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Siyue Li 《Natural Hazards》2012,61(3):1473-1475
China’s huge investment on water infrastructure for sustainable water use, followed by recently frequent natural disasters, caused worldwide concerns, i.e., continuously published by Nature and Science. Most researchers emphasized challenges on this investment; yet, we argue that the 2011-plan, targeting reservoirs, wells, irrigation systems, inter-basin water transfer projects, is the most effective adaptation to climate change, drought and flooding, as well as food security. This provides a good case of water management and development, particularly for the current uneven water resources and food security by climate change.  相似文献   

Unsaturated soil behaviour, such as volume change, shear strength and yield stress, is usually interpreted and modelled in terms of stress and suction. This approach is consistent with laboratory tests where suction is a controllable variable. However, it also suffers some limitations. This paper (Parts I and II) presents an alternative approach for interpreting unsaturated soil behaviour, which is built in the space of stress versus degree of saturation. In Part I, a new volume change equation is proposed in terms of stress and degree of saturation, to give a better explanation to the non-linear change of soil compressibility under constant suctions. The soil compression index is assumed to be a function of the effective degree of saturation and is interpolated from the known compressibility at the fully saturated state and that at a dry state. An alternative approach to simulate hydraulic hysteresis and hydro-mechanical interaction is then introduced, which enables the calculation of the effective degree of saturation under complex stress and suction paths. The proposed volume change equation and the approach to describe saturation variation, which are two fundamental aspects to establish constitutive laws for unsaturated soils, are validated against a variety of experimental data in literature.  相似文献   

A comparison was made between the composition of the recalcitrant organic matter (ROM) isolated from a sandy forest soil, as revealed with microwave assisted extractions and/or hydrolysis, and using common pyrolysis techniques. Successive microwave irradiation treatments were performed in H2O, 0.1 and 1 M HCl and 0.1 and 1 M KOH. At each step the insoluble residue was examined via Curie point pyrolysis (CuPy) and Curie point thermally assisted hydrolysis and methylation (CuTHM). Sequential irradiation treatment resulted in ca. 35% degradation of the ROM. Compounds released on microwave irradiation in H2O and in HCl were dominated by glucose, suggesting the occurrence of carbohydrate-containing molecular associations in the soil organic matter (SOM) which were not disrupted during acid hydrolysis and extraction as applied for the isolation of the ROM. The product distribution from the microwave irradiation in KOH showed an important contribution to the ROM from the higher plant polyesters cutin and suberin, and to a lesser extent from lignin. Different lignin-derived compounds were specifically released upon microwave acid or base hydrolysis. This suggested that two types of lignin monomers, ether- or ester-linked, occurred in the ROM. The changes in the composition of the CuPy pyrolysates of the residues from the different microwave hydrolyses are consistent with the near complete removal of carbohydrates by microwave HCl hydrolysis. The changes in the composition of the CuTHM pyrolysates of the residues from the different microwave acid and base hydrolyses are in agreement with a major release of cutin- and suberin-derived compounds upon microwave KOH hydrolysis. The CuPy and CuTHM pyrolysates of the final residue consist predominantly of lignin-derived compounds. The study emphasizes the potential of microwave assisted hydrolysis to give a better estimate of the actual contribution of cutin to ROM than pyrolysis. However, the technique appears to be unable to completely release the lignin-based constituent of the ROM. Microwave irradiation appears to provide great potential as a tool for extraction and chemical characterisation of complex OM and could be an attractive additional technique to pyrolysis.  相似文献   

While there are numerous thick loess–palaeosol sequences preserved across the Carpathian Basin, well dated sites that provide terrestrial palaeoenvironmental records extending beyond last glacial–interglacial cycle are scarce. Robust chronologies are essential for correlations of loess with other long-term Quaternary records and to further understanding of the palaeoenvironment and climate of this important region beyond the last 125 ka. Here a new geochronology based on 13 post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence ages focused on the lower part of the loess–palaeosol sequence at Erdut is presented. The results show that the lower part of the Erdut profile spans the penultimate glacial cycle (MIS 7 to MIS 5). The considerable sediments overlaying the investigated part of the profile suggest that this section spans two glacial cycles, rather than the previously suggested one. The most likely source of the discrepancy is the use of uncorrected infrared stimulated luminescence signal, which can cause age underestimation if not accounted for. This study demonstrates the need to revisit sites such as Erdut, re-date them using updated measurement protocols, and update existing palaeoenvironmental interpretations.  相似文献   

This article examines the dynamics of double exposure, vulnerability, and resistance to neoliberal globalization and environmental change in the Chilean agricultural region of Biobio. By using climatic models and secondary Agricultural Census data from 1997 and 2007, we assess how Chilean neoliberal reforms have, since 1974, facilitated land use changes and forestry investments. We demonstrate that policy changes which incentivize forestry investments have reduced cultivated agricultural lands and native forest, and concentrated land in the hands of global agribusiness corporations. Compounding these issues, Biobio shows a climatic trend towards aridity coupled with an increasing demand for irrigation. Analyzing these conditions, we argue that the neoliberal globalization of regional agriculture under the context of climatic changes has produced a regional space of increasing vulnerabilities and uneven geographical development in Biobio. We particularly demonstrate that the Chilean mode of agricultural neoliberalization has been conducive to land dispossession—to the detriment of traditional agriculture —and has homogenized the biophysical landscape, replacing traditional crops and native forests with exotic species like pines and eucalyptus. We also examine how local producers are using resistance movements to cope with and contest neoliberal environmental changes. We conclude by evaluating the implications of these spaces of agricultural vulnerabilities and local resistances in the context of uneven geographical development at a regional and global scale.  相似文献   

In this case study, silica concentration, oxygen and strontium isotopes of water samples were used to study surface water–groundwater interaction at the Xin’an karst water system. The silica concentration in rain water is commonly less than 1 mg/l. In the areas around the south tributary of the Zhuozhang River, silica concentrations in the groundwater in Quaternary aquifers range between 4.04 and 7.66 mg/l while that of the surface water varies from 1.49 to 6.9 mg/l. Silica concentrations of most surface water samples increase with TDS, indicating the effect of groundwater recharge on river water chemistry. On the contour map of silica concentration of groundwater in Quaternary aquifers, samples located close to surface water often have lower silica concentrations as a result of surface water recharge. Both overland flow and surface water have impact on karst water according to our hydrogeochemical study of stable oxygen isotope, Sr isotope and strontium contents. Calculation results of three end member mixing model show that the contribution of karst water, surface water and overland flow water is 45, 28 and 27%, respectively.  相似文献   

The dialysis porewater sampler, type Hesslein, allows sampling of sediment interstitial water according to a continuous gradient between sediment and the water column. Its equilibration time fluctuates according to the nature of sediment, so it has to be measured in each kind of sediment. The aim of this work is to develop a physical diffusion model in order to determine an equilibration time without using extensive field experiments. The model is validated by real nutrient concentration profiles obtained on two estuaries under different climates, moderate climate (estuary of the Seine) and tropical dry climate (estuary of Somone, Senegal). The results highlight that the equilibration of the dialysis porewater sampler is not homogeneous over the full sediment height investigated. Other sediment characteristics as compaction, rate of bioturbation or bacterial density must be taken into account in order to find a well-calculated value of the equilibration time.  相似文献   

The characteristics of δD and δ18O in precipitation, groundwater and surface water have been used to understand the groundwater flow system in the Ordos Plateau, north-central China. The slope of the local meteoric water line (LMWL) is smaller than that of the global meteoric water line (GMWL), which signifies secondary evaporation during rainfall. The distribution of stable isotopes of precipitation is influenced by temperature and the amount of precipitation. The lake water is enriched isotopically due to evaporation and its isotopic composition is closely related to the source of recharge and location in the groundwater flow systems. River water is enriched isotopically, indicating that it suffers evaporation. The deep groundwater (more than 150?m) is depleted in heavy isotopes relative to the shallow groundwater (less than 150?m), suggesting that deep groundwater may have been recharged during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene, when the climate was wetter and colder than at present. All groundwater samples plot around the LMWL, implying groundwater is of meteoric origin. Shallow groundwater has undergone evaporation and the average evaporation loss is 53%. There are two recharge mechanisms: preferential flow, and the mixture of evaporated soil moisture and subsequent rain.  相似文献   

Insight into the adaptation of living organisms to the changing climate is helpful to decision-making in the warming 21st century. Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) is a benthic bivalve mollusk dominant in most of continental water ecosystems, and has a …  相似文献   

Processes like injection, magma flow and differentiation and influence of the regional strain field are here described and contrasted to shed light on their role in the formation of small plutons and large batholiths their magmatic structures. The final geometric and compositional arrangement of magma bodies are a complex record of their construction and internal flow history. Magma injection, flow and differentiation, as well as regional stresses, all control the internal nature of magma bodies. Large magma bodies emplaced at shallow crustal levels result from the intrusion of multiple magma batches that interact in a variety of ways, depending on internal and external dynamics, and where the early magmatic, growth-related structures are commonly overprinted by subsequent history. In contrast, small plutons emplaced in the brittle-ductile transition more likely preserve growth-related structures, having a relatively simple cooling history and limited internal magma flow. Outcrop-scale magmatic structures in both cases record a rich set of complementary information that can help elucidate their evolution. Large and small granitic bodies of the Sierra Pampeanas preserve excellent exposures of magmatic structures that formed as magmas stepped through different rheological states during pluton growth and solidification. These structures reveal not only the flow pattern inside magma chambers, but also the rheological evolution of magmas in response to temperature evolution.  相似文献   

Two cores of sediments, named NR and EB, were collected in the Simbock Lake (Mefou watershed, Yaoundé) to assess their provenance and the degree of heavy metal pollution based on mineralogical and geochemical data. The sediments are sandy, sand-clayey to clayey, and yellowish brown to greenish brown, and with high amounts of organic matter (average value of TOC is 1.95%). The sediments are mainly composed of quartz, kaolinite, accessory goethite, smectite, rutile, feldspars, illite, gibbsite, and interstratified illite-vermiculite. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy shows that kaolinite is less crystallized in the NR core than in the EB core. The Index of Compositional Variability (ICV), Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA), Plagioclase Index of Alteration (PIA), and the Rb/Sr and K2O/Rb ratios indicate a high weathering intensity in the source area. These sediments have low contents in Al2O3, Fe2O3, Na2O, K2O, MgO, and CaO as well as high values in SiO2, P2O5, TiO2, and MnO relative to the upper continental crust. The concentrations of Cr, V, Ba, and Zr are higher in the NR core than those in EB. The total rare earth element (REE) content varies between 78 and 405 ppm. The light REE are abundant (LREE/HREE ~?18–59; avg.?=?25.61). The chondrite-normalized REE patterns exhibit (i) negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* ~?0.38–0.62; avg.?=?0.5), (ii) slight positive Ce anomaly (Ce/Ce* ~?1.11–1.34; avg.?=?1.11), and (iii) high REE fractionation ((La/Yb)N ~?12.3–51.75; avg.?=?25.61). The enrichment factor (EF) shows that the Mefou watershed through the Simbock Lake sediments is slightly polluted by the agricultural and urban activities.  相似文献   

The present study analyses the stratal architecture of the Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) to Early Cretaceous (Berriasian) sedimentary succession of Mount Salève (E France), and four Berriasian stratigraphic intervals containing four sequence-boundary zones reflecting lowering trends of the relative sea-level evolution. Massive Kimmeridgian limestones characterized by the presence of colonial corals appear to be stacked in an aggrading pattern. These non-bedded thick deposits, which are interpreted to have formed in balance between relative sea-level rise and carbonate accumulation, suggest a keep-up transgressive system. Above, well-bedded Tithonian-to-Berriasian peritidal carbonates reflect a general loss of accommodation. These strata are interpreted as a highstand normal-regressive unit. During the early phase of this major normal regression, the vertical repetition of upper intertidal/lower supratidal lithofacies indicates an aggrading depositional system. This is in agreement with an early stage of a highstand phase of relative sea level. The Berriasian sequence-boundary zones investigated (up to 4 m thick) developed under different climatic conditions and correspond to higher-frequency, forced- and normal-regressive stages of relative sea-level changes. According to the classical sequence-stratigraphic principles, these sequence-boundary zones comprise more than one candidate surface for a sequence boundary. Three sequence-boundary zones studied in Early Berriasian rocks lack coarse siliciclastic grains, contain a calcrete crust, as well as marly levels with higher abundances of illite with respect to kaolinite, and exhibit fossilized algal-microbial laminites with desiccation polygons. These sedimentary features are consistent with more arid conditions. A sequence-boundary zone interpreted for the Late Berriasian corresponds to a coal horizon. The strata above and below this coal contain abundant quartz and marly intervals with a higher kaolinite content when compared to the illite content. Accordingly, this Late Berriasian sequence-boundary zone was formed under a more humid climate. The major transgressive–regressive cycle of relative sea level identified and the climate change from more arid to more humid conditions recognized during the Late Berriasian have been reported also from other European basins. Therefore, the Kimmeridgian to Berriasian carbonate succession of Mount Salève reflects major oceanographic and climatic changes affecting the northern margin of the Alpine Tethys ocean and thus constitutes a reliable comparative example for the analysis of other coeval sedimentary records. In addition, the stratigraphic intervals including sequence-boundary zones characterized in this study constitute potential outcrop analogues for sequence-boundary reflectors mapped on seismic profiles of subsurface peritidal carbonate successions. The detailed sedimentological analyses provided here highlight that on occasions the classical principles of sequence stratigraphy developed on seismic data are difficult to apply in outcrop. A sequence-boundary reflector when seen in outcrop may present successive subaerial exposure surfaces, which formed due to high-frequency sea-level changes that were superimposed on the longer-term trend of relative sea-level fall.  相似文献   

This article critically investigates recent water governance shifts, particularly constitutional changes implemented in several Latin American countries that highlight a ‘right to water’ as well as recent efforts that invoke such a right in conjunction with bans on private water provision (e.g. Uruguay, Ecuador, and Bolivia). Drawing on legal research, document review, and interviews, the article investigates the historical, political and discursive scaffolding of these constitutional changes in several case study contexts, including attention to implementation issues and ongoing challenges following the reforms. Placing these shifts within the broader context of neoliberalization of water governance of the past several decades, the analysis attends to both the specific historical–contextual formations that are important to understand the constitutional reforms, as well as the ways these changes might be usefully understood as connected to broader political and discursive shifts and movements. Highlighting similarities and differences across the cases allows us to make conceptual contributions to debates on variegation of neoliberalized natures, as well as to discussions of alternatives to neoliberalism and postneoliberalism. We argue that although many of these reforms are partial, and not wholly resistant to neoliberalism, they are nonetheless significant for politics and debates related to ‘alternatives.’ Apart from resisting particular aspects of earlier neoliberal reforms, they are also important to stake new discursive and policy terrain on alternative priorities and uses of water. Further, the reforms also offer points of resistance to the influence of international financial institutions, or of transnational corporations.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(4):195-207
This work focuses on the impact of Maya agriculture on soil degradation. In site and out site studies in the area of the city of La Joyanca (NW Petén) show that “Maya clays” do not constitute a homogeneous unit, but represent a complex sedimentary record. A high resolution analysis leads us to document changes in rates and practices evolving in time in relation with major socio-political and economic changes. It is possible to highlight extensive agricultural practices between Early Pre-classical to Late Pre-classical times. Intensification occurs in relation with reduction of the fallow duration during Pre-classic to Classic periods. The consequences of these changes on soil erosion are discussed. However, it does not seem that the agronomic potential of the soils was significantly degraded before the end of the Classic period.  相似文献   

São Domingos like other long-term activity mines of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB) dating back to pre-Roman times, is supposed to produce considerable amounts of mining wastes which cause significant downstream negative environment impact related to the acid mine drainage (AMD) production and high content of potentially toxic metals and metalloids in Chanza and Guadiana Rivers. The AMD production of a given mining waste depends on the ratio of its acid production to neutralizing phases. In this work, a chemical and mineralogical characterization of the sulphide-rich wastes from São Domingos has been developed to discriminate which residues are the main sources of AMD generation. A total of 47 representative samples of the different residue types were collected to estimate their possible contamination hazards through detailed studies of (1) for a mineralogical characterization: reflected-light optical microscope, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and XRD analysis; and (2) for a chemical characterization: bulk-rock analysis. AMD prediction by the standard acid-base accounting method (ABA) was used in order to determine the acidification potential of each residue type. This study also offers an estimation of the contribution of toxic elements to the environment, being thus, a base for future remediation actions at São Domingos and other abandoned massive sulphide mines within the IPB.  相似文献   

C. Dietl  H. de Wall  F. Finger 《Lithos》2010,116(3-4):321-339
Tube-like schlieren structures occur at the boundary between two units of the Fürstenstein Intrusive Complex, the Tittling and the Saldenburg granites. We have analysed the magnetic fabrics, petrographic variation and geochemistry of key examples of these structures in order to test the hypothesis that they originated as granitic microdiapirs. The rims of the schlieren structures have high magnetic susceptibility compared to their interiors and surrounding granite due to the enrichment of biotite ± opaques. The low anisotropy that characterizes the AMS fabric is probably caused by magmatic flow. Hypersolidus microfabrics support this interpretation. Magnetic fabric orientation within the schlieren structures differs significantly from the NE–SW-trending magnetic foliation generally observed within the hosting Tittling granite. A steeply plunging magnetic lineation and a NNE–SSW girdle distribution of the magnetic foliation poles within the schlieren structures are consistent with the conical geometry of the schlieren structures evolved during the rise of the magma. Based on geochemistry, granite in the schlieren structures is interpreted to be differentiated melt expelled from the Tittling granite mush that formed after early crystallization of plagioclase. We suggest that the schlieren structures are pockets of residual melt of the Tittling granite that were mobilized buoyantly due to a thermal input from the neighbouring Saldenburg granite. The mafic rims of the schlieren structures formed as a result of early crystallization and subsequent accumulation due of the Bagnold effect. The results of the magnetic and geochemical investigations allow us to interpret the schlieren structures as diapiric in nature and consequently as “within-chamber diapirs” (sensu Weinberg et al., 2001).  相似文献   

Stable carbon, oxygen, and strontium isotope records were obtained from uppermost Hauterivian to lowermost Aptian belemnite rostra, which were collected in well-dated sections from the Vocontian Trough (southeastern France). This data set complements previously published belemnite-isotope records from the uppermost Berriasian-Hauterivian interval from the same basin. The belemnite carbon and oxygen isotope record is compared to the carbonate bulk-rock isotope record from the same sections, and from additional Italian sections. With regards to their long-term trends, both belemnite and whole-rock δ18O records are well correlated, except for the uppermost Hauterivian-lower Barremian interval, within which they deviate. This discrepancy is interpreted to be linked to the latest Hauterivian Faraoni oceanic anoxic event and its early Barremian aftermath. The Faraoni level is characterized by enhanced sea-water stratification, probably induced by the onset of a warmer and more humid climate along the northern Tethyan margin. The early Barremian was characterized by stronger vertical sea-water mixing reflected by a decrease in density contrast between sea-surface and deeper waters. The belemnite oxygen isotope record shows a more stable evolution with smaller fluctuations than its bulk-rock counterpart, which indicates that deeper water masses were not as much subjected to density fluctuations as sea-surface water. The comparison of belemnite and bulk-rock carbon isotope records allows observing the impact of regional influence exerted by platform carbonate ooze shedding on the carbon cycle. Discrepancies in the two records are observed during time of photozoan carbonate platform growth. The strontium isotopic record shows a gradual increase from the uppermost Berriasian to the uppermost lower Barremian followed by a rapid decrease until the uppermost Barremian and a renewed small increase within the lowermost Aptian. The major inflection point in the uppermost lower Barremian appears to predate the onset in the formation of the Ontong-Java volcanic plateau.  相似文献   

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