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As the Agulhas Current flows along the south-east coast of South Africa, a number of processes operate that bring cold, deep water up onto the narrow shelf. As a consequence, upwelling along the coastline is enhanced farther southward and downstream. This situation is investigated off Algoa Bay and along the south-east coast to Port Alfred, where measurements demonstrate that marked temperature variability occurs at the coastline, particularly in summer when temperature structures are more intense and easterly-component winds more common. There is no indication that upwelling is more prevalent at Port Alfred; increasing variability farther south is evident at Woody Cape/Cape Padrone, where the coastline veers westwards, forming the eastern boundary of Algoa Bay. Here it is found that, after a wind change to north-easterly, cold water is upwelled along the shoreline between 19 hours and 2.5 days later. Such upwelling progresses north-eastwards with the movement of the wind and weather systems, although colder water also moves south-westwards into Algoa Bay. Winds, currents, sea level and sea temperatures are highly correlated, with fluctuations in sea level measuring >50 cm being associated with coastal trapped waves (CTWs). Such barotropic wind-driven CTWs are frequently active during upwelling, although it is unclear whether there is any interaction between the two phenomena.  相似文献   

Intermittently closed and open lakes and lagoons (ICOLLs) are important features of the Australian coastline. Local authorities frequently open lakes by bulldozing or dredging the mouths, in an effort to improve water-quality and to reduce the risk of flooding and these interventions provided an opportunity to examine large-scale patterns in meiobenthos in relation to isolation from the sea. Even at a coarse level of taxonomic resolution (phylum, class and order), consistent differences between assemblages of meiobenthos in different reaches of the lakes and between open and closed lakes were revealed. The abundance of meiobenthos generally decreased with increasing distance from the sea. Multivariate analyses showed that nematodes, copepods and turbellarians were characteristic of assemblages near the mouths of lakes while polychaetes and oligochaetes characterised those in more isolated areas. Furthermore, assemblages in the inner reaches of open lakes also differed from those in closed lakes. Isolated localities were less diverse and more spatially variable. Differences in meiobenthos between natural lakes and those that are artificially opened became apparent when open and closed were analysed separately. Lakes that are kept open artificially are similar to naturally open lakes despite other impacts associated with human activities. These results are considered in the context of isolation and the implications of proposed changes in the way mouths are manipulated are discussed.  相似文献   

海水三维温度场是海洋研究和海洋工程领域中最重要的数据资料之一。本研究基于量纲分析法获得海面参数和海水内部温度剖面之间的函数关系,进而提出了一种利用海面温度和海面动力高度反演大洋月平均三维温度场的方法。本研究基于该方法估算了西太平洋海域0~1 000 m深度范围月平均三维温度场,并将反演结果与基于Argo资料获得的三维温度场进行了比较,其结果证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Subinertial and seasonal variations in the Soya Warm Current (SWC) are investigated using data obtained by high frequency (HF) ocean radars, coastal tide gauges, and a bottom-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP). The HF radars clearly captured the seasonal variations in the surface current fields of the SWC. Almost the same seasonal cycle was repeated in the period from August 2003 to March 2007, although interannual variations were also discernible. In addition to the annual and interannual variations, the SWC exhibited subinertial variations with a period of 5–20 days. The surface transport by the SWC was significantly correlated with the sea level difference between the Sea of Japan and Sea of Okhotsk for both the seasonal and subinertial variations, indicating that the SWC is driven by the sea level difference between the two seas. The generation mechanism of the subinertial variation is discussed using wind data from the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) analyses. The subinertial variations in the SWC were significantly correlated with the meridional wind stress component over the region. The subinertial variations in the sea level difference and surface current delay from the meridional wind stress variations by one or two days. Sea level difference through the strait caused by wind-generated coastally trapped waves (CTWs) along the east coast of Sakhalin and west coast of Hokkaido is considered to be a possible mechanism causing the subinertial variations in the SWC.  相似文献   

江苏是海洋大省,但并非海洋强省,2005年海洋渔业在全国处于第6位,为浙江和山东的1/3和1/5。江苏具有发展海洋渔业的有利条件,丰富的水产资源和滩涂资源适合发展海洋渔业,发达的地区经济为渔业发展提供了技术支撑。从省内区域差异来看,渔业过分集中于如东、启东等少数县市,多数县市产业优势未能充分发挥。应该大力发展海水增养业、加强养殖区域生态环境保护,积极发展相关海洋产业。  相似文献   

A useful radiance-converting method was developed to convert the Landsat-7 ETM+thermal-infrared (TIR) band’s radiance (Lλ,L7/ETM+) to that of Landsat-5 TM TIR (Lλ,L5/TM) as: Lλ,L5/TM=0.9699xLλ,L7/ETM++0.1074 (R2=1). In addition, based on the radiance-converting equation and the linear relation between digital number (DN) and at-satellite radiance, a DN-converting equation can be established to convert DN value of the TIR band between Landsat-5 and Landsat-7. Via this method, it is easy to integrate Landsat-5 and Landsat-7 TIR data to retrieve the sea surface temperature (SST) in coastal waters on the basis of local empirical algorithms in which the radiance or DN of Lansat-5 and 7 TIR band is usually the only input independent variable. The method was employed in a local empirical algorithm in Daya Bay, China, to detect the thermal pollution of cooling water discharge from the Daya Bay nuclear power station (DNPS). This work demonstrates that radiance conversion is an effective approach to integration of Landsat-5 and Landsat-7 data in the process of a SST retrieval which is based on local empirical algorithms.  相似文献   

Physico-chemical properties in the brine and under-ice water were measured in Saroma-ko Lagoon on the northeastern coast of Hokkaido, Japan, which is connected to the Sea of Okhotsk, during the period from mid-February through mid-March 2006. The brine within brine channels of the sea ice was collected with a new sampling method examined in this study. Salinity, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), total alkalinity (TA), dissolved oxygen (DO), nutrients and oxygen isotopic ratio (δ18O) contained in the brine within brine channels of the sea ice and in the under-ice water varied largely in both time and space during the ice melt period, when discharge from Saromabetsu River located on the southeast of the lagoon increased markedly due to the onset of snow melting. The under-ice plume expands as far as 4.5 km from the river mouth at mid-March 2006, transporting chemical components supplied from the river into the lagoon. The under-ice river water was likely transported into the sea ice through well-developed brine channels in the sea ice due to upward flushing of water through brine channels occurred by loading of snowfalls deposited over the sea ice. These results suggest that the river water plume plays an important role in supplying chemical components into the sea ice, which may be a key process influencing the biogeochemical cycle in the seasonally ice-covered Saroma-ko Lagoon.  相似文献   

南海地区全新世高海平面遗迹高程的区域差异问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
黄镇国  张伟强 《台湾海峡》2005,24(2):228-235
本文较全面地列举南海地区6500~5000a(BP)期间的古海平面遗迹,共61个实例,其中正高程的或高程为0m的有45例.这些遗迹的现存高程差异很大,主要是受构造升降运动的影响.按照遗迹高程的分布,可分为5个区域,台湾为高程最大值。巽他群岛居其次,中南半岛和马来半岛居第三位,华南沿海的高程较小,南海海盆为最小值.负高程的实例主要分布在五大三角洲地区.  相似文献   

渤黄海沿海2月份海平面异常偏高成因分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
使用1980—2010年的水位、气温、海温、气压和风场资料,对中国渤黄海沿海2月份的海平面变化特征以及异常偏高成因进行了探讨,分析结果表明:近30年,渤黄海沿海2月份海平面呈现明显的上升趋势,2009年和2010年2月份的海平面达到近30年的高值,冬季高海平面导致全年平均海平面偏高。近两年2月份海平面处于多个长周期振动的高位重合期,各振幅叠加的结果近100 mm,对海平面起了明显的抬升作用。高海平面使得辽宁、河北以及山东等沿岸地区的海水入侵距离和土壤盐渍化程度均有所增加,海岸侵蚀加重;上海在2009—2010年连续2年2月份发生了近年较严重的咸潮入侵。2009年和2010年2月份,气压较常年同期显著偏低,冬季季风显著偏弱,是海平面上升的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

张洪运  庄丽华  阎军  马小川 《海洋科学》2017,41(10):149-157
南海北部外陆架和上陆坡分布着大量的各种类型的深水沙波,经过统计,这些沙波的活动性十分迥异,有着不同于浅水沙波的运移机制。基于国内外对该地区沙波研究成果的总结,指出天文潮、风暴潮等因素均不可能造成海底沙波的持续运动。南海北部同时是世界上内波活动最频繁的区域,与沙波活动区存在空间一致性。经过本文的综述分析,南海北部频发的内波可以造成海底的强流,是造成该海域海底沙波活动的主要原因,未来应在此框架理论下,进行相关证实研究。  相似文献   

广西钦州湾晚全新世红树林演变及对海平面变化的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mangroves, widely distributed along the coasts of tropical China, are influenced by Asia monsoon, relative sea level change and enhanced human activity. To predict the impacts of future climate change on mangrove ecosystems, it can be understood by reconstructing past mangrove dynamics using proxies preserved in coastal sediments. In this study, we quantitatively partitioned buried organic matter(OM) sources, collected from a vulnerable mangrove swamp in the Qinzhou Bay of northwestern South China Sea, using a ternary end-member mixing model of δ~(13)C and C:N values. Mangrove-derived OM(MOM) contribution was used as a tracer for mangrove development since 2.34 cal ka BP. This information, together with paleoclimate records(i.e.,speleothem δ~(18)O values, sea level change, grain size parameters) and human activity, was used to divide mangrove development into three stages during the late Holocene: relative flourish(2.34–1.13 cal ka BP), relative degradation(1.13–0.15 cal ka BP) and further degradation(0.15–0 cal ka BP). Before 1.13 cal ka BP, mangroves flourished with a high MOM contribution((88.9±10.6)%), corresponding to stable and high sea level under a warm and humid climate. After 1.13 cal ka BP, rapid fall in relative sea level coupled with the strengthening of the Asian winter monsoon, resulted in mangrove degradation and MOM reduction((62.4±18.9)%). Compared with air temperature and precipitation, the relative sea level fall was the main controlling factor in mangrove development before entering the Anthropocene(the time of the Industrial Revolution). After ~150 cal a BP, reclamation of mangrove swamps to shrimp ponds is the main factor causing mangrove degradation and MOM reduction.  相似文献   

The increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration in the last few decades has resulted in a decrease in oceanic pH. In this study, we assessed the natural variability of pH in coastal waters off Goa, eastern Arabian Sea. pHT showed large variability (7.6–8.1) with low pH conditions during south-west monsoon (SWM), and the variability is found to be associated with upwelling rather than freshwater runoff. Considering that marine biota inhabiting dynamic coastal waters off Goa are exposed to such wide range of natural fluctuations of pH, an acidification experiment was carried out. We studied the impact of low pH on the local population of sea urchin Stomopneustes variolaris (Lamarck, 1816). Sea urchins were exposed for 210 days to three treatments of pHT: 7.96, 7.76 and 7.46. Our results showed that S. variolaris at pHT 7.96 and 7.76 were not affected, whereas the ones at pHT 7.46 showed adverse effects after 120 days and 50% mortality by 210 days. However, even after exposure to low pH for 210 days, 50% organisms survived. Under low pH conditions (pHT 7.46), the elemental composition of sea urchin spines exhibited deposition of excess Sr2+ as compared to Mg2+ ions. We conclude that although the sea urchins would be affected in future high CO2 waters, at present they are not at risk even during the south-west monsoon when low pH waters reside on the shelf.  相似文献   

透明胞外聚合颗粒物(Transparent exopolymer particles,TEPs)在海洋中分布广泛,其沉降被认为是海洋中生物碳沉降的途径之一。本研究于2011年春季和夏季调查了长江口邻近海域TEPs的浓度和沉降速率,并且估算了其碳沉降通量。研究发现,TEPs浓度春季介于40.00~1040.00 μg Xeq L-1,平均值为209.70±240.93 μg Xeq L-1;夏季介于56.67~1423.33 μg Xeq L-1,平均值为433.33±393.02 μg Xeq L-1。两个季节,TEPs在水华站位的浓度明显高于非水华站位。相关性分析表明,TEPs与水体叶绿素a浓度呈显著正相关性,表明在调查区浮游植物是TEPs的主要生产者。TEPs沉降速率在春季介于0.08~0.57 m d-1,平均值为0.28±0.14 m d-1;夏季介于0.10~1.08 m d-1,平均值为0.34±0.31 m d-1。经估算,TEPs碳沉降通量春季介于4.95~29.40 mg C m-2 d-1,平均值为14.66±8.83 mg C m-2 d-1;夏季介于6.80~30.45 mg C m-2 d-1,平均值为15.71±8.73 mg C m-2 d-1。TEPs的碳沉降通量可以占到浮游植物碳沉降通量的17.81%~138.27%。水华站位TEPs的碳沉降通量明显高于非水华站位,这是由于水华站位较高的TEPs浓度及沉降速率所致。本研究表明,TEPs的沉降在长江口邻近海域是碳沉降的有效途径,在相应的碳沉降相关研究中应该被考虑进来。  相似文献   

The effects of tidal currents (i.e., barotropic and internal tides) are important in the biogeochemistry of a coastal shelf sea. The high-frequency of currents and near-bottom temperatures collected in three consecutive southwest monsoon seasons (May, June, July and August of 2013 until 2015) is presented to reveal the role of the tidal currents to the temperature variability in the coastal shelf sea of the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia (ECPM), south of the South China Sea (SCS). The results of a spectral density and harmonic analysis demonstrate that the near-bottom temperature variability and the tidal currents are influenced by diurnal (O1 and K1) and semidiurnal (M2) tidal currents. The spectral density of residual currents (detided data) at 5, 10 and 16 m depth also shows significant peaks at the diurnal tidal frequency (K1) and small peaks at the semidiurnal tidal frequency (M2) indicating the existence of internal tides. The result of the horizontal kinetic energy (HKE) shows a strong intermittent energy of internal tides in the ECPM with the strongest energy is found at 16 m depth during a sporadic cooling event in June and July. A high horizontal cross-shore heat flux (16 m) also indicates strong intrusions of cooler water into the ECPM in June and July. During the short duration of cold pulse water observed in June and July, a cross-wavelet analysis also reveals the strong relationship between the near-bottom temperatures and the internal tidal currents at the diurnal tidal frequency. The intrusion of this cooler water is probably related to the monsoon-induced upwelling in June. It is loosely interpreted that the interaction between the strong barotropic tides and the steep slope in the central basin of the SCS under the stratified condition in southwest monsoon has generated these internal tides. The dissipation of internal tides from the slope area probably has driven the cold-upwelled water into the ECPM coastal shelf sea when the upwelling intensity is the highest in June and July.  相似文献   

利用ECMWF ORAS4重构数据,分析了南海海平面异常(SLA)对东部型(EP)El Ni?o和中部型(CP)El Ni?o的不同响应特征。南海SLA在两类El Ni?o期间表现出不同的时空演变规律。对于东部型El Ni?o,南海空间平均的SLA在发展年的秋、冬季显著下降,最低可达-2 cm,并在次年开始上升,至次年冬季可达2 cm。空间分布上,在发展年秋、冬季,除越南东南部海域存在一个正异常中心外,在南海绝大部分海域,SLA均表现为显著的负异常;从次年春季开始,SLA负异常减弱,而越南东南部的正异常开始发展,直至冬季南海大部分海域以正异常为主。对于中部型El Ni?o,南海SLA在整个El Ni?o发展和衰退期间均表现为显著负异常,异常值始终维持在-2 cm左右,并且在空间上表现为全海盆一致的负异常模态。相比于传统的经验正交分解(EOF),季节EOF(S-EOF)能够更好地刻画南海SLA在两类El Ni?o期间的时空演变特征,S-EOF的第一模态表现为中部型El Ni?o模态,而第二模态更多地表现为南海SLA在东部型El Ni?o期间的演变特征。南海海平面在两类El Ni?o期间的...  相似文献   

While ocean acidification is a global issue, the severity of ecosystem effects is likely to vary considerably at regional scales. The lack of understanding of how biogeographically separated populations will respond to acidification hampers our ability to predict the future of vital ecosystems. Cold‐water corals are important drivers of biodiversity in ocean basins across the world and are considered one of the most vulnerable ecosystems to ocean acidification. We tested the short‐term physiological response of the cold‐water coral Lophelia pertusa to three pH treatments (pH = 7.9, 7.75 and 7.6) for Gulf of Mexico (USA) and Tisler Reef (Norway) populations, and found that reductions in seawater pH elicited contrasting responses. Gulf of Mexico corals exhibited reductions in net calcification, respiration and prey capture rates with decreasing pH. In contrast, Tisler Reef corals showed only slight reductions in net calcification rates under decreased pH conditions while significantly elevating respiration and capture rates. These differences are likely the result of environmental differences (depth, pH, food supply) between the two regions, invoking the potential for local adaptation or acclimatization to alter their response to global change. However, it is also possible that variations in the methodology used in the experiments contributed to the observed differences. Regardless, these results provide insights into the resilience of L. pertusa to ocean acidification as well as the potential influence of regional differences on the viability of species in future oceans.  相似文献   

自1950年以来,长江入海输沙量呈阶段性减少趋势;作为长江远端泥,长江入海输沙量的“减沙”效应在浙闽沿岸泥质区是否有相应的沉积信号?若有,该如何进行提取和解译?为探讨以上问题,在浙闽沿岸泥质区采集柱状样5根,进行了高分辨率(2 mm)的粒度测试,并通过端元分析手段分离出4个端元。结合研究区物源及水动力的空间差异,发现各端元有其特定的指示意义:EM1组分(众数粒径约为2 μm)为长江来源的极细粒物质;EM2组分(众数粒径约为10 μm)主要为长江及浙闽沿岸中小河流的细颗粒物质,但以长江为主;EM3组分(众数粒径约为80 μm)主要为台湾暖流带来的较粗粒物质;EM4组分(众数粒径约为200 μm)为长江输运的粗颗粒物质。进一步分析发现,EM1组分对长江入海输沙量的阶段性减少有较好的响应关系:由浙闽泥质区北部至南部响应强度依次降低;在响应时间上存在滞后现象,且从北到南滞后时间增加,由北部的4~6年增加至南部的10~14年。总体来看,细颗粒组分更能反映长江流域变化信息,且泥质区的不同位置对流域变化信息的响应强度差异显著。  相似文献   

During the South China Sea monsoon experiment (SCSMEX),three autonomous temperature line acquisition system (ATLAS) buoys with acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) were moored in the South China Sea to measure temperature,salinity and current velocity.Typhoon Faith passed through about 250 km south to one of the mooring buoys located at 12 58.5 N,114 24.5 E from December 11 to 14,1998.The data analysis indicates that the typhoon winds induce a great increase in the kinetic energy at near-inertial frequencies with two maxima in the mixed layer and thermocline.The near-inertial oscillations were observed at the upper 270 m in the wake of Typhoon Faith.The oscillations were originally excited in the sea surface layer and propagated downward.The amplitudes of the oscillations decrease with depth except in the thermocline.The near-inertial oscillation signals are also remarkable in temperature and salinity fields.  相似文献   

Cape Rodney is a large headland that protrudes 3–4 km into deep water in the Hauraki Gulf and separates the Mangawhai‐Pakiri and Omaha littoral cells. Detailed swath mapping of seabed sediments around Cape Rodney was carried out using by side‐scan sonar and ground‐truthed by SCUBA, grab sampling, and video. Despite the barrier imposed by the headland two pathways of sand transport around the headland, separated by the topographic high of Leigh Reef, have been identified. One lies close to the headland, where sand from the beach and nearshore of the Mangawhai‐Pakiri embayment is driven by waves and currents along a 500‐m‐wide pathway in c. 20–25 m depth around the headland to the vicinity of Leigh Harbour. The other lies in 50 m water‐depth seawards of Leigh Reef. Here fine sand, sourced from the nearshore of the Mangawhai‐Pakiri embayment and driven offshore from the tip of the headland, is transported back and forth by tidal currents in 50 m water depth on the floor of the Jellicoe Channel. The sand bodies along both these pathways are thin and so sand leakage from the Mangawhai‐Pakiri embayment is thought to be small. Transport at these depths is dependent on both tide and wave generated currents and episodic occurring during storm events. The sediment facies associated with little sand transport about a headland in deep water is one of thin and discontinuous and patchy sand cover between rocky areas and over coarser megarippled substrate. Ocean swell, tidally driven phase eddies that spin up on both sides of the headland, and bathymetry all play a role in shaping those facies.  相似文献   

本文使用循环平稳经验正交函数(CSEOF)方法分析了南海海面高度(SCS-SSH)的时空变化模态,并对它们与太平洋海盆尺度振荡的关系进行了探讨分析。结果表明,SCS-SSH的第一个CSEOF模态是季节变化模态,其变化强度受到一个与厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)有关的低频信号的调制,即在厄尔尼诺期间季节变化的幅度减弱(最大可降低30%,1997/98)而在拉尼娜期间季节变化增强。SCS-SSH的第二个CSEOF模态是年际-年代际尺度的低频变化模态,其空间模态的月与月之间的差异微弱,而时间模态和太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)指数高度相关。然后,我们使用独立成分分析(ICA)方法提取了太平洋中的五个主要振荡成分,并检验了它们对SCS-SSH变化的各自影响。分析表明,纯粹的ENSO模态(类似于太平洋东部型ENSO)对SCS-SSH的低频变化的影响比较微弱,而ENSO的红化模态(类似于太平洋中部型ENSO)对SCS-SSH的低频变化具有明显影响。由于ENSO的红化模态是PDO信号的一个主要成分,这一结果解释了为什么在影响SCS-SSH的低频变化上PDO比ENSO更重要。径向鞍型振荡模态、黑潮延伸体处的增温模态、以及赤道的降温模态也由ICA方法提取出来,但它们对SCS-SSH低频变异的影响微弱。进一步的分析表明,太平洋的涛动信号可能以不同的方式来影响南海海面高度变化和海表温度变化。  相似文献   

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