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Geochemical stream sediment survey in Winder Valley, Balochistan, Pakistan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A pilot scale geochemical survey of sediments from the Winder Stream (SW Pakistan) and its tributaries was carried out. The Winder Stream mainly receives sediment from the southern extensions of the Mor and Pab Ranges in the District of Lasbela (Balochistan). In these two mountain ranges, rocks from Jurassic to Cretaceous age are exposed. Rocks of the Ferozabad Group comprise of carbonates and siliciclastics of Lower–Middle Jurassic age and occupy the dominant part of the Mor Range. These strata host syngenetic and epigenetic Zn–Pb–Ba mineralizations of Stratiform Sediment-Hosted (SSH) and Mississippi Valley Type (MVT) deposits.Quantitative estimates of mobile and immobile elements were made from active stream sediments of the Winder stream and its tributaries. The samples were analyzed for Ag, Zn, Pb, Cu, Ni, Co, V, Mn, Fe and Ba using atomic absorption spectroscopy. The abundance of these elements is discussed in relation to local geological conditions such as bedrock, climate, weathering, mobility and pH of the dispersing waters. A number of Zn anomalies have been distinguished in the study area. Kharrari (Zn, 360 ppm), Sand (Zn, 340 ppm) and Draber (Zn, 210 ppm) are demarcated as new areas for Zn mineralization. The present study also indicates prospects of Ag, Cu and V in the rocks of the Mor Range.Relationships between various elements have been identified from scattergrams and reflect genetic associations. Whereby the positive correlation between Cu–Zn (0.55, n=18) and Cu–Pb (0.63) is related to possible sulphide mineralization.  相似文献   

The Raskoh arc, which occurs in the western part of Pakistan, is about 250 km long, 40 km wide and trends in ENE direction. This arc is designated as frontal arc of Chagai-Raskoh arc system. Arc is convex towards southeast and is terminated by the Chaman transform fault zone towards east. The Raskoh arc is a fossil oceanic island arc which was formed due to the intra-oceanic convergence in the Ceno-Tethys.The Late Cretaceous Kuchakki Volcanic Group is the most widespread and previously considered the oldest unit of the Raskoh arc followed by sedimentary rock formations including Rakhshani Formation (Paleocene), Kharan Limestone (Early Eocene), Nauroze Formation (Middle Eocene to Oligocene), Dalbandin Formation (Miocene to Pleistocene), and semi-unconsolidated Subrecent and Recent deposits. The Rakhshani Formation is the most widespread and well-exposed unit of the Raskoh arc. During the present field investigation the Rakhshani Forma-tion in the southeastern part of the Raskoh arc is dentified as an accretionary complex, which is designated as Raskoh accretionary complex. The Raskoh accretionary complex is subdivided into three units: (a) Bunap sedi-mentary complex, (b) Charkohan radiolarian chert, and (c) Raskoh ophiolite mélange. The Bunap sedimentary complex is farther divided into three tectonostratigraphic units viz., northern, middle and southern. Each unit is bounded by thrust fault, which is usually marked by sheared serpentinites, except northern unit, which has grada-tional and at places faulted contact with the Kuchakki Volcanic Group. The northern unit mainly comprises al-lochthonous fragments and blocks of limestone, sandstone, mudstone and the volcanics in dark gray, greenish gray and bluish gray siliceous flaky shale. At places the shale is metamorphosed into phyllite. This unit is thrust over the middle unit, which exhibits relatively a coherent stratigraphy represented by greenish gray calcareous flaky shale with intercalation of thin beds and lenticular bodies of mudstone, sandstone and limestone. The middle unit is again thrust over the southern unit, which is mainly composed of large exotic blocks of volcanic rocks, lime-stone, sandstone, mudstone and conglomerate embedded in a dark gray, greenish gray and bluish gray siliceous flaky shale which is generally moderately argillized. The unit is thrust over the Kharan Limestone.During the present field investigation several poorly preserved ammonite fossils were collected from the dark green to black mudstones of the middle unit of the Bunap sedimentary complex. These fossils are identified as Pachysphinctes cf. P. africanus a Lower Kimmeridgian, Torquatisphinctes cf. P alterniplicatus, an Upper Kim-meridgian and Parodontoceras cf. Blandfordiceras wallichi: a Lower Tithonian ammonite. The Bunap sedimentary complex was probably deposited on the ocean floor of the Ceno-Tethys that once occurred between the newly dis-lodged collage of Cimmerian continent (Central Iran, Afghan blocks, Lhasa and West Burma) and the northern passive margin of Gondwana.  相似文献   

Quantitative estimation of ground and stream waters draining through sedimentary rocks of the Pab and Mor ranges (Jurassic-Cretaceous) and the Bela ophiolite has been made. The degree of correspondence among cations and anions has been estimated in order to evaluate their mutual relationships. The abundance of major ions is interpreted to be related to bedrocks and climatic conditions, which may contribute to the genetic affiliation. The log TDS and Na/Na Ca ratio reflected supremacy of weathering of rocks with some influence of evaporation. Ionic relationship is exhibited in the form of Stiff diagrams. Patterns of ionic composition revealed high NaCl, medium Ca(HCO3)2 and low MgSO4. Piper diagram has been used to classify the hydrofacies. The important hydrogeochemical parameters have been estimated for assessment of groundwater quality for domestic purposes in accordance to WHO. Irrigation water qualities have been evaluated in terms of EC, SAR, RSC, ESP and pH.  相似文献   

The Raskoh arc is about 250 km long, 40 km wide and trends in ENE direction. The arc is convex towards southeast and terminated by the Chaman transform fault zone towards east. This arc is designated as frontal arc of the Chagai-Raskoh arc system.The Late Cretaceous Kuchakki Volcanic Group is the most widespread and previously considered the oldest unit of the the Raskoh arc followed by sedimentary rock formations including Rakhshani Formation (Paleocene), Kharan Limestone (Early Eocene) and Nauroze Formation (Middle Eocene to Oligocene), Dalbandin Formation (Miocene to Pleistocene), and semi-unconsolidated Subrecent and Recent deposits. The Rakhshani Formation is the most widespread and well-exposed unit of the Raskoh arc. During the present field investigation the Rakhshani forma-tion in the southeastern part of the Raskoh arc, is identified as an accretionary complex, which is designated as Raskoh accretionary complex. The Raskoh accretionary comple is subdivided into three units: (a) Bunap sedimen-tary complex, (b) Charkohan radiolarian chert, and (c) Raskoh ophiolite melange. The Bunap sedimentary complex is farther divided into three tectonostratigraphic units viz., northern, middle and southern. Each unit is bounded by thrust faults, which is usually marked by sheared serpentinites, except northern unit, which has gradational and at places faulted contact with the Kuchakki Volcanic Group. The northern unit is mainly composed of allochthonous fragments and blocks of limestone, sandstone, mudstone and the volcanics in dark gray, greenish gray and bluish gray siliceous flaky shale. At places the shale is metamorphosed into phyllite. This unit is thrust over the middle unit, which exhibits relatively a coherent stratigraphy, represented by greenish gray calcareous flaky shale with intercalation of thin beds and lenticular bodies of mudstone, sandstone and limestone. The middle unit is again thrust over the southern unit, which is mainly composed of large exotic blocks of volcanic rocks, limestone, sand-stone, mudstone and conglomerate embedded in dark gray, greenish gray and bluish gray siliceous flaky shale which is generally moderately argillized. The unit is thrust over the Kharan Limestone. During the present field investigation about 350 meter thick sequence of thin-bedded maroon and green chert intercalated with the siliceous flaky shale of the same colour are discovered within this unit, which is found in the southeastern part of the Ras-koh arc. This chert sequence occurs on the margins of a large exotic block (350m X 3 km) of volcaniclastic rocks of unknown origin, which makes an overturned syncline. This chert sequence is developed on its both limbs and has lower faulted contact with the Bunap sedimentary complex.Two samples collected from this chert sequence yielded radiolarian fauna, which include Parvicingula sp., Laxto-rum sp., Parahsuum cf. simplum, Parahsuum sp., Nassellaria gen. et sp. indet., Hsuum cf. Matsuokai., Archaeo-spongoprunum sp., Nassellaria gen. et sp. indet. and Hagias gen. et sp. indet., Tricolocapsa sp., Hsuum sp., Ris-tola sp., Archaeospongoprunum sp. and Tritrabinate gen. et sp. indet. This radiolarian chert sequence represents the late Early to Middle Jurassic pelagic sediment deposited in Ceno-Tethyan ocean floor; prior to the inception of volcanism in the Raskoh arc and accreted with the arc during Late Cretaceous to Eocene along with the Bunap sedimentary complex of Late Jurassic age.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Mor Range is mountainous terrain in southern Balochistan dominantly occupied by exposures of rocks of the Ferozabad Group which is comprised of Lower‐Middle Jurassic carbonates and siliciclastics. This group contains syngenetic and epigenetic Zn–Pb–Ba mineralization classified as Stratiform Sediment‐Hosted (SSH) and Mississippi Valley Type (MVT) deposits. Three important flora of the Saharo–Sindian, phytogeographical region of Pakistan, namely Tamarix aphyl–la, Salvadora oleoides and Acacia arabica have been studied as a mineralization prospecting tool. Samples of these species were collected from Winder Valley adjoining the Mor Range to prospect for new areas of mineralization, besides the known sulphide deposits. This study revealed the Draber, Thorar, Raj, Mithi and Kanrach localities as new prospect. Quantitative estimation of biophile elements (Zn–Cu–Pb) from the three species was made. A number of new Zn, Cu and Pb anomalies were distinguished in the area. The variation in the constituents of these species from different localities possibly varies with nature and distance from bedrock, mobility, climate, average abundance in the plant ash and exclusion mechanism of the flora. Acacia arabica with deep penetrating roots shows the best results and could be used to delineate new horizons of mineralization. In these species Zn and Cu are relatively concentrated whereas Pb shows limited enrichment. Lead therefore is the element best suited for pinpointing the mineralization owing to its relatively less mobile character. Relationships among Zn–Cu–Pb have been established using scattergrams and triangular variation diagram, which also demonstrate their genetic affiliation. Statistical analyses, such as determination of mean, mode, median, standard deviation, and coefficient of correlation, were also made to improve the raw geochemical data. These biogeochemical methods appear to be suitable in arid climate of Balochistan, if proper attention is paid to species selection.  相似文献   

Nannorrhops ritchiana ( Mazari Palm) is a distinctive flora growing in the Saharo-Sindian region. It is well distributed on the ultramafic soil, derived from the Bela Ophiolite in the Khuzdar District, Balochistan, Pakistan. Quantitative estimation of Ca, Mg, Fe and Ni in soil and plant ash has been carried out. The constituents of plant ash have been discussed in relation to soil chemistry, pH, climate, mobility, average abundance in plant ash and exclusion mechanism of the flora. Relationship among Ca, Mg, Fe and Ni has been established using scattergrams to evaluate the biogeochemistry of the plant. High contents of Mg and high coefficient of biological absorption allow it to be classed as Mg-flora. Both Ca and Fe appeared to be antagonistic to Mg. The metal assemblage of N. ritchiana nicely reflected the nature of the bed rock as being serpentinized ultramafic, and its corresponding soils. Good exclusion mechanism of N. ritchiana did not allow it to absorb high Ni from the soil. Relatively high concentrations of Ni in N. ritchiana from the Baran Lak area can be used to localize Ni-mineralization in the study area. Statistical analyses, such as minimum, maximum, mean, mode, median, standard deviations, and coefficient of correlation, were also made to improve raw geochemical data and interpretations.  相似文献   

Abstract: Geology and genesis of the sediment-hosted barite deposits in the Lasbela and Khuzdar districts of Balochistan, Pakistan have been studied and described. Hot solutions generated in rifting environments during the initial stage of separation of the continental crustal block related to the Gondwanaland fragmentation subsequently reposed in Jurassic rocks, most probably played an important role on barite formation.
Paragenetic relationships indicate that the period of barite mineralization was distinctly later than that of zinc-lead sulphide mineralization in the Lasbela and Khuzdar districts. The barite deposits occur on top and in peripheral to the zinc-lead sulphides. The earliest barite mineralization took place in the clastic rock sequence of the lower Spingwar Formation as cross cutting veins. Younger mineralization as stratabound-replacement type occurred within the platform limestones of Loralai Formation, just above the Spingwar Formation. The youngest mineralization as stratiform is hosted within black shales, mudstones and argillaceous limestones of Anjira Formation at the top of Loralai Formation. In the light of the evidences gathered from field and laboratory investigations a genetic model has been deduced.  相似文献   

Nannorrhops ritchiana (Mazari Palm) is a distinctive flora growing in the Saharo-Sindian region. It is well distributed on the ultramafic soil, derived from the Bela Ophiolite in the Khuzdar District, Balochistan, Pakistan. Quantitative estimation of Ca, Mg, Fe and Ni in soil and plant ash has been carried out. The constituents of plant ash have been discussed in relation to soil chemistry, pH, climate, mobility, average abundance in plant ash and exclusion mechanism of the flora. Relationship among Ca, Mg, Fe and Ni has been established using scattergrams to evaluate the biogeochemistry of the plant. High contents of Mg and high coefficient of biological absorption allow it to be classed as Mg-flora. Both Ca and Fe appeared to be antagonistic to Mg. The metal assemblage ofN. ritchiana nicely reflected the nature of the bed rock as being serpentinized ultramafic, and its corresponding soils. Good exclusion mechanism ofN. ritchiana did not allow it to absorb high Ni from the soil. Relatively high concentrations of Ni inN. ritchiana from the Baran Lak area can be used to localize Ni-mineralization in the study area. Statistical analyses, such as minimum, maximum, mean, mode, median, standard deviations, and coefficient of correlation, were also made to improve raw geochemical data and interpretations.  相似文献   

Pakistan is a developing country existing geographically at a pivoted location between two of the world’s largest pollution emitting countries (China and India) which adds to the severity of environmental issues faced by the country. These concerns include air pollution, climate change, and extreme weather situations prevailing in Pakistan. This increasing air pollution is deteriorating the health, threatening the food security and adding up its share to the already existing global warming. The initial step in devising a wide ranging, multifaceted, economically feasible, and sustainable solution to deal with the severity of this issue is the quantification of the air pollution and greenhouse gas emission in Pakistan. The GAINS model is one of the most comprehensive tools, dealing with the air pollutants and greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol. This study has utilized this model to analyze the source-based anthropogenic emissions of air pollutants (NH3 and SO2), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and greenhouse gases (CH4 and CO2), their impacts and abatement cost, for the duration of 1990–2030, in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan regions of Pakistan. An overall increasing trend was observed during 1990–2030 for (a) air pollutants: NH3 (223.52–568.87kT/Y); SO2 (50.52–332.95kT/Y), (b) VOCs (121.76–246.81kT/Y), and (c) greenhouse gases: CO2 (7.83–62.45MT/Y) and CH4 (1120-2314kT/Y). The emission inventories created for all greenhouse gases together estimated the increase of 42.37 to 138.57 MTCO2eq. for greenhouse gases over the time duration of 1990–2030.  相似文献   

The Freiberg area in the Saxon Erzgebirge (Ore Mountains) represents one of the oldest mining districts in Germany. Argentiferous ore mineralizations with lead, zinc and copper are dominating in this region. Various waste products of mining can be found around Freiberg. In particular, the slags from ore smelting were and are regarded as unusable waste products. However, they preserve information on the smelting and weathering behaviour of slag, which makes them very useful sources of information for our purposes. To reconstruct the chemical processes during ore smelting, historical slag represents a most valuable archive. Therefore, the historical slag dump in Halsbach (Germany) was examined exemplarily for the Freiberg deposit. The slag was dumped approx. 400 years ago and is rich in lead. An interrelation between the slag and the metallurgical process applied can be made on the basis of chemical composition, appearance and microscopic results. The slags of the heap in Halsbach contain high concentrations of heavy metals (average contents in mg kg−1: Zn 40,000; Pb 10,000; Cu 1500; U 1000). Enrichments of heavy metals in the organic-rich soil horizons within the range of the dump foot (maximum contents in the A-horizon in mg kg−1: Zn 3719; Pb 9198; As 3017; Cu 963) imply a faint discharge of metals from the dump.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Gunga barite deposits occur in carbonate clastic marine sequence of Jurassic age. These rocks are widely spread in Khuzdar-Lasbela belt which host important stratabound barite and zinc-lead deposits of Pakistan. These rocks are intricately folded and extensively faulted. The Gunga are low temperature hydrothermal deposits occurring as a series of disconnected lenses a few meters thick. Two mineralized horizons are recognized: barite in the upper zone, sphalerite and galena in the lower zone. Four types of barite mineralization occurs in Gunga stratabound replacement associated with 1) fracture filling, 2) open space fillings in solution collapsed breccia, 3) replacement in fault, and 4) veinlets associated with all these three types. The wall rocks of the Gunga deposits have also been altered by silicification, leaching and ferruginization.
The sulfur isotope values of most of the Gunga barite samples range from 23.8 to 27.8 per mil with an average of 26.4 per mil, which is very close to the average of isotopic values of epigenetic carbonate hosted Late Paleozoic Missouri barite deposits. The Gunga like other barite and sulfide deposits of Khuzdar-Lasbela belt are Mississippi Valley type, stratabound and of replacement origin precipitated from connate brines expelled during the incipient rifting of India from Gondwana land in the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous periods. The low content of copper, lead and zinc in the Gunga barite deposits suggests that these deposits were not formed in proximity to an igneous source of the ore solution.
The Gunga deposits are epigenetic and stratabound as their mineralization is structure controlled. There is an evidence of transgressive nature of host rock and wall rock alteration which are absent in stratiform or bedded deposits.  相似文献   

The Oligocene-early Miocene Chitarwata Formation records a critical interval of terrestrial sedimentation that predates the Siwalik deposits on the Potwar Plateau of north-central Pakistan. This Oligocene-early Miocene time interval has long been considered as lacking in the entire Indo-Pakistan region. The Chitarwata Formation is widely exposed in the Sulaiman Range, but has never been described in detail in the Sulaiman Lobe, where the famous fossiliferous strata called ‘Bugti Bone Beds’ have been known for over a century and half. The Chitarwata Formation represents coastal-delta at the base, and plain and fluvial environments at the top. Lithofacies and sedimentary structures of the Chitarwata Formation in the Bugti area are described in detail, and show a clearly distinct lithologic pattern, different from that reported from the Zinda Pir area. The Chitarwata Formation also records an important transition in the evolution of the drainage systems in the area during the late Paleogene and early Neogene. This transition from the west-flowing paleo-Indus fluvial system to the development of the ancestral Indus drainage system may explain the numerous hiatuses that characterize the Chitarwata Formation. The abundance of fossil mammals from the Chitarwata and overlying Vihowa formation in the Bugti Hills provides critical biochronologic information that sheds new light on biostratigraphic correlation with the Zinda Pir area and for the entire Sulaiman Range.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to study the geochemistry of Akra Kaur Dam (AKD) water, north of Gwadar city, southern Balochistan. Representative water samples were collected from AKD reservoir to assess the suitability of water for drinking and agriculture purposes. The major ionic composition is suggestive for freshwater. The average ionic composition demonstrate SO4 > Ca > Na > Cl > HCO3 > Mg > K. The plots on Piper diagram reflected Ca–Mg–SO4 type of water facies. High Ca/SO4 and Ca/Mg ratios revealed that the water has influence of gypsum dissolution. The negative ratio of chloro-alkaline indices indicated reverse exchange between Ca and Mg in water occurred with Na and K in rocks. The pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved salts, Ca, Mg, Na, K, HCO3, Cl and SO4 concentrations in the dam water were below the permissible limit, however, Na and SO4 were above the desirable limit, set by the World Health Organization. Important parameters such as residue sodium carbonate, sodium percent, sodium adsorption ratio, permeability index, magnesium content and Kelley’s ratio were calculated to evaluate the suitability of water for irrigation purpose. The result were compared with standard permissible limits and found satisfactory. The health and agriculture hazards of sulphate-bearing water were also discussed.  相似文献   

This study presents a detailed geological and geotechnical analysis of Dewal landslide along Murree-Muzaffarabad road, Pakistan. The study area is situated in a tectonically active region of the earth where mass movements like rock fall, rockslides and slumps cause adverse economic loss through disruption of travelling on roads. The study has the main focus on factors responsible for its instability together with stability analysis using limit equilibrium method by use of computer program Slide (version 5.0). The input parameters of rock mass was evaluated by field investigations and laboratory testing. To analyze the net deposit and net slide mass of the landslide area, multi-date point’s data of 2008 and 2012 of the slide area was obtained and their digital elevation models were generated by using Inverse distance weighting (IDW) technique in ArcGIS 9.3. The study has concluded that the present slope instability is the function of a specific deformation pattern in the rock units (leading towards the possibility of a shear plane under the slid mass), surface and subsurface drainage and the engineering behavior of the overburden and underlying rock units. This study recommends several protection parameters for landslide and suggests that detailed investigation of Dewal landslide is required for long term stability.  相似文献   

Small-scale mercury smelting activities with indigenous method are always extensive in the Wuchuan area, northeastern Guizhou Province, China. Because of the simple processes without any environmental protection, a large amount of mercury vapor released to the ambient air during the processing of cinnabar roasting. So the health of the workers may be negatively affected through inhalation of the mercury-polluted air. Mercury, creatinine and β2-MG contents in urine among the workers in the study areas and the residents in the control site (Changshun County) were determined to discuss the health impact of mercury vapor exposure to the workers in the study areas. Health examinations also were carded out to identify clinical symptoms of mercury poisoning for the smelting workers. Results indicated that the geometric mean value of urinary mercury for the smelting workers was g/g Cr μg/g Cr (N=22), significantly higher than 1.24 μg/g (N=54) for residents in the control site. β2-MG as a renal biomarker can be used to study human nephrotoxicity at an early stage and it is most useful to define effects for assessing re-absorption function to indicate tubular injury. The results showed a serious adverse effect on renal system for the smelting workers due to mercury exposure. Several workers have already manifested some clinical symptoms of lightly chronic mercury poisoning and the symptoms include finger and eyelid lightly tremor, gingivitis and blue mercury line in mouth. The study illuminated that the workers in gaged in indigenous mercury smelting in the Wuchuan area were seriously exposed to mercury vapor,  相似文献   

Summary Orthorhombic barium thiosulfate monohydrate, triclinic barium thiosulfate fluoride, triclinic barium sulfite and monoclinic hydrated barium aluminium trisulfide hydroxide have been isolated and identified as natural weathering products in old smelting mill slags. None of them have been found in nature before, but two of them are known as laboratory products. They represent a stepwise sequence in sulfur oxidation numbers and are potential intermediates in the familiar but little-understood oxidation of sulfides to sulfates and thus throw light on the mechanism of the natural oxidation of sulfide ores. The nature of these phases and co-existing species suggests formation between about Eh -0.45 v at pH 11 and Eh -0.6 v at pH 13.[
Das Vorkommen von Thiosulphaten und anderen unstabilen Schwefelverbindungen als natürliche Venwitterungsprodukte alter Schmelz-Schlacken
Zusammenfassung Orthorhombisches Barium—Monohydrat, triklines Barium-ThiosulfattFluorid, triklines Barium-Sulfit und monoklines, hydriertes Barium-Aluminium-Trisulfid-Hydroxyd sind isoliert und als natürliche Verwitterungsprodukte in alten Schmelzschlacken identifiziert worden. Keine dieser Verbindungen sind bisher in der Natur nachgewiesen worden, jedoch sind zwei davon als Kunstprodukte bekannt. Sie stellen eine schrittweise Abfolge von Schwefeloxydationszahlen dar und sind potentielle Zwischenglieder in der bekannten, aber wenig verstandenen Oxydation von Sulfiden zu Sulfaten. In diesem Sinne werfen sie auch Licht auf den Mechanismus der natürli-chen Oxydation von Sulfiderzen. Die Art dieser und koexistierender Verbindungen legt eine Bildung zwischen Eh -0.45 v bei pH 11 und Eh -0.6 v bei pH 13 nahe.

Approximately 4.7 billion t of original coal resources, ranging from lignite A to subbituminous C in rank, are estimated to be present in the Sonda coal field. These resources occur in 10 coal zones in the Bara Formation of Paleocene age. The Bara Formation does not out crop in the area covered by this report. Thin discontinuous coal beds also occur in the Sonhari Member of the Laki Formation, of Paleocene and Eocene age, but they are unimportant as a resource of the Sonda coal field.The coal resource assessment was based on 56 exploratory drill holes that were completed in the Sonda field between April 1986 and February 1988. The Sonda coal field is split into two, roughly equal, areas by the southwestward flowing Indus River, a major barrier to the logistics of communications between the two halves. As a result the two halves, called the Sonda East and Sonda West areas, were evaluated at different times by slightlydifferent techniques; but, because the geology is consistent between the two areas, the results of both evaluations have been summarized in this report. The resource estimates for the Sonda East area, approximately 1,700 million t, were based on the thickest coal bed in each zone at each drill hole. This method gives a conservative estimate of the total amount of coal in the Sonda East area. The resource estimates for the Sonda West area, approximately 3,000 million t, were based on cumulative coal bed thicknesses within each coal zone, resulting in a more liberal estimate. In both cases, minimum parameters for qualifying coal were a thickness of 30 cm or greater and no more than 50% ash; partings thicker than 1 cm were excluded. The three most important coal zones in the Sonda field are the Inayatabad, the Middle Sonda and the Lower Sonda. Together, these three coal zones contain 50% of the total resources. Isopachs were constructed for the thickest coal beds in these three coal zones and indicate large variations in thickness over relatively small distances. Coal beds in the Sonda coal field were difficult to correlate because of poor core recovery in some intervals and abrupt lateral thinning and thickening. Most coal zones are separated by 5–10 m of interburden, although in some places the interburden between zones is over 100 m thick. More closely spaced drill holes should clarify and significantly improve coal zone correlations in the Bara Formation.Coal resources in the Sonda coal field were calculated for three reliability categories; measured, indicated, and inferred. The most reliable estimates are those for the measured category. Measured coal resources are approximately 91 million t, or about 2% of the total resource; indicated resources are 681 million t, or about 14% of the total; and inferred resources, the least reliable resource category, are 3,931 million t, or 84% of the total resources. The distribution of resources by reliability category is due to the relatively wide spacing (approximately 5 km) between core holes.Analyses of 90 coal samples, on an as-received basis, indicate average ash and sulfur contents of 13.7% and 3.6%, respectively, and a range in rank from lignite A to subbituminous C. Calorific values for these samples range from 6,000 to 8,000 Btu/lb (1 Btu = 1055J; 1 lb = 4536 kg).  相似文献   

The Bainiuchang deposit in Yunnan Province, China, is located geographically between the Gejiu ore field and the Dulong ore field. In addition to the 〉7000 t Ag reserves, the deposit also boasts of large-scale Pb, Zn and Sn reserves with a lot of dispersed elements (In, Cd, Ge, Ga, etc.). We have determined systematically the Pb isotope composition of the deposit. The Pb isotope ratios of the ores that are of sea-floor exhalative sedimentary origin in the northwest of the mining district, are 206pb/204pb = 17.758-18.537, 207pb/204pb = 15.175-15.862 and 206pb/204pb = 37.289-39.424, while those of ores that are of magmatic hydrothermal superimposition origin in the southeast of the mining district, are 206pb/204pb = 17.264-18.359, 207pb/204pb = 14.843-15.683 and 208pb/204pb = 36.481-38.838, respectively. In terms of the Pb isotope composition of feldspar in magmatic rocks or magmatic whole- rock samples from the mining district, we have determined the Pb isotope composition and acquired the Pb isotope ratios as: 206pb/204pb -- 18.224-18.700, 207pb/204pb -- 15.595-15.797 and 208pb/204pb -- 38.193-39.608. Then, in the light of the Pb isotope composition of metamorphic rock samples from the Proterozoic basement exposed in the Dulong ore field, we have determined the Pb isotope composition and obtained the isotope ratios as: 206pb/204pb -- 18.434-19.119, 207pb/204pb -- 15.644-15.693, and 208pb/204pb = 38.514-38.832. And the Pb isotope ratios of Cambrian sedimentary rocks, which are exposed in the Bainiuchang mining district, are 206pb/204pb = 18.307-19.206, 207pb/204pb = 15.622-15.809, and 208pb/204pb = 38.436-39.932. By comparing the two types of ores with respect to their Pb isotope compositions, it is indicated that lead in the Bainiuchang deposit was derived largely from the lower-crust granulite which is earlier than Neoproterozoic in age, but the Yanshanian magmatic hydrothermal fluids probably provided a part of ore-forming elements such as Sn for the ore blocks in the south of the mining district.  相似文献   

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