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Abstract Thermal structural analysis and paleo-heat flow estimation provide clues to understanding the thermal evolution of the accretionary complex. The thermal structure and heat flow in the Jurassic Chichibu and Cretaceous to Tertiary Shimanto accretionary complex, Southwest Japan, have been investigated by vitrinite reflectance measurement and fluid inclusion analysis. As a result, the local and multistage metamorphisms were recognized as follows. First, the Tertiary complex around the Miocene Ashizuri granite underwent exposure to extra-high temperatures. Second, the Okitsu Melange underwent exposure to higher temperatures than the surrounding strata and was formed concurrently with the Kula-Pacific ridge subduction beneath the Japanese Islands in the Eocene. Finally, the thermal structure of most of the Cretaceous and southern Jurassic complexes is independent of the geologic structure, indicating that these areas suffered thermal overprint. Regional radiometric dating studies show that most of the Cretaceous Shimanto complex was heated in the Eocene; the thermal overprint might have occurred as a result of ridge subduction. The heat flow during peak heating was estimated to be 95–120 mW/m2 except for the Cretaceous Okitsu melange and the Cretaceous Nonokawa formation, north of the Okitsu Melange; a much higher value of heat flow of ~200 mW/m2 was estimated in the Okitsu Melange. An estimation of heat flow failed for the non-okawa formation because thermal equilibrium between the fluid and rocks has not yet been reached. It is probable that the southern strata underwent a higher heat flow. Such a trenchward increase in heat flow resembles the present situation of the Nankai Trough, although the heat flow in the Eocene was much higher.  相似文献   

We conducted a 3‐D seismic inversion study to investigate spatial variations of physical properties of the décollement zone (DZ) and protodécollement zone (PDZ) under the northern Barbados accretionary prism. Significant spatial variations of physical properties were observed in the PDZ seaward of the thrust front from the inversion data. The density generally increases southward with a few localized low‐density patches. A lower density commonly corresponds to a thicker PDZ, suggesting that the paleomorphology may at least partially control the variations of the physical properties. Similar low‐density patches were also found in the DZ. These features may be inherited from those of the PDZ and enhanced after subduction through localized arrested consolidation. Under the prism toe, the density of the DZ increases landward. This trend may mainly result from shear‐induced consolidation of the DZ but may also be related to landward increasing tectonic loading. Significant north–south differences in density and, thus, porosity and strength of the PDZ, are observed and these differences may continue into the DZ. A stronger DZ is likely responsible for a larger prism taper observed in the southern area of the prism toe. The larger taper, thus more horizontal shortening, coupled with a thinner sediment sheet above the PDZ in the southern area, may cause a relative retreat of the thrust front and a pronounced change in strike of the sequence thrusts south of seismic Line 690. The north–south differences may ultimately have originated in the approach of a structurally higher segment of the Tiburon Rise. The Tiburon Rise affects regional morphology and, thus, it controls the sedimentation and physical properties of the PDZ. It may also control sediment accumulation above the PDZ. Therefore, the sedimentational change induced by the structural high of the Tiburon Rise, in turn, resulted in structural change of the prism in the southern area.  相似文献   

We reanalyzed 3D seismic reflection and logging‐while‐drilling data from the toe of the northern Barbados accretionary prism to interpret structure, deformation, and fluid flow related to subduction processes. The seafloor amplitude and coherence reveal an abrupt change in the thrust orientation from NNE at the thrust front and north and NNW about 5 km west of the thrust front. These thrust sets are separated by a triangular‐shaped quiet area, which may represent a zone of low strength. The northeast‐trending band of strong negative amplitude and high coherence in the décollement, known to be an interval of arrested consolidation, overlaps the quiet area, suggesting that the arrested consolidation may be related to the lack of thrust imbrication, and thus, vertical drainage for fluid in the accretionary prism. Fractal analysis of the décollement and top of the subducting oceanic basement indicates that the relief of the décollement correlates with the topography of the oceanic basement. Differential compaction of the underthrust sediment overlying the rugged oceanic basement, together with the basement faults that penetrate into the décollement probably caused relief or even faulting in the décollement.  相似文献   

马尼拉俯冲带北段增生楔前缘构造变形和精细结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

马尼拉俯冲带是南海的东部边界,记录了南海形成演化的关键信息,同时也是地震和海啸多发区域.本文利用过马尼拉俯冲带北段的高分辨率多道地震剖面,分析了研究区内海盆和海沟的沉积特征,精细刻画了区内增生楔前缘的构造变形、结构以及岩浆活动特征.研究区内增生楔下陆坡部分由盲冲断层、构造楔和叠瓦逆冲断层构成,逆冲断层归并于一条位于下中新统的滑脱面上,滑脱面向海方向的展布明显受到增生楔之下埋藏海山和基底隆起的影响;上陆坡的反射特征则因变形强烈和岩浆作用而难以识别;岩浆活动开始于晚中新世末期并持续至第四纪.马尼拉俯冲带北段增生楔的形成时间早于16.5 Ma,并通过前展式逆冲向南海方向扩展;马尼拉俯冲带的初始形成时间可能在晚渐新世,而此时南海海盆扩张仍在持续.南海东北缘19°N-21°N区域为南海北部陆坡向海盆的延伸,高度减薄的陆壳的俯冲造成马尼拉海沟北段几何形态明显地向东凹进.


Models for the origin of accretionary lapilli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Binding between initially cohesionless ash particles to form concentric accretionary lapilli is provided primarily by the capillary forces of liquid bridges from condensed moisture and by electrostatic attraction. Capillary forces are strong bonds if the particles are in close contact, but they decrease rapidly with increasing particle spacing. Electrostatic attraction between charged ash particles is much weaker but effective over larger distances, increasing the frequency of collision between them.Experimental results of liquid film binding of volcanic ash showed that agglomeration was most successful between 15 and 25 wt.%, defining the agglomeration window for the formation of accretionary lapilli. Below 5–10 wt.% and above about 25–30 wt.% of water, concentric agglomeration was inhibited. Particles <350 m could be selected from a wider particle population in the experiments using only small amounts of water, which can explain the growth of accretionary lapilli in pyroclastic surges around agglomeration nuclei. Experiments testing the behavior of volcanic ash in electric fields showed that ash clusters formed instantaneously when the ash entered the field between a corona discharge gun and a grounded metal plate. The maximum grain size incorporated into the artificial clusters was about 180 m but >90 wt.% of ash was <45 m.Accretionary lapilli form in turbulent ash clouds when particles carrying liquid films of condensed moisture collide with each other and when the binding forces exceed the grain dispersive forces. Larger particles >500 m act as agglomeration nuclei in surges, accreting ash <350 m around them. In pyroclastic flows the aggregates are thought to originate from already size-sorted ash at the interface between the lower avalanche part of the flow and its overriding elutriation cloud. The fine-grained rims around accretionary lapilli found close to source are interpreted to be accreted dominantly by electrostatic attraction of very fine ash similar to clustering in elutriation clouds.  相似文献   

多层复形法在结构优化中的程序设计   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
对结构优化设计中使用得较多的复形法进行了扼要介绍,比较了普通复形法与多层复形法的优劣,并设计了两种方法的具体算法,算例证明,多层菜法减少了调优搜索迭代次数,增加了程序的稳定性。  相似文献   

Prior results of surface artifact collecting, test excavations, and auger sampling on an archaeological site in Barbados suggested that we experiment with ground-penetrating radar (GPR) as a method to target areas for future study. The site is associated with village occupations of Amerindians that are dated to between 2000 and 500 years ago. Archaeological features include burials, hearths, ceramic lined wells and postholes. Artifact middens contain pottery sherds, conch shells, and other marine resource debris. The site selected was located at the southern tip of Barbados and is situated on a deep stabilized surface behind a large active dune system. The soil layer consists of dry, clean quartz sand.We obtained limited ground truth at the site by hand auguring in areas of field-identified anomalies, and by auguring control holes away from anomalies. Anomalies were usually large diffractors such as conch shells and rocks. We used 3D visualisation software to perform standard processing enhancements and to assemble the parallel lines into three-dimensional volumes. The dimensions, distribution, and shapes of time-sliced amplitude anomalies were consistent with those of previously excavated burials, poles, and pit structures. In particular, we interpret the data as indicating the presence of a circular house structure with four center posts; this structure was previously unknown at this site. The work presented here builds upon and extends earlier excavation-based findings at this site, and will allow for better-focused excavations in the future.  相似文献   

Well-developed, clay-rich soils dominated by interstratified kaolinite-smectite are found on the uplifted coral reef terraces on the island of Barbados. The reef limestone is unlikely to have been the soil parent material however, because it is 98 per cent CaCO3 and geomorphic evidence argues against the 20 m of reef solution required to produce the soils by this process. The mineralogy of the sand, silt, and clay fractions of the soils, and trace element geochemistry, suggest that aeolian materials carried on the trade winds from Africa, volcanic ash from the island of St. Vincent, and quartz from Tertiary bedrock on the island itself are the parent materials for the soils.  相似文献   

周万里  单斌  熊熊  肖阳 《地球物理学报》2023,66(12):4987-5004

川滇地区地处中国大陆西南,对其岩石圈结构的研究是认识该地区构造演化过程的基础.由于不同研究方法存在各自的局限性,导致其所获得的岩石圈结构和可能的构造演化过程仍存在争议.岩石圈温度、化学组分结构是深入认识这些争议性问题的基础.本文基于热动力学模拟和概率密度反演的方法,联合瑞雷面波相速度频散曲线、大地水准面高、地形和地表热流等观测资料,反演了川滇地区岩石圈的温度、化学组分结构.结果表明,川滇地区岩石圈呈现南薄北厚的趋势,其中印支块体岩石圈较薄,为60~80 km,相对起伏较小;川滇菱形块体、江南造山带西缘岩石圈自南(~80 km)向北(~200 km)递增;松潘甘孜块体保持较厚的岩石圈根(~240 km).印支块体与江南造山带西缘岩石圈地幔以过渡型和难熔型的橄榄岩为主,仍存在部分古老难熔的岩石圈地幔物质;而川滇菱形块体内部为饱满型岩石圈地幔,表明古老、难熔的岩石圈地幔被新的地幔物质所取代.根据现今川滇地区岩石圈温度、化学组分结构,我们推测川滇地区南部的印支块体受印度板块与亚欧板块南北向碰撞的影响,导致该区域岩石圈增厚,并发生以拆沉作用为主的减薄过程,但岩石圈地幔仍以古老难熔的地幔物质为主;拆沉作用所导致的热地幔物质上涌使得川滇菱形块体古老难熔的岩石圈地幔物质由南往北逐渐为新的地幔物质所取代,形成了现今饱满型岩石圈地幔,热侵蚀作用在川滇菱形块体岩石圈减薄过程中占主导地位.


对马尼拉俯冲带中段高精度地形数据编辑后绘制成图,联合之前所获取的地震剖面数据,对俯冲带增生楔的精细构造地貌特征及发育模式进行了深入探讨.在增生楔下构造区发现了大量狭长的微型圈闭盆地,经过对其平面断裂特点与深部应力状态的分析,发现增生楔从俯冲前缘到脊顶区其构造特点的转变对应着微型圈闭盆地4个完整的发育阶段,即初期的加积断裂阶段、中期的圈闭成盆阶段、后期的挤压消亡阶段乃至最终的隆升推覆阶段,揭示出一种新型的俯冲带增生楔发育模式,并推断其本质是深部板片俯冲活动所产生的压应力在海底面的表现.  相似文献   

Tetsuji  Onoue  Hiroyoshi  Sano 《Island Arc》2007,16(1):173-190
Abstract   The Sambosan accretionary complex of southwest Japan was formed during the uppermost Jurassic to lowermost Cretaceous and consists of basaltic rocks, carbonates and siliceous rocks. The Sambosan oceanic rocks were grouped into four stratigraphic successions: (i) Middle Upper Triassic basaltic rock; (ii) Upper Triassic shallow-water limestone; (iii) limestone breccia; and (iv) Middle Middle Triassic to lower Upper Jurassic siliceous rock successions. The basaltic rocks have a geochemical affinity with oceanic island basalt of a normal hotspot origin. The shallow-water limestone, limestone breccia, and siliceous rock successions are interpreted to be sediments on the seamount-top, upper seamount-flank and surrounding ocean floor, respectively. Deposition of the radiolarian chert of the siliceous rock succession took place on the ocean floor in Late Anisian and continued until Middle Jurassic. Oceanic island basalt was erupted to form a seamount by an intraplate volcanism in Late Carnian. Late Triassic shallow-water carbonate sedimentation occurred at the top of this seamount. Accumulation of the radiolarian chert was temporally replaced by Late Carnian to Early Norian deep-water pelagic carbonate sedimentation. Biotic association and lithologic properties of the pelagic carbonates suggest that an enormous production and accumulation of calcareous planktonic biotas occurred in an open-ocean realm of the Panthalassa Ocean in Late Carnian through Early Norian. Upper Norian ribbon chert of the siliceous rock succession contains thin beds of limestone breccia displaced from the shallow-water buildup resting upon the seamount. The shallow-water limestone and siliceous rock successions are nearly coeval with one another and are laterally linked by displaced carbonates in the siliceous rock succession.  相似文献   

Abstract A deep section of accretionary complex, the metamorphosed Susunai Complex, is observed on Sakhalin Is., Russia. High pressure part of pumpellyite-actinolite facies metavolcanics, metacherts and metapelites are well exposed and constitute a tectonic pile preserving primary structures related to underplating of the oceanic crust. Three stages of deformation, D1 through D3, suggest successive deformation during subduction, underplating and exhumation of the complex. Oceanic material in the complex is more abundant than other well documented ancient accretionary complexes (e.g. the Shimanto Belt in southwest Japan and the Ghost Rocks Formation in Alaska), which were shallowly underplated. At Susunai, deep down-stepping of a décollément has scraped off the upper part of the oceanic crust, primarily the pillowed basalt horizon. This down-stepping results from crustal weakening as overpressured water is released from the fractured oceanic crust during metamorphism.  相似文献   

南海北缘琼东南盆地热结构与莫霍面温度   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
相对于大陆地区,洋壳或海陆过渡区目前较缺乏岩石圈热结构方面的研究.本文依据琼东南盆地现有热流数据和相关岩石热物性参数,沿分布于盆地内不同位置的4条地震测线计算了不同圈层的热流分配关系(即热结构)及莫霍面温度.计算时根据最新的P-波速度变化分析将该区地壳分为四层,分别为沉积盖层、上地壳、下地壳及下地壳高速层.结果表明:琼东南盆地地幔热流由浅水区向深水区逐渐增加,是控制盆地现今海底热流分布的主要因素;其占海底热流平均比例为76.3±7.0%,具有典型的"冷壳热幔"的岩石圈热结构特征;莫霍面温度范围500~700℃,存在一个低温区和两个高温区,其整体分布与盆地基底以下地壳伸展减薄及断裂发育有关.  相似文献   

Fu-Yuan  Wu  Jin-Hui  Yang  Ching-Hua  Lo  Simon A.  Wilde  De-You  Sun  Bor-Ming  Jahn 《Island Arc》2007,16(1):156-172
Abstract The tectonic setting of the Eastern Asian continental margin in the Jurassic is highly controversial. In the current study, we have selected the Heilongjiang complex located at the western margin of the Jiamusi Massif in northeastern China for geochronological investigation to address this issue. Field and petrographic investigations indicate that the Heilongjiang complex is composed predominately of granitic gneiss, marble, mafic‐ultramafic rocks, blueschist, greenschist, quartzite, muscovite‐albite schist and two‐mica schist that were tectonically interleaved, indicating they represent a mélange. The marble, two‐mica schist and granitic gneiss were most probably derived from the Mashan complex, a high‐grade gneiss complex in the Jiamusi Massif with which the Heilongjiang Group is intimately associated. The ultramafic rocks, blueschist, greenschist and quartzite (chert) are similar to components in ophiolite. The sensitive high mass‐resolution ion microprobe U‐Pb zircon age of 265 ± 4 Ma for the granitic gneiss indicates that the protolith granite was emplaced coevally with Permian batholiths in the Jiamusi Massif. 40Ar/39Ar dating of biotite and phengite from the granitic gneiss and mica schist yields a late Early Jurassic metamorphic age between 184 and 174 Ma. Early components of the Jiamusi Massif, including the Mashan complex, probably formed part of an exotic block from Gondwana, affected by late Pan‐African orogenesis, and collided with the Asian continental margin during the Early Jurassic. Subduction of oceanic crust between the Jiamusi block and the eastern part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt resulted in the formation of a huge volume of Jurassic granites in the Zhangguangcai Range. Consequently, the collision of the Jiamusi Massif with the Central Asian Orogenic Belt to the west can be considered as the result of circum‐Pacific accretion, unrelated to the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The widespread development of Jurassic accretionary complexes along the Asian continental margin supports such an interpretation.  相似文献   

Makoto  Saito 《Island Arc》2008,17(2):242-260
Abstract   Detailed geologic examination of the Eocene accretionary complex (Hyuga Group) of the Shimanto terrane in southeastern Kyushu revealed that the oceanic plate was composed of Paleocene to Lower Eocene mudstone and siliceous mudstone, lower Middle Eocene red mudstone, and mid-Middle Eocene trench-fill turbidite with siltstone breccia, successively overlying the pre-Eocene oceanic plate. This oceanic plate sequence was overlain by Upper Eocene siltstone. Deposition of the lower Middle Eocene red mudstone was accompanied by basalt flows and it is interbedded with continental felsic tuff, which indicates that the basalt and red mudstone were deposited near the trench just before accretion. The Hyuga Group has very similar geological structure to that of the chert–clastic complexes found in the Jurassic accretionary complexes in Japan: that is, a decollement fault formed in the middle of an oceanic plate sequence, and an imbricate structure formed only in the upper part of the sequence. Thus, it appears that the Hyuga Group was formed by the same accretionary process as the Jurassic accretionary complexes. No accretion occurred before the Middle Eocene, and the rapid accretion of the Hyuga Group was commenced by the supply of coarse terrigenous sediments in the mid-Middle Eocene, when the direction of movement of the Pacific Plate changed. The pre-Eocene oceanic basement and lower Middle Eocene volcanic activity suggest that the oceanic plate partly preserved in the Hyuga Group was very similar to the northern part of the present West Philippine Sea Plate.  相似文献   

本文针对三维复杂介质的两点射线追踪的适用性和有效性,提出了网格模型和层状模型相结合的建模方式,文中利用规则网格化的层状模型对复杂地质单元进行数值描述,一方面避免了用纯粹复杂地质网格体描述时需要的大量内存,另一方面结合运用规则化的层状模型,必有利于提高计算效率,在计算单元自动生成的射线追踪方法基础上,本文结合波前法提出一种快速、有效的两点射线追踪方法,利用反射波波前在地表形成的射线方位角和倾角坐标体系,能快速、准确地收敛到所有从源点到接收点的射线路径,亦可有效地解决射线路径的多值解难题,从而可适用于复杂地质模型的特点.  相似文献   

Noriko  Hasebe  Hiroaki  Watanabe 《Island Arc》2004,13(4):533-543
Abstract   To determine how local geological events contributed to the evolution of accretionary complexes and eventual exposure of rocks with different structural levels, geochronological mapping was carried out using fission track (FT) analysis at the Kii Peninsula, southwest Japan. At this site, the original zonal structure of Cretaceous accretionary complexes parallel to the subduction zone is disturbed by the northward projection of the Shimanto accretionary complex. Twenty-six zircon FT ages were obtained from an area of ∼12 km in an east–west direction and ∼15 km in a north–south direction, and classified into three groups: (i) ages ∼15 Ma (range ∼10–20 Ma), which are distributed along the northwest–southeast valley; (ii) ages of ∼50 Ma in the northwest of the study area; and (iii) ages older than those in Groups 1 and 2. Based on results from eight zircon FT length distributions, the Miocene ages appear to be the result of spatial variations in heat influx and cooling after the regional exhumation of the area, as recorded by FT ages of ∼50 Ma.  相似文献   

Yujiro  Nishimura  Philippa M.  Black  Tetsumaru  Itaya 《Island Arc》2004,13(3):416-431
Abstract A southwest dipping Mesozoic accretionary complex, which consists of tectonically imbricated turbiditic mudstone and sandstone, hemipelagic siliceous mudstone, and bedded cherts and basaltic rocks of pelagic origin, is exposed in northern North Island, New Zealand. Interpillow limestone is sometimes contained in the basaltic rocks. The grade of subduction‐related metamorphism increases from northeast to southwest, indicating an inverted metamorphic gradient dip. Three metamorphic facies are recognized largely on the basis of mineral parageneses in sedimentary and basaltic rocks: zeolite, prehnite‐pumpellyite and pumpellyite‐actinolite. From the apparent interplanar spacing d002 data for carbonaceous material, which range from 3.642 to 3.564 Å, the highest grade of metamorphism is considered to have attained only the lowermost grade of the pumpellyite‐actinolite facies for which the highest temperature may be approximately 300°C. Metamorphic white mica K–Ar ages are reported for magnetic separates and <2 µm hydraulic elutriation separates from 27 pelitic and semipelitic samples. The age data obtained from elutriation separates are approximately 8 m.y. younger, on average, than those from magnetic separates. The age difference is attributed to the possible admixture of nonequilibrated detrital white mica in the magnetic separates, and the age of the elutriation separates is considered to be the age of metamorphism. If the concept, based on fossil evidence, of the subdivision of the Northland accretionary complex into north and south units is accepted, then the peak age of metamorphism in the north unit is likely to be 180–130 Ma; that is, earliest Middle Jurassic to early Early Cretaceous, whereas that in the south unit is 150–130 Ma; that is, late Late Jurassic to early Early Cretaceous. The age cluster for the north unit correlates with that of the Chrystalls Beach–Taieri Mouth section (uncertain terrane), while the age cluster for the south unit is older than that of the Younger Torlesse Subterrane in the Wellington area, and may be comparable with that of the Nelson and Marlborough areas (Caples and Waipapa terranes).  相似文献   

We describe the mode of occurrence and geochemical characteristics of basalts, in the Khangai–Khentei belt in Mongolia, overlain by Middle Paleozoic radiolarian chert in an extensive accretionary complex. These basalts are greatly enriched in K, Ti, Fe, P, Rb, Ba, Th, and Nb in comparison to the composition of the mid‐ocean ridge basalts, indicative of within‐plate alkaline type. Ti/Y vs Nb/Y and MnO/TiO2/P2O5 ratios of the basalts also suggest within‐plate affinities. Considering the geochemical characteristics as well as the conformable relationship with the overlying radiolarian chert, the alkaline basalts were clearly not continental but formed a pelagic oceanic island. The mode of occurrence and geochemistry of the basalts show that the alkaline basaltic volcanic activity had taken place to form an oceanic island in the Paleozoic pelagic region sufficiently far from continents to allow radiolarian ooze accumulation.  相似文献   

Yuzuru  Yamamoto  Manami  Nidaira  Yasufumi  Ohta  Yujiro  Ogawa 《Island Arc》2009,18(3):496-512
Chaotic rock units exposed in the upper part of the accretionary complex preserve detailed tectonic information related to the periods before, during, and immediately after accretion. Based on the detailed survey in the upper Miocene Miura–Boso accretionary complex, central Japan, three types of chaotic rock units were identified on the basis of the grain sizes and characteristics of blocks and surrounding matrices. The chaotic rock units composed of silt matrices and sandy to pebbly blocks (Type 3) formed by gravity-driven slumping upon the seafloor. The slumping occurred contemporaneously with deposition of the Misaki and Nishizaki Formations within the Izu–Bonin forearc. Vertical variations in the direction of slump vergence represent successive changes from an initially flat seabed to tilting to the northwest and finally to the southeast. Slumping with a northwest vergence indicates landward tilting of the seafloor immediately prior to accretion, whereas vergence to the southeast reflects oceanward tectonic tilting that occurred once the sediments had crossed the deformation front. Other chaotic rock units that have matrices abundant in sand and pebbles (Types 1, 2) formed as a result of subsurface liquefaction and injection associated with large earthquakes that occurred during and after accretion of the sediments. These chaotic rock units are useful in examining surface/subsurface changes such as tectonic tilting of the seafloor and earthquake events during the initial accretion process.  相似文献   

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