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Fourteen hundred trout, mainly Salmo gairdneri, supplied by the four Government and nine Acclimatisation Society hatcheries in New Zealand were examined for the presence of spores of Myxosoma cerebralis (Hofer, 1903) (Protozoa: Myxosporida) in their head cartilage. The only positive result obtained was of a 24% infection rate in fish from the Otago Acclimatisation hatchery at Waitati, near Dunedin, which has since been closed down. Sixty fish were examined from Acclimatisation Societies hatcheries and 200 from Government Hatcheries to give a 95% chance of detecting infections of 5% and 1.5%, respectively, of the fish in these hatcheries. A formula is given for estimating sample sizes on the bases of probable infection rates and the degree of certainty of detection that is required.  相似文献   

Drift was collected over 24‐h periods in five rivers in South Island, New Zealand, to determine whether diel periodicity was consistent across a range of river types, and whether the pattern was similar for different life stages/sizes of selected taxa. Total drift density (numbers per 100 m3 ) of aquatic invertebrates was greater at night than during the day in all rivers; peak abundance occurred shortly after sunset in clear water rivers and shortly before sunrise in a turbid, glacier‐fed river. Densities of drifting Deleatidium spp., Nesameletus spp. (both Ephemeroptera), Aoteapsyche spp., and Hydrobiosidae (both Trichoptera), were generally greater at night than during the day. However, the timing of peak abundance in the drift for other common taxa varied between rivers. Larger Deleatidium spp. larvae (> 1.00 mm head width) were more common in the drift at night than during the day in all rivers. However, this was not apparent for Aoteapsyche spp. and Hydrobiosidae, for which diel differences in the size of drifting animals were not consistent even within the same river. The propensity for some aquatic invertebrates to drift at night may influence fish feeding behaviour, particularly with respect to the timing of feeding and the species or life history stages of their prey.  相似文献   

Abundance and species composition of aquatic benthic macroinvertebrates were compared between an area sprayed with the herbicide Grazon (active ingredient triclopyr), and an upstream control site (no triclopyr). Five Surber samples were collected from each of three riffles in control and treatment sites on eight occasions over a 1‐month period. Aquatic invertebrate species composition was similar in treatment and control sites, and did not change over time. The five taxa that made up 91–95% of all invertebrates by abundance did not vary significantly in treatment compared to control riffles. Abundance of three of the 15 most common taxa (>10 individuals per riffle) differed significantly between treatment and control sites over time. However, none of these fluctuations correspond to the presence of known concentrations of triclopyr in water samples, and it is unlikely that the declines resulted from triclopyr. These results are discussed with reference to known lethal concentrations of triclopyr for some invertebrates, and to the effect of floods on invertebrate populations.  相似文献   

Distribution, abundance, and habitat preferences of native fish were investigated down the length of a relatively pristine, medium‐sized, fourth‐order stream on Stewart Island, New Zealand. A limited fish fauna was recorded (six species), including three threatened large galaxiid species (Galaxias argenteus, Galaxias fasciatus, and Galaxias brevipinnis), which have restricted distributions on mainland New Zealand. Results indicated that these large galaxiids occupy diverse habitats including pools and backwaters within the mainstems of this stream. Their extensive distributions and wide habitat usage were attributed to factors such as the intact catchment vegetation, unmodified stream channel, and the absence of introduced fishes, particularly salmonids. Results suggest that some native species have been excluded from mainstem habitats elsewhere in New Zealand. It was also evident that interactions among the native species influenced habitat use; G. brevipinnis avoided backwaters, runs, and pools in reaches occupied by G. fasciatus and Anguilla dieffenbachii; whereas G. fasciatus appeared to avoid habitats occupied by G. argenteus and A dieffenbachii. Maximum densities and biomass of galaxiids and eels occurred in deepwater habitats (>0.75 m). Furthermore the fish inhabiting these deeper waters were larger and more likely to be female. These findings have significant implications for the design and application of sampling protocols for native New Zealand fishes and for the protection of their habitats. If deeper waters are not sampled then species, sex, and size biased data may result.  相似文献   

Xenophyophores are a group of giant, but extremely fragile, rhizopod protozoans generally found at lower bathyal or abyssal depths. Recent dredge samples and photographs suggest that there is a largely endemic fauna of xenophyophores with anastomosing branches living at upper bathyal depths around New Zealand. Their distribution may be related to the layer of Antarctic Intermediate water that bathes the upper slope of the New Zealand Plateau.

Photographs of the seafloor at depths of 800–1300 m on the Lord Howe Rise show hemispherical masses, 5 cm across, of which the majority appear to be Syringammina tasmanensis Lewis, 1966 and at least one specimen may be Reticulammina lamellata Tendal, 1972. The photographs indicate that these species live on the seabed, not beneath it, that they are probably filter feeders and that they can reach a density of about one specimen per square metre.

A new species, Reticulammina maini, is described from the continental slope east of Auckland. A key to the New Zealand species of xenophyophore is presented.  相似文献   


Stable isotopes of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) were studied in 11 stream communities in the Waikato region of New Zealand. From comparisons of mean δ13C and δ15N values, food webs in the shaded, forest streams were clearly based on allochthonous material (conditioned leaf litter and terrestrial invertebrates). Autotrophs in forest streams were not a significant C source for the food webs. However, the C source of food webs in the unshaded pasture streams appeared to be a mixture of allochthonous and autochthonous material. Conditioned leaf litter appeared to contribute to the pasture stream food webs, and the δ13C and δ15N of some samples of epilithic diatoms indicated their consumption by invertebrates in pasture streams. Fish ate a wide range of aquatic invertebrates; longfinned eels (Anguilla dieffenbachii) and banded kokopu (Galaxias fasciatus) also had a large proportion of terrestrial invertebrates in their diet. Filamentous green algae were found only at pasture sites, where they were sometimes abundant. The wide range of δ13C values of filamentous green algae (‐18.8 to ‐29.7‰) complicated understanding of their role in the stream food webs. The δ13C values of Cladophora were related to water velocity, with more 13C‐enriched values in pools than in runs (‐23.2‰ in pools, mean velocity 0.12 m s?1; ‐28.1‰ in runs, mean velocity 0.24 m s?1). Crayfish and the gastropod mollusc Potamopyrgus appeared to be the only invertebrates to eat filamentous green algae.  相似文献   

Increasing intense human activities have largely changed the coastal landscape and caused many environmental issues. However, whether human-induced activities could change the coastal land use gradient pattern, an important coastal zonal characteristic along the sea–land direction, remains unclear. Manila Bay was selected as the study area in this work. According to the distance of the land use and land cover(LULC) to the coastline, we clustered the typical coastal land use sequence patterns(CLU...  相似文献   

Groundwater plays an important role in New Zealand water supplies and hence monitoring activities are conducted regularly. Most monitoring programmes aim to evaluate groundwater chemistry and almost completely overlook the microbial component in this ecosystem. In our present study, the bacterial community structure of groundwater in the Wairarapa Valley was examined using the terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP), and relationships between bacterial community structure and groundwater chemistry, aquifer confinement and groundwater usage were explored. In addition, the results from this study were compared with a previous T-RFLP survey of the same area in an attempt to detect changes in bacterial community structure over time. The data obtained suggested that bacterial community structure was related to groundwater chemistry, especially to redox conditions. Species composition showed minimal variation over time if groundwater chemistry remained unchanged. These findings reflect the potential of using bacterial communities as biological indicators to evaluate the health of groundwater ecosystems. We suggest that it is important to include this type of broad bacterial diversity assessment criteria into regular groundwater monitoring activities.  相似文献   

The Kermadec Islands Marine Reserve (KIMR), which is located at 30°S, is New Zealand's largest marine reserve at 748 000 ha, and its biota is composed of a mix of warm temperate, subtropical, and tropical species. A depth‐stratified ecological survey was conducted of the abundance and percentage cover of macrobenthic species and of the water column at two sites (Meyer Island and West Chanter Island), 2km apart. Significant differences in benthic community structure and in water column turbidity and chlorophyll concentrations were observed between the two sites despite their proximity and physical similarity. Compared with other “snapshot” surveys of benthic community structure at sites within the KIMR there was a high degree of similarity among the species observed, but often a low degree of similarity in species abundance or percentage cover as a function of depth. We suggest that despite its isolation and the degree of difficulty of working at this location, a full‐scale ecological survey of the coastal marine biota of the KIMR is warranted to better understand New Zealand's subtropical marine biota and its affinities with other marine biotas of the South Pacific.  相似文献   

近20a广东省海岛海岸带土地利用变化及驱动力分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
在采用遥感和地理信息系统技术对1985年和2005年广东省海岛海岸带土地利用数据处理的基础上,对海岛海岸带土地利用变化及其驱动因子进行分析.分析表明:(1)各土地利用类型中,农用地面积变化最大,减少了2 048 km2,占研究区内1985年农用地总面积的31.4%;(2)研究区内共围填海370 km2,其中粤东、粤西和...  相似文献   


The density and biomass of fish and crayfish, and the production of eels, was compared among streams in native forest, exotic forest, and pasture. Populations were estimated by multiple‐pass electroshocking at 11 sites in hill‐country streams in the Waikato region, North Island. Three sites were in native forest, four in exotic forest, and four in pasture. Length of stream sampled at each site was 46–94 m (41–246 m2 in area), and catchment areas up stream of the sites ranged from 0.44 to 2.01 km2.

A total of 487 fish were caught. The species were longfinned and shortfinned eels, banded kokopu, Cran's and redfinned bullies, and common smelt. Eels were the most abundant fish in all three land‐use types, and shortfinned eels were more abundant at pastoral sites (mean density 1.11 fish m?2) than longfinned eels (mean density 0.129 fish m?2). Banded kokopu were present only at forested sites. Mean fish densities were greater at pastoral sites (1.55 fish m?2) than under either native forest (0.130 fish m?2) or exotic forest (0.229 fish m?2). Mean fish biomass was also greater at pastoral sites (89.7 g m?2) than under native forest (12.8 g m?2) or exotic forest (19.3 g m?2). Longfinned eels made a greater contribution to the fish biomass at all sites than did shortfinned eels. Densities of crayfish were high (0.46–5.40 crayfish m?2), but were not significantly different between land‐use types. Crayfish biomass ranged from 1.79 to 11.2 g m?2. Total eel production was greater at pastoral sites (mean 17.9 g m?2 year1) than at forest sites (mean 2.39 gm?2 year?1).  相似文献   

Larval and juvenile fish drifting on ebb tides were collected from early summer to mid autumn at various locations in the Taieri River and Waipori River estuary, South Island, New Zealand. A total of seven species of fish were recorded, however only three species were regularly collected. These were the larval common bully (Gobiomorphus cotidianus McDowall), larval inanga (Galaxias maculatus Jenyns), and postlarval cockabully (Tripterygion nigripenne Valenciennes). Common bully densities were highest in mid January, with the highest densities being recorded drifting out of Lake Waihola. Inanga densities were highest in March and April, with the highest densities being recorded in the channels draining wetland areas where extensive tidal inundation of riparian vegetation occurred. Cockabully were recorded from February to April, mostly at more downstream sites. Inland penetration by marine species was considerable, with two marine species, clingfish (Trachelochismus pinnulatus Forster) and smooth leatherjacket (Parika scaber Forster), being recorded c. 12 km upstream in late summer.  相似文献   

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