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Metallothionein (MT) is a protein found in most eukaryotes where its primary role is the regulation of homeostasis of the essential metals copper and zinc. MTs have an additional protective role through their binding of toxic metals such as cadmium and mercury. Increased expression of MT in response to harmful levels of these metals has been demonstrated for several aquatic species. In this study, the expression of MT in the liver tissue of the New Zealand common bully Gobiomorphus cotidianus was measured by quantifying MT mRNA. A statistically significant increase in MT expression was observed in fish exposed to copper for 48 h, but not those exposed to zinc. Field sampling of common bullies showed a wide variation in individual hepatic MT mRNA levels which did not correlate with fish age, sex, or sampling location. A comparison of two populations of common bullies from a polluted and a control site showed a two‐fold higher mean MT mRNA level in fish from the polluted site. Implications for using MT expression in the common bully as a bio‐monitoring tool are discussed.  相似文献   

This study compared the longitudinal size distribution of bluegill bullies (Gobiomorphus hubbsi) from Hutt River with existing data on the size distributions of bluegill bullies and torrentfish (Cheimarrichthys fosteri) from Rakaia River, New Zealand. All populations had longitudinal trajectories that showed some increase in size with distance upstream. This increase in size appeared to primarily reflect the influence of amphidromous life styles, where juveniles diffuse upstream from the sea. However, a quantile regression analysis revealed differences in growth and migration rate between the two bluegill bully populations; bluegill bullies from Rakaia River grew at a slower rate and showed variation in migration rate within their population that was not evident in the Hutt River population. Null models were also generated for each population to test for the presence of all size classes of fish in the lower reaches of each river. Both bluegill bully populations showed a significant absence of the largest size classes in the lower reaches and the size trajectories differed significantly from the null models. This difference suggests that all individual bluegill bullies continuously move upstream throughout their lives. In comparison, the size distribution of torrentfish closely resembled the null model, indicating that some individuals did not migrate upstream to the same extent as others.  相似文献   

The effects of New Zealand freshwater crayfish or koura (Paranephrops planifrons: Parastacidae) on organic matter processing, sediment accumulation, and benthic invertebrate communities were investigated using four replicate treatments of 0 (control), 4–5 (medium), and 8–11 (high) similar‐sized koura in 0.5 m2 artificial stream channels colonised by benthic invertebrates from a pasture stream, Waikato, New Zealand. Wineberry (Aristotelia serrata) leaf packs were placed in each channel and after 7 weeks the leaf matter remaining was significantly lower in both medium and high koura channels than in controls. The amount of sediment (surficial cover by fines and weight of suspendable sediment) was also significantly reduced in high koura density channels. Densities of invertebrates other than crayfish were not significantly different among treatments; however, taxa richness and invertebrate biomass were significantly lower in high koura channels than in controls. Our results suggest that freshwater koura may play a keystone role in structuring benthic invertebrate communities either directly through predation, or indirectly by sediment bioturbation and increasing organic matter processing rates.  相似文献   

The effects of riparian manipulation in New Zealand are described for two case studies, one a short‐term study of the effects of the removal of riparian vegetation on fish, and the second, a long‐term study of the effect of re‐establishment of riparian vegetation on fish and benthic macro invertebrates. The first case study was an experiment carried out between November 2001 and May 2002. Overhanging bank vegetation and in‐stream wood were removed from short reaches of a small pastoral stream that had intact riparian margins, resulting in a change in stream structure with the formation of shallow uniform runs rather than pool and riffle structures as in unmodified reaches. The removal of bank cover and consequential instream habitat changes reduced inanga (Galaxias maculatus) densities by a factor of four within months of vegetation removal, showing the importance of instream cover and habitat to inanga. Adult longfin eel (Anguilla dieffenbachii) also became less abundant in the cleared reaches, but elvers (Anguilla spp.) became more abundant. In the second case study, pastoral sections in two small streams draining from native forest catchments were restored in 1995/96 by planting riparian vegetation and preventing stock access. After 10 years, the restoration efforts had more than doubled the numbers of giant kokopu (G. argenteus) and redfin bullies (Gobiomorphus huttoni), slightly increased numbers of banded kokopu (G. fasciatus), and decreased shortfin eel (A. australis) numbers by about 40%. The macroinvertebrate communities changed so that they became more similar to those at upstream native forest reference sites. These two case studies show that riparian margins can influence the composition of the fish and macroinvertebrate communities in small streams through the effects on cover, instream habitat and probably water temperature. Riparian restoration was most effective for the fish species that use cover and pool habitat.  相似文献   

Using a space-for-time substitution design, we investigated the response of structural instream habitat and fish populations to different riparian management practices throughout a Dairy Best Practice Catchment. We found a significant negative correlation between the upstream area of stock exclusion fencing and deposited instream fine sediment cover. Furthermore, we determined that this relationship emerges when ≥300?m lengths of upstream riparian area were included in the analysis, indicating the scale at which stock exclusion fencing results in a positive instream habitat response. Specifically, for this historically degraded spring-fed stream, our findings indicate that riparian segments with 5 m wide stock exclusion fences (both banks) are required to achieve instream fine sediment cover below 20% in downstream reaches. Fish were sparse and evenly spread throughout the catchment. Fish distributions were not correlated with reach-scale riparian or instream habitat variables, possibly because the available habitat quality gradient was too narrow.  相似文献   

The diet of brown trout (Salmo trutta) and rainbow trout (S. gairdnerii) was studied in specimens from Lake Benmore, a deep, oligo‐trophic lake in South Island, New Zealand. Between November and July, both species fed mainly on small molluscs (Potamopyrgus antipodarum, Physa sp., and Gyraulus corinna) gleaned from the littoral weed beds. Energy values for the three species of mollusc were determined: P. antipodarum, 6000 J g‐1; G. corinna, 5500 J g‐1; Physa sp., 9800 J g‐1. Potamopyrgus antipodarum yielded little energy to the fish, unless its shell broke during passage through the gut. Physa sp. was the most profitable mollusc, irrespective of shell breakage and Potamopyrgus antipodanim the least profitable. The mean energy value per snail for G. corinna and Physa sp. eaten by rainbow trout was 25–30% less than for snails eaten by brown trout, possibly because rainbow trout ingested empty shells from the sediment surface. Rainbow trout extracted about 20% more energy than brown trout from unbroken shells. In July, 84% of the brown trout switched to predation of common bullies, Gobio‐morphus cotidianus, probably as a result of bully reproductive behaviour. Rainbow trout did not show the same change, apparently because they were feeding in deeper water where few bullies were available. The low‐energy diet and its possible connection with growth rate are discussed.  相似文献   

Several water quality parameters, marginal vegetation, and the fish community in Lake Ellesmere, a large, shallow, turbid lake situated on the east coast of the South Island, New Zealand, were sampled along selected transects in late summer to determine species spatial patterns. Thirteen species offish were caught, with seven of them comprising major populations, although only four of these were adequately sampled by the method used—they included inanga (Galaxias maculatus), common smelt {Retropinna retropinna), shortfinned eel (Anguilla australis), and common bully (Gobiomorphus cotidianus). Inanga were almost exclusively confined to areas on the western side of the lake which has a convoluted shoreline with a variety of small embayments with scattered vegetation along the margins. Common smelt occupied both marginal and offshore areas, but they too were more abundant along the margins particularly on the western side. Both the common bully and shortfinned eel were widespread and abundant in the lake, although their abundance and biomass were higher within the vicinity of the lake outlet, major inflowing tributaries, and other marginal habitats. All three species of flounders of the genus Rhombosolea were poorly represented in our samples. However, in commercial catches they were reasonably abundant, with the sand flounder (R. plebeia) and yellowbelly (R. leporina) being more common in offshore than inshore catches, whereas the black flounder (R. retiaria) showed no difference in the catches between areas. Our overall findings are consistent with the hypothesis that bottom‐dwelling species (eels, bullies, flounders) are more widely distributed than free‐swimming forms (inanga, common smelt), which were largely confined to areas sheltered from prevailing winds. The highly turbid nature of the lake, primarily because of re‐suspension of fine bottom sediments by frequent winds, is considered an important factor in the distribution of the fish fauna.  相似文献   

A manipulative caging experiment was carried out to evaluate the role of wild fish and motile epibenthic invertebrates on the benthic system influenced by an open water fish farm. Chemical and biological parameters of the sediment were measured as indicators of the ecological benthic status. The combination of wild fish and currents notably lowered aquaculture waste sedimentation below the fish farm. The limited waste sedimentation rate could have limited the scavenger and predation activity of wild fish on the benthos, whose role may be taken over by motile epibenthic invertebrates. The interaction of these motile epibenthic invertebrates with the sediment differed from that observed with fish. The motile epibenthic invertebrates led to more reduced conditions with lower redox values, significantly decreased the number of species of macrofaunal benthic assemblages and significantly modified macrofaunal benthic assemblages. Therefore, epibenthic invertebrates do not seem to have an ameliorative effect on the benthic status produced by fish farming. Since the effects of epibenthic species on the benthic system can greatly vary according to their identity, further experiments should be performed to better understand the drivers that influence the epibenthic species identity that modulate the benthic system affected by fish farming.  相似文献   

利用多道α能谱仪,对2005年8~9月在海南岛近海采集的7个沉积岩芯进行了210Pb的沉积速率测定,探讨了海南岛近海陆架上现代沉积速率的区域性分布特征,结果表明:位于港湾内的B1168站位由于沉积物供应充足,有最高的沉积速率,达2.9 cm/a;位于河口海湾附近且受沿岸流影响的B289站位,有很高的沉积速率,可达1.6 cm/a,沉积环境较稳定;位于西南海底沙脊区北缘且靠近昌化江河口的B97、B135、B10站位也有较高沉积速率,分别达到1.0、0.89和0.47 cm/a,在表层都出现了210Pb放射性活度倒置的现象,表明所处区域有较强混合作用;处于西南外陆架的C4站位受北部湾环流影响,沉积速率为0.6 cm/a;位于东部外陆架的B377站位处于上升流区,沉积速率较低,为0.21 cm/a.可见,海南岛近海陆架上的现代沉积速率存在着明显的区域分布:在物质来源丰富的沿岸流作用区和河口区附近,现代沉积速率很高;在陆架环流沉积作用区,现代沉积速率也较高;在水深较大的外陆架上,由于沉积物供应相对匮乏,沉积速率一般较低;在近岸潮流沙脊区,由于水动力很强,无法形成现代细粒沉积.同时,在陆架上,沉积速率有随着水深的增加而降低的趋势.由此可见,海南岛近海海域的沉积速率与该区的物质供应、水动力条件和海底地形等因素有密切关系.  相似文献   

Populations of small fish were sampled in 12–20 riffles of the lower reaches of 3 braided rivers in Canterbury, New Zealand, during periods of low, stable flows. In the Ashley, which has been least affected by floods in recent years, the standing stock of fish was severalfold higher than in the Hurunui and Rakaia Rivers, which experienced large floods over much of the time, particularly the Rakaia River. Mean abundance + 1 standard deviation (S.D.) of all species combined, amounted to 5.95 + 2.76 fish m 2 for 10 species in the Ashley, 0.59 + 0.60 fish m 2 for 7 species in the Hurunui, and 0.23 + 0.11 fish m 2for 6 species in the Rakaia. Mean biomass was 24.85 + 9.59, 2.11 + 1.19, and 2.50 ± 3.60 g m 2in the Ashley, Hurunui, and Rakaia Rivers, respectively. The more common species in the Ashley and Rakaia Rivers were torrentfish, longfinned eel, blue‐gilled bully, and upland bully. The same dominant species complex prevailed in the Hurunui River except that the common river galaxias was present instead of the bluegilled bully. The adverse effects of floods on fish, either directly, indirectly, or both, are considered to be a major limiting factor offish populations in braided rivers characterised by highly unstable flows and river beds, and a lack of suitable cover for fish.  相似文献   

While there is already a comprehensive understanding of the effects of environmental variables, such as dissolved oxygen, temperature and salinity, on the structure, biomass and metabolism of aquatic biota in estuarine habitats, the effect of sedimentation, a harmful underlying factor, remains unclear. The aim of this study was to assess the differences in fish assemblages along the freshwater to salt water gradient of a large tropical estuary, and to evaluate the effects on them of habitat disturbance associated with shallow water sedimentation in the intertidal areas. Fish and environmental variables were recorded in the upper, middle and lower salinity zones of the estuary at ebb tide in both the dry and wet seasons. Sediment samples associated with different levels of habitat disturbance were analysed using granulometry, and their organic content and dissolved oxygen levels were quantified. Water temperature, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen levels were also measured. Habitat disturbance was found to be correlated with the density, biomass and richness of fish assemblages. A total of 77 species were recorded, forming two distinct fish assemblages, with the Eleotridae family dominating in the upper zone, and Gerreidae, Gobiidae and Tetraodontidae the most common in the middle and lower estuary. Changes in the structure of fish assemblages, including reductions in density, biomass and richness, were associated with disturbance to natural features, where muddy sediment was replaced by sandy sediment and the quantity of organic matter fell. Atherinella brasiliensis was the species which showed a preference for the disturbed areas in the middle and lower zones, while Dormitator maculatus showed a preference for them in the upper estuary. They may be taken as indicators of habitat disturbance due to shallow sedimentation.  相似文献   

Sedimentary environments in the Hangzhou Bay are introduced by a three-subregional landform pattern and a sedimentation map with six major sedimentation types. The geographic setting, sediment transportation and sedimentation in different subregions are discussed with sediment grain parameters. Sedimentary basin suffering from effect of plume front can be identified by the fine sediments with median ( Mdφ ) 7φ-8φ, clay content 30% - 40% and silt 60% - 70%. Sediment transportation along the plume front seems not to be a direct effect on sedimentary formation of the shoals fringing the south coast of the Hangzhou Bay.  相似文献   

福建九龙江口入海泥沙的扩散和河口湾的现代沉积   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
本文阐述了40年来九龙江入海泥沙量增加了两倍,入海泥沙在海门岛—鸡屿一带的浅滩区,其年平均淤积8—10cm,一次洪水流域搬来悬浮泥沙,使河口湾新淤积层厚2—3cm.并指出、进入河口湾的三条汉河各有独立的扇形粗粒冲积浅滩;悬移质的粉砂、粘土粒扩散至鼓浪屿以南海域;构成三角洲沉积主体的河口浅滩区的沉积速度由入海泥沙倍增而相应地加快进行.  相似文献   

Abstract. Episodic events have been shown to strongly affect structure and function of marine benthic ecosystems. Severe storms can have profound effects on the distribution of marine sediments which could, in turn, influence the development of benthic communities. The rich and diverse epibenthic communities on the United States mid-Atlantic continental shelf owe their existence to the presence of a complex sequence of rocky outcrops. An unusually strong storm struck this shelf system in March 1993. Two of these carbonate platforms had been characterized by moderate sediment cover for at least the previous two years, but bottom water velocities generated by this storm removed considerable amounts of sediment from these upper flat hardbottom habitats. Macroalgal cover on these platforms dramatically increased between 1992 and 1993 with the increased exposure of hard substrate for attachment. The edges of the outcrops (scarps and rubble ramps), which are usually free of sediment, maintained their dense algal cover. Settlement blocks placed in various sub-habitats showed little variation in algal cover among flat hardbottom and scarp areas during both years, indicating that available hard substrate habitat may be the primary limiting factor for algal growth on the North Carolina continental shelf. Since macroalgal meadows provide food and shelter for juvenile fish, the increase in critical habitat following these storms may have implications for recruitment of economically important fish species. Thus, indirect effects of episodic storms, i.e ., redistribution of sand bodies leading to algal meadow development over large spatial scales, may have important consequences for benthic community development and persistence in temperate reef systems.  相似文献   

Data from a three-year long field study of fine sediment dynamics in Cleveland Bay show that wave-induced liquefaction of the fine sediment bed on the seafloor in shallow water was the main process causing bed erosion under small waves during tradewinds, and that shear-induced erosion prevailed during cyclonic conditions. These data were used to verify a model of fine sediment dynamics that calculates sediment resuspension by both excess shear stress and wave-induced liquefaction of the bed. For present land-use conditions, the amount of riverine sediments settling on the bay may exceed by 50–75% the amount of sediment exported from the bay. Sediment is thus accumulating in the bay on an annual basis, which in turn may degrade the fringing coral reefs. For those years when a tropical cyclone impacted the bay there may be a net sediment outflow from the bay. During the dry, tradewind season, fine sediment was progressively winnowed out of the shallow, reefal waters.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of sediment on fish communities at 38 sites in the East Cape region of New Zealand. Many streams in this region are subject to high sediment loads, a natural situation that has been exacerbated by the conversion of native forest to pasture. The fish community consisted of diadromous native species common throughout New Zealand that require access to and from the sea. We found that site altitude and distance inland were important factors in determining the abundance and composition of the fish community. We used four measures as indices of sediment load: suspended sediment concentration, median substrate size, substrate stability, and the ratio of the wetted width to the width of the active (non‐vegetated) stream channel. Although all indices were correlated, the ratio of wetted width to width of active channel was most closely related to fish abundance and diversity. Fish abundance and diversity reduced as sediment load increased among streams, with up to nine fish species in streams with low sediment loads and only two species in streams with high sediment loads. In‐stream habitat also varied with sediment load; as load increased, depth and substrate size decreased and velocity increased. These results suggest that activities that increase sediment loads in rivers will have a negative impact on native fish communities in New Zealand.  相似文献   

We present a series of experiments that investigate the morphology of sediment deposits within sinuous submarine channels of different sinuosity (S = 1.14–1.94) and planform (symmetric and asymmetric bends), generated by bedload-dominated turbidity current flows. Flows were generated by releasing dense saline gravity currents over a mobile sediment bed through pre-formed sinuous channels. Flows had a basal-outwards helicity and produced a characteristic bed morphology with point bars downstream of the bend apex at the inside of bends and scour at the outside of bends. An increasing loss of fluid through overspill with increasing channel sinuosity results in a decreasing magnitude of cross-stream velocity downstream, a decreasing amount of erosion and deposition, and decreasing transverse slopes of in-channel deposits. Basal fluid from within the channel is transported over the outer-levee at bends, implying that proximal outer-bend levee deposits will have similar sediment composition to that within the channel. More deposition of coarse material might be expected on levees and in overbank regions close to higher amplitude bends. No simple relationship was observed between superelevation and sinuosity, probably due to changes in the relative influences of downstream velocity and bend curvature on centrifugal force and inertial run-up. In the channel with the tightest initial bend curvature, overspill fluid from Bend 1 re-entered the channel at Bend 2, dominating flow characteristics and disrupting the basal-outwards helicity observed in the other channels. Higher sinuosity channels and those with shallow regional and levee slopes are thus more likely to have a higher proportion of anomalous flow and sedimentation patterns due to the influence of overspill fluid re-entry into the channel. The results of this investigation are combined with published observations to enable the synthesis of a new model for sedimentation in sinuous submarine channels.  相似文献   

Larval and juvenile fish drifting on ebb tides were collected from early summer to mid autumn at various locations in the Taieri River and Waipori River estuary, South Island, New Zealand. A total of seven species of fish were recorded, however only three species were regularly collected. These were the larval common bully (Gobiomorphus cotidianus McDowall), larval inanga (Galaxias maculatus Jenyns), and postlarval cockabully (Tripterygion nigripenne Valenciennes). Common bully densities were highest in mid January, with the highest densities being recorded drifting out of Lake Waihola. Inanga densities were highest in March and April, with the highest densities being recorded in the channels draining wetland areas where extensive tidal inundation of riparian vegetation occurred. Cockabully were recorded from February to April, mostly at more downstream sites. Inland penetration by marine species was considerable, with two marine species, clingfish (Trachelochismus pinnulatus Forster) and smooth leatherjacket (Parika scaber Forster), being recorded c. 12 km upstream in late summer.  相似文献   

黄河入海泥沙对渤海和黄海沉积作用的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
渤海平均水深18m,最大水深70m,是一个较浅的海湾。黄海平均水深38m,其中部为水深大于50m的盆地。它们的共同特征是陆地环绕。沿岸河流输沙特征对沉积作用过程有重大影响,特别是黄河入海泥沙的影响尤为显著。 关于黄河人海泥沙对渤海和黄海沉积作用的影响,前人已从不同角度进行过讨论。黄河是世界上著名的多沙性河流。由于黄河尾闾长期以来不断发生变迁,纵横摆动于华北平原之上,交替注入渤海和黄海,因此,在讨论黄河入海泥沙在中国近海沉积中的作用时,必须把渤海和黄海作为一个整体,甚至南涉东海。本文试图在以往工作的基础上,概括讨论黄河入海泥沙对渤海和黄海海底沉积作用的影响。  相似文献   

New high-quality multibeam and high-resolution seismic data reveal new observations on sediment transfer and distribution and margin morphometrics in the uppermost slope of Northeastern Little Bahama Bank between 20 and 300 m water depth. The echofacies/backscatter facies show an alongslope sediment distribution forming successive strips. The upper part of the uppermost slope corresponds to the alternation of several submerged coral terraces and escarpments that could be related to Late Quaternary sea-level variations. The terraces could either be related to periods of stagnating sea-level or slow-down in sea-level change and therefore increased erosion by waves, or periods of accelerated sea-level rise since the Last Glacial Maximum. Terraces could therefore be related to coral construction and drowing. The medium part corresponds to the marginal escarpment, a steep cemented area. The lower part of the uppermost slope shows a discontinuous Holocene sediment wedge with varying thickness between 0 and 35 m. It is separated from the upper part by a zone of well-cemented seafloor associated with the marginal escarpment. Passing cold fronts result in sediment export caused by density cascading. The associated sediment fall-out and convective sedimentation can generate density currents that form this wedge and eventually flow through linear structures on the upper slope. The survey reveals the presence of recently active channels that extend over the entire uppermost slope and interrupt the wedge. The channels connect shallow tidal channels to submarine valleys connected to the proximal part of canyons. They directly feed the canyons with platform-derived sediment forming low-density turbidity currents and could supply the deepest part of the system with coarse-grained sediment directly exported from the carbonate platform.  相似文献   

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