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Remote sensing expert system of South China Sea coral reefsWangYanfengandLiuBaoyinAbstract:Basedontheremotesensinginformation...  相似文献   

Part 1 (P1) of a two‐part study of Akaroa Harbour, Bank's Peninsula, New Zealand, presents observational evidence of the development of a significant wind‐driven circulation in association with strong northerly and southerly wind events. These are common throughout the year though during the 3‐month field campaign (during the Southern Hemisphere spring of 1998) northerly wind events dominated. This wind‐driven circulation resulted in the weakening of density stratification within the Harbour, mixing the water column to depth over a significant portion of the study area.  相似文献   

In the last few decades there has been a surge in research focusing on coral disease. While climate change, specifically rising sea surface temperature, has been proposed as a major and growing driver of the emergence of marine diseases, to date a solid connection between disease epizootics and elevated sea surface temperature has not been established. However, a wealth of data now exists, compiled from many different perspectives, that may support such a connection. In this work we provide a comprehensive review targeting one coral disease, black band disease, that spans the infection process, pathobiology, and epizootiology, and links specific mechanisms of the disease process to increasing temperatures. This temperature‐driven pattern of infection can be expanded to include similar processes associated with other temperature‐related coral diseases. The conclusions presented here are based upon the results of many studies using a diverse suite of approaches that have been synthesized to argue that the emergence and continuing spread of black band disease is linked to warming sea surface temperatures. In summary, as global ocean temperatures increase seasonally and over decades, the environment shifts to become more favorable for the growth of potentially pathogenic microorganisms endemic to the immediate environment of the reef. The increase in the relative number of potential pathogens in the microbial community produces microenvironments conducive to the growth of other potential pathogens, leading to infection by a polymicrobial consortium. This consortium is easily perturbed by a (seasonal) temperature decrease, but remains associated with the coral host and can be reactivated with a subsequent seasonal increase in temperature, resulting in a cycle of temperature‐dependent disease emergence.  相似文献   

Results from the application of the two‐dimensional, laterally‐averaged hydrodynamic model, CE‐QUAL‐W2 to Akaroa Harbour, New Zealand were compared with 3 months of temperature and current data to investigate the connection between significant wind‐driven circulation and vertical mixing. Results indicate that in general, CE‐QUAL‐W2 reproduced realistic values for width‐averaged along‐Harbour current speeds and water column temperature structure. However, during periods of strong winds, the mixed layer depth was predicted to be shallower than observed; c. one‐third as compared to c. one‐half. Simulations of tidally‐driven flow highlighted the restrictions of the two‐dimensionality imposed by the model, though this type of flow was not found to result in appreciable mixing of the water column. Data from an independent field survey supported the validity of the use of CE‐QUAL‐W2 under (at least) light‐to‐moderate sea‐breeze conditions.  相似文献   

We investigated temporal (day‐to‐day and season) and spatial (reach) variability of drift with the aim of guiding sampling protocol for quantifying drift at the whole river or reach scale. Overall, we found aquatic drift density and biomass varied considerably seasonally (CV = 72.9, 88.1) and to a lesser extent spatially (CV = 31.3, 30.7) and from day‐to‐day (CV = 45.2, 39.4). Although spatial and day‐to‐day variation in drift density and biomass were similar, sampling logistics suggest spatial sampling would be more cost‐effective and less time consuming. Drift density and biomass estimated from top samplers was often higher than estimates from samplers near the streambed or mid‐water column. A reliable estimate of mean densities and biomass at a site may require only two samplers— a top sampler and either a middle or bottom sampler. In our study, we calculated that sampling at four sites over 1 or 4 days at one site would be required to obtain a 95% CI within 50% of the mean drift density. Eight sites over 1 or 10 days at one site would be required to achieve a 95% CI within 25% of the mean drift density.  相似文献   

High-resolution topographic mapping of Norwegian deep-water Lophelia coral reefs and their immediate surrounding seafloor has disclosed striking associations with small (<5?m diameter) ‘unit’ pockmarks. A total of four study areas with Lophelia reefs and unit pockmarks are here described and discussed. At the large Fauna reef, which spans 500?m in length and 100?m in width (25?m in height), there is a field of 184 unit pockmarks occurring on its suspected upstream side. Three other, intermediate-sized Morvin reefs are associated with small fields of unit pockmarks situated upstream of live Lophelia colonies. For two of the latter locations, published data exist for geochemical and microbial analyses of sediment and water samples. Results indicate that these unit pockmarks are sources of light dissolved hydrocarbons for the local water mass, together with nutrient-rich pore waters. It is suggested that the ‘fertilized’ seawater flows with the prevailing bottom current and feeds directly into the live portion of the Lophelia reefs. With an estimated growth rate of ~1?cm per year for the Morvin Lophelia corals, it would take between 1,000 and 2,000?years for the reefs to colonize the closest unit pockmarks, currently occurring 10–20?m from their leading (live) edges.  相似文献   

The effects of New Zealand freshwater crayfish or koura (Paranephrops planifrons: Parastacidae) on organic matter processing, sediment accumulation, and benthic invertebrate communities were investigated using four replicate treatments of 0 (control), 4–5 (medium), and 8–11 (high) similar‐sized koura in 0.5 m2 artificial stream channels colonised by benthic invertebrates from a pasture stream, Waikato, New Zealand. Wineberry (Aristotelia serrata) leaf packs were placed in each channel and after 7 weeks the leaf matter remaining was significantly lower in both medium and high koura channels than in controls. The amount of sediment (surficial cover by fines and weight of suspendable sediment) was also significantly reduced in high koura density channels. Densities of invertebrates other than crayfish were not significantly different among treatments; however, taxa richness and invertebrate biomass were significantly lower in high koura channels than in controls. Our results suggest that freshwater koura may play a keystone role in structuring benthic invertebrate communities either directly through predation, or indirectly by sediment bioturbation and increasing organic matter processing rates.  相似文献   

Calibration chamber tests were conducted on open‐ended model piles driven into dried siliceous sands with different soil conditions in order to clarify the effect of soil conditions on load transfer mechanism in the soil plug. The model pile used in the test series was devised so that the bearing capacity of an open‐ended pile could be measured as three components: outside shaft resistance, plug resistance, and tip resistance. Under the assumption that the unit shaft resistance due to pile‐soil plug interaction varies linearly near the pile tip, the plug resistance was estimated. The plug capacity, which was defined as the plug resistance at ultimate condition, is mainly dependent on the ambient lateral pressure and relative density. The length of wedged plug that transfers the load decreases with the decrease of relative density, but it is independent of the ambient pressure and penetration depth. Under several assumptions, the value of earth pressure coefficient in the soil plug can be calculated. It gradually reduces with increase in the longitudinal distance from the pile tip. At the bottom of the soil plug, it tends to decrease with increase in the penetration depth and relative density, and to increase with the increase of ambient pressure. This may be attributed to (1) the decrease of friction angle as a result of increase in the effective vertical stress, (2) the difference in the dilation degree of the soil plug during driving with ambient pressures, and (3) the difference in compaction degree of soil plug during driving with relative densities. Based on the test results, an empirical equation was suggested to compute the earth pressure coefficient to be used in the calculation of plug capacity using one‐dimensional analysis, and it produces proper plug capacities for all soil conditions.  相似文献   

The distribution of adult Trichoptera in light traps was investigated alongside nine streams draining catchments under native forest, pine forest, or pasture near Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between abundance, taxonomic richness, and community composition with respect to land use during summer, and to evaluate the use of adult Trichoptera compared with benthic invertebrates as potential bio‐indicators of the effectiveness of land‐management changes. Adult Trichoptera faunas alongside the native streams were dominated by Hydrobiosidae, Conoesucidae, and Helicopsychidae (each >10% of total Trichoptera numbers for at least two of the three sites), whereas Leptoceridae, Oeconescidae, and Hydrobiosidae were relatively abundant alongside at least two of the pine sites. Adult Trichoptera faunas at the pasture sites were strongly dominated by Hydroptilidae which made up 47–85% of numbers caught at all sites. The mean number of individuals and taxa caught in light traps increased from November to January and then declined in February for all land‐use types. Overall, total numbers and taxonomic richness of adult Trichoptera were significantly lower at the pine sites compared to the pasture or native sites. TWINSPAN classification of benthic invertebrates collected in November clearly differentiated sites based on land use for presence/absence and percentage abundance data. A similar pattern was evident for most sites when adult Trichoptera faunas were used for the four sampling dates combined, suggesting that light trapping has potential as a tool for bio‐monitoring.  相似文献   

Despite an extensive study of the fish community off southwestern Puerto Rico, little information is available on the fish spatial distribution along an inshore–offshore, cross-shelf gradient containing a continuum of mangrove–seagrass–coral reefs. We investigated the spatial distribution of reef-associated fish species using a stratified sampling procedure. A total of 52,138 fishes were recorded, representing 102 species belonging to 32 families. Significant differences in mean fish density were evident among strata. Mean densities at shallow fore reefs and deep fore reefs (Romero key) were significantly higher compared to the rest of strata along the gradient. Mean densities of fishes in mangroves and seagrass (Montalva Bay) were comparable to those at shallow back reefs and deep fore reefs offshore (Turrumote), but lower to those inshore (Romero); the lowest fish densities were found in mangroves and seagrass (Montalva Bay) and seagrass (Romero and Corral). At least 17 species, in 7 families, were among the most common in terms of relative abundance representing 76% of the total individuals sampled. A detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) applied to more abundant fish species showed a spatial pattern in density distribution. Three major groupings were evident corresponding to mangroves and seagrass (Montalva Bay), shallow and deep reefs (Romero), and shallow and deep reefs (Corral and Turrumote). A cluster analysis on mean fish densities of the more abundant species revealed a consistent spatial distribution according to biotope by separating the ichthyofauna associated with mangroves, seagrass and that of shallow (back and fore) reefs, and deep fore reefs.  相似文献   

The wave forces on 1, 2 and 4 vertical circular piles under the action of several wave trains of the same wave parameters, such as Hs,Tp and Mo, but different wave group factor GF are measured in the laboratory. After comparing these forces, it may be concluded that the mean and significant wave forces are almost of no difference for the wave trains with different GF. When GF is larger, the one-tenth of the wave froce extreme is slightly increased and the maximum wave force is much larger than the ones with smaller GF, to which attention must be paid in engineering practice.  相似文献   

The effects of a PSP producing dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense on marine bivalvesat their several important life stages: egg, D- shape larva, eyespot larva, juvenile and adult, were studied. The results show that the hatching, survival, activity, filtration and growth were adversely affected by the alga and the impact was significantly increased with the increase of algal density. The inhibitory effect on egg hatching was most significant, which the hatching rate was only 30% of the control when exposed to the alga at 100 cell/cm3 after 36 h. Further experiments show that the algal culture, re-suspended cells and cell fragments had the inhibitory effect, while no such effect was from the cell-free medium, cell contents and standard STX. The results indicate that the alga could produce unknown toxins, rather than PSP, associated with the cell surface.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a series of studies on the influence of curing conditions onthe strength development of high strength concrete.The 1-,3-,7-,14-and 28-day strengths of four dif-ferent mixes of Grade 75~80 concrete,with or without pulverized fuel ash and/or condensed silica fume,under five different curing regimes were investigated.It is revealed that the curing conditions have signifi-cant influence on both the short term and long term strength development of the concrete and that con-crete mixes of the same grade but containing different mineral admixtures show distinct favour for a cur-ing regime.These results will be helpful for evaluating suitable curing methods for high strength concretewith different mix proportions.  相似文献   

With the presence of wind waves, the swaying of survey vessel may effect the quality of sub-bottom profiler records and, therefore, it is necessary to correct the distortions induced by wave action. A major issue is to distinguish wind wave effect and real bedforms such as sand waves. In this paper, a bandstop filter is designed according to the frequency features of wind wave effect to treat the distortion of seabed topography by wind waves. The technique is used to correct the sub-bottom profile in order to eliminate the wave-induced distortions for the sub-bottom profile records from the Yangtze Estuary. This study shows that the undulate seabed record is resulted from wave action, rather than the presence of sand waves, and the filtration technique helps to eliminate the wave effect and recover the real morphology of seabed and the sediment sequence underneath. In addition, a method for data processing is proposed for the case that the record indeed represents a combination of wave effects and real bedforms.  相似文献   

Anumericalmodelonseasurfacewindoftyphoonanditshindcastingcalibration¥SheJun;YuanYeliandPanZengdi(ReceivedApril14,1993;accepte...  相似文献   

In this paper, the morphogenesis, stratigraphic sequences and dates of the coral reefs in the middle and north parts of the South China Sea are discussed, the position of the distributary regions of Cenozoic coral reefs in plate tectonics, the relationships of coral-reef evolutionary characteristics and dates with sea-basin spreading. Neogene sea-water transgression and Quaternary global climate-eustatic fluctuation are expounded and proved, and the latitudinal variation of the distribution of coral reefs in various geologic times are summed up.  相似文献   

Wind data from the ERS‐1 scatterometer have been processed for New Zealand waters. These show spatial features of marine wind fields which have previously been difficult to resolve using conventional surface‐based measurements. Winds across the western access to Cook Strait, delineated by a corridor between Farewell Spit and western Taranaki, were analysed and profiles of wind stress extracted. These show characteristic structures for south‐easterly events in which the stress steadily increases from Farewell Spit towards the Taranaki Coast. In westerly or north‐westerly events the structure is more uniform. The mean stress across this corridor has been compared to that calculated from surface‐based measurements at Farewell Spit and the Maui‐A oil and gas production platform off Cape Egmont. The Farewell spit data lead to underestimates of the stress, which partially reconciles previous attempts to model wind‐driven currents off the west coast of the South Island from these data. In these the currents were underestimated. The Maui‐A data are unbiased in westerly events but give overestimates in southeasterly winds. An improved estimate of the mean stress can be derived from using a combination of wind data from these two stations.  相似文献   

In this paper, using Holland's method, the effect of the horizontal structure of tropical cyclones on their motion is investigated. The "characteristic radius", r0 characterized as the horizontal structure of a tropical cyclone,in which m and p are the parameters of the vortex, has been found by the author. And then it has been shown that there is but one "characteristic radius" for each cyclone with horizontal structure. Two direct analytic solutions for the uniform and non-uniform basic flows in steady situations are presented with rc Results show that the change in the horizontal structure of the tropical cyclone itself will have obvious effect on the cyclone motion, on both its direction and speed. Therefore it must be considered in the research on the tropical cyclone motion.  相似文献   

Wave–current laboratory experiments have shown that the logarithmic current profile observed in pure current flows is modified due to the presence of waves. When waves propagate opposite the current, an increase in the current intensity is achieved near the mean water level, while a reduction is obtained for following waves and currents. With the aim of analyzing these nonlinear effects along the whole water column, an Eulerian wave–current model is presented. In contrast to previously presented wave–current models, the present is able to include the variation of the free surface elevation due to the wave motion and the effect of a non hydrostatic pressure field. Therefore it does not restrict its application to waves in shallow waters. Moreover, the model is able to simulate all the possible angles between waves and currents.  相似文献   

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