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Inversion of Q value structure beneath the Tibet Plateau   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
InversionofQvaluestructurebeneaththeTibetPlateauJIAN-PINGWU(吴建平)andRONG--SHENGZENG(曾融生)(InstitutefoGeophysicsStateSeismologic...  相似文献   

利用地震背景噪声层析成像技术处理陕西及邻区所布设的257个宽频带台站的连续背景噪声数据,采用基于射线追踪的面波频散直接反演方法获得陕西及邻区地壳(6~39 km)高分辨率剪切波速度结构。成像结果显示:(1)渭河盆地顶部形成于新生代,厚的沉积层造成其浅部显著的低速异常,盆地中、上地壳为低速结构。渭河盆地与南北两侧地质构造单元交界区域的下方存在高速与低速结合带,以及在块体间相互运动的作用下,在块体内部,特别是界带深部可能存在着物质与能量的强烈交换,为渭河盆地及邻区的地震孕育发生提供深部环境。(2)南鄂尔多斯块体并不是一个均匀的整体,块体地壳浅层东薄西厚的低速异常结构,可能与鄂尔多斯自显生宙以来的整体掀斜,以及晚白垩纪以来差异性整体抬升和受强烈而不均匀的剥蚀有关。块体中地壳速度比上地壳和下地壳较高。壳内不存在显著的低速体,说明壳内低速体并没有贯穿整个鄂尔多斯地块。我们推测南鄂尔多斯块体仍保留着稳定克拉通的属性,其地壳结构可能反映了克拉通早期形成时的结构特征,至今还未遭受明显改造。(3)秦岭造山带东,西深部结构存在显著差异,具有分段分区的特征。造山带中地壳速度较高,可能因在板块碰撞和造山过程中,下地壳物质被抬升进入中地壳,从而造成中地壳速度偏高。  相似文献   

The study of seismic attenuation property is a major subject in seismology. Seismic waves recorded by seismic stations (seismographs) contain source effect, seismic wave propagation effect, site response of seismic stations and instrumental response. The path effect of seismic wave propagation, site response of seismic stations and instrumental response must be taken out in the study of source property with seismic data. The path effect of seismic wave propagation (seismic attenuation) involves an important influential factor, the anelastic attenuation of medium, which is measured with quality factor Q, apart from geometric attenuation with the distance. As a basic physical parameter of the Earth medium, Q value is essential for quantitative study of earthquakes and source property (e.g. determination of source parameters), which is widely used in earthquake source physics and engineering seismology.  相似文献   

3-D S-waveQ structure in Jiashi earthquake region is inverted based on the attenuation of seismic waves recorded from earthquakes in this region in 1998 by the Research Center of Exploration Geophysics (RCEG), CSB, and a rough configuration of deep crustal faults in the earthquake region is presented. First, amplitude spectra of S-waves are extracted from 450 carefully-chosen earthquake records, called observed amplitude spectra. Then, after instrumental and site effect correction, theoretical amplitude spectra are made to fit observed amplitude spectra with nonlinear damped least-squares method to get the observed travel time overQ, provided that earthquake sources conform to Brune’s disk dislocation model. Finally, by 3-D ray tracing method, theoretical travel time overQ is made to fit observed travel time overQ with nonlinear damped least-squares method. In the course of fitting, the velocity model, which is obtained by 3-D travel time tomography, remains unchanged, while onlyQ model is modified. When fitting came to the given accuracy, the ultimateQ model is obtained. The result shows that an NE-trending lowQ zone exists at the depths of 10–18 km, and an NW-trending lowQ zone exists at the depths of 12–18 km. These roughly coincide with the NE-trending and the NW-trending low velocity zones revealed by other scientists. The difference is that the lowQ zones have a wider range than the low velocity zones. Foundation item: Joint Seismological Science Foundation of China (957-07-414) and State Key Basic Research Development and Programming Project (95-13-02-02). Contribution No. RCEG200105, Research Center of Exploration Geophysics, China Seismological Bureau.  相似文献   

利用连续地震背景噪声记录和互相关技术获得瑞利面波格林函数,进而反演获得了青藏高原东部和周边地区的地壳三维速度结构.地震数据源于北京大学宽频带流动观测地震台阵,国家数字测震台网数据备分中心提供的部分固定台站的连续记录及INDEPTH IV宽频带流动观测地震台阵.首先对观测数据进行处理和分析取得所有可能台站对的面波经验格林函数和瑞利波相速度频散曲线,反演得到了观测台阵下方周期从6~60 s的瑞利波相速度异常分布图像.并且进一步反演获得研究区域三维剪切波速度结构和莫霍面深度分布.短周期(6~14 s)相速度异常分布与地表地质构造特征吻合较好,在青藏高原和四川盆地之间存在一个明显的南北向转换带.而本文最重要的结果是周期大于25 s的相速度异常分布图像显示,以昆仑断裂带为界,柴达木盆地和祁连山脉地区呈现与青藏高原截然不同的中地壳速度结构,反而与青藏高原东缘地区和川滇菱形块体速度结构相似.反演获得的剪切波速度在27.5~45 km深度的切片也明显地揭示:青藏高原的松潘—甘孜地块和羌塘地块呈现均一的低速层;然而,柴达木盆地和祁连山脉地区则呈现较强的横向不均匀性,尤其是柴达木盆地的高速异常和四川盆地的高速异常相对应.这些结果为前人提出的青藏高原东北向台阶式增长模式提供了重要的地震学观测证据.与全球一维平均速度模型(AK135)相比较发现,本文测量和反演获得的研究区域内平均相速度和剪切波速度都比AK135模型慢很多,尤其是青藏高原的中地壳(25~40 km)剪切波速度显著低于全球平均速度模型.进一步的层析成像反演证实松潘—甘孜和羌塘地块中地壳(27.5~45 km)呈现大范围均一的低速层,为青藏高原可能存在大规模中下地壳"层流"提供地震学观测证据.在祁连山脉的27.5~45 km深度观测到的明显低速异常体可能对应于该造山带下地幔岩浆活动导致的底侵作用,表明引起该地区地壳增厚的主要机制可能是来自地幔岩浆的底侵作用.  相似文献   

利用青藏高原东北缘地区固定和流动地震台网2007年8月到2012年1月期间记录的远震波形,运用小波变换频时分析方法分别测定了1216和653条周期从15到140 s的台站间基阶Rayleigh相速度和群速度频散曲线.通过对上述频散进行反演,重构了青藏高原东北缘分辨率高达0.5°×0.5°的2-D相速度和群速度分布图.然后通过对所提取到的每个格网点Rayleigh波相速度和群速度频散进行联合反演,得到了研究区下方一维S波速度结构.最后通过线性插值,得到了青藏高原东北缘下方地壳上地幔三维S波结构.结果表明,印度板块向北俯冲已经达到班公—怒江缝合带附近;在柴达木盆地北部祁连山下面我们发现了亚洲板块,且其没有表现出明显的向南俯冲的迹象;在两大板块中间,我们观测到延伸到250 km深度的低速异常,该低速异常可能是地幔物质底辟上涌现象造成的.  相似文献   

云南壳幔S波速度结构与强震的构造背景   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文选取云南及周边65个台站记录到的47个地震事件,利用相匹配滤波技术分离出了基阶Rayleigh面波信号.选取与震中处于同一大圆弧上的两个台站,利用双台格林函数法获取了台间相速度频散,频散的周期范围在10~80 s之间.从2000个波形记录中提取了152个台站对之间的相速度频散,最后,利用台间的相速度频散反演得到云南地区0~200 km深度范围内的S波速度结构.结果表明:云南地区地壳厚度整体上呈南北向变化趋势,从南部的30 km变化到北部的60 km.在局部地区Moho面呈现出隆起和凹陷,基本上呈"一隆两凹"的特征.另外,滇西地区大致以红河断裂为界,其两侧的岩石圈结构存在明显的差异.西侧从70 km深处开始,滇缅泰块体上的保山、畹町、沧源、思茅一带大范围内均为低速区,并且一直延伸到120 km深处.而红河断裂东侧的滇中块体,只有在康滇古隆起区存在上地幔低速区,其余大部分地区上地幔S波速度在4.4~4.6 km/s之间.  相似文献   

Using seismic shear phases from 47 Tonga-Fiji and its adjacent region events recorded by the CENC and IRIS, and from 26 northeast Asia and north Pacific events recorded by IRIS, we studied the shear wave anisotropy in D" region beneath the western Pacific utilizing the ScS-S differential travel time method and obtained the splitting time values between the radial and transverse components of each ScS wave corresponding to each core-mantle boundary (CMB) reflection point. We found that most shear waves involved horizontally polarized shear wave components traveling faster than vertically polarized shear wave components through the D" region. The splitting time values of ScS wave range from ?0.91 s to 3.21 s with an average value of 1.1 s. The strength of anisotropy varies from ?0.45% to 1.56% with an average value of 0.52%. The observations and analyses show that in the D" region beneath the western Pacific the lateral flow is expected to be dominant and the vertical transverse isotropy may be the main anisotropic structure. This structure feature may be explained by the shape preferred orientation of the CMB chemical reaction products or partial melt and the lattice preferred orientation of the lower mantle materials caused by the lateral flow at lowermost mantle.  相似文献   

The method of 2-D travel time inversion,which can be applied to determining 2-D velocity structure and in-terfaces simultaneously,is used in this paper to reprocess the data of Paiku Co-Pumoyingcuo seismic profile across the Ny-ima-Tingri rift and Shenzha-Dinggye rift. P-wave velocity structure and interfaces beneath the profile are obtained. The in-terfaces in the crust near Tingri and Dinggye which are located on rifts have a tendency to uplift,and velocities of middle and lower crusts are high. Low veloc...  相似文献   

The travel-times of multi-bounce P waves have been used to investigate the lateral heterogeneity of the uppermantle P wave velocity structure beneath north-west part of China and middle Asia. The synthetic seismograms of P and PP waves for seven large Chinese continental earthquakes were calculated by using the WKBJ method. The PP-P residuals, which reflect the P wave structure of the midpoints of the seismic rays, were calculated by using the WKBJ method, The results show that: the uppermantle wave structure beneath Russian platform in the middle Asia area, the Seytho-Turanian and the west Siberian platform is similar to that of Canadian shield; the uppermantle P wave velocity in the fold system of west China, the center Asia fold system in Russia, and Kazak fold system is lower than that of Canadian sheild. It seems that the velocity structure is related to the tectonic structure. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,14, 479–484, 1992.  相似文献   

Based on the single scattering model of coda power spectrum analysis, digital waveform data of 50 events recorded by the real-time processing system of the Chengdu telemetry network are analyzed to estimate the Q c values of earth medium beneath the Chengdu telemetry network for several specified frequencies. It is found that the Q c shows the frequency dependency in the form of Q c = Q 0 f n in the range of 1.0 to 20.0Hz. Estimated Q 0 ranges from 60.83 to 178.05, and n is found to be 0.713 to 1.159. The average value of Q 0 and n are 117 and 0.978 respectively. This result indicates the strong frequency dependency of the attenuation of coda waves beneath the Chengdu telemetry network. Comparing with the results obtained in other regions of the world, it is found that Q 0 −1 value and its change with frequency are similar to those in regions with strong tectonic activity. This subject is supported by the Ministry of Personnel, China for partly sponsoring.  相似文献   

吕子强  雷建设 《地球物理学报》2016,59(12):4529-4543
利用2001-2003年期间在2015年4月12日尼泊尔MS8.1级强震震源区流动地震观测记录到的连续波形数据,提取了5~25 s周期的瑞利波相速度频散曲线,并构建了尼泊尔地震震源区二维瑞利波相速度分布图像.以0.5°×0.5°为网格大小将研究区网格化,采用NA算法反演得到尼泊尔地震震源地区三维S波速度结构.结果显示,在上地壳,以主前锋逆冲断裂带(MFT)为界,其以北地区为高波速异常,而其以南为明显低波速异常;在中地壳,以藏南拆离系(STDS)为界,南北两侧速度结构也存在明显差别,以南地区为明显高波速异常,而以北地区为明显低波速异常.这些结构特征说明,印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞挤压作用形成地幔热物质上涌并造成地壳物质部分熔融,并由此形成了东西向拉张的南北向裂谷.2015年尼泊尔MS8.1级主震和最大余震均发生于高低波速异常过渡区且偏向高波速异常区,暗示了这样的波速异常区易于积累能量孕育强震.主震和最大余震的南侧均存在明显的低波速异常,与主喜马拉雅滑脱断裂带(MHT)相对应,可能代表部分熔融或深部流体作用于主边界断裂带(MBT)附近的MHT断裂带,降低断层面上的有效正应力,从而触发尼泊尔强震及最大余震的发生.主震与最大余震之间的余震分布于高低波速异常变化较为明显的地区,说明研究区内地震的发生受震源区附近的速度结构控制.  相似文献   

中国东北地区地壳上地幔三维S波速度结构   总被引:3,自引:9,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
收集了中国东北地区159个固定地震台2011年1月至2012年6月和27个流动地震台2011年1月至2011年6月间的垂向连续记录,根据噪声成像方法得到研究区(105°E-135°E, 39°N-52°N)较短周期(8~30 s)的瑞雷波群速度和相速度频散资料,再结合该区已有的天然地震长周期瑞雷波(36~145 s)的群速度频散资料,我们反演得到了中国东北地区200 km以浅深度范围内的三维壳幔S波速度结构,并得到了该区的岩石圈厚度分布图.结果表明:研究区中、下地壳S波速度结构的横向分布,在重力梯度带两侧有很大的不同,以东地区显示为大范围的高速,以西地区则呈现为大面积的低速;松辽盆地下方岩石圈地幔表现为显著的高速,岩石圈地幔底界面深度可能在90~100 km,薄的岩石圈盖层暗示东北地区的岩石圈可能发生了减薄;郯庐大断裂下方呈现出大范围的比较显著的低速特征,断裂下方上地幔顶部可能有热物质活动.  相似文献   

根据中国地震台网和ISC台站提供的P波走时资料,使用差异演化全局优化算法(DE算法)和移动窗方法反演了琉球-台湾-吕宋地区岩石层尺度的P波速度结构.在台站和地震分布较为密集的地区,反演窗口为2°×2°,移动步长为1°;在台站和地震较少的地区,反演窗口为4°×4°左右,移动步长为2°.反演结果揭示出琉球-台湾-吕宋地区壳幔结构的横向差异:琉球岛弧西侧受冲绳海槽地幔热扰动的地壳减薄,东侧由于菲律宾海板决的俯冲挤压地壳略有增厚;欧亚大陆与菲律宾海板块的相互碰撞导致台湾地区地壳及岩石层明显增厚;吕宋及菲律宾北部岩石层受岛弧火山下方热流影响较大.结果表明,非线性全局优化算法和移动窗方法能够用于反演较大尺度速度结构的横向变化.  相似文献   

In this paper, the "spectral amplitude ratio method" (SAR), "energy method" (EN) and "coda wave method" (CW) are used to calculate theQ value variations of gneiss in the preparing rupture process. The obtained results show that the variation state ofQ values by SAR features the shape of relative stability—gradual increment to the maximum—then decrement and final rupture. The variation state ofQ values by EN is just contrary to that by SAR, i. e. with the shape of stability—decrement—increment—and final rupture. The varation state ofQ values by CW is similar to that by EN, its main frequency features the shape of relatively high value—decrement to the minimum—increment—and final rupture. But to the high frequency (higher than the main frequency), the variation state ofQ values features the shape of the stable value-increment to the maximum-decrement-and final rupture. At the same time, the results by coda wave amplitude spectrum show that, when stress reaches 70% of rupture stress, the high frequency component of S wave rapidly reduces (Q c increasing); at the time of impending the main rupture, the main frequency component reduces with a large scale (Q c increasing again), this may be the reason which causes the different variation states of two codaQ values. The result of amplitude spectra of P, S (initial wave) waves also show that with the appearance of microcracks the frequency band of S wave turn to be narrow, the high frequency component is reduced quickly, i. e. the S wave spectra have different variation states with different frequency components. That is why theQ s obtained by different methods have different variation characteristics.  相似文献   

According to a Sino-U. S. joint project, eleven broadband digital PASSCAL seismometers had been deployed inside the Tibetan Plateau, of which 7 stations were on the profile from Lhasa to Golmud and other 4 stations situated at Maxin, Yushu, Xigatze and Linzhi. Dispersions and phase velocities of the Rayleigh surface waves (10s–120s) were obtained on five paths distributed in the different blocks of Tibetan Plateau. Inversions of the S-wave velocity structures in Songpan-Ganzi block, Qiang-Tang block, Lhasa block and the faulted rift zone were obtained from the dispersion data. The results show that significant lateral variation of the S-wave velocity structures among the different blocks exists. The path from Wenquan to Xigatze (abbreviated as Wndo-Xiga) passes through the rift-zone of Yadong-Anduo. The phase velocities of Rayleigh waves from 10s to 100s on this path are significantly higher than that on other paths. The calculated mean crustal velocity on this path is 3.8 km/s, much greater than that on other paths, where mean crustal velocities of 3.4–3.5 km/s are usually observed. Low velocity zones with different thicknesses and velocities are observed in the middle-lower crust for different paths. Songpan-Ganzi block, located in the northern part of Tibetan Plateau is characterized by a thinner crust of 65 km thick and a prominent low velocity zone in the upper mantle. The low velocity zone with a velocity of 4.2 km/s is located at a depth form 115 km to 175 km. While in other blocks, no low velocity zone in the upper mantle is observed. The value of Sn in Songpan-Ganzi is calculated to be 4.5 km/s, while those in Qiang-Tang and Lhasa blocks are about 4.6 km/s. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,14, Supp., 566–573, 1992.  相似文献   

Introduction A lot of results have been achieved on the study of crust and upper mantle structure in Chinese mainland by the surface wave dispersion. The seismometer can be classified into three types based on the development from the analog to digital instrument. FENG, et al (1981) measured the dispersion curves of group and phase velocity along 28 paths, with 19 earthquakes recorded by 15 base analog seismic stations, subdivided the Chinese mainland into 5 blocks and obtained the average c…  相似文献   

In the present study the long period surface wave records of 238 wave-paths from 79 earthquakes within China and its adjacent regions received by 30 seismic network stations are measured by using the improved match-filtering frequency-time analysis technique and the grid dispersion inversion method to obtain the rayleigh pure-path dispersion values for 147 slant grids of 4° × 4° in this area, then a three-dimensional shear wave velocity model of the crust and upper mantle beneath south China area to a depth of 170 km is inversed. It is found that there are obvious differences among the main structural units, and there are also certain differences among the subordinate elements even in the individual unit. The crustal thickness of this area is ranging from 30 to 43 km, and is getting thicker gradually from the east to the west. The average shear velocity of crust is ranging form 3.48 to 3.68 km/s with the lowest in the northeast part and highest in the west part. No obvious crustal low velocity layer of large scale is detected. There exist upper mantle low velocity zones in the most of south China area with the starting depth ranging from 75 to 106 km. The lowest shear velocity within the low velocity zones is about 4.28–4.38 km/s. Despite of the existing of upper mantle low velocity zones beneath the most of south China area, the interfaces between the important layers are quite clear, the variation of the bedding surfaces is very gentle, and the lateral changes measured in a larger scale of the underground structure are rather small. It may indicate that the crustal and upper mantle structure of the main part of south China area belongs to the relatively stable structure of the continental blocks except for the fringe areas such as the fold-faulted region in the west part and the fault system along the southeastern coast which may belong to the tectonically active area. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 159–167, 1993. This subject is supported by the National Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   


本文收集了四川、重庆、甘肃、青海、陕西地震台网的105个宽频带地震台站在2017年8月—2018年8月期间记录的连续波形数据,通过对台站记录的长时间背景噪声进行互相关计算,从而提取出瑞利面波经验格林函数,共获得5416条周期在5~40 s内的基阶瑞利面波频散曲线,用于反演青藏高原东缘地壳和上地幔顶部三维横波速度结构.研究结果表明青藏高原东缘地下速度结构呈现非常明显的横向不均匀性,地下浅层速度结构特征与研究区域的主要地质特征和地块单元非常吻合.青藏高原东缘下方的低速体在向东延伸过程中受到四川盆地刚性地壳的阻挡作用,一部分向南进入川滇地块,并在下方30 km处形成厚度约为15 km的大范围低速异常;另一部分向北延伸,并在塔藏断裂下方上涌和堆积,造成局部莫霍面下沉.此外,青藏高原东缘下方的低速体在东北方向跨越东昆仑断裂带进入柴达木地块,并到达西秦岭断裂带附近.其中,巴颜喀拉地块下方30 km处存在厚度约为15 km大范围的低速体,与青藏高原东缘隆起地形和地壳增厚有一定联系.且该低速体在柴达木地块下方变窄,与祁连地块地下30 km处厚度约为10 km的小范围低速体存在一定的连通性.但祁连地块低速体速度值略高于巴颜喀拉地块低速体速度值,这可能意味着祁连地块低速体相当于巴颜喀拉地块低速体的早期发育阶段.


利用首都圈地震数字台网2009年1月至2016年3月记录的地震波形资料,采用Sato尾波单次散射模型,固定尾波窗长,计算唐山地区尾波Q值,时间和空间上分析Q值分布特征,结果显示,Q值在空间分布上呈现明显的横向不均匀性,在较长孕震时间上呈现降低—升高—降低—发震的过程,且中强震易发生在Q值高低值交界区偏高值一侧,震群易发生在Q值相对较低区域。  相似文献   

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