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Seagrass landscapes are coastal environments that support diverse and abundant faunal communities. This study investigated infaunal assemblage patterns in fragmented and continuous Zostera muelleri habitat in southeastern New Zealand. Intertidal macroinvertebrate assemblages were examined in fragmented seagrass habitat (containing discrete patches varying in size from 1 to 200 m2) and continuous meadows (>1000 m2), in a small and a large tidal inlet. Community indices differed between seagrass habitat types and the total number of taxa was significantly lower at fragmented seagrass sites in one of the inlets. The total number of individuals and diversity were significantly different between fragmented and continuous seagrass habitat in both inlets, but diversity values showed inconsistent patterns between inlets. Multivariate analysis confirmed that different seagrass habitat types support distinct macrofaunal assemblages in each inlet and position on the shore was identified as the single most important variable explaining dissimilarities in assemblage compositions. These findings confirm the influence of seagrass habitat size on infaunal assemblages and also highlight the importance of spatial position of seagrass habitat in intertidal areas.  相似文献   

Fifteen proteins encoded by 23 gene loci were electrophoretically surveyed in two samples of snapper Chrysophrys auratus (Forster) from Wellington Harbour and the Hauraki Gulf. Between 17% and 26% of the loci examined were found to be polymorphic and the proportion of heterozygous loci per individual was 7.9% to 8.4%. Using Rogers’ genetic distance coefficient an overall similarity of 0.98 was calculated between the two samples.

Three polymorphic loci Est‐4, Gpi‐1, and Idh were examined in an additional 10 samples from around New Zealand. Two genetically distinct stocks were apparent: one along the west coast, the other along the east coast of the North Island. There was an indication of stock mixing at Ninety Mile Beach and in the Bay of Plenty and East Cape. The distribution of alleles at the Est‐4 locus revealed a third stock in Hawke Bay that is genetically more similar to the west coast than the east coast stock. Hydrological conditions in Hawke Bay are more similar to those of the west coast than to those of the north east coast of the North Island. Thus it is possible that Est‐4 alleles are selectively maintained in response to an environmental factor.  相似文献   

In a laboratory study of the ingestion and assimilation efficiency of larvae of Aeshna brevistyla Rambur and Hemicordulia australiae Rambur, ingestion was determined using Cerenkov radiation techniques and assimilation efficiency by a double‐labelled isotope technique. Of each prey item (Daphnia carinata), 30% was not ingested but lost as body fluids and as material within the alimentary canal of the prey. Assimilation efficiency was greater than 70% for both dragonfly species, which appears to be typical for most other invertebrate predators. The efficiency with which 12th‐15th‐instar Aeshna assimilated 14C did not increase with feeding rate, but Hemicordulia increased its efficiency through instars 12–14. When dragonfly larvae were pre‐fed before experimentation, assimilation efficiency decreased in both species.  相似文献   

Serpulid patch reefs of Galeolaria hystrix Mörch, 1863 were found in water depths of 9–16 m in Big Glory Bay, Paterson Inlet, Stewart Island, and here we report preliminary studies of these important habitat‐formers. This is the first observation of this species in subtidal patch reefs; 114 reefs were noted in a survey of 28 000 m2. Most reefs were 1–5 m in diameter, and up to 1.5 m high. Up to 65% of the serpulid tubes were occupied by living G. hystrix during a mid‐winter diving survey; 64% of reefs observed were whole, whereas 36% were broken or dead. Radiometric dating of a basal specimen of reef carbonate showed it to be less than 50 years old. Production of high‐Mg calcite, ranging from 9 to 11 wt% MgCO3, by G. hystrix may be as much as 11 kg CaCO3 m‐2y‐1, but was not reflected in surrounding sediments, which were dominantly terrigenous muds. A rich reef fauna, both sessile and motile, was associated with the reefs. Further study of these unusual temperate reefs is strongly recommended.  相似文献   

The exotic marine‐fouling polychaete Ficopomatus enigmaticus (Fauvel) is recorded and described from New Zealand. Its sudden occurrence in New Zealand around 1967 was marked by its ecological prominence in estuaries of Whangarei and Auckland Harbours, as a nuisance species on submerged artificial structures including pleasure craft and power station intake pipes.  相似文献   

Nine weeks field work was completed during two trips in January/February and March/ April 2003 to investigate the distribution and abundance of New Zealand sea lion Phocarctos hookeri pups at Campbell Island. A total of 161 pups were tagged and a further 138 dead pups were found. A closed mark‐recapture model was used to estimate the total number of live pups (e.g., tagged plus untagged pups) at Campbell Island in April as 247 (SE = 28, 95% CI 198–308). Pup production at Campbell Island is estimated at 385, which comprises 13% of the total pup production for the species in the 2003 season. This is the first robust estimate of pup production for New Zealand sea lions at Campbell Island. The figure of 385 pups is considerably higher than any of the previous estimates reported from Campbell Island. The high level of pup mortality (36%) at Campbell Island for approximately the first 2 months after birth is higher than the 17% reported for the Auckland Islands for approximately the same period in 2003, but is similar to unusually high levels of mortality (20–30%) reported at the Auckland Islands in recent years. It was not possible to determine the cause of death of the 138 dead pups owing to scavenging and decomposition. Pups were found over the whole Island, with the exception of its northern end. Male pups were significantly heavier and faster growing than female pups over the same period.  相似文献   

Settlement of puerulus‐stage New Zealand red rock lobsters (Jasus edwardsii) and abundance of the first three juvenile cohorts were measured from 1981 to 1989 near Halfmoon Bay, Stewart Island. Puerulus settlement on subtidal collectors shows great annual variation. Juvenile abundance, estimated from the number caught in annual diver collections, shows less variation. One‐year‐olds appear less vulnerable to diver sampling than older juveniles. Abundance of 2‐ and 3‐year‐olds is highly correlated with puerulus settlement 2 and 3 years previously. Survival between puerulus and 1+ stages appears to be density‐dependent, but survival of older juveniles does not. Size is inversely related to abundance in 3+ females but not in the other cohorts, suggesting density‐dependent growth between ages 2 and 3. Puerulus settlement rates and processes on shallow inshore reefs appear to be important in determining recruitment strength in this species.  相似文献   

One hundred and four taxa of planktonic cyanobacteria (blue‐green algae) have been recorded from New Zealand lakes: 32 belong to the Chroococcales, 72 to the Nostocales. None of the taxa is endemic to New Zealand; most (if not all) are cosmopolitan. On average, more taxa have been reported from North Island (7.8 ± 6.7, N = 69) than South Island lakes (3.3 ± 3.9, N = 59). This difference is attributable, in part, to the large proportion of glacial lakes in the South Island, which are commonly poor in plant nutrients and possess sparse phytoplankton populations. Many of the taxa show a strong preference for eutrophic conditions. Notable exceptions are Anabaena affinis and Gomphosphaeria lacustris, which occur in a large proportion of mesotrophic (48%) and oligotrophic lakes (43%), respectively. Taxa which are often abundant and frequently responsible for conspicuous water‐blooms are Microcystis aeruginosa, Anabaena circinalis, A. flos‐aquae and A. spiroides. The limited population data available indicate a high level of interannual variability in the timing, magnitude, and duration of cyanobacterial blooms in New Zealand lakes.  相似文献   

Two measures of microbial activity were used to characterise a variety of sediment habitats in three intertidal inlets in the Nelson region, South Island, New Zealand. Rates of microbial mineralisation potential and epibenthic microalgal production were compared with sediment textures, concentrations of photosynthetic pigments, ATP concentrations, and organic and inorganic nutrients. Baseline ranges for these parameters were established for relatively undisturbed estuarine sites for assessing future environmental deterioration and for comparison with sites affected by organic enrichment. Sediment mineralisation rates were increased more than 1000‐fold by enrichment from a fruit processing plant and microalgal production was enhanced by more than 50‐fold at a site exposed to slaughterhouse wastes. The remaining variables, although often strongly correlated with activity measurements, were not as sensitive as measures of enrichment. Sediment microbial activity measurements are proposed as a means of detecting changes in nutrient status of estuarine environments.  相似文献   

The long-term effects (>1 year) of a naturally occurring toxic plankton bloom (Karenia brevisulcata) on subtidal benthic macroinvertebrate communities were investigated in Wellington Harbour, a semi-enclosed temperate embayment in New Zealand. For 3 years communities were sampled at three different sites in the harbour. Analyses revealed that community recovery following the bloom was site-specific. Multivariate analyses indicated that at one site community composition was approaching recovery 3 years post-bloom. At the second site, a sequential recovery process was indicated, whereas at the third site the community composition oscillated from year to year, but did not show any signs of a sequential recovery process. The nature of the hydrodynamic regime was identified as a major factor influencing the observed recovery processes. Communities exposed to an active hydrodynamic regime were less affected by the bloom and differed little in their composition pre- and post-bloom, as they were naturally in a perpetual state of recovery as indicated by a dominance of r-selected species. The community at the hydrodynamically less active site was more affected by the bloom and exhibited temporal differences in composition consistent with successional models. Complete recovery to a pre-disturbance climax community dominated by K-selected species is likely to take 4–5 years, if not interrupted by other disturbances. Given the increased occurrence of harmful algal blooms worldwide, more monitoring and manipulative studies are needed to further evaluate the effects of such disturbances on macrobenthic communities.  相似文献   

Data from 36 whale shark (Rhincodon typus Smith, 1828) sightings off north‐east North Island, New Zealand are summarised. Sightings were concentrated over the outer shelf and shelf break in areas influenced by the East Auckland Current at sea surface temperatures (SST) of 21–24°C. Sightings occurred from late spring to early autumn (November‐April) but were most frequent in midsummer (February) when upwelling along the north‐east shelf is weakest. The data indicate whale sharks occur off north‐east New Zealand most summers, including those when SST is colder than usual. A cluster of sightings and three observations of whale sharks feeding on schools of anchovy (Engraulis australis) near Whale Island, Bay of Plenty, suggest whale sharks may aggregate seasonally in this area. Estimated total lengths (TL) of 26 whale sharks ranged from 3.5 to 15 m, with 73% between 6 and 9 m TL.  相似文献   

Quantitative data are presented on the distribution of adult and larval stages of the euphausiid Nyctiphanes australis G. O. Sars, in western Cook Strait, New Zealand, an area influenced by an upwelling plume. The behaviour of N. australis in the Kahurangi Point region at different stages of its life history appears to ensure its maintenance, in general, over the continental shelf on an upwelling coast. Population structure at the source of the upwelling near Kahurangi Point differed from that in regions “down stream” from the plume. Nyctiphanes australis was most abundant at the “downstream” eastern end of the upwelling plume, and the evidence suggesting that the dense populations there may be resident is discussed. Possible reasons for low densities of furcilia II and III stages in the eastern plume region are considered.  相似文献   

Despite being endangered internationally and protected nationally, little consideration has been given to the occurrence of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in New Zealand. New Zealand lies on the southern boundary of the distributional range of green turtles in the southwestern Pacific, with individuals found within these waters historically considered to be occasional visitors or stragglers incidentally carried by ocean currents. However, the present work shows that green turtles are present year round in New Zealand’s northern waters (c. 34°–38° S). A review of sighting, stranding and incidental capture data collected between 1895 and 2013 illustrate New Zealand’s green turtle population comprises post-pelagic immature juveniles to large subadults. The female:male sex ratio of 1.7:1 is similar to those reported from warm temperate foraging grounds in eastern Australia. A subsample of new recruits indicates green turtles recruit to neritic habitats at approximately 40.8?cm curved carapace length. This study suggests that New Zealand’s neritic habitats constitute a transitional developmental ground for post-pelagic immature green turtles. We observed an exponential increase in the number of documented records over time, though whether this is due to increased numbers of turtles or increased reporting rates, or both, is unclear and warrants further investigation. More broadly, this work provides a baseline understanding of the ecology of green turtles at the edge of their range, providing opportunities to investigate regional niche modelling and connectivity of this highly mobile species, while also monitoring broad-scale effects of climate-induced environmental change.  相似文献   

From 1973 to 1976, 2430 blue cod (Parapercis colias) were tagged in the Marlborough Sounds. Tags from 84 fish (3.5%) were returned, after a mean 138 days at liberty. Of these, 71.6% had not moved significant distances. The remainder had travelled up to 41.7 km. Tag shedding rates, as indicated by multiple‐tagging experiments, were high. Results suggest that blue cod of the Marlborough Sounds and the adjacent islands belong to the same stock, and that, while some move significant distances, the majority stay in 1 place for extended periods.  相似文献   

Evechinus chloroticus (Val.) is known to be an important grazer of subtidal barren habitats in northern New Zealand but its role in structuring rocky reef communities at colder southern localities is poorly understood. The present study was prompted by a proposal for the establishment of an E. chloroticus fishery in Dusky Sound, Fiordland, New Zealand. To determine the ecological importance of E. chloroticus in Dusky Sound, sea urchins were experimentally removed from shallow fucoid fringe (upper zone), mid‐depth barrens (middle zone), and deeper algal meadow (lower zone), at eight sites and compared with a paired set of eight control sites. Two years of continuous removal of E. chloroticus resulted in conspicuous changes to the algal community at all depth zones examined. The density of fucoid algae (Carpophyllum spp., Sargassum spp., Cystophora spp., and Landsburgia quercifolia) increased mostly in the upper and middle zones, although smaller increases were also observed in the lower zone. Changes in cover of herbaceous, turfing and crustose algae observed in the middle and lower zones were larger than in the upper zone. Density increases of the kelp Ecklonia radiata were observed mainly in the lower zone, although still important in the middle zone. These results show that E. chloroticus can have a strong influence on the structure of algal assemblages in Dusky Sound hence the development of an E. chloroticus fishery in this area should be treated with caution.  相似文献   

Water samples were collected at 15 min intervals over 11 tidal cycles from a tidal creek draining the mangrove-covered basin of Tuff Crater, Auckland, New Zealand. The samples were filtered and total suspended sediment (TSS), inorganic suspended sediment (ISS) and organic suspended sediment (OSS) were determined. Variation in TSS was high, the concentration varied over a tidal cycle and during over-bank flows concentrations were lowest at or near slack high water. Covariance between TSS concentrations and velocity and discharge meant that the calculation of particulate matter flux over tidal hemicycles was particularly dependent on the method of estimating tidal flux. The hypsometrically-based volumetric method was found to be inappropriate, predicting a positive budget (import) more often than observed. Instead particulate matter budgets were calculated by means of the velocity-area method and indicate a net export of TSS, ISS and OSS. Floating macrodetritus was observed on both the flood and ebb tides, but a net export was found on the two tides monitored. It is considered that on an annual basis floating macrodetritus export accounts for less than 2% of the detrital production in the basin, and organic suspended sediment export from the basin is less than 3 kg C ha?1 day?1 and is below the rate of detrital production. It is implied that a proportion of the organic detritus produced in this basin is degraded and recycled in situ.  相似文献   

The fecundity of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) was estimated from maturing fish captured by anglers in the lower Waitaki River in 1985 and 1987–89, and from mature fish spawned at the Glenariffe Research Station on the Rakaia River in 1992. Fecundity was positively correlated with fork length (FL); estimated fecundities at 750 mm FL were 5024 eggs for Waitaki and 4829 eggs for Glenariffe salmon. The slopes of the regressions of fecundity on FL differed between the populations but the Glenariffe data did not differ from Rakaia River samples from 1967, 1973, and 1976. Significant inter‐annual variation in the FL‐fecundity relationship was detected in Waitaki River samples. Egg weights, taken from the Glenariffe samples, were positively correlated with length and averaged 0.17 g. However, salmon with high fecundity for their FL tended to have small eggs, and vice versa.  相似文献   

Prey remains from sooty shearwater (Puffinus griseus Gmelin, 1792) regurgitates, stomachs, and gizzards, were collected from four breeding colonies in southern New Zealand. We found a wide range of prey species (minimum 39 species of 35 genera), the most important of which were crustaceans (particularly euphausiid krill and hyperiid amphipods), cephalopods (notably arrow squid), fishes, and salps. Malacostracans (krill, amphipods, and decapods) were the predominant taxa of prey in both diversity and frequency of occurrence. Regurgitates were easily obtained from harvested chicks and provided the greatest range of prey remains (36 of the 39 species identified). However, these regurgitates comprised only 29% of the total number of samples collected. Fish, malacostracan, and salp prey ranged from 4 to 170 mm in size, whereas total lengths of squid ranged from 50 to 535 mm. Based on size and mass, the largest squid were undoubtedly scavenged, possibly in association with commercial fishers. The geographical distribution of prey species indicate that most sooty shearwaters breeding near Stewart Island forage in waters lying between the Subtropical and Polar Fronts. Our results suggest that the abundance of krill, the impact of fisheries and the influence of climate perturbations on prey species may play important roles in sooty shearwater breeding and survival.  相似文献   


In contrast to previous reports that leopard seals (Hydrurga leptonyx) are rare vagrants to New Zealand, we show that this species is a regular member of the marine fauna of this region. We present a first analysis from the New Zealand Leopard Seal Database – an extensive collation of 2,711 records of leopard seals within New Zealand between 1200 and 2018. Of these records, 51.2% (n?=?1,408) were photographic. Leopard seal sightings have increased over time and been reported in all seasons and regions of New Zealand. Sightings are predominantly of adult individuals of good or excellent body condition, which differs to previous hypotheses suggesting that leopard seals visiting New Zealand shores are primarily juvenile animals in poor health condition. A total of 176 unique individuals have been identified in the New Zealand Leopard Seal Catalogue between 2014 and 2018 and preliminary results indicate that numbers per annum have continued to increase over time. Three leopard seal births and a number of juvenile animals (34% of the NZ records) have been documented. Considering the information presented here and the current definitions in the New Zealand Threat Classification System, the threat status of leopard seals within New Zealand waters should be reclassified from Vagrant to Resident.  相似文献   

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