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A relationship between body size and time of spawning has often been described for both pelagic and non-pelagic fish species that migrate for the purpose of spawning. The present study investigates this relationship for capelin (Mallotus villosus), a pelagic smelt-like species that spawns on the beaches of Newfoundland. Simple linear regressions were carried out separately for three groups of capelin: ovid females, spent females and males in three successive years (1982–1984). Bigger fish arrived near the spawning grounds first, for all three groups in all three years and was most obvious for female capelin. Analyses of stomach contents of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), an important predator of capelin in the Newfoundland area, showed a similar decrease in mean size of capelin throughout the capelin spawning season in June, July and August. Furthermore, analyses strongly suggest that early in the spawning seasons, when capelin abundance was high, cod selected for bigger capelin, whereas towards the end of the spawning seasons, when capelin abundance was low, cod did not show any size preference.  相似文献   

A sample of 244 barracouta, Thyrsites atun (Euphrasen), caught in eastern Cook Strait, New Zealand, between March 1966 and April 1967, was examined to determine the spawning season and length‐weight relationship.

Female barracouta ripened from April onwards, a month earlier than males. Females tended to attain maturity more rapidly than most males. October and November were the peak spawning months, although some barracouta (mainly females) were mature until January. The smallest spawning barracouta was 55 cm L.C.F. Disappearance of barracouta preceding the spawning months suggested a spawning migration.

A mathematical analysis of the length‐weight data was used to predict one value from the other, and to obtain an index of the relationship (i.e., a condition factor). There was no significant difference between the slope of the regression line n for males and females, the equations being W = 0.03867. L2.5209 and W = 0.07391 .L2.3687 respectively. The equation for the regression line for all barracouta, W = 0.05893 . L2.4222, had an exponent value n lower than expected for a length‐weight relationship of unmutilated fish. The condition factor of barraoouta, measured at monthly intervals, gave a good indication of the spawning cycle.  相似文献   

Mean gonad indices of Evechinus chloroticus (Val.) at Kaikoura and Kaiteriteri, South Island, New Zealand, increased during the winter and spring to reach peak values during the summer and then decreased to minimum values in autumn. There was only one major summer peak at Kaikoura, but two at Kaiteriteri. The maximum mean gonad index of Kaiteriteri specimens was little higher than the minimum at Kaikoura. Absolute size of gonads and spawn producton were also lower at Kaiteriteri, perhaps because of less food there.

At both localities gametogenic cycles were correlated with gonad index cycles, progressing from unripe to ripe from late autumn to spring, but Kaikoura urchins held ripe gametes over a longer period than Kaiteriteri urchins. The volume of spawn from females was greater than that from males but males had ripe gametes (and could be artificially induced to spawn) longer. At Kaikoura, some spawning probably occurred throughout summer with a major spawning in late summer or early autumn. Large urchins with small dark gonads were found throughout the year, particularly at Kaiteriteri; these were probably senile individuals.

Although at both localities Evechinus matured at 3–4 years, Kaikoura urchins were larger at maturity.

At Kaiteriteri sex ratios of mature Evechinus did not differ significantly from 1:1, but in some populations at Kaikoura males were significantly more prevalent than females.  相似文献   

Two thousand four hundred and eighty-four specimens from a population of Fundulus heteroclitus introduced into the southwestern Iberian Peninsula were used to carry out a study on age, growth and reproduction. In this new habitat the species displayed the same life-history tactics as in its original areas. The life-span was shorter, with a winter age-structure of 67·4% in 0 + group, 29·1% in 1 + group, 2·5% in 2 + group and 1·1% in 3 + group. Females showed a higher growth rate and a longer growth period than males and because of this they were always longer than males in all the age-groups. In both sexes growth stopped and the somatic condition was at a minimum from April to June, when the gonadosomatic index reached its highest values. The maximum average gonadosomatic index in females was four times higher than that of males. Specimens achieved maturity during the spawning season the year following birth at a minimum average total length of 45 mm for males and 60 mm for females. Fecundity was related to fish weight, total length and gonad weight. The overall sex ratio did not differ significantly from 1:1.  相似文献   

Sex‐specific interactions involving competition for space between the dioecious alcyonacean soft coral Sarcophyton glaucum and the scleractinian coral Acropora robusta were assessed experimentally on Bald Rock, central region of the Great Barrier Reef. To examine this, plus inter‐clonal responses, one male colony of S. glaucum, known to produce sarcophytoxide as its predominant complementary (secondary) metabolite, was sectioned, producing 10 clones. The same was done for a female colony. These two sets of clones were then relocated to grids and placed in contact with Acropora clones. Relocated and non‐relocated controls were also monitored. High levels of tissue necrosis were observed in the hard coral under contact conditions with both the male and female clones after 20 days. The development of a protective polysaccharide layer in the alcyonacean was also observed. Differences observed in the concentrations of complementary metabolites within the two different S. glaucum colonies were related to sex. Both under competition and non‐competition conditions, females exhibited significantly higher concentrations of sarcophytoxide than males, and this increased with time. Fatty ester concentration was also higher in females than males, varying significantly through time, and falling dramatically just after spawning. Fatty ester concentrations decreased linearly through time in the male clones. When involved in competition for space, females possessed higher concentrations of fatty esters than males, both at the site of contact and in non‐contact sites, again, decreasing after spawning. No significant changes in sarcophytoxide levels were noted in the parental colonies, but such changes were observed in fatty esters, with the female producing higher concentrations until after spawning. The use of these two variates in the form of a ratio (sarcophytoxide concentration:fatty ester concentration) yielded a variable Rho (ρ) which was a more sensitive indicator of biochemical change than either of its components alone. These two sets of compounds appeared to have a negative association through time and varied highly significantly between sexes. The diterpene sarcophytoxide may be considered an allelopathic or stress metabolite, while the lipids act as energy storage metabolites.  相似文献   

The sparid Dentex macrophthalmus is a widespread, important fishery species along most of the West African coast from southern Namibia to the Mediterranean. In southern Angola it is an important artisanal species targeted predominantly by handline fishers. A biological and fisheries study was conducted on this species in southern Angola between June 2008 and July 2009. It was the dominant species in the artisanal fishery, accounting for 99% of the sparids captured and 67% (by mass) of the total catch. The life history of D. macrophthalmus was characterised by slow growth (females: Lt = 309[1 ? e?0.06(t + 5.43)], males: Lt = 248[1 ? e?0.16(t ? 1.77)]), advanced age at maturity (females: 7.4 years, males: 6.0 years) and high longevity (females: 36 years, males: 38 years). The sex ratio was 1:1 male:female. The length- and age-frequency distributions and macroscopic observations suggested that the species is a late gonochorist. Males and females reached 50% maturity at 151 and 166 mm fork length respectively. Although individuals with ripe gonads were found during most of the year, the peak spawning period appeared to be in December and January. Despite a life history that renders D. macrophthal-mus vulnerable to overexploitation, only 38% of artisanal fishers noticed a decline in the catches of this species. Potential reasons for this include: technology creep; limited pressure on the juvenile portion of the stock as a result of late recruitment (above the length of 50% maturity); the ‘basin affect’, whereby depleted areas are reseeded by areas (e.g. deeper water) inaccessible to the linefishery; and a deep-water reserve of large individuals. It is recommended that precautionary management strategies be implemented until the age estimates are revised by the countries in which this species forms significant fisheries.  相似文献   

Spawning of snapper was observed in the public aquarium at Napier. Spawning males were characterised by a grey coloration and spawning females were the typical silvery‐pink colour. On four occasions spawning behaviour activity involved several males and one female and on one occasion it initially involved one male and one female, although other males joined in the spawning act. At each spawning event the female swam vertically towards the surface closely pursued by males. Eggs and sperms were released near the surface.  相似文献   

Size at age, growth rates, seasonality of spawning, and size at maturity were described for the silver sweep Scorpis lineolatus off the coast of New South Wales, Australia. Estimates of age were made by counting annual zones in sections of otoliths. The ageing technique was validated using young‐of‐the‐year fish, staining fish with tetracy‐cline, and by marginal increment analysis. Silver sweep exhibited extreme longevity with an observed maximum age of 54 years and more than 50% of the fishery being greater than 15 years old. Growth was rapid during the first few years before reaching sexual maturity at 2–3 years and at a length of c. 17 cm fork length, after which growth slowed dramatically. Silver sweep displayed a winter spawning period. The fishery is unusual in that despite heavy fishing pressure and rapidly declining catches the age structure of the catch suggests a population that has been subjected to minimal fishing mortality. It is proposed that the large declines in commercial landings may be the result of serial depletion on local reefs and that current landings are being taken from schools of fish that have" receiveddate="little fishing pressure historically.  相似文献   

Fringed flounder, Etropus crossotus, a small flatfish common along the southeastern coast of the US, were collected along the South Carolina coast in the fall of 1992, and in the North Inlet estuary from August 1992 until July 1994. Standard length was 82% of total length and the relationship between standard length and wet weight showed near-isometric growth with no significant differences between males and females. Dry weight was 21% of wet weight and ash-free dry weight 14% of wet weight with no significant differences between sexes. Daily increments in the sagittal otoliths were used for age determination. No annual structures could be identified. The maximum age was about 14.5 months. Age-at-length was not different between the sexes. The relationship between age and length was exponential, with age (in days) equalling an e power of 4.242 + 0.135 × standard length (in cm). Back-calculated hatch dates and catches of early juveniles indicated a spawning season that lasted from March to October. Females started to be sexually mature at 7 to 7.5 cm standard length, but 50% maturity was reached at 8 to 8.5 cm. Females could grow to that size within one spawning season. Individuals hatched early in the spawning season could produce eggs in the latter portion of that season's spawning period.  相似文献   

The life cycle of a brackish water population of Marphysa sanguinea (Polychaeta Eunicidae), from the Venice Lagoon (Italy), was investigated from April 1993 to August 1994. Marphysa sanguinea is a large‐sized gonochoric species with annual iteroparous strategy and synchronous spawning at population level. The sex‐ratio was close to 1:1. There were no morphological differences between males and females and spawning occurred without epitokal metamorphosis. The gonadial activity was maximum during summer period in both sexes. From May to September in the females, the greater number of immature oocytes could be observed; starting from November immature oocytes decreased and progressively those with a wider diameter increased in number. Spawning took place in April–May and generally not all eggs were spawned, a small proportion being kept as a reserve material for the following gamete production. The pelagic phase (trochophore and metatrochophore stages) was short (2–3 days). The reduction in the dispersal phase, together with the development of a strong anterior musculature, brought to an early acquisition of the benthic habit, which was attained with the construction of the mucous tube inside of which the larva lived. The results highlighted that colonization of brackish environments took place thanks to morphological and physiological features that allow this species to live in a sediment layer characterized by the stability of the physical and chemical characteristics of the substratum.  相似文献   

The mackerel scad Decapterus macarellus is of great social and economic importance to Cabo Verde citizens; however, in recent years catches have shown an unexplained decline. The harvest is regulated by way of a minimum legal size and a seasonal closure, with both measures based on the results of reproductive studies that did not consider the microscopic characteristics of the gonads. This study aimed to analyse the gonads microscopically in order to classify the sexual development stage of individuals and to estimate the size at first maturity and the reproductive season. This information was then used to analyse the match between the reproductive parameters and the management measures. The samples comprised 284 females (20–36 cm fork length [FL]) and 85 males (21–35 cm FL). The annual variation in gonadosomatic index and the monthly frequencies of mature phases suggest that the reproductive season occurs from March to October, with two spawning peaks, one in March and another from July to October. The current seasonal closure (from July to September) covers the main reproductive period. However, the species has a long spawning period and the timing of peaks can vary between years; hence, a reassessment of this management measure is recommended. The sizes at first maturity were estimated at 24.1 cm FL for females, and 26.6 cm FL for males. These values are higher than the minimum legal size (20 cm FL) currently established for management of the species at Cabo Verde; thus, we strongly recommend an increase in the minimum legal size in an attempt to reduce catches of immature individuals.  相似文献   

The annual reproductive cycle and the cyclical changes in the gonad of the New Zealand rock oyster, Crassostrea glomerata (Gould, 1850), during the breeding period of 1970–71 and 1971–72 have been described. The gonad passes through an intermediate phase, after a post‐spawning period, when sex is indeterminate. Gametogenesis begins in July and August, but follicles ripen mostly during the spring months of October and November. Maximum development is seen in November, and nearly all oysters are in spawning condition in December and January. Major spawning takes place in January or February depending upon water temperature, and spawning continues until the end of March. Larvae may be found in the‐ plankton until late in the season, to the end of April or even May. Following spawning, gonadial regression sets in, with leucocyte infiltration and phagocytosis of residual gonial cells. A greater percentage of oysters more than 1 y old are females. The majority of oysters of age 1 y and below are males.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle of the dwarf oyster Ostreola stentina (Payraudeau 1826) at Monastir in the south of the Gulf of Hammamet on the east coast of Tunisia was studied using condition indices and histological techniques. The species was shown to be a protandric hermaphrodite. Whereas males dominated the small shell length categories (12.45–34.99 mm), females (21.00–47.16 mm) and hermaphroditic individuals (30.00–57.95 mm) become more predominant with increasing size, suggesting that individuals may undergo protandric development. The overall male to female ratio was 1.0:1.7. Gametogenic development begins in February–March for females and in September for males, and spawning occurs during April and July for females and December and July for males. There was a clear relationship between the gonadal condition index and gametogenic stage for both sexes. Values increased from zero in their early stage of development and peaked during ripe and spawning stages, before decreasing in the spent stage. However, the meat condition index did not show any statistical differences between gametogenic stages.  相似文献   

Pagurus hermit crabs have a well‐developed right cheliped (major cheliped) and in some species the major cheliped of males is longer than that of females. This paper describes sex‐related differences in major cheliped length and regeneration pattern of the major cheliped in the hermit crab Pagurus filholi. We also examined the function of the major cheliped in male–male competition. Major cheliped length of males was longer than that of females in P. filholi. Males regenerated larger chelipeds than females at the first molt after experimentally induced autotomy. Body size growth in males of the regeneration group was less than that in intact males of the control group while there was no significant difference in body size growth of females between regeneration and control groups. Major cheliped length was included in the best model to explain the outcome of male–male competition and thus sexual selection appears to be a causative factor in the sex‐related difference of the major cheliped length. Sex‐related differences in the regeneration pattern may reflect differences in evolutionary pressures on males for large major chelipeds and females for large body size.  相似文献   

The sandbird octopus Amphioctopus aegina (Gray, 1849) is one of the important octopod species in trawl catches in Mandapam waters (Palk Bay). The reproductive biology of this species from these waters was studied from October 2001 to September 2002. In the majority of months(Jan–June), the sex ratio was biased towards males. The ratios of males to females increased consistently with respect to weight Total weight at first maturity were 78.78g for females and 40.8 g for males. Four maturity stags were recognized for females and two for males. Maturation and spawning occur all year round, with a peak during October and another peak during January–February. In males, no definite seasonal changes were observed in gonadosomatic index (GSI) values. In females there were two peaks in GSI values during October and January–February. For individuals of a DML range of 67–85 mm fecundity varied between 2,962–8,820 oocytes. The average relative fecundity was estimated at 68 to 83 and the average number oocytes per gram of ovary were 488 to 539.  相似文献   

The catchability of western rock lobsters (Panulirus cygnus) during the spawning season (October and November) may be affected by their reproductive state. In this study, movement and food consumption of males and females of different reproductive states held in laboratory tanks were measured as proxies for catchability. Density of lobsters was found to influence both movement and food consumption. Solitary animals and, to a lesser extent, two lobsters per tank, were more sedentary and consumed significantly less food than animals at a density of three or four specimens per tank. Tests using three animals per tank confirmed that mature, unmated, and ovigerous females carrying early stage eggs moved more frequently away from their shelters than males or females carrying late stage eggs (P < 0.0001, d.f. = 3). Further, unmated females and females with early stage eggs recorded significantly higher food consumption (P < 0.0061, d.f. = 3) compared with males or females carrying late stage eggs. The greater time spent away from shelter and also food consumption make unmated females and females with early stage eggs likely to be more catchable than males or females with late stage eggs. As catchability is commonly used to obtain population estimates from survey data, these results have implications for surveys which use catch rates of breeding animals as indicators of egg production.  相似文献   

Abstract. The breeding biology of the cave-dwelling Mediterranean triplefin blenny Tripterygion melanurus (Pisces, Blennioidei) was studied in the field. Two types of reproductive male were observed, territorial males and non-territorial males. Territorial males establish territories for mating, but not necessarily for feeding, in caves and crevices at depths between 0.5 and 33  m. Territories can be settled in clusters in a single cave. Non-territorial males occur in the vicinity of territories and attempt to parasitise matings of territorial males. Gravid females wait near territories where another female is spawning, rather than spawn with currently unmated territorial males. Waiting females intrude in matings and sometimes displace a spawning female. The frequency of mating of the territorial male, of sneaking and of female intrusions are higher in territories that border others than in isolated territories. Females may minimise predation risks both on themselves and on their eggs by spawning in clustered territories and by spawning with males that have more than one clutch of eggs. Territorial males must find a compromise between the benefits of attracting a female and the costs of parasitic spawning by sneaker males. The possibility that territorial males tolerate the proximity of other territorial males and accept a risk of cuckoldry is discussed. Parasitic spawning in T. melanurus is relatively rare and the gonadosomatic index in both non-territorial and territorial males is low, indicating that sperm competition is probably not intense.  相似文献   


Rough and smooth skates (Dipturus nasutus (Banks 1841) and/), innominatus (Garrick &; Paul 1974)) were aged by counting growth bands on X‐rays of thick sections of vertebral centra. Band counts were imprecise, but there was no between‐reader bias. Age estimates were not validated. The oldest rough skate was 9 years old, but few were more than 6 years old. Females may live longer than males. The combined sexes von Bertalanffy growth curve was Lr = 91.3 (1 ‐ e?0.16[t + 1.20]). Half the males matured by c. 52 cm pelvic length (PL) and 4 years, and females by 59 cm PL and 6 years. The oldest smooth skate in the sample was 24 years, but longevity probably exceeds that. Females appear to live longer than males. The combined sexes von Bertalanffy growth curve was: Lt = 150.5 (1 ‐ e?0.095[t + 1.06]). Half the males matured by c. 93 cm PL and 8 years, and females by 112 cm PL and 13 years. Smooth skate are late maturing and long‐lived relative to other skates, whereas rough skate are early maturing with a moderate life span.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis) inhabiting waters of the southwest Atlantic Ocean (52°‐53°S and 57°‐62°W) was studied through histological analysis of the ovaries. During 2003, the spawning peak occurred at the beginning of September south of the Malvinas Islands. Batch fecundity of this species ranged from 35 000 (41 cm total length, TL) to 245 000 (62 cm TL) oocytes and relative batch fecundity was 122 ± 43 (Mean ± SD, n = 24) oocytes per gram somatic weight. The average proportion of mature females with stage‐0 post‐ovulatory follicles was 0.25 for September 2003, which indicated a spawning frequency of 4 days during the peak of the season. Large females produced more egg batches than small spawners during the same period, but no significant relationship was found between oocyte dry weight and female size of southern blue whiting.  相似文献   

A total of 639 pink dentex Dentex gibbosus was collected in Canary Islands waters between April 1991 and September 1993. Total lengths ranged from 14,2 to 95,2 cm. Females dominated smaller size-classes and males the larger ones. The species was characterized by protogynous hermaphroditism. The overall ratio of males to females was 1 : 1,45. The reproductive period extended from April to September, spawning peaking in June/July. The total lengths at 50% maturity were 34,7 cm for females and 38,6 cm for males. The length-mass relationship for the whole sample can be described by the parameters a = 0,01014 and b = 3,0812. Fish aged 0–16 years were present in the samples. The parameters of the Von Bertalanffy growth equation were: L = 101,2 cm, k = 0,149·year?1, and t 0 = ?0,111 years. The rates of total mortality Z and natural mortality M were 0,57 and 0,28·year?1 respectively. Rates of fishing mortality F and exploitation E were 0,29 and 0,51·year?1 respectively. The estimated length at first capture (LC 50) was 17,8 cm total length.  相似文献   

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