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船用X波段导航雷达凹波形成的海杂波图像中包含丰富的海浪、海表层流信息.借鉴合成孔径雷达(SAR)估计有效波高的方法,假设有效波高与雷达回波强度信噪比的平方根成线性关系,可由X波段雷达图像估计得到海浪的有效波高.用此方法主要分析小麦岛海域实验数据,结果显示,直流滤波后计算的信噪比估计的有效波高比不进行直流滤波结果符合得好;而按波浪浮标测得有效波高数据的高低,分两段分别进行线性拟合获取校准系数,估测的有效波高更加准确.  相似文献   

提出了基于聚类分析的多子波优化重定算法,即利用聚类分析对波形进行分类,然后在分类的基础上对每一聚类的波形分别采用β参数拟合算法和门槛算法对其进行重定,最后以误差平方和最小为依据选择最优的作为最后的结果。经过基于聚类分析的多子波优化算法重定后的卫星测高数据与验潮站数据进行了比较,发现该算法能在一定程度上改善近海卫星测高数据的精度,提高重定成功率,降低重定次数。  相似文献   

针对水下无人航行器(UUV)在浅水海洋环境下的悬停作业需求,提出一种基于非线性干扰观测器的 UUV 反演滑模深度控制算法。首先,根据全驱动 UUV 的悬停运动特性,建立五自由度及解耦的垂荡通道动力学模型。然后,采用非线性干扰观测器(NDO)对时变海浪扰动与模型的不确定进行有效估计,并证明了 NDO 的指数收敛特性。根据 UUV 的标称模型及 NDO 对扰动状态的估计,采用反演思路,设计了反演滑模控制器。通过引入双曲正切函数取代不连续切换函数,改进滑模趋近律,进而降低滑模的抖振效应。根据 Lyapunov 理论证明了系统的稳定性。最后,通过仿真实验验证了该控制算法的有效性与优越性。  相似文献   

波浪爬高的测量是海岸环境监测中的一项重要内容,文中介绍一种采用视频方式测量波浪爬高的方法,并给出波浪爬高时间堆栈图像上端边缘曲线的提取步骤,为进一步求解波浪爬高的相关参数打下基础。  相似文献   

Wave forces on two side-by-side boxes in close proximity under wave actions were analyzed using the OpenFOAM package. The upstream box heaved freely under wave actions, whereas the downstream box remained fixed. For comparison, a configuration in which both boxes were fixed was also considered. The effects of the heave motion of the upstream box on the wave loads, including the horizontal wave forces, vertical wave forces, and moments on the boxes, were the focus of this study. Numerical analyses showed that all frequencies at which the maximum horizontal wave forces, maximum vertical wave forces, and maximum moment appeared are dependent on the heave motion of the upstream box and that the effects of the heave motion on these frequencies are different. Furthermore,these frequencies were observed to deviate from the corresponding fluid resonant frequency. Moreover, the heave motion of the upstream box reduced the wave forces acting on both boxes and altered the variation trends of the wave forces with the incident wave frequency.  相似文献   

单点GPS浮标测波方法与数据质量控制研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
首先对GPS浮标测波原理进行分析,介绍了GPS接收器测量运动参数的多普勒方法;然后对于在现场测量中可能发生的采样丢失所导致的数据间断进行探讨,并提出了间断接续和冗余采样的解决方法,通过数值模拟实验证明了数据质量控制方法的有效性.  相似文献   

水中未爆弹危害极大,航空磁探因探测效率高的优势,常用于水中未爆弹的探测。飞机干扰磁场的存在限制了航空磁探的发展。传统的T-L模型待求参数间具有很强的复共线性,难以满足高精度磁补偿的要求,而神经网络算法具有容错率高、求解精度高的特点。首先使用BP神经网络建立干扰磁场的数学模型;随后,通过仿真生成干扰磁场以及未爆弹目标磁场信号对算法进行验证;最后,利用四旋翼无人机平台进行目标探测试验,补偿改善比超过20。试验结果表明,算法可以用于提高平台对水下目标探测的精度。  相似文献   

Recently the numerical wave tank has become a widely-used tool to study waves as well as wave-structure interactions, and the wave-absorbing method is very important as its effect on the quality of waves generated. The relaxation method and the derived momentum source method are often utilized, however, the damping weight is constant during calculation and repeated trials are required to obtain an acceptable wave-absorbing effect. To address the above- mentioned issues, a conserved wave-absorbing method is developed. The damping weight is determined by solving the mass conservation equation of the absorbing region at every time step. Based on this method, a two-dimensional numerical wave tank is established by using the VB language to simulate various waves by which the validation of this method is evaluated.  相似文献   

研究了基于GPS高频数据进行海浪测量的方法。利用TRACK解算得海上载体高精度的垂向位移,经浪潮分离提取海浪信号,分别采用相关函数法和周期图法估计海浪信号的功率谱,并计算海浪要素。利用实测数据进行试验,结果表明,周期图法推算的平均波高和平均周期精度较高,与测波仪结果差异分别小于2cm和0.25s,基于GPS高频数据的海浪测量方法可有效反演海浪要素。  相似文献   

提出了一种新型内波造波方法——箱内垂荡板式造波.应用FLUENT软件的有限体积法,采用k-ε两方程湍流模型封闭RANS方程作为求解控制方程,建立二维数值内波水槽.通过模仿物理造波机运动的数值模拟结果比较表明:箱内垂荡板式造波机生成的内波与理论解十分吻合,与双板联动式造波和平板拍击式造波相比,控制简单,对自由水面的扰动小...  相似文献   

海浪谱是随机海浪的一个重要统计性质,它不仅包含着海浪的二阶信息,而且还直接给出了海浪组成波能量相对于频率和方向的分布。谱方法已经成为研究海浪及其有关问题的有力工具。文中主要参照现代谱估计中的THREE谱估计方法,对基于Kullback-Leibler度量的随机信号的功率谱估计方法中优化参数的求解算法进行了改进,并与基于Hellinger度量的谱估计方法进行了比较。通过数值模拟和谱分析证实基于这两种度量的功率谱估计算法都能有效地避免谱线分裂和谱峰偏移现象。  相似文献   

In this paper, a wave generating approach for long-crest irregular waves in a numerical tank by our in-house solver naoe-FOAM-SJTU is presented. The naoe-FOAM-SJTU solver is developed using an open source tool kit, OpenFOAM. Reynolds-averaged Navier?Stokes (RANS) equations are chosen as governing equations and the volume of fluid (VOF) is employed to capture the two phases interface. Incoming wave group is generated by imposing the boundary conditions of the tank inlet. A spectrum based correction procedure is developed to make the measured spectrum approaching to the target spectrum. This procedure can automatically adjust the wave generation signal based on the measured wave elevation by wave height probe in numerical wave tank. After 3 to 4 iterations, the measured spectrum agrees well with the target one. In order to validate this method, several wave spectra are chosen and validated in the numerical wave tank, with comparison between the final measured and target spectra. In order to investigate a practical situation, a modified Wigley hull is placed in the wave tank with incoming irregular waves. The wave-induced heave and pitch motions are treated by Fourier analysis to obtain motion responses, showing good agreements with the measurements.  相似文献   

以X 舵智能水下机器人(Autonomous Underwater Vehicle,AUV)为研究对象,提出了一种改进 Super-Twisting 滑模与非线性干扰观测器结合的 AUV 控制方法。首先,对 AUV 进行了运动学、动力学以及 X 舵分配进行了建模;之后,按照 Super-Twisting 理论设计了 AUV 控制器;然后,考虑到原算法中符号函数引起的控制输出抖振现象,提出了基于 Sigmoid 函数的改进 Super-Twisting 控制器,考虑到未建模动态以及外部环境干扰,设计了非线性干扰观测器对集总干扰进行补偿;最后,通过仿真验证了所提控制器的有效性。仿真表明,在干扰影响条件下,所提方法能够在大幅降低输出抖振并保证良好的控制精度。  相似文献   

研究了一种基于复相关测频原理的多普勒测速算法,针对该算法受信噪比影响较大的情况提出了一种基于遍历噪声修正的测速优化算法。仿真结果表明:该优化算法能减弱噪声对测速精度的影响,尤其在低信噪比的情况下,能有效提高多普勒测速精度。  相似文献   

波浪滑翔器是一种新型海洋无人自主航行器,拥有无污染、能耗低、续航时间长、航程远、生存能力强等诸多特点,已逐步成为国内外研究的热点。控制系统作为波浪滑翔器的重要组成部分之一,它的稳定与准确性直接影响着波浪滑翔器的航行性能尤其是走航和定点的控位精度。介绍了一种基于 RT-Thread 实时操作系统的波浪滑翔器控制系统设计,通过多次海上长时间连续试验表明,基于 RT-Thread 的波浪滑翔器控制系统具有良好的准确性和可靠性。  相似文献   

针对多自主水下机器人(多 AUV)编队问题,提出了一种基于改进跟随领航者法的编队控制方法,通过仿真实验和湖上试验进行了验证。将对跟随者的航向和速度控制简化成单一的速度控制,并采用多级精准速度调控方法进行编队控制。然后,通过仿真实验对该方法进行初步验证,并确定关键控制参数。最后,建立一套队形评价指标,通过外场试验验证该方法有效性。试验结果表明:该编队控制方法在控制的快速性、准确性和稳定性等方面均表现很好。  相似文献   

为了选择出合适的水下实验平台的无动力下潜方向和预计出下潜时间,用CFD方法对水下实验平台的无动力下潜工况进行了数值模拟。通过与常用的摩擦阻力系数公式计算结果对比,选用了一组较为合适的网格进行CFD分析,通过FLUENT计算结果拟合出阻力系数与速度的函数,使用Simulink对水下实验平台无动力下潜的过程进行了仿真。最终选出以正向下潜为海试时的下潜方向,并得到了下潜过程的时间,通过与海试结果对比,验证了CFD计算结果的准确性。  相似文献   

针对精确测量波浪参数的问题,研究了波浪浮标测波算法.该算法对浮标采集的波浪运动速度谱进行带通滤波,进而对波浪速度谱和方向波谱进行处理和分析,最终通过有限傅立叶级数法计算波浪的有效波高、跨零周期和谱峰波向.通过模拟仿真和湖上对比测试,验证了算法的有效性和准确性,测量相对误差维持在2%~10%范围内.该算法可应用于装载GP...  相似文献   

基于ARMA模型的海浪功率谱估计方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对经典功率谱估计方法的一些缺点,对随即海浪过程进行了ARMA谱估计的仿真研究,仿真的结果表明ARMA功率谱估计方法在分辨率、平滑和偏差等方面更加有效。  相似文献   

A numerical irregular wave flume with active absorption of re-reflected waves is simulated by use of volume of fluid (VOF) method. An active 'absorbing wave-maker based on linear wave theory is set on the left boundary of the wave flume. The progressive waves and the absorbing waves are generated simultaneously at the active wave generating-absorbing boundary. The absorbing waves are generated to eliminate the waves coming back to the generating boundary due to reflection from the outflow boundary and the structures. SIRW method proposed by Frigaard and Brorsen (1995) is used to separate the incident waves and reflected waves. The digital filters are designed based on the surface elevation signals of the two wave gauges. The corrected velocity of the wave-maker paddle is the output from the digital filter in real time. The numerical results of regular and irregular waves by the active absorbing-generating boundary are compared with the numerical results by the ordinary generating boundary to verify the performance of the active absorbing-generator boundary. The differences between the initial incident waves and the estimated incident waves are analyzed.  相似文献   

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