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The exotic marine‐fouling polychaete Ficopomatus enigmaticus (Fauvel) is recorded and described from New Zealand. Its sudden occurrence in New Zealand around 1967 was marked by its ecological prominence in estuaries of Whangarei and Auckland Harbours, as a nuisance species on submerged artificial structures including pleasure craft and power station intake pipes.  相似文献   

Reproductive cycles of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) from the Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand, were followed between June 1998 and January 2000. Histological examination of the gonad confirms an annual cycle with a winter inactive period followed by rapid gonad development and a single short spawning period. The population gonad index correlated with seawater temperature and changes in tissue dry weight, condition index, and biochemical components. In winter, few individuals with early gametogenic stages were present and rapid development of primary oocytes (diam. 11 μm) occurred during spring (September‐November). The developmental rate and the diameter of mature oocytes (37 μm) was similar for the 1998 and 1999 seasons. For a standard 110‐mm‐length oyster, maximal tissue body weight and condition index were recorded in December. Rapid weight loss in January was length dependent and was attributed to spawning. Temperature was the environmental variable which best correlated with the timing of gametogenesis. Food availability (phytoplankton biomass) may have been responsible for inter‐annual variations. The biochemical composition (% glycogen, lipid, protein) of separated gonad and somatic tissues were variable seasonally and annually. Gametogenesis (oocyte diameter) was associated with increased gonad protein and glycogen and a decrease in lipid concentrations. These changes are similar to those in Pacific oyster populations from other parts of the world.  相似文献   

The Australasian sea cucumber (Australostichopus mollis) has attracted commercial attention for aquaculture development, partly due to its potential for co-culture with shellfish and finfish species. However, minimal attention has been given to the possibility of co-culturing this species with oysters. In this study we evaluated the growth of juvenile sea cucumbers (36.7 ± 0.9 g, wet weight) caged underneath Pacific oyster farms in northern New Zealand. Co-culture started at the end of the summer, and after 304 days the juveniles had doubled in size (79.8 ± 3.3 g, wet weight), but their subsequent growth appeared to be constrained by overstocking of the cages and summer water temperatures, reaching a carrying capacity of 720 g m?2. Overall, the results of this study indicate that the co-culture of juvenile sea cucumbers with Pacific oysters is feasible, if sea cucumber losses are reduced (between 33% and 52% lost in this study) and careful attention is given to stocking rates and the water temperature regimes of oyster farms in order to maintain adequate growth rates.  相似文献   

Snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) is an important coastal fish species in New Zealand for a variety of reasons, but the large amount of research conducted on snapper has not been reviewed. Here, we review life history information and potential threats for snapper in New Zealand. We present information on snapper life history, defining stages (eggs and larvae, juvenile and adult), and assess potential threats and knowledge gaps. Overall we identify six key points: 1. post-settlement snapper are highly associated with certain estuarine habitats that are under threat from land-based stressors. This may serve as a bottleneck for snapper populations; 2. the largest knowledge gaps relate to the eggs and larvae. Additional knowledge may help to anticipate the effects of climate change, which will likely have the greatest influence on these early life stages; 3. ocean acidification, from land-based sources and from climate change, may be an important threat to larval snapper; 4. a greater understanding of population connectivity would improve certainty around the sustainability of fishery exploitation; 5. the collateral effects of fishing are likely to be relevant to fishery productivity, ecosystem integrity and enduser value; 6. our understanding of the interrelationships between snapper and other ecosystem components is still deficient.  相似文献   

Between 1985 and 1992, mortality due to infestation by the protistan Bonamia sp. severely reduced the numbers of the oyster, Tiostrea chilensis in Foveaux Strait, New Zealand. In 1990, two dredge surveys gave relative estimates, and a dive survey an absolute estimate, of the size of this oyster population; this allowed us to estimate dredge efficiency precisely. This estimate was used to re‐evaluate the dredge survey of 1975–76 and relate the size of the population in 1990 to that in 1975. By 1990 the population density had declined by 67% while a dredge survey in 1992 showed that the population density had declined by 91% from 1975. A dredge survey in 1993 showed that the population had increased slightly (but not significantly) over the 1992 level. By 1992 the population had probably been reduced below 10% of the virgin level. The fishery was closed in 1993 to allow the population to rebuild. The population surveys have followed stratified random and grid pattern sampling designs and the merits of the designs and methodology are discussed.  相似文献   

Cricotopus van der Wulp and Paratrichocladius Santos Abreu are among the most common genera of Chironomidae found in fresh waters throughout New Zealand. Imago, pupa, and fourth (final) instar larva of Cricotopus hollyfordensis n. sp. are described, and the male imagines, pupae, and larvae of Cricotopus zealandicus Hutton and Para‐trichocladius pluriserialis Freeman are redescribed from new material. C. hollyfordensis n. sp. can be distinguished from other Cricotopus species by antennal ratio and absence of tibial and abdominal markings in the male imago; shape and form of the thoracic horn, distinctive abdominal spinule patterns and lateral setae in the pupa; and mentum and mandible characteristics in the larvae. The combination of tibial and abdominal markings of the male imago; thoracic horn and abdominal spinule patterns of the pupa; and mentum and mandible characteristics of the larva distinguish C. zealandicus from P. pluriserialis and all other New Zealand Cricotopus species. P. pluriserialis is distinguished from Cricotopus species by the presence of normal and erect dorsocentral setae in the adult; smooth thoracic horn and distinctive abdominal spinule patterns of the pupa; mentum and mandible characteristics, supra‐anal setae longer than 2–3 abdominal segment lengths, and abdominal setae simple, never in tufts, in the larva. C. hollyfordensis n. sp. has been recorded from a fast flowing mountain  相似文献   

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