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To meet the challenges of preventing and reversing adverse effects of land use on ecosystems, management actions need to be founded on strong evidence. We used the pressure-state-impact (PSI) framework to assess evidence of land-use effects on New Zealand freshwater ecosystems. The evidence consisted of published quantitative and categorical associations linking land-use pressures to state changes and ecological impacts in rivers, lakes and aquifers. There was substantial evidence of land-use effects, particularly where land use/land cover (LULC) classes were used as pressure variables. Proportions of catchment area in urban and pastoral LULC were consistently, positively correlated with contaminant levels in water bodies and negatively correlated with ecological-health indicators. Other consistent PSI associations included positive correlations between cattle stocking rates and river contaminant levels, increased fine sediment and decreased ecological-health scores in rivers following forest harvest, and increased river contaminant levels at sites with stock access. Despite these consistent associations, the evidence base has four general shortcomings that should be addressed: (1) inadequate integration of data and models that link land use and contaminant loss to state changes and impacts in freshwater ecosystems; (2) weak inferences based on LULC; (3) reliance on categorical PSI associations; (4) gaps in reported PSI associations.  相似文献   

Fish abundance data from selected electric‐fishing records in the New Zealand Freshwater Fish Database (NZFFD) were used to identify riverine fish communities and to examine their relationship to environmental variables included in the NZFFD. Only 21 fish species, 18 native species, and three introduced salmonids, were present at 1% or more of the sites. We defined 12 fish communities characterised by a dominant species: two salmonid communities, two non‐diadromous native communities, and eight communities characterised by diadromous native species. Altitude and distance inland were the two most significant variables, reflecting differences between communities dominated by diadromous and non‐diadromous species. The next most important variables were related to the geographic location of the site. Other environmental variables that were highly correlated with the fish community assignments were stream width and percentage of native forest or farming land use in the catchment upstream of the site. Of the local habitat variables, percentage of cascade habitat and percentage of sand substrate were the most important discriminators between communities. Despite having only a limited set of broad‐scale environmental variables, we achieved 47% success in the prediction of community membership using multiple discriminant analysis, with another 21% of sites being near misses. A greater knowledge of barriers to migration of diadromous species and fine‐scale variables describing in‐stream habitat would probably increase the predictive ability of the model, although collection of such data is time consuming and therefore impractical on a national scale.  相似文献   

River water quality, particularly in lowland catchments, is a matter of concern to the New Zealand public. We assessed river water quality and biological state and trends using data from more than 900 monitoring sites. Parallel state and trend analyses were carried out using all sites and a subset of lowland river sites. Median water-quality state in urban and pastoral land-cover classes was poorer than in exotic forest and natural land-cover classes, and lowland sites in the urban and pastoral classes had the poorest water quality. Nutrient and Escherichia coli concentrations increased and visual clarity and Macroinvertebrate Community Index scores decreased as proportions of catchments in high-intensity agricultural and urban land cover increased. Ten-year trends (2004–2013) indicated recent improvements in ammoniacal nitrogen, dissolved reactive phosphorus and total phosphorus in the pastoral and urban classes, possibly reflecting improved land management. In contrast, trends in nitrate-nitrogen in the exotic forest and cool-dry/pastoral classes indicated worsening conditions.  相似文献   

The muscle myogen proteins of 10 species of the family Galaxiidae exhibited a high degree of species specificity when separated by starch gel electrophoresis. Non‐diadromous, non‐lacustrine species had some variation in the proteins present, while diadromous and lacustrine species, except for Galaxias maculatus, had remarkably uniform muscle myogen electrophero‐grams. The variation can be explained by polymorphism and mosaic evolution of isolated freshwater populations. It was found that previously erected specific and generic categories, except for G. vulgaris, are clearly defined by differences in muscle protein. The standardised electropherogram types obtained were subjected to cluster analysis using both squared Euclidean distance and the complement of Jacard's coefficient with average sorting strategy. A principal component analysis was also carried out. The first two components of the principal component analysis widely spaced the three genera included in this study (Salmo, Galaxias, and Neochanna), with N. burrowsius occupying an intermediate position between Galaxias and Neochanna. Previous workers have considered this species to be a connecting link between the two genera. The dendrogram produced by using squared Euclidean distance (which included all available information) first clustered the types into Salmoniidae and Galaxiidae. The latter were split into the genus Neochanna and the genus Galaxias which was then subdivided into stout‐bodied species (G. argenleus and G. jasciatus) and slender‐bodied species. G. brevipinnis and G. vulgaris types were further separated from the three alpine Galaxias species and G. maculatus. The substantial agreement of these results with previous taxonomic efforts indicates that electrophoretic data can be a valid taxonomic tool.  相似文献   

The physicochemical and biological characteristics of coastal waters form a gradient extending from land to ocean. In the Mediterranean this gradient is particularly large, due to the sea’s weak tides. Within coastal waters, those waters in contact with land are called coastal inshore waters (CIW), defined herein as between 0 and 200 m from the shoreline. Here we present the first physicochemical and biological characterization of CIW of the NW Mediterranean Sea. This case study is based on 19 years of data collected from coastal inshore (CIW; 0–200 m), nearshore (CNW; 200–1500 m), and offshore (COW; >1500 m) waters of the Catalan coast. Analyses of these data showed that the physicochemical and biological characteristics of CIW differ significantly from those of CNW and COW due to: (1) significantly higher concentrations of dissolved inorganic nutrients (nitrate = 11.07 μM, nitrite = 0.52 μM, ammonium = 6.43 μM, phosphate = 0.92 μM, silicates = 5.99 μM) and chlorophyll-a (=2.42 μg/L) in CIW than in either CNW or COW (in some cases up to one order of magnitude); (2) a greater variability of dissolved inorganic nutrients and chlorophyll-a in CIW than in CNW and COW, and (3) the presence of a mostly urban population and the effects of river inflows as a primary source of CIW variability but with minimal impact on CNW or COW. In addition, the risk of eutrophication was found to be highest in CIW, placing human and environmental interests at greater risk than in the outermost coastal waters. The results highlight the importance of considering the distinctive physicochemical and biological properties of CIW in future coastal waters studies. This is of major importance in assessments of eutrophication and coastal water quality, not only to identify the pressure–impact relationships but also to allow the timely detection of local environmental problems and thus avoid endangering the unique communities of CIW and ensuring the sustainability of human activities. In conclusion, CIW characterization is essential to integrate coastal zone management.  相似文献   


The density and biomass of fish and crayfish, and the production of eels, was compared among streams in native forest, exotic forest, and pasture. Populations were estimated by multiple‐pass electroshocking at 11 sites in hill‐country streams in the Waikato region, North Island. Three sites were in native forest, four in exotic forest, and four in pasture. Length of stream sampled at each site was 46–94 m (41–246 m2 in area), and catchment areas up stream of the sites ranged from 0.44 to 2.01 km2.

A total of 487 fish were caught. The species were longfinned and shortfinned eels, banded kokopu, Cran's and redfinned bullies, and common smelt. Eels were the most abundant fish in all three land‐use types, and shortfinned eels were more abundant at pastoral sites (mean density 1.11 fish m?2) than longfinned eels (mean density 0.129 fish m?2). Banded kokopu were present only at forested sites. Mean fish densities were greater at pastoral sites (1.55 fish m?2) than under either native forest (0.130 fish m?2) or exotic forest (0.229 fish m?2). Mean fish biomass was also greater at pastoral sites (89.7 g m?2) than under native forest (12.8 g m?2) or exotic forest (19.3 g m?2). Longfinned eels made a greater contribution to the fish biomass at all sites than did shortfinned eels. Densities of crayfish were high (0.46–5.40 crayfish m?2), but were not significantly different between land‐use types. Crayfish biomass ranged from 1.79 to 11.2 g m?2. Total eel production was greater at pastoral sites (mean 17.9 g m?2 year1) than at forest sites (mean 2.39 gm?2 year?1).  相似文献   

Population dynamics of crayfish (Paranephrops planifrons White) in streams draining native forest and pastoral catchments, Waikato, New Zealand, were investigated from September 1996 to July 1998. Crayfish densities were generally greater in native forest streams because of high recruitment over summer, but varied greatly between streams in both land uses. Peak densities in summer were 9 crayfish m‐2 in native forest and 6 crayfish m‐2 in pasture streams, but peak biomass in summer was much greater in pasture streams. Mark‐recapture data showed that crayfish, particularly juveniles, in pasture streams grew faster than in native forest streams, through both greater moult frequency and larger moult increments. Females reached reproductive size at c. 20 mm orbit‐carapace length (OCL) after their first year in pasture streams, but after 2 years in native forest streams. Annual degree days >10°C appeared to explain the differences in the timing of life cycles. Estimates of annual crayfish production (range = 0.8–3.4 g dry weight m‐2 year–1) were similar in both land uses, and P/B ratios were between 0.95 and 1.2. Despite deforestation and conversion to pasture, crayfish in these Waikato hill‐country streams have maintained similar levels of annual production to those in native forest streams, although juvenile growth rates have increased and longevity has decreased.  相似文献   


Stable isotopes of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) were studied in 11 stream communities in the Waikato region of New Zealand. From comparisons of mean δ13C and δ15N values, food webs in the shaded, forest streams were clearly based on allochthonous material (conditioned leaf litter and terrestrial invertebrates). Autotrophs in forest streams were not a significant C source for the food webs. However, the C source of food webs in the unshaded pasture streams appeared to be a mixture of allochthonous and autochthonous material. Conditioned leaf litter appeared to contribute to the pasture stream food webs, and the δ13C and δ15N of some samples of epilithic diatoms indicated their consumption by invertebrates in pasture streams. Fish ate a wide range of aquatic invertebrates; longfinned eels (Anguilla dieffenbachii) and banded kokopu (Galaxias fasciatus) also had a large proportion of terrestrial invertebrates in their diet. Filamentous green algae were found only at pasture sites, where they were sometimes abundant. The wide range of δ13C values of filamentous green algae (‐18.8 to ‐29.7‰) complicated understanding of their role in the stream food webs. The δ13C values of Cladophora were related to water velocity, with more 13C‐enriched values in pools than in runs (‐23.2‰ in pools, mean velocity 0.12 m s?1; ‐28.1‰ in runs, mean velocity 0.24 m s?1). Crayfish and the gastropod mollusc Potamopyrgus appeared to be the only invertebrates to eat filamentous green algae.  相似文献   

We reviewed lakes in New Zealand reported to have undergone regime shifts between macrophyte‐dominated clear water states and de‐vegetated, turbid states. Regime‐shifting lakes (RSLs) occurred along a wide latitudinal gradient. We obtained catchment land‐use data as well as data on the occurrences of introduced (non‐indigenous) macrophytes and herbivorous and benthivorous fish for the 37 RSLs and for 58 lakes with similar maximum depths and climates, but which had not been reported to have undergone regime shifts. All RSLs had a maximum depth <20 m and mean annual surface air temperature between 9 and 16°G Regime shifts were positively related to the percentage of the catchment in pasture and negatively related to the percentage of the catchment in forest. The occurrences of the introduced macrophyte Egeria densa and the introduced fish, Ameiurus nebulosus (catfish), Carassius auratus (goldfish), Scardinius erythrophthalmus (rudd), Cyprinus carpio (koi carp), and Tinca tinca (tench), were significantly correlated to regime shifts in lakes. Although the presence of other introduced aquatic macrophytes was not significantly correlated with RSLs, the number of exotic fish taxa present in lakes was strongly positively correlated with increasing prevalence of regime shifts. The strength of the correlations between land use and introduced species versus regime shifts illustrates a number of factors which could be managed to reduce the susceptibility of lakes to regime shifts and to restore lakes that have become de‐vegetated. Our findings also suggests that regime shifts in lakes were unlikely to have been common in New Zealand lakes before anthropogenic deforestation and introductions of introduced aquatic taxa.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrate community composition was compared across streams draining catchments dominated by either native bush, agricultural or urban land uses within the Water of Leith stream catchment near Dunedin, New Zealand. Land use was associated with differences in taxon richness and faunal composition of communities present in each stream. The mean abundance levels of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera were highest in native bush catchments, and lowest in urban catchments. In contrast, the mean abundance of Oligochaeta exhibited the opposite pattern. Increasing dominance of the urban and agricultural streams by pollution tolerant taxa was reflected in the Macroinvertebrate Community Index and Quantitative Macroinvertebrate Community Index scores.  相似文献   

The association between abundance of invertebrates and presence of extensive periphyton cover in the Waitakere River (36° 28′S, 174° 31′E), northern New Zealand, was studied from October 1974 to June 1975. A black polythene canopy (44 m2) was placed across the stream, and the quantity of algal material and numbers of invertebrates in shaded and unshaded areas was measured. The presence of the canopy and the associated absence of periphyton influenced the distribution of several invertebrate species; those more abundant beneath the canopy were Slavina appendiculata (Oligochaeta: Naididae), Austrosimulium australense (Diptera: Simuliidae), and Aoteapsyche colonica (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae), whereas the chironomids Maoridiamesa harrisi (Diamesinae), Austrocladius sp. (Orthocladiinae), and Paratanytarsus agameta (Chironominae) and the trichopterans Hydrobiosis parumbripennis (Rhyacophilidae), Oxyethira albiceps (Hydroptilidae), and Pycnocentrodes spp. (Conoesucidae) were more abundant outside. Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Mollusca: Hydrobiidae) and Hydora nitida (Coleoptera: Elmidae), commonly recorded from algal mats in New Zealand, were equally abundant in shaded and unshaded areas. Differences in distribution between experimental and control sites may have been due to interference by periphyton with attachment sites (simuliids and hydropsychids) and feeding habits of the invertebrates (remaining species).  相似文献   

Water quality of a lowland stream in a New Zealand dairy farming catchment   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
A small stream in a predominantly dairying catchment in the Waikato region of New Zealand was monitored for 2 years at three sites. Total nitrogen (TN) concentrations were up to 7.09 g m‐3 in winter, with the bulk comprising nitrate nitrogen (NO 3‐N). During summer NO 3‐N was near zero and TN mostly comprised organic nitrogen. Maximum concentrations of total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) were 1.64 and 0.555 g m‐3, respectively, and peaks coincided with spring and autumn applications of phosphorus fertiliser. Ammoniacal nitrogen concentrations exceeded 1 g m‐3 on several occasions and mean concentrations at the three sites were 0.165–0.272 g m‐3. Faecal coliform and enterococci bacteria concentrations were 64–26000 and 7–23000 cfu per 100 ml, respectively. Specific yields of TN and NO 3‐N (35.3 and 30.7 kg ha yr‐1, respectively) were much greater than any previously reported for New Zealand pasture catchments, whereas TP and DRP yields (1.16 and 0.54 kg ha yr‐1, respectively) were more in accord with other studies. Greater use of land treatment of liquid wastes will reduce stream inputs of faecal organisms, NH4‐N and P.  相似文献   

Absorbance at 360 nm and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration were measured on 47 filtered water samples collected from streams and rivers of the west coast of South Island, New Zealand. The regression equation (DOC (g m‐3) = 59.6 Abs1 cm + 1.9) calculated from the data, reliably predicted DOC concentration within the range 1.6–43.2 gm‐3. This relationship is similar to that found fsr some Venezuelan and south‐eastern United Stales waters indicating that it may have widespread utility for estimating DOC concentrations in soft waters where DOC is dominated by humic substances  相似文献   

以人类对土地开发利用的布局和选址经验为基础,以海陵岛2003年的土地利用类型为样本,选取对海陵岛土地利用布局影响最大的土壤类型、高程、坡度、坡向、离岸距离和交通条件6种因素作为评价因素,采用栅格数据空间叠加分析的方法,根据土地利用类型与评价因素等级组合的频繁度,确定不同土地利用类型在各评价因素下的适宜度,求出各评价因素的适宜度权重,运用加权求和法获得海陵岛2008年土地利用在全部评价因素下的综合适宜度,并对综合适宜度进行分等定级。评价结果表明,海陵岛2008年土地利用类型非常适宜的占总面积的41%,中等适宜的占28%,主要土地利用类型均为有林地,分布在马尾山等山脉,主要受高程和土壤类型影响;一般适宜的占20%,主要土地利用类型为养殖水面,分布在离岸较近的海湾,主要受离岸距离和交通条件影响;临界适宜的占11%,不适宜的约占1%,主要土地利用类型均为旱地,分布在北极村等村庄周边,主要受土壤类型和高程影响。  相似文献   

The annual reproductive cycle and the cyclical changes in the gonad of the New Zealand rock oyster, Crassostrea glomerata (Gould, 1850), during the breeding period of 1970–71 and 1971–72 have been described. The gonad passes through an intermediate phase, after a post‐spawning period, when sex is indeterminate. Gametogenesis begins in July and August, but follicles ripen mostly during the spring months of October and November. Maximum development is seen in November, and nearly all oysters are in spawning condition in December and January. Major spawning takes place in January or February depending upon water temperature, and spawning continues until the end of March. Larvae may be found in the‐ plankton until late in the season, to the end of April or even May. Following spawning, gonadial regression sets in, with leucocyte infiltration and phagocytosis of residual gonial cells. A greater percentage of oysters more than 1 y old are females. The majority of oysters of age 1 y and below are males.  相似文献   


Microplastic pollution in aquatic systems has been reported globally at an alarming rate, with an increasing number of documented negative biological consequences. Research on microplastic pollution in freshwaters has barely begun in New Zealand, and few studies from smaller lotic systems such as streams exist globally. We investigated the extent of microplastic pollution within urban streams across New Zealand and determined if microplastic concentrations were related to human population density and urbanisation of streams. Fifty-two streams were surveyed across five urban agglomerations in January 2019. Microplastics were found in samples from all sites at densities ranging from <1 to 44?items/m3. This concentration range was comparable to global data but lower than reported in another recent New Zealand study, probably due to differences in sampling methodology. Microplastic pollution was similar across all urban centres, and neither length of urbanised catchment nor urban proportion of the stream were significant predictors of microplastic concentrations. These findings suggest microplastic pollution in New Zealand streams are comparable to larger aquatic systems globally, and that smaller urban streams are significant transport pathways for microplastics. We also recommend standardising microplastic sampling methods to a greater extent in the future, to improve comparability across studies.  相似文献   

采用全国土地分类系统,基于Landsat卫星TM遥感影像与天津滨海新区1:50,000地形图,进行相应数据处理,编制出2000年、2005年、2010年三期滨海新区土地利用/覆盖分类图,并运用土地利用转移矩阵对近10年来天津滨海新区土地利用/覆盖变化进行定量分析。在此基础上,进一步分析了经济、人口等驱动因子对土地利用/土地覆盖的影响。结果表明:十年间,滨海新区的建筑用地面积增加显著,而绿地、湿地、滩涂等高生态价值的土地向建筑用地、未利用地等开发建设用地大幅度转化,后五年变化尤为显著。  相似文献   

采用全国土地分类系统,基于Landsat卫星TM遥感影像与天津滨海新区1∶50 000地形图,进行相应数据处理,编制出2000年、2005年、2010年三期滨海新区土地利用/覆盖分类图,并运用土地利用转移矩阵对近10年来天津滨海新区土地利用/覆盖变化进行定量分析。在此基础上,进一步分析了经济、人口等驱动因子对土地利用/土地覆盖的影响。结果表明:10年间,滨海新区的建筑用地面积增加显著,而绿地、湿地、滩涂等高生态价值的土地向建筑用地、未利用地等开发建设用地大幅度转化,后5年变化尤为显著。  相似文献   

潘艺  宋洁  常翔僖  祝锦霞  邱乐丰 《海洋通报》2021,40(6):683-693,708
陆岛联动发展对提升海岛综合价值和推进陆海统筹战略具有重要意义.以舟山市为例,基于多源遥感影像、POI数据、景观格局梯度分析和相关性分析,探讨了陆岛连通工程对海岛产业用地演变的影响及其时空格局特征.主要结论如下:(1) 2010-2018年期间,舟山市陆域用地面积总体扩张,其中第一产业用地递减,第二、三产业用地迅速增加,产业用地转换频繁复杂.(2)海岛产业用地演变呈显著时空差异性.第一产业用地分布逐渐分散化、破碎化,重心向东北方向转移.第二产业用地集中于本岛沿岸并向外围邻近小岛辐射,其重心转移最为明显,趋向西北方.第三产业用地呈现双核多点分布特征,其中本岛南部城市核心区集聚扩张,在外围涌现零星增加点,其重心持续向西北方转移.(3)样带梯度分析表明2010-2015年间舟山海岛产业用地景观指数变化更高,而市中心产业用地景观格局变化较少,随着离市中心距离增加景观指数变化增强,在两端的金塘岛和朱家尖岛出现明显波动.海岛沿岸第二、三产业用地景观格局变化剧烈.(4)舟山海岛产业用地景观变化与跨海大桥建设、岛内交通网络、距离海岸线等地理因素呈现显著相关性和时空差异性,跨海大桥对第一产业用地的影响逐渐减弱,后期第二、三产业用地格局变化更多受到岛内交通网络、岸线资源、本底产业基础等因素影响.  相似文献   

Spatial regression models were used to predict yields (kg?ha?1?yr?1) of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) discharged from catchments throughout New Zealand under natural and current conditions. The models were derived using loads (kg?yr?1) of TN, NO3-N, TP and DRP calculated for 592 river water quality monitoring sites. Anthropogenic increases in yields above natural levels were associated with the proportions of catchments occupied by the intensive agricultural land cover and were unevenly distributed across regions. Anthropogenic increases in national loads of TN, NO3-N, TP and DRP exported to the ocean were 74%, 159%, 48% and 18%, respectively. Increases in loads exported to the ocean varied considerably at smaller scales, with catchments having significant load increases between 4- and 26-fold for N and 6- to 9-fold for P. Predictions of yields and loads reported here have utility in the development of strategies to manage nutrients.  相似文献   

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