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Summary We recently reported U/Pb and Sm/Nd dates on davidite from albitic felsites hosting the gold-copper mineralization of the Bidjovagge gold-copper deposit of northern Norway (69°17N, 22°29E). Isotopic dating of the north-south trending Proterozoic Kautokeino greenstone belt host rocks is sparse and confirmation of the dates was desirable, since the U/Pb data in particular were highly discordant and therefore somewhat uncertain.We have now supplemented the earlier measurements with U/Pb dating of uraninite from the felsites. The new uraninite data yield a well defined upper intersection with the concordia at 1837 ± 8 Ma, somewhat younger than the age of 1885 ± 18 Ma obtained on the davidites. The fact that the two minerals are apparently different in age lends support to the suggestion of a metamorphic origin of this deposit since a rather long period of cooling subsequent to metamorphism is indicated.
Weitere Analysen von radiogenen Mineralen aus der Bidjovagge, Gold-Kupfer Lagerstätte, Finnmark, Nord-Norwegen
Zusammenfassung Wir haben erst kürzlich über U/Pb and Sm/Nd Daten von Davidit aus Albit-reichen, felsischen Gesteinen, in denen die Gold-Kupfer Mineralisation der Bidjovagge GoldKupfer Lagerstätte in Nord-Norwegen (69°17N, 22°29E) aufsitzt, berichtet. Es gibt wenige Isotopen-Datierungen der Gesteine, des N-S streichenden, proterozoischen Kautokeino Greenstone Belt. Außerdem ist eine Bestätigung der existierenden Daten wünschenswert, denn die bisherigen U/Pb Daten sind sehr widersprüchlich und unklar.Nun konnten wir die früheren Messungen mit U/Pb Daten von Uraninit aus den felsischen Gesteinen ergänzen. Die neuen Daten ergeben einen gut definierten Schnitt mit der Konkordia bei 1837 ± 8 Millionen Jahre, und sind damit etwas jünger als das von den Daviditen stammende Alter von 1885 ± 18 Millionen Jahre. Die Tatsache, daß diese beiden Minerale ein offensichtlich unterschiedliches Alter zeigen, unterstützt die Ansicht, daß die Lagerstätte metamorphen Ursprungs ist, wobei eine lange Periode der Abkühlung nach der Metamorphose zu vermuten ist.

With 3 Figures  相似文献   

Summary The Bidjovagge gold-copper deposit (69°17'N, 22°29'E) occurs in the north-south trending Proterozoic Kautokeino greenstone belt. The greenstone belt consists of shallow marine sediments and mafic to ultramafic volcanites, which are intruded by diabase sills and granitoids. The sequence can be correlated with the 1930 to 2200 Ma Kiruna greenstone belt. Svecokarelian intrusions took place in two phases between 1880–1890 Ma and between 1860-1870 Ma.The deposit occurs in the stratigraphically lower part of the belt along a north-south trending anticlinal structure on the border between greenschist and amphibolite grade metamorphism within the Baltic-Bothnia megashear zone. The deposit is related to shear zones and hosted by albitic felsite, a metasomatic rock formed along the contact with the diabase sills.The only ore minerals of economic significance are native gold and chalcopyrite. Other common ore minerals are pyrite and pyrrhotite. Marcasite, magnetite, ilmenite, hematite, tellurides, rutile, sphalerite, galena, davidite and pentlandite occur in accessory amounts. A total of 10 samples of davidite, 14 sulfides and 4 samples of albitic felsite were analyzed for their isotopic compositions. Our best estimate for the age of the davidites (1885 ± 18 Ma) is based on the upper intersection of a U/Pb concordia diagram and is identified as the time of davidite (and gold) mineralization. This age is confirmed by a Sm/Nd date of 1886 ± 88 Ma on the same material. At 1339 ± 8 Ma, a metamorphic or metasomatic event disturbed the U/Pb system in some of the davidite samples and completely reset the U/Pb ratios in the albitic felsites. The sulfide minerals, containing trace U and Pb, were strongly disturbed during galena formation at about 500–550 Ma but apparently were initially formed at the same time as, or shortly after, the davidite. Based on an estimated time of formation of galena during the development of the early Paleozoic peneplain in the area, the Pb/Pb data are interpreted as a two-stage isochron with an initial age of 1876 ± 15 Ma.The relation between the mineralization and shear zones, the correspondence between the age of the mineralization and the Svecokarelian orogeny and the initial ratios of the radiogenic isotopes of the ore forming solutions, all support a metamorphic/metasomatic origin for the gold and copper mineralization.
Neue Isotopendaten von Davidit und Sulfiden aus der Bidjovagge Gold-Lagerstätte, Finnmark, N.-Norwegen
Zusammenfassung Die Bidjovagge Gold-Kupfer-Lagerstätte (69°17'N, 22°29'E) liegt in dem N-S streichenden proterozoischen Kautokeino Grüngesteinsgürtel. Er besteht aus marinen Flachwassersedimenten, sowie mafischen und ultramafischen Vulkaniten, die von Diabas-Sills und von Granitoiden intrudiert werden. Diese Gesteinsabfolge kann mit dem 1930–2200 Ma alten Kiruna Grüngesteinsgürtel verglichen werden. Sveko-karelische Intrusionen erfolgten zweiphasig, zwischen 1880–1890 Ma und zwischen 1860 und 1870 Ma.Die Lagerstätte liegt in den stratigraphisch tieferen Anteilen diese Grüngesteinsgürtel entlang einer N-S streichenden Antiklinalstruktur im Übergangsbereich zwischen der Grünschiefer und Amphibolitfazies innerhalb der baltisch-bothnischen Mega-Scherzone.Sie ist an Scherzonen und an Albit-Felsite, einem metasomatisch am Kontakt mit den Diabas-Sills gebildeten Gestein, gebunden.Gediegen Gold und Kupferkies sind die wirtschaftlich wichtigsten Erzminerale. Pyrit und Magnetkies sind häufig. Markasit, Magnetit, Ilmenit, Hämatit, Telluride, Rutil, Zinkblende, Bleiglanz, Davidit und Pentlandit kommen akzessorisch vor. 10 Proben von Davidit, 14 Sulfide und 4 Proben von den Albit-Felsiten wurden auf ihre Isotopenzusammensetzung hin untersucht.Der obere Schnittpukt im U/Pb Concordiadiagramm ergab die beste Altersabschätzung für die Davidite (1885 ± 18 Ma). Dieses Alter wird als Zeitpunkt der Davidit (und Gold)-Mineralisation betrachtet. Ein Sm/Nd-Alter von 1886 ± 88 Ma bestätigt dieses. Ein metamorphes oder metasomatisches Ereignis, datiert mit 1339 ± 8 Ma störte das U/Pb System in einigen Daviditproben und führte zu einer vollständigen Reequilibrierung der U/Pb Verhältnisse in den Albit-Felsiten. Die Isotopenverhältnisse der Sulfide, die Spuren von U und Pb enthalten, wurden während der Bildung von Bleiglanz um etwa 500–550 Ma ebenfalls massiv gestört; die Sulfide wurden aber offensichtlich gleichzeitig, oder aber kurz nach Davidit, gebildet. Basierend auf einer Abschätzung des Bleiglanz-Bildungsalters im Zuge der Entwicklung einer altpaläozoischen Peneplain in diesem Gebiet, werden die Pb/Pb Daten als Zweistufen-Isochrone mit einem Ursprungsalter von 1876 ± 15 Ma interpretiert.Die Bindung der Mineralisation an Scherzonen, die Übereinstimmung des Mineralisationsalters mit dem der Sveco-karelischen Orogenese und die Isotopeninitiale der erzbildenden Lösungen belegen einen metamorph/metasomatischen Ursprung der Gold-und Kupfervererzungen.

With 9 Figures  相似文献   

The Bidjovagge copper-gold deposits occur in the Svecokarelian Caskias Group. The rocks in the mineralized district consist of greenstones, carbonate rocks, albite felsite and graphite felsite. Four ore bodies are found in albite felsite and graphite felsite over a strike length of 2.5 km. The ore bodies represent remobilizations from syngenetic, stratabound mineralization. Ore minerals of economic significance are chalcopyrite and native gold. An assemblage of gold and tellurides in the country rock occurs as a late stage mobilization product.
Zusammenfassung Das Bidjovagge Kupfer-Gold-Vorkommen liegt in der Svecokarelischen Caskias-Gruppe. Die Gesteine innerhalb des mineralisierten Distriktes bestehen aus Grünsteinen, Karbonatgesteinen, Albitfelsiten und Graphitfelsiten. Vier Erzkörper wurden innerhalb der Albitfelsite und Graphitfeisite über eine streichende Länge von 2,5 km gefunden. Die Erzkörper repräsentieren Remobilisate von syngenetischen, schichtgebundenen Mineralisierungen. Erzmineralien von wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung sind Kupferkies und Gold. Verwachsungen von Gold mit Telluriden findet man in den Nebengesteinen als Mobilisationsprodukte einer späteren Phase.

Résumé Les gisements de cuivre et d'or de Bidjovagge se trouvent dans le groupe svécokarélidien de Caskias. Les roches de ce district minier consistent en roches vertes, roches carbonatées et felsites albitiques et graphitiques. Quatre gisements de minerai ont été trouvés dans les felsites albitiques et graphitiques sur une distance de 2,5 kilomètres. Ces gisements représentent des remobilisations d'une minéralisation syngénétique sédimentaire. La chalcopyrite et l'or sont les seuls minéraux d'importance économique. Des émissions d'or et de tellurures dans les épontes paraissent être le produit d'une phase de mobilisation tardive.

Bidjovagge Caskias. , , - -. 4 - - 2,5 . . . , .

Abstract: The Bidjovagge gold-copper deposit, northern Norway occurs in the lower Proterozoic Kautokeino greenstone belt, and consists of ten ore bodies in albite felsite, graphite schist and meta-diabase sills, along with a series of syenodiorite dykes. Calcite is one of the most important gangue minerals occurring within the ore veins. The early primary calcite samples from A, C and D ore bodies (copper–rich) show almost flat chondrite-normalised REE curves, and slightly positive Eu anomalies. A Sm-Nd isotope age of 1858 ± 72 Ma (2ρ) has been given based on fifteen primary calcite samples. The Sm-Nd age of calcite is in well agreement with previously published U-Pb davidite age of 1885 ±18 Ma (2ρ) and Sm-Nd davidite age of 1886 ± 88 Ma (2ρ). All these isotopic age data indicate that the gold-copper mineralisation may occur during or slightly after the peak of the Svecokarelian orogeny. Two late primary calcite samples from C and D ore bodies have flat chondrite-normalised LREE curves, positive HREE curves, and negative Eu anomalies. In contrast, most of the early primary calcite samples from B ore body (gold–rich) show an overall negative chondrite-normalised REE slope and negative Eu anomalies. Sm-Nd data on seven primary calcite samples from the B ore body are relatively scattered, and gave an isochrone age of 1809 ± 150 Ma (2ρ), identical to the age of the calcite samples from A, C and D ore bodies. Two late primary calcite samples from the B ore body have almost flat chondrite-normalised REE slope and negative Eu anomalies. REE patterns and eNd (T) values of calcites suggest that the ore fluids for the calcites from the A, C and D ore bodies derived their metals from mafic igneous rocks (diabase sills). For the secondary calcites from the C ore body, their relative high initial Nd (T) values at 1858 Ma imply that much more radiogenic Nd-component were incorporated during calcite crystallisation when another ore fluid emplaced. Combined Nd isotope data and REE geochemical features suggest that the isotopically more evolved source such as albite felsite and syn-genetic high level syenodiorite dykes were probably metal source for these calcites in the B ore body. Three samples of secondary calcite from the B ore body, which obviously deviated from 1809 Ma isochron are easily explained as products of post-ore hydrothermal events.  相似文献   

吉林小西南岔金铜矿床流体包裹体及成矿作用研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
李荫清  陈殿芬 《矿床地质》1995,14(2):150-173
该矿床流体包裹体丰富,为2相气液、1相液体、少数含子晶多相和含液态CO_2三相包裹体。包裹体液相中富Na ̄+、Cl ̄-和SO,气相中H_2O占优势,CO_2次之。属NaCl-H_2O体系。包裹体同位素分析表明,成矿流体为岩浆水和大气降水的混合流体。在温度高于360~400℃的中性—弱酸性热流体中,Au和Cu的络合物呈迁移状态,在温度低的弱酸—酸性的较还原环境下,围岩产生广泛的石英-绢云母化,导致Au、Cu络合物分解,沉淀出大量Au和Cu。  相似文献   

Gold-copper-bismuth mineralization in the Tennant Creek goldfield of the Northern Territory occurs in pipe-like, ellipsoidal, or lensoidal lodes of magnetite ± hematite ironstones which are hosted in turbiditic sedimentary rocks of Proterozoic age. Fluid inclusion studies have revealed four major inclusion types in quartz associated with mineralized and barren ironstones at Ten nant Creek; (1) liquid-vapour inclusions with low liquid/vapour ratios (Type I), (2) liquid-vapour inclusions with high liquid/vapour ratios or high vapour/liquid ratios and characteristic dark bubbles (Type II), (3) liquid-vapour-halite inclusions (Type III), and (4) liquid-vapour inclusions with variable liquid/vapour ratios (Type V). Type I inclusions are present in the barren ironstones and the unmineralized portions of fertile ironstones, whereas Types II and III inclusions are recognized in fertile ironstones. Trails of Types II and III inclusions cut trails of Type I inclusions. Type I fluid inclusions have homogenization temperatures of 100° to 350 °C with a mode at 200° to 250 °C. Type II inclusions in mineralized ironstones (e.g. Juno, White Devil, Eldorado, TC8 and Gecko K-44 deposits) have homogenization temperatures of 250 °C to 600 °C with a mode of 350 °C. Type I fluid inclusions have a salinity range of 10 to 30 NaCl equiv. wt %. Salinity measurements on fluid inclusions in the mineralized zones gave a range of 10 to 50 NaCl equiv. wt % with a mode of 35 NaCl equiv. wt %. Fluid inclusion studies indicate that the Tennant Creek ironstones were formed from a relatively low temperature and moderately saline fluid, where as gold and copper mineralization was deposited from later hydrothermal fluids of higher temperature and salin ity. Gas analysis indicates the presence of N2 and CO2, with very minor CH4 in Types II inclusions but no N2 or CH4 gases in Type I inclusions. Microprobe analysis of the fluid inclusion decrepitates indicates that the inclusions from Tennant Creek contain sodium and calcium as dominant cations and potassium in a subordinate amount. The high temperatures ( 350 °C), high salinities ( 35 NaCl equiv. wt. %) and cation composition of the Tennant Creek ore fluids suggest that the ore fluids were derived from upward migrating heated basinal brines, although contribution from a magmatic source cannot be ruled out. Close association of vapour-rich Type IIb and salt-rich Type III inclusions in the mineralized ironstones (e.g. Juno, White Devil, Eldorado, TC8 and Gecko K-44) indicates heterogeneous trapping of ore fluids. This heterogeneous trapping is interpreted to be due to unmixing (exsolution) of a gas-rich (e.g. N2) fluid during the upward migration of the metal bearing brines and/or due to degassing caused by reaction of oxidized ore fluids and host ironstones. Fluid inclusion data have important implications regarding the deposition of gold in the ironstones, and may have application in discriminating fertile from barren ironstones.  相似文献   

邓丹莉 《地质与勘探》2016,52(5):865-873
云南大坪金矿床是产于闪长岩中的石英脉型金矿床,矿体形态呈脉状,明显受断裂构造控制。成矿阶段可分为:早期成矿阶段(白钨矿石英脉)、主成矿阶段(硫化物石英脉)和晚成矿阶段(碳酸盐石英脉)。石英脉中的流体包裹体分为H2O包裹体、CO2包裹体、CO2-H2O包裹体,以富含CO2-H2O包裹体为特征。CO2-H2O包裹体的完全均一温度为283.1~382.0℃,盐度为(4.44~11.33)wt%Na Cleqv,计算的均一压力为151.2~261.5MPa,相应的成矿深度为10.272~12.649km,显示出该矿的成矿流体是一种富含CO2的高压、中高温、中低盐度的H2O-Na Cl-CO2的流体。加热时,富H2O相的CO2-H2O包裹体完全均一到H2O相,富CO2相的CO2-H2O包裹体完全均一到CO2相,而且二者的完全均一温度和压力一致,说明流体发生了不混溶作用,CO2的溶离使成矿流体的p H值升高,氧逸度降低,从而导致Au溶解度降低,并造成金沉淀成矿。大坪金矿床属于深成中高温热液石英脉型金矿床。  相似文献   

The previously described minerals of the linnaeite series occuring in the Borras and Raipas deposits near Alta, Finnmark, have been re-examined, mainly with the help of the electron microprobe. — As an introduction, a survey is made of the chemistry of the linnaeite series from published data and a new diagram is presented to show the relative variations of the four possible metallic elements. — The analyses confirm the respective chemical natures of the linnaeites from the two deposits and show a rather even chemistry within each deposit. Individual grains show inhomogeneities in element contents from outsides to centres and the forms of the inhomogeneities appear to vary depending on the relative abundance of the element concerned. The most abundant element in each case is relatively depleted in a very narrow outer zone or rim, whereas the minor elements show a more gradually diminishing (often irregular) content from grain boundary to centre. The intermediate elements show varying forms of distribution. The rim zones in the case of the major elements may be the result of diffusion out into the surrounding minerals, whereas the minor element distribution is possibly a primary one related to the growth of the linnaeite grains. — Results from one large, fractured linnaeite grain in the Raipas ore indicate considerable replacement by bornite along the internal fractures, though not at the original grain boundaries.
Zusammenfassung Die früher beschriebenen Mineralien der Linneit-Serie, die in den Lagerstätten Borras und Raipas in der Nähe von Alta, Finnmark, vorkommen, wurden erneut untersucht, besonders mit der Elektronen-Mikrosonde. — Zunächst wird eine Übersicht der Daten über die Chemie der Linneit-Serie gegeben und ein neues Diagramm konstruiert, um die Variationsbreiten der vier metallischen Elemente von Linneit zu zeigen. — Die Analysen bestätigen die chemische Zusammensetzung der Linneite von den zwei Vorkommen, und zeigen eine weitgehende Übereinstimmung innerhalb jedes Vorkommens. Die Einzelkörner weisen Inhomogenitäten in der Elementverteilung vom Rand zur Mitte auf und ihre Form scheint mit der relativen Häufigkeit der betreffenden Elemente zu variieren. Das häufigste Element ist in jedem Fall in einer schmalen äußeren Zone relativ verarmt, während die untergeordneten Elemente eine mehr stufenweise Abnahme von Korngrenze bis Zentrum zeigen. Die intermediären Elemente zeigen wechselnde Verteilungsformen. Im Fall der Hauptelemente mag die verarmte äußere Zone ein Ergebnis von Diffusion in die umgebenden Mineralien sein, wogegen die Verteilung der untergeordneten Elemente möglicherweise primär, also an das Wachstum der Linneitkörner geknüpft ist. — Untersuchungen an einem großen aufgespaltenen Linneit-Korn aus dem Raipas-Erz deuten auf beträchtliche Verdrängungen durch Bornit entlang den inneren Spaltrissen, nicht aber entlang den ursprünglichen Korngrenzen.

B. K. LEVELL 《Sedimentology》1980,27(5):539-557
The Lower Sandfjord Formation is a 1.5 km thick late Precambrian sandstone. It is a remarkably homogeneous unit consisting largely (98%) of cross-bedded, texturally and mineralogically mature, coarse or medium sandstone, and is interpreted as a shallow marine deposit. This interpretation is based on the maturity, the exclusively tabular bed geometry, occasional sets of herring-bone cross-bedding and most importantly, the abundance of sheet-like pebble layers only 1–5 grain diameters thick and sometimes overlain by thin siltstone drapes. Various different types of compound cross-bedding, all of which show evidence of reversing currents, are interpreted as sub-tidal sandwaves. These sets range in thickness from 0.5 to 14 m, and in conjunction with the overall abundance of cross-bedding probably indicate strong tidal currents. A tide-dominated current regime is also considered essential to explain the derivation of such large quantities of sand from the contemporary coasts. It is suggested that sand transport offshore took place during the erosional transgression of abandoned delta lobes. However, the predominance of a single, easterly, mode in the palaeocurrent patterns suggests that the tidal currents were reinforced by some other current system. The predominantly unimodal palaeocurrent patterns and the coarse, sand-rich nature of the succession, taken together with the thickness do not superficially seem likely characteristics for a shallow marine sequence. Nevertheless this study appears to demonstrate that such deposits were formed on tidal shelves in at least late Precambrian time.  相似文献   

为探究油气运移与铀成矿的关系,笔者以松辽盆地钱家店砂岩型铀矿床为研究对象,系统开展了含矿砂岩薄片鉴定、电子探针研究以及流体包裹体岩相学和显微测温研究.结果表明:①研究区强矿化段砂岩硅质胶结物含量较多,为隐晶质玉髓胶结物;成岩演化序列为,泥晶方解石、自生黏土膜,石英加大边、石英加大边外围黏土膜、颗粒间压实的隐晶质玉髓胶结...  相似文献   

Plagioclase in olivine metagabbros metasomatized by nepheline syenite magmas was replaced by intergrowths of nepheline and vesuvianite or salite together with smaller amounts of calcic amphibole. Olivine was simultaneously replaced by diopside. The survival of the gross features of protolith textures and clustering of line intersections in composition-volume diagrams suggest that nephelinization took place at approximately constant volume and oxygen content. Nephelinization involved the introduction of Na, K and Fe3+ in an infiltrating peralkaline fluid and depletion of Fe2+ and Fetot and was promoted by the primary mineral parageneses of the protoliths. Concurrent fenitization of quartzo-feldspathic gneiss without the generation of feld-spathoids shows that the processes of nephelinization and fenitization may result from the same fluid.  相似文献   

甘肃厂坝铅锌矿富甲烷流体包裹体的发现及其意义   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
王天刚  倪培  王国光  张婷 《岩石学报》2008,24(9):2105-2112
厂坝铅锌矿床被认为是海底喷流沉积型矿床,但对于该矿床成矿流体特别是流体包裹体研究非常薄弱。本文系统研究了厂坝铅锌矿床与矿石伴生石英中的流体包裹体,并首次发现了富甲烷流体包裹体。测温结果表明,单相富甲烷包裹体的低温相变有两种方式,气液相均一温度范围为-114~-80℃。拉曼探针的测试结果显示CH4为包裹体中的主要成分,另外有少量H2S及微量的N2、CO2等气体。这种富甲烷流体可能是海底有机物还原海水形成,它的发现进一步佐证了厂坝铅锌矿床的海底热液喷流成因。  相似文献   

青海西秦岭双朋西矽卡岩型金-铜矿床流体包裹体研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
双朋西矽卡岩型金-铜矿床位于西秦岭造山带同仁-泽库弧后前陆盆地,为青海省秦岭西段代表性的矽卡岩型金-铜矿床。花岗闪长岩侵入以后,该矿床成矿期共有矽卡岩期(Ⅰ)和石英金属硫化物期(Ⅱ)两个期次,其中Ⅱ期又可以划分为早(Ⅱ-1)、晚(Ⅱ-2)两阶段。文章研究了3种包裹体类型:含子矿物水溶液包裹体(H型)、含CO2包裹体和盐水溶液包裹体。花岗闪长岩、矽卡岩期和石英硫化物期早阶段流体包裹体的均一温度和w(Na Cleq)分别为127~496℃,3.87%~21.11以及287~513℃,39.93%~58.41%;晚阶段为122~444℃,6.74%~46.80%;161~468℃,4.98%~35.06%,成矿流体属于中-高温、中-高盐度、中等密度、低-中压力的富CO2流体。S、Pb同位素显示成矿物质主要来自深源岩浆流体。H-O同位素组成显示主成矿期与岩浆水热液关系密切,随着成矿作用的演化,石英硫化物期晚阶段(Ⅱ-2)有大气降水混入。该矿床成矿作用与中酸性岩浆交代碳酸盐类围岩作用,流体的降温冷却和沸腾作用有关,区域局部伸展构造有助于成矿压力从静岩压力向静水压力转变,引起该地区成矿流体的减压沸腾作用,最终导致成矿物质沉淀富集。  相似文献   

Trace components in fluid inclusions from the Aberfoyle tin-tungsten deposit in Tasmania, Australia, were examined by thermal decrepitation-mass spectrometry. The technique involves the decrepitation of fluid inclusions by stepwise heating in the source of a mass spectrometer. In addition to water, other species identified were carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons. Detailed analysis of these hydrocarbons showed that they ranged in carbon number from C1 up to at least C33 and probably comprised, in part, biological marker compounds, previously unreported in such high-temperature environments. Their presence suggests that the fluid responsible for mineralisation was not entirely magmatic but contained a non-magmatic component evolved through fluid-rock interaction in the sedimentary country rocks.  相似文献   

Summary Platinum-group minerals (PGM) project into fluid inclusions that occur in chalcopyrite and cubanite from the Marathon deposit, Two Duck Lake gabbro, Coldwell Complex, Ontario. Semi-quantitative analyses of the micron-sized PGM were made by SEM-EDS; they reveal Ag-bearing intermetallic compounds of Pd3Sn-Pd3Pb-Pd3Te (i.e., atokitezvyagintsevite-keithconnite) and telargpalite (Pd2AgTe) on broken, irregular surfaces of the Cu-Fe-S minerals. Halite daughter minerals, and quenched brine occur in and around some opened fluid inclusions. These data confirm the hypothesis based on petrography and mineral compositions that saline fluids remobilized PGE, Cu, and other elements and precipitated them well after crystallization of sulfide and silicate magmas in the Marathon deposit.
Platin-Gruppenminerale in Flüssigkeitseinschlüssen aus der Marathon Lagerstdtte, Coldwall Komplex, Kanada
Zusammenfassung Platin-Gruppenminerale (PGM) ragen in Flüzssigkeiteinschliisse, die im Kupferkies und Cubanit der Marathon Lagerstätte, Two Duke Lake Gabbro, Coldwell Komplex, Ontario, vorkommen, hinein. Semiqantitative Analysen der mikrongroßen PGM wurden mit einem SEM-EDS durchgeführt. Sie ergaben Ag-führende, intermetallische Verbindungen von Pd3Sn-Pd3Pb-Pd3Te (Atokit-Zvyagintsevit-Keithconnit) und Telargpalit (Pd2AgTe) auf zerbrochenen, irregulären Oberflächen der Cu-Fe-SMinerale. Steinsalz-Tochterkristalle und abgeschreckte Salzlösungen treten innerhalb und in der unmittelbaren Umgebung geöffneter Flüssigkeitseinschlüsse auf. Diese Daten bestätigen die Hypothese, basierend auf der Petrographie und der Mineralzusammensetzung, daß saline Fluida PGE, Cu und andere Elemente remobilisieren können, und daß d iese nach der Kristallisation der Sulfide und des Silikatmagmas in der Marathon Lagerstätte zur Ablagerung gekommen sind.

With 3 Figures  相似文献   

白乃庙金矿位于中亚造山带南缘白乃庙岛弧区域,是华北地台北缘中段金成矿远景区的重要组成部分.本文通过白乃庙金矿床流体包裹体和C-H-O-S稳定同位素的系统工作,揭示其成矿物质来源、成矿流体性质以及矿床成因.流体包裹体测试均一温度(126.5~283.4℃)和盐度(0.88% ~7.59%NaCl equiv)显示成矿流体...  相似文献   

The Chah-Firuzeh porphyry copper deposit is located in 35 km north of Shahre Babak (Kerman province). It is associated with granodioriteic intrusive of Miocene age which intruded Eocene volcanosedimentary rocks. Copper mineralization was accompanied by both potassic and phyllic alteration. Field observations and petrographic studies demonstrate that the emplacement of Chah-Firuzeh pluton took place in several intrusive pulses, each with associated hydrothermal ore fluid formation that was also associated with hydrostatic pressure increasing respect to that of lithostatic pressure (and fracturing development-relative boiling) by circulated fluid. Copper is concentrated as a very early hydrothermal mineralized phase in the evolution of the hydrothermal system. Early hydrothermal alteration produced a potassic assemblage (orthoclase–biotite) in the central deep part of the stock. Alteration ore fluids could be classify into two groups of liquid-reach, containing solid phases, high temperature (390 to 500 °C) high salinity (more than 60 wt.% NaCl equiv.) and gas-rich, high temperature (311 to 570 °C), no solid phase and with low salinities. These magmatic source fluids illustrate sever boiling process and also are the responsible for the both potassic alteration, quartz group I and II veins and chalcopyrite deposition. Propylitic alteration occurred by the liquid-rich, low temperature (241 to 390 °C) and Ca-rich fluid with meteoric origin. Continuous decreasing temperature let the meteoric water diffusion into the system, mixed with magmatic fluids and descending the salinities down to the 1 wt.% NaCl equiv. and leaching the Cu from vein groups II and III by sever thermodynamic anarchies from potassic to the phyllic alteration zones. Phyllic alteration and copper leaching resulted from the inflow of oxidized and acidic meteoric waters with decreasing temperature of the system followed by the incursion of this fluid into and its convection in upper part of the system. A late episode of boiling occurred in the apical the phyllic zone, and was associated with significant copper deposition. Based on the field observation on sharp alteration and related mineralization, it is possible to conclude that all these procedures have been controlled by local faults that could be active even before the pluton injection. These faults and the new form ones (which have been formed after injection), could crash the hosted rocks, and act as physical dams to restrict and limit the mineralization in special strikes and zones within the Cah-Firuzeh ore deposit.  相似文献   

文章利用激光拉曼光谱和显微测温学方法,对湖北徐家山锑矿床成矿期的石英、重晶石和方解石中的流体包裹体进行了研究。研究表明,这些矿物中的流体包裹体主要有纯液体包裹体和液体包裹体(气相 液相)2类,其液体包裹体的气相成分为H2O±CO2±N2;石英、重晶石和方解石的均一温度分别为134~258℃、154~259℃和145~230℃,主要集中于150~200℃;流体的盐度w(NaCleq)和密度分别集中于3%~6%和0.90~0.96g/cm3。流体包裹体资料揭示出该矿床为典型的中低温热液锑矿床,其成矿流体为中低温、低盐度、中等密度热液。结合H、O、Sr、Pb同位素等研究结果,进一步推断该成矿热液主要是经深部循环演化的大气降水。  相似文献   

新疆阔尔真阔腊金矿床成矿流体包裹体研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
新疆西北部阔尔真阔腊金矿床是产于海西期岛弧型钙碱性火山岩中的火山晚期热液型金矿床。流体包裹体研究表明,成矿阶段(Ⅰ)包裹体为气相包裹体,均一温度为308~396℃,盐度为5.86~8.41wt%NaCl;主成矿阶段(Ⅱ、Ⅲ)为气液包裹体,均一温度分别为209~276℃(Ⅱ)、119~198℃(Ⅲ),盐度分别为5.11~7.86wt%NaCl(Ⅱ)、2.74~6.17wt%NaCl(Ⅲ)。石英流体包裹体成分测定采用分阶段法,有效地排除了不同成矿阶段包裹体成分的影响,准确地测出了成矿阶段(Ⅰ)和主成矿阶段(Ⅱ、Ⅲ)包裹体的成分,结果表明成矿流体具Na^ -H^--Cl^--H2O型中低温、低盐特征,金主要以金硫络合物的形式迁移,金矿化是在还原条件下进行。主成矿阶段包裹体中水的氢同位素组成为-83.97~-89.07‰,氧同位素组成为1.8~3.2‰,成矿流体是岩浆热液与古大气降水混合而成。流体混合及水-岩反应是造成本区金沉淀成矿的主要因素。  相似文献   

应用红外显微镜和流体包裹体显微测温分析技术,对晴隆大厂锑矿床辉锑矿和萤石中的流体包裹体进行了对比研究。研究表明,该矿床辉锑矿与萤石中的流体包裹体类型、均一温度和盐度存在明显差异。辉锑矿中的流体包裹体以含子晶-气-液三相包裹体和气-液两相包裹体为主,具有较高的盐度(0.18%~19.45%Na Cleqv)和均一温度(153~285℃),并具有明显的正相关关系,而萤石则主要发育气-液两相流体包裹体,具有较低的盐度(0.18%~1.91%Na Cleqv)和均一温度(144~176℃),认为形成辉锑矿和萤石的成矿流体来自不同的源区,流体混合导致的温度和盐度降低可能是锑成矿的重要控制因素之一。辉锑矿硫同位素研究进一步揭示其成矿物质主要来自地幔,可能与晴隆地区及其外围的基性-超基性岩浆活动的地质背景有一定的成因联系。  相似文献   

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