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选取旅游洞穴九天洞为研究对象,对洞穴环境变化特征及影响因素进行分析,探讨旅游活动和外界环境变化对洞穴环境变化的影响,以期能够为旅游洞穴的保护与合理开发提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)九天洞受外界气温变化的影响呈夏季高冬季低的特征,且洞穴温度略高于当地平均温度,这与洞穴通风、旅游活动、监测时间等因素有关;(2)洞内相对湿度与洞内空气温度呈较好的负相关关系,洞内相对湿度的变化主要受控于温度,呈夏季低冬季高的变化特征;(3)九天洞CO2浓度的季节变化特征为夏秋季高冬季低,与气候变化导致的植被和微生物活动以及滴水速率的变化有关;(4)距洞口越远的监测点空气温度、相对湿度的变化幅度越小,CO2浓度越高,说明距洞口越远受洞外气候变化以及洞穴通风的影响越小;(5)九天洞各监测点pH值和电导率主要与外界气候变化有关,对气候变化响应敏感,在降水偏少的干旱年,监测点pH值偏高,电导率偏低。   相似文献   

为揭示岩溶洞穴沉积物对沉积环境与沉积过程的指示作用,文章在分析双河洞洞系形成过程及山王洞区域地质调查资料的基础上,选取贵州山王洞中段古河漫滩沉积物为研究对象,采用粒度分析法与萨胡公式对洞穴沉积物粒度特征与沉积环境的相关性进行分析,推断不同沉积韵律期的沉积环境演变过程,研究结果表明:(1)古河漫滩表层沉积物以极细砂、粉砂和黏土为主,平均含量达94.42%,且中上部含有一层粗砂砾夹层;(2)沉积模式主要为跳跃和悬浮沉积,水动力条件整体稳定,搬运颗粒粒径平均值为637 μm,其最大沉积物颗粒粒径为864.2 μm;(3)以沉积物粒度特征为依据,将古河漫滩沉积过程划分为三级沉积韵律,一级沉积韵律厚度为404~275 cm ,二级沉积韵律厚度为285~165 cm,三级沉积韵律厚度为165~0 cm。上述研究为确定区域侵蚀基准面和地层升降运动过程提供有力证明,也为山王洞古气候环境研究提供了重要依据。   相似文献   

湖北清江和尚洞洞穴温度对气候变化的响应   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
对湖北清江流域和尚洞内、洞外气温进行同步高频监测,发现洞穴温度响应洞外气温的变化,但由于受到洞穴的“缓冲作用” ,由外及里的温度变化幅度变小,时间滞后,且响应的快慢具有明显的季节性。2003- 2008年度监测的数据统计表明,在150m 洞深处,洞内日温度的变化幅度仅0. 2℃ ,明显低于洞外气温变化幅度( 6. 9℃ ) ;同样,洞内夏、冬季节温差变化( 6. 9℃ )也小于洞外( 31. 8℃ )。比较洞内外温度的时间序列,发现日尺度上,洞内气温滞后洞外0~ 2小时,而在季节尺度上则滞后10~ 40天,其中降温阶段滞后小,升温阶段滞后大。此外,一年四季中,洞内温度对外界气温变化的响应呈现慢( 2- 4月)→快( 5- 7月)→较快( 8- 10月)→较慢( 11- 1月)的特点,可能与不同季节下洞穴“缓冲作用”的强弱变化有关。   相似文献   

岩溶滴水中痕量磷的测定及其古环境意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为解决因洞穴滴水中磷酸盐含量低而无法了解磷的存在形式和分布特征这一问题,借鉴经典氢氧化镁共沉淀法,开发了集分离-富集-测定于一体的共沉淀-磷钼蓝分光光度法,用于定量测定岩溶滴水中PO43-。通过4个回收实验表明,岩溶滴水中痕量磷的回收率分别是99%、102%、95%和96%,达到定量分析的要求。对湖北清江和尚洞内HS4滴点2005—2012年的滴水样品中的磷酸盐进行测定,结果表明滴水PO43- (以P计)最大浓度为12.1μg/L,最小浓度为0.1μg/L,平均值为4.55μg/L。洞穴滴水中磷的浓度呈现季节波动,总体上夏、秋季高,冬、春季低,与同期的温度和滴水速率的季节变化相一致,较好地响应了气候和环境的变化。   相似文献   

贵阳天河潭旱洞硅藻生物多样性与环境初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究喀斯特洞穴硅藻的分布和生物多样性,丰富和积累硅藻研究的基础理论数据,2008年12月对贵阳天河潭旱洞进行了野外考察.经实验室鉴定共发现硅藻7属27种(含变种),其中包括优势种7种.硅藻商为0,属和种的平均优势度分别为0.113和0.023,香浓维纳多样性指数值分别为2.60和4.43,均匀度均近似等于0.93,硅藻细胞平均密度为1609.36个/cm2.相对地表河流、湖泊(水库)、海洋等环境的硅藻生物多样性来说,天河潭旱洞硅藻生物多样性较高,但硅藻个体较小.硅藻与喀斯特洞穴环境具有很好的相关性,将硅藻作为喀斯特洞穴环境评价与监测的指示生物,具有重要的科学研究价值和理论现实意义.  相似文献   

广西巴马县水晶宫洞穴沉积物特征及其沉积环境   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
巴马县水晶宫洞内次生化学沉积物景观丰富,类型多样,有石钟乳、石幔、石瀑布、石笋、石柱、石盾等特色景观;尤其是近期仍在发育的洞顶鹅管、卷曲石、石花等是国内外较为罕见的洞穴奇景。据沉积物的沉积类型、物质成分、沉积序次及测年等资料研究表明,水晶宫洞穴沉积物形成于晚第三纪以来。晚第三纪和第四纪早更新世早期,洞内沉积主要为外源水携带的硅质岩、砂岩类砾石沉积形成的钙华砾石层。早更新世中期—中更新世气候温暖湿润,是水晶宫洞穴主要景观的形成期,沉积物景观宏大而壮观,230Th-U系测年得出其分别形成于100~35万年前。晚更新世早期12.5~9万年的末次间冰期主要为温暖气候环境,洞内仅有少量的石笋沉积,且极少保存;9万年后气候环境发生突变,更不利沉积物发育和保存;自4万年后气候环境开始表现为温暖湿润,化学沉积活跃,洞穴沉积物主要由高约50~150 cm的纯白色石笋群和钟乳石组成,为洞穴奇景的形成期,230Th-U系测年得出其分别形成于40 ka BP和7 500 a BP以及1 450 a BP。晚更新世晚期以来形成的洞穴沉积物景观,不仅为水晶宫提供了丰富的旅游资源和价值,同时也为广西重建古气候环境提供了重要的信息载体。   相似文献   

Gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O), alunite (KAl3(SO4)2(OH)6), and rare phosphate–sulphate sanjuanite Al2(PO4)(SO4)(OH) 9(H2O) and rossiantonite (Al3(PO4)(SO4) 2(OH)2(H2O)14) have recently been identified as secondary mineral deposits in different quartz‐sandstone caves in the Gran Sabana region, Venezuela. Due to the extended time scale required for speleogenesis in the hard and barely soluble quartz‐sandstone lithology, these caves are considered to be as old as 20 to 30 My. The study of these peculiar secondary mineral deposits potentially reveals important insights for understanding the interaction between deep, superficial and atmospheric processes over thousands to perhaps millions of years. In this study, chemical and petrographic analyses of potential host rock sources, sulphur and oxygen isotope ratios, and meteorological, hydrological and geographical data are used to investigate the origin of sulphates and phospho–sulphates. The results suggest that the deposition of sulphates in these caves is not linked to the quartz‐sandstone host rock. Rather, these mineral deposits originate from an external atmospheric sulphate source, with potential contributions of marine non‐sea salt sulphates, terrestrial dimethyl sulphide and microbially reduced H2S from the forests or peatbogs within the watershed. Air currents within the caves are the most plausible means of transport for aerosols, driving the accumulation of sulphates and other secondary minerals in specific locations. Moreover, the studied sulphate minerals often co‐occur with silica speleothems of biological origin. Although this association would suggest a possible biogenic origin for the sulphates as well, direct evidence proving that microbes are involved in their formation is absent. Nonetheless, this study demonstrates that these quartz‐sandstone caves accumulate and preserve allogenic sulphates, playing a yet unrecognized role in the sulphur cycle of tropical environments.  相似文献   

以北京石花洞的石花为研究对象 ,将其分为基底、根部、冠部三个部分。 通过实地观察监测、显微镜和扫描电镜观察、 X射线粉晶衍射以及模拟石花生长实验 ,分析并确定石花的矿物组成 ,讨论其形成条件和造貌水动力特征 ,结果表明:( 1)石花晶体呈树枝状结构 , 其附生基底的矿物几乎全部为方解石 ,仅含极少微量的杂质;石花根部方解石含量 > 90% ,文石及少量杂质含量 < 5% ;石花冠部文石含量 > 90% ,方解石及杂质含量 < 5% ;而就石花整体而言 ,其矿物组成为文石含量> 90% ,方解石及杂质含量 < 5% 。 ( 2)形成石花的环境条件为较封闭、气温稍低但较稳定、洞内湿度较低且气流扰动小。 ( 3)形成石花的造貌水动力为来自基底内部渗出孔隙水的毛细作用。   相似文献   

巴马县水晶宫洞内次生化学碳酸盐(钙)沉积物景观丰富,类型多样,有石钟乳、石幔、石瀑布、石笋、石柱、石盾等特色景观;尤其是近期仍在发育的洞顶鹅管、卷曲石、石花和石毛等是国内外较为罕见的洞穴奇景。自2007年水晶宫开发以来,对巴马水晶宫洞穴环境及碳酸钙沉积物景观等进行了监测,发现洞穴内流水、滴水、池水数量点减少; 洞穴温度升高、湿度降低,CO2浓度增加,空气负离子浓度减小以及普遍滋生(藻类、苔藓、蕨类等)灯光植物和洞穴景观表面的污染与变色污染、老化等现象。依据洞穴环境变化规律,提出有利于洞穴环境保护以及景观修复的相关措施,为科学合理保护开发旅游洞穴提供重要的科学依据及广泛的应用前景。   相似文献   

碳酸盐团簇同位素(Δ47)是基于碳酸盐中13C-18O丰度相较于其随机分布状态的偏离程度对温度进行估算的新型测温技术。洞穴石笋沉积过程复杂,部分石笋受动力分馏作用影响导致其碳酸盐Δ47偏离平衡体系,这些因素增大了利用石笋碳酸盐Δ47定量重建古温度的难度。本研究以典型东亚夏季风影响区的福建仙云洞为研究对象,通过对该洞现代次生碳酸盐样品的采集和稳定同位素组成的测定,探讨研究区现代次生碳酸盐Δ47特征及其重建温度的可靠性。研究结果表明:1)仙云洞5个现代次生碳酸盐样品的Δ47δ18O结果均较为集中,而δ13C差异较大,这种样品间差异与共性并存的特征表明本研究所选样品具有代表性;2)仙云洞5个现代次生碳酸盐样品的Δ47值在0.702‰~0.720‰范围内波动,实测温度与基于平衡体系下建立的团簇同位素温度转换方程计算的温度结果较为一致,揭示出该洞穴现代次生碳酸盐Δ47接近热力平衡,不存在显著的动力分馏;3)基于洞穴次生碳酸盐的团簇同位素温度和δ18O值,推算出对应的滴水δ18O值介于-8.0‰~-7.6‰之间,这与长期监测的仙云洞滴水δ18O结果较为吻合,表明仙云洞现代次生碳酸盐氧同位素接近同位素平衡。本文研究结果为重建区域古温度和古降水提供了证据支撑。  相似文献   

为探究绥阳大风洞空气环境时空变化的规律及其成因,沿洞道布设10个监测点,并对各点在垂直剖面上(洞道上、中、下部)的温度、湿度和CO2浓度进行为期11个月的监测,结果表明:(1)大风洞空气环境要素(CO2、温度、相对湿度)均呈现出明显的季节变化,大体上CO2、温度和湿度表现为冬季低,夏季高的特点。(2)春、夏、秋季洞内外空气交换较弱,由洞口至洞内深处CO2浓度、湿度逐渐增加,温度逐渐减小,且越往洞内深处,空气交换减弱,各参数变化越稳定;冬季洞内外空气交换作用强,由洞口至洞穴深部,温度变化曲线表现为并无突变点,且洞穴CO2、湿度的垂直变化加大。(3)垂直变化上,春、夏、秋季洞穴CO2浓度、相对湿度差异大,洞底部CO2浓度和相对湿度大多高于洞顶部,但越往洞穴深入,3个环境参数的垂直差异均减小。  相似文献   

In order to reveal the temperature variation mechanism of a small and relatively closed cave, the surface temperature, the cave air temperature and the drip water temperatures were monitored with high-resolution recorders for a 7-year period. The results indicated that the cave temperature is mainly affected by the external seasonal oscillations. The temperature curve of the inner cave area (with standard deviation between 0.59 and 0.87) was much smoother in comparison with that of the surface (with SD as high as 8.46). However, the cave reacted to the temperature drifts with some delay, for example, at VP3 in 2006, the internal temperature increased for additional 49 days after the surface temperature dropped colder than inside of the cave. This seasonal variation and delayed response of the internal temperature were mainly affected by conduction from the epikarst rock mass. Air convection also occurred in the cave, especially when the surface temperature dropped lower than that of the inside cave (during the winter time) and in the outer section (close to the entrance), which caused an abrupt and irregular variation of the outer section. In addition, the influence from the percolating water was ephemeral and depended on its supplementary amount and temperature difference, e.g., there were more apparent responses at VP1 and VP3 when the intensive rain fell. The percolating water temperature could be a good indicator for water flow in epikarst.  相似文献   

合理开发、利用并保护洞穴遗址是传承和发扬遗址文化的重要前提。文章以桂林甑皮岩洞穴遗址为例,通过对遗址的探测与监测,在认识遗址水文地质单元和地下水特征的基础上,识别其在保存与开发过程中存在的问题,从而提出保护遗址的可能措施,同时也为类似条件洞穴遗址的保护提供参考。研究结果表明甑皮岩遗址的三个保护区存在的问题各不相同:核心保护区主要面临化学侵蚀的风险;一级保护区现有的保护手段缺乏多样性;二级保护区存在监测力度不够的问题。据此提出以下措施:(1)核心保护区应深入研究地下水和还原环境对文化层侵蚀作用的机制;(2)一级保护区应加强对污水排放的管理,增多保护洞穴遗址的形式和手段;(3)二级保护区应加大对环境指标的监测力度,管控保护区范围内工程的建设。由此扩展到一般性洞穴遗址的保护措施有:建立能够显示环境动态的长期监测体系;采用3S技术建立监测网络并辅助规划决策;规范洞穴遗址的勘查与规划管理;多途径提高洞穴遗址保护的宣传力度和公众的参与乐趣。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(7-8):781-791
Fine-scale solid-phase trace metal and acid-volatile sulphide profiles are presented for sediment cores taken at four locations in Lake Ketel, a dynamic sedimentation basin of the river Rhine in The Netherlands. The purpose of this study was to relate these profiles to the dynamics of sediment transport in the lake. The internal cycling of solids in the lake affects the distribution of trace metals and acid-volatile sulphide in the sediments. Comparison of vertical profiles of trace metals and sulphide indicates significant spatial variation in the dynamics of sediment transport in Lake Ketel. The construction of a dredge spoil storage depot in 1996 seems to have significantly influenced the hydrodynamic and sediment dynamics in Lake Ketel. Consequently, deposition rates in Lake Ketel based on comparison of solid-phase trace metal concentrations in the sediments and historical levels in Rhine suspended matter can only be used as rough estimates.  相似文献   




‘Clumped isotope’ thermometry is based on analyzing mass 47 in CO2 extracted from carbonates and uses the tracer mass 47 anomaly (Δ47). Δ47 is defined as the deviation of R47 from that expected for a random distribution of isotopologues and reflects a temperature dependent preference of 13C and 18O to create a bond with each other in CO2 or in the carbonate lattice. Being an internal characteristic of the carbonate mineral, it is independent of the isotopic composition of the water in which equilibrium precipitation of the carbonate occurs and can therefore be used to independently determine carbonate growth temperatures. This work provides a first examination of the applicability of ‘clumped isotopes’ thermometry to reconstructing the growth temperatures of speleothems, by examining the glacial/interglacial variations of the Δ47 values of speleothem carbonates from Soreq cave, Israel. The results indicate that the last glacial maximum temperatures were 6-7 °C colder than modern day temperature and a sample at 56 Ky BP was 3 °C colder than the modern. Early Holocene temperatures were slightly above modern day, and late Holocene temperatures were slightly below modern day. These temperature variations are similar to those previously estimated for Eastern Mediterranean sea surface water. Cave water was 18O depleted in the Holocene compared to modern day (by 0.6-1‰) and 1.1‰ more enriched in the last glacial maximum. Comparison of these cave water δ18O values with fluid inclusion δD values indicated a late Holocene d-excess value within the range of modern rainfall, implying ∼45% relative humidity. Last glacial maximum and early Holocene d-excess values were significantly lower, suggesting relative humidity of ∼60% and ∼70%, respectively. The temperatures reported in this study were empirically corrected for a non-equilibrium artifact observed in a modern speleothem. The similarity of the temperature variations obtained here to other, independent, records in the region suggests that the Δ47-temperature calibration slope observed in inorganic synthetic calcite and marine organisms may also be applied in speleothems. But the offset observed in modern temperature suggests that the intercept is different so that a separate calibration is needed for accurate absolute temperature reconstruction using speleothem ‘clumped isotopes’. Similar examination of additional caves would be necessary to determine whether such empirical correction can be generally applied or is it a unique characteristic of Soreq cave.  相似文献   

崔炫  胡强 《中国岩溶》2022,41(1):34-46
卡罗Ⅱ号隧道为贵州省平塘至罗甸高速公路控制工程,施工时揭示溶洞发育于右幅隧道的拱底部位,左右线隧道中部岩柱薄易于坍塌,特提出洞渣回填以及桥梁跨越两种处置手段并在技术及经济方面进行比选,综合确定洞渣回填为该溶洞处理方式。为验证回填方案的合理性,以有限元软件Midas GTS建立溶洞回填前后隧道开挖施工模型,分析出溶洞处理前后围岩位移、锚杆轴力以及围岩塑性区变化规律,同时监测典型断面的累计拱顶沉降、收敛变形情况,结果表明:溶洞回填后,围岩位移、锚杆轴力峰值有较大降低,中部岩柱以及下部溶腔塑性区发展由于回填得以控制,溶洞回填可有效抑制围岩变形,施工期间也并未出现突泥、涌水灾害事故,其回填方案有较高的可行性。   相似文献   

贾龙  蒙彦  管振德 《中国岩溶》2014,33(3):294-298
土洞是覆盖型岩溶区一种隐伏的不良地质现象。土洞在水的作用下发育演化最终形成塌陷,可通过地下水位的变化来研究土洞发育和塌陷的形成。同时土洞的演化会造成覆盖土体不均匀位移和应力重分布,可通过覆盖土体位移和应力变化来进行研究土洞演化过程。采用FLAC3D三维有限差分程序,分析覆盖层垂向位移场表明:最大垂向位移出现在土洞顶部,使拱顶出现拉张破坏,并可根据洞顶土层位移的数值模拟结果,划分“等沉面”确定土洞扰动的土层深度。分析覆盖层剪切应力场表明:在土洞拱趾部位出现剪应力集中,会造成拱趾的剪切破坏,并可根据洞顶“剪应力低值区”,判断覆盖层中土拱效应的存在。分析覆盖层塑性区表明:较为坚硬的黏土层中,土洞以拱顶塌落和拉张破坏为主,最终可以形成坑壁较为陡直的桶状或坛状塌坑。土层较为松散时,以拱趾的剪切破坏为主,最终可以形成锥碟形塌陷坑。利用“剪应力低值区”,“等沉面”和“塑性区”可综合判断土洞的稳定性以及覆盖层所能形成的极限土洞大小。岩溶土洞演化规律及数值模拟研究对岩溶塌陷(土洞)早期监测和评价有着重要的理论及工程意义。   相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(9-10):1344-1361
The hypothesis that caves in the Florida Peninsula are tied to Quaternary sea levels was proposed by hydrogeologists, without data, some 40 years ago. The hypothesis is a version of glacial control of cave levels, which is the logical combination of the water-table theory of speleogenesis and the concept that base level positions the water table. At the USA type example of glacial control of cave levels—Mammoth Cave in the Paleozoic rocks of Kentucky—the intermediary is base level determined by rivers. By hypothesis, the intermediary for Florida is glacioeustatic sea level. This paper presents elevation data that supports this hypothesis.Recent cave surveys in the air-filled caves and spot elevations from archived maps reveal prominent levels of passages centered at 5, 12, 21, and 30 m above sea level over broad areas. They do not follow the large-scale structure of the Floridan aquifer. Instead, they align with nearby, coastal marine terraces identified as modal peaks on frequency plots from various topographic data bases. Levels matching with the three highest terraces—Wicomico, Penholoway, and Talbott—are particularly clear. Lower levels, if they accord with sea-level stands, are likely composites.Data from cavities encountered in drilled wells (e.g., bit drops) and spot elevations from archived underwater cave maps demonstrate passage levels at depths of 15, 30, 70, and 90–120 m below the modern water table. The depths below water table are similar to the depths below sea level of distant submerged terraces and paleoshoreline features identified using multibeam bathymetric data in the Gulf of Mexico.The cave, bit-drop, and terrace data are all consistent with the concept that Quaternary sea level is the fundamental control on the cave-scale porosity within the Floridan aquifer. This conclusion does not rule out the possibility that lithologically favored positions, paleokarst features and confining units, and mixing zones are also involved in the location of caves levels in this near-coastal environment.  相似文献   

2017年11月至2018年11月,以桂林毛村凉风洞为研究对象,进行大气环境和洞穴环境野外监测,同时在洞穴上覆土壤30 cm和60 cm处开展试片溶蚀实验,并在洞穴内部进行试片溶蚀和滴水脱气监测,以测定垂向碳迁移主要过程中的CO2浓度和δ13C-CO2值。结果表明:(1)“大气—土壤—洞穴”垂向碳迁移系统能够与洞穴通风一起影响洞穴系统内部的CO2分布模式。洞口通风方向的转变取决于洞内温度与外界温度的差异,少雨的11月中旬到次年3月初通风方向为从洞外到洞内,此时垂向碳迁移能力弱,洞内CO2的分布由洞口通风主导;3月初至9月中旬,洞内外温差逐渐过渡并反转,洞口通风方向为从内向外,且降雨强度大,垂向碳迁移活跃并主导洞内CO2分布;(2)岩溶关键带土壤呼吸的强度决定了垂向碳迁移系统可迁移的碳量,洞内CO2分布的季节性变异本质上是外界环境在垂向碳迁移系统和洞穴模式上的响应;(3)洞穴上覆碳酸盐岩土下溶蚀实验表明土下溶蚀可削弱土壤碳源作用。土壤30 cm和60 cm处碳酸盐岩溶蚀速率分别为:0.48 mol?m-2?a-1和0.96 mol?m-2?a-1,而洞穴第一洞厅监测点的碳酸盐岩脱气速率为49.35 mol?m-2?a-1、第二洞厅内为9.07 mol?m-2?a-1,由垂向碳迁移系统运移到洞穴内部的溶解了土壤CO2的滴水脱气作用显著。   相似文献   

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