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INTRODUCTIONItwasgenerallyconsideredpreviouslythatthecorrosionofsteelinseamudwasnotserious.However,itwaslaterfoundthatthecorrosionrateofsteelinsomeseamudwashigherthanthatinseawater(King,1980;Sehmide,1982;Guoetal.,1997;Hou,1998).Therearesomereportsthatthecorrosionr…  相似文献   

Inducing lipid accumulation in microalgae cells without suppressing cell growth is vital to the economical production of biodiesel from microalgae. In two experiments, we demonstrate that the cell concentration and lipid content of marine microalgae Isochrysis galbana depend upon the iron concentration in the growth media. In Experiment I, adding chelated FeCl 3 to the medium at the late exponential growth phase prolonged this phase and increased the lipid content in I. galbana cells. The fi nal cell density and lipid content of I. galbana supplemented with chelated FeCl 3 was approximately 2 and 1.65 times higher than that of non-supplemented cultures, respectively. In Experiment II, I. galbana cells in the late exponential phase were collected and re-inoculated into new media containing Fe 3+ at various concentrations. The fi nal cell concentration and lipid content were maximized at the highest iron concentration(38% biomass by dry weight at 1.2×10-5 mol/L Fe 3+). In this study, intracellular neutral lipid storage was evaluated by fl uorescent spectrophotometry using fl uorochrome Nile red, and the measurement conditions were optimized.  相似文献   

Fe^2+ acted as an accessorial factor for many cellular enzymatic reactions is very important for seaweed growth and development, but the Fe^2+ requirement in nori had not been seen. Porphyra yezoensis cells were separated enzymatically and cultured in a series of sterilized seawater media containing various concentrations of Fe^2+. The growth development and cell were investigated in this work. Through this experiment, two biologically-meant concentration scales were found, one is low concentrations, 12.1-102.1μg/L, 10-100 times than that in seawater, favoring the development of isolated cells of Porphyra and the other was high concentrations, more than 10mg/L inhibiting the cell growth, leading to the deformity and shrinkage of the cells. At the concentration of 50 mg/L, the cells stopped growing and died eventually.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of CO2 enrichment and initial inoculum density on competition between Skeletonema costatum and Heterosigma akashiwo, two common algae seen in algal blooms. The initial inoculum density (0.2×104, 0.4×104, 0.8×104 cells/ml) had a significant effect on population growth and competition between H. akashiwo and S. costatum. The time required for population growth to reach the exponential growth phase and stationary phase decreased significantly as the initial density increased. When the two species were cultured together, S. costatum tended to outcompete H. akashiwo, especially when present at higher initial ratios. CO2 enrichment (5 000 μl/L CO2) increased the maximum population density and carrying capacity of H. akashiwo but decreased these measures for S. costatum. Thus, CO2 enrichment favored the growth of H. akashiwo over S. costatum.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Porphyra (also called nori in Japanese) is one of the most important algae in aquaculture in the world. In the early 1980’s, basic studies on cell and protoplast isolation, cultivation and “seedling” breeding of Porphyra were conducted in laboratory. Zhao and Zhang (1981) isolated and cultured isolated cells by grinding the nori thallus, and Lu (1983) isolated cells by digesting bacteria. An enzyme isolated from a sea snail, was used to isolate cells and protoplasts (T…  相似文献   

As an additive of gasoline,methyl tert-butyl ether(MTBE)has a higher solubility in water,which is about 20 times as high as that of benzene.This characteristic results in MTBE dissolving out of the gasoline into the soil and groundwater.Due to relative unique physicochemical behavior of MTBE it would be an ideal candidate for use in environmental forensic investigations.In order to study the transport and distribution of MTBE in saturated zone of ground water,a two-dimensional experimental cell was setup to simulate the real environment of the groundwater flow.The effects of soil and groundwater flow velocity on the MTBE transport were investigated.The results show that the mobile distance of MTBE in vertical direction was smaller than that in horizontal direction paralleling with the groundwater flow.Because the main dynamics of groundwater flow direction was convection and dispersion,the movement of MTBE is also diffusion in the vertical direction.In addition,the transport of MTBE was more quick in high permeability porous media,and the increase of groundwater flow velocity can accelerate the MTBE plume de-velopment,but the irregularity and randomness of the plume are enhanced synchronously.These research results can give some helps for the investigation of MTBE movement in the groundwater,also can make some references for other petroleum contamination behavior.  相似文献   

The strength deterioration mechanism of soil polluted by heavy metals plays a crucial role in the research of mine site pollution. In this study, an unconfined compressive strength(UCS) test, a p H test, a scanning electron microscopy(SEM) test, a low filed nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) test, and an X-ray diffraction(XRD) test were conducted on Zn2+,Cu2+ and the combination of Zn2+ and Cu2+ polluted soil to investigate the strength deterioration mech...  相似文献   

The effects of Fe2+ on the trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) demethylating activity of the Harpadon nehereus kidney extract were studied in this research.The activity of the kidney extract was presumably inhibited by ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA),which indicates that the kidney extract contains an enzyme or enzyme system with metal cations as activator.Activity of the kidney extract was enhanced significantly when Fe2+ was added into the model system in vitro.As the concentration of Fe2+ increased,the decomposing rate of TMAO increased rapidly until TMAO decomposed completely.The activity of the kidney extract was also enhanced by reductant such as ascorbic acid.Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES) was employed to determine the content of total iron in a number of fishery products.Significant positive correlation between the contents of total iron and endogenous formaldehyde (FA) was found,especially in marine products.  相似文献   

Growth of phytoplankton, zooplankton and probably most other marine organisms as well, is likely to be affected by the pH of seawater. Growth of calcareous shells and skeletons is less likely to be affected by the saturation states of calcite and aragonite but the dissolution is. The increase of CO2 in the oceans due to burning of fossil fuel and clearing of forests is decreasing the pH of seawater and the degrees of saturation for calcite and aragonite wordwide. This paper presents the results of the first attempt to estimate the vertical distribution of anthropogenic CO2, and the decreases in pH and the degrees of saturation of calcite and aragonite in seawater near Taiwan. Most effects are very small except for the possible dissolution of aragonite on the upper continental slope starting around 2050 AD.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONPenaeusjaponicusisaneuroxybioticpenaeidprawn ,whosepropersalinityrangeforgrowthis2 0 -30andoptimalsalinityrangeis 2 5-30 (WangandLiu ,1 991 ;WangandYu ,1 999) .Ithasgreatosmoregulatiorycapacity (MantelandFamer,1 983) .Butitsbestenvironmentforreproductionanddevel…  相似文献   

There are rising concerns about the hazardous effects of heavy metals on the environment. In this study, comet assay and DNA alkaline unwinding assay were conducted on the tissues (gills, hepatopancreas, and hemocytes) of Charybdis japonica in order to illustrate genotoxicity of three heavy metal ions (Cu2+, Pb2+, and Cd2+) on the marine crabs C. japonica. The crabs were exposed to Cu2+ (10, 50, and 100 ?g.L?1), Pb2+ (50, 250, and 500 ?g L?1) and Cd2+ (5, 25, and 50 ?g L?1), and the tissues were sampled at days 0.5, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 15. DNA alkaline unwinding assay was used for testing the DNA single strand break in gills and hepatopancreas and comet assay was employed for testing the DNA damage in hemocytes. The results showed that the DNA damage (F-value) of gills in the crabs exposed to the three heavy metals was decreased gradually during the exposure periods and there was a dose-time response relationship in certain time, suggesting that the levels of DNA single strand break in all the experimental groups increased significantly compared to the controls. Changes of F-value in hepatopancreas of the crabs exposed to the three heavy metals were similar to those in gills except that the peak values were found in the 500 ?g L?1 Pb2+ treatment group at day 3 and the 50 ?g L?1 Cd2+ treatment group at day 9. The ranks of DNA damage in gills and hepatopancreas induced by the three heavy metal ions (50 ?g L?1, day 15) were Cd2+ >Pb2+ >Cu2+ and Pb2+ >Cu2+ >Cd2+. The levels of DNA damage in gills were higher than those in hepatopancreas in the same experimental group. It can be concluded that indices of DNA damage can be used as the potential biomarkers of heavy metal pollution in marine environment.  相似文献   

Jin  Zuquan  Zhao  Xia  Zhao  Tiejun  Hou  Baorong  Liu  Ying 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2017,35(3):681-692
The corrosion of rebar in reinforced concrete in marine environments causes significant damage to structures built in ocean environments. Studies on the process and mechanism of corrosion of rebar in the presence of multiple ions may help to control damage and predict the service life of reinforced concrete structures in such environments. The effect of interactions between sulfate and chloride ions and calcium hydroxide on the electrochemical behavior of rebar are also important for evaluation of structure durability. In this work, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS) plots of rebar in Ca(OH)_2 solution and cement grout, including NaCl and Na_2SO_4 as aggressive salts, were measured for different immersion times. The results show that corrosion of rebar was controlled by the rate of charge transfer as the rebar was exposed to chloride solution. In the presence of high concentrations of sulfate ions in the electrolyte, generation and dissolution of the passive film proceeded simultaneously and corrosion was mainly controlled by the diffusion rate. When Na_2SO_4 and NaCl were added to Ca(OH)_2 solution, the instantaneous corrosion rate decreased by a factor of 10 to 20 as a result of the higher p H of the corroding solution.  相似文献   

The physiological responses of Nitzschia palea Kiitzing, a freshwater diatom, to elevated CO2 were investigated and compared with those of a marine diatom, Chaetoceros muelleri Lemmermann previously reported. Elevated CO2 concentration to 700 μl/L increased the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and lowered the pH in the cultures of N. palea, thus enhancing the growth by 4%-20% during the whole growth period. High CO2-grown N. palea cells showed lower levels of dark respiration rates and higher Ik values. Light-saturated photosynthetic rates and photosynthetic efficiencies decreased in N. palea with the doubling CO2 concentration in airflow to the bottom of cultures, although the doubling CO2 concentration in airflow to the surface cultures had few effects on these two photosynthetic parameters. N. palea cells were found to be capable of using HCO3- in addition to gaseous CO2, and the CO2 enrichment decreased their affinity for HCO3- and CO2. Although doubled CO2 level would enhance the biomass of N. palea and C. muelleri to different extents, compared with the marine diatom, it had a significant effect on the specific growth rates of N. palea. In addition, the responses of photosynthetic parameters of N. palea to doubled CO2 concentration were almost opposite to those of C. muelleri.  相似文献   

Abies fabri is a typical subalpine dark coniferous forest in southwestern China. Air temperature increases more at high elevation areas than that at low elevation areas in mountainous regions,and climate change ratio is also uneven in different seasons. Carbon gain and the response of water use efficiency(WUE) to annual and seasonal increases in temperature with or without CO_2 fertilization were simulated in Abies fabri using the atmospheric-vegetation interaction model(AVIM2). Four future climate scenarios(RCP2.6,RCP4.5,RCP6.0 and RCP8.5) from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5(CMIP5) were selectively investigated. The results showed that warmer temperatures have negative effects on gross primary production(GPP) and net primary production(NPP) in growing seasons and positive effects in dormant seasons due to the variation in the leaf area index. Warmer temperatures tend to generate lower canopy WUE and higher ecosystem WUE in Abies fabri. However,warmer temperature together with rising CO_2 concentrations significantlyincrease the GPP and NPP in both growing and dormant seasons and enhance WUE in annual and dormant seasons because of the higher leaf area index(LAI) and soil temperature. The comparison of the simulated results with and without CO_2 fertilization shows that CO_2 has the potential to partially alleviate the adverse effects of climate warming on carbon gain and WUE in subalpine coniferous forests.  相似文献   

The Poyang Lake is a Ramsar site and is the important over-wintering site for migratory waterbirds along the East Asian–Australasian Fly way. Examining the effects of water level fluctuations on waterbird abundance and analyzing the influencing mechanism is critical to waterbird protection in the context of hydrological alteration. In this study, the effect of water level regime on wintering goose abundance was examined and the influencing mechanism was interpreted. Synchronous waterbirds survey data, hydrological data, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer-Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(MODIS-NDVI) data and habitat data derived from Landsat TM/ETM data and HJ/CCD data were combined. The satellite-derived Green Wave Index(GWI) based on MODIS-NDVI dataset was applied to detect changes in goose food resources. It was found that habitat size and vegetation conditions are key factors determining goose abundance. Geese numbers were positively correlated with habitat area, while intermediate range of vegetation productivity might benefit the goose abundance. Water level affects goose abundance by changing available habitat areas and vegetation conditions. We suggested that matching hydrological regime and exposed meadows time to wintering geese dynamics was crucial in the Poyang Lake wetlands. Our study could provide sound scientific information for hydrological management in the context of waterbird conservation.  相似文献   

Glacial tills are widely distributed in Tibet, China, and are highly susceptible to landslides under intense rainfalls. Failures of the slope during rainfall are closely related to the shear behavior of glacial tills at different moisture conditions. This study investigates the shear behavior and critical state of saturated and unsaturated glacial tills through a series of drained direct shear tests. The tests were conducted on two types of compacted glacial tills with different water contents and total normal stresses. A strain softening mode of failure is observed for all water content conditions accompanied by noticeable dilation. Dilatancy is found to decrease with increasing water content. Unsaturated samples showed increased rates of dilation as water content is decreased for all applied normal stresses a behavior which cannot be predicted well by classical stressdilatancy models. Furthermore, it was found that the Critical State Line(CSL), plotted on the(e-ln) plane, can be used to define the shear behavior of unsaturated glacial tills at different water contents.The CSL of saturated glacial tills run parallel to this line. The experimental results in this study are aimed to provide a basic understanding to the underlying failure mechanisms of glacial tills.  相似文献   

在使用TOUGH2程序模拟咸水层CO2 封存时,常使用VG模型计算岩石表面毛细压力,而岩石表面毛细压力的大小
则会直接影响CO2 在咸水层中运移形式和储存量。总结了不同类型常见砂泥岩的VG模型参数取值范围,基于松辽盆地典型储
盖地质结构特征,运用TOUGH2构建了二维CO2 封存模型,设计3组算例对比分析了VG参数取值对咸水层CO2 封存的影响。
模型参数取值对咸水层CO2 封存效果影响很大,单纯微调部分VG参数仍不能提高模拟可信度,而对于高、中渗透率储层,VG模
型参数取值对模拟结果影响较小。因此,咸水层CO2 封存模拟时,应结合储盖层岩性特征赋VG模型参数值。   相似文献   

Dajingshan,Fenghuangshan and Meixi reservoirs are located in Zhuhai,a coastal city in southern China,and they function to supply drinking water to Zhuhai and Macau.For eff ectively supplying waster,they are hydrologically connected and Dajingshan Reservoir first receives the water pumped from the river at Guangchang Pumping Station,and then feeds Fenghuangshan Reservoir,and the two well-connected reservoirs are mesotrophic.Meixi Reservoir is a small and oligotrophic water body and feeds Dajingshan Reservoir only in wet seasons when overfl ow occurs.Particulate organic matter(POM)was collected from three hydrologically connected water supply reservoirs,and seasonal variations of POM were ascertained from stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in wet and dry seasons,and the ef fects of pumping water and reservoir connectivity on POM variations and composition were demonstrated by the relationships of the stable isotope ratios of POM.Seasonality and similarity of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes of POM varied with hydrodynamics,connectivity and trophic states of the four studied water bodies.The two wellconnected reservoirs displayed more similar seasonality for δ~(13)C_(POM) than those between the river station and the two reservoirs.However,the opposite seasonality appeared for δ~(15)N_(POM) between the above waters and indicates dif ferent processes aff ecting the stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes of POM.δ~(13)C_(POM) and δ~(15)N_(POM) changed little between wet and dry seasons in Meixi Reservoir-a low productive and rain-driven system,suggesting little POM response to environmental changes in that water system.As expected,connectivity enhanced the similarity of the stable isotope ratios of POM between the water bodies.  相似文献   

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