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四川运动及其在中国之分布   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李春昱 《地质论评》1950,15(Z2):135-156
一泛论造山运动和中国中生代造山运动研究造山运动,不是一个单纯的地质构造问题,乃是地质构造,和地史学一个接合性的研究,一方面要注意构造现象,另一方面要注意到构造发生的时期。章鸿钊先生论震旦运动曾一再提到此点。要讲到构造现象,不能不把造山运动和造陆运动,清楚的分开。火山喷发是造陆运动时期的现象,而不算着造山运动,现时活动的火山很多,但今天并非一个造山时期。由於砾岩只能证明是造陆运动的结果,或造山运动  相似文献   

郭文魁 《地质论评》1942,7(Z1):9-16
附图二版云南北部之地质,近年来经各地质学家之不断努力,日臻明瞭,对於地层方面之发现尤多;惟关于古生代末期之地壳运动,除前丁文江氏有所叙述外,最近尚少专文论及。作者及西  相似文献   

正 INTRODUCTION In the year 1920, while carrying out a reconnaissance in North Kansu province, Dr. W. H. Wong' noticed in the field and later announced the importance of the diastrophism after the Tertiary red beds, to which the name  相似文献   

燕山运动是我国东部的一次强烈而重要的构造变动,在河南南部形成了一系列坳陷、断陷,堆积了一套特殊的类磨拉石沉积建造,发育强烈的褶皱和断裂,并有大规模的岩浆喷发和侵入活动,蕴含了丰富的矿产。燕山运动可分早、晚两期5幕,各幕强弱表现不同。早期Ⅰ、Ⅱ幕主要发生在大别山一带,以隆升与小规模岩浆侵入活动为主;晚期Ⅲ幕以火山活动局部发育岩浆侵入活动为特征;Ⅳ幕为断裂、岩浆活动发育,是重要的成矿期;Ⅴ幕使盆地由断陷转入坳陷发育阶段,造成白垩系与三叠系之间普遍不整合或假整合接触。分析认为,燕山期发生的太平洋板块与欧亚板块相互作用及印度板块对中国的推挤,使中国东部始终处于一种以挤压为主局部拉伸的构造应力场中。  相似文献   

M.H.CHEN 《地质学报》1948,(Z2):190-197
正 The metamorphic rocks in central Kansu has long been made knownby many an earlier geologist working in the area under discussion.Thename Kaolan Series is generally proposed for a group of crystalline rocksin view of its prominent development around the district of Kaolan,the  相似文献   

S.H.SUNG 《地质学报》1948,(Z2):163-181,183,184
正 As early as 1878,while carrying on his geological work in Kansu,Ludwigvon Loczy [12] visited the region under study and for the first time notedthe existence of a moderately metamorphosed rock series of mica-schist andamphibolite-schist with granite and pegmatite intrusions.The district was  相似文献   

关于龙门山地区东吴运动的存在及其性质的认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
东吴运动是二叠纪的一次重要地壳运动,但对其位置、性质、发生时间历来都有不同的意见,而对于龙门山地区,更是很少有人专题涉及。近来,笔者等人对龙门山地区二叠系进行了实地考察,结合前人的研究成果,通过对该区地层缺失、不整合接触关系、沉积响应及火山岩分布等特征的分析,论述了龙门山地区东吴运动的存在及其性质。研究认为龙门山地区东吴运动主要表现为茅口组上部地层缺失;在茅口组和龙潭组之间普遍存在不整合面,并于不整合面的底界发现底砾岩;中、晚二叠世岩相古地理发生突变以及火山爆发等。其发生时间于晚二叠世早期至中期,即龙潭组沉积期,属于地壳的升降运动,并伴随龙门山南段玄武岩浆的爆发而结束。东吴运动结束了龙门山地区早二叠世以来的稳定地台沉积,使该区发生了强烈的岩相分异。  相似文献   

正 During the field season of 1947,the Prospecting Division of the Kansu-Chinghai Branch Office of the Chinese Petroleum Corporation,NationalResources Commission of China under Mr.C.C.Sun made detailed studyof the petroleum geology of the Shiangtang'-Haishihwan~2 region,Mr.H.C.Miao,the geologist of t  相似文献   

杨锺健 《地质论评》1945,10(Z3):321-324
近十余年来,关于人类化石之追寻及更新统地层之研究,不但我中国周口店及其他地方多有贡献,在印度缅甸,马来半岛与爪哇均有长足之进步,我国人士殊不可囿于国内成绩,而  相似文献   

Hormozgan Province with arid climate is an important source of energy resources for Iran. This study investigates the results of hydrogeochemical investigation and its tectonic control in Hormozgan Province, Southern Iran. The chemical analysis of 158 groundwater samples was evaluated to determine the hydrogeochemical processes and ion concentration background in the region. Several NW-SE trending and NE-dipping basement reverse faults have intersected the area and have divided it into four tectonic terranes. Huge extension of Hormuz Formation in Zagros Foredeep tectonic terrane has increased the cations, Cl and SO4 concentration in groundwaters. HCO3 concentration in Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone and High Zagros is the result of silicate weathering or carbonates. Eighty-three percent of samples have negative CAI values in High Zagros, Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, and eastern Zagros Fold Thrust Belt. The dominant hydrochemical facies of groundwater are Na-Mg-Ca-Cl (25.3% of samples) and Na-Mg-Cl (20.9% of samples). They are confined to the west of Main Zagros Reverse Fault and east of High Zagros Fault, respectively. The salt content of the groundwater indicates samples with very high salinity—as a result of Hormuz Formation—are mainly limited to the west of High Zagros Fault while samples with high to medium salinity are mainly limited to the east of this fault. Eastward increment of rock weathering is controlled with thrust faults activity of the area and southwestward migration of deformation front. Westward increment of evaporites is compatible with Hormuz Formation/salt dome density through the area.  相似文献   

The Hercynian movement,as it is known,embraces all the move-ments from the beginning of Carboniferous to the end of Permian.InChina it is only within the last few years that any adequate conceptionhas been formed of their inherent problems of phases and construction.In 1931 Professor J.S.Lee~1 first applied different terms to the different  相似文献   

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