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The growth of two high-elevation inland lakes (at 4600 m) was analyzed using satellite imagery (2000–2005) and data were collected over the last decade (1997–2006) at a plateau meteorological station (at 4820 m) and stream gauging data from a station (at 4250 m) in central Tibet. We examined the lake water balance responses to meteorological and hydrological variables. The results show that the lake areas greatly expanded by a maximum of 27.1% (or 43.7 km2) between 1998 and 2005. This expansion appears to be associated with an increase in annual precipitation of 51.0 mm (12.6%), mean annual and winter mean temperature increases of 0.41 °C and 0.71 °C, and an annual runoff increase of 20% during the last decade. The changes point to an abrupt increase in the annual precipitation, mean temperature and runoff occurring in 1996, 1998 and 1997, respectively, and a decrease in the annual pan evaporation that happened in 1996. The timing of lake growth corresponds closely with abrupt increases in the annual precipitation and runoff and with the decrease in the annual evaporation since the mid-1990s. This study indicates a strong positive water balance in these permafrost highland lakes, and provides further evidence of lake growth as a proxy indicator of climate variability and change.  相似文献   

The Alps are representing the most prominent topographic feature of central Europe in the last 30 Million years. Integration of sediment budget and thermochronological data show that crustal blocks within the Swiss and Eastern Alps experienced differential erosion and uplift, with eastward decreasing rates. Since 30 Ma, in the course of collision and slab breakoff, the Swiss and western Eastern Alps were uplifted and formed a mountain range. Moderate erosion rates stabilized  2 Myr later after adaption to the new base level. Between 28 Ma and 5 Ma, erosion rates shifted above and below different regional mean levels. These shifts of erosion rates were governed by changes of the tectonic setting. Moderate temporary drops of erosion rates and lowering of topography occurred at  21 Ma and  15 Ma in the course of lateral extension. Temporary rises occurred between 24 and 22 Ma during thrust loading and between 18 and 16 Ma during axial updoming of core complexes. By 5 Ma, a sustainable strong increase of erosion rates occurred in the Swiss and Western Alps. A much weaker increase is detected in the Eastern Alps somewhat later, which makes a tectonic trigger, probably a 2nd slab breakoff, more reasonable than a climatic trigger. However, this controversial 5-Ma event is superimposed by accelerated erosion after 2.7 Ma, governed by the onset of cyclic glaciations. Effective valley incision and sediment evacuation by glacial erosion caused isostatic compensation and pronounced young uplift of the Alps.The post-Eocene paleotopographic evolution of key areas is indirectly assessed on the base of erosion rates. Spatial change of paleotopography of the Alps and central Europe is estimated and illustrated in 3 paleogeographic maps.  相似文献   

We examine gravity, topography, and magnetic field data along the well-preserved Martian dichotomy boundary between 105° and 180°E to better understand the origin and modification of the dichotomy boundary. Admittance modeling indicates bottom-loading for the Amenthes region (105–135°E) with crustal and elastic thickness estimates of 15–40 km, and 15–35 km and top-loading for the Aeolis region (145–180°E) with crustal and elastic thickness estimates of 10–20 km and 10–15 km, respectively. There is a general trend from bottom-loading in the west, to top-loading in the east. The bottom-loading signature near Amenthes may reflect its proximity to the Isidis basin or a broad valley southeast of Isidis. Surface volcanic deposits may produce the top-loading seen at Aeolis. Additional processes such as erosion and faulting have clearly affected the dichotomy and may contribute to the loading signature. Low elastic thickness estimates are consistent with loading in the Noachian, when heat flow was high. Significant Bouguer and isostatic gravity anomalies in these areas indicate substantial variations in the crustal density structure. Crater age dating indicates that major surface modification occurred early in the Noachian, and the small elastic thickness estimates also suggest that subsurface modification occurred in the Noachian. Magnetic and gravity anomalies show comparable spatial scales (several hundred kilometers). The similarity in scale and the constant ratio of the amplitudes of the isostatic and Bouguer gravity to the magnetic anomalies along the dichotomy suggest a common origin for the anomalies. Igneous intrusion and/or local thinning or thickening of the crust, possibly with a contribution from hydrothermal alteration, are the most likely mechanisms to create the observed anomalies.  相似文献   

The mode of formation of gullies on Mars, very young erosional–depositional landforms consisting of an alcove, channel, and fan, is one of the most enigmatic problems in martian geomorphology. Major questions center on their ages, geographic and stratigraphic associations, relation to recent ice ages, and, if formed by flowing water, the sources of the water to cause the observed erosion/deposition. Gasa (35.72°S, 129.45°E), a very fresh 7-km diameter impact crater and its environment, offer a unique opportunity to explore these questions. We show that Gasa crater formed during the most recent glacial epoch (2.1–0.4 Ma), producing secondary crater clusters on top of the latitude-dependent mantle (LDM), interpreted to be a layered ice-dust-rich deposit emplaced during this glacial epoch. High-resolution images of a pre-Gasa impact crater ~100 km northeast of Gasa reveal that portions of the secondary-crater-covered LDM have been removed from pole-facing slopes in crater interiors near Gasa; gullies are preferentially located in these areas and channels feeding alcoves and fans can be seen to emerge from the eroding LDM layers to produce multiple generations of channel incision and fan lobes. We interpret these data to mean that these gullies formed extremely recently in the post-Gasa-impact time-period by melting of the ice-rich LDM. Stratigraphic and topographic relationships are interpreted to mean that under favorable illumination geometry (steep pole-facing slopes) and insolation conditions, melting of the debris-covered ice-rich mantle took place in multiple stages, most likely related to variations in spin-axis/orbital conditions. Closer to Gasa, in the interior of the ~18 km diameter LDM-covered host crater in which Gasa formed, the pole-facing slopes display two generations of gullies. Early, somewhat degraded gullies, have been modified by proximity to Gasa ejecta emplacement, and later, fresh appearing gullies are clearly superposed, cross-cut the earlier phase, and show multiple channels and fans, interpreted to be derived from continued melting of the LDM on steep pole-facing slopes. Thus, we conclude that melting of the ice-rich LDM is a major source of gully activity both pre-Gasa crater and post-Gasa crater formation. The lack of obscuration of Gasa secondary clusters formed on top of the LDM is interpreted to mean that the Gasa impact occurred following emplacement of the last significant LDM layers at these low latitudes, and thus near the end of the ice ages. This interpretation is corroborated by the lack of LDM within Gasa. However, Gasa crater contains a robustly developed set of gullies on its steep, pole-facing slopes, unlike other very young post-LDM craters in the region. How can the gullies inside Gasa form in the absence of an ice-rich LDM that is interpreted to be the source of water for the other adjacent and partly contemporaneous gullies? Analysis of the interior (floor and walls) of the host crater suggest that prior to the Gasa impact, the pole-facing walls and floor were occupied by remnant debris-covered glaciers formed earlier in the Amazonian, which are relatively common in crater interiors in this latitude band. We suggest that the Gasa impact cratering event penetrated into the southern portion of this debris-covered glacier, emplaced ejecta on top of the debris layer covering the ice, and caused extensive melting of the buried ice and flow of water and debris slurries on the host crater floor. Inside Gasa, the impact crater rim crest and wall intersected the debris-covered glacier deposits around the northern, pole-facing part of the Gasa interior. We interpret this exposure of ice-rich debris-covered glacial material in the crater wall to be the source of meltwater that formed the very well-developed gullies along the northern, pole-facing slopes of Gasa crater.  相似文献   

The northern treeline is generally limited by available warmth. However, in recent years, more and more studies have identified drought stress as an additional limiting factor for tree growth in northern boreal forests and at treelines. Three growth responses to warming have been identified: increase in growth, decrease in growth, and nonsignificant correlation of tree growth with climate. Here we investigate the effect of drought stress on radial growth of white spruce at northern treelines along a longitudinal gradient spanning the entire Brooks Range in Alaska. We systematically sampled 687 white spruce at seven treeline sites. Where possible, we sampled three site types at a given site: high-density forest, low-density forest, and floodplain forest. We investigated the relationship of site and site type to tree growth responses. In the western part of our study area, we found very high numbers of trees responding with increase in growth to recent warming; while in the eastern part, trees responding with decrease in growth to recent warming are predominant. Within a given site, more trees reacting positively to warming grow on site types characterized by low tree density. These patterns coincide with precipitation decreases from west to east and local water availability gradients, therefore pointing to drought stress as the controlling factor for the distribution of trees responding with increase or decrease in growth to recent warming. Compared to 20th century climate, we project a 25–50% basal area (BA) increase in the western region for the 21st century due to climate warming as projected by five general circulation models, 4–11% in the central region and decreases (+1 to −11%) in the eastern region. The overall net change in projected 21st century BA increase at each site seems to be controlled by the relative proportion of responder groups. If these are similar, differences in the magnitude of increase versus decrease in growth control BA projections for that site. This study highlights the importance of regional-scale investigations of biosphere–climate interactions, since our results indicate a substantial gain in aboveground biomass as a result of future warming only in the western regions; while in the eastern regions, climate warming will decrease overall wood production and therefore carbon uptake potential.  相似文献   

Owing to the very gently sloping nature of the flood plain in the lower White Nile valley, which is underlain by a former lake-bed, the depositional record in that area is unusually well preserved. In Egypt and along the Blue Nile phases of erosion have destroyed segments of the sedimentary record, but the White Nile sequence is a good proxy for both the main Nile and the Blue Nile. During the last 15 ka, at least, times of high flow in the Blue Nile and main Nile were synchronous with those in the White Nile.Not all the White Nile flood deposits have been preserved but calibrated radiocarbon dates obtained on fossil freshwater and amphibious Pila shells and fish bones indicate that White Nile levels were high around 14.7–13.1 ka, 9.7–9.0 ka, 7.9–7.6 ka, 6.3 ka and 3.2–2.8 ka. The Blue Nile record is more fragmentary and that of the main Nile even more so except for the Holocene Nile delta. Calibrated radiocarbon ages for high Blue Nile flows indicate very high flood levels towards 13.9–13.2 ka, 8.6 ka, 7.7 ka and 6.3 ka.Incision by the Blue Nile and main Nile has caused progressive incision in the White Nile amounting to at least 4 m since the terminal Pleistocene  15 ka ago and at least 2 m over the past 9 ka. The Blue Nile seems to have cut down at least 10 m since  15 ka and at least 4 m since 9 ka. The time-transgressive and relatively late inception of plant domestication in the Nile valley may partly reflect this history of incision. Nile incision would propagate upstream into the White Nile valley, draining previously swampy areas along the valley floor, which would then become accessible to cultivation.  相似文献   

The unusual 80 km diameter Noachian-aged Asimov crater in Noachis Terra (46°S, 5°E) is characterized by extensive Noachian-Hesperian crater fill and a younger superposed annulus of valleys encircling the margins of the crater floor. These valleys provide an opportunity to study the relationships of gully geomorphology as a function of changing slope orientation relative to solar insolation. We found that the level of development of gullies was highly correlated with slope orientation and solar insolation. The largest and most complex gully systems, with the most well-developed fluvial landforms, are restricted to pole-facing slopes. In contrast, gullies on equator-facing slopes are smaller, more poorly developed and integrated, more highly degraded, and contain more impact craters. We used a 1D version of the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique GCM, and slope geometries (orientation and angle), driven by predicted spin-axis/orbital parameter history, to assess the distribution and history of surface temperatures in these valleys during recent geological history. Surface temperatures on pole-facing slopes preferential for water ice accumulation and subsequent melting are predicted to occur as recently as 0.5-2.1 Ma, which is consistent with age estimates of gully activity elsewhere on Mars. In contrast, the 1D model predicts that water ice cannot accumulate on equator-facing slopes until obliquities exceed 45°, suggesting they are unlikely to have been active over the last 5 Ma. The correlation of the temperature predictions and the geological evidence for age differences suggests that there were two phases of gully formation in the last few million years: an older phase in which top-down melting occurred on equator-facing slopes and a younger more robust phase on pole-facing slopes. The similarities of small-scale fluvial erosion features seen in the gullies on Mars and those observed in gullies cut by seasonal and perennial snowmelt in the Antarctic Dry Valleys supports a top-down melting origin for these gullies on Mars.  相似文献   

Maps of the vector components of the Mars crustal magnetic field are constructed at the mapping altitude (360 to 410 km) using a selected set of data obtained with the Mars Global Surveyor magnetometer during 2780 orbits of the planet in 1999. Forward modeling calculations are then applied to six relatively strong and isolated, dominantly dipolar, magnetic anomalies for the primary purpose of estimating bulk directions of magnetization. Assuming that the magnetizing field was a (dipolar) core dynamo field centered in the planet, paleomagnetic pole positions are calculated for the six primary source bodies together with that for a seventh anomaly analyzed earlier. In agreement with several previous studies, it is found that six of the seven pole positions are clustered in what is now the northern lowlands in a region centered northwest of Olympus Mons (mean pole position: 34°±10° N, 202°±58° E). Assuming that the dynamo dipole moment vector was approximately parallel to the rotation axis, the modeling results therefore suggest a major reorientation of Mars relative to its rotation axis after magnetization was acquired. Such a reorientation may have been stimulated by internal mass redistributions associated with the formation of the northern lowlands and Tharsis, for example. A comparison of the mean paleo (magnetic) equator to the global distribution of crustal fields shows that magnetic anomalies tend to occur at low paleolatitudes. The same appears to be true for the Noachian-aged valley networks, which exhibit a broad spatial correlation with the magnetic anomalies. A possible interpretation is that the formation of magnetic anomalies and the valley networks was favored in the tropics where melting of water ice and snow was a stronger source of both surface valley erosion and groundwater recharge during the earliest history of the planet. This would be consistent with models in which hydrothermal alteration of crustal rocks played a role in producing the unusually strong martian magnetic anomalies.  相似文献   

We correlate Upper Pleistocene glacial and fluvial deposits of the Cinca and Gállego River valleys (south central Pyrenees and Ebro basin, Spain) using geomorphic position, luminescence dates, and time-related trends in soil development. The ages obtained from glacial deposits indicate glacial periods at 85 ± 5 ka, 64 ± 11 ka, and 36 ± 3 ka (from glacial till) and 20 ± 3 ka (from loess). The fluvial drainage system, fed by glaciers in the headwaters, developed extensive terrace systems in the Cinca River valley at 178 ± 21 ka, 97 ± 16 ka, 61 ± 4 ka, 47 ± 4 ka, and 11 ± 1 ka, and in the Gállego River valley at 151 ± 11 ka, 68 ± 7 ka, and 45 ± 3 ka. The times of maximum geomorphic activity related to cold phases coincide with Late Pleistocene marine isotope stages and Heinrich events. The maximum extent of glaciers during the last glacial occurred at 64 ± 11 ka, and the terraces correlated with this glacial phase are the most extensive in both the Cinca (61 ± 4 ka) and Gállego (68 ± 7 ka) valleys, indicating a strong increase in fluvial discharge and availability of sediments related to the transition to deglaciation. The global Last Glacial Maximum is scarcely represented in the south central Pyrenees owing to dominantly dry conditions at that time. Precipitation must be controlled by the position of the Iberian Peninsula with respect to the North Atlantic atmospheric circulation system. The glacial systems and the associated fluvial dynamic seem sensitive to 1) global climate changes controlled by insolation, 2) North Atlantic thermohaline circulation influenced by freshwater pulses into the North Atlantic, and 3) anomalies in atmospheric circulation in the North Atlantic controlling precipitation on the Iberian Peninsula. Our scenario of glacial and fluvial evolution during the Late Pleistocene in northern Spain could be extrapolated to other glaciated mountainous areas in southern Europe.  相似文献   

Uzboi Vallis (centered at ∼28°S, 323°E) is ∼400 km long and comprises the southernmost segment of the northward-draining Uzboi-Ladon-Morava (ULM) meso-scale outflow system that emerges from Argyre basin. Bond and Holden craters blocked the valley to the south and north, respectively, forming a Late Noachian-to-Hesperian paleolake basin that exceeded 4000 km3. Limited CRISM data suggest lake deposits in Uzboi and underlying basin floor incorporate relatively more Mg-clays and more Fe-clays, respectively. The short-lived lake overflowed and breached Holden crater’s rim at an elevation of −350 m and rapidly drained into the crater. Fan deltas in Holden extend 25 km from the breach and incorporate meter-sized blocks, and longitudinal grooves along the Uzboi basin floor are hundreds of meters long and average 60 m wide, suggesting high-discharge drainage of the lake. Precipitation-derived runoff rather than regional groundwater or overflow from Argyre dominated contributions to the Uzboi lake, although the failure of most tributaries to respond to a lowering of base level indicates their incision largely ended when the lake drained. The Uzboi lake may have coincided with alluvial and/or lacustrine activity in Holden, Eberswalde, and other craters in southern Margaritifer Terra, where fluvial/lacustrine activity may have required widespread, synoptic precipitation (rain or snow), perhaps associated with an ephemeral, global hydrologic system during the Late Noachian into the Hesperian on Mars.  相似文献   

Debris-flow activity on the forested cone of the Ritigraben torrent (Valais, Swiss Alps) was assessed from growth disturbances in century-old trees, providing an unusually complete record of past events and deposition of material. The study of 2246 tree-ring sequences sampled from 1102 Larix decidua Mill., Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Pinus cembra ssp. sibirica trees allowed reconstruction of 123 events since AD 1566. Geomorphic mapping permitted identification of 769 features related to past debris-flow activity on the intermediate cone. The features inventoried in the study area covering 32 ha included 291 lobes, 465 levées and 13 well-developed debris-flow channels. Based on tree-ring records of disturbed trees growing in or next to the deposits, almost 86% of the lobes identified on the present-day surface could be dated. A majority of the dated material was deposited over the last century. Signs of pre-20th century events are often recognizable in the tree-ring record of survivor trees, but the material that caused the growth anomaly in trees has been completely overridden or eroded by more recent debris-flow activity.Tree-ring records suggest that cool summers with frequent snowfalls at higher elevations regularly prevented the release of debris flows between the 1570s and 1860s; the warming trend combined with greater precipitation totals in summer and autumn between 1864 and 1895 provided conditions that were increasingly favorable for releasing events from the source zone. Enhanced debris-flow activity continued well into the 20th century and reconstructions show a clustering of events in the period 1916–1935 when warm–wet conditions prevailed during summer in the Swiss Alps. In contrast, very low activity is observed for the last 10-yr period (1996–2005) with only one debris-flow event recorded on August 27, 2002. Since sediment availability is not a limiting factor, this temporal absence of debris-flow activity is due to an absence of triggering events, which not only shifted from June and July to August and September over the 20th century, but also seemed to be initiated primarily by persistent precipitation rather than summer thunderstorms. From the reconstructions, based on RCM simulations, there are indications that debris-flow frequencies might continue to decrease in the future, as precipitation events are projected to occur less frequently in summer but become more common in spring or autumn.  相似文献   

It is now well accepted that surface processes provide a critical feedback on the surface tectonic deformation, whatever it is, orogenic building or basin evolution. However, the idea that the influence of these processes may go below the crustal levels, is less common. In this preliminary study, we use coupled thermo-mechanical numerical models to investigate the possible influence of surface processes on the styles of continental collision, in particular, continental subduction. For that, we further exploit the recent successful model of continental subduction of the early stages of India–Asia collision by Toussaint et al. [Toussaint G., Burov, E., and J.-P. Avouac, Tectonic evolution of a continental collision zone: a thermo-mechanical numerical model, Tectonics, 23, TC6003, doi:10.1029/2003TC001604, 2004b.]. On the example of India–Asia-like settings, we show that not only the surface topography but also the total amount of subduction may largely vary as function of denudation rate (controlled by the coefficient of erosion, k). Erosion provides a dynamic discharge of the hanging wall of the major thrust zone, whereas the sedimentation increases loading on the footwall and this helps down-thrusting of the lower plate. Both processes reduce the resistance of the major thrust and subduction channel to subduction. However, very strong or very slow erosion/sedimentation enhance the possibility of plate coupling and promote whole-scale thickening or buckling. The maximal amount of subduction is thus achieved for some intermediate values of erosion rates when the tectonic uplift rate is fine-balanced by the denudation rate. In our case the optimal balance is reached for the values of k on the order of 3000 m2/yr. We then extended our model beyond the conditions of India–Asia collision, in terms of the tested range of k and convergence rates. The experiments suggest that for provided settings, both extra slow (k < 50–100 m2/yr) and extra rapid erosion (k > 6000–8000 m2/yr) limit, by up to 50%, the total amount of subduction, if not totally prevent it. The model demonstrates the large capability of surface processes to adopt to different deformation styles: the orogenic building and subduction successfully develop (subduction number, S > 0.5) in the range of k between 500 m2/yr and 6000 m2/yr at convergence rates ranging from 1 cm/yr to 6 cm/yr. Within this range, some peculiar features of orogenic style such as the geometry of the accretion prism, amount of upper crustal subduction, horizontal progression of the mountain range/thrust fault and the amount of exhumation of metamorphic facies are sometimes quite different. We conclude that surface processes may control deep, mantle level tectonic evolution.  相似文献   

The western Barents Sea continental margin, between 74° and 77°N, comprises 7–8 km post-Paleocene sediments. The margin sediments have been divided into four seismic sequences dated by seismic correlation to adjacent areas. This chronostratigraphy shows that the uppermost three sequences are of glacial origin, deposited during the last 2.3 m.y. A huge sedimentary wedge, the Storfjorden Fan, was deposited in front of the Storfjorden Trough between 2.3 and 0.44 Ma, whereas during the last 0.44 m.y. a more evenly distribution pattern is observed. The outbuilding of the fan is related to the onset of the northern hemisphere glaciations causing intense glacial erosion of predominantly consolidated rocks. Seismic facies interpretations indicates that the fan outbuilding was connected to large-scale mass movements. Within the uppermost part of the glacial sequence parallel and continuous reflectors and locally disturbed pattern on the upper slope are associated with downslope change in facies. Volumetric calculations, based on velocity studies and isopach maps, have been used to quantify Cenozoic erosion, sediment yield, sedimentation and erosion rates. Approximately 3300 m of post-Paleocene erosion is calculated within the drainage area of the Storfjorden Fan, of which about 1700 m was eroded in late Pliocene-Pleistocene times giving an average denudation rate of 0.63 mm/yr.  相似文献   

Altimetry measurements over the Ionian region and tide gauge records along the southern Italian coasts have been combined to analyse the negative sea level trend over the Ionian basin in the last decades. The apparent decreasing trend should be better understood as an abrupt sea level drop in 1998 probably linked to changes in the surface circulation in the Ionian basin induced by the Eastern Mediterranean Transient, which changed from anticyclonic to cyclonic about March 1998. From then onwards, a rising rate of 7.9 ± 0.9 mm/year is observed over the basin.  相似文献   

Abundant evidence exists for glaciation being an important geomorphic process in the mid-latitude regions of both hemispheres of Mars, as well as in specific environments at near-equatorial latitudes, such as along the western flanks of the major Tharsis volcanoes. Detailed analyses of glacial landforms (lobate-debris aprons, lineated valley fill, concentric crater fill, viscous flow features) have suggested that this glaciation was predominantly cold-based. This is consistent with the view that the Amazonian has been continuously cold and dry, similar to conditions today. We present new data based on a survey of images from the Context Camera (CTX) on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter that some of these glaciers experienced limited surface melting, leading to the formation of small glaciofluvial valleys. Some of these valleys show evidence for proglacial erosion (eroding the region immediately in front of or adjacent to a glacier), while others are supraglacial (eroding a glacier’s surface). These valleys formed during the Amazonian, consistent with the inferred timing of glacial features based on both crater counts and stratigraphic constraints. The small scale of the features interpreted to be of glaciofluvial origin hindered earlier recognition, although their scale is similar to glaciofluvial counterparts on Earth. These valleys appear qualitatively different from valley networks formed in the Noachian, which can be much longer and often formed integrated networks and large lakes. The valleys we describe here are also morphologically distinct from gullies, which are very recent fluvial landforms formed during the last several million years and on much steeper slopes (∼20-30° for gullies versus ?10° for the valleys we describe). These small valleys represent a distinct class of fluvial features on the surface of Mars (glaciofluvial); their presence shows that the hydrology of Amazonian Mars is more diverse than previously thought.  相似文献   

From a comparison between the different observations of Martian methane existing today, including the new TES methane maps (Fonti and Marzo, 2010), we show that all sets of data are globally consistent with each other, and that a well definite seasonal cycle of methane has been at work for at least 10 yr. With a simple model of the balance between the loss fluxes of H and O, using up-to-date values of the escape fluxes, we show that the long-standing enigma of the imbalance between H and O escape fluxes may be solved by assuming that the missing sink of oxygen is the oxidation of methane. If no H2 is released together with CH4, a good agreement is found between the present CH4 flux and the value imposed by the balance between H and O escape fluxes, an average over the last ≈103 yr. If H2 is released together with CH4, as expected if CH4 originates in serpentinization, the average level of CH4 during the last 103 yr should have been at least ten times lower than the present one. The lack of present H2 release could suggest a long-term storage of methane in the subsurface under the form of clathrates, whereas H2 has been lost to the atmosphere shortly after being produced. We suggest that the thin layer of CO2 ice covering the permanent southern polar cap could result from the release of methane since the end of the last obliquity transition (time scale: 1 Myr), at an average rate of 0.1 Mt yr?1, consistent with the values derived from: (i) the present observations of methane (time scale: 10 yr), (ii) the estimate from the observed imbalance between the H and O escape fluxes (time scale: 1 kyr). If so, the present release of methane from subsurface clathrates would have acted at a similar rate since at least 3 Myr.  相似文献   

S. Bouley  R.A. Craddock 《Icarus》2010,207(2):686-698
Martian valley networks provide the best evidence that the climate on Mars was different in the past. Although these features are located primarily in heavily cratered terrain of Noachian age (>3.7 Ga), the ages of the features and the time when they were active is not well understood. From superposed craters several recent global studies determined that most valley networks formed during the Late Noachian to Early Hesperian; however, there were some disparities between the techniques. In this study, our principal objective was to test the reliability of the different age-dating techniques to better understand their accuracy and limitations. We applied these techniques to Parana Valles using a variety of high-resolution images taken from different instruments that allow us to identify smaller craters (D > 125 m) while providing sufficient coverage to support a statistically reliable sampling of crater populations, which is necessary to reduce the uncertainties in age determination. Our results indicate that Parana Valles formed during the Early Hesperian Period but that the crater density (D > 353 m) is heterogeneous inside the Parana Valles basin. The crater population decreases from the headwaters downstream recording a resurfacing event that is most likely related to the erosion of downstream sub-basins. The terrain near the source area is Late Noachian to Early Hesperian in age while terrains closer to the outlet are Early to Late Hesperian in age. Crater densities (D > 125 m) inside the valley are also heterogeneous and record several resurfacing events on the valley floor. Where the width of the valley network narrows to <2 km we found evidence of an Amazonian age eolian deposit that is a relatively thin layer of only few meters that was probably deposited as a result of topographic influences. Our results validate the reliability of several proposed age-dating techniques, but we also determined the accuracy and applicability of these techniques. Our results also demonstrate that crater populations can be used to not only determine the relative ages of valley networks, but also to map the distribution of sedimentary materials and the extent of resurfacing events that occurred after valley network formation.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of shatter cones (SCs) near the village of Agoudal (Morocco, Central High Atlas Mountains) in 2013, the absence of one or several associated circular structures led to speculation about the age of the impact event, the number, and the size of the impact crater or craters. Additional constraints on the crater size, age, and erosion rates are obtained here from geological, structural, and geophysical mapping and from cosmogenic nuclide data. Our geological maps of the Agoudal impact site at the scales of 1:30,000 (6 km2) and 1:15,000 (2.25 km2) include all known occurrences of SCs in target rocks, breccias, and vertical to overturned strata. Considering that strata surrounding the impact site are subhorizontal, we argue that disturbed strata are related to the impact event. Three types of breccias have been observed. Two of them (br1‐2 and br2) could be produced by erosion–sedimentation–consolidation processes, with no evidence for impact breccias, while breccia (br1) might be impact related. The most probable center of the structure is estimated at 31°59′13.73?N, 5°30′55.14?W using the concentric deviation method applied to the orientation of strata over the disturbed area. Despite the absence of a morphological expression, the ground magnetic and electromagnetic surveys reveal anomalies spatially associated with disturbed strata and SC occurrences. The geophysical data, the structural observations, and the area of occurrence of SCs in target rocks are all consistent with an original size of 1.4–4.2 km in diameter. Cosmogenic nuclide data (36Cl) constrain the local erosion rates between 220 ± 22 m Ma?1 and 430 ± 43 m Ma?1. These erosion rates may remove the topographic expression of such a crater and its ejecta in a time period of about 0.3–1.9 Ma. This age is older than the Agoudal iron meteorite age (105 ± 40 kyr). This new age constraint excludes the possibility of a genetic relationship between the Agoudal iron meteorite fall and the formation of the Agoudal impact site. A chronolgy chart including the Atlas orogeny, the alternation of sedimentation and erosion periods, and the meteoritic impacts is presented based on all obtained and combined data.  相似文献   

Based on fieldwork and terrace ages, which were determined using 14C, TL and paleosol stratigraphy, a general model was established for the development of the Yellow River terrace system. The ages for the terraces and valley flats of the Yellow River system are T6—1.67–0.85 Ma BP, T5—0.85–0.47 Ma BP, T4—0.47–0.10 Ma BP, T3—0.10–0.007 Ma BP, T2—7.0–0.7 ka BP, T1—0.7–0.3 ka BP, the higher valley flat—0.3–0.15 ka BP and the lower valley flat 0.15–0 ka BP, respectively. Each terrace or valley flat and corresponding paleo-valley represents a river erosion/deposition cycle. Using this model and selected geomorphic parameters of terraces and paleo-valleys from 10 typical cross sections of Luohe River, a tributary of the Yellow River, an attempt is made here to estimate paleo-river erosion since the Pleistocene on the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

Scott C. Mest  David A. Crown 《Icarus》2005,175(2):335-359
The geology and stratigraphy of Millochau crater (21.4° S, 275° W), located in the highlands of Tyrrhena Terra, Mars, are documented through geomorphic analyses and geologic mapping. Crater size-frequency distributions and superposition relationships are used to constrain relative ages of geologic units and determine the timing and duration of the geologic processes that modified Millochau rim materials and emplaced deposits on Millochau's floor. Crater size-frequency distributions show a Middle Noachian age for rim materials and Middle Noachian to Early Hesperian ages for most of the interior deposits. Valley networks and gullies incised within Millochau's rim materials and interior wall, respectively, indicate fluvial activity was an important erosional process. Millochau contains an interior plateau, offset northeast of Millochau's center, which rises up to 400 m above the surrounding crater floor and slopes downward to the south and west. Layers exposed along the northern and eastern scarp boundaries of the plateau are tens to hundreds of meters thick and laterally continuous in MOC images. These layers suggest most materials within Millochau were emplaced by sedimentary processes (e.g., fluvial or eolian), with the potential for lacustrine deposition in shallow transient bodies of water and contributions of volcanic airfall. Mass wasting may have also contributed significant quantities of material to Millochau's interior, especially to the deposits surrounding the plateau. Superposition relationships combined with impact crater statistics indicate that most deposition and erosion of Millochau's interior deposits is ancient, which implies that fluvial activity in this part of Tyrrhena Terra is much older than in the eastern Hellas region. Eolian processes mobilized sediment to form complicated patterns of long- and short-wavelength dunes, whose emplacement is controlled by local topography. These deposits are some of the youngest within Millochau (Amazonian) and eolian modification may be ongoing.  相似文献   

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