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在对恒星形成区(SFR)中ROSAT选弱发射线T Tauri星(WTTS)进行光谱证认的过程中,发展了一套基于北京天台2.16米光学望远镜及其OMR卡焦光谱仪系统的晚型星中色散(50A/mm)光谱计算机自动光谱分类方法。对ROSAT选WTTS候选体中晚型星进行自动光谱分类的结果表明,一般情况下,光谱型的分类精度可达±1个次级,个别源为±2个次级。该自动光谱分类方法同时适用于其它光谱晚型星。  相似文献   

朱镇熹 Fried.  M 《天文学报》1998,39(4):412-423
在近工外波段,对10颗共生星,27颗K-M型比较星进行了分辨本领对晚于M2的晚型星,出现了TiO三重头吸收带,发现吸收带深度对温度很敏感而对重力不敏感,用最小二乘法拟合了光谱型对TiO吸收带深度的曲一,拟合曲线的标准方差为0.22光谱分型,并由此给出6颗含晚于M2巨星的共生星光谱型。另外还测量了该波段上的CaⅡDG TGJ 线,FeⅠ,TiⅠ,NaⅠ等众谱线的等值宽度。发现CaⅡ三重线对光度级很咸  相似文献   

使用SOFM方法进行恒星光谱自动分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SOFM是人工神经网络的非监督算法,可以将数据组织到一个特征图上,而保存大多数原始数据空间的拓扑特征,使用这种方法进行恒星光谱自动分类,分类结果与哈佛序列十分相似,SOFM方法应该是进行大数量恒星光谱样本在线分类的有用方法,它能够自动执行,因此可用于处理大数量天体光谱。  相似文献   

SOFM是人工神经网络的非监督学习算法,可以将数据组织到一个特征图上,而保存 大多数原始数据空间的拓扑特征.使用这种方法进行恒星光谱自动分类,分类结果与哈佛 序列十分相似.SOFM方法应该是进行大数量恒星光谱样本在线分类的有用方法,它能 够自动执行,因此可用于处理大数量天体光谱.  相似文献   

依据观测获得的5颗晚型星:λAnd,κCet,61CygA,αCas和βCet的高分辨率、高信噪比的光谱,采用谱线塞曼致宽的谱线轮廓叠加法和利用大量FeI的多重线统计分析方法,成功地测定了这些星的磁场和磁场覆盖因子,并对这两种磁场测定方法做了简述和讨论  相似文献   

依据预测获得的5颗晚型星,λAnd,κCdt,61CygA,αCas和βCet的高分辨率、高信噪比的光谱,采用谱线塞曼致宽的谱线轮廓叠架法和利用大量的FeI的多重一统计分析方法,成功地测定了这些星的磁场和磁场覆盖因子,并对这两种磁场测定方法做了简述了讨论。  相似文献   

本提供了125颗MK标准星的CCD光谱,光谱型从O到M〉光度级从V到I,构成较完整的二元分类框架,光谱覆盖范围由传统蓝紫区延伸到黄红区,初步考察和归纳了黄红区适于恒星分类的主要光谱特征和判据,这些结果对于采用相似分辨率的恒星光谱分类工作是非常有用的。  相似文献   

本给出1988年8月16日中日合作发放的10厘米球载红外望远镜对亮晚型巨星、木星、火星和土星的观测结果。探讨系统由硅光电二极管及HD820滤光片组成,有效峰值波长0.96微米,带宽0.23微米。章介绍了扫描观测的处理方法和流量定标方法,给出所观测的恒星及行星在0.96微米上的视星等。  相似文献   

本文作者使用美国VLA,对快速目转的晚型巨星FKCom在3.6、6、18、20厘米波长上进行了射电观测,探测到mJy量级的射电辐射,而没有探测到圆偏振。我们用热模型对射电频谱进行了拟合,结果都不成功。当发射体内电子密度为9×108cm-3,温度为5×107K时,半径为120R⊙.可获得较为接近的流量,但109量级的电子密度不大可能扩展到如此大的范围。这样的发射体用热模型得到的X射线光度比Einstein天文台所观测到的值大两个数量级。FKCom的射电光度和X射线光度与RSCVn双星系统相近,如果FKCom的射电发射也是由相对论电子在中等强度的磁场中作加速运动产生的话,则在10高斯磁场中半径为3R⊙左右的发射区在相应波段即可达到观测的流量值。  相似文献   

An analysis of the light curves using the Wilson–Devinney code for NSV 3497 and NSV 13890 is provided. Both systems are found to be A-Type systems with a mass ratios (q= M2/M1) of 0.22 and 0.0801, respectively. A review of the astrophysical quantities suggests that the systems generally demonstrate properties typical of other contact systems.  相似文献   

Giant CP Stars?     
This study is part of an investigation of the possibility of using chemically peculiar (CP) stars to map local galactic structure. Correct luminosities of these stars are therefore crucial. CP stars are generally regarded as main-sequence or near-main-sequence objects. However, some CP stars have been classified as giants. A selection of stars, classified in literature as CP giants, are compared to normal stars in the same effective temperature interval and to ordinary ‘non giant’ CP stars. We find no clear confirmation of a higher luminosity for ‘CP giants’, than for CP stars in general. In addition, CP characteristics seem to be individual properties not repeated in a component star or other cluster members.  相似文献   

We present the first results of analysis of infrared properties of the faint M and C type stars found on the FBS plates. By cross - correlating the subsample of FBS late - type stars with infrared catalogues, we have shown that several families of objects can be separated. It provides ways to better characterize the properties of these families, their nature and their typical distances.  相似文献   

提出一种基于机器学习的食双星光变曲线自动分类算法。首先对数据进行预处理,将食双星光变曲线数据归一化,并通过滤波/插值降低噪声;其次使用快速傅里叶变换提取频率信号作为特征向量;最后利用特征向量训练支持向量机获得自动分类模型。使用Python实现算法并抓取CALEB和GCVS数据验证,分析特征向量、支持向量机核函数与惩罚系数对分类正确率的影响,优化后所得分类模型正确率达到92.8%(训练集)和89.0%(测试集),最后使用所得分类模型对第3方数据进行分类,正确率为88.8%,结果证明提出的分类算法的有效性。  相似文献   

The database of observations of H2O maser variability in a sample of late-type variable stars (oxygen-rich Miras and semiregulars) is analyzed. Some regularities of the H2O variability are traced: in most of the stars studied, the H2O flux peaks soon after visual light maxima with a phase delay Δϕ ranging between 0.1 and 0.3 P. The models considered involve the effects of pulsation-induced shock waves: direct impact of a shock on the masering layer in the circumstellar envelope or amplification of the radio continuum, produced by the postshock ionized gas near light maxima, by pumped H2O molecules. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

晚型星系金属丰度与自转速度的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
星系物质化学组成的研究不仅对于理解有关星系形成和演化的各种物理过程具有重要意义,而且还可以对星系形成和演化的各种理论模型提供重要的约束。随着观测技术及理论工作水平的不断提高,利用星系的大量观测资料来系统地研究星系化学组成与星系宏观性质之间的关系将成为可能。星系金属丰度与光度之间的强相关性以及晚型星系金属丰度与自转速度的关系即是其中最有意义的内容之一。全面回顾了星系金属丰度与星系宏观观测性质间关系的研究历史,重点评述了晚型星系金属丰度与自转速度关系的最新研究进展,详细讨论了目前对此类关系的物理解释及其对星系形成和演化模型的影响。  相似文献   

We present an atlas of a group of bright stars in the range of spectral classes F-G and luminosity classes I-V. The spectra were obtained with spectral resolution R ~ 15 000 within spectral region 4500-6620/A Typical spectra of stars with different metallicity [Fe/H] are included. We also show the digital version of the spectral data in FITS format.  相似文献   

We present the results of X-ray luminosities of some active late-type stars, based on data primarily from the ROSAT position sensitive proportional counter (PSPC). According to the observations, we divide the stars into four groups: single, wide binary, binary and RS CVn. We investigated the correlation between the X-ray emission and the hardness ratio, coronal temperature, magnetic field strength, magnetic flux density. Our results suggest that the magnetic field plays a very important role in stellar X-ray emission.  相似文献   

Relationships between two interstellar reddening-free quantities, the photometric parameter Q and the Balmer jump D, are derived for main sequence O9-G0 stars. We compare our average values of the Balmer jumps for main sequence stars with a theoretical model of the Balmer jump as a function of the effective temperature for main sequence stars. The theoretical and observational data, as well as our calculations, are shown to correlate well.  相似文献   

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