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We present semi-analytical solutions for suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and residual sediment transport in a simple mathematical model of a short tidal embayment. These solutions allow us to investigate in some detail the characteristic tidal and semi-tidal variation of SSC and the processes leading to residual sediment transport, including settling and scour lags, the roles of ‘local’ and ‘advective’ contributions, and the presence of internally or externally generated overtides. By interpreting the transport mechanisms in terms of the classic conceptual models of settling lag we clarify how these models may be expressed in mathematical terms. Our results suggest that settling lag is usually a more important process than scour lag, and that a local model which neglects advection may predict the direction of net sediment transport incorrectly. Finally, we discuss our results in the context of other transport processes and morphodynamic feedback.  相似文献   

Flume experiments were conducted in order to monitor changes in flow turbulence intensity and suspended sediment concentration at seven stages across the ripple–dune transition and at three different positions above the bed surface. Three‐dimensional velocity measurements were obtained using an acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV). Suspended sediment concentration (SSC) was monitored indirectly using ADV signal amplitude. Although limited to time‐averaged parameters, the analysis reveals that SSC varies significantly with stage across the transition and with sampling height. The statistical analysis also reveals an apparent uniformity of suspended sediment concentration with height above the bed in the lower half of the flow depth at the critical stage in the transition from ripples to dunes. This is also the stage at which turbulence intensity is maximized. Statistically significant correlations were also observed between suspended sediment concentrations and root‐mean‐square values of vertical velocity fluctuations. These correlations reflect the various levels of shear‐layer activity and the distinct turbulent flow regions across the transition. Conversely, time‐averaged values of Reynolds shear stress exhibit a very weak relationship with suspended sediment concentrations. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

SEDIMENTRESUSPENSIONINTHECHANGJIANGESTUARYSHIWeirong1andLIJiufa2Abstract:Aspecificvariationpatternofthenearbottomsuspendedsed...  相似文献   

We deployed bottom-mounted quadrapod equipped with acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP), acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV), and optical backscatter sensor (OBS) over two semidiurnal tidal cycles along the western coast of the Yellow Sea, China. In combination with shipboard profiling of CTD and LISST-100, we resolved the temporal and spatial distributions of tidal currents, turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and particle size distributions. During the observations, tidal-induced bottom shear stress was the main stirring factor. However, weak tidal flow during the ebb phase was accompanied by two large SSC and median size events. The interactions of seiche-induced oscillations with weak ebb flow induced multiple flow reversals and provided a source of turbulence production, which stripped up the benthic fluff layers (only several millimeters) around the Jiaozhou Bay mouth. Several different methods for inferring mean suspended sediment settling velocity agreed well under peak currents, including estimates using LISST-based Stokes’ settling law, and ADCP-based Rouse profiles, ADV-based inertial-dissipation balance and Reynolds flux. Suspended particles in the study site can be roughly classified into two types according to settling behavior: a smaller, denser class consistent with silt and clay and a larger, less dense class consistent with loosely aggregated flocs. In the present work, we prove that acoustic approaches are robust in simultaneously and non-intrusively estimating hydrodynamics, SSC and settling velocities, which is especially applicable for studying sediment dynamics in tidal environments with moderate concentration levels.  相似文献   

Understanding sediment sorting and bedding dynamics has high value to unravelling the mechanisms underlying geomorphological, geological, ecological and environmental imprints of tidal wetlands and hence to predicting their future changes. Using the Nanhui tidal flat on the Changjiang (Yangtze) Delta, China, as a reference site, this study establishes a schematized morphodynamic model coupling flow, sediment dynamics and bed level change to explore the processes that govern sediment sorting and bedding phenomena. Model results indicate an overall agreement with field data in terms of tidal current velocities, suspended sediment concentrations (SSCs), deposition thicknesses and sedimentary structures. Depending on the variation of tidal current strength, sand-dominated layers (SDLs) and mud-dominated layers (MDLs) tend to form during spring and neap tides, respectively. Thinner tidal couplets are developed during daily scale flood–ebb variations. A larger tidal level variation during a spring–neap tidal cycle, associated with a stronger tidal current variation, favours the formation of SDLs and tidal couplets. A larger boundary sediment supply generally promotes the formation of tidal bedding, though the bedding detail is partially dependent on the SSC composition of different sediment types. Sediment properties, including for example grain size and settling velocity, are also found to influence sediment sorting and bedding characteristics. In particular, finer and coarser sediment respond differently to spring and neap tides. During neap tides, relatively small flow velocities favour the deposition of finer sediment, with limited coarser sediment being transported to the upper tidal flat because of the larger settling velocity. During spring tides, larger flow velocities transport more coarser sediment to the upper tidal flat, accounting for distinct lamination formation. Model results are qualitatively consistent with field observations, but the role of waves, biological processes and alongshore currents needs to be included in further studies to establish a more complete understanding.  相似文献   

Motivated by field studies of the Ems estuary which show longitudinal gradients in bottom sediment concentration as high as O(0.01 kg/m4), we develop an analytical model for estuarine residual circulation based on currents from salinity gradients, turbidity gradients, and freshwater discharge. Salinity is assumed to be vertically well mixed, while the vertical concentration profile is assumed to result from a balance between a constant settling velocity and turbulent diffusive flux. Width and depth of the model estuary are held constant. Model results show that turbidity gradients enhance tidally averaged circulation upstream of the estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM), but significantly reduce residual circulation downstream, where salinity and turbidity gradients oppose each other. We apply the condition of morphodynamic equilibrium (vanishing sediment transport) and develop an analytical solution for the position of the turbidity maximum and the distribution of suspended sediment concentration (SSC) along a longitudinal axis. A sensitivity study shows great variability in the longitudinal distribution of suspended sediment with the applied salinity gradient and six model parameters: settling velocity, vertical mixing, horizontal dispersion, total sediment supply, fresh water flow, and water depth. Increasing depth and settling velocity move the ETM upstream, while increasing freshwater discharge and vertical mixing move the ETM downstream. Moreover, the longitudinal distribution of SSC is inherently asymmetric around the ETM, and depends on spatial variations in the residual current structure and the vertical profile of SSC.  相似文献   

A tidal bore is a water discontinuity at the leading edge of a ood tide wave in estuaries with a large tidal range and funneling topography. New measurements were done in the Garonne River tidal bore on 14 15 November 2016, at a site previously investigated between 2010 and 2015. The data focused on long, continuous, high-frequency records of instantaneous velocity and suspended sediment con- centration (SSC) estimate for several hours during the late ebb, tidal bore passage and ood tide. The bore passage drastically modi ed the ow eld, with very intense turbulent and sediment mixing. This was evidenced with large and rapid uctuations of both velocity and Reynolds stress, as well as large SSCs during the ood tide. Granulometry data indicated larger grain sizes of suspended sediment in water samples compared to sediment bed material, with a broader distribution, shortly after the tidal bore. The tidal bore induced a sudden suspended sediment ux reversal and a large increase in suspended sedi- ment ux magnitude. The time-variations of turbulent velocity and suspended sediment properties indicated large uctuations throughout the entire data set. The ratio of integral time scales of SSC to velocity in the x-direction was on average TE,SSC/TE,x 0.16 during the late ebb tide, compared to TE,SSC/ TE,x 0.09 during the late ood tide. The results imply different time scales between turbulent velocities and suspended sediment concentrations.  相似文献   

Since 1998, ferry observations have been carried out in the Marsdiep tidal inlet (Dutch Wadden Sea), using amongst other instruments a vessel-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP). Besides 32 cross-sections a day of current velocity data, the instrument also records the echo intensity, which has been interpreted in terms of suspended sediment concentration (SSC) before (Thorne and Hanes, Cont Shelf Res 22:603–632, 2002). However, we show herein that the random phase scattering model as outlined by Thorne and Hanes (Cont Shelf Res 22:603–632, 2002), predicts unrealistically high values of SSC if the depth-averaged current velocity exceeds approximately 0.7 m/s. Therefore, we extended the random phase scattering model by including scattering by turbulence-induced variability in SSC. The important mechanism is that when SSC fluctuations are present at length, scales of the order of the acoustic wavelength, the phase of the returned signal is no longer random and causes stronger backscatter. Such SSC fluctuations occur as a result of turbulent eddies in combination with an SSC gradient. The extended model was compared with data of two field surveys carried out in the Marsdiep inlet. The extended model, when compared with the classical random phase model, showed a large improvement of accuracy of the estimated SSC, which allows us to apply the model to the ferry data set to analyse suspended sediment transports through the Marsdiep tidal inlet.  相似文献   

The flow-sediment interaction plays a considerable role on the vertical (internal) profiles of current,salinity and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) within a turbidity maximum zone (TMZ).Numerical modeling provides valuable insights into the complex estuarine physical processes.By combining numerical modeling with field observations,the influencing factors of fine sediment dynamics within the TMZ of Yangtze Estuary have been explored in this study.Firstly,during the neap tide,the measured data present that the current is too weak to break the density stratification,and the vertical flow structure is effectively altered.Secondly,a three-dimensional numerical model based on the Delft3D has been developed and a range of numerical sensitivity analyses were carried out to distinguish the dominant mechanisms and physical processes responsible for the phenomena observed from the measurement data.The numerical investigation highlights the following findings.(1) The vertical profile of currents within the TMZ is largely affected by saltwater intrusion,especially during lower currents when the baroclinic pressure gradient can significantly reshape the local vertical profiles of velocity.(2) The baroclinic effects are primarily determined by the stratification of salinity.(3) In addition to salinity,SSC also influences the local density stratification when its contribution to fluid density is comparable to that of salinity.(4) The settling velocity determines the overall sediment distribution and vertical profiles of the SSC in the water column.The SSC-dependent settling velocity (including the flocculation-induced acceleration and hindered settling deceleration phases) affects the longitudinal movement of the sediments.(5) The vertical profiles of current,salinity and SSC within the TMZ are highly associated with the turbulence determined by the model.The approach to modulate the vertical eddy viscosity in the model,based on the empirical dependency between Rig and Prt,may lead to a numerical instability in the stratified flow.In order to improve the stratification of SSC,additional turbulence damping effect is suggested to be implemented in the model.  相似文献   

Grain-size distributions of suspended load over a sand-gravel bed at two different flow velocities were studied in a laboratory flume.The experiments had been performed to study the influence of flow velocity and suspension height on grain-size distribution in suspension over a sand-gravel bed.The experimental findings show that with an increase of flow velocity,the grain-size distribution of suspended load changed from a skewed form to a bimodal one at higher suspension heights.This study focuses on the determination of the parameter β_n which is the ratio of the sediment diffusion coefficient to the momentum diffusion coefficient of n th grain-size.A new relationship has been proposed involving β_n,the normalizing settling velocity of sediment particles and suspension height,which is applicable for widest range of normalizing settling velocity available in literature so far.A similar parameter β for calculating total suspension concentration is also developed.The classical Rouse equation is modified with β_n and β and used to compute grain-size distribution and total concentration in suspension,respectively.The computed values have shown good agreement with the measured values of experimental data.  相似文献   

The sediment carrying capacity is one of the fundamental issues in sediment simulation.It is of great importance both in theory and practice to develop process-based approaches for the sediment carrying capacity for a wider range of silt-sand sediment.The current study focuses on the approach for depth-averaged concentration of silt-sand sediment under non-breaking wave conditions.By integrating process-based suspended sediment concentration(SSC) profiles,new synthetic expressions for depth-aver...  相似文献   

Sediment flux in marsh tidal creeks is commonly used to gauge sediment supply to marshes. We conducted a field investigation of temporal variability in sediment flux in tidal creeks in the accreting tidal marsh at China Camp State Park adjacent to northern San Francisco Bay. Suspended‐sediment concentration (SSC), velocity and depth were measured near the mouths of two tidal creeks during three 6‐ to 10‐week deployments: two in winter and one in summer. Currents, wave properties and SSC were measured in the adjacent shallows. All deployments spanned the largest spring tides of the season. Results show that tidally averaged suspended‐sediment flux (SSF) in the tidal creeks varied from slightly landward to strongly bayward with increasing tidal energy. SSF was negative (bayward) for tidal cycles with maximum water surface elevation above the marsh plain. Export during the largest spring tides dominated the cumulative SSF for each deployment. During ebb tides following the highest tides, velocities exceeded 1 m s?1 in the narrow tidal creeks, resulting in negative tidally averaged water flux, and mobilizing sediment from the creek banks or bed. Storm surge also produced negative SSF. Tidally averaged SSF was positive in wavy conditions with moderate tides. Spring tide sediment export at the creek mouth was about twice that at a station 130 m further up the tidal creek. The negative tidally averaged water flux near the creek mouth during spring tides indicates that in the lower marsh some of the water flooding directly across the bay–marsh interface drains through the tidal creeks, and suggests that this interface may be a pathway for sediment supply to the lower marsh as well. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Current metre deployments, suspended sediment measurements and surface sediment samples were collected from three locations within distributary channels of the tidally dominated Fly River delta in southern Papua New Guinea. Net bedload transport vectors and the occurrence of elongate tidal bars indicate that mutually evasive ebb- and flood-dominant transport zones occur in each of the distributary channels. Suspended sediment experiments at two locations show a phase relationship between tidal velocity and sediment concentration such that the net suspended sediment flux is directed seaward. Processes that control the export of fluid muds with concentrations up to 10 g l−1 from the distributary channels across the delta front and onto the pro-delta are assessed in relation to the available data. Peak spring tidal current speeds (measured at 100 cm above the bed) drop off from around 100 cm s−1 within the distributary channels to <50 cm s−1 on the delta front. Gravity-driven, 2-m thick, fluid mud layers generated in the distributary channels are estimated to require at least 35 h to traverse the 20-km-wide, low-gradient (2×10−3 degrees) delta front. The velocities of such currents are well below those required for autosuspension. A 1-month time series of suspended sediment concentration and current velocity from the delta front indicates that tidal currents alone are unable to cause significant cross-delta mud transport. Wave-induced resuspension together with tides, storm surge and barotropic return-flow may play a role in maintaining the transport of fine sediment across the delta front, but insufficient data are available at present to make any reliable estimates.  相似文献   

Measurements made with a new fast-response suspended sand sensor have for the first time enabled the turbulence characteristics of a natural sand suspension to be studied. Suspended sand concentration measurements, together with fast-response current measurements, were made 18 cm above a sandy bed under a strong tidal current. They showed a highly variable concentration field, dominated by clouds of sand which took 2 to 10 s to sweep past the sensor. The concentration spectrum had peak energy at a wavelength of about 3 m, and exhibited a −5/3 power dependence at high frequencies. Damping of the turbulence intensity of the current was observed when sand was suspended. A spectral approach produced more plausible values for the upward Reynolds flux of sediment than the direct covariance technique. The calculated upward fluxes were appreciably smaller than the settling fluxes around the time of maximum current, contrary to the expectation for an equilibrium concentration profile. The turbulence characteristics of the concentration field displayed marked similarities with standard results from atmospheric temperature measurements, strengthening assumptions commonly made in the prediction of sediment transport rates.  相似文献   

The geomorphology of the southern Yellow Sea(SYS) is characterized by offshore radial sand ridges(RSR).An offshore tidal channel(KSY Channel) is located perpendicular to the coast,comprised of a main and a tributary channel separated by a submarine sand ridge(KSY Sand Ridge) extending seaward.In order to investigate the interactions among water flow,sediment transport,and topography,current velocity and suspended sediment concentration(SSC) were observed at 11 anchor stations along KSY Channel in RSR during a spring tide cycle.High resolution bottom topography was also surveyed.Residual currents and tidally averaged suspended sediment fluxes were calculated and analyzed by using the decomposition method.Results suggested that the water currents became stronger landward but with asymmetrical current speed and temporal duration of flood and ebb tides.Residual currents showed landward water transport in the nearshore channel and a clockwise circulation around the KSY Sand Ridge.Tidally-averaged SSC also increased landward along the channel.The main mechanisms controlling SSC variations were resuspension and horizontal advection,with spatial and temporal variations in the channel,which also contributed to sediment redistribution between channels and sand ridges.Residual flow transport and the tidal pumping effect dominated the suspended sediment flux in the KSY Channel.The KSY Sand Ridge had a potential southward migration due to the interaction between water flow,sediment transport,and topography.  相似文献   

In this paper vertical structure of tidal current in a typically coastal raft-culture area is discussed by field measurement and a numerical model. The observations show that the vertical structure changed dramatically. A tidal surface boundary layer (SBL) is well formed due to the frictional effects induced by extensive, high-density suspended culture as surface obstruction. Both the aquaculture drag and the bottom friction are much higher than those in non-raft-culture areas, and show an obvious variation with tidal flow. The significant earlier ebbing and earlier flooding appear in the upper water column instead of the seabed. And the maximal phase lag is about 1 h within one tide cycle. A 1D hydrodynamic model was modified to include the SBL and parameterized with the field data. It replicated the observed velocity profile and was then used to investigate the impacts of varying culture density and bottom friction on the vertical tidal-current structure. Modeling results indicate that the surface current velocity was largely damped because culture activities enhanced the frictional effects on flow intensively. The magnitude and vertical structure of tidal current are determined together with aquaculture drag and bottom friction. In addition, the vertical velocity structure has a nonlinear trend along with culture density and bottom friction. This study is a theoretical foundation for optimizing aquaculture configuration through regulating culture density and species distribution.  相似文献   

Aggregation processes of fine sediments have rarely been integrated in numerical simulations of cohesive sediment transport in riverine systems. These processes, however, can significantly alter the hydrodynamic characteristics of suspended particulate matter (SPM), modifying the particle settling velocity, which is one of the most important parameters in modelling suspended sediment dynamics. The present paper presents data from field measurements and an approach to integrate particle aggregation in a hydrodynamic sediment transport model. The aggregation term used represents the interaction of multiple sediment classes (fractions) with corresponding multiple deposition behaviour. The k–ε–turbulence model was used to calculate the coefficient of vertical turbulent mixing needed for the two‐dimensional vertical‐plane simulations. The model has been applied to transport and deposition of tracer particles and natural SPM in a lake‐outlet lowland river (Spree River, Germany). The results of simulations were evaluated by comparison with field data obtained for two levels of river discharge. Experimental data for both discharge levels showed that under the prevailing uniform hydraulic conditions along the river reach, the settling velocity distribution did not change significantly downstream, whereas the amount of SPM declined. It was also shown that higher flow velocities (higher fluid shear) resulted in higher proportions of fast settling SPM fractions. We conclude that in accordance with the respective prevailing turbulence structures, typical aggregation mechanisms occur that continuously generate similar distribution patterns, including particles that settle toward the river bed and thus mainly contribute to the observed decline in the total SPM concentration. In order to determine time‐scales of aggregation and related mass fluxes between the settling velocity fractions, results of model simulations were fitted to experimental data for total SPM concentration and of settling velocity frequency distributions. The comparison with simulations for the case of non‐interacting fractions clearly demonstrated the practical significance of particle interaction for a more realistic modelling of cohesive sediment and contaminant transport. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Field data from the Rio Paraná, Argentina, are used to examine patterns of suspended sediment transport over a sand dune. Measurements of three‐dimensional velocity are made with an acoustic Doppler current profiler whilst suspended sediment concentration and particle size have been quantified using a laser in situ sediment scattering transmissometer. Suspended sediment concentration and streamwise and vertical sediment flux are highest close to the bed, with an upward vertical flux over the stoss side of the dune and downward flux over the lee side. Suspended sediment concentrations are higher over the crest compared with the trough and suspended sediment is coarsest near the bed. About 17% of the suspended‐load transported over the crest is deposited in the lee side before it reaches the trough. Most of this deposited sand is coarser sediment that originates close to the bed over the crest, a result consistent with simulations based on the model of Mohrig and Smith (Water Resources Research 1996; 32: 3207–3217) for the excursion lengths of sediment dispersed in the lee side of a dune. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Suspended sediment concentration (SSC) plays an important role in the estuarine environment.Its spatial or temporal variations in coastal zones and estuaries indicate that sediments are suspended,trans...  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of continuous monitoring of turbidity, water depth, salinity (using an Optical Backscatter Sensor (OBS)), and current velocity (using a Current meter (SLC9-2)) in the South Passage of the Changjiang Estuary over a spring–neap period in February 2003 (dry season). The turbidity measured via OBS was closely correlated with the suspended sediment concentration (SSC), which was highly variable. Over the study period, the SSC in the middle layer ranged from 110 to 1400 mg/l. The minimum SSC occurred during a late ebb tide, and the maximum SSC occurred during a late flood tide. On average, the SSC was 1.5 times higher during flood tide than during ebb tide. Vertically within the water column, SSC increased downward, with the ratio of SSC measured near the bed to that measured at the surface ranging from 1.90 to 18.3. The temporal variability in SSC is jointly governed by tides and wind-induced waves, whereas the vertical variability in SSC is attributed to the effect of gravity and vertical water circulation.  相似文献   

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