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Drift was collected over 24‐h periods in five rivers in South Island, New Zealand, to determine whether diel periodicity was consistent across a range of river types, and whether the pattern was similar for different life stages/sizes of selected taxa. Total drift density (numbers per 100 m3 ) of aquatic invertebrates was greater at night than during the day in all rivers; peak abundance occurred shortly after sunset in clear water rivers and shortly before sunrise in a turbid, glacier‐fed river. Densities of drifting Deleatidium spp., Nesameletus spp. (both Ephemeroptera), Aoteapsyche spp., and Hydrobiosidae (both Trichoptera), were generally greater at night than during the day. However, the timing of peak abundance in the drift for other common taxa varied between rivers. Larger Deleatidium spp. larvae (> 1.00 mm head width) were more common in the drift at night than during the day in all rivers. However, this was not apparent for Aoteapsyche spp. and Hydrobiosidae, for which diel differences in the size of drifting animals were not consistent even within the same river. The propensity for some aquatic invertebrates to drift at night may influence fish feeding behaviour, particularly with respect to the timing of feeding and the species or life history stages of their prey.  相似文献   

Torrentfish Cheimarrichthys fosteri Haast were collected at 4‐hour intervals over a full day in winter and summer, 1984–85, from the Ashley and Rakaia Rivers in Canterbury, New Zealand, to determine their diel feeding periodicity. Both populations fed, almost exclusively, from dusk to dawn in both seasons, with the quantity of food in their stomachs accumulating to peak levels by early morning. However, Ashley females had significantly less food in their stomachs than did males in summer, the season with a high incidence (91%) of females in spawning condition. Aquatic stages of Deleatidium spp. (Ephemeroptera: Leptophle‐biidae) and Chironomidae constituted from 85 to 98% by number and 63 to 80% by dry weight of all foods eaten. Chironomids (small prey) comprised up to 85% of the total foods eaten by number but only 17% by dry weight, while Deleatidium (large prey) comprised up to 69% of the prey by number and 63% by dry weight. Numerically, chironomids were an important component in the torrentfish diet in both seasons in the Rakaia (71 to 75%), but only so in winter in the Ashley (85%). The reported daily feeding cycle is consistent with observations in a simulated stream, that torrentfish largely remain inactive during the day and come out to feed at night.  相似文献   

Abstract. The waters surrounding the Pribilof Islands are an important nursery ground for juvenile walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), an important forage fish in the pelagic food web of the productive Bering Sea shelf region. The diet of juvenile pollock was studied in two consecutive years along a transect line crossing from a well‐mixed coastal domain, through a frontal region to stratified water farther offshore. Variability in stomach fullness was high and evidence for increased feeding intensity in the front was weak. Prey diversity and prey size generally increased with increasing fish size, shifting from predominantly small copepods to larger, more evasive prey items such as euphausiids, crab megalopae and fish. The diet of the fish reflected changes in the relative abundance of copepods and euphausiids in the prey fields between years. Juvenile pollock showed increased feeding rates at dusk, and stomach fullness as well as prey condition were generally lowest just before sunrise; however, the proportion of euphausiids increased in the diet of pollock caught at night, suggesting that some food was also ingested during darkness. Juvenile pollock and their euphausiid prey both vertically migrated above the thermocline at night, although each had a different daytime depth.  相似文献   

Diel feeding pattern and food consumption of whitemouth croaker (Micropogonias furnieri) were examined and related to seasonal variations in an estuarine environment. To determine diel feeding pattern whitemouth croaker were collected from the Patos Lagoon Estuary over 24 h (~3‐h intervals) and their stomach contents were examined. Food consumption of whitemouth croaker was determined from evacuation rates estimated experimentally and in the field. The results suggested that whitemouth croaker in the Patos Lagoon estuary feed all day long. However, whitemouth croaker showed higher feeding intensity and food consumption during daylight hours when the water transparency increased than in others when water transparency was low. Thus, whitemouth croaker seemed to intensify their feeding when they could see their prey. Daily food consumption was between 0.9 and 5.3% of body wet weight (these being the lowest and highest consumption rates during the winter and summer, respectively). The maximum predation impact of whitemouth croaker on their preferential prey, the tanaid Kalliapseudes schubartii, was 27indiv·m?2·day?1. The results suggested that the changes in water transparency seem to affect the diel feeding pattern and food consumption of whitemouth croaker. This could have important consequences for fish growth.  相似文献   

The diet of the Patagonian hake Merluccius australis polylepis in 1986 was determined by analysis of stomach samples collected from commercial trawl catches. The major prey items were Patagonian grenadier Macrouronus magellanicus and, to a lesser extent, southern blue whiting Micromesistius australis. Large (81–100 cm) hake are mainly piscivorous and consume more grenadier than smaller (51–80 cm) hake. The smaller hake feed both on fish and invertebrates. There was no difference by sex in terms of stomach contents. The daily feeding cycle was also investigated from samples collected during 1991. Hake feed principally on 1-, 2-, and 3-year-old grenadier, which they seem to catch mainly at night. The daily ration of grenadier was between 0,043 and 0,26 per cent of body mass (1,692–9,849 g). The results are similar to those for other hake species in terms of composition of the diet, daily feeding cycle and daily ration.  相似文献   

Food and feeding of small fish in the Rakaia River,New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Benthic macroinvertebrates and fish species were collected at monthly intervals during a 12‐month period, from 3 areas of the lower Rakaia River. The composition and abundance of the benthos and stomach contents of the fish were analysed for seasonal trends, food niche breadth and overlap between pairs of fish species, and overlap between the benthos and the diet of each fish species. The diets of bluegilled bully (Gobiomorphus hubbsi), upland bully (G. breviceps), juvenile longfinned eel (Anguilla dieffenbachii), Galaxias brevipinnis, G. paucispondylus, and juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta) were similar to the proportions of prey species in the benthos. Deleatidium and chironomid larvae dominated the benthos in all seasons and formed the majority of food items in the diet of these species. Food niche overlap between these species was high, indicating potential competition, but preferred habitat and feeding habit differences plus low fish population density and abundance of main prey items probably eliminate the occurrence of any serious competition. The diet of the other fish species differed from this pattern. The common bully (Gobiomorphus cotidianus) ate proportionally more chironomid larvae and fish eggs than occurred in the benthos; torrentfish (Cheimarrichthys fosteri) ate proportionally more chironomid larvae than occurred in the benthos; and quinnat salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) depended largely upon prey species of terrestial origin, such as adult Deleatidium and dipterans.  相似文献   

Comprehensive dietary information for the endangered Australian sea lion (Neophoca cinerea) is currently limited by the deficiency and poor quality of identifiable prey remains recovered from regurgitate and faeces and the difficulty of observing feeding in the wild. In this study, we investigated DNA‐based prey detection methods using conventional (end‐point) and quantitative real‐time PCR (qPCR) on faeces collected from two captive Australian sea lions fed experimental diets of whole teleost fish, squid and shark tissue. PCR prey detection methods using the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and 16S genes combined with clone sequencing were compared with prey identified using traditional hard part analysis. The molecular results indicated that prey DNA was degraded. However, prey amplification was successful by targeting short (71 bp) DNA fragments. Both conventional PCR and qPCR techniques significantly increased prey detection compared with analysis of hard parts. For both sea lions, the hard part analysis was constrained by sporadic and extremely low recovery of fish otoliths (<2%), and cephalopod beaks were not recovered from the 116 squid fed. Comparisons between PCR techniques indicated comparable prey detection frequencies for all species tested; however, the sensitivity and greater resolution of qPCR improved prey detection by ~25% in one sea lion fed the experimental squid and perch. The detection of squid DNA ≤ 6 day post‐ingestion by qPCR further exhibits the ability and potential of this method to detect low concentrations of infrequent or pulse prey. This study highlights the use of DNA‐based analysis to detect prey taxa in the absence of identifiable hard prey remains.  相似文献   

Fish, epibenthos and macroinfauna were collected in a Zostera marina bed and nearby unvegetated sediments in the estuary of the Damariscotta River, on the mid-coast of Maine. Samples of epibenthic fauna and fish were collected at low tides both during day and night, and samples of infauna at low tides during the day. The mean density of Zostera shoots in the study area was 335 m−2. Abundance and species number of fish were greater at night than during the day and greater in eelgrass beds (Z. marina) than in unvegetated habitats. Daytime fish collections were dominated by Atlantic silversides (Medinia medinia), while juvenile winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) dominated night collections. Also Zostera-associated epifaunal abundances and number of species were significantly higher at night than during the day. Mysis stenolepis, Idotea balthica and Littorina obtusata were dominant species in the epifauna samples. Of the total of 37 invertebrate species encountered, only five occurred both in the infaunal and epifaunal samples. Nineteen different taxa were collected from the benthic core samples. The most abundant invertebrate infaunal taxa were sipunculids, the polychaete Nereis virens, and oligochaetes. Infaunal invertebrate abundances and species diversity were significantly higher in eelgrass beds than in unvegetated sediments. The abundance and number of species of benthic invertebrates were also positively correlated to seagrass biomass. Community diversity values (H′) were relatively low but fit well in the general pattern of decreasing diversity towards northern latitudes.  相似文献   

The aim of the research was to investigate the diet of herring at different stages of its life cycle. For that purpose feeding of 0-group and immature herring in the Barents Sea, as well as of mature fish from the Norwegian Sea, was studied. 0-Group herring was sampled in the Barents Sea in August–September 2002–2005 during the international 0-group and trawl-acoustic survey of pelagic fish, as well as during the trawl-acoustic survey of demersal fish in November–December 2003–2004. Stomach samples of immature herring (1–3 years) were collected in late May and early of June 2001 and 2005 in the south-western part of the Barents Sea during the trawl-acoustic survey for young herring. Stomach samples of mature herring were collected in the Norwegian Sea in 1996, 1998, 1999, 2001, and 2002 in the course of the international trawl-acoustic survey of pelagic fish. Feeding intensity of herring of all age groups varied considerably between years and this was probably associated with availability and accessibility of their prey. The 0-group herring was found to have the most diverse diet, including 31 different taxa. In August–September, copepods, euphausiids, Cladocera, and larvae Bivalvia were most frequent in the diet of 0-group herring, but euphausiids and Calanus finmarchicus were the main prey taken. In November–December, euphausiids and tunicates were major prey groups. It was found that C. finmarchicus in the diet of 0-group herring was replaced by larval and adult euphausiids with increasing fish length. C. finmarchicus was the principal prey of immature herring and dominated in the diet of both small and large individuals and mainly older copepodites of C. finmarchicus were taken. Larval and adult euphausiids were found in stomachs of immature herring as well, but their share was not large. The importance of different prey for mature herring in the Norwegian Sea varied depending on the feeding area and length of the herring. On the whole C. finmarchicus and 0-group fish were the most important prey for mature herring diet, but fish prey were only important in a small sampling area. Hyperiids, euphausiids, tunicates, and pteropods were less important prey, and in 2002 herring actively consumed herring fry and redfish larvae.  相似文献   

The food and feeding habits of hoki (Macruronus novaezelandiae), southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis), javelin fish (Lepi‐dorhynchus denticulatus), ling (Genypterus blacodes), smooth rattail (Coelorinchus aspercephalus), silverside (Argentina elongata), and small‐scaled notothenid (Notothenia microlepidota) sampled from the Campbell Plateau in 1979 were examined. The importance of prey items in the diet has been assessed by an ‘index of relative importance’, which combines measurements of frequency of occurrence, number, and weight of prey. Hoki, southern blue whiting, and javelin fish are pelagic feeders. Hoki preyed largely on natant decapod crustaceans, amphipods, and myctophid and photichthyid fishes. The main prey of southern blue whiting were amphipods, natant decapods, and euphausiids. Javelin fish fed on natant decapods, amphipods, and small squid. Seasonal and regional differences in feeding, and dietary changes with length of fish were evident. Ling, smooth rattail, silverside, and small‐scaled notothenid are predominantly benthic feeders. Ling preyed on natant decapods, macrourid fishes, and small hoki. The diet of rattail comprised natant decapod crustaceans, opal fishes (Hemerocoetes spp.), and poly‐chaetes. Silverside fed almost solely on salps. Salps, amphipods, brachyuran crustaceans, and opal fishes were the main prey of small‐scaled notothenid.  相似文献   

The diet of Gonostoma gracile, a numerically abundant mesopelagic fish in the Subtropical Region and the Transition Domain of the northwestern North Pacific, was examined using 520 specimens collected during June–July 1988, June 1995 and November 1995. The prey included mainly copepods, ostracods, amphipods and euphausiids. Copepods and ostracods were the most abundant, comprising approximately 70% of the total diet. There was little evidence of an ontogenetic dietary shift; Pleuromamma copepods were the most abundant prey for all size classes of fish ranging from 19 to 116 mm in standard length. The size range of prey increased with growth, but all fish sizes examined fed mainly on 1–4 mm long prey. Luminescent copepods and ostracods were the most abundant prey, suggesting that G. gracile detects its prey visually. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Trophic studies are fundamental to understanding the dynamics of assemblages and functional roles of species within ecosystems, contributing to the identification of factors responsible for the organization and structure of communities. This study aimed to analyse the trophic organization of tidepool fish assemblages in the tropical Southwestern Atlantic, based on the underlying idea that food resources are not limiting and that trophic guild formation is not driven by food competition. Diets were based on feeding index values of food categories for 12 representative species collected in six tidepools (20º49′ S, 40º36′ W) at quarterly intervals (2005 to 2007). The main food categories were small crustaceans, polychaetes and macroalgae. Multivariate techniques evidenced two multispecific trophic guilds: small‐prey carnivores, including Bathygobius soporator, Bathygobius geminatus, Malacoctenus delalandii and Halichoeres poeyi, and herbivores, including Sparisoma axillare and Acanthurus bahianus. Other species presented significantly different diets and were classified into the following guilds: omnivores feeding on filamentous algae and copepods (Abudefduf saxatilis); large‐prey carnivores (Labrisomus nuchipinnis); omnivores feeding on polychaetes and filamentous algae (Stegastes fuscus); and polychaete feeders (Ahlia egmontis). Gymnothorax funebris and Gymnothorax moringa were classified as carcinophagores and piscivores, respectively. Trophic organization appears related to species convergence toward the use of abundant food resources, driven by a combination of factors allowing some resource partitioning through inter‐specific differences in consumer size, microhabitat, behavior, and trophic specialization.  相似文献   

Gelatinous zooplankton abundance and species composition were investigated at 3‐h intervals for a 48‐h period at a fringing reef in Malaysia. A total of 20 gelatinous zooplankton species were observed; the community was dominated by the calycophoran siphonophore Diphyes chamissonis (79.9%), followed by the trachymedusdae Aglaura hemistoma (5.6%) and Liriope tetraphylla (4.8%). The gelatinous zooplankton were not collected in the water column during most of the daytime hours (1200, 1500 and 1800 h) but were common during the night. However, an abrupt peak in abundance was found at 0900 h on the second day. The times of appearance at night were different depending on the species, and the number of species was also different depending on the hour of sampling. Sampling at 3‐h intervals over a 48‐h period revealed that the temporal variation (or sampling availability) was large in this study. Careful consideration should be given to the sampling variability in handling the gelatinous zooplankton samples in coral reef areas.  相似文献   

Patellid limpets are key species on rocky shores, structuring intertidal assemblages through their grazing. Their role as prey for fish is, however, often overlooked in studies of intertidal ecosystem functioning. The shanny Lipophrys pholis is a common predator of limpets on rocky shores in Northern Europe and, in this study, we examined the characteristics of its predation on limpets based on prey size. The limpet size range that adult L. pholis (10–12.5 cm) can eat was examined in the laboratory using Patella depressa in 0.2 cm classes, varying between 0.5 cm and 3.0 cm in maximum shell length. There was a limpet size refuge above 1.8 cm, while all smaller sizes were readily consumed by the shanny. The predator attacking behaviour was also examined and found to vary with prey size. Limpets up to 0.8 cm were crushed by the jaw‐constricting force and eaten whole, whereas larger prey were prised from the substratum and the body subsequently separated from the shell. To examine whether there was a L. pholis preference for P. depressa size, a two‐stage laboratory experiment was done using two size classes defined as small (0.7–0.8 cm maximum shell length) and large (1.5–1.6 cm maximum shell length). In the first stage, the predator was given each limpet size class separately. In the second stage, the fish was given a choice between the two classes. Lipophrys pholis was shown to have a preference for the large size class (1.5–1.6 cm). The average number of limpets consumed by the shanny was examined for the duration of one high‐tide typical of the central region of Portugal (≈ 4 h). On average, approximately five limpets (up to an eight limpet maximum) were consumed. The present study shows that L. pholis has a feeding preference based on limpet size, which suggests that the limpet population structure and intra‐ and inter‐specific interactions may be influenced by the shanny predation.  相似文献   

Food differentiation among coexistent species in the field is important strategy for copepods to acquire materials and maintain population stabilization.In situ diet analysis of co-occurring six copepod species in coral waters of the Sanya Bay was conducted using a PCR protocol based on 18 S ribosomal gene.Various prey organisms were uncovered,including dinoflagellate,diatom,green algae and plant,protozoa and metazoan.All these spatially coexisting six species showed different dietary diversity,with the food niche breadth(B)ranging from 1.00(Temora turbinate in morning)to 10.68(Calanopia elliptica in night).While food overlap between all these copepods were low,with the average value of the diet niche overlap index being approximately 0.09.Even temporally co-existing species sampled from the same time point fed on different groups of prey items with the food overlap index of 0.04 to 0.07 in midday and night but 0 in morning.As the most important dominant copepod in the Sanya Bay,Subeucalanus subcrassus seems to be capable to regulate its feeding,by exhibiting a rhythm of herbivorous feeding in midday and carnivorous feeding in morning and night,to better coordinate with other competitors for utilization of food resources.For most copepods,none of the prey items belonged to the dominant phytoplankton in the ambient water,indicating that copepod can better their survival by widening the choice of potential food resources in food limited environment.The dietary separation observed here might be important strategy for copepod to maintain population stabilization and thriving in the Sanya coastal waters.  相似文献   

Short‐term dynamics in juvenile fish assemblage structure were studied to test whether the most abundant species show temporal segregation, in order to assess whether selected environmental variables could predict species groupings, and to examine the stability of sunset–day–sunrise–night differences. Samplings were collected at 3‐h intervals over 48 h on a seasonal basis between spring 2005 and winter 2006. Fish species richness and abundance were higher in spring, and the lowest values occurred in winter. Harengula clupeola occurred mainly in spring, whereas Atherinella brasiliensis peaked in summer and autumn. On the other hand, Trachinotus carolinus, Umbrina coroides and Mugil liza were abundant in winter. Although temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen were not found to have a strong effect on the abundance patterns of most species, they did appear to have a significant influence on assemblage groupings, according to canonical correspondence analysis and Spearman rank correlation. There is no consistency of diel usage patterns by a given species across seasons. The relative abundance differed between the time of day, which differed among the seasons; this further complicates an understanding of the dynamics of an assemblage. Studies of diel changes that pooled the sampling period as day or night can miss important changes that occur in a short time scale, such as a 3‐h period.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that temporal variation in fish species composition and community structure in a low complexity habitat in the Pueblo Viejo Lagoon, Mexico, is influenced by diel light/dark cycles and tidal stage, and by seasonal changes in salinity and temperature. We collected a total of 17,661 individuals during 2‐h interval sampling over six bi‐monthly 24‐h sampling cycles representing 53 species, of which 11 (~20%) were previously unknown in the system. Diel variation indicated that significantly higher numbers of individuals and species were caught at night, whereas diversity and evenness were higher during the day. Species richness was significantly higher in July and January, whereas diversity and evenness peaked around May; both were correlated with temperature. Diel variation in species composition was influenced primarily by the light/dark cycle. Cluster analyses of each diel cycle separated fish assemblages from midday samples from those of nocturnal samples, separated by an extended wide transition period as fish moved at dawn and during the late afternoon/dusk. Significant shifts (as determined by MANOVA) in assemblage structure occurred between months. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that temperature and day/night effects were the most important environmental variables structuring the fish community. This constrained ordination also defined species with specific habitat preferences as follows: (i) diurnal, warm temperature species (mainly planktivores) (Brevoortia gunteri, Cetengraulis edentulus, Diapterus auratus, and Membras martinica); (ii) nocturnal, warm temperature species (mainly predators) (Citharichthys spilopterus, Cathorops melanopus, and Bairdiella spp.); and (iii) low temperature, diurnal species (Brevoortia patronus and Mugil curema) or those with twilight and nocturnal distributions (Anchoa mitchilli, the most numerically abundant species). Our results indicate that diel and seasonal changes in fish community structure were mainly related to day/night cycles and temperature regimes.  相似文献   

Twice monthly sampling over two 16 month periods at a shallow site on Newfoundland's east coast showed the fish assemblage to be dominated by four taxa (Gasterosteus aculeatus, G. wheatlandi, Osmerus mordax, Gadus spp.) that accounted for 96% of the individuals collected. Of the 16 479 fish measured, 65% were adults based on the estimated size of first spawning. The fish assemblage was dominated (86%) by species with demersal eggs, several of which spawn at the same shallow sites used by juveniles as nursery sites. Coastal spawning and demersal eggs maintain offspring in coastal nursery areas where survival is thought to be increased. Number of species and number of fish were both correlated with water temperature being highest from mid-summer to early autumn and lowest in winter. Temperature, time of spawning, and movements of juveniles and adults facilitated grouping species into five assemblages based on seasonal abundance: seasonal periodic species (summer and winter), regular species, regular species collected in all seasons except winter, and occasional (rare) species. At the diel scale, two consistent species groupings were observed: species that showed no significant difference between day and night and species caught primarily at night. Number of night species exceeded day species by a factor of two. No seine-caught species in shallow water exhibited significantly higher catches during the day. Observations by SCUBA divers indicated some species were more abundant during day time at slightly deeper depths. This observation in conjunction with day and night seining in shallower water, suggests these species aggregate in deeper water during day and move to shallow waters at night.  相似文献   

Japanese seaperch Lateolabrax japonicus migrate from Ariake Bay to the estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) zone of the Chikugo River and inhabit there through the post-migration period (15–20 mm in standard length). The feeding, growth and mortality during the post-migration period of Japanese seaperch were analyzed in relation to seasonal changes in temperature and prey concentration. Larvae and juveniles were collected from ten sampling stations at 4–7 day intervals from 24 February to 24 April 2005 in the Chikugo estuary. Based on the otolith microstructure analysis the sampled fish were divided into nine cohorts, each cohort covering a 5 day hatch date period (22 December 2004 to 4 February 2005). The growth coefficient (G, day−1) was higher and the mortality coefficient (M, day−1) was lower in the later cohorts. The ratio of G to M as an index of stage-specific survival during the post-migration period significantly increased as the season progressed and exceeded 1.0 in the last cohort examined. Variability in abundance of the major prey organism, Sinocalanus sinensis, had a significant effect on the Japanese seaperch ingestion rate. Increase in temperature and spring bloom of S. sinensis is concluded to provide the later cohorts with a higher survival probability through increasing ingestion and growth rates during their post-migration period in spring 2005.  相似文献   

We applied DNA‐based faecal analysis to determine the diet of female Australian sea lions (n = 12) from two breeding colonies in South Australia. DNA dietary components of fish and cephalopods were amplified using the polymerase chain reaction and mitochondrial DNA primers targeting the short (~100 base pair) section of the 16S gene region. Prey diversity was determined by sequencing ~50 amplicons generated from clone libraries developed for each individual. Faecal DNA was also combined and cloned from multiple individuals at each colony and fish diversity determined. Diets varied between individuals and sites. Overall, DNA analysis identified a broad diversity of prey comprising 23 fish and five cephalopod taxa, including many species not previously described as prey of the Australian sea lion. Labridae (wrasse), Monacanthidae (leatherjackets) and Mullidae (goat fish) were important fish prey taxa. Commonly identified cephalopods were Octopodidae (octopus), Loliginidae (calamary squid) and Sepiidae (cuttlefish). Comparisons of fish prey diversity determined by pooling faecal DNA from several samples provided a reasonable but incomplete resemblance (55–71%) to the total fish diversity identified across individual diets at each site. Interpretation of diet based on the recovery of prey hard‐parts identified one cephalopod beak (Octopus sp.) and one fish otolith (Parapriacanthus elongatus). The present study highlights the value of DNA‐based analyses and their capabilities to enhance information of trophic interactions.  相似文献   

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