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We examined the response of four species of New Zealand marine algae (Ecklonia radiata, Apophlaea lyallii, Rhodymenia spp., Ulva lactuca) and a sea urchin (Evechinus chloroticus) to spatial variation in ultraviolet radiation (UV‐R) by examining the concentration of UV‐R absorbing compounds known as mycosporine‐like amino acids (MAAs). The purpose was to understand how, and the degree to which, local marine species could potentially respond to any future increases in incident UV‐R in the New Zealand marine environment. The research was undertaken in Doubtful Sound, where we observed a gradient of water column UV‐R transmission along the 40 km length of the fiord. We examined spatial differences in MAAs along the UV‐B gradient in the macrophytes and temporal changes in MAAs in sea urchin gonads. Among the algae, thallus MAA concentrations (nmol mg–1 protein) ranged from 12.5 to 87.8 in E. radiata, from 433.1 to 1446.4 in A. lyallii, 12.7 to 103.4 in Rhodymenia spp., but were not detected in U. lactuca. For E. chloroticus, gonadal MAA concentrations ranged from 83.9 to 224.3 nmol mg–1 protein spatially, and over the year from 1.85 to 14.12 nmol mg–1 dry weight (DW) depending on site and gametogenic cycle. Laboratory manipulations indicated that concentrations of MAAs in E. chloroticus gonads and eggs are influenced by diet. MAA concentration could be correlated with UV‐B intensities in two of the algal species. E. chloroticus MAA concentrations could also be correlated with UV‐B transmission, which we concluded was a reflection of the greater ingestion and accumulation of MAA‐rich macrophytes at those sites where higher ambient UV‐R induced greater MAA concentrations to occur in the algae. Given this, we suggest that one response of marine species to increases in UV‐B would be an increase in the synthesis and/or accumulation of MAAs for photoautotrophs and a dietary accumulation of those MAAs in E. chloroticus, an important herbivore in this system.  相似文献   

To clarify the differences in the growth and gonad size of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus among algal sere, the study was conducted in June and July, and September 1998 at three fucoid beds in Oga and at three algal turfs in Hachimori, Akita Prefecture in northern Japan. The most rapid growth was observed in a large perennial fucoid bed at the climax stage. Growth in a small perennial Chondrus ocellatus‐dominated bed in algal turfs in the seral stage was then high. The slowest growth was observed in the small perennial Dictyopteris divaricata‐ and Laurencia spp.‐dominated beds which are known to possess chemicals which act as feeding deterrents against the sea urchins. The gonad index (gonad wet weight × 100/body wet weight) at a fucoid bed was high where standing crops exceeded 3 kg·m?2. The gonad index in the Laurencia bed was lower than those at fucoid beds. These results suggest that growth and gonad production are affected by algal sere and differ among species of small perennial algae in the seral stage with or without chemical defense.  相似文献   

Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg 1793) have been introduced into the Wadden Sea (North Sea), where they settle on native mussel beds (Mytilus edulis L.), which represent the only extensive insular hard substrata in this soft-sediment environment. As abundances of C. gigas rose, some mussel beds became increasingly overgrown with oysters, whereas others did not. Field experiments revealed that recruitment of C. gigas was higher in the lower intertidal than in the upper subtidal zone, that it was higher on conspecifics than on mussels, and that it was not affected by barnacle epigrowth except when settling on mussels. Mussel recruitment is known from inter- and subtidal zones. It occurred equally on oyster and mussel shells but showed a clear preference for barnacle epigrowth over clean shells. Assuming that settlement and recruitment are key processes for species abundances on the North Sea coast, it is predicted that the positive feedback in oyster settlement will lead to rapid reef formation of this invader at the expense of mussel beds. Mussels, however, may escape competitive exclusion by settling between or on the larger oysters especially when barnacles are abundant. Experimental patches with mussels were more often covered by fucoid algae (Fucus vesiculosus forma mytili Nienburg) than patches with oysters, and oyster recruitment was poor underneath such algal canopies. Thus, fucoids may provide the native mussels with a refuge from the invading oysters and the two bivalves may coexist, provided food is not limiting.  相似文献   

Preference tests were performed over a two-week period in September 2001 in which isopods (Idotea baltica) and amphipods (Gammarus oceanicus) were offered choices of three common species of algae from the Baltic Sea: Enteromorpha intestinalis, Cladophora spp., and Fucus vesiculosus. After a 48-hour starvation period, 20 individuals of each grazer species were placed in aquaria containing approximately 1.0 g of each algal species. Fifteen trials for each grazer species were run for 20 hours. We found that G. oceanicus ate significantly more Cladophora spp. and E. intestinalis than F. vesiculosus (p<0.001), with a preference order of: Cladophora spp.>E. intestinalis>F. vesiculosus. Similarly, I. baltica ate significantly more of both the filamentous green algae than F. vesiculosus (p<0.001), with a preference order of: E. intestinalis>Cladophora spp.>F. vesiculosus. Given the preference of isopods and amphipods for filamentous green algae, we might expect these algae to be maintained at low biomass levels. However, this is clearly not the case in the Baltic Sea. Nutrient enrichment (bottom-up effects) is the accepted dominant reason for the non-controlling impact of algal grazers, but other reasons may include cascading trophic effects resulting from the removal of large piscivorous fish (top-down effects).  相似文献   

Blooms of drifting green algae often develop in shallow coastal zones that receive significant nutrient inputs. Each spring and summer, some fifty bays and coves in Brittany (France) are affected in this way. Until now, in this region, only the algae present in the surf zone or stranded ashore, constituting an intertidal stock, have been taken into account. Another stock of algae, which was subtidal and of the same species (Ulva spp.), was found in the Bay of Douarnenez, one of the ten areas most affected by these algal blooms. This subtidal Ulva stock was located beyond the surf zone, at depths reaching 15 m. It was about the same size as the intertidal stock, viz., a few thousand tons on average. Subtidal Ulva stocks were generally found lying on the sandy bottom in a distribution showing no particular pattern. Biomass ranged from almost zero to 1.547 kg m−2 of fresh and spun-dried algae. However, at depths from 3 to 7 m they were often arranged in strips a few dm wide, due to the swell's effect. The bottom conditions of temperature, salinity, irradiance and dissolved inorganic nitrogen measured during spring and summer are suitable for the growth of Ulva in the subtidal zone. Both intertidal and subtidal drifting Ulva stocks are mobile and capable of exchanging material. In spring, the intertidal stock's inoculum is likely to come from the subtidal. Later in the season, the subtidal stock could be supplied, at least partially, by the intertidal.  相似文献   

We collected fishes and environmental variables in three zones (upper, middle and lower) of a small open tropical estuary during flood tide. The aim was to test for differences in fish assemblages along a gradient from freshwater to marine waters and to detect any seasonal variation in fishes and environmental variables across these zones. A total of 111 species (18 in the upper, 50 in the middle and 66 in the lower estuary) were recorded, forming three distinct fish assemblages, with the family Eleotridae dominating in the upper, Gerreidae in the middle, and Sciaenidae in the lower estuary. Only two species (Geophagus brasiliensis in the upper and the middle zones, and Eucinostomus argenteus in the middle and the lower zones) composed more than 1% of the total number of individuals in more than a single zone. Short‐term (tidal) changes in salinity in the middle estuary were associated with different assemblages in the three estuarine zones, even in winter, when the differences in salinity are lowest between the middle and the lower zones. Seasonal variation in salinity was irrelevant, except in a protected sidewater lagoon in the middle estuary. Low salinity seasonal change may be related to the lack of seasonal variation in the structure of fish assemblages in all estuarine zones.  相似文献   

In two small monomictic lakes near Queenstown, South Island, New Zealand, algal associations characteristic of eutrophic waters were present throughout most of the period from December 1969 to February 1972.

In Lake Hayes, five of the six algal genera which were recorded in the plankton in 1948–50 were still present, but Anabaena appeared to have increased. Blooms of A. flos‐aquae which were not recorded 20 y ago (Jolly 1952) occurred in the lake in the three summers of this study and in winter of the second year. Melosira granulata dominated the plankton in winter; at other times of the year Closterium aciculare, Cyclotella kuetzingiana, and Staurastrum spp. were dominant.

In Lake Johnson the major algae differed from one year to another. Blooms of Anabaena flos‐aquae formed during the first two summers but were absent in the third, when Closterium aculum var. variabile was dominant. Peridinium cinctum was abundant throughout the first year, especially in December 1969 and October 1970, when concentrations of more than 1000 cells per ml occurred at the surface. During autumn and winter of the second year, Staurastrum bibrachiatum dominated the plankton.

In both lakes micro‐algae were abundant in late spring and early summer.

In winter when the lakes were isothermal, algae were distributed fairly uniformly with depth. During the period of thermal stratification, algae were mainly confined to the epilimnion. Although green algae and diatoms were usually dispersed fairly uniformly throughout this zone, Cryptomonas and Peridinium were often concentrated at a certain depth. In Lake Johnson in late summer 1971, a layer of purple photosynthetic bacteria, of which concentrations of 0.5–1.3 × 10° cells per ml were recorded, was present at a depth of 7–8 m.

Algae were more abundant in summer than in winter in both lakes. The mean standing crop of algae for the trophogenic zone of Lake Hayes was 6000 cells per ml, and a maximum crop of 65 000 cells per ml was recorded in December 1971 during an Anabaena bloom: the mean volume of phytoplankton was 1.93 mm3 per litre for the trophogenic zone with a maximum of 7.49 mm3per litre in January 1970 when Anabaena and Peridinium were abundant. In Lake Johnson the mean number of algae in the trophogenic zone was 11000 cells per ml and the mean volume of phytoplankton was 9.37 mm3 per litre: a maximum volume of 33.12mm3 per litre was recorded in October 1970 when Peridinium was abundant.  相似文献   

Feeding behavior of coral reef fishes often determines their species‐specific ecological roles. We studied the two most common Caribbean surgeonfishes (Acanthurus coeruleus and Acanthurus tractus) to examine their species‐specific grazing rates and feeding preferences and how these differed with environmental context. We quantified the feeding activity of both surgeonfishes at four spur and groove reefs in the Florida Keys, USA, that varied in fish abundance, rugosity, algal community composition, and sediment loading. Overall, A. tractus fed twice as fast as A. coeruleus. Both species selected for turf algae but avoided feeding on turf algae that had become laden with sediment. Selectivity for upright macroalgae was more complex with A. tractus targeting Dictyota spp., while A. coeruleus avoided Dictyota spp. relative to the alga's abundance. Both species selected for epiphytes growing on other organisms such as macroalgae and sponges. However, several of these feeding patterns changed with ontogeny. For example, larger individuals of both species fed more frequently on long, sediment‐laden algal turf and less frequently on Dictyota spp. compared to smaller sized individuals. In addition, A. tractus also increased its preference for upright calcareous algae as they attained larger sizes. Overall, the disparity in feeding preferences of surgeonfishes likely indicates subtle differences in species‐specific ecological roles. Both A. coeruleus and A. tractus likely prevent development of turf algae and thus maintain algal communities in the early stages of succession. Additionally, A. tractus may also help reduce macroalgal abundance by targeting common macroalgal species.  相似文献   

The distribution, general habits, morphological variation, food, associates and predators ‘Of the common endemic New Zealand echiooid Evechinus chloroticus (Val.) are considered.

Evechinus chloroticus is chiefly a rocky bottom dweller but adults, juveniles and very small individuals often occupy different microhabitats. The urchin is typically found in shallow subtidal situations (<12m) although considerable intertidal populations occur in some areas, particularly towards the north. A superimposed dispersion pattern of population and intra‐population clumping is typical and densities often exceed 50 adults/m2.

Spine length, thickness and sharpness and test thickness vary between populations but no significant variation in test shape (height/diameter) was observed. Variations in spination are probably related to wave exposure while test thickness is at least in part related to nutrition.

In the localities where macroscopic algae are diverse and abundant, Evechinus is almost exclusively algivorous, but it predominantly browses material from the substrate where algae are sparse.

The rhabdocoele, Syndesmis sp. (in the gut) and various tiliates (in the gut and gonad) were commonly found in Evechinus. The urchin provides shelter and food for the clingfish Dellichthys morelandi, and the isopod Exosphaeroma sp. is probably also a close associate.

Known predators include the cymaitiid gastropods Charonia capax and C. rubicunda, the seastar Coscinasterias calamaria, and the blue cod Parapercichthys colias and snapper Chrysophrys auratus.  相似文献   


New Zealand's native freshwater mussels (kākahi, kāeo) are considered to be in decline, yet the mechanisms driving this are unclear. The widespread establishment of highly efficient filter-feeding, non-native Daphnia in New Zealand lakes may have led to competition for algae with kākahi. We conducted a controlled laboratory experiment to determine whether differences exist in algal resources utilised by kākahi and North American Daphnia pulex. Echyridella menziesii (adults and juveniles) and D. pulex were exposed to mixed algal samples for three hours to determine whether similar algal resources were removed by the grazers. Relative to controls, both adult and juvenile E. menziesii removed a broad range of algal taxa including diatoms, green algae and filamentous species, ranging in size from 33.6 to 348.0?μm. High densities of D. pulex were unable to cause depletion of these same algae species. Our results suggest niche overlap is limited between the two grazers; E. menziesii utilises larger particles than D. pulex.  相似文献   

We examined temporal changes at the Three Kings Islands, New Zealand in 1993 and 2002 in the diet of the endemic herbivorous fish Odax cyanoallix (Family Labridae) and in habitat‐forming macroalgae, and compared these with published accounts from 1979. The diet of O. cyanoallix predominantly comprised the laminarian Ecklonia radiata in 1993, and the fucoids Sargassum johnsonii and Landsburgia quercifolia in 2002. In depths <10 m, the endemic fucoid S. johnsonii was dominant in 1979 and 2002 and absent in 1993. E. radiata was absent in 1979, abundant in 1993, and rare in 2002. A period of significantly lower sea‐surface temperatures (SST) at the Three Kings Islands in 1990–95 corresponded to an unusually long El Niño event. The low SST may have resulted in the failure of S. johnsonii to grow and/or recruit during the El Niño event, leading to the observed changes. This study demonstrates variability in fucoid and laminarian assemblages over large time scales that are reflected in diet shifts in a species of herbivorous fish.  相似文献   

从藻类化石的垂直分布探讨杭州西湖的演变历程   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于1994年春在杭州西湖东北面,西面及湖中心小瀛洲3个钻孔共取了70号岩芯样,经浮选,筛选,以显微镜检鉴定化石藻种,并分析其垂直分布,从而探讨西湖的形成历史,西湖自晚更新世以来的6个化石藻带由下而上依次为:轮藻带,微藻带,微红金颗藻-近缘针杆藻-条纹小环藻带,圆筛藻带,圆筛藻-近缘针杆藻-微红金颗藻桥穹藻-异极藻-短缝藻带和水花束丝藻带,从而反映了西湖的6个发育时期,淡水古湖沼期,淡咸水过渡期,海  相似文献   

为了解红树林不同潮位沉积物中底栖真核生物群落分布,基于18S rRNA基因采用高通量测序方法分析了广西北仑河口陆缘、林中和海缘3个潮位红树林沉积物中底栖生物群落结构。结果表明,北仑河口潮间带红树林沉积物中底栖生物多样性丰富,Shannon-Wiener指数变化范围在6. 08~6. 73之间; PCA分析表明潮间带中底栖生物群落差异较大,陆缘红树林中扁形动物、节肢动物和软体动物相对丰度较高,林中区域中纤毛虫、环节动物和轮虫相对丰度较高,海缘红树林中硅藻相对丰度较高;红树林中主要OTUs有桡足类的太平洋纺锤水蚤(Acartia pacifica)、硅藻类的海链藻(Thalassiosira sp.)、纤毛虫类的前管虫(Prorodon teres)、多毛类的小头虫(Capitella sp.)。高通量测序方法能较全面反映红树林区微型/小型底栖生物群落,研究结果为丰富红树林底栖生物群落研究和解析底栖生物在红树林生态系统发挥的作用提供基础数据。  相似文献   

Microalgal production (ungrazed rock) and standing stock (grazed) were measured over a period of 15 months in the lower, middle and upper balanoid zones of two rocky snores in the Transkei region of southern Africa. The mean monthly production of chlorophyll a, which ranged from 0,3 to 2,0 μg·cm?2. was inversely correlated with tidal elevation. Highest rates of production (3,5–6,0 μg·cm?2) were recorded in winter at all tidal levels. The amplitude of seasonal fluctuations decreased with tidal height. At the middle and upper levels standing stock usually exceeded monthly production, whereas the opposite often occurred in the lower balanoid. No temporal or spatial trends in standing stock were evident. The intertidal distribution of grazing gastropods (excluding littorinids) correlated positively with primary production but showed no relationship with standing stock. No clear seasonal trends in grazer abundance were evident. The fact that standing stock exceeds monthly production suggests that grazing pressure is insufficient to balance primary production in the middle and upper balanoid zones on these shores. Grazers do, however, remove most of the primary production in the lower balanoid zone. Possible mechanisms underlying the observed patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

鱼卵和仔稚鱼在海洋生态系统能量传递中起重要作用,作为渔业资源的早期补充群体,其分布、群聚结构对评估渔业资源和保护渔业资源具有重要意义。为了解三门湾鱼卵、仔稚鱼群聚结构时空变化规律,对该海域鱼卵、仔稚鱼进行春、夏两季调查,分析了该海域鱼卵、仔稚鱼组成及群聚结构变化等特征。结果发现:(1)两季共鉴定出鱼卵、仔稚鱼8目21科40种,其中定性样品鱼卵、仔稚鱼8目21科36种,定量样品鱼卵、仔稚鱼4目11科24种;鱼卵优势种为斑鰶(Konosirus punctatus)、鲷科未定种(Sparidae)、蓝点马鲛(Scomberomorus niphonius)、鮻(Liza haematocheila)、舌鳎属(Cynoglossus spp.)、石首鱼科未定种(Sciaenidae)、小公鱼属(Stolephorus spp.);仔稚鱼优势种为鮻、孔虾虎鱼(Trypauchen vagina)、小公鱼属、细棘虾虎鱼属(Acentrogobius spp.)、缟虾虎鱼属(Tridentiger spp.)。(2)三门湾湾内与湾外鱼卵、仔稚鱼群聚的组成存在显著差异,且湾内密度均高于湾外,反映出优势种鱼类在产卵季对于水文环境(如海流、温度)的空间响应。(3)三门湾鱼卵、仔稚鱼的群聚组成季节波动明显,主要由鱼类产卵的季节节律以及以洄游习性等差异形成。结果表明,三门湾鱼卵、仔稚鱼群聚结构空间、季节差异明显,与历史资料相比,鱼卵、仔稚鱼资源从“年际”短时间尺度看已初步显现一定恢复态势。  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(2):293-305
In the Urdaibai estuary, despite its small volume in relation to the tidal prism, phytoplankton grows massively in the upper and intermediate zones of the estuary during summer when rainfall is low to moderate. Data obtained in 23 sampling transects along the longitudinal axis of the estuary, undertaken in July 1993 and August 1994, showed three distinct zones in terms of the phytoplankton species composition: in the upper zone the phytoplankton assemblage was dominated by the diatoms Cyclotella spp., the dinoflagellate Glenodinium foliaceum, cryptophytes and euglenophytes; in the intermediate zone the diatom Chaetoceros ceratosporus, the dinoflagellates Peridinium quinquecorne and Prorocentrum minimum and cryptophytes were the most abundant; in the lower zone diatoms such as Leptocylindricus danicus and Skeletonema costatum together with the dinoflagellates Prorocentrum spp. were dominant. The distribution and abundance of these phytoplankton forms is discussed in relation to variations in salinity, water column stratification, nutrients and temperature, which in turn vary mainly as a function of meteorological conditions (i.e. rainfall, irradiance) and tidal amplitude. The longitudinal distribution of phytoplankton cells suggests that the diatoms Cyclotella spp. and Chaetoceros ceratosporus undergo a greater dispersion along the estuary during rain events than the flagellates, thus contributing to the transport of silica to the outer areas of the estuary.  相似文献   

广东南澳岛近海是我国龙须菜养殖的重要基地。为了探究龙须菜养殖对藻华防治的贡献,分别于2016年3月、5月和6月在广东南澳岛北部海域不同养殖功能海区进行采样,研究龙须菜养殖前后海水中营养盐含量和结构的变化,分析不同粒径的浮游生物对有机营养盐的水解利用,探讨龙须菜养殖对浮游植物竞争利用营养盐和生长产生的影响。结果表明,研究海区水质较清洁,无机氮磷含量较低,春季至夏季,随着龙须菜和浮游植物生物量增加,溶解无机磷(dissolved inorganic phosphorus,DIP)浓度不断下降,至6月南澳海区成为磷限制海域。在5月龙须菜生长高峰期,龙须菜养殖区和龙须菜鲍鱼混养区的DIP浓度显著低于鲍鱼区和非养殖区,龙须菜养殖区的叶绿素a浓度明显低于其他区域,亮氨酸氨肽酶(leucine amino peptide,LAP)和碱性磷酸酶(alkaline phosphatase,AP)活性显著升高,表明龙须菜养殖区浮游植物受到较为明显的营养胁迫。而龙须菜收割后,该养殖区的叶绿素a含量则显著上升,甚至高于其他区域。该结果表明在南澳岛海域,龙须菜养殖通过营养竞争关系(尤其是磷)抑制浮游植物的生长,大规模龙须菜养殖可能有助于抑制有害藻华的发生。  相似文献   


Echinoderms play important ecological roles in the benthic community, but the processes that regulate their distribution are still poorly understood. The aim of this study was to describe the community structure in the shallow rocky reefs of the Wellington region of central New Zealand. Five sites from a harbour and an open coast were surveyed for adult echinoderm density and habitat composition. Additionally, artificial collectors were deployed to assess recruitment patterns. Five taxa were responsible for the assemblage variation within sites and their abundance was highly correlated with habitat composition. Patiriella regularis was highly abundant in all sites, while Coscinasterias muricata and Evechinus chloroticus were dominant in the Harbour. Echinoderm settlement showed interannual variations, as well as differences between locations. There was a significant pulse of C. muricata settlers, while ophiuroids were present in lower numbers but constantly during the studied period. E. chloroticus settlement was sporadic and the absence of a juvenile cohort in the open coast sites suggests that recruitment might not occur for up to 4 years. The present study provides insights on the echinoderm assemblage in the shallow rocky reefs of the Wellington region and contributes to a better understanding of recruitment patterns shaping population structure.  相似文献   

The size of bottom‐up subsidies, food and larvae, from the ocean has a profound impact on inter‐tidal communities and populations. Alongshore variations in subsidies are attributed to variation in coastal conditions, but also might be due to variations in surf‐zone hydrodynamics. We tested this hypothesis by comparing surf‐zone phytoplankton concentrations to surf‐zone hydrodynamics as indicated by the width of the surf zones. To minimize the potential effects of alongshore variation in phytoplankton abundance in the coastal ocean, we sampled closely spaced sites (median separation 1 km) over short periods (3 days). Surf‐zone concentrations of coastal phytoplankton taxa (e.g. Chaetoceros spp., Pseudo‐nitzschia spp. and dinoflagellates) varied with surf‐zone width; 65% to 94% of the variability in their concentration is explained by surf‐zone width. Where surf zones were narrow and more reflective, phytoplankton concentrations were one to several orders of magnitude lower than in wider, more dissipative surf zones. The most closely spaced stations were 30 m apart, but represented distinct habitats – a reflective and a more dissipative surf zone. Phytoplankton concentrations in the reflective surf zone were an order of magnitude or more lower than in the adjacent more dissipative surf zone. A reanalysis of a published study on phytoplankton subsidies found similar results. Alongshore variation in surf‐zone hydrodynamics appears to be an important driver of phytoplankton subsidies to the inter‐tidal zone.  相似文献   

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