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Settlement of puerulus‐stage New Zealand red rock lobsters (Jasus edwardsii) and abundance of the first three juvenile cohorts were measured from 1981 to 1989 near Halfmoon Bay, Stewart Island. Puerulus settlement on subtidal collectors shows great annual variation. Juvenile abundance, estimated from the number caught in annual diver collections, shows less variation. One‐year‐olds appear less vulnerable to diver sampling than older juveniles. Abundance of 2‐ and 3‐year‐olds is highly correlated with puerulus settlement 2 and 3 years previously. Survival between puerulus and 1+ stages appears to be density‐dependent, but survival of older juveniles does not. Size is inversely related to abundance in 3+ females but not in the other cohorts, suggesting density‐dependent growth between ages 2 and 3. Puerulus settlement rates and processes on shallow inshore reefs appear to be important in determining recruitment strength in this species.  相似文献   

Analysis of 326 stomachs of the kahawai, Arripis trutta (Bloch and Schneider), from Wellington Harbour showed that the fish is a voracious carnivore which feeds mainly on fishes and to a lesser extent on planktonic crustaceans. The kahawai is principally a pelagic feeder, but occasionally takes food from the sea bottom; it appears to feed on those fishes which are locally most abundant, and follows shoals of small fish on which it preys. Small kahawai below 100 mm in length eat mainly copepods.  相似文献   

The physical and chemical features of Pupu Springs (40 51’ S, 172° 46’ E), near Takaka, the largest cold springs in New Zealand and one of the largest in the world, were investigated by scuba diving. The springs have a maximum depth of 6.9 m and a mosaic of substrate types (bedrock, boulders, and gravel). The temperature of the springs water is constant at 11.7°C, water velocities are generally moderate to very strong (25–100 cm.s‐1), and average water discharge is about 9.6 m3.s‐1. Mean holding time for water in the springs is 4.4 min. The water is extremely clear, with a vertical extinction coefficient (log10) of 0.09. The springs water flows from an artesian basin in Arthur Marble and is low in dissolved oxygen. The water is rich in calcium (64 g.m‐3), with a high specific conductivity (65 mS.m‐1). Information on water temperature, discharge, and chemistry is provided for five other cold springs in New Zealand: Hamurana Springs, Rotorua; Otangaroa Springs, near Putaruru; Three Springs, near Fairlie; Western Springs, Auckland; and a spring at Lake Hayes, Queenstown.  相似文献   

Southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) support significant commercial and recreational fisheries in Tasmania, Australia. Since the mid 1990s the number of persons holding recreational lobster licences increased by over 80%, with c. 15 500 persons licensed in 2002/03. Assessment of the recreational fishery has been undertaken periodically since 1996 using a telephone‐diary survey method. The fishery was concentrated off the south‐east and east coasts of Tasmania and characterised by strong seasonality in catch and effort, which peaked markedly early in the fishing year (November‐January). Although pots were the most popular fishing method, daily catch rates by divers were more than double those for pots. Divers selectively harvested larger lobsters than those taken by pots and more frequently attained the daily bag limit of 5 lobsters. The estimated recreational harvest increased significantly since 1996/97 and in 2002/03 effectively reached a management trigger level of 10% of the total allowable commercial catch, flagging a review of recreational management arrangements.  相似文献   

Trends in the abundance, size and growth of newly settled pueruli and early juveniles of the rock lobster Jasus lalandii were determined from samples obtained from mesh bags used for oyster mariculture in Saldanha Bay, South Africa. Totals of 3 842 lobster pueruli and 10 158 juveniles were captured between August 2005 and June 2006, and distinct puerulus settlement events were identified in November and January. Juveniles also peaked during these months as well as in March. The size of newly settled pueruli increased significantly between October and March. The carapace length (CL) of pueruli and juveniles overlapped between 8.5 mm (smallest juvenile) and 10.4 mm (largest puerulus), and 50% of pueruli moulted into juveniles by 9.5–9.6 mm CL. There was a size progression in juveniles, with larger individuals in February and March reflecting an accumulation of juveniles from the earlier settlement events. The estimated growth increment from puerulus to first juvenile instar was 0.5–1.5 mm (4.9–16.1%), increasing to 1.4–2.5 mm (14.4–23.3%) for the second instar. Recruitment of J. lalandii pueruli occurred during periods when strong southerly winds prevailed, which results in a general offshore movement of surface waters along the West Coast and upwelling of cold nutrient-rich bottom waters. However, specific settlement events appeared to coincide with a change in wind direction, reduction in upwelling strength and increase in surface water temperatures, implying that larvae may take advantage of landward movements of surface waters during downwelling, or reversal of upwelling, to return them to shallow coastal waters.  相似文献   

Any attempt to enhance rock lobster production by increasing survival after settlement, or by ongrowing or outplanting young juveniles, requires knowledge of the shelter preferences of young juveniles. For juvenile Jasus edwardsii in the wild these are not well known. Information available suggests that juveniles up to c. 35 mm carapace length (CL) occupy shelters that generally conform closely to their body dimensions but that larger juveniles use shelters of more variable dimension, often much larger than their body size. We investigated mainly physical factors important in shelter choice by 15–59 mm CL (c. 2–24‐month‐old juveniles) in laboratory tank experiments. In overnight tests, all sizes of juvenile lobster chose to occupy holes (shelters with sides) over open horizontal gaps. Preference for open horizontal gaps versus horizontal crevices (where the height reduces from a maximum at the mouth to zero at the opposite end) was much less clear‐cut; choice varied according to lobster size. For the number of entrances into holes, there was evidence for an ontogenetic shift in preference, small lobsters preferring two openings over one, whereas those >30 mm CL (c. 9 months old) preferred one over two. For lobsters <40 mm CL, the hole size and gap size preferences revealed were generally consistent with the field evidence for J. edwardsii in that there was a close and proportional relationship between lobster size and shelter size; what differed was that the open gaps chosen in the tanks by the smallest lobsters (15–19 mm CL) were larger than the holes used in the tank experiments and 30–50% larger than those reportedly used in the field. For lobsters >40 mm CL, the holes and gaps chosen in the tanks were generally larger and more variable in size, as in the field.  相似文献   

Eggs were separated from the setae of berried female rock lobsters (Jasus edwardsii) by soaking in 1 N KOH for 6–12 h. This technique separated almost all of the eggs from the setae and each other with minimal damage. An electronic egg‐counter incorporating a phototransistor was used to count the eggs suspended in water. It had a high degree of accuracy (C.V.= 1.5%) when eggs were counted at a rate of about 200 000 per hour.  相似文献   

The relative distributions of mid‐ and late‐stage phyllosomas, and pueruli, of Jasus edwardsii from five research cruises off the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand were analysed. A statistical approach was taken, using a bootstrapping with replacement method to test whether the observed mid‐ and late‐stage phyllosomas could have come from the same distribution. Differences in distribution between mid‐ and late‐stage phyllosomas were very close to significant at 95% confidence for two cruises, significant at 85% confidence for one cruise, and two cruises showed a non‐significant result. When all cruise data were combined into one analysis, the differences between mid‐ and late‐stage phyllosomas were significant with 85% confidence. On average, late‐stage phyllosomas were found 49 km further inshore than mid‐stage phyllosomas. One station during one cruise and one transect during another showed such high abundances that they affected the analyses. When these outlier data were excluded, the differences in mid‐and late‐stage distributions become significant with 99% confidence. One explanation for observed distribution differences is that the late‐stage phyllosomas swim shoreward—as the pueruli are believed to do. This implies an ability to navigate in both these early life forms. If the late‐stage larvae are indeed swimming horizontally, it is likely that this is most effectively accomplished by final‐stage phyllosomas, which have well developed pleopods, similar to those in the puerulus stage.  相似文献   

A preliminary study has been made of temperatures in some of the lakes of the Rotorua district, in the North Island of New Zealand. Seasonal and diurnal variations are discussed. Two main thermal structure types are present. One, in which stratification is irregular or absent, is present in lakes that are relatively shallow and large in area, and the other, in which there is thermal Stratification from early summer to early winter, is present in lakes that are comparatively deep and large in area or else of medium depth and size.  相似文献   

The commercial fishery for Jasus lalandii, the South Africa West Coast rock lobster, began in the late 1800s and at its peak in the early 1950s yielded an annual catch of 18 000 t. Although this annual catch has dropped to only some 2000 t over recent years, the fishery remains South Africa's third most valuable for landed value. The primary reason for the low total allowable catch (TAC) over these recent years has been a marked drop in somatic growth rate that occurred at the end of the 1980s, for reasons that remain unexplained. A key problem in formulating TAC recommendations with longer‐term objectives in mind, has been uncertainties about likely future trends, particularly in somatic growth and recruitment. To address this problem, an “operational management procedure” (OMP) was adopted in 1997 and has twice been re‐evaluated and modified (in 2000 and 2003) in the light of further data and changing perceptions of resource dynamics. The history of this process is reviewed, concentrating on the most recent modification. In particular, a summary is given of the process by which the merits of alternative management procedures were evaluated over a range of important uncertainties about the dynamics of the resource. This summary includes a discussion of the key trade‐offs between resource rebuilding, future TAC trends and TAC variability, and the eventual choice that was made. The paper concludes by listing a number of lessons learnt concerning best practice for OMP development as this process evolved.  相似文献   

The complete series of phyllosoma larval stages of spiny lobster lasus edwardsii are described. Eleven stages are recognised from specimens captured in plankton samples collected along a transect extending 185 km east of Castlepoint, North Island, New Zealand between July 1969 and December 1971. A table of distinguishing characteristics and a key for identification of stages are presented. First stage larvae occur between August and October and last stage larvae about 15 months later. Mortality through the phyllosoma stages is estimated to be 98%. Early stage larvae occur mainly inshore in Southland Current water in the upper 5 m, and later stage larvae occur more frequently offshore in East Cape Current water at 40–60 m depth.  相似文献   

Since 2002, 5.3% of the Victorian coastal waters have been declared as Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). These are aimed at safeguarding important marine habitats and species, significant natural features, and areas of cultural heritage and aesthetic value. However, MPAs impact the fishery for southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii), as total allowable catches (TACs) were previously set to allow the biomass to recover to pre‐specified target levels. The model on which assessments and risk analyses are based is extended to include the impact of MPAs. The MPAs and the area open to fishing are modelled as subpopulations with different levels of mortality and consequently different density and population size‐structure. A range for the probability of a lobster moving from a MPA to the fished area from 0 to 15% is considered, based on the results of tagging studies. The reduction of biomass available to the commercial fishery because of the introduction of MPAs is estimated to be 8% and 16% (Western and Eastern Zones) respectively. The results of a risk assessment show that if the current TACs are maintained, the time to increase the biomass available to the commercial fishery by 50% would be delayed 5–9 years in the Western Zone and 1–4 years in the Eastern Zone because of the impact of displaced effort. In contrast, spawning biomass in the Eastern Zone is currently below the agreed limit reference point, and the introduction of MPAs would enhance the rate of recovery, although only marginally initially, faster than the absence of the MPAs.  相似文献   

The development of an effective artificial larval diet has been a major stumbling block for advancing the aquaculture of spiny lobsters internationally. Attempts to determine the natural diet of spiny lobster larvae have been impeded by their small size and sparse distribution in the open ocean, making these larvae difficult to study using conventional methods. Recent advances in molecular genetic techniques have provided a novel route for identifying the natural prey of spiny lobster larvae (phyllosoma). In this study, sequences from zooplankton found associated with phyllosomas, along with sequences from GenBank, were used to design a suite of group-specific primers. These primers were able to amplify via the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) a short (100–200 base pair) DNA fragment from the 16S or COI locus of potential prey but not from lobster. These methods were applied to four wild-caught phyllosomas of Jasus edwardsii and two phyllosomas of Scyllarus sp. Z. Gadiforme, Cnidaria, Gastropoda and Decapoda crustacean (non-lobster) DNA sequences were obtained from the gut contents of these lobster larvae and inferred as prey. These initial results confirm previous studies using other less definitive methods which have indicated that phyllosomas are opportunistic predators of a wide range of zooplankton taxa.  相似文献   

The management strategy evaluation (MSE) approach was used to evaluate management strategies based on the current method of stock assessment for rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) off Victoria, Australia, and decision rules inferred from the management plan for Victorian rock lobster and past practice when selecting total allowable catches, TACs. The results are expressed in terms of whether it is possible to keep stocks above limit reference points with high probability and recover over‐exploited stocks to the target level. Three categories of management strategy were examined using the MSE, which differed in whether assessments were conducted, and TACs set, by management zone or by region within management zone. A management strategy based on conducting assessments and setting TACs by management zone is most similar to the way assessments are currently conducted and management regulations implemented for rock lobster off Victoria. However, this management strategy performed poorest in recovering stocks to target levels. Alternative management strategies which involved conducting assessments and setting TACs by region performed better, but may have practical limitations. The assessment method was found to be generally relatively accurate and precise, although estimation performance was poor/imprecise on occasion.  相似文献   

Southern rock lobster Jasus edwardsii varies in shell coloration throughout southern Australia. Predominantly exported as a live product to Asian markets, price is influenced by colour with prices higher for dark red than paler coloured lobsters, which are discounted. This paper explores spatial and depth variation in shell colour for the Tasmanian, South Australian and Victorian fisheries using catch sampling data. The proportion of red lobsters decreased with depth and was prevalent at depths less than 30 m, whereas paler coloured lobsters dominated the deeper depth ranges. The depth of transition where 50% of lobsters were classified as red showed a weak trend of increase with latitude from southern Tasmania to northern South Australia. Under quota management, lobster colour was a significant driver of fleet dynamics as fishers target areas of high price per unit. Consequently, catches of pale lobsters from greater depths remain low despite the high catch rates in these areas. The colour price differential varies seasonally (higher in summer) so fishers increase supply of pale lobsters during winter. Discounting on colour equates to AUS$6.67 million/year for the Tasmanian Fishery alone, which indicates value from management or marketina research to reduce discountina.  相似文献   

Temporal patterns of larval brooding and settlement were investigated in a flat oyster (Ostrea chilensis) population in Tasman Bay, central New Zealand. The proportion of the population brooding larvae and larval settlement rates were monitored over 26 months. A peak period of brooding activity began in late spring and continued through summer. Maximum rates of 17% and 23% of adult oysters brooding larvae occurred in November and December, and an estimated 55–78% of adult oysters incubated larvae over the entire summer breeding period. These proportions of brooders are higher than those previously reported for Tasman Bay. A very low level of brooding activity (1%) occurred during winter. Temporal trends in larval settlement closely tracked brooding patterns. Settlement was greatest between November and January, and there were very low rates in winter. The seasonal breeding pattern in the population was intermediate between northern and southern populations, confirming a latitudinal gradient of reproductive behaviour for O. chilensis in New Zealand. Results are useful in optimising the timing of substrate deployment in an enhancement programme for the oyster fishery.  相似文献   

We describe the development and application of a management procedure (decision rule) that resulted in a voluntary reduction in the commercial catch of spiny rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) in the lower east coast of North Island of New Zealand. The management procedure was developed from an accepted assessment of the CRA 4 (Wellington‐Hawke's Bay) fishery, which used an integrated length‐based assessment model fitted to commercial fishery catch‐per‐unit‐effort (CPUE) biomass indices, commercial length‐frequency data, and tag‐recapture data. The assessment model had been Bayesian, and used the joint posterior distribution of parameters to predict the effect of 384 alternative harvest control rules on the future size of the CRA 4 stock. The harvest control rules all used CPUE as their input, and generated annual changes in catch, which were then simulated by the population dynamics of the operating model. Uncertainty was added to evaluations through observation error, added to the simulated CPUE observations, and stochastic serial auto‐correlation variation in recruitment. We describe how this management procedure was used to effect a voluntary reduction in catch to address the problem of a rapidly declining population.  相似文献   


Movement patterns of the Southern Rock Lobster Jasus edwardsii in Victoria, Australia were investigated from 8,533 tag-recapture events across a 20-year period (1992–2012). In total, 83% of lobsters were recaptured within 1?km of their tagging site and 93% within 5?km. While largely resident, elevated movements were observed within specific regions, with the overall direction of movement being from inshore to offshore areas. Movement was not impacted by lobster sex, size, or reproductive stage. The fishery for Southern Rock Lobster within Victoria is currently managed into two zones with separate total allowable commercial catches in each area. Given the high levels of site fidelity, our findings suggest that management of the resource at this spatial scale is appropriate and that consideration of significant movement between zones is not warranted in fishery stock assessment models.  相似文献   


The wreck of the MV Rena in October 2011 discharged large quantities of potentially toxic materials in the coastal marine environment of the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. We evaluated sublethal effects of the water soluble fractions of physically and chemically dispersed heavy fuel oil (HFO) and the water soluble fraction of cryolite on the haematology of subadult or adult snapper (Chrysophrys auratus), spotted wrasse (Notolabrus celidotus) and red rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii). Small but transient effects occurred, the most significant of which were changes in circulating immune cell populations in fish and lobster that recovered by the conclusion of a 96-h exposure period. No post-exposure effects were observed during a 10-day recovery in toxicant-free seawater. Corexit 9500 oil dispersant increased polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) uptake from HFO in fish and lobster by around two-fold and four-fold, respectively, and caused a larger change in immune cell abundance in snapper than exposure to HFO alone. While depuration of PAHs was more rapid in fish than lobster, significantly elevated PAH levels were still evident after 10 days of depuration.  相似文献   

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