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基于加权Voronoi图的北京市湿地功能分区研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湿地功能分区是城市湿地生态系统健康恢复、管理改善,以及资源可持续利用的重要前提。本文以北京湿地为例,利用客观赋权的主成分分析法对湿地生态服务功能进行综合评价;并结合空间分析中的Voronoi图空间分区方法,通过利用牛顿-断裂点模型确定属性权重的主要步骤,构建基于加权Voronoi图的城市湿地功能分区模型,开展"自下而上"定量化的北京湿地功能分区研究。结果表明:(1)北京湿地功能综合评价中,密云水库湿地的功能综合值最大,表明该湿地生态服务功能作用最重要。(2)北京湿地功能分区分为三级框架,其中包括4个一级核心湿地功能区、15个二级核心湿地功能区、43个三级核心湿地单元。(3)湿地资源功能价值量与湿地斑块空间关系的相结合,实现了属性和空间双重距离约束的湿地功能分区,促进了湿地生态系统服务价值评估在决策管理中的深入应用,为城市湿地功能区划提供技术支持。  相似文献   

Newest planning methods implemented by Chinese government are promoting a coordinated regional development and shaping an orderly spatial structure by applying the regulation of territorial function. This article analyzes the problems of spatial planning and regional strategy caused by the wrongly-set primary goal of economic development; it states that the three-fold objective of competitiveness, sustainability, and welfare fairness shall be the principal for China to implement the spatial regulation in the new era; it discusses about theoretical thoughts and technology framework of conducting the ′Major Function Oriented Zone′ based on their different major functions that each region plays in urbanization and industrialization, ecological constructions, grain productions, and protection of natural and cultural heritages; it introduces the new concept of ′Major Function Oriented Zone′ that include the major functions category, the stereo regional equilibrium mode, the two-level zoning specification, and the territorial development intensity; it offers a zoning scheme that defines development-optimized and development-prioritized zones as regions with massive urbanization and industrialization, development-restricted zones as ecological constructing or grain producing regions, development-prohibited zones as natural and cultural heritage protecting regions; and finally it addresses the main obstacle for implementing ′Major Function Oriented Zone′, which is the institutional arrangement of the supreme goal of high GDP growth rate that is currently being implemented.  相似文献   

伴随新型城镇化和全面休闲化时代到来,游憩-居住两大功能空间关系研究成为新时期城市地域结构领域的重要关注议题。基于POI地理空间大数据,通过运用Ripley's K函数、同位区位商、“不一致指数”定量模型和采用全局空间自相关、核密度估计等ArcGIS空间分析方法,探究了长沙市游憩-居住功能空间格局及其匹配关系特征。研究发现:① 两大功能空间均具有显著的空间正相关性,形态格局差异鲜明且均呈以“空间极核”为导向的集聚模式,各类型功能空间集聚强度表现为“居住空间>文化休闲空间>体育健身空间>商业娱乐空间>自然生态空间”;② 两大功能空间存在基于“距离-数量”的函数衰减关系,距离居住空间3000 m半径环带是游憩空间集中分布以及居民日常游憩休闲的重要活动范围;③ 居住空间具有“临近”游憩空间布局的指向特征,但反之不显著,两大功能空间呈单向吸引“非对称性”错位临近关系,居住空间临近不同类型游憩空间的指向强度呈“体育健身空间>文化休闲空间>自然生态空间>商业娱乐空间”位序格局;④ 游憩-居住功能空间协调关系具有较强的空间异质性,湘江西岸整体上优于东岸,岳麓区、望城区为游憩-居住协调型,天心区、芙蓉区、雨花区、开福区为游憩滞后居住型,长沙县为游憩超前居住型。本研究通过聚焦新型城镇化和全民休闲时代的城市游憩设施配置及其与居住空间的关系问题,将为丰富传承新背景趋势下的城市公共设施区位理论、城市空间结构理论等提供重要的理论探索方向,并为长沙市及国内同类大都市合理布局城市游憩休闲设施、优化调整城市空间结构和建设休闲宜居城市等提供科学参考。  相似文献   

新时期国土空间规划背景下,科学合理地划定城镇开发边界,建立健全的国土空间用途管制制度是有序引导国土空间各类开发保护行为的重要举措。本文以福州市为例,构建了一种全域多维度国土空间管控体系,将其管控约束条件嵌入未来土地利用格局模拟中。同时,顾及区域空间异质性和时空依赖性,设计了一种服务于城镇开发边界划定的集成地理分区策略、深度学习技术、FLUS模型功能模块的时空元胞自动机ST-CA(Spatio-Temporal Cellular Automata)模型。基于已有成果集成三区三线,开展"划管结合"思维下的空间管控应用研究。结果表明:(1)顾及区域空间异质性和时空依赖性的ST-CA模型可以有效提高土地利用变化模拟精度(OA指标从95.95%提升至98.34%),实现更为真实、准确的地理模拟过程;(2)地理模拟过程中嵌入管控约束条件,可引导城镇、农业和生态3类空间合理布局且规模可控,基于模拟结果划定的城镇开发边界能有效避开规划保护用地;(3)未来模拟预测结果结合管控预警值可看出,福州市主城区及周边区县的城镇扩张形势比较严峻,未来亟需对福州市国土空间格局进行合理调控;(4)边界变化趋势特征表明划...  相似文献   

多功能景观能够同时提供多种景观功能,可以充分缓解生态环境压力.在自然资源大数据支撑下基于基层行政管理单元开展的多功能景观研究,可以更加快速准确地反映区域自然地理格局与社会经济发展格局的空间特征与区域差异,其将景观功能管理和行政管理有效结合,能为市县级国土空间规划中控制线的划定和国土空间规划分区提供从功能评估到空间识别等...  相似文献   

开展"多规合一"是推进生态文明建设、新型城镇化建设,落实供给侧改革的必然要求。本文以地理信息技术为基础,以土地利用规划为底盘,统一城乡规划、环保规划、农业发展规划等的空间基础;以经济社会发展规划为目标协调各规划,划定永久基本农田保护红线、生态保护红线、城市开发边界,实施严格的空间管控。最后,以常州市新北区为试验区,分析各规划的差异并落实重点项目,引导国土空间有序开发,优化资源空间配置,形成国土空间开发规划"一张图"。  相似文献   

三江源地区是国家重要生态安全屏障和生态文明先行示范区。科学认知三江源地区生态空间、农业空间、城镇空间的空间格局演变特征及驱动机制,对于促进国土空间格局优化具有重要意义。首先从单一土地利用类型入手,分析1992―2020年的变化特征;然后结合土地分类和量化评价辨识出农牧空间,进而界定出“三区空间”并对其演变特征进行分析;最后,利用地理探测器分析变化背后的驱动机制。结果表明:① 三江源地区城镇空间增幅达774.56%;生态空间和农业空间以2005年和2015年为转折点,分别呈“U”字型和倒“U”字型变化趋势;② 研究区仅发生了4种交叉转换:生态空间转农业空间规模为1154.1 km²,多发生在气候变化主导区,转化量大但速度在逐步放缓;农业空间转生态空间规模为1140.8 km²,多分布在气候与人类活动共同作用区,转化速度呈明显变快趋势;农业空间和生态空间转为城镇空间的总量分别为41.0 km²和12.3 km²,多分布在县(市)驻地镇附近,转化速度在三个阶段表现为“缓慢增长―变快―减缓”的态势;③ 地理基础条件是“三区空间”格局演化的基本动力和前提,制约着交叉转换的位置和方向;社会经济因素是演化的关键驱动力,对交叉转换规模和速度均具有显著影响;生态保护政策在2005年之后驱动作用显著,尤其在“生态―农业”空间的相互置换过程中发挥着稳定作用。本研究可为牧业地区主体功能降尺度传导和国土空间用途管制提供新思路,可应用于三江源地区生态环境保护决策和各级国土空间规划编制工作。  相似文献   

大都市区增长是当前中国城镇化发展的一种主要模式,如何确定其最佳空间增长形态是新型城镇化关注的重要内容之一。本研究立足于未来“生态城市”建设理念,从自然资源生态敏感性和城市发展适宜性角度构建双重约束条件,利用元胞自动机模型构建了生态空间胁迫下的城市增长过程模拟框架,探讨了边缘性增长、生态性增长与协调性增长3种发展模式,并从建设适宜性、生态安全性与斑块紧凑性等角度构建评价指标对模拟方案进行定量化对比。最后,以长江中游城市群的南昌大都市区进行实例应用,结果表明,协调性空间增长模式能最大程度降低城市建设对生态安全空间的侵蚀,大都市区在制定城市增长边界等空间政策时宜参考此种发展模式,基于生态空间胁迫分析的城市增长过程建模是一种有用的规划决策情景分析工具。  相似文献   

在国家大力推进新型城镇化和落实城市群空间规划的背景下,评价城市群土地生态安全水平,并以此为限制条件预测城市群未来土地利用格局,对城市群可持续发展具有重要意义。本文以环鄱阳湖城市群为研究对象,对城市群土地生态安全格局和变化进行分析,根据土地生态安全评价结果设置自然发展情景和生态保护情景,结合多分类Logistic回归和多标准评价方法(MCE),构建CA-Markov模型,预测2种情景下2030年土地利用格局并进行对比分析。研究结果表明:①2005、2010和2015年,环鄱阳湖城市群网格平均生态安全值分别为0.574、0.573和0.571,空间布局上呈现"中部低、东西高"的特征;②预测2030年,自然发展情景下新增城镇用地主要位于九江市、上饶市和南昌市,生态保护情景下限制城镇用地和其他建设用地向土地生态安全高值区扩展,使得城镇用地和其他建设用地扩展更加集中;③预测生态保护情景下,高生态安全区面积比自然发展情景下多39.39%且分布更加均匀,包括鄱阳湖周边区域、九江市中部以及新余市和吉安市,城市群生态安全得到有效保护。该研究可为环鄱阳湖城市群土地利用规划及生态保护提供参考。  相似文献   

A rational utilization of land is a matter of importance in sustainable development of mountainous area. The land function in mountainous areas has a close connection with space structure of ecology, production and living. To promote a harmonious development of the relationship between people and nature in mountainous areas, it is necessary to coordinate their relationships of space functions. Suitability evaluation of basic unit function associated with multi-scale space analysis is a prerequisite to a reasonable optimization of land function structure. In this study, an optimized evaluation index system of combination functions was introduced into the assessment of ecological spatial functional suitability in ecological fragile regions by adding three indicators, namely, soil erosion sensitivity, landscape ecological risk and ecological sensitivity. The principle of "taking high"(referred to a function with high suitability to be regarded as the main function of an evaluation unit) and ecological priority(referred to the case, supposing the suitability of a unit's three functions is consistent, the main function is determined to be the ecological function) were used to determine the main function of an evaluation unit. Pingshan County, China, located at the eastern foot of the Taihang Mountain, was targeted in this case study. The production-livingecology space(PLES) function in Pingshan was identified by applying our improved valuation indexes. Further, the functional suitability distribution of the combination of elements was obtained by using overlapping comprehensive analysis method, considering the tradeoff of the functional suitability of combination elements. The regions suitable for production/living were distributed in relatively flat piedmont plains, whereas the regions suitable for ecology were distributed in the mountain areas of middle and low altitudes. Therefore, to maintain a sustainable development in mountainous areas, an improved scheme of development for Pingshan should be to delineate ecologically fragile areas, to build ecological industrial parks near existing scenic spots, to protect basic agricultural production areas, and to increase investment in science and technology, including reasonable ecological compensation. This study can provide reference for the planning of sustainable development in the Taihang Mountain area and similar regions.  相似文献   

As a result of rapid urbanization in China, urban sprawl has increased rapidly, and land-use regulation and smart urban growth are equally important. Spatial function regionalization can provide the scientific groundwork for the regulation of land use and protection. This paper probes the system of evaluation indices and applies the methods of spatial analysis and classification clustering to the calculation of the ecologically significant value and economically significant value in each evaluation unit. After use of a classification matrix integrated by the two significant values, city space can be divided into four functional types, namely, feasible development area, moderate development area, moderate conservation area and prohibited exploiting area, and these are the basis for spatial development and control.  相似文献   

The township industry in Shanghai suburbs has undergone a rapid development in the past few years. Aimed at studying the spatial law of the township industry in Shanghai suburbs, three kinds of indexes including distribution density, economic benefit, and regional structure are selected and analysed using correlation analysis method. There are 12 indexes in total. It is found that the locational variation of the township industry in Shanghai suburbs conforms to the following distribution equation:y=ae-bx (x> 5)The above equation has been more and more conforming to the real distribution of the township industry. It is obvious that decreasing trend from inner suburban districts to outer suburban districts is an important character of the locational variation of the township industry of Shanghai suburbs. The fact is closely related with the radiation intensity of the urban economy and the locational superiority for the development of township industry. The regional strategies of the township industry of S  相似文献   

An earthquake in the Jiuzhaigou area caused numerous secondary disasters, such as rolling stones, land collapse, landslides and debris flow, which badly affected the safety of human settlements and influenced the spatial layout of the post-disaster reconstruction. Therefore, carrying out assessments of land and identifying a suitable zone for human habitats were very important. This research creates the territorial suitability assessment and function zoning conceptual model in the earthquake-stricken area, and the new methods of the territorial suitability evaluation system were used to divide the spatial functional zones of the earthquake stricken area, which provide a theoretical guidance and decisionmaking basis for the reconstruction of the disaster area. The results showed that:(1) The Jiuzhaigou earthquake-stricken area comprises of an ecological area that has a high level of importance to the ecosystem. In the earthquake-stricken area, 65% of national land is at an altitude of 3000-4000 m, and therefore not suitable for a high level of intensive reconstruction, but reconstructed in an eco-friendly manner.(2) The zone suitable for reconstruction comprises mainly of the river valley and the flat terrain of western parts. The land with low suitability is mainly located on steep terrain, such as highmountains and low gullies. The geographic and geomorphic conditions limit the spread of a suitable reconstruction zone.(3) The earthquake-stricken area mainly comprises of a tourism industry gathering area, population gathering area, agriculture and animal husbandry development area, and ecological preservation area with areas of 76 km^2, 44 km^2, 1591 km^2 and 7512 km^2, respectively. Scientifically zoning the reconstruction areas using scientific evaluation may provide guidance for the location of reconstruction sites.  相似文献   

This paper provides a generalizable mode for the ecological vulnerability evaluation for tourism planning and development in high mountain areas. The Bayi District located in southeastern Tibet is taken as a typical town to study the conflict between the protection of natural ecological environment and the exploitation of tourism resources. Based on the Sensitivity-Recovery-Pressure (SRP) framework, a set of vulnerability evaluation systems for plateau tourism regions were developed. The spatial principal component analysis (SPCA), remote sensing and GIS technologies were integrated to apply for spatial quantification of evaluation index system. The ecological vulnerability of the Bayi District was divided into five levels: potential, mild, moderate, severe, and extreme, and our results showed that significantly severe and extreme vulnerability areas were mainly distributed throughout the southwestern and central northern alpine pasture and glacial zones. Potential and mild vulnerability areas were mainly distributed in the vicinity of the Yarlung Zangbo River tributary basin. Then three tourism development and environmental protection zones were classified and appropriate measures for the protection were proposed. It also provides a reference for the spatial distribution of a range of areas that require different protection measures according to ecological vulnerability classification.  相似文献   

From the angle of ecology, urban agglomeration presents relevant types of landscape structure, which in-clude Patch, Corridor and Matrix. There are different landscape features and different problems in different developmentphases. This paper has put forward five basic conditions for security pattern of landscape ecology of urban agglomeration,described quantitatively the features for landscape ecology in Wuxi, and analyzed ecological background of spatial expan-sion and spatial organization of urban development in Wuxi. From the angle of ecological land use and non-ecological landuse, the paper has analyzed the features of land use and ecological distribution of land in the urban area. The spatial mod-el of cities and towns in Wuxi is composed of one metropolis, two urban zones and three development axes. This thesishas planned preliminarily ecological protection network at four levels in the urban region according to four layers. At last,combining landscape ecology with urban space, a tentative security pattern of landscape ecology has been planned in Wux-i, namely Source-Buffer Zone and Metropolis, Radiating Routes and Expansion Direction of City, Strategic Point and Interac-tion between Cities and Towns, Inter-Source Linkage-Corridor of a Stable Landscape Structure.  相似文献   

为了查清济阳县生态地质环境质量,对水、土壤、矿山环境质量、无公害农产品环境质量进行了现状调查,并对生态地质环境质量进行了综合评价。为济阳县社会经济发展规划、农业经济调整、环境保护、国土资源管理等领域提供依据,配合济南城市北跨发展为政府的宏观决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

城镇-农业-生态空间划定(简称"三区"划定)是国土空间规划的核心内容,对于科学合理地规划、利用有限的国土资源具有重要的意义。已有研究主要根据区域内土地利用与社会经济发展现状构建指标体系进行"三区"划定,较少将未来土地利用变化纳入"三区"划定过程中,使得划定结果在指导实践过程中缺乏前瞻性。针对这一问题,本文提出一种基于土地利用情景模拟,结合指标体系评价与决策树特征挖掘的"三区"划定方法,并以武汉市2015年土地利用现状为基础,在土地利用变化情景模拟的基础上进行"三区"划定。通过对比,验证了本文提出方法的合理性。研究发现:①不同情景下的"三区"空间在规模、空间分布上具有明显差异,将未来土地利用变化纳入"三区"划定过程中确有必要;②不同土地利用情景下"三区"空间的差异主要出现在三类空间的交界区域,这些区域是国土空间规划应该关注的重点区域。  相似文献   

地质工作是国家经济建设和社会发展的重要基础,与生态文明建设息息相关,随着社会经济的快速发展,特别是党的十九大以来,人民对美好生活的向往越来越强烈。地质勘查单位应转变发展思路,拓展地质工作服务领域,积极探索地质工作服务生态文明建设的新思路、新模式,为水生态保护提供地质技术支撑、协助做好土壤污染防治工作、推进城市地下空间合理开发利用,全方位支撑服务生态文明建设大局。  相似文献   

生态空间控制是城市总体规划的重要内容,也是构建生态城市的必然要求;数字城市规划以空间信息技术应用与空间定量分析为突出特征,探讨生态敏感信息图谱构建的信息技术方法是数字城市总体规划需要开展研究的领域.以A市城市总体规划为例,探讨基于GIS空间分析技术的生态敏感信息图谱构建方法,包括基础数据处理、生态因子确定、评价方法选择、生态敏感性评价、信息图谱构建等几个方面.实践结果表明基于GIS的城市总体规划生态敏感信息图谱构建的技术方法是可行的,可以为数字城市总体规划方案的编制提供科学依据.  相似文献   

结合泰安市地下空间开发利用现状,分析了地质环境特征与地下工程建设和地下空间开发的相互影响机制.采用层次分析法,从工程地质条件、水文地质条件、环境地质问题和不良地质作用等方面建立了地下空间适宜性评价指标体系,构建分析模型;通过综合确定各指标的权重,以GIS软件空间叠加分析功能自动划分评价单元,对泰安市地下空间开发的地质环...  相似文献   

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