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We present an estimate of the strong lensing probability by dark halos, with emphasis on the role of the baryonic matter arising purely from radiative cooling. We treat the contribution of the cooled baryons optimistically with all the cooled baryons confined within a central core, and including no feedback process from stellar evolution. Our two-component model provides a strong lensing probability that is in good agreement with the observed distribution of multiple images of quasars, provided that the cooled baryons are deposited within a spherical region of radius of 0.1 times the virial radius and follow an isothermal profile. It is pointed out that strong lensing may be used as an additional probe‘of baryon physics in dark halos though this may meanwhile complicate the test of the inner density profiles of dark matter in halos using the observed strong lensing probability.  相似文献   

We employ numerical simulations of galaxy mergers to explore the effect of galaxy mass ratio on merger-driven starbursts. Our numerical simulations include radiative cooling of gas, star formation, and stellar feedback to follow the interaction and merger of four disc galaxies. The galaxy models span a factor of 23 in total mass and are designed to be representative of typical galaxies in the local universe. We find that the merger-driven star formation is a strong function of merger mass ratio, with very little, if any, induced star formation for large mass ratio mergers. We define a burst efficiency that is useful to characterize the merger-driven star formation and test that it is insensitive to uncertainties in the feedback parametrization. In accord with previous work we find that the burst efficiency depends on the structure of the primary galaxy. In particular, the presence of a massive stellar bulge stabilizes the disc and suppresses merger-driven star formation for large mass ratio mergers. Direct, coplanar merging orbits produce the largest tidal disturbance and yield the most intense burst of star formation. Contrary to naive expectations, a more compact distribution of gas or an increased gas fraction both decrease the burst efficiency. Owing to the efficient feedback model and the newer version of smoothed particle hydrodynamics employed here, the burst efficiencies of the mergers presented here are smaller than in previous studies.  相似文献   

Supermassive black holes (BHs) obey tight scaling relations between their mass and host galaxy properties such as total stellar mass, velocity dispersion and potential well depth. This has led to the development of self-regulated models for BH growth, in which feedback from the central BH halts its own growth upon reaching a critical threshold. However, models have also been proposed in which feedback plays no role: so long as a fixed fraction of the host gas supply is accreted, relations like those observed can be reproduced. Here, we argue that the scatter in the observed BH–host correlations presents a demanding constraint on any model for these correlations, and that it favours self-regulated models of BH growth. We show that the scatter in the stellar mass fraction within a radius R in observed ellipticals and spheroids increases strongly at small R . At a fixed total stellar mass (or host velocity dispersion), on very small scales near the BH radius of influence, there is an order-of-magnitude scatter in the amount of gas that must have entered and formed stars. In short, the BH appears to 'know more' about the global host galaxy potential on large scales than the stars and gas supply on small scales. This is predicted in self-regulated models; however, models where there is no feedback would generically predict order-of-magnitude scatter in the BH–host correlations. Likewise, models in which the BH feedback in the 'bright' mode does not regulate the growth of the BH itself, but sets the stellar mass of the galaxy by inducing star formation or blowing out a mass in gas much larger than the galaxy stellar mass, are difficult to reconcile with the scatter on small scales.  相似文献   

We investigate the evolution of angular momentum in simulations of galaxy formation in a cold dark matter universe. We analyse two model galaxies generated in the N -body/hydrodynamic simulations of Okamoto et al. Starting from identical initial conditions, but using different assumptions for the baryonic physics, one of the simulations produced a bulge-dominated galaxy and the other one a disc-dominated galaxy. The main difference is the treatment of star formation and feedback, both of which were designed to be more efficient in the disc-dominated object. We find that the specific angular momentum of the disc-dominated galaxy tracks the evolution of the angular momentum of the dark matter halo very closely: the angular momentum grows as predicted by linear theory until the epoch of maximum expansion and remains constant thereafter. By contrast, the evolution of the angular momentum of the bulge-dominated galaxy resembles that of the central, most bound halo material: it also grows at first according to linear theory, but 90 per cent of it is rapidly lost as pre-galactic fragments, into which gas had cooled efficiently, merge, transferring their orbital angular momentum to the outer halo by tidal effects. The disc-dominated galaxy avoids this fate because the strong feedback reheats the gas, which accumulates in an extended hot reservoir and only begins to cool once the merging activity has subsided. Our analysis lends strong support to the classical theory of disc formation whereby tidally torqued gas is accreted into the centre of the halo conserving its angular momentum.  相似文献   

The observed rotation curves of dark matter-dominated dwarf galaxies indicate low-density cores, contrary to the predictions of CDM models. A possible solution of this problem involves stellar feedback. A strong baryonic wind driven by vigorous star formation can remove a large fraction of the gas, causing the dark matter to expand. Using both numerical and analytical techniques, we explore the maximum effect of the feedback with an instantaneous removal of the gaseous disc. The energy input depends on the compactness of the disc, hence the specific angular momentum of the disc. For the plausible cosmological parameters and a wide range of the disc angular momenta, the feedback is insufficient to destroy the central halo cusp, while the inner density is lowered only by a modest factor of 2 to 6. Any realistic modelling of the feedback would have even lesser impact on dark matter. We find that no star formation effect can resolve the problems of CDM cusps.  相似文献   

Geometry constrains but does not dictate the topology of the three-dimensional space. In a locally spatially homogeneous and isotropic universe, however, the topology of its spatial section dictates its geometry. We show that, besides determining the geometry, the knowledge of the spatial topology through the circles-in-the-sky offers an effective way of setting constraints on the density parameters associated with dark matter (Ωm) and dark energy  (ΩΛ)  . By assuming the Poincaré dodecahedral space as the circles-in-the-sky detectable topology of the spatial sections of the Universe, we re-analyse the constraints on the density parametric plane  Ωm–ΩΛ  from the current Type Ia supernova plus X-ray gas mass fraction data, and show that a circles-in-the sky detection of the dodecahedral space topology gives rise to strong and complementary constraints on the region of the density parameter plane currently allowed by these observational data sets.  相似文献   

We investigate the correlation of star formation quenching with internal galaxy properties and large-scale environment (halo mass) in empirical data and theoretical models. We make use of the halo-based group catalogue of Yang and collaborators, which is based on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Data from the Galaxy evolution explorer are also used to extract the recent star formation rate. In order to investigate the environmental effects, we examine the properties of 'central' and 'satellite' galaxies separately. For central galaxies, we are unable to conclude whether star formation quenching is primarily connected with halo mass or stellar mass, because these two quantities are themselves strongly correlated. For satellite galaxies, a nearly equally strong dependence on halo mass and stellar mass is seen. We make the same comparison for five different semi-analytic models based on three independently developed codes. We find that the models with active galactic nuclei feedback reproduce reasonably well the dependence of the fraction of central red and passive galaxies on halo mass and stellar mass. However, for satellite galaxies, the same models badly overproduce the fraction of red/passive galaxies and do not reproduce the empirical trends with stellar mass or halo mass. This satellite overquenching problem is caused by the too-rapid stripping of the satellites' hot gas haloes, which leads to rapid strangulation of star formation.  相似文献   

The relativistic Sunyaev–Zel'dovich (SZ) effect offers a method, independent of X-ray, for measuring the temperature of the intracluster medium (ICM) in the hottest systems. Here, using N -body/hydrodynamic simulations of three galaxy clusters, we compare the two quantities for a non-radiative ICM, and for one that is subject both to radiative cooling and to strong energy feedback from galaxies. Our study has yielded two interesting results. First, in all cases, the SZ temperature is hotter than the X-ray temperature and is within 10 per cent of the virial temperature of the cluster. Secondly, the mean SZ temperature is less affected by cooling and feedback than the X-ray temperature. Both these results can be explained by the SZ temperature being less sensitive to the distribution of cool gas associated with cluster substructure. A comparison of the SZ and X-ray temperatures (measured for a sample of hot clusters) would therefore yield interesting constraints on the thermodynamic structure of the intracluster gas.  相似文献   

We analyse a   z < 0.1  galaxy sample from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey focusing on the variation in the galaxy colour bimodality with stellar mass     and projected neighbour density Σ, and on measurements of the galaxy stellar mass functions. The characteristic mass increases with environmental density from about  1010.6  to     (Kroupa initial mass function,   H 0= 70  ) for Σ in the range  0.1–10 Mpc−2  . The galaxy population naturally divides into a red and blue sequence with the locus of the sequences in colour–mass and colour–concentration indices not varying strongly with environment. The fraction of galaxies on the red sequence is determined in bins of 0.2 in  log Σ  and     bins). The red fraction   f r   generally increases continuously in both Σ and     such that there is a unified relation:     . Two simple functions are proposed which provide good fits to the data. These data are compared with analogous quantities in semi-analytical models based on the Millennium N -body simulation: the Bower et al. and Croton et al. models that incorporate active galactic nucleus feedback. Both models predict a strong dependence of the red fraction on stellar mass and environment that is qualitatively similar to the observations. However, a quantitative comparison shows that the Bower et al. model is a significantly better match; this appears to be due to the different treatment of feedback in central galaxies.  相似文献   

The gas temperature in the cores of many clusters of galaxies drops inward by about a factor of 3 or more within the central 100-kpc radius. The radiative cooling time drops over the same region from 5 or more Gyr down to below a few 108 yr. Although this indicates that cooling flows are taking place, XMM-Newton spectra show no evidence for strong mass cooling rates of gas below  1–2 keV  . The soft X-ray luminosity expected from steady cooling flows is missing. Here we outline and test the energetics of a cold mixing model in which gas below  1–2 keV  falls from the flow and is rapidly cooled by mixing with cold gas. The missing X-ray luminosity can emerge in the ultraviolet, optical and infrared bands, where strong emission nebulosities are commonly seen. We explore further the requirements for any heat sources that balance the radiative cooling in cluster cores.  相似文献   

The properties of thermal material co-existing with non-thermal emitting plasma and strong magnetic fields in the powerful jets of active galactic nuclei (AGN) are examined. Theoretical and observational constraints on the physical properties of this 'cold' component are determined. While the presence of a thermal component occupying a fraction ∼ 10−8 of the jet volume is possible, it seems unlikely that such a component is capable of contributing significantly to the total jet energy budget, since the thermal reprocessing signatures that should appear in the spectra have not, as yet, been detected.  相似文献   

We analyse a hydrodynamical simulation model for the recurrent heating of the central intra-cluster medium (ICM) by active galactic nuclei (AGN). Besides the self-gravity of the dark matter and gas components, our approach includes the radiative cooling and photoheating of the gas, as well as a subresolution multiphase model for star formation and supernova feedback. Additionally, we incorporate a periodic heating mechanism in the form of hot, buoyant bubbles, injected into the intragalactic medium (IGM) during the active phases of the accreting central AGN. We use simulations of isolated cluster haloes of different masses to study the bubble dynamics and heat transport into the IGM. We also apply our model to self-consistent cosmological simulations of the formation of galaxy clusters with a range of masses. Our numerical schemes explore a variety of different assumptions for the spatial configuration of AGN-driven bubbles, for their duty cycles and for the energy injection mechanism, in order to obtain better constraints on the underlying physical picture. We argue that AGN heating can substantially affect the properties of both the stellar and gaseous components of clusters of galaxies. Most importantly, it alters the properties of the central dominant (cD) galaxy by reducing the mass deposition rate of freshly cooled gas out of the ICM, thereby offering an energetically plausible solution to the cooling-flow problem. At the same time, this leads to reduced or eliminated star formation in the central cD galaxy, giving it red stellar colours as observed.  相似文献   

We present a numerical investigation of dead, or relic, radio galaxies and the environmental impact that radio galaxy activity has on the host galaxy or galaxy cluster. We perform axisymmetric hydrodynamical calculations of light, supersonic, back-to-back jets propagating in a β -model galaxy/cluster atmosphere. We then shut down the jet activity and let the resulting structure evolve passively. The dead source undergoes an initial phase of pressure driven expansion until it achieves pressure equilibrium with its surroundings. Thereafter, buoyancy forces drive the evolution and lead to the formation of two oppositely directed plumes that float high into the galaxy/cluster atmosphere. These plumes entrain a significant amount of low entropy material from the galaxy/cluster core and lift it high into the atmosphere. An important result is that a large fraction (at least half) of the energy injected by the jet activity is thermalized in the interstellar medium (ISM)/intracluster medium (ICM) core. The whole ISM/ICM atmosphere inflates in order to regain hydrostatic equilibrium. This inflation is mediated by an approximately spherical disturbance which propagates into the atmosphere at the sound speed. The fact that such a large fraction of the injected energy is thermalized suggests that radio galaxies may have an important role in the overall energy budget of rich ISM/ICM atmospheres. In particular, they may act as a strong and highly time-dependent source of negative feedback for galaxy/cluster cooling flows.  相似文献   

We establish constraints on the mass and abundance of black holes in the Galactic halo by determining their impact on globular clusters, which are conventionally considered to be little evolved. Using detailed Monte Carlo simulations and simple evolutionary models, we argue that black holes with masses M bh≳(1–3)×106 M can comprise no more than a fraction f bh≈0.17 of the total halo density at Galactocentric radius R ≈8 kpc. This bound arises from requiring stability of the cluster mass function. A more restrictive bound may be derived if we demand that the probability of destruction of any given, low-mass M c≈(2.5–7.5)×104 M] globular cluster not exceed 50 per cent; this bound is f bh≲0.025–0.05 at R ≈8 kpc. This constraint improves those based on disc heating and dynamical friction arguments as well as current lensing results. At smaller radius the constraint on f bh strengthens, while at larger radius an increased fraction of black holes is allowed.  相似文献   

We analyse long-slit spectra of four early-type galaxies which extend from ∼1 to 3 effective radii: IC 1459; IC 3370; NGC 3379 and NGC 4105. We have extracted the full line-of-sight velocity distribution (in the case of NGC 3379 we also used data from the literature), which we model using the two-integral approach. Using two-integral modelling, we find no strong evidence for dark haloes, but the fits suggest that three-integral modelling is necessary. We also find that the inferred constant mass-to-light ratio in all the four cases is typical for early-type galaxies. Finally, we also discuss the constraints on the mass-to-light ratio, which can be obtained using X-ray haloes in the case of IC 1459, NGC 3379 and NGC 4105, and compare the estimated values with the predictions from the dynamical modelling.  相似文献   

Feedback from star formation is thought to play a key role in the formation and evolution of galaxies, but its implementation in cosmological simulations is currently hampered by a lack of numerical resolution. We present and test a subgrid recipe to model feedback from massive stars in cosmological smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations. The energy is distributed in kinetic form among the gas particles surrounding recently formed stars. The impact of the feedback is studied using a suite of high-resolution simulations of isolated disc galaxies embedded in dark haloes with total mass 1010 and  1012  h −1 M  . We focus, in particular, on the effect of pressure forces on wind particles within the disc, which we turn off temporarily in some of our runs to mimic a recipe that has been widely used in the literature. We find that this popular recipe gives dramatically different results because (ram) pressure forces on expanding superbubbles determine both the structure of the disc and the development of large-scale outflows. Pressure forces exerted by expanding superbubbles puff up the disc, giving the dwarf galaxy an irregular morphology and creating a galactic fountain in the massive galaxy. Hydrodynamic drag within the disc results in a strong increase in the effective mass loading of the wind for the dwarf galaxy, but quenches much of the outflow in the case of the high-mass galaxy.  相似文献   

We present time-series Very Large Telescope (VLT) spectroscopy and New Technology Telescope (NTT) photometry of the cataclysmic variable SDSS J220553.98+115553.7, which contains a pulsating white dwarf. We determine a spectroscopic orbital period of   P orb= 82.825 ± 0.089 min  from velocity measurements of the Hα emission line. A period analysis of the light curves reveals a dominant periodicity at   P phot= 44.779 ± 0.038 min  which is not related to the spectroscopic period. However, the light curves do not exhibit a variation at any frequency which is attributable to GW Lib-type pulsations, to a detection limit of 5 mmag. This non-detection is in contrast to previous studies which have found three pulsation frequencies with amplitudes of 9–11 mmag at optical wavelengths. Destructive interference and changes to the thermal properties of the driving layer in direct response to accretion can be ruled out as causes of the non-detection. Alternatively, it is feasible that the object has cooled out of the instability strip since a previous (unobserved) dwarf nova superoutburst. This would be the first time this behaviour has been seen in a cataclysmic variable pulsator. Another possibility is that changes in the surface characteristics, possibly induced by accretion phenomena, have modified the surface visibility of the pulsation modes. Further observations, particularly improved constraints on the time-scale for changes in the mode spectrum, are needed to distinguish among possible explanations.  相似文献   

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