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The bed topography of Jutulstraumen is of interest in connection with glaciological modelling for climatic and geological studies. During the Norwegian Antarctic Research Expedition 1996/97 (NARE 96/97) 971 km of bed topography profiles were mapped using ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and a global positioning system (GPS). As additional information to the GPR data for the map compilation, surface features connected to the bed topography were identified in optical satellite images, and relative velocities derived from interferometric synthetic aperture radar (INSAR) data were interpreted using principles of ice flow related to the bed topography. Grids (250 x 250 m) covering the area 73° to 71°S, 0° to 4°E of bed topography and ice thickness were developed. Several observations are confirmed by the independent data sets. The Jutulstraumen outlet glacier shows extreme topography with subglacial plateaus and deep valleys due to faulting. A previously unmapped valley in connection with the fault system is identified. The data sets provide evidence of a grounding line position 6-20 km further inland than previously expected, and a trough occurs 60 km up-glacier from this position.  相似文献   

Summary. Thermal and alternating field demagnetization of oriented samples of Mesozoic lava flows (200–230 Myr) and dykes (154–172Myr) collected from seven nunataks within the Vestfjella region, Dronning Maud Land, revealed stable directions of magnetization of normal and reverse polarity. Directional distributions of both polarities define tight groups along the same palaeomagnetic axis. Depending on whether the regional westward dip of the lava flows originated prior to, or after the intrusive igneous phase, two or one, respectively, palaeomagnetic pole(s) can be estimated. Both poles, however, are in general accord with previous Mesozoic poles from East Antarctica.  相似文献   

The Grove Mountains are located in Princess Elizabeth Land,East Antarctica,ext ending from 72° to 73°S latitude and 73° to 76°E longitude,covering approxi mately 8000 km~2 areas.During the 2002/2003 austral summer season,the 19th CH INARE(Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition)carried out the third expedition in Grove Mountains,East Antarctica.The Geodetic network was establ ished,which can provide ground control for the satellite image map for the mult i-discipline expedition in the Grove Mountains where seven permanent GPS benchm a rks were set up supported by the helicopter and snow vehicles.All GPS sites bes ides Z001 were observed at least for one hour using the dual frequencies Trimble 4000ssi GPS receivers.The data were processed by the comprehensive GPS analysi s package—GAMIT/GLOBK and the precision is good enough to satisfy with the acqu irement of satellite mapping in this area.  相似文献   

During the Austral summer of 1996/1997, the First Chinese Antarctic Inland Expedition reached the inland area about 330 km along the direction around 76°E from Zhongshan Station, and collected 84 surface snow samples at an interval of 4 km . Micro particle analysis of the samples indicates that the micro particle concentration apparently decreases with the increasing of altitude, and the amplitudes of micro particle concentration is much larger in the lower altitude than in the higher altitude. Further analysis of grain size distributions of micro particle, percentage of micro particles from different sources and variations with altitude suggest that micro particles in this area are from a considerably dominant source. Although this area is controlled by polar easterly wind and katabatic wind, transportation and deposition of the micro particles are mainly influenced by marine transportation in coastal area.  相似文献   

MagnetotelluricsoundingstudyintheregionofZhongshanStation,EastAntarcticaKongXiangru(孔祥儒)andZhangJianjun(张建军)(InstituteofGeoph...  相似文献   

The variations of stable water isotopes of surface snow in east Antarctic Ice Sheet, are discussed by a total of 251 samples, which were taken along a 330 km traverse from Zhongshan Station to the outer edge of the Antarctic plateau and from four snow pits excavated along the route. Analyzing results of the samples showed the expected linear relationship between the parameters ?D and ?18O with slope S1 and intercept d1. When the data set was examined using a sliding window with a width of 5 samples, it was found that there were two areas with different ratios of S1 and d1. The boundary between these two areas occurred at an elevation of about 2,000 m, suggesting two different sources of water vapour. Nearly half (47%) of the fresh-snow samples had negative deuterium excess (d=?D? 8?18O) values, but few of the snow pit samples did, suggesting that variations of ? are quickly smoothed by isotopic diffusion in the near-surface firn. Analysis of the phase relationship between ?D and deuterium excess in the snow pit stratigraphies showed that they were mostly in phase from Jan. 1994 to Sept. 1995, but mostly out of phase from Sept. 1995 to Jan. 1997.  相似文献   

AnnualvariationsinthemeteorologicalparametersatJinnahStation,EastAntarcticaTariqMasoodAliKhan;D.A.RazzaqandM.M.Rabbani(Nation...  相似文献   

Gully erosion is commonly associated with agricultural landscapes where vegetation clearance and farming practices increase runoff, leading to fluvial incision. However, gully erosion can also occur in forests that have undergone some form of disturbance, either natural or resulting from human impacts. This paper reports on recent gully development within areas of undisturbed indigenous forest as a result of a high magnitude rainfall event on the East Coast of New Zealand's North Island. This region, through a combination of crushed and sheared rock types, steep topography, and tectonic and climatic setting, has high natural rates of erosion, exacerbated by European deforestation in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.Sequential air photographs, spanning a 58 year period between 1939 and 1997 were used to classify and document the growth and recovery of gully systems in the 14.1 km2 headwaters of the Mangaoporo catchment. Following a severe cyclone in 1988, with a rainfall of 535 mm, there were 21 active gully systems within the indigenous forest. On photography prior to 1988 only four gully systems were present. During this period there were 8 major rainfall events (150–250 mm). Despite further 5 rainfall events of 150–250 mm between 1988 and 1997 all gully systems showed signs of recovery, with a combined reduction in active area of 37%. The nature and location of these features is strongly influenced by lithology (orientation of jointing and bedding), and to a topographic threshold defined by catchment slope and catchment area.  相似文献   

利用2003年7-9月中国第二次北极科学考察期间,在北冰洋加拿大海盆的一个冰站上得到的温度、盐度和流速的连续剖面观测资料,对一个次表层的北冰洋涡旋进行了分析。在温度断面图中,该涡旋表现为一个核心位于60m深度、最低温度为-1.5°C的孤立冷水块,比周边水体的温度低约0.5°C。涡旋中的等密度面呈现凸透镜的结构,表明该涡旋是反气旋式的。虽然同步观测的流场中确实存在速度接近0.4ms-1的异常强流,但实测流场的结构却与一个典型的涡旋流场相去甚远。进一步分析发现,涡旋所在的次表层流场存在变化幅度与涡旋旋转速度相当的惯性频率振荡。在滤除惯性流和平均流之后,得到了轴对称的涡旋流场,涡旋的最大流速半径约为5km。对涡旋核心及其周边海域水体的温盐性质对比分析表明,该涡旋可能在楚科奇陆架上形成,然后向东北方向运动并进入了加拿大海盆。  相似文献   

《Polar Science》2009,3(4):262-271
We investigated the vertical structure of physicochemical properties in 27 lakes at Skarvsnes and Langhovde, Syowa Oasis, East Antarctica, from December 2003 to February 2004. The lakes were classified into three types based on their origin and geographical characteristics: non-marine relic lakes, marine relic and lotic lakes, and marine relic and lentic lakes. We describe the physicochemical characteristics of each lake type. When the non-marine relic lakes were partly covered with ice, the water column was stratified beneath the ice. In the non-marine relic lakes, during the season with no ice cover, physicochemical parameters were uniform throughout the water column, probably due to frequent vertical mixing induced by wind force and thermal convection within the shallow basins. Similarly, in marine relic and lotic lakes, lake waters appeared to be completely mixed because of a large inflow of meltwater from glaciers and outflow to other lakes and the coastal sea. In the marine relic and lentic lakes, except for Lake Himebati-ike, the lake water was vertically stratified with a strong halocline. In Lakes Suribati-ike and Hunazoko-ike, salinity was very high (up to 20%) due to evapoconcentration. Lake Suribati-ike is a meromictic lake, with a monimolimnion developed below 10 m water depth.  相似文献   

Investigations on plant community and micronutrient status of Schirmacher Oasis,East Antarctica have been presented in this paper.The dominant plant com- munities include moss and lichen.The frequency of species occurrence and changes in species composition at different location varied.Thirty-four soil samples were ana- lyzed for chemical properties of the soils of Schirmacher Oasis and Nunatak,East Ant- arctica.The most common plant species growing throughout the areas of Schirmacher Oasis and Nunataks are:Candelariella flava (lichen) and Bryum pseudotriquetrum (moss).Large variations were observed among different soil samples in all the nutri- ents and other measured soil chemical parameters.The soils are characterized by a- cidic pH ranging from 4.42-6.80.The mean organic carbon content was 0.62 and ranged from 0.06-1.29%.The electrical conductivity in 1:2 soil water ratio ranged from 0.06-1.29.The average content of macronutrient cation,which are ammonium acetate extractable was in the order of Ca>K>Na>Mg.The average content of DTPA extractable micronutrient cations was in the order of Fe>Mn>Cu>Zn.Thirty one out of 34 samples contained less than 0.80 ppm DTPA extractable Zn. Correlation studies revealed that content of macronutrient cations significantly and positively correlated to that of chlorides.Electrical conductivity exhibited significant and positive relationship with pH,K,Ca,Mg,Na and chloride content.Sodium (r =0.876~(**)) exhibited highest correlation followed by K (r=0.831~(**)) with chlo- ride content.The correlation coefficient for chlorides was higher with electrical con- ductivity (r=0.732~(**)) than pH (r=0.513~(**)).Organic carbon content of the soil was positively correlated with Fe (r=0.442~*).The nutrient status did not ap- pear to be a limiting factor in growth of plants.Lichen and moss community structure and composition in the study area were not related with fertility status of soil.Terres- trial mosses are most abundant and luxuriant along the soil habitats near bank of water bodies and the melt water streams.  相似文献   

就目前认识,拉斯曼丘陵地区的所有基底和盖层岩石都卷入到了格林威尔期和泛非期高级变质和变形作用。泛非期高峰变质的时代大致在550—530 Ma,其造山晚期的花岗质岩浆作用遍及全区。我们观察到,中山站区石榴黑 云斜长片麻岩固相变质作用过程,主要是对早期锆石的重启、改造,例如,对早期岩浆锆石环带的模糊化,对锆石棱、角的溶蚀,甚至同位素体系的重启等,难以形成变质锆石(边),退变或重启年龄平均值为522.7±6.6 Ma。峰期变质 之后侵位的花岗岩结晶年龄为545±9 Ma,意味着峰期变质应不晚于该年龄。泛非期的变形、变质作用及花岗岩可对早期“干”岩石进行某种程度的退变质改造,从而造成高级变质岩变质结构的复杂性。这种变质作用及有关的花岗岩活动似乎缘于陆块内部的活化,而不是不同陆块间的碰撞所致。  相似文献   

The summer weather characteristics of the Grove Mountain, East Antarctica, are presented based on the data obtained by Chinese National Antarctic Expedition (CHINARE) in January 1999. The result shows that the pattern of daily variation of temperature and the prevailing wind direction in Grove is similar to that of Zhongshan Station. However, the daily range of temperature and strong wind frequency are much higher than those of Zhongshan Station.The change of wind direction is close to the weather system that impacted the Grove Mountain. The warm and wet air from northern parts often causes the precipitation. The clear weather appears when controlled by eastern winds in January.  相似文献   

The landscapes of western Jameson Land bordering Hall Bredning fjord comprise upper river basins, glacial landscapes, lower river basins and a near‐shore zone. The upper river basins are incised into bedrock and display no cover of young sediments whilst the glacial landscapes, located closer to the coast, are dominated by Pleistocene deposits and an irregular topography with hills and ridges. The lower river basins, dissecting the glacial landscapes, are connected to the upper river basins and contain well‐defined Holocene delta terraces. The near‐shore zone, which includes the present coast, displays a few raised shorelines. Geomorphological observations combined with stratigraphic work and 14C dates provide a chronological framework for the development of landscape and shoreline, as presented by a four‐stage reconstruction. The first stage covers the deglaciation of western Jameson Land at the Weichselian‐Holocene transition after a collapse of the main fjord glacier in Hall Bredning. The sea inundated the low‐lying areas on Jameson Land forming small side‐entry fjord basins that possibly follow the track of older valleys. This was followed by a second stage, the paraglacial period, when large meltwater production and sediment transport resulted in a fast infilling of the side‐entry fjord basins by deltas. These are now exposed in terraces in the lower river basins at 70–80 m a.s.l. During a third stage, the relaxation period, fluvial activity decreased and the land surface was increasingly occupied by a cover of tundra vegetation. A glacio‐isostatic rebound resulted in a relative sea level fall and fluvial incision. During stages two and three the coast was exposed to shallow marine processes that aided the alignment of the coast. Stages one to three presumably lasted for less than 2000 years. During stage four, the stable period, lasting for several thousand years till the present, there were minor adjustments of shoreline and landscape. The four‐step reconstruction describes the sedimentary response of a lowland fjord margin to dramatic changes in climate and sea level. The distribution of erosion and sedimentation during this development was mainly controlled by topography. The reconstruction of the latest environmental development of Jameson Land puts new light on Jameson Land's long and complex Quaternary stratigraphic record. The reconstruction may also be used as a model for the interpretation of deposits in similar areas elsewhere.  相似文献   

A circular hole was discovered on the downstream side of a glacier dam in the Yatude Valley, Langhovde, East Antarctica, during the 2005–2006 austral summer. The opening of this hole is the first opportunity enabling us to observe the interior of the dam. The opening led to a large cave in the dam, raising the possibility of meltwater drainage through the dam. The Yatude Valley is an approximately U-shaped fluvial valley. The valley floor has been incised to form a box-shaped inner valley that contains fluvial terraces and large boulders upon the valley floor. The origin of these features can be explained by a large amount of running water; however, we consider it unlikely that a regular current has flowed through this site for a long period. Instead, it is more likely that large quantities of lake water have been periodically discharged due to collapse of the glacier dam or spilling out through a tunnel channel within the cave. The discovered hole and the ice cave are key features in understanding the historical development of the Yatude Valley in relation to the melting history of the Antarctic ice sheet.  相似文献   

Freshwater lakes in Antarctica fluctuate from ice-free state (during austral summer) to ice-cover state (during austral winter). Hence the lakes respond instantly to the seasonal climate of the region. The Antarctic seasons respond sharply to the glacial and interglacial climates and these signatures are archived in the lake sediments. A sediment core from Sandy Lake, a periglacial lake located in Schirmacher Oasis of East Antarctica records distinct changes in grain-size, C, N, C/N ratios (atomic), δ13COM and δ15NOM contents during the last 36 ky. The contents of the sedimentary organic matter (OM) proxies (Corg ~ 0.3 ± 0.2%, C/N ratios ~9 ± 5 and δ13COM ~?18 ± 6‰) indicate that the OM in this lake sediment is a product of mixing of terrestrial and lacustrine biomass. Distinctly lower contents of Corg (~0.2%) and sand (~50%), low C/N ratios (~8) and depleted δ13COM (~?20‰) during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM: 32–17 ky BP based on Vostok Temperatures) suggest greater internal (autochthonous) provenance of organic matter and limited terrestrial (allochthonous) inputs probably due to long and intense winters in the Antarctic. Such intense winters might have resulted the lake surface to be ice-covered for most part of the year when the temperatures remained consistently colder than the Holocene temperatures. The denitrification within the lake evident by enriched δ15NOM (>10‰) during Antarctic LGM might have resulted from oxygen-limitation within the lake environment caused by insulated lake surface. The gradual increases in δ13COM, C/N and sand content starting at ~11 ky BP and attaining high values (~?11‰, ~10 and ~80% respectively) at ~6 ky BP together suggest a subtle change in the balance of sources of organic matter between algal and macrophyte/bryophyte nearly 8–9 ky later to the beginning of the deglaciation. Thus the seasonal opening-up of the Sandy Lake similar to the modern pattern started with the establishment of the optimum temperature conditions (i.e., 0 °C anomaly) in the Antarctic, prior to which the lake environment might have remained mostly insulated or closed.  相似文献   

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