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The late Miocene Cordillera Blanca Batholith lies directly overthick (50 km) crust, inboard of the older Cretaceous CoastalBatholith. Its peraluminous ‘S’ type mineralogyand its position suggest recycling of continental crust, whichis commonly thought to be an increasingly important componentin magmas inboard of continental margins. However, the peraluminous,apparent ‘S’ type character of the batholith isan artefact of deformation and uplift along a major crustallineament. The batholith is a metaluminous ‘I’ typeand the dominant high-silica rocks (>70%) are Na rich withmany of the characteristics of subducted oceanic slab melts.However, the position of the batholith and age of the oceaniccrust at the trench during the Miocene preclude slab melting.Instead, partial melting of newly underplated Miocene crustis proposed. In this dynamic model newly underplated basalticmaterial is melted to produce high-Na, low HREE, high-Al ‘trondhjemitic’type melts with residues of garnet, clinopyroxene and amphibole.Such Na-rich magmas are characteristic of thick Andean crust;they are significantly different from typical cole-alkaline,tonalite-grano-diorite magmas, and their presence along thespine of the Andes provokes questions about models of trondhjemitegenesis by melting of subducted oceanic crust, as well as anygeneralized, circum-Pacific model involving consistent isotopicor chemical changes inboard from the trench. KEY WORDS: batholith; modified ‘I’ type granite; Na-rich magma; thick crust * Corresponding author.  相似文献   

The Coastal Batholith of Peru extends over 1600 km parallel to the coast along the Andean trend. Gravity profiles on three traverses across the batholith indicate the geometry is essentially that of a flat slab with average thickness from 2.0–3.2 km, and a thick root 4–10 km wide to the west. Granitic material does not extend to depths greater than 3 km below sea level datum.This study supports recent gravity work which indicates plutons are commonly thin, 5 km or less in thickness. Detailed mapping in the Lima segment of the Coastal Batholith reveals thin plutons where space was made dominantly by downward displacement via floor depression. However, early roof uplift also created some space. Stoping occurs but is not a major space maker. Floor depression may be modelled by cantilever or piston mechanisms and although the strong marginal deformation with mylonites, tuffisites, microbreccia, faults and shear zones suggests the piston model best describes the mechanism of emplacement of much of the Coastal Batholith some space was probably made by a cantilever mechanism. In brief, space making processes involved early roof uplift and regional doming, then floor depression mainly by piston and probably subsidiary cantilever mechanisms and, finally, local stoping producing the cut-out rectilinear nature of the batholith.The Coastal Batholith formed on shallow partial melting of hydrous basaltic marginal basin rocks between 5 and 10 km. Floor depression occurred as the crustal column foundered into an actively deflating layer of partial melt. This is an efficient space making process and is limited here to shallow levels of the upper crust only. The melts ascended to within 2 or 3 km of the surface, up dyke-like conduits then spread horizontally to form tabular plutons.  相似文献   

Mylonite textures in granodiorite boulders are responsible for higher rates of surface denudation of host rocks and the progressive development of unusual rock weathering features, termed weathering posts. These textures are characterized by smaller grain sizes, higher biotite content, and a higher biotite axial ratio in host rocks relative to weathering posts. Elemental concentrations do not show a significant difference between weathering posts and the host rocks in which they are found, and this reflects the absence of a weathering residue on the rock surfaces. Chemical weathering loosens the bonds between mineral grains through the expansion of biotite, and the loosened grains fall off or are blown off the boulder surface and continue their chemical alteration in the surrounding soil. The height of weathering posts on late Quaternary moraines increases at a linear rate of ~ 1.45 ± 0.45 cm (1000 yr)? 1 until post heights reach the diameter of host rocks. Such a rate of boulder denudation, if unrecognized, would generate significant errors (> 20%) in cosmogenic exposure ages for Pleistocene moraines. Given the paucity of boulders with diameters that significantly exceed 1.5 m, the maximum age of utility of weathering posts as a numeric age indicator is ~ 100 ka.  相似文献   

Global warming in high mountain areas has led to visible environmental changes as glacial retreat, formation and evolution of moraine dammed lakes, slope instability, and major mass movements. Landslide dams and moraine dams are rather common in the Cordillera Blanca Mountains Range, Peru, and have caused large damages and fatalities over time. The environmental changes are influencing the rivers’ and dams’ equilibrium, and the potential induced consequences, like catastrophic debris flows or outburst floods resulting from dam failures, can be major hazards in the region. The studies of past landslide dam cases are essential in forecasting induced risks, and specific works on this topic were not developed in the study region. Reflecting this research gap, a database of 51 cases and an evolution study of landslide dams in the Cordillera Blanca Mountains is presented. The main morphometric parameters and information of the landslide, the dam body, the valley, and the lake, if any, have been determined through direct and indirect survey techniques. Low variability in some of the main morphometric parameter distributions (valley width and landslide volume) has been shown, most likely due to an environmental control connected to the regional tectonic and glacial history. In order to analyze present and future landslide dam evolution, a morphological analysis was carried out using two recently developed geomorphological indexes employed on the Italian territory. The results of the Cordillera Blanca analysis have been compared with a large Italian landslide dam inventory, highlighting as much the differences as the similarities between the two datasets. The long-term geomorphological evolution changes are evaluated. Many of the stable dams are in disequilibrium with their surrounding environment and their classification result is of “uncertain determination.”  相似文献   

The mid-Cretaceous White Creek batholith in southeast BritishColumbia is a zoned pluton ranging from quartz monzodioriteon the margin, to hornblende-and biotite-bearing granodioritetowards the interior of the batholith, which are in turn crosscutby two-mica granite. This range in rock type is similar to therange displayed by Mesozoic granitoid suites found in the Cordilleraninterior of western North America. The lithological zones inthe White Creek batholith correlate with distinet jumps in majorelement, trace element, and isotopic compositions, and indicatethat several pulses of magma were emplaced within the WhiteCreek magma chamber. The hornblende-and biotite-bearing granitoidsare metaluminous to weakly peraluminous, have strong light rareearth element (LREE) enrichment, and small negative Eu anomalies.These granitoids have initial Sr ranging from +32 to +84 (87Sr/86SrTfrom 0.7069 to 0.7106), initial Nd ranging from –5 to–10, and initial 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pbranging from 18.3 to 18.7, 15.58 to 15.65, and 38.3 to 39.0,respectively. The two-mica granites and associated aplites arestrongly peraluminous, and show only moderate LREE enrichmentand strong negative Eu anomalies. These granites have Sr rangingfrom +174 to + 436 (87Sr/86SrT from 0.7169 to 0.7354), Nd rangingfrom –12 to –16, and more radiogenic initial Pbisotope ratios than the hornblende-and biotite-bearing granitoids. Oxygen, Sr, Pb, and Nd isotopes, REE modelling, and phase equilibriumconstraints are consistent with crustal anatexis of Precambrianbasement gneisses and Proterozoic metapelites exposed in southeastBritish Columbia, the product being the hornblende-biotite granitoidsand two-mica granites, respectively. The sequence of intrusionin the White Creek batholith constrains the melting sequence.A zone of anatexis proceeded upwards through the crust, firstmelting basement gneisses then melting overlying metapelites.A model for basaltic magmatic underplating as a primary causeof anatexis of the crust during the mid-Cretaceous magmaticepisode is difficult to reconcile with the absence of earlyCretaceous basalt in the southern Canadian Cordillera. A muchmore likely petrogenetic model is that crustal anatexis wasprobably a response to crustal thickening in association withterrane accretion and collision along the western margin ofthe North American continent.  相似文献   

安徽黄山花岗岩岩石学、矿物学及地球化学研究   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
安徽黄山复式岩体位于扬子板块东南缘,江南陆内造山带内。黄山复式岩体由太平花岗闪长岩岩体和黄山花岗岩岩体组成。根据岩体的接触关系和各期次岩石的矿物学及岩石学特征,可以将黄山花岗岩岩体分为4个期次:第一期为中粒二长花岗岩;第二期为粗粒似斑状花岗岩;第三期为中细粒斑状花岗岩;第四期为粗粒含斑花岗岩。从矿物的组成上来看,各期次的岩石均为广义的花岗岩类,主要矿物以石英和长石为主,太平岩体和黄山岩体中的斜长石均表现出钠长石的特点,同时黄山岩体特征的出现条纹长石。各期次岩体均含有少量的铁白云母,显示出过铝质的特点。各期次岩石总体具有高硅(SiO2含量大于75%)、高碱(ALK含量大于7.9%)、低钙(CaO含量小于1%)及高FeOT/MgO比值(13~37)的特点。同时岩石强烈富集稀土元素(除Eu出现明显的负异常)、Zr、Hf、Nb等高场强元素,贫Ba、Sr、Ni,高10000×Ga/Al(比值大于2.6),这些特征均指示黄山复式岩体具有A型花岗岩的特点。通过Eby的判别图解将其进一步划分为A2型花岗岩,代表其形成于拉张的构造背景之下。结合Sm-Nd同位素特征(εNd(t)= -4. 2 ~ -5.6),确定黄山复式岩体的源区物质可能为一套元古宙的火山岩。同时稀土模拟结果表明,黄山岩体的原始岩浆是这种源区大约20%部分熔融的产物。岩体形成于斜向俯冲引发的陆内剪张环境内。  相似文献   

The Neogene Volcanic Province (NVP) within the Betic Cordillera (SE Spain) consists of three main metapelitic enclave suites (from SW to NE: El Hoyazo, Mazarrón and Mar Menor). Since the NVP represents a singular place in the world where crustal enclaves were immediately quenched after melting, their microstructures provide a “photograph” of the conditions at depth just after the moment of the melting.

The thermobarometric information provided by the different microstructural assemblages has been integrated with the geophysical and geodynamical published data into a model of the petrologic evolution of the Mar Menor enclaves. They were equilibrated at 2–3 kbar, 850–900 °C, and followed a sequence of heating melt producing reactions. A local cooling event evidenced by minor melt crystallization preceded the eruption.

The lower crustal studies presented in this work contribute to the knowledge of: (i) the partial melting event beneath the Mar Menor volcanic suite through a petrologic detailed study of the enclaves; (ii) how the microstructures of fast cooled anatectic rocks play an important role in tracing the magma evolution in a chamber up to the eruption, and how they can be used as pseudothermobarometers; (iii) the past and current evolution of the Alborán Domain (Betic Cordillera) and Mediterranean Sea, and how the base of a metapelitic crust has melted within an active geodynamic setting.  相似文献   

大陆弧岩浆幕式作用与地壳加厚:以藏南冈底斯弧为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大陆弧岩浆带位于汇聚板块的前缘,记录了洋陆俯冲过程和大陆地壳生长过程,是研究壳幔相互作用的天然实验室。越来越多的研究发现,大陆弧岩浆的生长与侵位并不是均一的、连续的过程,而是呈现阶段性、峰期性特征,即幕式岩浆作用。弧岩浆峰期与岩浆平静期相比,岩浆增生速率显著增强,易于发生岩浆聚集,继而形成大的岩基,如北美西部科迪勒拉造山带内华达岩基、半岛岩基等。藏南冈底斯岩浆带位于拉萨地体南缘,属于印度-亚洲碰撞带的上盘,其南侧与喜马拉雅地体以雅鲁藏布蛇绿岩带为界。冈底斯弧岩浆形成时代集中在240~50 Ma期间,其形成与演化与新特提斯洋壳岩石圈板片俯冲到拉萨地体之下密切相关。因此,对冈底斯弧型岩浆作用的研究,将很好地揭示大陆型弧岩浆的演化过程,继而反演洋-陆俯冲过程,以及壳幔相互作用过程。通过对冈底斯岩浆带岩浆岩锆石U-Pb及Lu-Hf同位素,以及弧前和前陆盆地碎屑锆石U-Pb和Lu-Hf同位素的收集和整理,结合已经发表的区域地质资料的总结,我们发现冈底斯弧型岩浆演化具有如下特点:1幕式侵位,岩浆峰期为100~80 Ma和65~40 Ma,中间为岩浆平静期;2峰期阶段岩浆聚集,形成巨大岩基;岩石同位...  相似文献   

The Strzelin Massif in SW Poland (Central European Variscides) records a protracted igneous evolution, with three main magmatic stages: (1) tonalitic I, (2) granodioritic and (3) tonalitic II/granitic. In the northern part of this Massif, the Strzelin intrusion proper comprises three successively emplaced rock types: a medium-grained biotite granite (303 ± 2 Ma), a fine-grained biotite granite (283 ± 8 Ma) and a fine-grained biotite-muscovite granite; based on field evidence, the third variety postdates both types of the biotite granites. The structural data from the three granites, including their parallel, approximately E–W striking and steeply dipping lithological contacts and ENE–WSW trending subhorizontal magmatic lineations, suggest that the emplacement of all three successive granite varieties was controlled by an active, long-lived strike-slip fault, striking ESE–WNW, with a dextral sense of movement. After the emplacement of the youngest biotite-muscovite granite, the intrusion underwent brittle extension which produced “Q joints” striking NNW–SSE to N–S and dipping at 55–70° WSW to W, and showing evidence of broadly N–S directed sinistral displacements. The structural observations, supported by new geochronological data, indicate that the internal structure of the composite granitoid intrusion, including the faint magmatic foliation and lineation, formed in a long-lived strike-slip setting, different from the subsequent, post-emplacement extensional tectonics that controlled the development of brittle structures.  相似文献   

The Middle Jurassic Fourth of July Batholith and cross-cutting mafic dikes have been studied geochronologically, geobarometrically and paleomagnetically to estimate subsequent tectonic motion of the Cache Creek Terrane (CCT) in the northern Canadian Cordillera. 40Ar/39Ar hornblende ages from a granodiorite phase are similar to U–Pb zircon ages and indicate rapid cooling of the batholith upon intrusion, suggesting that the magnetization age is coincident with the 173-Ma crystallization age. Argon ages of biotite from the granodiorite and two mafic dikes have similar ages of 165 Ma, which dates cooling through 280 °C.Aluminum-in-hornblende geobarometry indicates differential uplift of the batholith across a north–south fault zone along Atlin Lake with >6 km more uplift on its eastern side. Also, the eastern side has been tilted downward to the south–southwest by 9°.Combined paleomagnetic data from 20 granitoid and 11 mafic dike sites yield an in situ paleopole at 55°W, 63°N (dp=5°, dm=5°) and a tilt-corrected paleopole at 81°W, 55°N (dp=5°, dm=6°). Compared to the 173-Ma reference pole for the North American craton, the tilt-corrected pole suggests a significant southward translation of 16.1±3.7° and a significant clockwise rotation of 107±7°. The translation estimate is similar to the Jurassic Teslin Crossing pluton in the Stikine Terrane, however, the rotation estimate is very different. This could indicate that the Cache Creek Terrane was at a similar latitude of the Stikine Terrane, but the two were not yet amalgamated.  相似文献   

A post-tectonic unzoned granite intrusion in the Meatiq Dome, a Late Proterozoic metamorphic complex in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt, shows significant chemical and mineralogic heterogeneity on the scale of sampling (5 kg). Whole rock analyses of 21 samples indicate small variations in SiO2, Al2O3, Na2O and K2O, and larger systematic variations in the less abundant major elements such as FeO, TiO2, CaO, MnO and MgO, and trace elements such as Sc, Cr, Co, Rb, Sr, Zr, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Tb, Yb, Lu, Ta, Th and U. These variations cannot be accounted for by processes such as marginal accretion, assimilation, alteration by late stage fluids, or multiple intrusion. Instead, we proposed a model involving 35 percent solidification of the granite magma followed by partial solid-liquid segregation during emplacement, resulting in rocks containing 7–71 volume percent early-formed solids. Such randomly distributed local segregation could have been caused by filter pressing, flow differentiation, and possibly gravity segregation, either singly or in combination. Thus, each sample is interpreted as a mixture of two end-members with nearly constant compositions: an early-formed solid assemblage of crystals and a complementary residual liquid. Early formed solids are enriched in TiO2, FeO, CaO, P2O5, Sc, Co, Cr, Sr, La, Ce and depleted in SiO2, Rb, Yb, Lu, Ta, Th, and U, while the residual liquid has complementary enrichments and depletions. This simple mixing model is consistent with field and petrographic observations, experimental studies pertaining to the crystallization sequence in the system Ab-Or-Qtz-H2O at 1 Kb, and physical properties of silicic magmas. Furthermore, it is quantitatively supported by trace-element data for minerals, computed endmember compositions at 35% crystallization using mineral analyses and reasonable Kd values, and internal consistency in the percent solid for each sample computed from each of 17 elements in the inferred end-members. We suggest that this model might also apply to other small epizonal granite intrusions that show small-scale chemical heterogeneities.  相似文献   

Summary The Mesozoic-Cenozoic history of the Canadian Cordillera in British Columbia was composed of five major stages: preaccretion island arc development in the Early Jurassic, micro-plate vs. continent collision in the Middle Jurassic, uplift and extension in the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, renewed collisional tectonics in the Middle Cretaceous, and extension and strike-slip faulting in the Late Cretaceous to Eocene. All of these intervals except the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous were associated with extensive plutonism and volcanism. An analysis of the age distribution of epigenetic ores (porphyry Cu ± Mo, Au; mesothermal Au; epithermal Au ± Ag; Ag-Pb-Zn veins), however, indicates that only the Early Jurassic, the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, and the Late Cretaceous to Eocene were characterized by widespread development of epigenetic ores. Especially notable is the absence of significant epigenetic mineralization from the Middle Jurassic and Middle Cretaceous periods, even though magmatism and metamorphism were widespread during these time periods.Studies of synbrogenic regional fluid flow in the Canadian Cordillera show that differences in regional hydrogeology between the compressional-thrust and the extensional intervals are probably the key factor in determining which intervals were extensively mineralized. In compressional-thrust regimes characteristic of the Middle Jurassic and Middle Cretaceous, vertical permeability is disrupted by low permeability thrust zones, which inhibits the influx of surface fluids or venting of subsurface fluids and consequently, limits the ability of the system to concentrate metals. In extensional regimes, vertical fracturing provides regions of high permeability, which provide for the rapid influx and circulation of surface fluids and venting of devolatilizational fluids and consequently, the widespread formation of epigenetic ores.
Gebirgsbildung, Hydrogeologie der Kruste, und Entstehung von epigenetischen Erzlagerstätten in der kanadischen Cordillera
Zusammenfassung Die mesozoisch-känozoische Geschichte der kanadischen Cordillere in Britisch Kolumbien umfaßt fünf Haupt-Stadien: Entwicklung eines Inselbogens im Unter-Jura, Mikroplatten/Kontinent-Kollision im Mittel-Jura, Hebung and Extension im Oberjura bis Unterkreide, Kollisionstektonik in der Mittelkreide und schließlich Extension und Strike-Slip-Faulting von der Oberkreide bis ins Eozän. Alle diese Phasen, mit Ausnahme der im späten Jura und in der frühen Kreide, waren mit ausgedehnter plutonischer und vulkanischer Aktivität verbunden. Eine Analyse der Altersverteilung epigenetischer Erzlagerstätten (Porphyry Cu + Mo, mesothermales Au, epithermales Au + Ag; AgPb-Zn-Gänge), weist darauf hin, daß nur im Unterjura, und vom Oberjura bis in die Unterkreide, und von der Oberkreide bis ins Eozän die Entstehung epigenetischer Erzlagerstätten zu beobachten war. Besonders bemerkenswert ist das Fehlen signifikanter epigenetischer Mineralisation im Mitteljura und in der Mittelkreide, obwohl Magmatismus und Metamorphose während dieser Zeitabschnitte zu beobachten waren.Untersuchungen von synorogenem, regionalem Fluidverhalten in der kanadischen Kordillere zeigen, daß Unterschiede in der regionalen Hydrogeologie zwischen kompressionalen Überschiebungsphasen und extensionalen Perioden ein wichtiger Faktor in der Entwicklung der Mineralisation sind. In Kompressions/Überschiebungsregimen, die für den Mitteljura und die Mittelkreide charakteristisch sind, war vertikale Permeabilität durch Überschiebungsbahnen von niedriger Permeabilität unterbrochen. Dies wiederum verhinderte den Zufluß von Oberflächen-Fluiden oder das Aufsteigen von Fluiden aus der Tiefe und, in der Folge, die Fähigkeit des Systems, Metalle zu konzentrieren. In Extensions-Bereichen bieten vertikale Bruchstrukturen Bereiche hoher Durchlässigkeit an, die wiederum rasche Zufuhr und Zirkulation von Oberflächenfluiden, das Aufsteigen von Fluiden, sowie die Bildung von Lagerstätten erleichtern.

This paper was presented at the IGCP 291 Project Symposium Metamorphic Fluids and Mineral Deposits, ETH Zürich, March 21–23, 1991.  相似文献   

杨高学  李永军  司国辉  吴宏恩  金朝 《地质学报》2010,84(12):1759-1769
新疆东准噶尔卡拉麦里地区是一个重要的锡成矿带,分布有多种类型花岗岩。贝勒库都克岩体位于锡成矿带中部,由黑云母正长花岗岩和黑云母二长花岗岩组成。本文通过精确的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年获得贝勒库都克含锡黑云母正长花岗岩年龄为283±2Ma,MSWD=0.14(95%置信度),时代属于早二叠世,这与东准噶尔后碰撞深成岩浆活动的范围(330~265Ma)相吻合。岩石地球化学研究表明,贝勒库都克岩体富硅(SiO2=75.25%~76.67%),低铝(Al2O3=11.91%~12.86%),贫镁(MgO=0.02%~0.18%)和钙(CaO=0.39%~0.89%),富碱(Na2O+K2O=8.08%~8.97%),K2O>Na2O,NK/A=0.86~0.95(平均0.92),A/NCK=0.97~1.02,富集Rb、K等大离子亲石元素及Zr、Hf等高场强元素,Ba,Nb,Sr强烈亏损,δEu=0.01~0.11,其FeOt/MgO(12.71~84.51,平均34.55)和10000Ga/A1(2.97~4.20)值大,HFSE元素(Zr+Nb+Ce+Y=191.8×10-6~353.3×10-6)含量高,明显不同于典型的I型和S型花岗岩,基本属于典型的铝质A型花岗岩。年代学和地球化学综合研究表明,贝勒库都克铝质A型花岗岩是壳幔混合成因,是准噶尔地区后碰撞幔源岩浆底侵作用导致大陆地壳垂向生长过程的记录者。贝勒库都克铝质A型花岗岩Sn的含量高(6.0×10-6~19.5×10-6,个别为80.0×10-6),铝质A型花岗岩是成矿热液的直接母体,而富Sn的流体相最终形成了贝勒库都克锡矿床,锡矿与铝质A型花岗岩是同期地质事件的产物。  相似文献   

A suite of cordierite-bearing biotite-muscovite intrusive granites in the New England Batholith, New South Wales, outcrops over 3400 sq km and is the largest reported occurrence of granites of this type. Compositionally the granites are close to the low temperature minimum and display only limited chemical variation. The corundum-normative nature of the granites suggests a pelitic sedimentary parentage. Cordierite with an average 100 Mg/ Mg + Fe of 55 occurs as large tabular crystals and is considered to be a refractory phase brought up from the zone of partial melting. The presence of cordierite and the absence of garnet in these granites suggests a partial melting at a pressure maximum of 6 kb, equivalent to 22 km depth.  相似文献   

The Archaean complex of Greenland consists of a layered sequence of gneisses whose history can be traced back from 2,600 m.y. to before 3,750 m.y. ago. Quartzo-feldspathic gneisses that are considered to be derived from intrusive granitic rocks make up more than 80% of the complex. They were emplaced during at least two separate periods of plutonism. The remainder of the complex consists of supracrustal rocks, mainly amphibolites and semipelitic gneisses with smaller amounts of quartzite and calcarous rocks, and metamorphosed basic igneous rocks dominated by leucogabbros and anorthosites. Lithologic units of different ages and provenances were intercalated by nappe-like folding and thrusting and were intruded by syntectonic sheets of calc-alkaline granitic rocks. The resulting sequence was repeatedly folded and deformed under high grade metamorphic conditions and the layering was further emphasised. This combination nappe-like folding, thrusting and granite injection is considered to have resulted in a considerable amount of crustal thickening. Granulite facies metamorphism ensued at depth as the base of the thickened sialic mass dried out. In this way a stable continental mass was formed with a refractory base of high grade rocks depleted in radioactive elements. It is suggested that the driving force responsible for the folding, thrusting and generation and intrusion of calc-alkaline magmas was some form of sub-horizontal movement within the mantle and between the mantle and thin crust. This dominantly horizontal tectonic regime is contrasted with the dominantly vertical tectonic regime described from the greenstone belt—granite terrain of southern Africa.  相似文献   

The timing and magnitude of deformation across the central Tibetan Plateau, including the South Qiangtang Terrane (SQT), are poorly constrained but feature prominently in geodynamic models of the Tibetan Plateau formation. The Ejiu fold and thrust belt (EFTB), which is located in the SQT, provides valuable records of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic deformation history of the central Tibetan Plateau. Here we integrate geochronology of volcanic rocks, low-temperature thermochronology, geologic mapping and a balanced cross section to resolve the deformation history of the SQT. Geochronologic data suggest that major deformation that initiated in the early Cretaceous continued until at least 80 Ma and ceased by ∼40 Ma. The balanced cross section resolves ∼66 km upper crustal shortening (34%) mainly during the Cretaceous Qiangtang-Lhasa collision. However, the Cenozoic crustal shortening is not well constrained because of a lack of successive Cenozoic strata. We also discussed whether the observed crustal shortening can account for the modern crustal thickness and elevation in the SQT. Our observations indicate that crustal shortening and thickening within the central Tibetan Plateau was mostly accomplished during the Cretaceous Lhasa-Qiangtang collision. A thick crust could be maintained since the Cretaceous due to slow erosion rates since ∼40 Ma. Minor Late Cenozoic shortening also contributed to a small amount of crustal thickening in the central Tibetan Plateau. However, close to modern >4700 m elevation was finally attained by lithospheric mantle foundering in the Qiangtang Terrane at ∼25 Ma.  相似文献   

大干沟花岗岩体位于东昆仑金水口地区,其岩石类型主要为中粗粒正长花岗岩。该花岗岩的SiO_2含量为68.68%~71.12%,平均含量为69.84%;Al_2O_3含量为14.01%~15.40%,平均含量为14.82%;K_2O/Na_2O值高,为1.19~1.64,平均为1.40;铝饱和指数A/CNK值为0.98~1.02,平均为1.00,具有准铝质-弱过铝质花岗岩的特点。岩石稀土元素总量较高,LREE元素富集,具有明显的Eu负异常,相对原始地幔明显富集U、Th,亏损Ti、P、Nb、Ta等高场强元素和Ba、Sr等大离子亲石元素,具有A型花岗岩的特征。花岗岩εNd(t)0,为-5.6~-7.3,tDM=1.54~2.27 Ga,表明其物源可能主要为中元古代物质(金水口群),LA-ICP-MS锆石εHf(t)=-2.2~2.6,显著不同于地壳岩浆的Hf同位素组成,显示有地幔物质添加。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为392±2 Ma(MSWD=1.14)。结合区域构造演化和上述地球化学特征,认为大干沟岩体为早古生代造山后伸展阶段的产物,是东昆南地体与东昆北地体碰撞后地幔岩浆上涌及地壳熔融的结果。  相似文献   

地应力与岩石弹性模量关系试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在北京某深孔原岩应力测量和原岩应力测量段同等深度单轴及不同围压下的三轴岩石力学试验的基础上,结合统计的钻孔岩体结构参数,分析了原岩应力测量段深度处修正前、后的岩石弹性模量,进而探讨了地应力与岩石弹性模量间关系。结果表明,在花岗岩中,主应力大小与修正前、后的岩石弹性模量间均呈正相关关系,而在灰岩中,主应力大小与修正前、后岩石弹性模量间的关系不明确,需要进一步研究;在花岗岩中,主应力大小与修正后的岩石弹性模量间的相关性系数高于主应力大小与修正前的岩石弹性模量间的相关性系数;各向同性高的岩体(如花岗岩),实测地应力大小与岩石力学试验结果相关性好,而各向异性大的岩体(如沉积岩),实测地应力大小与岩石力学试验结果相关性较差  相似文献   

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