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Paphies donacina (Spengler, 1793) populations were surveyed at 11 low tide sites on surf beaches along Pegasus Bay, Canterbury, New Zealand, during summer 1998. Random sampling was not feasible. At the non‐random sites chosen the average number of tuatua per 5 m of shoreline ranged between 0.1 and 62. Total wet weight biomass m‐2 was highest at the southern sites in the Bay. There were site‐related differences in length frequency distributions of tuatua populations. Northern populations included a wide length range and southern populations were dominated by larger bivalves. Average shell length increased significantly with distance south, being close to 40 mm at Waikuku and 80 mm at Taylors Mistake. The shell length: width and weight relationships were similar for tuatua collected over the whole geographic range. Average dry weight condition index varied significantly between sites (ANOVA F= 23.3, d.f. = 10, 329) depending on the length distribution of the contributing population. Where populations included a wide length range the condition index was positively correlated with shell length but in populations dominated by larger bivalves there was either no relationship or a negative relationship with shell length. Juvenile tuatua were found at average densities between 81 and 1200 m‐2 at all sites except Taylors Mistake. The mean length of recruits ranged from 2.2 to 3.1 mm and shell length was independent of both juvenile and adult density. These results are discussed in relation to the environmental and other factors thought to influence population structure and recruitment of tuatua in Pegasus Bay.  相似文献   

Abstract. The population densities, spatial distributions, size frequencies, growth rates, longevity and reproductive activities of sub‐populations of the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus were investigated over a two‐year period. Sea urchins were examined in three habitats in Saint Joseph Bay, Florida, which is within the northern limits of their distribution. Densities of sea urchins, which ranged as high as 35 individuals ·?2, fluctuated seasonally at all sites and were higher in seagrass beds comprised of Thalassia testudinum than Syringodium filiforme or on a sand flat. A cold front caused large‐scale, catastrophic mortality among adult, and especially juvenile, sea urchins in nearshore habitats of the Bay in the spring of 1993, leading to a dramatic decline in sea urchin densities at the Thalassia seagrass site. The population recovered over 6 months at this site and was attributable to immigration of new adults. Juvenile recruitment displayed both interannual and site‐specific variability, with recruitment being highest in seagrass habitats in fall and spring. The most pronounced recruitment event occurred in fall 1993 at the Thalassia site. Spatial distributions of adult individuals ascertained monthly never varied from random in the seagrass beds (T. testudinum and S. filiforme) or during spring, summer or fall months on the sand flat. Nonetheless, aggregations of adult sea urchins were observed on the sand flat in the winter months and were associated with patchy distributions of plant food resources. Juvenile sea urchins (< 25 mm test diameter) exhibited aggregations at all sites and 67 % of all juveniles under 10 mm test diameter (91 of 165 individuals observed) were found under the spine canopies of adults. Measurements of the inducibility of spawning indicated peak gametic maturity in all three sub‐populations in spring and summer. Gonad indices varied between habitats and years, but distinct maxima were detected, particularly in spring 1993 and late summer 1994. The mean gonad index of individuals at the Syringodium seagrass site was 2‐ to 4‐fold higher than the other sites in spring 1993 and gonad indices were much higher at all sites in spring of 1993 than 1994. Estimates of growth based on changes in size frequency cohorts coupled with measurements of growth bands on lantern demipyramids indicated that L. variegatus in three habitats of Saint Joseph Bay have similar growth rates and attain a mean test diameter of approximately 35 mm in one year. In contrast to populations within the central biogeographical range of the species, which may attain test diameters up to 90 mm, the largest individuals recorded in Saint Joseph Bay were 60 mm in test diameter, and almost all individuals were no more than 45 mm in test diameter or two years of age. The demographics of L. variegatus in the northern limits of their distribution appear to be strongly influenced by latitudinally driven, low‐temperature events and secondarily by local abiotic factors, especially springtime low salinities, which may negatively impact larval development and recruitment.  相似文献   

Infaunal bivalve molluscs on the flood tidal delta of Tauranga Harbour, north‐eastern New Zealand, were surveyed twice over a 6‐month period, with the aim of assessing shellfish resources, assessing the magnitudes of temporal and spatial variability in abundances, and identifying potentially important processes. The surveys identified a total of 31 bivalve taxa from 27 sites. Species richness per site ranged between 0 and 9, and varied greatly in space and time, as did two other measures of diversity. Extremely high densities of bivalves (>20 000 m‐2) were encountered at several sites. Densities of several abundant species varied greatly in time, as a result of recruitment pulses. The abundances of the three species that dominated the fauna (Paphies australis, Tawera spissa, and Ruditapes largillierti) had characteristic spatial scales on the order of 200 m. Comparisons of size frequency distributions for individual sites suggested that mortality or emigration in the first year of benthic life was high. Substantial populations of bivalves occur on Centre Bank, and the most abundant of these are greatly influenced by events early in their lives.  相似文献   

We investigated the density‐dependent and genetic relatedness that regulate the occurrence of inter‐individual (genet) fusion forming plurigenotypic organisms in the brown alga Lessonia berteroana. Recruitment generally occurs at high densities in the inter‐tidal, allowing contact of neighbouring holdfasts as they grow and expand on the substrate. Algal density, by contrast, is regulated by the effects of herbivory and wave impact, which often lead to low holdfast density. Herein, we investigated whether the occurrence of plurigenotypic organisms and their genotypic composition (number of genotypes per plurigenotypic organism) are density dependent and affected by kin selection in the inter‐tidal kelp L. berteroana. Four microsatellite loci were used to analyse DNA from 260 samples obtained from shared and non‐shared holdfasts, at two sites with high and two site with low holdfast density. Analyses showed that fusions forming plurigenotypic organisms are extremely common. Interestingly, the frequency of fusions was higher in low‐density sites, in which 100% of the plants had at least two genotypes and the average was 3.5. In high‐density sites, 62% of plants were plurigenotypic, with an average of 2.8 genotypes per plant. Additionally, we found that genotypes that shared a holdfast had a significantly higher genetic relatedness than the average in the population, compatible with a kin structure. Density dependence and kin structure suggest that the occurrence of plurigenotypic organisms is linked to environmental quality, and that kin or multilevel selection may be favouring the fusion of genetically related genets.  相似文献   

The density and diversity of algae and invertebrates in the rocky marine intertidal were studied at three sites differing in degree of human trampling. Quantitative sampling showed that (1) a general pattern of higher density and diversity occurred at the less trampled sites, (2) the densities of the mussels and barnacles and the diversity of algae were unaffected and (3) at the most trampled site, the brown alga Pelvetiopsis limitata was absent and the small bivalves Lasaea spp. were found in lower densities.  相似文献   

The vesicomyid Calyptogena kilmeri is one of the most abundant bivalves inhabiting chemosynthetic environments shallower than c. 1500 m along central California. We estimated the population size structure, biomass, rates of individual growth, somatic production, and mortality for C. kilmeri, based on sampling of seep habitats and tag–recapture studies at chemosynthetic communities in Monterey Bay, California. The composite growth rate of C. kilmeri over all sites was relatively high (K = 0.25), reaching c. 80% of asymptotic length (104.7 mm) in 6.6 years. The density of C. kilmeri was estimated as 938.5 ind. m−2 and biomass density varied from 704 to 2059 g ash free dry mass (AFDM) m−2. Somatic production was also high (294–297 g·AFDM·m−2 year−1), and production/biomass ratios for C. kilmeri varied from 0.14 to 0.42 among sites, related to variation in size–frequency distributions among sites. Instantaneous mortality rates estimated from size distributions ranged from 0.17 to 0.24 year−1. Growth and somatic production by C. kilmeri are in the range reported for chemosynthetic bivalves from hydrothermal vent and seep habitats, as well as photosynthetic‐based assemblages of inshore or intertidal bivalves, and greatly exceed rates reported for heterotrophic deep‐sea benthos.  相似文献   

Population dynamics of crayfish (Paranephrops planifrons White) in streams draining native forest and pastoral catchments, Waikato, New Zealand, were investigated from September 1996 to July 1998. Crayfish densities were generally greater in native forest streams because of high recruitment over summer, but varied greatly between streams in both land uses. Peak densities in summer were 9 crayfish m‐2 in native forest and 6 crayfish m‐2 in pasture streams, but peak biomass in summer was much greater in pasture streams. Mark‐recapture data showed that crayfish, particularly juveniles, in pasture streams grew faster than in native forest streams, through both greater moult frequency and larger moult increments. Females reached reproductive size at c. 20 mm orbit‐carapace length (OCL) after their first year in pasture streams, but after 2 years in native forest streams. Annual degree days >10°C appeared to explain the differences in the timing of life cycles. Estimates of annual crayfish production (range = 0.8–3.4 g dry weight m‐2 year–1) were similar in both land uses, and P/B ratios were between 0.95 and 1.2. Despite deforestation and conversion to pasture, crayfish in these Waikato hill‐country streams have maintained similar levels of annual production to those in native forest streams, although juvenile growth rates have increased and longevity has decreased.  相似文献   

Four specimens of the thyasirid Conchocele bisecta (Conrad) and one small specimen of the vesicomyid Hubertschenckia ezoensis (Yokoyama), each with a drill hole made by a naticid gastropod, were found at a cold‐seep site in the upper Eocene Poronai Formation of Hokkaido. This is apparently the oldest record not only of drill holes, but also of predation scars, in a cold‐seep fauna. In addition, drilled vesicomyids are known from several Miocene cold‐seep sites in Japan. We suggest that the Eocene and Miocene chemoautotrophic bivalves were drilled only in the shallow‐water settings preferred by most naticids. The lack of drill holes in Oligocene chemoautotrophic bivalves in the northwestern USA suggests that this innovation, which allowed naticids to prey upon highly toxic bivalves, first appeared in the western Pacific during the Eocene.  相似文献   

The effect of climate change on natural oyster recruitment has the potential to disrupt many of the ecosystem services oysters provide. Due to the temperature‐sensitivity of reproduction, oyster recruitment may shift as water temperatures rise. A biological imprint of climate change was revealed in a multi‐decadal time series of recruitment of non‐native Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) in the main stem of Hood Canal, Washington, USA, extracted from historic fishery documents. Water in July and August warmed significantly from 1945 to 1995 (0.028 ± 0.004°C per year [±SE]) and accounted for an increase in Pacific oyster recruitment (7% per year, 0.028 ± 0.006 spat per year on log scale [±SE]); recruitment also strongly tracked inter‐annual variability in summer water temperature. Methods used to collect historical data were repeated in 2013–2015 when recruitment of both Pacific oysters and native Olympia oysters (Ostrea lurida) were recorded in main stem and lower Hood Canal. Both historic and modern data show large variation within and between years for temperature as well as recruitment. The modern data add information regarding spatial variation, in that recruitment patterns in the two regions of Hood Canal were decoupled. As temperatures continue to increase, non‐native Pacific oysters are likely to be favored over Olympia oysters, which recruit earlier at lower temperatures and presently contribute less than half of total oyster recruits. Future recruitment, however, may be limited by environmental factors other than temperature, a point indicated particularly in Hood Canal where many subtidal species already respond strongly to gradients in dissolved oxygen.  相似文献   

Caging and a mark–recapture design were used to estimate the growth rate of the brittle, infaunal bivalve Soletellina alba in the Hopkins River estuary. The growth of both caged and uncaged individuals was monitored at three sites near the mouth of the estuary over 180 days. Growth rates did not differ for caged and uncaged bivalves, or for bivalves subject to different amounts of handling, or between sites. Growth did differ between consecutive time intervals, which was attributable to negligible growth occurring during the colder months of autumn/winter. Comparisons of the condition (as indicated by total mass for length3) of S. alba were inconsistent between sites for caged and uncaged bivalves and for those subject to different amounts of handling. Soletellina alba is a rapidly growing bivalve with mean growth rates for the three time intervals being 0.04±0.002 mm day−1 in summer, 0.02±0.001 mm day−1 in autumn and 0.03±0.001 mm day−1 from summer to winter. Using existing literature, it was shown that a significant relationship exists between maximum shell length and onset of sexual maturity in bivalve molluscs. This relationship predicts that S. alba should reach the onset of sexual maturity at 15.8 mm length. Therefore, it appears that it may be possible for juvenile S. alba (<1 mm) to grow, reach sexual maturity and reproduce in between annual mass-mortality events caused by winter flooding.  相似文献   

The effects of the 3 main wastewater discharges on the benthic fauna of the Manawatu River were studied between March 1979 and January 1980. At least 4 replicate Surber samples were taken from each of 6 sites, on 5 occasions during this period. Deleatidium sp. (Ephemeroptera), Hydora sp. (Coleoptera), and the Chironomidae were the most useful indicator organisms, according to a ranking system based on the occurrence of significant differences (P<0.05) between populations at different sites. These taxa exhibited significant differences between sites in about 70% of all inter‐site comparisons, using Mann‐Whitney U‐tests. The Coefficient of Similarity was successful at summarising the comparisons between the clean‐water and down‐stream sites, ranging between 95% similarity to the clean‐water site for a recovery site in winter, and less than 10% similarity to the clean water site for the lower reaches in summer. It is suggested that relative indices may be more appropriate than absolute indices for measuring water pollution. Water quality, indicated by species diversity, was generally good (allowing for the effects of agricultural runoff), although midsummer organic loading induced marked changes in benthic species composition, including the disappearance of Deleatidium sp. from several sites.  相似文献   

The surface sediment, subsurface sediment, and hyporheos were sampled by freeze‐coring at three sites of contrasting geomorphology in a New Zealand gravel‐bed stream. No differences in size class composition were detected among the subsurface sediments of the three sites but the forced pool‐riffle (a stretch of stream where the sequence of pool and riffles is controlled by in‐channel bedrock outcrops) had significantly finer surface sediments than the other sites. The hyporheos of all sites was dominated numerically by insects, including nymphs of Deleatidium and Oniscigaster, and chironomid larvae. Of the non‐insect taxa, Isopoda, Oligochaeta, and Acari were most common. No significant differences existed between total invertebrate density or taxon richness at the sites. Aoteapsyche was found only in the plane bed site, whereas Nesameletus was found only in the forced pool‐riffle. Psilochorema and Nematoda occurred at significantly lower densities in the forced pool‐riffle than in the plane bed or floodplain sites. For most taxa, local variation within a site was greater than that between sites. Total invertebrate density was highest near the sediment surface but no significant differences were found between the three sites in this or any other depth layer. Significant site‐depth interactions were obtained for three taxa (Zelandobius, Ostracoda, and Oligochaeta) indicating that local geomorphology may result in differential depth distributions of hyporheic species.  相似文献   

Biology and population dynamics of the suspension-feeding wedge clam Donax trunculus (Linnaeus, 1758) were studied for 13 months (November 1994–April 1996) along the Italian Southern Adriatic coast near the Lagoon of Lesina. Specimens were found at depths between 0 and 2 m, mainly in fine grain bottoms. The spatial coastal distribution showed an intraspecific segregation between young and adult wedge clams. A unimodal recruitment (length >4 mm) occurred in winter (December–February). Length frequency distributions were used to determine age and growth rate. Three year classes were regularly observed and their growth pattern defined. The population showed a maximum length of 37 mm and a longevity of 4 years. Analysis of seasonal variations in the reproductive cycle showed that gametogenesis occurred in spring in females. After the spawning season (March–July) females of D. trunculus remained in a resting stage from August to January.  相似文献   

Epibenthic fouling communities are dominated by invasive species that are globally distributed and can have substantial ecological and economic impacts in coastal habitats. Little is known about inter‐specific differences in life history strategies that cosmopolitan invasive species employ to acquire space and succeed in invaded habitats. The goal of this study was to examine the impact of seawater temperature on recruitment and growth of several cosmopolitan fouling species including the tunicates Botrylloides violaceus, Botryllus schlosseri and Diplosoma listerianum, as well as the bryozoans Bugula neritina and Watersipora subtorquata. To do this, the iBARGE (Invasive Bryozoan and Ascidian Recruitment and Growth Experiment) program was developed, utilizing a global network of collaborators to examine patterns over a broad geographic scale and a wide range of naturally varying seawater temperatures. This project produced a data set of thousands of photographs from 18 marinas in five countries in summer 2014 and 2015, allowing for recruitment and growth to be tabulated at a variety of temperatures. Thermal growth curves were established for five invasive species, and growth was compared among temperatures across sites, revealing a significant thermal effect. Recruitment was linked to temperature, with generally higher recruitment at warmer seawater temperatures and the highest peak recruitment values for the bryozoan Bugula neritina. Temperature also changed the relative importance of growth and recruitment for several species. These results paint a complex picture of the interactions among invasive fouling species as they relate to seawater temperature.  相似文献   

Notolabrus fucicola Richardson, a large common labrid inhabiting shallow waters around New Zealand and southern Australia, were collected monthly (December 1996‐February 1998) around Kaikoura on the east coast of the South Island, New Zealand. Their diet, temporal variation in prey and gut fullness, and ontogenetic differences were examined. N. fucicola is a generalist predator, the major prey items being bivalves, amphipods, and crabs, which varied temporally in their diet. There were size specific changes in their diet. Small fish (100–180 mm) ate mostly amphipods and isopods, whereas larger fish (> 180 mm) ate mainly bivalves, crabs, and gastropods. There was a temporal variation in gut fullness but no significant difference between sexes.  相似文献   

We tested the effects of marine reserve status on the reproductive biology and recruitment rates of two commonly exploited (Helcion concolor, Scutellastra longicosta) and two rarely exploited (Cellana capensis, Scutellastra granularis) limpet species using two reserve and two non-reserve sites on the south coast of South Africa. Because densities of commonly exploited species are lower outside reserves, we hypothesised that limpets outside reserves will: (i) mature earlier; and (ii) show higher individual reproductive output. Rarely exploited species should show no such effects. For recruitment, we hypothesised that if recruits are attracted to adults or survive better where there are more adults, then commonly exploited (but not rarely exploited) species should show higher recruitment inside reserves. Analyses of gonadosomatic indices produced significant Month × Reserve interactions for all species (ANCOVA, p < 0.05), indicating inconsistent reserve effects even for exploited species, although months with significant differences occurred more often in the commonly exploited species, giving weak support to the hypothesis regarding reproductive output. Reserve status had no significant effect on sex ratios or size at sexual maturity for either sex of any species. Accordingly, reserves had only a minor influence on reproduction in these species, which might reflect an indirect effect of poor policing. The timing of major recruitment events differed among species, with two broad patterns: recruitment was sporadic for C. capensis and S. longicosta and protracted for H. concolor and S. granularis. Recruit densities showed strong site effects. Highest recruitment occurred at the exploited site, Xhora, with no reserve effects, except in a single month for C. capensis, indicating that recruitment is independent of whether the site is protected or not. Therefore, reserves do not enhance recruitment directly, but because these populations appear to be open on scales of tens of kilometres, generally higher densities of limpets within reserves could enhance overall recruitment, because of greater gamete output by the population. Accordingly, reserves might have an indirect ‘spillover’ effect on recruitment, if not a direct one.  相似文献   

A giant pockmark colonised by dense cold‐seep assemblages near 3160 m depth along the Congo‐Angola margin has been surveyed by the ROV Victor 6000. The quantitative distribution of chemosynthetic communities was mapped along the dive tracks from a video study using GIS and image mosaicking. Several types of faunal assemblages, either dominated by bivalves of the families Mytilidae (Bathymodiolus sp.) or Vesicomyidae (Calyptogena sp., ‘Vesicomya’ aff. chuni), or by Siboglinidae polychaetes (Escarpia southwardae) were mapped over the 800‐m diameter pockmark area and sampled for fauna, water and sediment. The isotopic analyses (δ13C) of tissues from symbiont‐bearing species were within the range typical of nutrition via symbiosis using methane for mussels and sulphide for vesicomyids and siboglinids. The living chemosynthetic communities were distributed on a SW‐NE axis, corresponding to the expression at the sediment surface of a main buried channel providing fluids to the pockmark. The site was characterised by a more active central part in a depression with abundant carbonate concretions where high‐density clusters of siboglinids and mytilids dominate. Large fields of dead and live vesicomyids with a lower mean density were observed in the external areas. The mean coverage of each of the three symbiotic taxa in these two contrasted areas was estimated from mosaic analysis and was up to 30% in the central area dominated by E. southwardae bushes (23%). Symbiont‐bearing species distribution was consistent with methane concentrations in seawater that were generally higher in mytilid beds than in the vicinity of siboglinids and vesicomyids. A Principal Component Analysis performed on environmental factors at the ten sampling sites revealed that 37% of the observed variance in the distribution of symbiont‐bearing species may be explained by variation in both methane and oxygen concentrations, while a Canonical Redundancy Analysis selected methane concentration as the only variable which explains symbiont‐bearing species densities. This spatial distribution of chemosynthetic species at the pockmark scale may reflect temporal patterns of succession of both substrate and fauna, and may be related to different individual pockmarks visible on the microbathymetry mapped using ROV data.  相似文献   

Organic matter quality, expressed as the proportion of chlorophyll a (Chl a) to degraded organic material (i.e. phaeopigments), is known to influence the structure of benthic associations and plays an important role in the functioning of the ecosystem. This study investigates the vertical distribution of microbial biomass, meiofauna and macrofauna with respect to organic matter variation in Ubatuba, Brazil, a southeastern, subtropical coastal area. On three occasions, samples were collected in exposed and sheltered stations, at high and low hydrodynamic conditions. We hypothesize that benthic assemblages will have high meio‐ and macrofaunal densities and high microbial biomass at the sediment surface at the sheltered site, and lower and vertically homogeneous microbial biomass and densities of meio‐ and macrofauna are expected at the exposed site. The accumulation of fresh organic matter at the sediment surface was observed at both stations over the three sampling dates, which contributed to the higher densities of meiofauna in the first layers of the sediment column. Macrofauna followed the same trend only at the exposed station, but changes in the number of species, biodiversity and feeding groups were registered for both stations. Microbial biomass increased at the sheltered station over the three sampling dates, whereas at the exposed station, microbial biomass was nearly constant. Physical exposure did not influence organic matter loading at the sites and therefore did not affect overall structure of benthic assemblages, which negates our original hypothesis. Most of the benthic system components reacted to organic matter quality and quantity, but relationships between different‐sized organisms (i.e. competition and/or predation) may explain the unchanged microbial profiles at the exposed site and homogeneous vertical distribution of macrofauna at the sheltered site. In conclusion, the high quality of organic matter was a crucial factor in sustaining and regulating the benthic system, but coupled results showed that interactions between micro‐, meio‐ and macrofauna can be highly complex.  相似文献   

Growth rates of three species of abalone in New Zealand were estimated by fitting data to the von Bertalanffy growth equation. Length‐frequency analysis and tagging were used for Haliotis iris Martyn, and shell growth‐checks were used for H. australis Gmelin and H. virginea Gmelin. The relative growth coefficient (K) and the asymptotic length (L8) were found to be 0.3104 and 146.2 mm respectively for H. iris, 0.3205 and 86.75 mm for H. australis, 0.4460 and 61.5 mm, and 0.3231 and 64.4 mm for H. virginea from two separate localities. An absolute growth curve could be calculated only for Haliotis iris.  相似文献   

Tidal conditions differently influence inter‐tidal organisms in terms of general physiological and metabolic responses. In this study we investigated the morphological response in shells of Mytilus galloprovincialis native to different micro‐tidal coastal environments in the Northern Adriatic Sea. Our purpose was to highlight the ecophenotypic variability across tidal levels and to elucidate how tidal currents and waves produced by anthropogenic activities may play a part in modulating shell morphology. Three sampling sites were selected: an open‐sea area 15 km off‐shore and two sites within the lagoon of Venice, the first near one of its three inlets, and the other one in the proximity of Venice city centre. At each sampling site, organisms were seasonally collected at different depths within their vertical zonation, either in the inter‐tidal zone – i.e. at both the highest and lowest tide zonation limits, and subtidally. The mussel shells were analysed by investigation of their morphometric relationships (height/length and width/length ratios) and by elliptic Fourier analysis of the shell contours. Shell thickness and condition index were also evaluated for a better comprehension of energy allocation/partitioning. Estimates based on long‐term measurements, visual observation, wind statistics and wave growth laws allowed an evaluation of the forces acting on shells. At the open‐sea site, the observed phenotypic variability of both shell shape and thickness was clearly related to the tidal vertical zonation. At the two lagoon sites, the currents generated by tidal flow through the inlet and the waves caused by the frequent passage of boats influenced both shell shape and thickness. A trade‐off between protection and growth was apparent along the tide gradient, as emphasized by the differences in the partitioning and allocation of energy between shell and flesh production.  相似文献   

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