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Because of the importance of geological factors on health an International Working Group on Medical Geology was established in 1998, with the primary aim of increasing awareness of this issue among scientists, medical specialists, and the general public. In 2000 a new project was established by UNESCO. The primary aim of the projects was to bring together, on a global scale, scientists working in this field in developing countries with their colleagues in other parts of the world. The International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) also sponsored international short courses in this subject, a cooperation involving The Geological Survey of Sweden, US Geological Survey and the US Armed Forces of Pathology. In 2006 a new association was established: International Medical Geology Association, IMGA. Regional Divisions all over the world have been established. Two text books have been published, the most recent one by Elsevier 2005: Essentials of Medical Geology which has received two prestigious international awards. A website ( http://www.medicalgeology.org ) and regular newsletters have been published. Short courses on medical geology, have been held since 2001 in more than 30 countries. Medical geology will also be one of the ten main topics within the Year of Planet Earth declared by UN General Assembly December 22, 2005. Medical geology is also one of the five topics within the GeoUnion initiative. The international impact has been tremendous. Universities all around the world are starting courses and education in medical geology, the first centers are under construction, symposias have been held and a world wide collaboration has started between geoscientists, environmental researchers, epidemiologists, toxicologists, pathologists and other scientists.  相似文献   

An incomplete specimen of Stimulograptus halli 1.45 m long is recorded from the Aberystwyth Grits Formation north of Clarach, western mid‐Wales. This is the longest graptoloid graptolite known. Assuming a growth rate similar to that of modern Rhabdopleura it lived for at least 25 years. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The wealth of material of"Sinanthropus pekinensis"remains nowat our disposal enables us to define its typical character and to determinethat Sinanthropus undoubtedly represents the most primitive hominidknown hitherto.Since Sinanthropus is connected with recent man by a  相似文献   

<正>1 Introduction The exploration and development of unconventional oil and gas is gradually becoming the new hot topic,which is promoted by the increasing demand of oil and gas,as well as the decline in conventional oil and gas production(Jia et al.,2012;Zou et al.,2012).The researches of unconventional oil and gas resources started late in China,while the resources are widely distributed,including  相似文献   

Jowett AJ 《GeoJournal》1991,23(2):135-146
Pre-1949 China was The Sick Man of Asia, The Land of Famine. In 1949 Mao brought the communists to power and in the re-ordered world, all such problems were supposedly overcome — but not so. Thirty years ago China suffered one of the world's worst famines. Over the four years 1958–61, China suffered some 25–30 million more deaths and experienced some 30–35 million fewer births than might have been expected under normal conditions. Yet for almost a quarter of a century there would be few, outside of China, who were aware of the existence let alone the dimensions of the disaster. Access to Chinese census data since the mid-1980s has permitted a preliminary analysis of the demographic impact of the famine.Abbreviations JPRS-CEA-81-128 Joint Publications Research Service, China Economic Affairs Report 128, 1981 - JPRS-CPS-85-028 Joint Publications Research Service. China Report, Political, Sociological & Military Affairs 28, 1985  相似文献   

Thegeologicdataistheinformationonthelandandresources,whichisanimportantfoundationforunder standingandstudyingtheEarth ,protectingandrationallyusingresourcesintheEarth.Thegeologicdataareex tensivelyusedtostudygeoscience,mineraldevelopment,engineeringconstruction,Earth‘senvironmentalpro tection,preventionandreductionofdisaster.Thecollectionandusingofgeologicdataplayanimportantroleinavoidingandreducingtheinvestmentriskandrepetitiveinvestmentongeologicwork,andpromotingsustainabledevelopmentofthe…  相似文献   

The Cretaceous System in China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
This paper provides an outline of Cretaceous stratigraphy and paleogeography in China, which is based on rich data obtained from recent researches. Cretaceous deposits are widespread in China. Most strata are of nonmarine origin and marine sediments occur only in Tibet, western Tarim Basin of Xinjiang, Taiwan and limited localities of eastern Heilongjiang. All deposits are rich in fossils and well-constrained biostratigraphically. The stratigraphic successions of different regions are illustrated, and general stratigraphic division and correlation have been introduced. The marine deposits are described in the Tibetan Tethys, Kashi-Hotan Region of Xinjiang, eastern Heilongjiang, western Yunnan and Taiwan; the nonmarine deposits are outlined from northeast China, southeast China, southern interior China, southwest China, the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia region, and northwestern China intermontane basins. The sedimentary facies and paleogeography are diversified. In Tibet the basin evolution is largely related to the subduction and collision of the Indian Plate against the Eurasian Continent, and shows a tectonic evolution in the Cretaceous. Foraminifera are a dominant biota in the Tibet Tethys. Nonmarine sediments include variegated and red beds, coal- or salt-bearing horizons, and volcanic rocks. These deposits contain diverse and abundant continental faunas and floras, as well as important coal and oil resources. The Cretaceous stratigraphy and paleogeography in China have presented a foundation for geological studies.  相似文献   

Studies of the deformation styles, formation types and isotopic age data indicate that the Altaides has successively experienced 5 stages of orogeny: (1) the Kanas orogeny forming the angular unconformity between the Baihaba Formation (O_3) and the Habahe Group (Z-O_2); (2) the Daqiao orogeny (S_3-D_(1-2) giving rise to the early Hercynian quasi-aulacogen extensional continental crust of the area; (3) the Altay orogeny (middle-late Hercynian) leading to the oblique intracontinentai collision and the formation of large shear arc-shaped thrust system and representing a strong orogeny stage; (4) the pan-Altay orogeny (latest Hercynian-Indosinian) resulting in the uplifting and erosion of the mountains as a whole; (5) the Himalayan movement causing the rejuvenation of fault systems and block uplift of the Aitaides since the Cenozoic.  相似文献   

The authors summarize the results of the international symposium The Earth as Transformed by Human Action held at Clark University, USA, in October 1987 with the purpose of inventorying human impact and environmental changes over the last three centuries. There are suggestions on the comparison of driving forces and environmental changes on the regional and global scales, and on the conceptualization of the human dimensions of global change. Some perspectives of the further development of the international and interdisciplinary Earth Transformed project are also discussed.  相似文献   

The conceptualization model problem—surprise   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
The foundation of model analysis is the conceptual model. Surprise is defined as new data that renders the prevailing conceptual model invalid; as defined here it represents a paradigm shift. Limited empirical data indicate that surprises occur in 20–30% of model analyses. These data suggest that groundwater analysts have difficulty selecting the appropriate conceptual model. There is no ready remedy to the conceptual model problem other than (1) to collect as much data as is feasible, using all applicable methods—a complementary data collection methodology can lead to new information that changes the prevailing conceptual model, and (2) for the analyst to remain open to the fact that the conceptual model can change dramatically as more information is collected. In the final analysis, the hydrogeologist makes a subjective decision on the appropriate conceptual model. The conceptualization problem does not render models unusable. The problem introduces an uncertainty that often is not widely recognized. Conceptual model uncertainty is exacerbated in making long-term predictions of system performance.
Resumen La base para hacer un análisis de un modelo es el modelo conceptual. Se define aquí la sorpresa como los datos nuevos que convierten en incoherente al modelo conceptual previamente aceptado; tal como se define aquí esto representa un cambio de paradigma. Los datos empíricos limitados indican que estas sorpresas suceden entre un 20 a un 30% de los análisis de modelos. Esto sugiere que los analistas de modelos de agua subterránea tienen dificultades al seleccionar el modelo conceptual apropiado. No hay otra solución disponible a este problema del modelo conceptual diferente de: (1) Recolectar tanta información como sea posible, mediante la utilización de todos los métodos aplicables, lo cual puede resultar en que esta nueva información ayude a cambiar el modelo conceptual vigente, y (2) Que el analista de modelos se mantenga siempre abierto al hecho de que un modelo conceptual puede cambiar de manera total, en la medida en que se colecte mas información. En el análisis final el hidrogeólogo toma una decisión subjetiva en cuanto al modelo conceptual apropiado. El problema de la conceptualización no produce modelos inútiles. El problema presenta una incertidumbre, la cual a menudo no es tenida en cuenta de manera adecuada. Esta incertidumbre en los modelos conceptuales se aumenta, cuando se hacen predicciones a largo plazo del comportamiento de un sistema dado.

Résumé Cest le modèle conceptuel qui se trouve à base dune analyse sur un modèle. On considère comme une surprise lorsque le modèle est invalidé par des données nouvelles; dans les termes définis ici la surprise est équivalente à un change de paradigme. Des données empiriques limitées indiquent que les surprises apparaissent dans 20 à 30% des analyses effectuées sur les modèles. Ces données suggèrent que lanalyse des eaux souterraines présente des difficultés lorsquil sagit de choisir le modèle conceptuel approprié. Il nexiste pas un autre remède au problème du modèle conceptuel que: (1) rassembler autant des données que possible en utilisant toutes les méthodes applicables—la méthode des données complémentaires peut conduire aux nouvelles informations qui vont changer le modèle conceptuel, et (2) lanalyste doit rester ouvert au fait que le modèle conceptuel peut bien changer lorsque des nouvelles informations apparaissent. Dans lanalyse finale le hydrogéologue prend une décision subjective sur le modèle conceptuel approprié. Le problème du le modèle conceptuel ne doit pas rendre le modèle inutilisable. Ce problème introduit une incertitude qui nest pas toujours reconnue. Les incertitudes du modèle conceptuel deviennent plus importantes dans les cases de prévisions à long terme dans lanalyse de performance.

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1652-1656
Inasmuch as kimberlites prove to be porphyritic rocks of effusive habit, upon review of published ideas and facts, the general classification of effusive rocks is fully applicable to kimberlites. Consequently superfluous adjectives such as “massive,” “igneous,” “basaltic,” etc., and use of the term “kimberlite” itself should be discouraged.  相似文献   

Interseam “sands” of Morwell form part of a sequence of brown‐coal seams, sediments and volcanic rocks which, together, make up the Tertiary Latrobe Valley Coal Measures. A detailed investigation and computer analysis of the “sands” show that they are fluviatile deposits which accumulated within the tectonically stable Latrobe Valley Depression.

On an inclusive‐graphic comparative scale, particle‐size analyses show that the sediments tend to be poorly sorted, positively skewed and mesocurtic with a mean size within the coarse‐sand range. Modal frequency peaks occur between –0.5 and –1 and between 1 and 2 phi. Presented evidence suggests that the coarser fraction represents a rolled grain population with fine‐medium sand reflecting parallel deposition from graded suspension.  相似文献   

This paper reviews and integrates new results on: (1) the Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic evolution of Central Asia; (2) Cenozoic mountain building and intramontane basin formation in the Altay-Sayan area; (3) comparison of the tectonic evolutionary paths of the Altay, Baikal, and Tien Shan regions; (4) Cenozoic tectonics and mantle-plume magmatic activity; and (5) the geodynamics and tectonic evolution of Central Asia as a function of the India-Himalaya collision. It provides a new and more complete scenario for the formation of the Central Asian intracontinental mountain belt, compared with the generally accepted model of the “indentation” of the Indian plate into the Eurasian plate. The new model is based on the hypothesis of a complex interaction of lithospheric plates and mantle-plume magmatism. Compilation and comparison of new and published structural, geomorphological, paleomagnetic, isotopic, fission-track, and plume magmatism data from the Baikal area, the Altay, Mongolia, Tien Shan, Pamir, and Tibet show that the main stages of their orogenic evolution and basin sedimentation are closely related in time and space. After a long period of tectonic quiescence and peneplanation, Central and Southeast Asia were strongly affected by India-Eurasia collisional tectonics. During the first collisional stage (60 to 35 Ma), a first series of high mountains formed in the Himalayas, southern Tibet, and, possibly, the southern Tien Shan. Eocene deposits, younging northward, formed coevally with the orogeny in the near-Himalaya trough, Tarim, Tajik depression, and Fergana Basin. During postcollisional convergence, new depressions formed over wide territories, from the Tarim to Baikal and Altay areas. However, intensification of the deformation and uplift later were propagated northward, with development of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (20 to 12 Ma), Tien Shan mountains (18 to 11 Ma), Junggar mountains and depression (8 to 5 Ma), and Altay, Baikal, and Transbaikal depressions and mountains (3 Ma).

Northward propagation of the deformation front from the Himalayan collision zone is suggested by regular northward younging of mountains and intramontane basins. Evidence of this includes: (1) India thrusting under Tibet, resulting in the rotation of the latter (60 to 35 Ma); (2) subsidence of the Tarim ramp depression, the rise of the Tien Shan, and the migration of both the Tien Shan and Tarim to the northwest along the Junggar and Talas-Fergana strike-slip faults (35 to 8 Ma); (3) subsidence of the Junggar plate, counterclockwise rotation of the Mongolian and Amur plates (8 to 3 Ma); and (4) rise of the Altay, Hangai, and Transbaikal areas, clockwise rotation of the Amur plate, and rapid opening of the Baikal rift. There is a clear relation between tectonics (rotation of the Tibet and Amur microplates, displacement along plate boundaries) and plume magmatism. The effects of the latter on moving plates are deduced from migration of the Tien Shan volcanic area toward the Tibet area and of the South Mongolian volcanic migration toward the Hangai area. Magmatism and tectonic processes became synchronous just after India collided with the South Himalaya area (60 Ma) and the Pamirs (35 Ma). Plumes beneath the Asian plate are considered to be responsible for the rotation of the microplates and for the northward propagation of tectonic activity from the zone of collision. Mantle magmatism is lacking beneath the Altay. In this case, mountain-building processes and basin-formation mechanisms likely are related to external sources of deformation originating from the India-Pamir convergence. In addition, they also may be related to the general translation and rotation of microplates.  相似文献   


Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - The purpose of the article is to construct petrodensity and structural velocity models of the Earth’s crust and the upper mantle based on the...  相似文献   

许多搁置数十年的公寓楼,公共机构和商务大楼的翻修带来了洛杉矶市中心建设的高潮。这座酒店也是在这样的背景下修建成的。它的前身是始建于1956年的Superior Oll公司总部。  相似文献   

It is crucial that today’s land uses are not decoupled even further from prevailing site conditions. Quite the contrary, the site-adequate use of natural resources ought to be mandatory. This is provided for to a certain extent by the concept of multifunctionality and the exploitation of locational geological potential. Nevertheless, an appropriate course of action has yet to be taken. This can be achieved by applying an appropriate geo-based land use concept. To this end, however, from the scientific perspective alone, there has to be a new level of quality in the interaction between the various specialist disciplines to resolve the nexus problem and to achieve systemic approaches. The gap between the knowledge available in geology and the aspired land use concepts appears to be particularly large. A land use concept that pursues a systemic approach and refers to an adequate extent to geological knowledge provides options for future site-adequate land use as the basis for respective decision-makers or decision-making processes, not any longer conducted by political constraints or economic incentives only.  相似文献   

The effect of uncertainty on cooperation between the partners sharing the natural resources remains unknown. Uncertainty may strengthen cooperation between partners, as it is necessary to implement cooperative mitigation policies, however, it may also serve as a cause of friction between parties, as it may aggravate existing trust issues or power asymmetries. Given the potential for such contrary outcomes, we provide criteria to examine empirically how uncertainties in a transboundary setting seem to promote or impede cooperation. Taking Israeli–Palestinian Annapolis round and post-Annapolis negotiations as a case study, this work identifies the effect of uncertainties related to water on negotiation positions. Social and political uncertainties, which tend to be more associated with uncertainty regarding interpretation rather than a lack of information, play a much stronger role in water negotiations than do technical or physical uncertainties that often dominate in other resource issues. Many of the criteria used to assess the effect of uncertainty indicate that partners attempted to address uncertainties in an ostensibly cooperative manner, accepting negotiation venues and rules. However, confronting uncertainty stemming from interpretation of information often around social issues tends to result in additional uncertainties associated with delaying negotiations, spillover effects and power implications, each with negative implications in terms of cooperation. As such, mechanisms proposed to address these uncertainties also tend to be more disputed. The only type of mechanisms that did not appear to aggravate the effects of these uncertainties and perhaps the only that would be indicative of some type of cooperation, even if low level, are those that deal data and information exchange and research.  相似文献   

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