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We investigated spatial and temporal changes in spectral irradiance, phytoplankton community composition, and primary productivity in North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina, USA. High concentrations of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) were responsible for up to 84 % of the attenuation of photosynthetically available radiation (PAR). Green-yellow wavelengths were the predominant colors of light available at the two sampling sites: Clam Bank Creek and Oyster Landing. Vertical attenuation coefficients of PAR were 0.7–2.1 m?1 with corresponding euphotic zone depths of 1.5–6.7 m. Phytoplankton biomass (as chlorophyll a [chl a]) varied seasonally with a summer maximum of 16 μg chl a l?1 and a winter minimum of 1.4 μg chl a l?1. The phytoplankton community consisted mainly of diatoms, prasinophytes, cryptophytes and haptophytes, with diatoms and prasinophytes accounting for up to 67 % of total chl a. Changes in phytoplankton community composition showed strongest correlations with temperature. Light-saturated chl a-specific rates of photosynthesis and daily primary productivity varied with season and ranged from 1.6 to 14 mg C (mg chl a) ?1?h?1 (32–803 mg C m?3?day?1). Calculated daily rates added up to an annual carbon fixation rate of 84 g C m?3?year?1. Overall, changes in phytoplankton community composition and primary productivity in North Inlet showed a strong dependence on temperature, with PAR and spectral irradiance playing a relatively minor role due to short residence times, strong tidal forcing and vertical mixing.  相似文献   

Numerous phytoplankton-oriented ecological studies have been conducted since 1965 in the extensive North Carolina estuarine system. Throughout a range of geomorphological estuarine types, a basic underlying pattern of phytoplankton productivity and abundance following water temperature seasonal fluctuations was observed. Overlying this solar-driven pattern was a secondary forcing mechanism consisting of a complex interaction between meteorology and hydrology, resulting in periodic winter or early spring algal blooms and productivity pulses in the lower riverine estuaries. Wet winters caused abundant nitrate to reach the lower estuaries and stimulate the blooms, whereas dry winters resulted in low winter phytoplankton abundance and primary production. Dinoflagellates (Heterocapsa triquetra, Prorocentrum minimum, Gymnodinium spp.) and various cryptomonads dominated these cool-weather estuarine blooms. Sounds were less productive than the riverine estuaries, and were dominated by diatoms such asSkeletonema costatum, Thalassiosira spp.,Melosira spp., andNitzschia spp., as were the most saline portions of riverine estuaries. Nutrient-limitation studies found that nitrogen was the principal limiting nutrient in these estuarine systems over a range of trophic states, with phosphorus occasionally co-limiting. Freshwater and oligohaline portions of large coastal plain rivers were often subject to summer blue-green algal blooms. Formation of these blooms on a year-to-year basis was also determined by meteorology and hydrology: wet winters or springs and consequent nutrient loading, coupled with low summer flow conditions and regeneration of nutrients from the sediments. Dry winters or springs resulted in less available nutrients for subsequent summer regeneration, and high flow conditions in summer flushed out the blooms. In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in reported fish kills attributed to toxic dinoflagellate blooms, particularly in nutrient-enriched estuarine areas. This issue has become a major coastal ecological and economic concern.  相似文献   

A geochemical atlas of North Carolina, U.S.A., was prepared using National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) stream-sediment data. Before termination of the NURE program, sampling of nearly the entire state (48,666 square miles of land area) was completed and geochemical analyses were obtained.The NURE data are applicable to mineral exploration, agriculture, waste disposal siting issues, health, and environmental studies. Applications in state government include resource surveys to assist mineral exploration by identifying geochemical anomalies and areas of mineralization. Agriculture seeks to identify areas with favorable (or unfavorable) conditions for plant growth, disease, and crop productivity. Trace elements such as cobalt, copper, chromium, iron, manganese, zinc, and molybdenum must be present within narrow ranges in soils for optimum growth and productivity. Trace elements as a contributing factor to disease are of concern to health professionals. Industry can use pH and conductivity data for water samples to site facilities which require specific water quality.The North Carolina NURE database consists of stream-sediment samples, groundwater samples, and stream-water analyses. The statewide database consists of 6,744 stream-sediment sites, 5,778 groundwater sample sites, and 295 stream-water sites. Neutron activation analyses were provided for U, Br, Cl, F, Mn, Na, Al, V, Dy in groundwater and stream water, and for U, Th, Hf, Ce, Fe, Mn, Na, Sc, Ti, V, Al, Dy, Eu, La, Sm, Yb, and Lu in stream sediments. Supplemental analyses by other techniques were reported on U (extractable), Ag, As, Ba, Be, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, K, Li, Mg, Mo, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Se, Sn, Sr, W, Y, and Zn for 4,619 stream-sediment samples. A small subset of 334 stream samples was analyzed for gold.The goal of the atlas was to make available the statewide NURE data with minimal interpretation to enable prospective users to modify and manipulate the data for their end use. The atlas provides only very general indication of geochemical distribution patterns and should not be used for site specific studies. The atlas maps for each element were computer-generated at the state's geographic information system (Center for Geographic Information and Analysis [CGIA]). The Division of Statistics and Information Services provided input files. The maps in the atlas are point maps. Each sample is represented by a symbol generally corresponding to a quartile class. Other reports will transmit sample and analytical data for state regions. Data are tentatively planned to be available on disks in spreadsheet format for personal computers.During the second phase of this project, stream-sediment samples are being assigned to state geologic map unit names using a GIS system to determine background and anomaly values. Subsequent publications will make this geochemical data and accompanying interpretations available to a wide spectrum of interdisciplinary users.  相似文献   

Estuarine and coastal systems represent a challenge when it comes to determining the causes of ecological change because human and natural perturbations often interact. Phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll a) and group-specific photopigment indicators were examined from 1994 to 2007 to assess community responses to nutrient and climatic perturbations in the Neuse River Estuary, NC. This system experienced nutrient enrichment and hydrologic variability, including droughts, and an increase in hurricanes. Freshwater input strongly interacted with supplies of the limiting nutrient nitrogen (N) and temperature to determine the location, magnitude, and composition of phytoplankton biomass. Multi-annual, seasonal, and episodic hydrologic perturbations, including changes in the frequency and intensity of tropical storms, hurricanes and droughts, caused significant shifts in phytoplankton community structure. Climatic oscillations can at times overwhelm anthropogenic nutrient inputs in terms of controlling algal bloom thresholds, duration, and spatial extent. Eutrophication models should incorporate climatically driven changes to better predict phytoplankton community responses to nutrient inputs and other anthropogenic perturbations.  相似文献   

Surf zones, regions of breaking waves, are at the interface between the shore and coastal ocean. Surf zone hydrodynamics may affect delivery of phytoplankton subsidies to the intertidal zone. Over a month of daily sampling at an intermediate surf zone with bathymetric rip currents and a reflective surf zone, we measured surf zone hydrodynamics and compared concentrations of coastal phytoplankton taxa in the surf zones to concentrations offshore. At the intermediate surf zone, ~80% of the variability in the concentration of coastal phytoplankton taxa within the surf zone was explained by their variation offshore; however, concentrations were much higher and lower than those offshore in samples from a bathymetric rip current and over the adjacent shoal, respectively. Hydrodynamics at this intermediate surf zone did not hinder the delivery of coastal phytoplankton to the surf zone, but the bathymetric rip current system appeared to redistribute phytoplankton concentrating them within eddies. At the reflective shore, we sampled surf zones at a beach and two adjacent rocky intertidal sites. Concentrations of typical coastal phytoplankton taxa were usually an order of magnitude or more lower than those offshore, even when offshore samples were collected just 20 m beyond the breakers. The phytoplankton assemblages inside and outside the surf zone often appeared to be disconnected. Surf zone hydrodynamics at the steep, reflective shore coupled with low phytoplankton concentrations in near-surface water appeared to limit delivery of phytoplankton subsidies to the surf zone. Surf zone hydrodynamics may be a key factor in the alongshore variation in phytoplankton subsidies to coastal communities.  相似文献   

Ten dolerite dikes intruded into Triassic fault troughs in the Piedmont area of North Carolina have been analyzed for the contents of major elements plus selected trace elements. The average composition of the initial magma, as indicated by four chill margins for major elements and three for trace elements, is: SiO2, 48.6%; Al2O3, 16.9%; TiO2, 0.57%; Fe2O3, 3.30%; FeO, 6.72%; MgO, 10.59; CaO, 10.42%; Na2O, 2.03%; K2O, 0.20%; MnO, 0.20%; Rb, 2.6 ppm; Sr, 133 ppm; Zr, 46 ppm; Th, 0.4 ppm; and U, below detection limit of approximately 0.1 ppm. One large dike (BP) exhibits a Palisades-type of differentiation by crystal settling of olivine, and the comparatively thick JY dike shows development of micropegmatite toward the center; the smaller dikes, however, are relatively homogeneous across their width. Study of the relationship between SiO2 content and the ratio FeO+Fe2O3/MgO+ FeO+Fe2O3 indicates that most dikes crystallize under conditions of decreasing oxygen pressure, but the differentiation trend of the JY, RD, and RS dikes indicates either constant or increasing oxygen pressure during their evolution.Statistical comparison of the composition of the initial dolerite magmas with a variety of basalt types around the world suggests that the North Carolina dolerites are far more similar to oceanic or oceanic margin tholeiites than to continental tholeiites. The North Carolina rocks are distinctly different from plateau basalts but are similar to the chill zones of the Precambrian Bushveld and Stillwater lopoliths. The comparatively low contents of Th, U, and Sr, plus the relatively high K/Rb ratio all support the possibility that the magmas for the North Carolina dolerites evolved in a dominantly oceanic environment. It seems distinctly possible that continental-type crust and mantle did not exist in the Appalachian Piedmont area in Triassic time, even after major orogeny and the concurrent formation of granitic intrusions.  相似文献   

Alkaline phosphatase expression by phytoplankton from two sites in Winyah Bay, SC, USA was investigated using nutrient-addition bioassays and cell-specific enzyme-labeled fluorescence (ELF) measurements. Our aim was to determine whether expression was group- or species-specific within the phytoplankton community. Diatoms dominated the riverine site in May, the coastal site in July, and both sites in August. Phytoplankton growth was limited by nitrogen (N) availability at the coastal site in May and the riverine site in August, but phosphate limitation was not observed. Alkaline phosphatase expression ranged from ∼30% of cells enumerated to less than 1% and was significantly reduced by inorganic phosphorus (P; 10 μM P) additions. Expression was restricted to species with low abundance, and there were no shifts in community composition consistent with alkaline phosphatase expression. Lack of phosphate limitation at higher-than-Redfield N/P ratios (up to 40:1), however, points to a potentially wider role of dissolved organic phosphorus in nutrition of Winyah Bay phytoplankton than indicated by the ELF assay.  相似文献   

Larval fish use of surf zone and nearshore habitats at northern latitudes has received little attention. Consequently, potential impacts of beach nourishment and other forms of disturbance are not well understood. This study, on a northwestern Atlantic coastline spanning May through July over 4 years, demonstrates that recently hatched larvae are common in both surf zone and nearshore habitats. Taxonomic compositions of surf zone and nearshore assemblages were similar to each other and those from an adjacent estuary. An influence of upwelling events was apparent in coincident changes in abundance and/or size of several species in the surf zone. Other changes over the late spring–summer transition, including buoyancy-driven flows from the Hudson River plume, demonstrate the dynamic nature of larval fish assemblages in the New York Bight area.  相似文献   

We investigated spatial and temporal relationships between spectral irradiance and phytoplankton community composition in the blackwater-influenced estuary Winyah Bay, South Carolina. Upstream, high concentrations of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorbed blue wavelengths, resulting in a predominantly red light field. Green light prevailed downstream near the lower-CDOM coastal ocean, and phytoplankton community composition was distinct from upstream and mid-estuarine communities. Diatoms were abundant throughout the estuary in January, August, and October, cryptophytes dominated in July, and chlorophytes were abundant in December 2006. Only diatoms and chlorophytes showed significant covariation with the spectral attenuation coefficient (k(λ)): Chlorophytes showed positive relationships with k(442) (blue light) while diatoms were negatively correlated with k(442) and k(490) (violet to blue). Phytoplankton community composition in Winyah Bay appears to be driven by strong horizontal flow rather than gradients in spectral irradiance, but results indicate that water color is likely to play a greater role in blackwater-influenced estuaries with longer residence times.  相似文献   

In the contact aureole of the Lilesville granite and comagmatic Pee Dee gabbro, N.C., greenschist-facies phyllites of the Carolina slate belt have been overprinted by a series of metamorphic reactions producing opx-bearing hornfelses and migmatitic gneisses. In the exterior aureole the slate belt assemblage (chl+ms+ep+ab+qz) gives way to the continuous reaction assemblages (chl+bt+cd+ ms+ab±ep+qz), (bt+cd+ms+An8–29+qz), (bt+cd+ kf+ms+pl+qz), (bt+cd+als±ms+kf+pl+qz), and (bt+cd+ga+kf+pl+qz), from lowest to highest grade. The interior aureole, interpreted as part of the floor of the granite, bears the continuous and discontinuous reaction assemblages (bt+cd+als+kf+pl+qz),(bt+cd+kf+ pl+qz), and, near the gabbro, (bt+cd+ga+opx+kf+ pl+qz). The leucosomes of the migmatitic interior aureole are predominantly trondhjemites with the assemblage (An35–45+qz±bt±cd±kf). Restites in the migmatitic interior aureole contain the AFM assemblages (bt), (bt + cd), (bt+cd+als), and (bt+cd+ga), plus kf, An40–50, and qz. Contact metamorphism was isobaric at 4.0–5.1 or 2.0–3.5 kb depending on choice of aluminosilicate triple point; temperatures reached 650° C in the migmatitic interior aureole and approached 750° C near the gabbro; was less than 0.8 in the migmatites, and was lower in the interior aureole and in the high grade exterior aureole. Partial melting in the migmatitic interior aureole took place during dynamothermal metamorphism caused by the magmatic diapir. Incipient melting occurred by the reaction bt+cd+kf+pl+qz+w = liquid. The melt was H2O-undersaturated and coefficients of the reactants were weighted heavily toward the felsic minerals; the proportion of felsic minerals in the leucosomes was controlled in part by modal abundance of kf, pl, and qz available for melting. The incorporation of K into biotite by subsolidus reactions, coupled with the high thermal stability and low solubility of biotite in a felsic melt, are responsible for the trondhjemitic composition of the early anatectic liquids.Abbreviations als Al2SiO5 - ab albite - An8–29 plagioclase with anorthite contents in the range indicated - bt biotite - cd cordierite - chl chlorite - ep epidote - ga garnet - kf K feldspar - ms muscovite - opx orthopyroxene - pl plagioclase undefined - qz quartz - w water  相似文献   

Alpine-type fissure vein mineralization in the Hiddenite area of western North Carolina, USA consists mostly of quartz, but locally contains Cr-bearing beryl (emerald) or Cr-bearing spodumene (hiddenite). These gem minerals occur in mineral-lined cavities and may be accompanied by euhedral crystals of quartz, calcite, muscovite, rutile, albite, pyrite, siderite and dolomite. Chabazite-Ca occurs as a late stage phase in spodumene-bearing veins, but is absent in emerald-bearing veins. Chabazite-Ca occurs as simple penetrating twins of pseudocubic rhombohedra and as the lens-shaped variety, phacolite. Chabazite-Ca from Hiddenite contains minor amounts of Na, Mg, Fe and K. Phacolitic chabazite-Ca shows Fe-enriched but Mg-depleted cores relative to the rims. Chemical zoning is absent in rhombohedral chabazite. The Hiddenite chabazite apparently precipitated under low temperature (< 250°C) and low pressure (< 2 kbar) conditions during the waning stages of crystallization of an alkaline hydrothermal fluid.  相似文献   

Calico Creek differs from neighboring estuaries in that it receives sewage effluent, and its waters therefore contain ample nutrients. High nutrient levels enable the phytoplankton population, which is probably light-limited, to reach densities of 109 cells·1?1 during the summer, 2 to 3 orders of magnitude higher than the surrounding, nutrient-limited populations. At cell densities greater than 108 cells·1?1 the number of dominant species is greatly reduced, and the level of diversity drops sharply. Calico Creek also differs by being very shallow; the population can be drastically affected by high runoff. The productivity of both the phytoplankton and the surroundingSpartina marsh is much higher than the neighboring unpolluted estuaries. Unlike the larger and more stable estuaries nearby, the dependence of the population on the effluent for nutrients, the possibility of toxic materials entering the creek with the effluent, and its small size make Calico Creek subject to sudden change.  相似文献   

The Neuse River estuary, North Carolina, United States, has demonstrated various symptoms of eutrophication during the past 20 yr. We contributed to an environmental assessment program, through ecological network analysis, a group of algorithms to evaluate networks of material flows within a structured system. Networks of nitrogen (N) cycling for 16 consecutive seasons were constructed based on previous field and laboratory studies. Network analysis provided understanding of the relationship between N loading and recycling, the fates of N and the expected interseasonal variation of both model inputs and outputs. Various indices indicated that recycling of imported N was very high, supporting measured observations. There was little correlation between estimates of loading and N uptake by phytoplankton, although loading of total and particulate N did correlate positively with export. Because of the high degree of recycling of N, the rate of loading of new N is a small fraction of the total processing of N or of the needs for primary production alone. We predict that on a short-term basis the controls on primary production tend to be associated with conditions in the estuary rather than import. This condition is likely to postpone easily observable responses to loading reduction over the entire estuary and in the short term, although improvements in water quality should occur over time.  相似文献   

Abstract The prograde metamorphism of eclogites is typically obscured by chemical equilibration at peak conditions and by partial requilibration during retrograde metamorphism. Eclogites from the Eastern Blue Ridge of North Carolina retain evidence of their prograde path in the form of inclusions preserved in garnet. These eclogites, from the vicinity of Bakersville, North Carolina, USA are primarily comprised of garnet–clinopyroxene–rutile–hornblende–plagioclase–quartz. Quartz, clinopyroxene, hornblende, rutile, epidote, titanite and biotite are found as inclusions in garnet cores. Included hornblende and clinopyroxene are chemically distinct from their matrix counterparts. Thermobarometry of inclusion sets from different garnets record different conditions. Inclusions of clinozoisite, titanite, rutile and quartz (clinozoisite + titanite = grossular + rutile + quartz + H2O) yield pressures (6–10 kbar, 400–600 °C and 8–12 kbar 450–680 °C) at or below the minimum peak conditions from matrix phases (10–13 kbar at 600–800 °C). Inclusions of hornblende, biotite and quartz give higher pressures (13–16 kbar and 630–660 °C). Early matrix pyroxene is partially or fully broken down to a diopside–plagioclase symplectite, and both garnet and pyroxene are rimmed with plagioclase and hornblende. Hypersthene is found as a minor phase in some diopside + plagioclase symplectites, which suggests retrogression through the granulite facies. Two‐pyroxene thermometry of this assemblage gives a temperature of c. 750 °C. Pairing the most Mg‐rich garnet composition with the assemblage plagioclase–diopside–hypersthene–quartz gives pressures of 14–16 kbar at this temperature. The hornblende–plagioclase–garnet rim–quartz assemblage yields 9–12 kbar and 500–550 °C. The combined P–T data show a clockwise loop from the amphibolite to eclogite to granulite facies, all of which are overprinted by a texturally late amphibolite facies assemblage. This loop provides an unusually complete P–T history of an eclogite, recording events during and following subduction and continental collision in the early Palaeozoic.  相似文献   

The Outer Banks barrier islands of North Carolina, USA, contain a geologic record of inlet activity that extends from ca. 2200 cal yr BP to the present, and can be used as a proxy for storm activity. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating (26 samples) of inlet-fill and flood tide delta deposits, recognized in cores and geophysical data, provides the basis for understanding the chronology of storm impacts and comparison to other paleoclimate proxy data. OSL ages of historical inlet fill compare favorably to historical documentation of inlet activity, providing confidence in the technique. Comparison suggests that the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and Little Ice Age (LIA) were both characterized by elevated storm conditions as indicated by much greater inlet activity relative to today. Given present understanding of atmospheric circulation patterns and sea-surface temperatures during the MWP and LIA, we suggest that increased inlet activity during the MWP responded to intensified hurricane impacts, while elevated inlet activity during the LIA was in response to increased nor'easter activity. A general decrease in storminess at mid-latitudes in the North Atlantic over the last 300 yr has allowed the system to evolve into a more continuous barrier with few inlets.  相似文献   

Many shoreline studies rely on historical change rates determined from aerial imagery decades to over 50 years apart to predict shoreline position and determine setback distances for coastal structures. These studies may not illustrate the coastal impacts of short-duration but potentially high-impact storm events. In this study, shoreline change rates (SCRs) are quantified at five different sites ranging from marsh to sediment bank shorelines around the Albemarle-Pamlico estuarine system (APES) for a series of historical (decadal to 50-year) and short-term (bimonthly) time periods as well as for individual storm events. Long-term (historical) SCRs of approximately ?0.5 ± 0.07 m year?1 are observed, consistent with previous work along estuarine shorelines in North Carolina. Short-term SCRs are highly variable, both spatially and temporally, and ranged from 15.8 ± 7.5 to ?19.3 ± 11.5 m year?1 at one of the study sites. The influence of wave climate on the spatial and temporal variability of short-term erosion rates is investigated using meteorological observations and coupled hydrodynamic (Delft3D) and wave (SWAN) models. The models are applied to simulate hourly variability in the surface waves and water levels. The results indicate that in the fetch-limited APES, wind direction strongly influences the wave climate at the study sites. The wave height also has an influence on short-term SCRs as determined from the wave simulations for individual meteorological events, but no statistical correlation is found for wave height and SCRs over the long term. Despite the significantly higher rates of shoreline erosion over short time periods and from individual events like hurricanes, the cumulative impact over long time periods is low. Therefore, while the short-term response of these shorelines to episodic forcing should be taken into account in management plans, the long-term trends commonly used in ocean shoreline management can also be used to determine erosion setbacks on estuarine shorelines.  相似文献   

Hydrologic conditions, especially changes in freshwater input, play an important, and at times dominant, role in determining the structure and function of phytoplankton communities and resultant water quality of estuaries. This is particularly true for microtidal, shallow water, lagoonal estuaries, where water flushing and residence times show large variations in response to changes in freshwater inputs. In coastal North Carolina, there has been an increase in frequency and intensity of extreme climatic (hydrologic) events over the past 15 years, including eight hurricanes, six tropical storms, and several record droughts; these events are forecast to continue in the foreseeable future. Each of the past storms exhibited unique hydrologic and nutrient loading scenarios for two representative and proximate coastal plain lagoonal estuaries, the Neuse and New River estuaries. In this synthesis, we used a 13-year (1998–2011) data set from the Neuse River Estuary, and more recent 4-year (2007–2011) data set from the nearby New River Estuary to examine the effects of these hydrologic events on phytoplankton community biomass and composition. We focused on the ability of specific taxonomic groups to optimize growth under hydrologically variable conditions, including seasonal wet/dry periods, episodic storms, and droughts. Changes in phytoplankton community composition and biomass were strongly modulated by the amounts, duration, and seasonality of freshwater discharge. In both estuaries, phytoplankton total and specific taxonomic group biomass exhibited a distinctive unimodal response to varying flushing rates resulting from both event-scale (i.e., major storms, hurricanes) and more chronic seasonal changes in freshwater input. However, unlike the net negative growth seen at long flushing times for nano-/microphytoplankton, the pigments specific to picophytoplankton (zeaxanthin) still showed positive net growth due to their competitive advantage under nutrient-limited conditions. Along with considerations of seasonality (temperature regimes), these relationships can be used to predict relative changes in phytoplankton community composition in response to hydrologic events and changes therein. Freshwater inputs and droughts, while not manageable in the short term, must be incorporated in water quality management strategies for these and other estuarine and coastal ecosystems faced with increasing frequencies and intensities of tropical cyclones, flooding, and droughts.  相似文献   


Metaultramafic rocks (MUR) in the Ashe Metamorphic Suite (AMS) of northwestern North Carolina include quartz ± feldspar-bearing QF-amphibolites and quartz-deficient, locally talc-, chlorite-, and/or Mg-amphibole-bearing TC-amphibolites. Some workers divide TC-amphibolites into Todd and Edmonds types, based on mineral and geochemical differences, and we provisionally add a third type – olivine ± pyroxene-rich, Rich Mountain-type rocks. Regionally, MUR bodies range from equant, Rich Mountain- to highly elongate, Todd-TC-amphibolite-type bodies. The MURs exhibit three to five mineral associations containing assemblages with olivine, anthophyllitic amphibole, Mg-hornblende, Mg-actinolite, cummingtonite, and serpentine representing decreasing eclogite to greenschist facies grades of metamorphism over time. MUR protoliths are difficult to determine. Southwestern MUR bodies have remnant olivine ± pyroxene-rich assemblages representing ultrabasic-basic, dunite-peridotite-pyroxenite protoliths. Northeastern TC-amphibolite MURs contain hornblende and actinolitic amphiboles plus chlorites – aluminous and calcic assemblages suggesting to some that metasomatism of basic, QF-amphibolites yields all TC-amphibolites. Yet MgO-CaO-Al2O3 and trace element chemistries of many TC-amphibolites resemble compositions of plagioclase peridotites. We show that a few AMS TC-amphibolites had basaltic/gabbroic protoliths, while presenting arguments opposing application of the metasomatic hypothesis to all TC-amphibolites. We establish that MUR bodies are petrologically heterolithic and that TC-amphibolites are in contact with many rock types; that those with high Cr, Ni, and Mg have olivine- or pyroxene-dominated protoliths; that most exhibit three or more metamorphic mineral associations; and that contacts thought to be metasomatic are structural. Clearly, different MUR bodies have different chemistries representing various protoliths, and have different mineral assemblages, reflecting both chemical composition and metamorphic history. Spot sampling of heterolithic MUR bodies does not reveal MUR body character or history or allow ‘type’ designations. We recommend that the subdivision of MUR bodies into ‘types’ be abandoned and that the metasomatic hypothesis be carefully applied. AMS MURs and associated metamafic rocks likely represent fragments of dismembered ophiolites from various ophiolite types.  相似文献   

Sediment cores were collected from the Neuse and Pamlico River estuaries, North Carolina, at seven different sites, and the data show strong anthropogenic influence on water quality. The sediments from these cores were dated using210Pb,137Cs,14C, and pollen horizon techniques. Specific parameters investigated include bulk density, sedimentation rates, diatom assemblage changes, nutrient and trace metal flux, and vegetation changes as recorded in the pollen record. The greatest increases in sedimentation, nutrient and metal flux and changes in diatom assemblages have occurred in the past 50–60 yr in the Pamlico and Neuse. Diatom diversity has decreased and small planktonic forms have become dominant over time, most likely due to eutrophication and increased turbidity and sedimentation. Major changes occur before phytoplankton surveys and monitoring were initiated. Overall trends are similar to those found in Chesapeake Bay, although the time frame of major changes is more recent. Dominant small planktonic diatom species differ between Chesapeake Bay and the Neuse and Pamlico. Variance in paleoecological indicators between these mid-Atlantic estuaries may be due to geomorphology and land use history.  相似文献   

Recharge rates determined at diverse study sites in a shallow, unconfined aquifer differed from one another depending on the analytical method used and on each method’s applicability and limitations. Total recharge was quantified with saturated-zone methods using water-table fluctuations at seven sites in North Carolina, USA and using groundwater-age dating at three of the seven sites; at two of the sites, potential recharge was quantified with an unsaturated-zone method using Darcy’s law; and at five of the sites, net recharge was quantified with a stream hydrograph-separation method using streamflow-recession curves. Historical mean net recharge was 25 to 69% of the historical total recharge rates. The large disparity is attributed to groundwater losses between recharge and discharge areas, primarily by evapotranspiration and seepage to underlying aquifers. The spatial distribution of historical mean annual total recharge did not vary between landscape units, as suggested in a previous study. Similarly, total recharge did not correlate significantly with mean annual rainfall, mean annual water table depth, or the surficial soil properties of percent clay and bulk density. Total recharge did correlate significantly with the surficial soil properties of percent sand and percent silt.
Résumé Les taux de recharge déterminés sur divers sites d’études dans un aquifère phréatique libre, varient les uns par rapport aux autres selon la méthode analytique utilisée et les limites et l’applicabilité de chaque méthode. La recharge totale a été quantifiée avec des méthodes en zone saturée utilisant les fluctuations des nappes sur sept sites de la Caroline du Nord, USA, et en utilisant les datations des eaux souterraines sur trois des sept sites ; sur deux des sites, la recharge potentielle a été quantifiée avec une méthode en zone non-saturée utilisant la loi de Darcy, et sur deux sites, la recharge nette a été quantifiée suivant une méthode de séparation des hydrographes de cours d’eau utilisant les courbes de récession du débit. La moyenne historique de la recharge nette est comprise entre 25 et 69% des taux historiques de recharge totale. L’importante disparité est attribuée aux pertes en eaux souterraines entre les zones de recharge et les zones d’exutoire, d’abord par évapotranspiration et ensuite par infiltration vers les aquifères sous-jacents. La distribution spatiale de la recharge historique moyenne annuelle et totale ne varie pas selon les unités paysagères, comme cela était suggéré dans une étude antérieure. De même, la recharge totale n’est pas corrélée significativement avec la moyenne annuelle des précipitations, la moyenne annuelle de la profondeur de la nappe, ou les propriétés de surface des sols que sont le pourcentage d’argile ou la densité apparente. La recharge totale est corrélée significativement avec les propriétés de surface du sol et les teneurs en sable et en silt.

Resumen Las tasas de recarga determinadas en diversos sitios de estudio en un acuífero somero no confinado difieren entre sí dependiendo del método analítico usado y de las limitaciones y aplicabilidad de cada método. Se cuantificó la recarga total con métodos de zona saturada usando fluctuaciones del nivel freático en siete sitios en Carolina del Norte, Estados Unidos, y usando datación de edades de agua subterránea en tres de los siete sitios; en dos de los sitios se cuantificó la recarga potencial con un método de zona no saturada usando la Ley de Darcy y en cinco de los sitios se cuantificó la recarga neta con el método de separación hidrográfica usando curvas de recesión de flujo en arroyos. La recarga neta media histórica varió entre 25 y 69% de las tasas de recarga total histórica. La diferencia tan grande se atribuye a pérdidas de agua subterránea entre áreas de descarga y recarga, principalmente por evapotranspiración y escurrimiento hacia acuíferos subyacentes. La distribución espacial de la recarga total anual media histórica no varió entre las unidades de paisaje, como ya se había sugerido en un estudio previo. De modo similar, la recarga total no guarda correlación significativa con la lluvia media anual, la profundidad media anual del nivel freático, o las propiedades superficiales del suelo, particularmente porcentaje de arcilla y densidad volumétrica. La recarga total si tuvo una correlación significativa con las propiedades superficiales del suelo tal como porcentaje de arena y porcentaje de limo.

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