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Benthic macroinvertebrates and fish species were collected at monthly intervals during a 12‐month period, from 3 areas of the lower Rakaia River. The composition and abundance of the benthos and stomach contents of the fish were analysed for seasonal trends, food niche breadth and overlap between pairs of fish species, and overlap between the benthos and the diet of each fish species. The diets of bluegilled bully (Gobiomorphus hubbsi), upland bully (G. breviceps), juvenile longfinned eel (Anguilla dieffenbachii), Galaxias brevipinnis, G. paucispondylus, and juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta) were similar to the proportions of prey species in the benthos. Deleatidium and chironomid larvae dominated the benthos in all seasons and formed the majority of food items in the diet of these species. Food niche overlap between these species was high, indicating potential competition, but preferred habitat and feeding habit differences plus low fish population density and abundance of main prey items probably eliminate the occurrence of any serious competition. The diet of the other fish species differed from this pattern. The common bully (Gobiomorphus cotidianus) ate proportionally more chironomid larvae and fish eggs than occurred in the benthos; torrentfish (Cheimarrichthys fosteri) ate proportionally more chironomid larvae than occurred in the benthos; and quinnat salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) depended largely upon prey species of terrestial origin, such as adult Deleatidium and dipterans.  相似文献   

The distribution of algae and insects was examined in two hot spring outflow channels at Waimangu in the Rotorua thermal district. The upper temperature limit for algal growth was 68°c, with maximum biomass occurring at 59–62°c. Two species of Diptera were present on the algal mat, Ephydrella thermarum Dumbleton at 34–43°c and Chironomus cylindricus Freeman at 39–41°c. The composition and temperature relations of the community are similar to those found in thermal regions in other parts of the world.  相似文献   

Torrentfish Cheimarrichthys fosteri Haast were collected at 4‐hour intervals over a full day in winter and summer, 1984–85, from the Ashley and Rakaia Rivers in Canterbury, New Zealand, to determine their diel feeding periodicity. Both populations fed, almost exclusively, from dusk to dawn in both seasons, with the quantity of food in their stomachs accumulating to peak levels by early morning. However, Ashley females had significantly less food in their stomachs than did males in summer, the season with a high incidence (91%) of females in spawning condition. Aquatic stages of Deleatidium spp. (Ephemeroptera: Leptophle‐biidae) and Chironomidae constituted from 85 to 98% by number and 63 to 80% by dry weight of all foods eaten. Chironomids (small prey) comprised up to 85% of the total foods eaten by number but only 17% by dry weight, while Deleatidium (large prey) comprised up to 69% of the prey by number and 63% by dry weight. Numerically, chironomids were an important component in the torrentfish diet in both seasons in the Rakaia (71 to 75%), but only so in winter in the Ashley (85%). The reported daily feeding cycle is consistent with observations in a simulated stream, that torrentfish largely remain inactive during the day and come out to feed at night.  相似文献   

Neochanna burrowsius (Phillipps) breeds in late winter and spring. Eggs are widely scattered, and adhere to leaves, stems, and suspended roots of aquatic and bankside vegetation in the sluggish or still waters of the adult habitat. Fish were successfully bred in ponds and tanks; hatching time for eggs varied greatly under different conditions of light and temperature. Fry are free swimming until they adopt the nocturnal, cryptic habits of adults when 30–50 mm long. Growth in the first year is rapid, sexual maturity being reached at 1 year old; subsequent growth is slow. Aestivation occurred successfully in shaded vegetable detritus or gravel. Holes were sometimes used, but fish did not make their own burrows for aestivation. When dissolved oxygen was low, captive fish left the water if able to do so without leaving  相似文献   

根据2012年春季和秋季长江口及邻近海域无脊椎动物的底层拖网资料和环境调查数据,分析了该海域春、秋季无脊椎动物群落结构特征及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明,长江口及邻近海域2个季节共捕获无脊椎动物5目14科25种,其中甲壳动物是最主要的无脊椎动物类群。长江口无脊椎动物资源量占优势的种类包括三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)、脊腹褐虾(Crangon affinis)、细点圆趾蟹(Ovalipes punctatus)和葛氏长臂虾(Palaemon gravieri),春季和秋季对无脊椎动物资源量贡献最大的种类不同。各站次Margalef种类丰富度指数(D)的范围在0.31~2.02之间,ShannonWiener多样性指数(H′)的范围在0.37~1.92之间,Pielou均匀度指数(J')的范围在0.17~0.95之间。春季和秋季长江口无脊椎动物资源量和多样性季节间变异不显著。等级聚类分析(CLUSTER)和非参数的多维标度排序(NMDS)分析表明,无脊椎动物样本可以区分为春季组与秋季组2个组群。单因子相似性分析(ANOSIM)表明,春、秋季组群间无脊椎动物群落结构差异极显著。典型对应分析(CCA)表明,表层磷酸盐、底层溶解氧、底层硅酸盐和底层硝酸盐是影响长江口及邻近海域无脊椎动物群落结构变异的主要环境因子。长江口无脊椎动物季节变异主要体现在种类的季节演替上,营养盐和溶解氧浓度是无脊椎动物种类季节分布的主要限制因素。  相似文献   

Populations of small fish were sampled in 12–20 riffles of the lower reaches of 3 braided rivers in Canterbury, New Zealand, during periods of low, stable flows. In the Ashley, which has been least affected by floods in recent years, the standing stock of fish was severalfold higher than in the Hurunui and Rakaia Rivers, which experienced large floods over much of the time, particularly the Rakaia River. Mean abundance + 1 standard deviation (S.D.) of all species combined, amounted to 5.95 + 2.76 fish m 2 for 10 species in the Ashley, 0.59 + 0.60 fish m 2 for 7 species in the Hurunui, and 0.23 + 0.11 fish m 2for 6 species in the Rakaia. Mean biomass was 24.85 + 9.59, 2.11 + 1.19, and 2.50 ± 3.60 g m 2in the Ashley, Hurunui, and Rakaia Rivers, respectively. The more common species in the Ashley and Rakaia Rivers were torrentfish, longfinned eel, blue‐gilled bully, and upland bully. The same dominant species complex prevailed in the Hurunui River except that the common river galaxias was present instead of the bluegilled bully. The adverse effects of floods on fish, either directly, indirectly, or both, are considered to be a major limiting factor offish populations in braided rivers characterised by highly unstable flows and river beds, and a lack of suitable cover for fish.  相似文献   

Juvenile migrants of Geotria australis were caught from July to early August 1986 in plankton nets set in the lower Waikato River. Migration occurred only at night and mainly mid‐river at the surface. The mean lengths and weights (± 95%c.i.) were 107.75 ± 3.98 mm and 0.94 ± 0.08 g respectively.  相似文献   

Abundance and species composition of aquatic benthic macroinvertebrates were compared between an area sprayed with the herbicide Grazon (active ingredient triclopyr), and an upstream control site (no triclopyr). Five Surber samples were collected from each of three riffles in control and treatment sites on eight occasions over a 1‐month period. Aquatic invertebrate species composition was similar in treatment and control sites, and did not change over time. The five taxa that made up 91–95% of all invertebrates by abundance did not vary significantly in treatment compared to control riffles. Abundance of three of the 15 most common taxa (>10 individuals per riffle) differed significantly between treatment and control sites over time. However, none of these fluctuations correspond to the presence of known concentrations of triclopyr in water samples, and it is unlikely that the declines resulted from triclopyr. These results are discussed with reference to known lethal concentrations of triclopyr for some invertebrates, and to the effect of floods on invertebrate populations.  相似文献   

2002年5-6月对长江口深水航道治理一期工程区域底栖动物进行了取样调查,研究分析了工程区域底栖动物种类组成和生物量分布特征。结果表明:①底栖生物19种,与1982-1983年和1998年相比,分别减少87.6%和20.8%.优势种为纽虫和沙蚕,出现率分别达32%和24%;②平均密度21.8个/m^2.比1998年下降65.9%;③平均生物量为5.68g/m^2(湿重).比1982-1983年下降76.5%;④一期工程对长江河口生态系统结构已产生影响,河口底栖动物种类组成及生物量的变化与长江口深水航道治理一期工程引起的区域局部小尺度海洋水流发生改变,并导致航道沉积物受冲刷和底质属性发生改变有关。鉴于此,建议对河口大犁工程对河口生态系统的综合影响进行动态监测和生态恢复。  相似文献   

The behavior of dissolved and particulate iron and manganese and dissolved silicon has been studied as a function of chlorinity in the Peconic River estuary, New York. This study sought to identify important geochemical processes in a relatively pristine estuary facing increasing anthropogenic impact.Dissolved iron behaved in the classical non-conservative manner exhibiting removal of nearly 80% at very low chlorinities, while particulate iron increased by a corresponding amount over the same chlorinity range. Dissolved manganese was enriched by up to 200% over its predicted concentration at low and intermediate chlorinities by desorption from suspended particulates and by a probable benthic flux. Dissolved silicon was enriched by up to 100% at low and intermediate chlorinities also from a probable benthic flux. These fluxes were estimated to be 5 μg cm?2 day?1 for dissolved manganese and 70 μg cm?2 day?1 for dissolved silicon.The quantity of both particulate iron and manganese increased at high chlorinities due to an influx of suspended inorganic particulates. In the intermediate to high chlorinity region, oxidation of sediment-derived manganese is believed to contribute to the observed increase in particulate manganese.Total iron was essentially conservative throughout most of the estuary, while total manganese was non-conservative presumably due to extensive remobilization of dissolved manganese from the sediments.  相似文献   

长江口九段沙潮沟系统分维研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈琳  韩震 《海洋通报》2015,34(2):190-196
以长江口九段沙为研究区,采用2013年8月13日的Landsat-8遥感全色波段得到的九段沙潮沟分布图,利用Horton-Strahler原则将九段沙潮沟进行了分级。然后使用网格法对各个等级的潮沟进行了分维研究,计算了九段沙不同等级的每个潮沟左右两侧的维数值,并结合潮沟的宽度大小,对其维数值进行了比较和分析。研究结果表明,九段沙相同等级潮沟中,潮沟左侧维数的变化范围大于右侧,即潮沟左侧发育的复杂程度大于右侧;不同等级潮沟宽度的最小值变化幅度不大,但潮沟宽度的最大值变化幅度较大;不同等级潮沟宽度的变化和其潮沟左右两侧维数差值变化的相关性较小;不同等级潮沟,无论左侧还是右侧,潮沟维数大小随着潮沟的等级数和潮沟的平均宽度的增大而增大。  相似文献   

珠江口磨刀门枯季表层沉积物特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据2003年12月在珠江口磨刀门附近水域采集的河口表层沉积物粒度分析资料,研究了磨刀门河口表层沉积物的组成、分布、运动等特征及其动力环境指示作用。研究表明,磨刀门口枯季表层沉积物组成以粉砂为主,其次为粘土和砂。表层沉积物平均中值粒径为6.356Ф(0.0122mm),表层沉积物的级配与悬沙的级配较接近。口门附近表层沉积物的中值粒径、分选性沿程没有明显的变化。枯季表层沉积物的形成以悬移质沉积为主,跃移和推移运动形式很少。磨刀门由于受人类活动的影响枯季表层沉积物与历史相比出现明显的细化,磨刀门口附近枯季表层沉积物的特征在一定程度上反映了枯季以潮流作用为主的相对较弱的动力环境。  相似文献   

天津永定新河河口灾害地质因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据钻孔地层资料和声学地层解译资料,阐述了天津永定新河河口地区的多种影响工程建设的灾害地质因素,详细分析了这些灾害地质因素的性质及其对工程的危害,并提出了对这一地区施工的建议.  相似文献   

河道体系是侵蚀和沉积物搬运的重要通道,控制了大陆边缘源汇体系中砂体总体的输送和分布格局,并可有效指示古代构造活动、物源供给、气候变迁和海平面变化等丰富地质信息。研究基于高分辨率的三维地震、钻测井资料,结合层序划分方法和地震沉积学综合分析手段,揭示了南海北部珠一坳陷早—中中新世古珠江分流河道体系的类型和展布特征,并且以典型层序为例精细揭示了海平面变化控制下河道类型由辫状向曲流的转换。同时,在研究区地震剖面上识别到多处异常下切现象,经研究可解释为辫状河道内的汇流冲刷,其典型特征为:① 下切深度局部增大;② 平面近似圆形或椭圆形;③ 内部为砂质充填。虽然汇流冲刷结构在地震剖面特征上与“传统”意义的下切谷极易混淆,但在沉积特征和成因上存在较大差别,因此,对它的识别有助于避免层序界面的错误判别,并且其后期充填的河道砂体具有局限分布的特点,易于在后期海侵泥岩的覆盖下形成潜在的岩性圈闭新类型。  相似文献   

盐沼湿地的冲淤变化是影响大型底栖动物功能群组成及其分布特征的一个重要因素。本文选择长江口南汇东滩作为研究区域,设置固定样地,分别于2015年11月和2016年2月,进行了大型底栖动物和沉积物理化因子的季节性取样分析,并在期间内每月进行滩面冲淤变化的观测,分析了枯季长江口南汇东滩潮间带盐沼湿地冲淤变化对大型底栖动物功能群的影响及作用机理。调研期间共采集到大型底栖动物37种,从功能群组成来看,以杂食者居多,共25种;植食者次之,共7种;肉食者最少,仅为5种。3种食性功能群的物种数、密度和生物量的时空变化特征有所不同。调研期间,3个功能群物种数都略有下降;植食者密度显著增加(P<0.01),而肉食者、杂食者密度变化不显著(P>0.05);3个功能群的生物量变化均不显著(P>0.05)。植食者密度和生物量在样地间都存在极显著差异(P<0.01);肉食者和杂食者仅密度在2016年2月的调研中存在样地间的显著差异(P<0.05)。不同样地月际冲淤变化特征有所不同,但总体均呈淤涨态势。多数环境因子存在显著的空间差异(P<0.05),仅不同深度的沉积物中值粒径在样地间无显著差异(P>0.05)。滩面冲淤变化对沉积物理化指标的变化具有主导作用。通过非线性回归分析筛选出的与各功能群物种数、密度、生物量变化具有显著相关性(P<0.05)的环境因子组合存在差异。其中,对植食者密度、生物量的变化和肉食者物种数的变化有显著影响的环境因子组合中都包含绝对冲淤变化量。滩面冲淤变化除对大型底栖动物产生直接影响外,还会通过改变沉积物理化因子特征,间接对大型底栖动物产生影响。对于3种食性功能群来说,产生影响作用的主要生境因子存在明显差异。虽然各食性功能群的物种数均有下降,但相对另外两种功能群而言,沉积物中的营养环境还是更利于杂食者的生存,因此杂食者在竞争过程中更具优势。未来相关研究需要在多因子系统监测的基础上,结合洪季的观测结果,进行综合分析。  相似文献   

黄河入海流路自1976年5月改道至清水沟流路以来,其地貌形态一直处于剧烈的变化当中,以往的研究虽然关注了典型断面主槽的形态特征及过流能力的变化,但对于清水沟流路范围界限内河道断面整体形态及其沿程变化等地貌特征还缺乏系统研究.本文以2019年10月黄河口现行清水沟流路范围渔洼以下河段加测横断面为研究对象,辨识现状地貌分布...  相似文献   

枯季珠江河口悬浮泥沙絮凝沉降特征的观测与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2000年1月,利用L ISST-ST现场激光粒度沉速仪,对珠江河口悬浮泥沙的现场粒级与沉速特征进行观测和分析,结果表明:珠江河口悬浮泥沙絮凝沉降特征具有复杂的时空变化,悬浮泥沙颗粒现场中值粒径为10~96μm,各粒级颗粒的现场中值沉速为0.001~0.02 cm/s,并可用关系式iω=k.din(0.29相似文献   

This paper aims to reveal spatial variation in the abundance of infaunal bivalves and polychaetes at different spatial scales (station: 200–800 m intervals; plot: 5–20 m), and to reveal environmental variables affecting the spatial distribution of animals in the Natori River estuary, Japan. We found six bivalve species and eight polychaete species from 52 plots at 12 stations. Nuttallia olivacea and Heteromastus sp. were found to be the most abundant species of bivalves and polychaetes, respectively. Assemblage patterns of bivalves and polychaetes were classified into five distinct groups. Substrata (silt-clay contents), salinity, and relative elevation were the variables found to affect the infaunal assemblage patterns. Chlorophyll a was not a significant variable, but benthic animals were absent at sites with extremely low chlorophyll a conditions. Macrobenthic assemblage patterns were different not only between stations but often differed between plots at the same station, reflecting the complex assemblage structure of benthic invertebrates. Detailing such animal–environment relationship is essential in understanding the potential food supply for estuarine fishes.  相似文献   

根据珠江口枯水期(2013年11月)和丰水期(2014年8月) 24个站位调查资料,对中小型浮游动物种类组成、丰度分布、群落结构及其主要影响因子进行了研究.结果表明,枯水期和丰水期分别鉴定浮游动物成体91种和70种,以桡足类最为丰富.浮游动物种类从河口上游向外围逐渐增加.浮游动物丰度时空分布差异显著,丰水期平均值高达11 619. 78 ind/m~3,显著高于枯水期的1 707. 13 ind/m~3.桡足类在珠江口中小型浮游动物中占绝对优势,枯水期和丰水期分别占总丰度的80. 3%和93. 0%,对浮游动物的丰度分布起关键作用.强额孔雀哲水蚤(Parvocalanus crassirostris)、中华异水蚤(Acartiella sinensis)和刺尾纺锤水蚤(Acartia spinicauda)在两个水期均为主要优势种,小拟哲水蚤(Paracalanus parvus)和厦门矮隆哲水蚤(Bestiolina amoyensis)则分别在枯水期和丰水期具有较高的优势度.聚类分析的结果显示,枯水期和丰水期该水域浮游动物均可划分为3个群落.相关性分析表明,珠江口中小型浮游动物群落结构受多个环境因子的影响,但盐度是其中最为关键的非生物因子.  相似文献   

黄河口外沉积物氧化还原环境的表征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了评价黄河口外石油开发区沉积物的氧化还原特征,本文根据2002年9月航次所取得的黄河口外41个柱状沉积物样品,研究了该区沉积物氧化还原特征参数Fe^3 ,Fe^2 ,Fe^3 /Fe^2 及Eh,Es和有机碳、氧化还原度(ROD)等的分布特征,以及这些参数之间的相关关系。研究表明,Fe^3 ,Fe^2 ,Fe^3 /Fe^2 及Eh,Es和有机碳、氧化还原度(ROD)等在表层沉积物中各站之间的差别不大。Fe^3 和Fe^2 在0~40cm深度范围内变化比较复杂。40cm以后变的相对比较稳定。而Eh和Es有随深度减小的趋势,ROD在整个研究区都小于1,有机碳的含量高于整个渤海的平均值。综合所有氧化还原特征参数的特征,可确认该区沉积物的氧化还原环境为还原性,该还原性特征主要是由有机碳控制的,而活性铁的贡献不明显。  相似文献   

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