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Photo‐identification has been established as a helpful tool in cetacean research. However, no study to date has attempted to apply this method to short‐beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis L.). We present here the results of two studies that were conducted concurrently in Mercury Bay and the Hauraki Gulf on the north‐east coast of New Zealand's North Island. Methods for distinguishing between individual dolphins are discussed. Sighting records of recognisable individuals indicate that some common dolphins move between Mercury Bay and the Hauraki Gulf (100 km distance), as well as between Mercury Bay and Whakatane (200 km distance). Common dolphin abundance and site fidelity appeared to be greater in the Hauraki Gulf than in Mercury Bay. A selection of photographs of distinct individuals is presented to allow future studies to compare their sighting records to ours, which may help establish the extent of home ranges, site fidelity, and possibly even longevity for common dolphins.  相似文献   

Parameters of community structure (species composition and relative abundance, number of taxa, diversity, evenness, and cell density) were measured for a mudflat diatom community in the Avon‐Heathcote estuary, New Zealand. Fifty three diatom species were identified: 25 taxa (species and varieties) are new New Zealand records. The Shannon‐Wiener information index (H') was 3.46, indicating high diversity. Evenness (J') ranged from 0.57–0.67. The association between the biomass of the pulmonate gastropod, Amphibola crenata, and benthic diatom community structure was studied using large open enclosures (4.0 m2) to manipulate snail biomass. Community structure was compared at 0, 5 (natural biomass), and 10 g A. crenata dry weight per m. A similarity index (SIMI=0.88–0.95), as well as H’ and J’ indicated close similarity between the diatom assemblages within all enclosures, but number of taxa increased from 33 to 49 with increasing snail biomass. Cell densities were significantly lower at high snail biomass (6088 valves per mm2) compared to enclosures with no snails (10 110 valves per mm ). A. crenata had a higher ratio of diatom fragments to whole diatom valves in its faeces (2.42) than in its crop (0.55), indicating that it is capable of fragmenting diatoms.  相似文献   

The wave climate at the Maui site off the west coast of the North Island and off the east coast of Great Barrier Island to the east of the North Island are examined. This is done by means of average wave spectra derived from a 2‐year database, acquired from Waverider buoy measurements made over 1980 and 1981. The average spectra provide information about the individual sea states which characterise the wave climate, and show that on average the sea state on the east coast is less energetic than it is on the west coast. Further, it is seen that this difference results largely from a dominant and persistent long‐period south‐westerly swell of 12.4 s period which is present at the Maui location but absent from the Great Barrier Island seas.  相似文献   

Toxic cyanobacteria have been linked to dog deaths in the Waikanae River (1998) and Mataura River (1999 and 2000), New Zealand. These were Oscillatoria‐like species which formed benthic mats. This is the first time in New Zealand that animal deaths have been linked to toxins from benthic cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Sightings of 85 icebergs south‐east of New Zealand in February and March 1967 are reported, with associated sea surface temperatures.  相似文献   

Gravel occurred in. the stomachs of 17.8% of 924 Galaxias vulgaris and 2.8% of 430 Philypnodon breviceps taken from the Glentui River, Canterbury, between June 1970 and November 1971. It is suggested that differences in feeding habits and feeding locality are responsible for the difference in occurrence of gravel in the stomachs of the two fish species. Galaxias vulgaris feeds in the water column in riffles and, being a drift feeder, is more likely to ingest inedible material by accident than is P. breviceps, which feeds on the bottom in sheltered or quiet stretches of the river.  相似文献   

Flow in the East Auckland Current (EAUC) system to the north‐east of North Cape, New Zealand is examined using data from two current meter mooring arrays, with supporting data from conductivity/temperature/depth (CTD) and satellite altimetry. Variable currents up to 45 cm s–1 were observed. The variability was partly attributable to changes in position and strength of the North Cape Eddy whose centre lies some 150 km offshore. The observed flows across the mooring line correlate well with those estimated from satellite altimetry. This gives confidence in the use of the satellite data to estimate the transport variability in the EAUC in the 1992–2001 period. No seasonal cycle was found in the volume transports but rather broadband variability at periods longer than 100 days.  相似文献   

This study presents a river invertebrate and classification system (RIVPACS) type bioassessment methodology for the Manawatu‐Wanganui region of New Zealand. Aquatic macroinvertebrates and related physico‐chemical data were collected at 127 sites, with minimal human impacts (reference sites) in 2000. The reference sites were classified into five groups based on their macroinvertebrate data using TWINSPAN. These biotic groupings were then applied to their corresponding physico‐chemical data and discriminant functions were obtained to assign sites into the biotic groups using the physico‐chemical data. The discriminant functions correctly allocated 72% of the sites to the correct classification group using a jack‐knife validation. The probabilities from the discriminant functions were used to predict macroinvertebrate assemblages and these were compared with observed macroinvertebrate assemblages. The model was then used to assess the health of 29 test sites with known impacts. All test sites were assessed as impacted based on the 10th percentile of the reference data. To evaluate the temporal reliability of the model, data available for 11 sites sampled in 1997 and 2000 were run through the model. The results of this comparison showed little variation in O/E ratios over time and the two sites classed as impacted in 1997 were also classed as impacted in 2000.  相似文献   

During two trolling surveys in February 1972, albacore, Thunnus alalunga (Bonnaterre), were located between Cape Reinga and Cape Egmont, but were more abundant between Kaipara Harbour and Albatross Point. Fish catches and associated hydrological data are presented. Albacore were caught only in areas where the sea surface temperatures were between 18.5°c and 21.3°c, and usually in areas where the water was blue and the bottom depth between 45 m and 80 m. The albacore were mainly of the 2‐ and 3‐year age‐groups. Of the 665 fish landed, 449 were tagged and released, but no recoveries have been made.

Commercial vessels located albacore within 20 km of New Plymouth during the summers of 1970 and 1971 when sea surface temperatures were 1.5–2.5°c higher than in February 1972, probably because of a more southward extension of the West Auckland Current in 1970 and 1971.  相似文献   

Calamoecia lucasi was found with Boeckella propinqua in the Kaihoka Lakes, Nelson, and Boeckella hamata with Boeckella triarticulata in Lake Elterwater, Marlborough. These are the first records of C. lucasi in the South Island, New Zealand, and of B. hamata co‐occurring with B. triarticulata.  相似文献   

Lake Ototoa is a warm monomictic lake at 36° 31’ S, 174° 14'E. During a year's study (March 1969‐March 1970), the lake became thermally stratified in November, the metalimnion being between depths of 12 m and 16 m. Surface temperatures ranged between 10.2°c (in August) and 25.2°c (in late January), and bottom temperatures between 9.7°c and 17.5°c. The annual heat budget was calculated to be 642 354 KJ.m‐2 (15 500 cal.cm‐2) and the work of the wind in distributing the heat income 1.730 KJ.m‐2 (1766 g.cm.cm‐2). Secchi disc transparencies ranged between 5 m and 9.2 m (mean 7.07 m) and were greatest in the summer. Light transmission per metre was also high, ranging between 61% and 87%. Surface waters were normally supersaturated with oxygen, but during summer stratification oxygen concentrations in the bottom waters dropped to a minimum of 2.3 mg.litre‐2 and a positive heterograde distribution of oxygen with depth was found. The oxygen deficit was 0.015 mg.cm‐2.day‐1 and showed the lake to be oligotrophic. Mean surface pH was 7.82, and the ionic composition of the waters was similar to that of other small New Zealand and Australian lakes located near the sea. Compared with other New Zealand lakes PO4‐P concentrations (range 1.00–10.20 μg.litre‐1) were low and NO3—N concentrations (range 0.12–0.60 mg.litre‐1) high.  相似文献   

Variations of temperature and salinity were observed off the Otago Peninsula from October 1966 to December 1967. In‐shore temperatures were more variable than those seawards and variability decreased with increasing depth. Temperatures over the continental shelf and down to 200 m in the open sea varied seasonally. Below 200 m temperature variations were small and non‐seasonal. Salinities were depressed in the shallow coastal waters by land run‐off, this tendency being more pronounced in autumn and winter. Seawards of this coastal zone seasonal variations of salinity were small. Over the outer shelf a zone of higher salinities was always present. Beyond this zone salinities decreased with increasing distance from shore and with increasing depth. A salinity minimum was sometimes present between 500 and 1,000 m.

Although the upper 200 m were seasonally stratified, the same water masses could always be recognised. Two water masses were present near the surface, the Southland Current, here interpreted as being subtropical in origin, being located in shore of Subantarctic Surface Water. These two water masses are separated by the clearly defined Southland Front. Along the shore, neritic conditions develop through modification of Southland Current water by coastal and climatic effects. Seawards, beneath Subantarctic Surface Water, the core of Antarctic Intermediate Water could sometimes be recognised as a salinity minimum.  相似文献   

The seasonal cycles of abundance of the phytoplankton and zooplankton in Lake Ototoa, Northland, at 36° 31 S, 174° 14 E, are described. Concentrations of chlorophyll a were low (range 0.04–4.61 mg.m‐3; mean 0.97 mg.m‐3), and highest values were in winter. Phytoplankton densities were also low; an oligo‐trophic diatom‐desmid assemblage associated with Botryococcus, Dinobryon, and Svhaerocyslis was found.

The zooplankton was dominated by the calanoid copepod Calamoecia lucasi whose numbers remained fairly constant throughout the year, and the only other copepod found was the cyclopoid Mesocyclops leuckarti which was present in very low numbers. Bosmina meridionalis was the only limnetic cladoceran and was most abundant during autumn and spring. A number of rotifer species were also common.  相似文献   

Early Marine Department records (1930–42) show that of about 100,000 parr, of quinnat salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), fin clipped at the Marine Department's Hakataramea Salmon Hatchery in south Canterbury, only 3 were positively recovered; later independent readings of scales from these fish agreed with the known age. A further 11 scale samples (for 1937 and 1939) of fin clipped fish have been read, but details of their recovery and of their fin‐clip combinations cannot be found. Thus, from approximately 100,000 fin clipped parr, only 14 recoveries can be substantiated.  相似文献   

Water quality monitoring in Toenepi Stream, New Zealand, started in 1995 in a study of dairy farming influences on lowland stream quality and has continued since then with brief interruptions. Surveys have provided information about changes in farm and soil management practices as they relate to environmental sustainability. Although average water quality in Toenepi Stream has changed little during 1995–2004, there have been some notable improvements. Water clarity measured by black disc has improved from 0.6m to 1.5m, and median ammonia‐N and nitrate‐N concentrations have declined by 70% and 57%, respectively. The frequency and magnitude of extreme concentrations have declined—most notably for nitrogen (N) forms, which also had decreased mean values. Specific yields for suspended solids (SS) and phosphorus (P) forms in 2002–04 were 47–67% of 1995–97 values, mainly because of lower water yields. Reduced specific yields for N forms in 2002–04 (34–37% of 1995–97 yields) were also attributable to lower mean concentrations in stream water. Faecal bacteria concentrations have not abated and are on average 2–3 times recommended guideline values for contact recreation. Fewer dairy farms and an increased proportion irrigating dairyshed effluent to land, rather than discharging it to the stream via two‐pond systems, were likely causes of improvement in water quality. Water quality targets were developed for Toenepi Stream to achieve contact recreation criteria for the Piako River (downstream) and for intrinsic habitat values for Toenepi Stream. A range of mitigation measures has been formulated to meet these targets, but substantial uptake of sustainable farming practices is needed to improve water quality in Toenepi Stream.  相似文献   

A survey of the macrobenthos at 42 stations in the channels and subtidal sandflats in Manukau Harbour, Auckland, revealed four biotic associations; although referred to as communities, they are not equivalent to Peterson‐type communities since they are not particularly discrete and there is some overlap in species composition. The similarity in species between stations was measured by percentage similarity coefficients using Jaccard's coefficient for presence‐absence data and Czekanowski's coefficient for log‐transformed quantitative data. Stations were grouped in dendrograms by group‐average sorting which allowed re‐arrangement of the similarity matrices into trellis diagrams.

Dominant species in each of the four groups of stations were ranked by calculating a ‘community score’ for each, based on its abundance, fidelity, and bioindex value within the group. Each of the four groups was found to support a unique group of species and these are considered as representing four communities. Two indicator species in each community were identified from the highest community scores: Group 1, the Microcosmus/Nolomithrax community — associated with a coarse sediment of dead bivalve shells and small rocks in shallow water. It has high species diversity indices; Group 2, the Halicarcinus/Bugula community— associated with a relatively coarse sediment of dead shells, grit, and little sand in deep water in the main channels; Group 3, the Amalda/Myadora community—associated with fine sand with mud or shell grit in shallow parts of the channels; and Group 4, the Fellaster/Pagurus community — associated with ironsand in shallow water in the outer harbour. It has low species diversity indices.  相似文献   

The proportional dimensions of 66 adult specimens of Harriotta raleighana Goode & Bean, 1895 (Holocephali: Rhinochimacridae) from New Zealand are summarised; in both sexes there is considerable variation in proportions. Within the size range of the sample, the snout region of males is proportionately longer than that of females, and growth of the snout is negatively allometric in both sexes. Meagre data suggest that similar sexual dimorphism and allometry occur in North Atlantic specimens, though very large and very small specimens do not fit an extrapolation of the New Zealand data. None of the New Zealand males has the snout tip upturned and armed with large rounded knobs as described for North Atlantic males.  相似文献   


The ultraviolet (UV) sensitivity of five species of freshwater zooplankton (three Cladocera, two Copepoda) were investigated. The animals were exposed to varying levels of UV‐radiation in a sunshine‐simulator and the UV doses for 10 and 50% mortality (LD10, LD50) were estimated using a dose‐response model. To place these doses in context they were compared with modelled clear‐sky surface UV irradiances in New Zealand. The cladocerans Daphnia carinata and Ceriodaphnia dubia were sensitive to levels of UVB irradiance of LD10 = 18–25 kJ m?2 and LD50 = 35–37 kJ m?2. These sensitivities are consistent with published values for other cladocera. In contrast a third cladoceran, Bosmina meridionalis, exhibited no higher mortality over the full range of the cumulative UVB‐doses used (3–40 kJ m?2) than controls receiving no UV exposure. The copepod Boeckella delicata showed the highest UV‐sensitivity of all organisms tested (LD10 = 7 kJ m?2, LD50 = 33 kJ m?2) whereas for Boeckella triarticulata, which was more heavily pigmented than B. delicata, no UV‐induced mortality was observed. Under natural conditions UV irradiances of up to 100 kJ m?2 day?1 can fall on the surface of New Zealand lakes. Although this is attenuated in natural waters, these data suggest that UVB irradiance may be a significant ecological variable to some zooplankton species.  相似文献   

The dispersion patterns and feeding behaviour of intertidal whelks were investigated in north‐eastern New Zealand. Aggregations of whelks feeding on clams occurred regularly, with an average of 15–20 individuals per aggregation. Death of clams was attributable to predation in up to 50% of the aggregations, although scavenging of dead and moribund animals was the main activity of whelks. Laboratory and field studies showed that Lepsiella scobina (generally not considered a soft shore species) was the main whelk predator at Lews Bay, Whangateau Harbour, drilling a small neat hole through the clam shell. The distinction between Cominella spp. as predators or scavengers is not so clear. Reseeding of intertidal clams, Austrovenus stutchburyi, has been proposed as a technique for reestablishing populations in some degraded New Zealand estuaries. The impact of whelk predation has many implications for A. stutchburyi reseeding. Both L. scobina and Cominella adspersa may potentially prey on newly reseeded clams as they preferentially attacked small clams in the laboratory. On‐growing to a larger size before reseeding may be advantageous although large size was not found to protect prey from predation. Additionally, no seasonal trend in whelk activity was found.  相似文献   

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