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The metamorphic core of the Himalaya in the Kali Gandaki valley of central Nepal corresponds to a 5-km-thick sequence of upper amphibolite facies metasedimentary rocks. This Greater Himalayan Sequence (GHS) thrusts over the greenschist to lower amphibolite facies Lesser Himalayan Sequence (LHS) along the Lower Miocene Main Central Thrust (MCT), and it is separated from the overlying low-grade Tethyan Zone (TZ) by the Annapurna Detachment. Structural, petrographic, geothermobarometric and thermochronological data demonstrate that two major tectonometamorphic events characterize the evolution of the GHS. The first (Eohimalayan) episode included prograde, kyanite-grade metamorphism, during which the GHS was buried at depths greater than c. 35 km. A nappe structure in the lowermost TZ suggests that the Eohimalayan phase was associated with underthrusting of the GHS below the TZ. A c. 37 Ma 40Ar/39Ar hornblende date indicates a Late Eocene age for this phase. The second (Neohimalayan) event corresponded to a retrograde phase of kyanite-grade recrystallization, related to thrust emplacement of the GHS on the LHS. Prograde mineral assemblages in the MCT zone equilibrated at average T =880 K (610 °C) and P =940 MPa (=35 km), probably close to peak of metamorphic conditions. Slightly higher in the GHS, final equilibration of retrograde assemblages occurred at average T =810 K (540 °C) and P=650 MPa (=24 km), indicating re-equilibration during exhumation controlled by thrusting along the MCT and extension along the Annapurna Detachment. These results suggest an earlier equilibration in the MCT zone compared with higher levels, as a consequence of a higher cooling rate in the basal part of the GHS during its thrusting on the colder LHS. The Annapurna Detachment is considered to be a Neohimalayan, synmetamorphic structure, representing extensional reactivation of the Eohimalayan thrust along which the GHS initially underthrust the TZ. Within the upper GHS, a metamorphic discontinuity across a mylonitic shear zone testifies to significant, late- to post-metamorphic, out-of-sequence thrusting. The entire GHS cooled homogeneously below 600–700 K (330–430 °C) between 15 and 13 Ma (Middle Miocene), suggesting a rapid tectonic exhumation by movement on late extensional structures at higher structural levels.  相似文献   

青岛连三岛地区原划为古元古界荆山岩群中出露各类片岩、片麻岩。本文在前人研究的基础上,对连三岛地区出露的含榴黑云母斜长片麻岩、含榴云母片岩和含榴黑云母钾长片麻岩,进行详细的岩相学和矿物化学研究,确定其变质温压条件及其P-T演化轨迹,并采用LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年,获得了3个样品的原岩时代和变质时代,为全面深入认识其变质属性提供了进一步的重要依据。根据岩相学和矿物化学成分可以识别出两期矿物组合:第一期(峰期变质阶段)为Grt1+Kfs+Aln+Ph+Qtz;第二期(退变质阶段)为Grt2+Pl+Ep+Bt+Qtz;依据多硅白云母Si压力计、锆石Ti温度计以及GB-GBPQ矿物温压计,确定其峰期变质和退变质的温压条件分别为T=600~817℃、P=2.4~2.6GPa和T=431~456℃、P=0.48~0.82GPa。结合白云母部分熔融现象,上述两个变质阶段构成了一个折返早期升温降压,后穿过多硅白云母熔融反应线,最后降温降压的顺时针型演化的P-T轨迹。CL图像显示3个样品的锆石均具有典型的岩浆核-变质边结构;结合LA-ICP-MS锆石原位微区U-Pb定年和微量元素分析,3个样品分别获得了769~756Ma、~223Ma和213~216Ma三组年龄,分别与苏鲁造山带其他高压-超高压变质岩的新元古代原岩时代(700~800Ma)、峰期变质时代(240~225Ma)和角闪岩相退变质时代(215~205Ma)一致。对样品含榴黑云母斜长片麻岩(17LSD-1)和含榴云母片岩(18LSD-2)进行锆石Hf同位素分析,获得样品17LSD-1的εHf(t)=-23.2~2.8、tDM2C(Hf)=1712~2845Ma,表明其原岩主要来源于古元古代陆壳重熔;样品18LSD-2的εHf(t)=-13.9~8.6、tDM2C(Hf)=1113~2358Ma,表明样品形成时壳源物质成分占主导地位,同时部分幔源或新生地壳物质的加入,导致少部分εHf(t)偏正值。Hf同位素结果表明连三岛变质岩原岩的形成与扬子板块新太古代-早古元古代的陆壳重熔有关。对比前人的相关数据,无论是原岩时代、变质年龄还是变质演化特征,本文研究的连三岛地区片岩/片麻岩与苏鲁造山带的部分变质岩均具有相似的原岩属性和变质属性,因此推断其应归属为苏鲁超高压变质带的一部分,是三叠纪扬子板块向华北板块俯冲碰撞引发的高压-超高压变质事件的产物,不应再作为岩石地层单元划归为"荆山岩群"。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The Main Central Thrust (MCT) south of Mt Everest in eastern Nepal is a 3 to 5km thick shear zone separating chlorite-bearing schist in the lower plate from sillimanite-bearing migmatitic gneiss in the overlying Tibetan Slab. The metamorphic grade increases through the MCT zone toward structurally higher levels. Previous workers have suggested that either post- or synmetamorphic thrust movement has caused this inversion of metamorphic isograds. In an effort to quantify the increase in grade and to constrain proposed structural relations between metamorphism and slip on the fault, four well-calibrated thermobarometers were applied to pelitic samples collected along two cross-strike transects through the MCT zone and Tibetan Slab. Results show an increase in apparent temperature up-section in the MCT zone from 778 K to 990 K and a decrease in temperature to ∼850 K in the lower Tibetan Slab, which is consistent with synmetamorphic thrust movement. A trend in calculated pressures across this section is less well-defined but, on average, decreases up-section with a gradient of ∼28MPa/km, resembling a lithostatic gradient. Pressure-temperature paths for zoned garnets from samples within the MCT zone, modelled using the Gibbs' Method, show a significant decrease in temperature and a slight decrease in pressure from core to rim, which might be expected for upper plate rocks during synmetamorphic thrust movement. Samples from the uppermost Tibetan Slab yield higher temperatures and pressures than those from the lower Tibetan Slab, which may be evidence for later‘resetting’ of thermobarometers by intrusion of the large amounts of leucogranite at that structural level.  相似文献   

The wedge‐shaped Moornambool Metamorphic Complex is bounded by the Coongee Fault to the east and the Moyston Fault to the west. This complex was juxtaposed between stable Delamerian crust to the west and the eastward migrating deformation that occurred in the western Lachlan Fold Belt during the Ordovician and Silurian. The complex comprises Cambrian turbidites and mafic volcanics and is subdivided into a lower greenschist eastern zone and a higher grade amphibolite facies western zone, with sub‐greenschist rocks occurring on either side of the complex. The boundary between the two zones is defined by steeply dipping L‐S tectonites of the Mt Ararat ductile high‐strain zone. Deformation reflects marked structural thickening that produced garnet‐bearing amphibolites followed by exhumation via ductile shearing and brittle faulting. Pressure‐temperature estimates on garnet‐bearing amphibolites in the western zone suggest metamorphic pressures of ~0.7–0.8 GPa and temperatures of ~540–590°C. Metamorphic grade variations suggest that between 15 and 20 km of vertical offset occurs across the east‐dipping Moyston Fault. Bounding fault structures show evidence for early ductile deformation followed by later brittle deformation/reactivation. Ductile deformation within the complex is initially marked by early bedding‐parallel cleavages. Later deformation produced tight to isoclinal D2 folds and steeply dipping ductile high‐strain zones. The S2 foliation is the dominant fabric in the complex and is shallowly west‐dipping to flat‐lying in the western zone and steeply west‐dipping in the eastern zone. Peak metamorphism is pre‐ to syn‐D2. Later ductile deformation reoriented the S2 foliation, produced S3 crenulation cleavages across both zones and localised S4 fabrics. The transition to brittle deformation is defined by the development of east‐ and west‐dipping reverse faults that produce a neutral vergence and not the predominant east‐vergent transport observed throughout the rest of the western Lachlan Fold Belt. Later north‐dipping thrusts overprint these fault structures. The majority of fault transport along ductile and brittle structures occurred prior to the intrusion of the Early Devonian Ararat Granodiorite. Late west‐ and east‐dipping faults represent the final stages of major brittle deformation: these are post plutonism.  相似文献   

Following the early Eocene collision of the Indian and Asian plates, intracontinental subduction occurred along the Main Central Thrust (MCT) zone in the High Himalaya. In the Kishtwar–Zanskar Himalaya, the MCT is a 2 km thick shear zone of high strain, distributed ductile deformation which emplaces the amphibolite facies High Himalayan Crystalline (HHC) unit south‐westwards over the lower greenschist facies Lesser Himalaya. An inverted metamorphic field gradient, mapped from the first appearance of garnet, staurolite and kyanite index minerals, is coincident with the high strain zone. Petrography and garnet zoning profiles indicate that rocks in the lower MCT zone preserve a prograde assemblage, whereas rocks in the HHC unit show retrograde equilibration. Thermobarometric results derived using THERMOCALC indicate a PT increase of c. 180 °C and c. 400 MPa across the base of the MCT zone, which is a consequence of the syn‐ to postmetamorphic juxtaposition of M1 kyanite grade rocks of the HHC unit on a cooling path over biotite grade footwall rocks, which subsequently attain their peak (M2) during thrusting. Inclusion thermobarometry from the lower MCT zone reveals that M2 was accompanied by loading, and peak conditions of 537±38 °C and 860±120 MPa were attained. M1 kyanite assemblages in the HHC unit, which have not been overprinted by M2 fibrolitic sillimanite, were not significantly affected by M2, and conditions of equilibration are estimated as 742±53 °C and 960±180 MPa. There is no evidence for dissipative or downward conductive heating in the MCT zone. Instead, the primary control on the distribution of peak assemblages, represented by the index minerals, is postmetamorphic ductile thrusting in a downward propagating shear zone. Polymetamorphism and diachroneity of equilibration are also important controls on the thermal profile through the MCT zone and HHC unit.  相似文献   

湖南寒婆坳矿区热变质煤结构演化及其矿物学特征响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用X射线荧光光谱(XRF)、差热分析(DTA)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、高分辨透射电镜(HRTEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)和拉曼光谱(Raman)等表征手段对湖南寒婆坳矿区热变质煤的化学组分、物理性质、结构演化与其矿物学特征响应进行了研究。结果表明:岩浆侵入体的热力及构造应力作用促进煤化程度升高逐渐转变为隐晶质石墨,氢、碳原子数目比(H/C)逐渐降低,矿物主要为伊利石、绿泥石、叶蜡石、石英及黄铁矿等;随变质程度增加,真密度升高,孔隙度与电阻率降低;在400℃之后,失重曲线下降缓慢且斜率变小,显示深度裂解与脱落较少。d002、La、Lc的演化趋势呈非线性变化,显示煤有机大分子结构向石墨化演化的过程中呈现"跃变";隐晶质石墨样品的晶体结构主要为2H型石墨结构,不同程度地含有3R多型,石墨化度为0.47~0.84,石墨晶体轴长a为0.2469~0.2471 nm,c为0.6738~0.6762 nm,晶胞体积V为0.03562~0.03570 nm3,显示靠近岩体晶胞体积减小;随着变质程度升高,L  相似文献   

Detailed geochronological, structural and petrological studies reveal that the geological evolution of the Field Islands area, East Antarctica, was substantially similar to that of the adjacent Archaean Napier Complex, though with notable differences in late and post Archaean times. These differences reflect the area's proximity to the Proterozoic Rayner Complex and consequent vulnerability to tectonic process involved in the formation of the latter. Distinctive structural features of the Field Islands are (1) consistent development of a discordant, pervasive S3 axial-plane foliation; (2) re-orientation of S3 axial planes to approximate to the subsequent E-W tectonic trend of the nearby Rayner Complex; (3) selective retrogression by a post-D3 static thermal overprint; and (4) relatively common development of retrogressive, E-W-trending, mylonitic shear zones. Peak metamorphic conditions in excess of 800°C at 900 ± 100 M Pa (9 kbar) were attained at one locality following, but probably close to the time of D2 folding. D3 took place in late Archaean times when metamorphic temperatures were about 650°C and pressures were about 600 MPa (6 kbar). Later, temperatures of 600 ± 50°C and pressures of 700 MPa (7kbar) were attained in an amphibolite-facies event, presumably associated with the widespread granulite to amphibolite-facies metamorphism and intense deformation involved in the formation of the Rayner Complex at about 1100 Ma. The area was subsequently subjected to near-isothermal uplift. Rb-Sr isotopic data indicate that the pervasive D3 fabric developed at about 2400–2500 Ma, and this age can be further refined to 2456+8-5 Ma by concordant zircon analyses from a syn-D3 pegmatite. All zircons were affected by only minor (<7–10%) Pb loss and/or new zircon growth during the Rayner event at about 1100Ma. Thus the 450–850 μg/gU concentrations of these zircons were too low to cause sufficient lattice damage over the 1350 Ma (from 2450 Ma) for excessive Pb to be lost during the 1100 Ma event. The emplacement of pegmatite at 522 ± 10 Ma substantially changed the Rb-Sr systematics of the only analysed rock that developed a penetrative fabric during the 1100 Ma event. Monazite in this pegmatite contains an inherited Pb component, which probably resides in small opaque inclusions. A good correlation is found between Rb-Sr total-rock ages and rock fabric. U-Pb zircon intercepts with concordia also mostly correspond to known events. However, in one example a near perfect alignment of zircon analyses, probably developed by mixing of unrelated components, produced concordia intercepts that appear to have no direct geochronological significance.  相似文献   

点苍山-哀牢山变质杂岩带中北段嘎洒地区出露了多种典型的变沉积岩,其中夕线石榴黑云二长片麻岩和二云母片岩保存多期/多阶段矿物相转变特征,本文通过岩相学和矿物化学的综合分析,并结合传统矿物对温压计的估算结果,限定上述典型变沉积岩峰期角闪-麻粒岩相(M1)阶段、近等温减压-高温剪切变形阶段(M2)和晚期退变质(M3)阶段的矿物组合及变质温压条件。峰期角闪-麻粒岩相(M1)阶段的矿物组合为:石榴石(Grt)+板柱状夕线石(Sil1)+黑云母(Bt1)+钾长石(Kfs)+斜长石(Pl)+石英(Qtz)+钛铁矿(Ilm),变质温度压力条件为t=690~750℃,p=690~810 MPa;近等温减压-高温剪切变形阶段(M2)阶段,稳定矿物组合为:Grt+Sil2+Bt2+Kfs+Pl+Qtz+Ilm,黑云母在强烈走滑剪切作用下发生脱水熔融反应:2 Bt→Sil+6(Mg,Fe)O+K_2O+5 Qtz+2 H_2O,石榴石、黑云母和夕线石等受到剪切变形影响而发生强烈定向,形成的温度压力条件为t=650~720℃,p=450~630 MPa;晚期退变质阶段(M_3)的稳定矿物组合为:Qtz+Bt+Ms+Pl,退变的温度压力条件为t=580~640℃,p=400~500MPa。其变质演化p-T轨迹样式具有近等温减压的顺时针型式,表明点苍山-哀牢山变质杂岩带曾经历了一次明显的俯冲-碰撞造山事件,峰期变质可达到角闪-麻粒岩相;在碰撞后的构造折返过程中,上述变质岩石发生强烈的高温剪切变形作用,并伴随着黑云母等含水矿物的脱水熔融。  相似文献   

Metabasic rocks from the Adula Nappe in the Central Alps record a regional high‐pressure metamorphic event during the Eocene, and display a regional variation in high‐pressure mineral assemblages from barroisite, or glaucophane, bearing garnet amphibolites in the north to kyanite eclogites in the central part of the nappe. High‐pressure rocks from all parts of the nappe show the same metamorphic evolution of assemblages consistent with prograde blueschist, high‐pressure amphibolite or eclogite facies conditions followed by peak‐pressure eclogite facies conditions and decompression to the greenschist or amphibolite facies. Average PT calculations (using thermocalc ) quantitatively establish nested, clockwise P–T paths for different parts of the Adula Nappe that are displaced to higher pressure and temperature from north to south. Metamorphic conditions at peak pressure increase from about 17 kbar, 640 °C in the north to 22 kbar, 750 °C in the centre and 25 kbar, 750 °C in the south. The northern and central Adula Nappe behaved as a coherent tectonic unit at peak pressures and during decompression, and thermobarometric results are interpreted in terms of a metamorphic field gradient of 9.6 ± 2.0 °C km?1 and 0.20 ± 0.05 kbar km?1. These results constrain the peak‐pressure position and orientation of the nappe to a depth of 55–75 km, dipping at an angle of approximately 45° towards the south. Results from the southern Adula Nappe are not consistent with the metamorphic field gradient determined for the northern and central parts, which suggests that the southern Adula Nappe may have been separated from central and northern parts at peak pressure.  相似文献   

Multiple deformation in all the Precambrian metamorphic-migmatitic rocks has been reported from Rajasthan during the last three decades. But, whereas the Aravalli Group and the Banded Gneissic Complex show similarity in the style and sequence of structures in all their details, the rocks of the Delhi Group trace a partly independent trend. Isoclinal folds of the first generation (AF1) in the rocks of the Aravalli Group had gentle westerly plunge prior to later deformations. These folds show reclined, inclined, and upright attitude as a result of coaxial upright folding (AFla). Superposition of upright folds (AF2) of varying tightness, with axial plane striking N to NNE, has resulted in interference patterns of diverse types in the scale of maps, and deformation of earlier planar and linear structures in the scale of hand specimens. The structures of the third generation (AF3) are either open recumbent folds or reclined conjugate folds with axial planes dipping gently towards NE or SW. Structures of the last phase are upright conjugate folds (AF4) with axial planes striking NNE-SSW and E-W. The Banded Gneissic Complex (BGC) underlies the Aravalli Group with a conglomerate horizon at the contact, especially in southern Rajasthan. But, for a major part of central and southern Rajasthan, migmatites representing BGC show a structural style and sequence identical with those in the Aravalli Group. Migmatization, broadly synkinematic with the AF1 folding, suggests extensive remobilization of the basement. Very rare relict fabric athwart to and overprinted by structures of AF, generation provide tangible evidence for a basement. Although the structures of later phases in the rocks of the Delhi Group (DF3 and DF4) match with the late-phase structures in the Aravalli Group (AF3 and AF4), there is a contrast in the structural history of the early stages in the rocks of the two groups. The folds of the first generation in the Delhi Group (DF1) were recumbent to reclined with gentle plunge towards N to NNE or S to SSW. These were followed by coaxial upright folds of varying tightness (DF2). Absence of westerly trending AF1 folds in the Delhi Group, and extreme variation in plunge of the AF2 folds in contrast with the fairly constant plunge of the DF2 folds, provide evidence for an angular unconformity between the Aravalli and the Delhi Groups. Depending on the importance of flattening attendant with and following buckling during AF2 deformation, the lineations of AF1 generation show different patterns. Where the AF1 lineations are distributed in circular cones around AF2 axes because of flexural-slip folding in layered rocks with high viscosity contrast, loci of early lineations indicate that the initial orientation of the AF1 axes were subhorizontal, trending towards N280°. The orientation of the axial planes of the earlier folds has controlled the development of the later folds. In sectors where the AF, axial planes had N-S strike and gentle dips, or E-W strike with gentle to steep dips, nearly E-W horizontal compression during AF2 deformation resulted in well-developed AF2 folds. By contrast, where the AF, axial planes were striking nearly N-S with steep dips, E-W horizontal compression resulted in tightening (flattening) of the already isoclinal AF1 folds, and probably boudinage structures in some instances, without the development of any AF2 folds. A similar situation obtains when DF4 deformation is superposed on earlier structures. Where the dominant S-planes were subhorizontal, N-S compression during DF4 deformation resulted in either chevron folds with E-W striking axial plane or conjugate folds with axial plane striking NE and NW. In zones with S-planes striking E-W and dipping steeply, the N-S compression resulted in flattening of the earlier folds without development of DF4 folds.  相似文献   

The Himalayan mountain system has many depressions of regional dimensions, which are found oriented mostly E–W to NE–SW, mainly to the north of the main boundary fault (MBF). The Karewa Basin in the Kashmir Himalaya has sediments belonging to late Neogene to Quaternary formations, which represent an almost 1,300-m-thick succession of sand, mud and gravels exposed in the river valleys and the plateau margins of the entire Kashmir Valley. Sandbox analogue experiments show a great variety of wedge shapes showing significant changes in the taper angles due to the change in basal friction. Between two pop-ups or depressions (pop-down) of significant dimensions develop along the strike of the growing wedge. In order to maintain the critical angle, these depressions initially receive material from the hinterland, and later on, from the foreland end of the wedge. The depressions have developed due to the change in the surface slope of the wedge, and receive the eroded material only from the adjacent upheaved portions of the wedge. On continuation of the experiments (in cases where the wedge is highly unstable), these depressions are coupled with the wedge along with their sand-fills. The depositional history of the Karewa sediments indicates a sequential evolutionary pattern of the basin and thus represents a natural analogue of the sandbox experiments.  相似文献   

为厘定哀牢山岩群的时代和大地构造归属,选取哀牢山岩群中的花岗质片麻岩(SM-15)、花岗闪长质片麻岩(SM-22)、同变形的花岗质岩脉(SM-18)及紧邻哀牢山岩群的变质砂岩(NO-1)为研究对象,运用LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年法对其进行定年。结果显示,样品SM-15中有岩浆锆石和变质锆石2类,岩浆锆石的年龄集中于722~740Ma之间,变质锆石的~(206)Pb/~(238)U年龄加权平均值为29.9±0.5Ma。样品SM-22中2组~(206)Pb/~(238)U年龄加权平均值,原岩年龄为232.3±4.3Ma;后期变质重结晶年龄为29.2±0.4Ma。样品SM-18中锆石~(206)Pb/~(238)U年龄加权平均值为27.19±0.36Ma,代表变质年龄。样品NO-1中的碎屑锆石年龄分4组:246~276Ma、600~800Ma、800~1000Ma和1000Ma以上。以上年龄数据表明,哀牢山岩群中至少包括元古宙岩浆岩(722~740Ma)、二叠纪末—三叠纪初岩浆岩或地层(235~255Ma),以及新近纪岩浆岩(27~32Ma),是一个复杂的变质岩带,而不是以往认为的全部属于元古宙扬子地台的结晶基底。哀牢山岩群的主变质时代集中在27~32Ma之间,哀牢山岩群现今的面貌主要在这一时期成型。  相似文献   

In the Pulur complex (Sakarya Zone, Eastern Pontides, Turkey) a low-grade tectonometamorphic unit (Doankavak) is exposed in three tectonic windows beneath a complex medium-pressure high-temperature metamorphic unit of late Carboniferous age. The thrust plane between both units is transgressively covered by Liassic conglomerates. The Doankavak unit comprises a sequence of metabasites with MORB-type chemical compositions and phyllites, with subordinate calcareous phyllites, marbles, quarzofeldspathic schists and metacherts. This sequence is interpreted as a former accretionary complex related to the consumption of the Palaeotethys. Mineral parageneses in the metabasites allow for the distinction of two domains with slightly different peak metamorphic conditions, i.e. 375–425 °C/0.5–0.8 GPa (greenschist facies) and 400–470 °C/0.6–1.1 GPa (albite-epidote amphibolite facies). The age of metamorphism is constrained at ~ 260 Ma (early Late Permian) by two Rb-Sr mineral-whole rock ages (hornblende, phengite) and one 40Ar/39Ar single step total fusion age (phengite). In conjunction with previous data on other accretionary complexes in the Sakarya zone in Northern Turkey, the data presented in this study suggest a continuous subduction of the Palaeotethys at least from Early/Late Permian to Late Triassic and a discontinuous preservation of accretion complexes in both space and time.  相似文献   

王舫  刘福来  刘平华 《岩石学报》2011,27(11):3280-3294
片麻岩是点苍山-哀牢山变质杂岩带最常见的岩石类型,主要由夕线石榴黑云二长片麻岩、石榴黑云斜长片麻岩以及含十字石蓝晶夕线石榴片麻岩所组成,其原岩的化学成分与华北克拉通典型孔兹岩系十分相似.岩相学、成因矿物学和变质反应性质研究以及温压条件估算结果表明,研究区片麻岩类岩石变质峰期的温压条件为T=700~770℃,P=0.5~0.8GPa,已达到或接近麻粒岩相变质,晚期退变质阶段的温压条件为T=600~650℃,P=0.35~0.45GPa.片麻岩变质演化的P-T轨迹具有顺时针型式.在麻粒岩相变质阶段,片麻岩类岩石普遍发生深熔作用,主要表现为含水矿物黑云母的脱水熔融和长英质矿物的部分熔融.该项研究对于进一步揭示青藏高原东南缘点苍山-哀牢山造山带的变质演化深熔作用机理及动力学过程具有重要的科学意义.  相似文献   

朱同兴  潘桂棠等 《地质通报》2002,21(11):717-722
藏南喜马拉雅北坡二叠系基性火山岩位于聂拉木县色龙东山。岩石地球化学特征表明,无论是基龙组火山岩还是色龙群火山岩,都具有大陆拉伸-大陆裂谷环境火山岩系的主、微量元素地球化学特征。据此,判断两套基性火山岩的性质和喷发构造环境相同。该区二叠纪大陆拉伸-裂谷火山活动标志着冈瓦纳超级古大陆开始裂离、解体。  相似文献   

藏北的若拉岗日岩群,因处于拉竹龙-金沙江缝合带南缘,其成生背景及构造属性历来倍受关注。白头山、岗盖日、狮头山等地的若拉岗日岩群主要为一套变质中基性火山岩系,不同地段夹杂大理岩、变质砂板岩、硅质岩、超基性岩等小岩片或块体,分别具有洋岛型、洋脊型及岛弧型火山岩的基本特征,并构成白头山西以岛弧火山岩为主的弧火山岩片,岗盖日以洋脊型变玄武岩为主夹杂硅质岩、超基性岩小岩片而共同组成的蛇绿混杂岩片及白头山、狮头山以洋岛型火山岩为主夹杂碳酸盐岩块体的大洋海山岩片,从而指出该区若拉岗日岩群为一套不同构造属性的火山岩与大理岩、硅质岩、超基性岩等相伴的构造混杂岩,其中既有某大洋的产物,又有某洋岛及陆缘岛弧的产物。  相似文献   

尹安 《地学前缘》2006,13(5):0-0
尽管过去150年以来,人们对于喜马拉雅造山带有很长的一段研究历史,但是对其几何特征、运动方式、动力学演化仍然理解不深。这种情况的出现,主要是因为人们持续关注的是喜马拉雅造山带的二维构造空间特性,并将某些研究程度较高地区的地质关系向外推广到造山带其他地区。就地理、地层及构造划分而言,概念的混淆和误解在有关喜马拉雅的文章中也大量存在。为了阐明这些问题,并为那些有兴趣探究喜马拉雅造山带地质演化过程的人们提供一个新的平台,文中系统地综述了以前的基本观察。我的综述主要是强调沿走向变化的喜马拉雅地质格架在喜马拉雅剥露、变质和前陆沉积方面所起的作用。文章的主要目的是阐明占据造山带核部的大喜马拉雅结晶岩带(GHC)的侵位历史。因为喜马拉雅大部分地区是由主中央冲断层(MCT)和藏南拆离系(STD)之间的GHC所组成,所以在地图和剖面观察上确定这些一级喜马拉雅构造之间的关系是非常关键的。中喜马拉雅出露的平面模式表明,MCT具有断坪-断坡的逆断层的几何特征。南部的逆冲断坪携带了一个GHC的板片(Slab)叠置在小喜马拉雅层序之上(LHS),并形成了一个在MCT逆冲断层带之南延续100km的巨大上盘断弯褶皱。在西喜马拉雅造山带地区,东经约77°处,MCT呈现为横向逆冲断坡(Mandi倾向逆冲断坡)。在其西边,MCT将低级变质的特提斯喜马拉雅层序(THS)叠置到低级变质的小喜马拉雅之上;而在其东边,MCT将高级GHC叠置到低级LHS之上。这种沿走向变化的地层叠置和横穿MCT的变质等级表明,逆冲断层的断距向西减小,可能是由于地壳短缩总量沿着喜马拉雅造山带向西减小所致。在所有出露的地方,STD大致都沿着THS底部的同一地层面,呈现出一个长度>100km的上盘断坪。这种关系说明:STD可能沿着一个先期存在的岩石接触面,或者沿中部地壳近水平的脆性—韧性转换带而发生。虽然喜马拉雅造山带藏南拆离系的上盘都有THS发育,但是至今没有找到THS切断STD下盘的证据。这样使得估算STD的滑动距离非常困难。STD最南端地层或与MCT(即,Zanskar)相交,或者位于MCT前端1~2km的范围内(不丹),这两种可能都暗示MCT与STD在它们向南的上倾(up-dip)方向有可能结合。虽然这种几何特征在现有的模型中几乎被忽略,但对于整个喜马拉雅造山带的变形和剥露历史具有重要的指示作用。  相似文献   

Abstract P–T conditions, mineral isograds, the relation of the latter to foliation planes and kinematic indicators are used to elucidate the tectonic nature and evolution of a shear zone in an orogen exhumed from mid‐crustal depths in western Turkey. Furthermore, we discuss whether simple monometamorphic fabrics of rock units from different nappes result from one single orogeny or are related to different orogenies. Metasedimentary rocks from the Çine and Selimiye nappes at the southern rim of the Anatolide belt of western Turkey record different metamorphic evolutions. The Eocene Selimiye shear zone separates both nappes. Metasedimentary rocks from the Çine nappe underneath the Selimiye shear zone record maximum P–T conditions of about 7 kbar and >550 °C. Metasedimentary rocks from the overlying Selimiye nappe have maximum P–T conditions of 4 kbar and c. 525 °C near the base of the nappe. Kinematic indicators in both nappes are related to movement on the Selimiye shear zone and consistently show a top‐S shear sense. Metamorphic grade in the Selimiye nappe decreases structurally upwards as indicated by mineral isograds defining the garnet‐chlorite zone at the base, the chloritoid‐biotite zone and the biotite‐chlorite zone at the top of the nappe. The mineral isograds in the Selimiye nappe run parallel to the regional SR foliation, parallel the Selimiye shear zone and indicate that the Selimiye shear zone formed during this prograde greenschist to lower amphibolite facies metamorphic event but remained active after the peak of metamorphism. 40Ar/39Ar mica ages and the tectonometamorphic relationship with the Eocene Cyclades–Menderes thrust, which occurs above the Selimiye nappe in the study area, suggests an Eocene age of metamorphism in the Selimiye nappe. Metasedimentary rocks of the Çine nappe 20–30 km north of the Selimiye shear zone record maximum P–T conditions of 8–11 kbar and 600–650 °C. An age of about 550 Ma is indicated for amphibolite facies metamorphism and associated top‐N shear in the orthogneiss of the Çine nappe. Our study shows that simple monophase tectonometamorphic fabrics do not always indicate a simple orogenic development of a nappe stack. Preservation in some areas and complete overprinting of those fabrics in other areas apparently occur very heterogeneously.  相似文献   

青海南山达不祖乎山北部一带的角孔变质岩系原划为早中三叠世隆务河组。通过野外实测地质剖面和路线地质调查,查明该套地层单元野外产出状态及岩石组合特征,并对其物质来源和形成时代进行分析,对进一步研究该区晚古生代-早中生代的构造演化具有重要意义。该套变质岩系为一套长石石英岩、石英岩、大理岩和黑云石英片岩组合,由下向上划分为3个岩段,叠置厚度大于3186.3m。根据碎屑锆石年龄分布特征,可大致划分为5个年龄组段,分别为250~304Ma、405~546Ma、649~1077Ma、1402~1620Ma和1861~2990Ma,其中250~304Ma可进一步划分为250~269Ma和289~304Ma两个亚组。综合前人研究资料与区域构造岩浆活动,将青海南山地区角孔变质岩的沉积时代限定为二叠纪,物源主要来自祁连造山带加里东期和晋宁期岩浆弧,柴北缘构造带海西期岩浆弧也提供了部分物质,晚古生代—早中生代经历了陆内裂陷、洋盆拉张及俯冲碰撞的构造演化过程。  相似文献   

If a rock is porous in nature, the genetic complexity associated with its petrofabric makes it difficult to predict its behavior. Here, a comprehensive study of the porous nature, physical and geotechnical responses of three varieties of schist, i.e. quartz mica schist, quartz mica schist with quartz veins and biotite schist of low grade metamorphism obtained from Nathapa-Jhakri hydroelectric project site in the foot hills of Himalayas, India, has been presented. The porous nature of the schists has been brought out through the Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP) testing and strength behavior through uniaxial testing. Through an experimental invesigation, the porous nature and pore size distribution parameters from MIP, which are closely related to the strength and performance of metamorphic schistose rocks, have been studied. The significance of the porous nature and its response for consideration in the design is emphasized.  相似文献   

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