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Vertical temperature profiles obtained in April 1971 along the length of Lake Tekapo suggest the presence of an internal seiche. A simple model gives a theoretical period of 48 h. Successive vertical temperature profiles made at 5‐min intervals over 70 min showed in‐phase fluctuations in the isotherms both above and below the thermocline. The fluctuations had an average period of 12.7 min and could have been generated by a surface sieche operating between the southern end of the lake and Motuariki Island, situated about 7.6 km from the southern end.  相似文献   


In September 1986, dense concentrations of freshly spawned hoki (Macruronus novaezelandiae) eggs were located in eastern Cook Strait. A follow‐up exploratory trawl survey of Cook Strait and the east coast of the South Island, in August and September 1987, located concentrations of spawning hoki in canyon features in Cook Strait, off the Kaikoura coast, and off Banks Peninsula. The largest concentration, 14 km long, 4 km wide, and up to 150 m thick occurred in Cook Strait Canyon, with catch rates of hoki up to 48 t h?1. Gonad conditions of male and female hoki showed they were actively spawning. Catch rates in Cook Strait Canyon were comparable to the main fishery on the west coast of the South Island but were much lower off Kaikoura and Banks Peninsula. Hoki associated with spawning concentrations were not feeding. Bycatch species were mostly ling (Genypterus blacodes) and spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias), and both were preying on hoki. Spiny dogfish were also feeding on spawned fish eggs. The possible stock structure of hoki is discussed.  相似文献   


Substrate and infauna samples were taken at four tidal levels (mean high water springs, high mid beach, low mid beach, and mean low water neaps) with a 0.0625 m2 quadrat at 14 North Island beaches in New Zealand. The distributions of Peracarida (Crustacea) were correlated with sediment type, tidal height, and degree of exposure; sampling began in March 1972 and was completed in November 1973.

Substrate samples were sieved and median diameter of the particles ranged from very coarse sand of — 0.60? to very fine sand of + 3.259?. Substrates were variously sorted: ? quartile deviation ranged from 0.14? to 0.66?, skewness from 0.08? to + 0.07?.

Peracarid fauna was moderately abundant; the maximum value was 720 animals per square metre on a fully exposed beach. Highest average abundance (303 per square metre) for the 14 beaches was recorded from the mean low water neap station. Amphipoda was the dominant group (54% of all Peracarida recorded), followed by Isopoda (33%) and Cumacea (13%). Frequency of occurrence at the 56 stations was headed by Amphipoda (64%), followed by Isopoda (46%), and Cumacea (20%).

The results are compared with data from Stewart Island beaches, and the biogeographical distributions of recorded Peracarida are discussed. An unexpectedly high degree of endemism exists for a warm‐temperate region, caused by the isolation of New Zealand, which has no direct shallow water contact with tropical or cold temperate regions.  相似文献   

A total of 6085 adult Trichoptera (excluding Hydroptilidae) representing 12 families, 31 genera, and 56 species were collected by a combination of Malaise net and light trapping from July 1998 to July 1999 at three hill‐country sites of contrasting catchment land use (100% native forest, a pasture site with native forest headwaters, and 100% pasture) in the Waikato, northern New Zealand. Forty‐eight species of Trichoptera were collected from Malaise nets and 45 species from light traps. Eleven species of Trichoptera were only ever collected from the Malaise nets and seven species from only the light traps. At the native forest site, Malaise nets collected more species and taxa of conservation interest than did light traps, possibly reflecting diurnal activity or non‐attraction to light by some species. Several species of Trichoptera showed site specificity and most of these were found at the native forest site. Twenty‐eight species were active for at least 6 months of the year with at least four species active all year. A minimum overnight air temperature of at least 9°C was required to induce Trichoptera flight activity, but large‐scale flight activity may require temperatures greater than 14°C. Trichoptera with free‐living and net spinning larvae exhibited extended flight periods, and for three species examined there were bi‐modal activity peaks. Adult caddisflies with cased larvae which grazed on epilithic food resources generally had reduced flight periods and one species had a well‐defined, synchronous periodicity. These findings suggest flight periodicity may partly be a functional response to larval food availability.  相似文献   

Sightings of 85 icebergs south‐east of New Zealand in February and March 1967 are reported, with associated sea surface temperatures.  相似文献   

The distribution of adult Trichoptera in light traps was investigated alongside nine streams draining catchments under native forest, pine forest, or pasture near Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between abundance, taxonomic richness, and community composition with respect to land use during summer, and to evaluate the use of adult Trichoptera compared with benthic invertebrates as potential bio‐indicators of the effectiveness of land‐management changes. Adult Trichoptera faunas alongside the native streams were dominated by Hydrobiosidae, Conoesucidae, and Helicopsychidae (each >10% of total Trichoptera numbers for at least two of the three sites), whereas Leptoceridae, Oeconescidae, and Hydrobiosidae were relatively abundant alongside at least two of the pine sites. Adult Trichoptera faunas at the pasture sites were strongly dominated by Hydroptilidae which made up 47–85% of numbers caught at all sites. The mean number of individuals and taxa caught in light traps increased from November to January and then declined in February for all land‐use types. Overall, total numbers and taxonomic richness of adult Trichoptera were significantly lower at the pine sites compared to the pasture or native sites. TWINSPAN classification of benthic invertebrates collected in November clearly differentiated sites based on land use for presence/absence and percentage abundance data. A similar pattern was evident for most sites when adult Trichoptera faunas were used for the four sampling dates combined, suggesting that light trapping has potential as a tool for bio‐monitoring.  相似文献   

Distribution patterns of benthic invertebrates in the Marlborough Sounds are related to depth and sediment grade. The assemblage of species found living in this sheltered water soft‐bottom area is characterised by two species of polychaete of the genus Asychis, Echinocardium cordatum, and Amphiura rosea The relationship of this association in the Marlborough Sounds to similar associations in other areas is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The seasonal cycles of abundance of the phytoplankton and zooplankton in Lake Ototoa, Northland, at 36° 31 S, 174° 14 E, are described. Concentrations of chlorophyll a were low (range 0.04–4.61 mg.m‐3; mean 0.97 mg.m‐3), and highest values were in winter. Phytoplankton densities were also low; an oligo‐trophic diatom‐desmid assemblage associated with Botryococcus, Dinobryon, and Svhaerocyslis was found.

The zooplankton was dominated by the calanoid copepod Calamoecia lucasi whose numbers remained fairly constant throughout the year, and the only other copepod found was the cyclopoid Mesocyclops leuckarti which was present in very low numbers. Bosmina meridionalis was the only limnetic cladoceran and was most abundant during autumn and spring. A number of rotifer species were also common.  相似文献   

Lake Ototoa is a warm monomictic lake at 36° 31’ S, 174° 14'E. During a year's study (March 1969‐March 1970), the lake became thermally stratified in November, the metalimnion being between depths of 12 m and 16 m. Surface temperatures ranged between 10.2°c (in August) and 25.2°c (in late January), and bottom temperatures between 9.7°c and 17.5°c. The annual heat budget was calculated to be 642 354 KJ.m‐2 (15 500 cal.cm‐2) and the work of the wind in distributing the heat income 1.730 KJ.m‐2 (1766 g.cm.cm‐2). Secchi disc transparencies ranged between 5 m and 9.2 m (mean 7.07 m) and were greatest in the summer. Light transmission per metre was also high, ranging between 61% and 87%. Surface waters were normally supersaturated with oxygen, but during summer stratification oxygen concentrations in the bottom waters dropped to a minimum of 2.3 mg.litre‐2 and a positive heterograde distribution of oxygen with depth was found. The oxygen deficit was 0.015 mg.cm‐2.day‐1 and showed the lake to be oligotrophic. Mean surface pH was 7.82, and the ionic composition of the waters was similar to that of other small New Zealand and Australian lakes located near the sea. Compared with other New Zealand lakes PO4‐P concentrations (range 1.00–10.20 μg.litre‐1) were low and NO3—N concentrations (range 0.12–0.60 mg.litre‐1) high.  相似文献   

A 31/2‐year succession of wharf‐pile fauna is described from communities of different known ages on piles at Lyttelton, New Zealand. Intertidal regions of the piles were initially colonised by the barnacle Elminius modestus; these populations developed to form a subclimax community which was subsequently replaced by a climax community of the mussel Modiolus neozelanicus after 21/2 years. The stability of this climax is discussed. In the infratidal region initial settlement of the tubicolous amphipod Corophium acherusicum and an erect bryozoan Bugula sp. was followed after 5 months by colonisation by solitary tunicates. These tunicates became dominant only after H years and provided numerous niches for superficial foulers, crevice dwellers, and motile organisms. This succession is compared and contrasted with a terrestrial succession of plants. Four vertical zones were recognised: supralittoral zone, midlittoral zone, in‐fralittoral fringe, and infralittoral zone. Species additional to those recorded by Skerman (1958) are appended.  相似文献   

Parameters of community structure (species composition and relative abundance, number of taxa, diversity, evenness, and cell density) were measured for a mudflat diatom community in the Avon‐Heathcote estuary, New Zealand. Fifty three diatom species were identified: 25 taxa (species and varieties) are new New Zealand records. The Shannon‐Wiener information index (H') was 3.46, indicating high diversity. Evenness (J') ranged from 0.57–0.67. The association between the biomass of the pulmonate gastropod, Amphibola crenata, and benthic diatom community structure was studied using large open enclosures (4.0 m2) to manipulate snail biomass. Community structure was compared at 0, 5 (natural biomass), and 10 g A. crenata dry weight per m. A similarity index (SIMI=0.88–0.95), as well as H’ and J’ indicated close similarity between the diatom assemblages within all enclosures, but number of taxa increased from 33 to 49 with increasing snail biomass. Cell densities were significantly lower at high snail biomass (6088 valves per mm2) compared to enclosures with no snails (10 110 valves per mm ). A. crenata had a higher ratio of diatom fragments to whole diatom valves in its faeces (2.42) than in its crop (0.55), indicating that it is capable of fragmenting diatoms.  相似文献   

Early Marine Department records (1930–42) show that of about 100,000 parr, of quinnat salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), fin clipped at the Marine Department's Hakataramea Salmon Hatchery in south Canterbury, only 3 were positively recovered; later independent readings of scales from these fish agreed with the known age. A further 11 scale samples (for 1937 and 1939) of fin clipped fish have been read, but details of their recovery and of their fin‐clip combinations cannot be found. Thus, from approximately 100,000 fin clipped parr, only 14 recoveries can be substantiated.  相似文献   

This study examined the diet of sympatric populations of migratory juvenile rainbow trout and landlocked koaro in the Waipehi and Omori Streams, Lake Taupo, New Zealand. In both species, diet was dominated, both numerically and by weight, by aquatic prey: Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, and Diptera larvae were the most numerous prey items. Adult koaro and juvenile rainbow trout both fed on small koaro. Terrestrial prey items were present in low numbers in the diets of both koaro and juvenile rainbow trout, but were more important in terms of weight. Resource partitioning was weak although koaro consumed more small benthic invertebrates such as chironomid larvae, whereas the diet of rainbow trout contained more Ephemeroptera larvae and terrestrial insects. In the Waipehi Stream, koaro consumed both rainbow trout ova and koaro ova; in Omori Stream, trout ova were important in the diet of juvenile rainbow trout. Since the diets of koaro and juvenile rainbow trout in some Taupo tributaries are similar, populations may co‐exist by temporal and/or spatial partitioning of food resources, whereas trout predation on small koaro may be a limiting factor for koaro populations.  相似文献   

Water quality, habitat, and biota were compared during spring amongst c. 100 m reaches on 11 streams draining pasture, native (podocarp‐broadleaf) forest, and exotic pine forest established on pasture 15 years previously. Differences were greatest between the pasture and native forest streams. Only 1–3% of incident light reached native and pine forest streams whereas 30% reached pasture streams. Pasture streams had 2.2°C higher mean temperature than the native streams, and 5‐fold higher nitrate, 30‐fold higher algal biomass, and 11‐fold higher gross photosynthesis. Native streams were 60% wider than pasture, with pine streams intermediate. Pine and pasture streams had 3‐fold higher suspended solids and fine sediment stored in the streambed than native streams. Woody debris volume was 17‐fold greater in pine than pasture streams, with native streams intermediate. Invertebrate taxa richness did not differ between land uses. Community composition differed most between pasture and native forest, with pine forest streams intermediate. Invertebrate densities were 3‐fold higher in pasture than native streams, mainly because of more chironomids and snails, but mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies densities were 2–3‐fold higher in forest streams than pasture.  相似文献   

Infaunal bivalve molluscs on the flood tidal delta of Tauranga Harbour, north‐eastern New Zealand, were surveyed twice over a 6‐month period, with the aim of assessing shellfish resources, assessing the magnitudes of temporal and spatial variability in abundances, and identifying potentially important processes. The surveys identified a total of 31 bivalve taxa from 27 sites. Species richness per site ranged between 0 and 9, and varied greatly in space and time, as did two other measures of diversity. Extremely high densities of bivalves (>20 000 m‐2) were encountered at several sites. Densities of several abundant species varied greatly in time, as a result of recruitment pulses. The abundances of the three species that dominated the fauna (Paphies australis, Tawera spissa, and Ruditapes largillierti) had characteristic spatial scales on the order of 200 m. Comparisons of size frequency distributions for individual sites suggested that mortality or emigration in the first year of benthic life was high. Substantial populations of bivalves occur on Centre Bank, and the most abundant of these are greatly influenced by events early in their lives.  相似文献   

Three colonies of the erect, robust branching, cheilostome bryozoan Adeonellopsis sp. were collected from Doubtful Sound, New Zealand, to investigate within‐colony variation in carbonate mineralogy. One‐hundred‐and‐twenty‐one sections from 9 branches were found to contain mostly aragonite, with calcite ranging from 1.1 to 7.3 wt% (mean ± SD = 2.4 ± 1.2 wt%, n = 120). The magnesium (Mg) content in calcite ranged from 5.3 to 13.1 wt% magnesium carbonate (8.8 ± 1.0 wt% MgCO3; n = 120). Calcite content decreased with increasing age proximally along the branch, indicating that secondary thickening is achieved with aragonite. In contrast, an oscillating trend in Mg content along branches suggests that seasonal or interannual environmental parameters may influence this geochemical parameter. Mineralogical variability highlights the need for multiple samples from the same colony to be measured when determining quantitative carbonate mineralogy in bryozoans. Bimineralic bryozoans such as Adeonellopsis sp. may have lower preservation potential than monomineralic bryozoans, and consequently may not survive diagenesis to become fossils. Bimineralic species may also be more vulnerable to dissolution pressure and possible ocean acidification than monomineralic calcitic taxa.  相似文献   

Survival and reproductive rates in fish are often a function of body size. Consequently, spatial‐ and sex‐specific variation in somatic growth rates can have important consequences for population growth and resilience. We used otolith‐based approaches to estimate geographic‐ and sex‐specific growth rates of yellow‐eyed mullet (Aldrichetta forsteri) collected from 14 estuaries and harbours around New Zealand. Aldrichetta forsteri is an abundant and dominant component of New Zealand's estuarine fish fauna. We extracted otoliths from 511 fish, validated daily and annual increments, and prepared transverse thin sections of otoliths to determine age. “Size‐at‐age” relationships were estimated using both linear‐ and non‐linear (von Bertalanffy) growth models, and model performance was evaluated using Akaike's Information Criterion. Because growth rates of sampled fish were best approximated by linear functions, we used ANCOVA to test the null hypothesis that growth rates of A. forsteri were homogeneous between sexes and among geographic locations around New Zealand. Our analyses suggest heterogeneous growth rates between sexes and among locations. Interestingly, relative growth rates between sexes appeared to vary across separate latitudinal gradients for North Island and South Island. Within each island (but not across islands), female A. forsteri generally grew faster than males at the lowest latitudes; relative growth rates of females declined progressively below males with increasing latitude.  相似文献   

During 1974, 5045 snapper Chrysophrys auratus (Forster) were tagged at various locations along the north‐east coast of the North Island. Most were trawl‐caught using a canvas cod‐end in shallow inshore areas. Four types of tags were used, of which two were found to be effective: a large single‐barbed dart tag, and a lock‐on spaghetti tag. For the period up to the end of October 1975, 88 (1.74%) were returned. Highest returns were from the Hauraki Gulf (2.3%) and lowest from Northland (nil). Analysis of the recapture data showed that most movements were local, with a mean distance between tagging site and recapture position of 13.9 nautical miles (25.7 km). Four movements greater than 50 miles (92.6 km) were recorded. Local movements in the Hauraki Gulf were associated with the spring/summer spawning period. This movement, out from inshore areas which are closed to seiners and trawlers, and schooling behaviour, are thought to be the main factors contributing to the peak in snapper catches at this time of the year.  相似文献   

This study presents a river invertebrate and classification system (RIVPACS) type bioassessment methodology for the Manawatu‐Wanganui region of New Zealand. Aquatic macroinvertebrates and related physico‐chemical data were collected at 127 sites, with minimal human impacts (reference sites) in 2000. The reference sites were classified into five groups based on their macroinvertebrate data using TWINSPAN. These biotic groupings were then applied to their corresponding physico‐chemical data and discriminant functions were obtained to assign sites into the biotic groups using the physico‐chemical data. The discriminant functions correctly allocated 72% of the sites to the correct classification group using a jack‐knife validation. The probabilities from the discriminant functions were used to predict macroinvertebrate assemblages and these were compared with observed macroinvertebrate assemblages. The model was then used to assess the health of 29 test sites with known impacts. All test sites were assessed as impacted based on the 10th percentile of the reference data. To evaluate the temporal reliability of the model, data available for 11 sites sampled in 1997 and 2000 were run through the model. The results of this comparison showed little variation in O/E ratios over time and the two sites classed as impacted in 1997 were also classed as impacted in 2000.  相似文献   

Potamopyrgus antipodum has been found in thermal waters only at temperatures below 28°c. Experimental work indicates that 28°c represents the temperature at which snail activity is first curtailed when temperatures are progressively raised. Although the reduction in available oxygen found at high temperatures appears to have some effect on snail activity, the increase in temperature itself is the major factor depressing activity and consequently limiting snail distribution. No difference in the temperature at which activity is reduced has been found between snails living at different environmental temperatures. When temperature was raised 1°c/24 hours, heat death occurred at 30–32°c.  相似文献   

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