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Charophytes are unique and endangered macroalgae. Mechanical stress is known to damage charophyte communities, however, virtually nothing is known how such disturbance affect seasonal succession and recovery of charophyte communities. We examined the response of a shallow water charophyte community to different types and timing of disturbances by conducting seasonal in situ field experiment in a brackish water ecosystem. The disturbances associated with mechanical removal of vegetation or sediment had the largest impact on the charophyte community. Disturbances that only partly damaged the plants had minor effects and communities were characterized by fast recovery. The timing of disturbance had significant effects on the charophyte community with stronger effects when disturbed at the early stage compared to mid-stage of seasonal succession.  相似文献   

The submerged vegetation of Lakes Sumner, Marion, Katrine, Taylor, and Sheppard was surveyed in May 1987. These high‐altitude lakes lie at c. 600 m a.s.l., within the largely unmodified upper Hurunui catchment. Submerged vegetation was diverse and included numerous short shallow‐water species, dense swards of Isoetes alpinus, low covers of taller native vascular plants, and charophyte meadows beyond the depth limit of vascular plants to a maximum of 15 m. A sparse deepwater bryophyte community was observed from 11 to 32 m depth in Lake Sumner. Displacement of native vegetation by dense growths of the adventive oxygen weed Elodea canadensis over mid‐depths of 3–6 m was noted in all lakes, except Lake Marion.  相似文献   

Groupers are highly targeted and vulnerable reef fishes. The effects of fishing pressure on the density of three reef fishes were investigated in 21 islands outside (n=15) and inside (n=6) a Marine Protected Area (MPA) at the Paraty Bay, Brazilian southeastern coast. Two valued groupers (Epinephelus marginatus and Mycteroperca acutirostris) and a non-target grunt (Haemulon aurolineatum) were studied. The total biomass of fish caught in each island was considered as a measure of current fishing pressure, while the island distance from the villages was considered as a measure of past fishing pressure. Fish densities were recordedin number and biomass. The biomass of M. acutirostris was inversely related to current fishing pressure, which did not affect the other two fishes. The density of E. marginatus increased with the island distance from one of the fishing villages, which indicated that past fishing may have had decreased the abundance of E. marginatus. Densities of the three fishes and fishing pressure did not differ between islands inside and outside the MPA. Data on fishing pressure, densities of groupers and coral cover were combined here to assign conservation scores to islands. A redefinition of MPA boundaries to reconcile fish conservation, fishing activities and fishers’ food security was proposed.  相似文献   

The chemistry and mineralogy of the sediments of Lakes Rotoroa and Rotoiti, South Island, New Zealand (41° 51 S, 172° 38 E and 41° 50 S, 172° 50 E respectively) , were studied. In general, the cation exchange properties, element concentrations, and mineral compositions of the sediments show little variation between samples from each lake. However, some nutrient concentrations, notably exchangeable calcium, magnesium, and potassium, and total nitrogen and sulphur, are higher in sediments from weed beds than in sediments underlying deeper water; iron and manganese concentrations tend to show the opposite trend. Concentrations of exchangeable calcium and total nitrogen, sulphur, manganese, and iron generally decrease down the sediment profiles from the sediment/water interface. Differences between lakes, notably higher concentrations of illite and of the elements potassium, aluminium, titanium, and zirconium, and lower concentrations of calcium in the sediments of Lake Rotoiti than in those from Lake Rotoroa, are probably due mainly to the different geological settings rather than to differences in the diagenetic processes operating within the lakes. Mineralogical analyses indicate that the lake sediments are derived mainly from the valleys of the major inflow rivers rather than from the slopes at the sides of each lake.  相似文献   

胶州湾牙鲆资源增殖的生态学基础及种苗放流实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我们自1980年6月开始执行胶州湾水域生产农牧化研究课题任务以来,通过水域环境和生产力,以及渔业资源开发等项周年性和多年性调查,查明牙鲆在胶州湾水域资源结构中占有重要地位,且其体大味美,深受群众喜爱,因而选为拟增殖对象;对其资源增殖的生态学基础和种苗放流增殖技术方法等进行了专题研究。  相似文献   

Fluctuations in water level and the growth of the introduced exotic Lagarosiphon major (Ridley) Moss have significantly influenced the submerged vegetation of Lake Rotoma over the period 1973–80. Low lake levels temporarily reduced the proportion of native vascular plants by removing available shallow‐water habitats through erosion, siltation, or desiccation. High lake levels have allowed native vascular plants to re‐establish from seed and rhizomes. Fluctuations in water level appear to have reduced the long‐term replacement of native species by L. major, which has none the less spread progressively around the lake. Water‐level fluctuations enhanced its rate of fragmentation, and thus its dispersal and establishment. The annual increase in the proportion of L. major has been primarily at the expense of the shallow‐water characean algae, but also partly by competitive displacement of native vascular plants. The southwest inlet of Lake Rotoma had an exceptionally high plant density, with up to 3518 g/m2 dry weight of L. major (believed to be a world record for submerged plant biomass); this is attributed to local enrichment and protection from wave exposure.  相似文献   

The littoral zone of Swartvlei, an estuarine lake on the southern Cape coast, was characterized by extensive beds of submerged aquatic macrophytes. May 1979 marked the beginning of a regression phase which lasted more than three years. The senescence of the Potamogeton pectinatus and charophyte beds resulted in a 60% decline in primary production, a 74% slump in littoral invertebrate biomass and a 54% decline in the abundance of the fishes Monodactylus falciformis (Lacepede) and Rhabdosargus holubi (Steindachner) associated with the macrophytes. Gravimetric and calorific analyses of their food revealed that invertebrates and filamentous algae from the littoral zone were of major importance. The two fish species consumed approximately 2% of the primary production during the Potamogeton canopy phase and 3% during the Potamogeton senescent phase. Invertebrate consumption declined from 33 mg m?2 day?1 during the canopy phase to 8 mg m?2 day?1 during the senescent phase. The disappearance of the Potamogeton and charophyte beds also resulted in a decrease in the condition of both species but the effect was indirect and related mainly to the collapse of invertebrate stocks associated with the plants.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of dimethylsulfide (DMS) in the seawater and atmosphere were conducted during SEEDS-II to investigate the responses of DMS to iron (Fe) fertilization in the subarctic North Pacific. No significant increases in the seawater DMS (DMSw) concentration were observed inside the fertilized patch compared to those outside the patch, while particulate dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSPp) concentration inside the patch increased 2-fold compared to those outside the patch in the phytoplankton bloom of major DMSP producers such as prasinophytes, cryptophytes, diatoms and prymnesiophytes. In the decline phase of the bloom, maximum DMSw was observed both inside the patch (ca. 6.2 nM) and outside the patch (ca. 9.3 nM). In this period, increases in mesozooplankton and decreases in the DMSP producers (prymnesiophytes and diatoms) were observed both sides of the patch, but larger inside the patch than outside the patch. Large decreases in the DMSPp inside the patch, which was probably related to the large increases in mesozooplankton inside the patch, did not result in increases in the DMSw concentration. Considering biological and nonbiological parameters, we discussed these results, although they could not be completely explained. Unfortunately, the impact of Fe fertilization on the atmospheric DMS (DMSa) concentration was not detected due to no significant changes in DMSw. However, it is noted that DMSa concentrations were dependent on the sea–air DMS flux in the air from higher latitudes and/or the Eurasian continent, though the DMS flux was a minor role to the budget of DMSw. Therefore if DMSw were significantly changed by Fe fertilization, DMSa might be affected through changes in the sea-air flux in this condition.  相似文献   

The leukoproliferative (LP) response of splenic leukocytes from the marine benthic fish, English sole (Pleuronectes vetulus), stimulated with the mitogens lipopolysaccharide (LPS), concanavalin A (Con A), and pokeweed mitogen (PWM) was examined as a biomarker of immunotoxic effects. English sole were exposed to an organic-solvent extract of a sediment contaminated with polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) or placed on a reference sediment modified with the PAC contaminated sediment. For both treatments, English sole had an augmented LP response to Con A, no significant change in the response to LPS, and the LP response to PWM showed no consistent relationship to exposure to PACs. In a field study, English sole from a contaminated site had a significantly augmented LP response to Con A and PWM. Fish from a non-urban site also had an augmented LP response to Con A and to LPS relative to fish from another non-urban reference site. Overall, the results demonstrated that although the LP response in splenic leukocytes of English sole to Con A was linked to contaminant exposure, the LP response to Con A did not exhibit high specificity as an indicator of chemical contaminant exposure. However, the concerted use of Con A, LPS, and PWM allowed for identification of apparent chemical-contaminant induced alterations of the LP response in English sole from an urban area of Puget Sound.  相似文献   

一种适于内陆水域生态实验用的浮式围隔   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本围隔由浮体,围隔袋,底盘,内网和搅水机等5部分组成。围隔袋呈圆筒形,由聚乙烯纺织布缝合而成,高5.7m,容水量14.3m^3。底盘水是围隔的底部。内网与围隔袋相套合,供检查鱼和捕鱼之用。搅水机的动力是90W的电动机,其作用是定时搅水,以保持围隔内水的混合与围隔外大小体基本一致。灌水采用“沉下提上法”,每灌一个围隔只需10余分种。使用结果证明,本围隔性能良好,操作简便而又牢固安全。  相似文献   

太湖渔业产量和结构变化及其对水环境的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
依据太湖渔业和水环境监测资料,分析研究了1952~2006年太湖渔业产量、结构变化以及对水环境的影响.结果表明:1952~2006年太湖渔业总产量呈上升趋势;捕捞渔获物组成中,小型鱼类湖鲚为优势种,产量占渔获物比例从1952年的640.5t和15.8%增加至2006年的21130t和60.2%;而银鱼、鮊鱼、鲢鳙等其他鱼类在渔获物中比例大幅度下降,2006年渔获物组成远不及1952年合理.结果表明,太湖的逐渐富营养化、不合理的捕捞方式和过高的捕捞强度,以及太湖受改变的水力学特点等导致了这一变化.1991~2006年东太湖养殖渔业尤其是网围养蟹业迅速发展,养殖规模不断扩大后的大量投饵及不合理的水生植被利用方式给东太湖水环境带来了严重影响,东太湖水体现处于富营养状态.因此,需要控制太湖渔业捕捞强度、调整鱼种放流结构、加强鱼类资源繁殖保护,改善养殖渔业方式以及加强对湖泊水环境的综合整治,以使太湖渔业与水环境和谐可持续发展.  相似文献   

Experimental exposure tanks were set up containing 'clean' marine sediment spiked with set doses of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), or both. Reference tanks contained only 'clean' sediment. Female dab Limanda limanda L., exposed to these sediments for 7 days showed no differences in serum total protein concentration, serum lysozyme activity or body growth. Their kidney leucocytes were assayed for extracellular production of reactive oxygen species of the phagocytic respiratory burst. No significant differences in superoxide anion (O2-) production were found between fish exposed to the 'spiked' sediments and those on the 'clean' reference sediment. The production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was, however, reduced in the fish held on the PAH and PAH/PCB spiked sediments. H2O2 levels for fish exposed to PCBs alone, did not differ significantly from those of control fish. Our results suggest that the decrease in H2O2 production was due to exposure to PAHs, rather than to PCBs.  相似文献   

A preliminary scuba survey of oligotrophic Lake Rotoma in 1972 revealed a vegetation mainly composed of native hydrophytes in which exotics were at an early stage of colonisation. In 1973 the presence of species was recorded in 5708 quadrats (625 cm2) at 1 m intervals along a total of 50 line transects placed systematically around the lake. Water depth was measured, and quadrat cover and substrate type were subjectively estimated. Species frequency calculations showed that the dominant vegetation pattern was a characean meadow of Chara fibrosa f. acanthopitys (A.Br.) R.D.W., Nitella leptostachys var. leonhardii (R.D.W.) R.D.W., and N. pseudoflabellata var. mucosa (Nordst.) Bailey. The charophytes extended over a depth range of 1–17.5 m on a wide variety of substrates and gradients. Native vascular plants were absent from many transects, and had a depth range only from 0 to 4.5 m, with most occurring above 3.5 m. The Low Mixed Community, found in shallow water less than 1.25 m in depth at the northeast end of the lake, provided this area with a high species diversity. Exotic hydrophytes had established in many areas around the lake. The distribution of Lagarosiphon major (Ridley) Moss and Elodea canadensis Michx. appeared to coincide with boating access and fallen submerged trees over a depth range of 0–6.0 m, although much of the available habitat had not yet been exploited. Emergent species were most abundant within the southwest inlet and also in the lagoons surrounding the lake where sheltered conditions and shallow gradients prevail.  相似文献   

Mangroves are an attractive fish habitat because they provide shelter and food for juvenile fishes. However, because mangroves are almost always located in shallow water and in sheltered (i.e., lagoonal, estuarine or bay) environments, the degree to which the latter two factors contribute to the attractiveness of mangrove prop-roots as a fish habitat is unknown. Artificial Mangrove Units (AMUs) were placed at multiple depths and along a gradient from an embayment to, and including, the coral reef. Total fish density and species richness in AMUs placed in the embayment was lower at 1 m depth than at 2 and 3 m depth, suggesting that shallow water is not a prerequisite for the attractiveness of mangrove prop-roots as a fish habitat. Total fish density and species richness were equal or greater in AMUs on the coral reef than in the embayment, suggesting that placement of mangroves in a sheltered lagoonal environment is not solely responsible for the attractiveness of mangrove prop-roots either. After 3 weeks, removal of AMUs did not have a negative effect on total fish density or species richness. However, within the embayment AMU removal resulted in the complete collapse of the assemblage component comprised of species that use mangroves as juvenile habitats, highlighting the need for a species-based approach towards assessing the benefits provided by the presence of mangrove root structure for fishes.  相似文献   

Shorebirds and flatfish were selectively excluded from areas of mudflat of the Ythan estuary in two separate experiments. Exclosures and control areas were monitored over several months for sediment and faunal characteristics and compared by 2-way ANOVA. There was no significant effect of the exclosures on sediment properties, due to the relatively large open area of the exclosure material used. Exclosures had little effect on invertebrate densities. The results are discussed in relation to prey mobility and the effects of predation estimated from energy demands of the predators. It is suggested that, over the study period, predators did not significantly affect the numbers of invertebrates in the mudflats. Over the winter period, Corophium within exclosures were significantly larger than those in control areas, probably due to size-selective predation by shorebirds.  相似文献   

The importance of suspension-feeding mussels is particularly apparent in benthic communities; however, the role of this feeding strategy on the development of macroalgal and associated invertebrate communities is in general poorly known. The effect of suspension-feeding mussels Mytilus trossulus on benthic communities was studied in an in situ factorial field experiment in the Northern Baltic Sea over one ice-free season. The experiment was performed under different regimes of wave exposure (low and moderate) and on different sedimentary habitats (soft bottom with high organic content, soft bottom with low organic content, and hard bottom). In general the presence of mussels was associated with increased biomass of filamentous algae, herbivores and deposit feeders and decreased biomass of charophytes. The effect of M. trossulus interacted with the effect of exposure and substrate. Stronger responses were observed in moderately exposed than in sheltered areas. The presence of M. trossulus affected charophytes and deposit feeders on sand with low content of organic matter and filamentous algae on pebbles but not on other substrate types. The magnitude of the effects varied between months. The results suggest that (i) even in dynamic coastal systems the biodeposits and excretions of mussels are at least partly assimilated locally and are not flushed away to the open sea, (ii) the accumulation of faecal material induced elevated growth of deposit feeders, (iii) mussels enhanced the growth of ephemeral macroalgae and reduced the growth of perennial macroalgae, and (iv) together with increasing benthic primary production, mussels indirectly increase the production of herbivores.  相似文献   

1996年6~10月对大李家湾贝类筏式养殖区内、外浮游动物进行了生态调查研究。结果表明,浮游动物种类组成以小型挠足类为主。浮游动物数量在养殖区内、外具有相同的分布趋势,7月最高,9月次之,10月最低。浮游动物在养殖区外的数量明显高于养殖区内,前者是后者的1.6~2.3倍。优势种小拟哲水蚤和鸟喙尖头氵蚤数量分布明显反映出浮游动物数量分布特征,而近缘大眼剑水蚤在养殖区内、外的数量则差异不大。  相似文献   

Knowledge of the nutritional conditions of coastal commercial fish populations is key to understanding stock health status, and is essential when making reasonable exploitation and management plans. Here, we present the first results on the condition and feeding preferences of two coastal fish species, Diplodus sargus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Pagellus erythrinus (Linnaeus, 1758). Using stable isotope and biochemical analyses, we tested the potential effects of a marine protected area (MPA) and the occurrence of a dramatic coastal storm on the condition and quality of nutrition. The results suggest that both condition (lipids) and nutrition quality (fatty acids, FAs) in P. erythrinus and D. sargus depend upon on food availability in the area in which they were captured. Pagellus erythrinus individuals inside the MPA stored higher quantities of lipids [46.73 ± 19.00 μg lipid·mg organic matter (OM)?1] than those outside the MPA (15.63 ± 5.30 μg lipid·mg OM?1) only before the storm. Diplodus sargus showed different FA signatures inside and outside the MPA before and after the storm. These results suggest that D. sargus increased their quality of nutrition inside (16.62 ± 3.17 μg FA·mg OM?1) versus outside (7.88 ± 2.36 μg FA·mg OM?1) the MPA, owing to increased food diversity and availability. Conversely, P. erythrinus did not show differences in nutritional quality inside (18.12 ± 1.13 μg FA·mg OM?1) or outside (18.81 ± 1.42 μg FA·mg OM?1) the MPA, possibly because of the increase in ingestion not affecting the studied parameters. In P. erythrinus, the FA concentration decreased after the storm, but in D. sargus, a change in lipid composition was observed. These results suggest that P. erythrinus appears to be more impacted by food quality (different saturated and unsaturated FAs) than D. sargus, owing to a more restrictive diet. We hypothesize that the observed differences between inside and outside the MPA are not only related to the degree of protection, but also to the feeding preferences and behaviour of both fishes.  相似文献   

Temporary removal of aquatic plants in Lake Parkinson, a small, eutrophic dune lake, resulted in a number of changes to the population of stocked rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerii). During each summer the lake stratified and low oxygen levels limited the distribution of trout to shallow (0–4 m) surface waters. In the first summer following weed removal the numbers of black shags (Phallacrocorax carbo) counted at the lake increased, and their predation resulted in a decline in trout density. However, the growth rate and condition of the trout population then exceeded that of trout present before weed removal. During the second summer after weed removal a cladoceran bloom was followed by low phytoplankton levels and high ammonia concentrations. A prolonged calm compounded this situation with the result that oxygen levels in bottom and surface waters dropped below 2 ppm. These low oxygen levels eliminated the trout population, but other fish species present survived. Elimination of aquatic plants affected the population dynamics of other fish species in the lake with potential implications for the trout. The experiment demonstrated the importance of weed beds in maintaining a stable fish community in lakes such as Lake Parkinson.  相似文献   

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