆向南的延伸,而且与海槽裂谷拉张引起的地幔上拱有关,整个南海北部没有发现大规模地幔热流的活动痕迹.相比之下,南海东部次海盆的上地幔顶部存在明显的低速异常,对应于海底扩张中心的地幔上涌区,表明岩石层地幔强烈减薄甚至缺失;台湾东部-吕宋-菲律宾北部的低速异常与地震、火山活动以及岩浆作用紧密相关,揭示了西太平洋岛弧俯冲带的活动特征;南海东北部的洋-陆边界清晰,南海东部和菲律宾海西部较高的速度代表了海洋岩石层地幔的性质.Pn波各向异性反映出区域性构造应力状态及岩石层地幔的变形痕迹:华南地区的各向异性较小,说明这一构造稳定地区的岩石层地幔变形程度较弱;南海北部的快波方向与地壳浅表层构造的伸展方向一致,主要反映了中、新生代以来的大陆边缘张裂和剪切作用对岩石层地幔结构的影响;琉球-台湾-吕宋岛弧两侧各向异性十分强烈,平行于海沟的快波方向表明菲律宾海板块和欧亚大陆的相互作用导致俯冲板块前缘的岩石层地幔强烈变形;台湾东南海域快波方向的变化可能与欧亚大陆和菲律宾海板块俯冲机制的转换以及岩石层被撕裂有关.  相似文献   

Science China Earth Sciences - The onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon (SCSSM) heralds the establishment of the large-scale East Asian summer monsoon and the western North Pacific summer...  相似文献   

Very diversified and abundant benthic microgastropods and planktonic microgastropods (pteropods) from core NS93-12-25 could provide a glance of change of the sea level in the south continental shelf of the South China Sea since last 14 ka. Research shows that general sea level changes of this sea area were rising and later rising after a short period of falling in this period. In the range from the bottom of the core to the core depth of 200 cm, individuals in big size are common in microgastropods and Turritella filiola is very rich, signifying the environment of the inner continental shelf in the last deglaciation stage. In the core depth range of 200–150 cm the continuously getting light of the δ18O, the regularly decreasing of the percentage content of T. filiola and the high diversification of microgastropods indicate the rising of the sea level. Especially at the core depth range of 175–150 cm the pteropods became dominant, making sure the fact that the high sea level possibly occurred in the early Holocene. Channels of surrounding straits connecting the adjacent sea thus were opened. But at the core depth of about 100 cm T. filiola became very rich again. This possibly implies that there was a short term of the sea level falling, resulting in the temporal closure of the channels. In the core depth range of 55–50 cm the Scaliola’s representatives relatively develop and this may be inferred to the cooling of climate.  相似文献   

The history of natural fire since 37 kaBP and its relationship to climate for the northern part of the South China Sea are revealed from the statistic study of charcoal particles and associated pollen data from deep sea core 17940 (20° 07’N, 117° 23’E, 1 727 m in water depth). Our study indicates that, during the last glaciation, the concentration of charcoal and the ratio of con centration between charcoal and terrestrial pollen are much higher than that of the Holocene. This can be explained as the relatively high strength and frequency of natural fire during glaciation which is probably due to the drier climate; during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), the substantial rising of the concentration of large and medium charcoal particles probably suggests the local source area of the natural fires, i.e. the exposed continental shelf; moreover, the correlation between charcoal concentration with different size and pollen percentage may elucidate different transport dynamics. During the glacial time, almost all the peak concentrations of small particles correspond with the peak pollen percentage ofArtemisia, an indicator of comparatively dry climate, while for large particles, their concentrations always lag behind small particles and thus change with pollen percentage of montane conifers implying relatively cold and humid climate. So, it is possible to assume that small particles reflect regional emissions under drier climate and were brought over by strengthened winter monsoon. When the climate became relatively humid, the increasing precipitation carried the large particles accumulated on continental shelf before under arid condition to the studied area.  相似文献   

High-resolution clay mineral records combined with oxygen isotopic stratigraphy over the past 190 ka during late Quaternary from core MD01-2393 off the Mekong River in the southern South China Sea are reported to reconstruct a history of East Asian monsoon evolution. The dominating clay mineral components indicate a strong glacial-interglacial cyclicity, with high glacial illite, chlorite, and kaolinite contents and high interglacial smectites content. The provenance analysis indicates the direct input of clay minerals via the Mekong River drainage basin. Illite and chlorite derived mainly from the upper reach of the Mekong River, where physical erosion of meta-sedimentary rocks is dominant. Kaolinite derived mainly from active erosion of inhered clays from reworked sediments in the middle reaches. Smectites originated mainly through bisiallitic soils in the middle to lower reaches of the Mekong River. The smectites/(illite+chlorite) and smectites/kaolinite ratios are determined as mineralogical indicato  相似文献   

Dippner  Joachim W.  Weber  Sarah C.  Subramaniam  Ajit 《Ocean Dynamics》2021,71(10):1033-1049
Ocean Dynamics - Salinity observations in the Vietnamese upwelling area in June 2016 indicated a significant increase in the salinity of the maximum salinity water (MSW). The source of MSW inflow...  相似文献   

南海北部洋陆转换带盆地发育动力学机制   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
南海北部洋陆转换带是近年来基础科学研究和深水油气勘探热点地区.本文在详细研究南海北部洋陆转换带新采集的二维长电缆深反射地震剖面资料的基础上,采用挠曲悬臂梁模型和挠曲回剥模型算法,分别计算了上地壳、地壳和整个岩石圈拉伸系数,实验结果表明,研究区洋陆转换带盆地岩石圈发生了与深度相关的拉伸变形过程,并且随深度增加,拉伸量逐渐变大,该结果解释了南海北部盆地裂后阶段发生的加速沉降现象.同时,本文结合南海北部洋陆转换带盆地发育过程的特点,将洋陆转换带盆地演化划分为陆内裂陷阶段、裂后热沉降阶段和裂后加速沉降阶段.本研究将有助于认识南海北部深水盆地特征,并对大陆边缘动力学研究和陆缘盆地深水区油气勘探有重要意义.  相似文献   


礼乐滩是礼乐盆地的重要组成部分,自晚渐新世礼乐地块裂离北部陆缘后开始发育礁灰岩.为认识这些长期浸没海水中的礼乐礁体及其下伏地层的热状态与热演化特征,在详细分析礼乐滩钻井测温数据和镜质体反射率数据的基础上,对一条穿过礁体的骨干剖面进行了构造热演化数值模拟.结果显示,礁体区钻井2000~4500 m深度范围内温度介于30~90℃之间,井底与海底之间的平均地温梯度仅10℃·km-1左右,地温梯度随深度逐渐增加,3000~4000 m深度段地温梯度介于32~37℃·km-1;礁体下伏地层有机质曾经经历了比现今所处温度更高的古温度.进一步分析表明,高孔高渗的礁体上部因与周围低温海水发生热交换,导致地层温度降低、地温梯度和热流降低甚至为负值;与海水热交换作用随深度增加而减弱并最终停止,地层温度逐渐升高,地温梯度和热流值趋于正常;现今钻井3000~4000 m深度段地温梯度约为35℃·km-1,基底热流可能介于65~75 mW·m-2,平均约为70 mW·m-2;礁体发育区有机质热成熟度主要是在礁体与周围低温海水发生实际热交换前获得的,礁体与海水热交换作用导致地层温度逐渐降低,有机质热成熟度增长缓慢,现今生烃门限深度明显大于邻近的北1凹陷中部区域的门限深度.



基于多波束测深和高分辨率多道反射地震数据,以及遥感资料研究南海北部东沙海域深水沙丘,总结底形形态分布特征,分析其水动力成因.按照空间分布形态将沙丘分为平行沙丘、波状沙丘和网状沙丘,本文首次发现水下网状沙丘,重点讨论网状沙丘的特征分布和形成机制.网状沙丘发育在东沙环礁东北部水深约352~420 m之间,研究发现其延伸方向共有三个走向:NS、NE-SW和EW,前两个方向为西向传播的内波所致,而最后一个则很有可能是由洋盆西向传播的内波遇到东沙环礁后形成衍射,向北传播的内波引起了向南的近海底底流,冲刷海底底层,剥蚀出足够的沉积物颗粒,从而形成EW走向的水下沙丘.值得一提的是,在多边形网状沙丘的上方,反射地震剖面揭示水层中发育与下方沙丘相当波长的高频震荡内波,并且在遥感资料上也发现相关的衍射和内波干涉区域,而内波干涉很有可能导致高频震荡,从而形成网状沙丘.本研究丰富了水下沙丘形态类型,探讨了新型水下沙丘的形成机制,在陆坡底沙运动及工程应用中具有重要的价值.


Measurement of228Ra activities in the upper 300 m water column was conducted at two stations in the South China Sea using an MnO2-fiber extraction/β-counting technique of228Ac. Results showed that228Ra activities ranged from 0.38 to 3.60 Bq · m-3. The vertical profiles of228Ra at the time-series station favored a steady state assumption. Based on a one-dimensional steady state model,228Ra-nitrate coupled approach was applied to stations NS97-43, NS99-53 (T1), NS99-53 (T2). New production thus quantified were 4.4, 5.1 and 5.7 mmolC · m-2 · d-1, respectively,f ratios in the South China Sea were estimated from the derived new production and the documented primary productivity in the regime, to be 0.12–0.15.  相似文献   

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