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本刊讯为了加强建筑市场动态监管,整顿建筑市场秩序,近日,住房城乡建设部办公厅通报了各地住房城乡建设主管部门2012年下半年对建设工程企业及注册执业人员违法违规行为查处情况,共有10236家建设工程企业、570个注册执业人员被查处。近年来,各地住房城乡建设主管部门加大了建筑市场违法违规行为查处力度,对建设工程企业各类违  相似文献   

按照国务院、省政府、建设部整顿规范市场经济秩序和建设市场秩序的工作部署,我省从2001年开始,全面开展了整顿和规范建筑市场秩序工作。全省各地以建立规范的建筑市场秩序和进一步提高建筑工程质量为目标,坚持“标本兼治,整顿与规范并举”的原则,切实加强建筑市场的监管。我们主要抓了以下几项工作:  相似文献   

照国务院、省政府、建设部整顿规范市场经济秩序和建设市场秩序的工作部署,我省从2001年开始,全面开展了整顿和规范建筑市场秩序工作。全省各地以建立规范的建筑市场秩序和进一步提高建筑工程质量为目标,坚持“标本兼治,整顿与规范并举”的原则,切实加强建筑市场的监管。我们主要抓了以下几项工作:  相似文献   

本刊讯 为了加强建筑市场动态监管,整顿建筑市场秩序,近日,住房城乡建设部办公厅通报了各地住房城乡建设主管部门2012年下半年对建设工程企业及注册执业人员违法违规行为查处情况,共有10236家建设工程企业、570个注册执业人员被查处. 近年来,各地住房城乡建设主管部门加大了建筑市场违法违规行为查处力度,对建设工程企业各类违法违规行为进行了处罚.201 2年下半年,各地住房城乡建设主管部门共查处存在违法违规行为建设工程企业10236家.按查处类型划分:撤销、撤回资质1236家,占12.08%;注销资质2553家,占24.94%;吊销资质501家,占4.89%;降级资质60家,占0.59%;警告罚款2607家,占25.47%;暂扣安全生产许可证208家,占2.03%;停业整顿246家,占2.40%;暂停招投标432家,占4.22%;通报批评2393家,占23.38%.按企业类型划分:工程勘察设计企业362家,占3.54%;施工企业8626家,占84.27%;工程监理企业991家,占9.68%;招标代理机构144家,占1.41%;设计施工一体化企业113家,占1.10%.  相似文献   

根据建设部《1999年整顿和规范建设市场的意见》要求,我省统一安排,统一部署,在全省范围内积极开展建筑市场整顿规范和建设工程项目执法监察工作,在建立和完善有形建筑市场,规范承发包交易活动;加强政府监督管理,确保工程质量等方面取得了一定成效。两年来,在全省整顿规范建筑市场工作中,我省的工程造价管理机构发挥了重要作用。二000年三月七日,经黑龙江省人民政府审议通过,《黑龙江省建设工程造价管理规定》正式颁布实施,极大地促进了我省工程造价管理工作的开展。下面就两年来我省在整顿规范建筑市场工作中,如何发挥工程  相似文献   

2004年建设部建筑市场管理司工作总体思路是:认真贯彻党的十六届三中全会精神,以贯彻执行《建筑法》、《行政许可法》为重点,进一步转变政府职能,改进建筑市场监管方式,继续深入开展整顿和规范建筑市场秩序工作,切实解决拖欠工程款和  相似文献   

强化工程造价管理保障建设市场的规范发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据建设部<1999年整顿和规范建设市场的意见>要求,我省统一安排,统一部署,在全省范围内积极开展建筑市场整顿规范和建设工程项目执法监察工作,在建立和完善有形建筑市场,规范承发包交易活动;加强政府监督管理,确保工程质量等方面取得了一定成效.两年来,在全省整顿规范建筑市场工作中,我省的工程造价管理机构发挥了重要作用.二000年三月七日,经黑龙江省人民政府审议通过,<黑龙江省建设工程造价管理规定>正式颁布实施,极大地促进了我省工程造价管理工作的开展.下面就两年来我省在整顿规范建筑市场工作中,如何发挥工程造价管理的保障作用谈一下主要做法和体会.  相似文献   

各省、自治区建设厅、直辖市建委,计划单列市建发(建设局)新疆生产建设兵团,解放军总后营房部: 现将《建设部2002年整顿和规范建筑市场秩序工作安排》印发给你们,请认真组织贯彻落实。  相似文献   

从内蒙古自治区国土资源厅了解到.自治区政府日前下发了《防范违法用地警示约谈制度》,旨在落实各级政府合理利用土地、切实保护耕地的责任,进一步防范和遏制土地违法违规行为,维护土地市场秩序和群众合法权益。制度规定,警示约谈由自治区政府委托自治区国土资源行政主管部门具体实施。对存在耕地保有量和基本农田保护面积低于责任目标,违法用地行为不组织查处、查处整改不力或因违法用地行为产生突出信访问题,  相似文献   

2004年建设部建筑市场管理司工作总体思路是认真贯彻党的十六届三中全会精神,以贯彻执行《建筑法》、《行政许可法》为重点,进一步转变政府职能,改进建筑市场监管方式,继续深入开展整顿和规范建筑市场秩序工作,切实解决拖欠工程款和农民工工资问题,进一步健全统一、开放、竞争、有序的建筑市场体系,为提高我国工程建设水平,保障工作质量安全,促进行业改革与发展,创造良好的建筑市场环境。在这个工作思路的指导下,今年市场监管七个方面的工作:  相似文献   

The possible application of a Rindler type reference frame for studies of physical processes near the horizons of black and white holes is considered. New similar reference frames inside black and white holes in the region T of a Kruskal wormhole are introduced.  相似文献   

A supernova explosion in a close binary system in which one of the components is a compact magnetized object (neutron star or white dwarf) can form a narrow “tail” with length l t ~109 cm, width h t ~108 cm, and magnetic field B t ~106, due to the resulting shock wave flowing around the magnetosphere of the compact object. The energy released by the reconnection of magnetic field lines in this tail can accelerate electrons to relativistic speeds (γ≈104), creating the conditions required for powerful synchrotron radiation at energies from hundreds of keV to several MeV, i.e., for a gamma-ray burst (GRB). The duration of this radiation will depend on the power of the shock that forms during the supernova. If the shock is not sufficiently powerful to tear off the magnetosphere tail from the compact object, the duration of the GRB will not exceed l t /V A ≤1 s, and the conditions necessary for an “afterglow” at softer energies will not arise. If the shock is more powerful, the tail can be torn from the magnetosphere, forming a narrow ejection, which is perceived in its relativistic motion toward the observer(Γ~104) as an afterglow whose duration grows from tens of seconds at gamma-ray energies to tens of days in the optical. This may explain why afterglows are observed only in association with long GRBs (T 90>10 s). Very short GRBs (T 90<0.1 s) may be local, i.e., low-power, phenomena occurring in close pairs containing compact, magnetized objects, in which there is again an interaction between the magnetosphere of the compact object and a shock wave, but the shock is initiated by a flare on the companion, which is a red-dwarf cataclysmic variable, rather than by a supernova.  相似文献   

'Race' for many years has been a major construct of science and society. While its importance as such has not historically been particularly pronounced on a global scale, the emergence of its most forceful architects, the Anglophone countries, to pre-eminence since World War II has significantly extended its geographical range and added to its significance as an idea within commercialized culture as well as within social organization.In the present paper, 'race' is critically examined from the following angles: 1) its role in the behavioral and medical sciences; b) its historical origins and manifestations within the Anglophone countries, particularly the United States; and c) its emergence as a 'liberal' concept and operating principle since World War II. Questions of why and how 'race' arose and its continued use in science, society and culture drive both the trajectory and depth of this research. 'Race' is found to be a modern construct which arose as a consequence of colonialism and slavery, and was substantially constructed in its present form and substance by England and its off-spring societies, particularly the United States. 'Race' was not used as a term expressing a social idea until modern times, and had no basis in the primordial civilizations which greatly influenced modern Western societies (e.g., ancient Greece and Rome). Efforts undertaken by liberals – particularly in the United States – to 'humanize' the concept of 'race' since the 1960's have been largely unsuccessful. 'race' is viewed as inherently hierarchical, a fact which is evident from its historical and present role in science and society.  相似文献   

Clinoenstatite crystals from a boninite and the Yamato-74191 chondrite have been studied with an analytical electron microscope. (100) twins and cracks perpendicular and parallel to the c axis are characteristic of their submicroscopic textures. The frequency in appearance along the c axis and widths of the cracks have been explained by the dimensional change of the c axis in the direct transformation of protoenstatite to clinoenstatite and by the cooling rate around the transformation temperature. The cracks in the crystals from the boninite are filled with fibrous crystals of talc, while those from the chondrite are open or filled with glass in which fine crystals of plagioclase are common.  相似文献   

The problem of whether cumulate rocks were formed by crystal settling or by in situ crystallization after magma emplacement is an important issue concerning the mechanisms of magmatic differentiation. However, it is hard to distinguish these two processes for plutonic rocks because the primary texture and chemical composition have generally been modified by postcumulus processes. To contribute this problem, we studied the distribution and compositions of Cr-spinel inclusions hosted in olivine and plagioclase in the Murotomisaki Gabbroic Intrusion (MGI), SW Japan. It is shown that the olivine-hosted inclusions are restricted to specific horizons where accumulation of olivine phenocrysts is thought to have occurred and that the compositional variations of the Cr-spinel are explained by a secondary compositional modification that probably took place after the magma emplacement. It is also shown that the Cr-spinel inclusions in a chilled margin have suffered the least compositional modification and nearly retains the primary composition. Those in the interior of the intrusion, on the contrary, have been significantly modified by re-equilibration with residual melt driven by cation diffusions through the host phases. Those in plagioclase have been less modified. It is shown that all the spinel inclusions had primarily the same and common composition at the time of magma emplacement. This implies that all the inclusion-bearing crystals, olivine and plagioclase, represent primary phenocrysts that had already existed in the emplaced magma. In this way, spinel inclusion in the MGI may be regarded to be a useful petrographic “marker” for identifying intratelluric phenocrysts and also as a “tracer” to trace the motion of the primary phenocrysts after the magma emplacement.  相似文献   

Drawing on a local study on Nepal’s Terai, this paper explores the nature of livelihood exposure to shocks and stresses among rural households in two Village Development Committees in Sunsari District. The primary data are derived from a 117 household survey supplemented by 19 purposefully sampled follow-up interviews. The paper opens with a discussion of the changing nature of exposure in the global South, distinguishing between inherited vulnerability and produced precarity. We then provide background to the research site and the research methods. In the core empirical part of the paper we unravel and distinguish between the livelihood threats and opportunities faced by households in the area and use these to reflect on the nature of ’exposure’, its historical origins and contemporary (re)production. The final part of the paper uses the Nepal case to build a more general argument, proposing that if we are to understand the puzzle of continued livelihood exposure and uncertainty in the context of aggregate economic expansion we need to identify and interrogate the processes that may, at the same time, produce wealth and reduce vulnerability, while also generating precarity.  相似文献   

Seasonal patterns of microbially-mediated nitrogen cycling via the nitrification-denitrification pathway were compared between a natural and a restored salt marsh. Sedimentary denitrification rates, measured with a modification of the acetylene block technique, were approximately 44 times greater in the natural marsh relative to an adjacent transplanted marsh. Nitrification rates were similar at both sites. The difference in denitrification rates was attributed to oxygen inhibition at low tide and tidal flushing of porewater nutrients at high tide in the coarse sediments of the restored marsh. Denitrification was positively correlated with nitrification throughout the year in the natural marsh with a seasonal fall peak in denitrification corresponding to a maximum in porewater ammonia concentration. A weak correlation existed between the two processes in the restored marsh, where nitrification rates exceeded denitrification rates by a factor of 20. Transplanted marsh denitrification rates exhibited a spring peak, corresponding to elevated porewater ammonia concentrations. Our findings demonstrate functional differences in microbial nitrogen dynamics of a young (0–3 yr) restored marsh relative to a mature (>50 yr) salt-marsh system. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY070 00008  相似文献   

This paper presents the construction and performance details of a compacted London Clay barrier that was designed to prevent any leachate or methane penetrating a stretch of the cut and cover box section tunnel of the London Heathrow Express Rail Link. The barrier was constructed with London Clay that was spoil from concurrent bored tunnelling operations on adjacent sites. Laboratory investigations carried out on the compacted London Clay are presented in the paper. These indicated that it was possible to design the clay surround to function as a barrier protecting the structure from the ingress of the leachate. Field monitoring using magnetic extensometer gauge measurements indicate that the consequent ground movements are lower than that predicted by the laboratory tests.  相似文献   

We show that a quasar (or active galactic nucleus) emitting a one-sided jet (or displaying asymmetry in its emission of particles and photons) can be accelerated, causing it to be ejected from its galaxy.  相似文献   

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