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乡村工业化对中国乡村城市转型的影响   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
苗长虹 《地理科学》1998,18(5):409-417
本文从“乡村空间变化”的观点出发,分析了乡村工业化对新乡村经济空间,新乡村社会空间和新乡村地理空间形成和发展的影响,探讨了乡村工业化与乡村城市转的区域不平衡性,提出了中国乡村城市转型过程中几个应重视和研究的问题。  相似文献   

论北京农村空间的商品化与城乡关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王鹏飞 《地理学报》2013,68(12):1657-1667
基于后生产主义理论,讨论了北京农村空间的商品化与城乡关系问题,并从理论抽象方面取得了以下认识:(1) 无论农村与城镇,空间是一种抽象的概念,理论上,自然界的纯粹空间不具有商品价值意义。空间的商品化是与一定的人类经济生产活动和生产方式相联系而存在和逐步显现的;(2) 在经济全球化与可持续发展的背景下,随着社会经济力的增强、后生产主义思想的蔓延,人类生产活动日益丰富,空间的商品化也进一步显现;(3) 改革开放以来,北京农村的景观、土地利用、就业、生活形态、旅游业的快速发展使得北京农村空间生产内容发生了巨大变化,多样化愈趋增强,北京农村空间的商品性也日益突出;(4) 随着农村空间商品化的发展,北京地区的城乡差距逐步缩小,北京地区长期扭曲的城乡关系得到一定程度的纠正。  相似文献   

As examinations of the rural–urban interface move beyond a focus on the rural or urban fringe as a location and move toward examining the patterns and processes that both divide and link rural and urban places, a broader (re)conceptualization of the rural–urban interface becomes increasingly important. Thus far the question of boundaries and interfaces between so-called urban and rural locales has mostly revolved around where and when such boundaries occur (including significant coverage of the differences and conflicts between urban vs. rural people), rather than asking what physical or social functions are being served by the rural–urban interface itself. In response, I (re)frame the rural–urban interface not only as a boundary between two distinct spaces but also as a conduit, a place of exchange, and a flux point between them. Using a particular case of contested ecologies in the exurban Sierra Nevada foothills of California, I (re)conceptualize the rural–urban interface as meaning, model, and metaphor (MMM), situating contrasting people and places in an ongoing negotiation of place and environmental meaning along the (ex)urbanizing edge. Although the differences between rural and urban are increasingly unclear, the division continues to be compelling from environmental and sociopolitical standpoints. I argue that (perceived) boundaries are instrumental in understanding physical–material change and for mitigating social conflicts occurring across them. As such, attention to the patterns, processes, and flows that connect or separate rural and urban areas is critical to forging effective and long-lasting solutions to contemporary social, economic, and environmental problems.  相似文献   

乡村能人是中国乡村治理的重要主体,是推进乡村治理现代化的重要力量,深入研究乡村能人在乡村治理中的角色、作用及问题具有重要的现实意义。论文回顾了典型时期的乡村治理结构变迁,辨析了乡村能人的概念与类型,阐释了乡村能人在乡村发展中的多维角色,梳理了能人治村可能产生的负面效应,探讨了加强能人培育与监管的途径。研究认为:① 乡村能人是指在特定乡村被多数村民认可,具有较强的发展动力、个人能力和社会网络,有志于或正在或已经通过其专长带动乡村发展的人;② 通常,乡村能人是推动进步的“发动机”、集体行动的“火车头”、乡村发展的“铺路者”、对外联系的“架桥师”、乡村振兴的“带头人”;③ 但是,如果监管缺位,能人治村也可能对基层民主、经济发展和法制建设等带来负面影响;④ 为更好地实现国家乡村治理体系和治理能力现代化,需进一步加强能人的产生机制以及培育模式研究,深化能人治村的机理、模式与效应研究,关注驻村干部治村的新情况与新问题,并探索能人研究的新数据、新方法。在决胜全面建成小康社会、着力推进乡村振兴的转型期,加强乡村能人研究,有助于深化各界对乡村发展机制的理解、丰富乡村地理学研究的内容与理论。  相似文献   

Globalization, tourism and local living conditions on Jamaica's north coast   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Jamaica's tourism industry has grown rapidly in recent decades, with significant implications for national development. However, the distribution of the benefits from this growth sector has been socially and spatially uneven. Drawing on substantial data sets collected through a variety of participatory research practices, this paper assesses the socioeconomic and environmental challenges facing the residents of Montego Bay and Falmouth on Jamaica's north coast, the main site for tourism development in the country. The research involved training community residents as researchers, and used traditional quantitative methods alongside techniques borrowed from participatory rapid appraisal.
The local society and economy are clearly shown to be affected by processes of globalization and mobility. However, existing patterns of national economic development – including the expansion of the tourism industry – have failed to alleviate the social and environmental problems faced by relatively powerless members of the Jamaican society. In contrast, the most effective responses to this situation have involved stakeholder groups negotiating and breaking down entrenched scaled relationships through the mobilization of particular forms of social networks.  相似文献   

A great deal of attention has been paid to the efficiency of the analysis of sustainable urban and regional growth. This includes social participation and social capital, which require a consideration of equity. In this paper, an approach from central-place theory for sustainable urban and regional growth is examined, taking into consideration relevant variables such as ageing, social interaction and accessibility. A lack of consideration of equity could cause several social exclusion problems, and these problems could develop into spatial consumer exclusion. Solutions for these problems would not only improve equity but also efficiency, and the outcome would addresses the necessity of an alternative spatial formation based on a wider-regional rural central-place system according to given economic, social and spatial configurations.  相似文献   

以山东省王景河村为例,通过实地调研和访谈的方式获取数据资料,分析农村发展中的环境现状,从村级和农户层面探讨农民生活生产行为方式对环境的影响,总结和归纳农村发展中环境问题的形成机制,提出农村环境问题管理的创新路径。研究结果表明:(1)农村环境问题主要表现为农业污染、农村生活污染和农村工业污染所形成的复合型污染;(2)农村经济发展模式粗放、农户环保意识淡薄、城乡环境管理的二元化、土地产权设置不合理等造成了农村环境的恶化,同时农民由农村传统生活方式向城市生活方式转变也对农村环境产生不利的影响。  相似文献   


Nowhere else does aridity beset so large an area and affect so many contiguous nations as in Africa and the Middle East, yet the problems confronting these states do not stem solely from environmental constraints but also from cultural traditions and social characteristics of the people. Insufficient water sharply circumscribes economic activity and population distribution is directly related to presence or absence of water; enormous evaporative loss from impounded water further complicates efforts at redistribution of that vital resource. Man has learned, however, to cope with such environmental handicaps; plant domestication in the Middle East in the Neolithic reflects successful coping with distinctly seasonal precipitation regimes.

Annual rates of population increase in the region are high and likely to remain so in the foreseeable future. A dispersed, rural population with a high dependency ratio poses obstacles to governments seeking to improve the quality of life and to meet rising expectations. Planning for the future of these areas requires close attention to elements of both man and land, and a strong fabric of development can be woven only by incorporating appropriate threads from each of these elements.  相似文献   

El Hatillo is a rural community in the Sébaco valley in Nicaragua, which suffers from an eroding resource base, high levels of poverty and malnutrition, and a high susceptibility to hazards. Structural adjustment policies have been devastating for small and subsistence farmers and have increased the level of economic, social and environmental marginalisation in rural Nicaragua. This paper explores initiatives to promote sustainable development in Nicaragua in the context of structural adjustment and environmental degradation. Drawing on qualitative research conducted in El Hatillo, it outlines the ways in which women in this community are attempting to address the multiple challenges of rural poverty and environmental risk and considers the potential of these strategies for gender equality.  相似文献   

乡村发展与重构格局特征及振兴路径——以广西为例   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
乡村重构是实施推进乡村振兴战略的重要手段,系统开展典型地区乡村发展与重构的格局特征及问题识别研究,是新阶段面向乡村振兴战略需求科学施策的基础。以广西为案例地,基于熵值法支持下的TOPSIS模型,分时段综合评价全区乡村发展水平和乡村重构强度的格局特征,识别乡村发展与重构的问题区域,探讨实现乡村振兴的调控路径。结果表明:研究期内广西乡村发展水平快速提升,乡村地域正在由相对均质走向异质发展态势;各研究时段经济、社会、空间重构强度均值逐渐增大,经济重构愈发加快,空间重构后来居上但仍相对滞后;经济—社会—空间重构耦合度和协调度均值逐渐提升,但当前协调水平仍然不高。基于上述研究,识别出乡村发展与重构存在若干问题的7类计37个县域,问题区域的形成折射着地理环境影响的痕迹,是社会经济要素变化背景下地形地貌、区位条件、资源条件、经济基础、行为主体、区域政策多种因素综合作用的结果。乡村地域的健康发展有赖于经济—社会—空间的协调耦合,乡村振兴的实现既需要从宏观层面统筹谋划乡村重构的区域路径,还需要针对问题区域及其关键领域研制促进乡村社会经济发展和空间优化的调控措施。  相似文献   

基于社会网络分析的旅游地乡村社会空间重构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆天华  于涛 《地理科学》2020,40(9):1522-1531
在商品经济影响下,乡村社会关系正发生多途径、多层次重构,由于社会关系与空间形态辩证统一,社会关系的异化将引起空间形态的变化。以南京市世凹美丽乡村示范村为案例,从传统社会结构观念与市场经济之间的冲突出发,建立研究假设,通过2014年、2016年和2018持续跟踪调查,运用社会网络分析方法揭示乡村经济社会空间交互过程。结果表明:① 所选乡村社会网络发展符合社会资本与市场制度相互作用的发展规律,具有替代效应、挤出效应与互补效应3个明显阶段,符合研究假设;② 网络模式由轮轴模式演化到“结构洞”模式再到合作与分派模式,且分别对应扩散型、分支型与簇群型网络结构,伴随行动者的淘汰与迁出与市场经济规则的增强;③ 空间重构主要表现为土地利用格局重构与乡村空间衰退现象,形成优势经营者区域、原住民的边缘集聚区、外来经营者区域与空间衰退区域。  相似文献   

彭建  王仰麟  景娟  吴健生  张源 《山地学报》2005,23(2):191-196
针对乡村产业结构与景观多样性相关关系的综合研究,可以耦合区域发展的自然生态特征和社会经济特征,是对区域可持续发展研究的有益探讨。以滇西北山区云南省永胜县为例,在定性分析乡村地域主要产业对生态环境与景观多样性影响的基础上,运用系统聚类法定量分析乡村产业结构和景观多样性的相关关系。结果表明,二者之间的确存在一定的相关性。在经济较发达的区域,不同的产业结构可以导致类似的景观多样性;而在经济较落后的区域,产业结构不能唯一确定景观多样性,还受地形、地貌、气候等自然因子的制约。  相似文献   

An indicator system is constructed and applied for comprehensive measurement of rural vulnerability in China's counties.Through the selection of five representative transects we explore regional differences in,and driving forces of,China's rural vulnerability.The re-sults show that (1) The rural vulnerability of counties in China is generally within the threshold range of low to medium,and exhibits obvious spatial differences.Along the "Bole-Taipei Line",there is a spatial pattern of north-south differentiation.Villages in the northeast part of the counties have low vulnerability,while those in the southwest are relatively vulnerable (2) Ex-ternal environmental phenomena are the leading factors that induce rural vulnerability.Spe-cifically,the rural ecological subsystem composed of ecological exposure,ecological sensi-tivity,and ecological adaptation is the principal determinant of rural vulnerability.The rural economic subsystem composed of economic exposure,economic sensitivity,and economic adaptation is also a core determinant of rural vulnerability.The social subsystem composed of social exposure,social sensitivity,and social adaptation is also an important determinant of rural vulnerability.(3) According to the principle of adapting measures to local conditions,different regions should seek to reduce regional embeddedness and path dependence.We should strengthen the prediction and monitoring of sources of disturbance in rural areas,and scientifically control the sensitivity of the system itself.Then the adaptive capacity of the rural system can be improved pursuant of promoting sustainable development.  相似文献   

乡村地域多体系统识别方法及应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乡村与城市相互依赖、相互补充,共同构成了城乡人地关系地域系统。针对我国目前城乡发展面临的诸多挑战,着眼于乡村振兴战略需求和地理学服务国家战略的需要,亟需构建乡村多体系统的识别方法体系,加快城乡基础网、乡村发展区、村镇空间场、乡村振兴极等多级目标体系建设。本文依托城乡融合系统和乡村地域系统理论,尝试构建城乡融合体、乡村综合体、村镇有机体、居业协同体乡村地域多体系统的识别方法体系。其中,城乡融合系统指标体系涵盖经济发展、社会发展、环境发展、基础设施4个方面,乡村地域系统指标体系涵盖人口、社会、经济、资源、环境5个子系统。进一步通过均方差决策法、多目标加权求和模型、耦合协调模型等研究方法,识别出城乡融合体、乡村综合体、村镇有机体和居业协同体。以宁夏盐池县为案例区,实证研究表明,分析结果基本能反映不同乡镇、行政村的发展特征和定位。区别于以往研究侧重城镇体系等级结构,本研究提供了乡村地域系统内部等级差异的识别方法,对县域乡村振兴规划实践具有一定的指导意义和参考价值。  相似文献   

精明增长提倡在生态优先基础上,依据实际条件合理规划和调整经济发展的结构和规模,实现城乡经济社会环境综合效益最大化。当前,精明增长主要应用于城市发展实践中,伴随着乡村发展问题凸显和乡村重要性重新被发现,许多地区也开始尝试将精明增长运用到乡村转型与可持续发展中。论文在回顾国内外精明增长理论与实践研究的基础上,对精明增长的内涵和原则进行梳理总结,系统分析了乡村精明增长的内容框架和实施路径等方面的研究和实践进展,结合中国乡村振兴战略实施的现实需要,提出未来乡村精明增长研究需要关注的几个科学问题,以期为地理学相关研究提供参考,为科学实施乡村振兴战略提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Since World War II, migrant labor has contributed significantly to Western Europe's economic growth. Initially, industries recruited and hired migrant workers to overcome labor shortages and downward demographic trends within the domestic work force. Since the recession of the mid-1970s, however, migrant labor has faced increasing job loss and restricted entry to many Western European countries. Throughout the postwar period, state immigration policy has supported industry, initially by assisting in the recruitment, and more recently, facilitating the repatriation of migrant workers. Economic and social disparities between developed core and underdeveloped peripheral countries are linked to international labor mobility. Certain sectors in the core benefit from the reserve labor force while emigration from peripheral countries partially contributes to these countries' economic problems. These issues are explored through a case study of the employment of North Africans in the French automobile industry.  相似文献   

中国县域乡村脆弱性空间特征与形成机制及对策   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
杨忍  潘瑜鑫 《地理学报》2021,76(6):1438-1454
基于乡村脆弱性本质内涵,构建了中国县域乡村脆弱性综合测度的指标体系,对中国县域乡村脆弱性水平进行综合测度;通过遴选具有典型代表性的5条样带,深化分析中国乡村脆弱性的区域差异特征及其形成机制,并提出具有针对性的应对策略.结果 表明:①中国县域乡村脆弱性整体上处于较低脆弱度和中脆弱度阈值区间,并具明显的空间差异性,沿"博台...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This article examines the formation of social capital—defined as the norms of trust and reciprocity integral to social relations—and the ways in which it may help rural people's organizations gain access to rights and resources. The formation of social capital must be viewed within the context of the symbolic systems, or cultural capital, that imbues social relations with meaning. The concept of social capital provides a valuable conceptual framework for analyzing the multiscale processes of environmental management, rural development, and resource conflicts with which many rural social movements are involved. The role played by social capital is illustrated through a detailed case study of an indigenous political and cultural organization in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The organizational history of a lowland Quichua federation and the successes and problems it has had in managing development projects and achieving political objectives provide insight into the importance of social capital in the development of the region.  相似文献   

我国沙漠与沙漠化科学发展的战略思考   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:2  
王涛 《中国沙漠》2008,28(1):1-7
50多年来,中国的沙漠与沙漠化科学从无到有,在填补研究领域空白,并以其创新性和系统性的理论进展, 经济、社会和环境效益的实践成果,极大地推动了学科发展的同时,又为北方地区社会经济发展和生态环境保护建设做出了突出的贡献,取得了包括“国家科技进步特等奖”在内的一大批科研成果和150亿元以上的直接经济效益。已形成了以中国科学院和国家林业局有关研究所为主体的国家级沙漠和沙漠化研究机构,汇集了一批优秀的沙漠和沙漠化科学家,创建了我国比较完整的沙漠和沙漠化科学及其研究体系,在风沙物理与沙漠环境、沙漠形成演变与全球变化、沙漠化过程及其防治、沙区资源环境与可持续发展、沙漠化遥感与信息系统综合研究等方面取得了重大进展,并在全国主要沙漠和沙漠化地区设有一批长期野外试验站(点),已为国家在有关沙漠开发利用和沙漠化防治方面的决策提供了大量的科研成果和理论依据,得到了我国政府、地方人民、科学界乃至全社会的普遍认可。通过对已有沙漠与沙漠化研究和防治实践的回顾与总结,就我国沙漠与沙漠化科学面临的主要问题和任务做进一步的思考和讨论。  相似文献   

This paper applies a spatial perspective to environmental problems in search for the paths to sustainability, using polluting plant relocation in China as a case study. It examines how environmental improvement in one place may lead to environmental degradation in another place, how geographic concepts such as location, distance, spread and backwash effects, and land use models can help understand such phenomenon, and what the implications are for the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) and development policies. Field research was conducted from 2006 to 2012 in Chinese cities of Beijing, Dalian, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuxi, Hangzhou, and Ningbo. It involved intensive site observations and in-depth interviews with government officials of environmental protection, economic development, and business recruitment, and grassroots environmentalists. The results indicate that environmental improvement in all these cities has led to environmental degradation in their suburbs and rural areas due to relocation of polluting plants. Environmental spread and backwash effects may help explain the severe intra-regional environmental and economic disparities and environmental injustice. The powerful and wealthy may achieve rapid economic growth and environmental recovery at the expenses of the powerless and poor, leading to environmental poverty and sustainability disparities.  相似文献   

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