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疣荔枝螺(Thais clavigera)性畸变现象的解剖学和组织学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以解剖学和组织学的方法研究了有机锡污染生物指示种——疣荔枝螺的正常雄、雌和性畸变个体的生殖系统。结果表明,性畸变个体除具有正常的雌性器官外,还有输精管或阴茎。当性畸变程度严重时,性畸变不育个体的卵囊腺组织出现破损,并具有不规则块状的不育卵囊和未排出的正常卵囊。虽然性畸变个体的雄性器官具有表现出雄性功能的潜能,但由于缺少精巢或完整的前列腺,不可能发展成为具有雄性功能的个体,这与性逆转有着本质上的区别。有机锡污染引起的性畸变已对疣荔枝螺种群生存构成了潜在的威胁,深化此类负面生态效应的研究是人类面临的重要课题。  相似文献   

中国对虾输精管结构及精子形成   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
采用激光扫描共聚集显微镜及电子显微镜技术,对中国对虾输精管结构及精子的形成过程进行研究。结果表明,中国对虾的输精管可分为近端、中间、远端输精管及壶腹4部分,输精管壁各部分的基本结构相似,但分泌结构的结构有较大的差别。输精管自中间膨大部开始,管腔逐渐被一隔膜分为大小不等的两部分,较大的腔内充满了很多精子,输精管较小的腔内充满胶体状物质,中国对虾精子细胞在精巢内产生,在两条输精管内逐渐发育,经过细胞质的分化并与精子外部进行物质的交换,形成顶体、亚顶体及棘突。核的变化则经历了染色质的解凝和核膜的消失,最后形成成熟的精子。  相似文献   

在实验生态条件下研究了重金属离子(Cu2 、Pb2 、Hg2 、Cd2 )对日本鳃丝和肝胰脏显微结构(15d)的影响。观察结果表明:在2 mg/L Cu2 处理组,日本鳃叶不规则增厚,鳃腔相对扩大,其中血细胞明显增多;上皮层出现破坏:角质膜(CU)呈波状拱起,部分上皮细胞脱离角质膜形成大的空泡(VA);上皮细胞排列不规则,并与数目众多的血细胞充挤于血腔;肝胰脏中构成肝管的细胞发生严重崩解,只残留包被在外周的一层结缔组织的被膜。10mg/L Pb2 处理组鳃丝角质膜明显呈波状突起;肝管结构紊乱,开始出现大量空泡(VA)。0.1 mg/L Hg2 暴露下,鳃丝上皮层偶有溶解现象;肝胰脏肝细胞空泡化(VA)现象更为严重,细胞间界限不明显,肝细胞溶解,有些细胞核固缩;被膜中的结缔组织充血,出现血细胞浸润现象。1 mg/L Cd2 暴露下,鳃丝上皮层严重解体,只剩一层角质层,鳃腔相对扩大,部分区域有充血现象;肝胰脏出现细胞质溶解,细胞间界限不明显,血细胞浸润等现象。  相似文献   

方斑东风螺性畸变现象的解剖学和组织学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于秀娟  朱四喜  沈金辉  陈旭明  黄长江 《台湾海峡》2004,23(4):444-448,i003
以解剖学和组织学方法研究了方斑东风螺未成熟和成熟的正常雌、雄个体以及性畸变个体的生殖系统结构.性畸变个体除具有正常的雌性器官外,还有输精管或阴茎.在正常雄性输精管的个体发育过程中再现了系统发育的过程,而且在性畸变个体输精管的形成过程和发育过程中组织学结构特征的变化与正常雄性输精管的个体发育过程的相似.性畸变雌体的性腺发育受阻.目前,性畸变现象仅存在于成熟个体,但这并不表明未成熟个体中不会发生性畸变现象.具有较高食用价值的方斑东风螺因有机锡污染可能会对人类健康不利,应引起人们的关注.  相似文献   

Passive collectors are used widely in postlarval settlement and recruitment monitoring of spiny lobsters and crabs, but they have only been used in a limited way with clawed lobsters. For nearly two decades, diver‐based suction sampling has served to monitor spatial‐temporal patterns of American lobster (Homarus americanus) postlarval settlement and early juvenile abundance in shallow near‐shore nurseries. Collectors could reveal settlement patterns in zones beyond the practical limits of diving. In 2005, we launched a fisher‐scientist collaboration to evaluate the performance of passive collectors designed to extend the reach of sampling, and to be deployable from a vessel equipped with a standard pot‐hauler. Building on previous designs, our collectors comprised wire mesh trays lined with fine screening on the floor and walls and filled with cobble to simulate natural nursery habitat. Results indicate that no newly settled lobsters were lost during the retrieval process, and densities of young‐of‐year lobsters found in the collectors were similar to those in directly adjacent natural cobble habitat sampled by divers with suction samplers. The collectors also proved to be effective samplers of juvenile fish and crabs, suggesting a possibility for wider application. This success bodes well for expanded deployment of cobble collectors to broaden our understanding of the recruitment processes of lobster and other cobble‐dwelling fauna along the coast of New England, United States and Atlantic Canada.  相似文献   

中华绒螯蟹颤抖病组织病理学研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用常规石蜡切片技术、以正常样品作对照,对患颤抖病的中华绒整蟹不同组织进行病理学观察,旨在为颤抖病病原的确定及诊断等提供参考,同时期望加深对河蟹发病机制及死亡过程的认识。结果表明,患病河蟹的鳃、心脏、肝胰腺、腹节神经等组织器官发生了不同程度的病变,其病理特征主要表现为:细胞浊肿、变性、坏死,某些细胞的细胞核固缩、碎裂或崩解;结合前人的研究,推测鳃、心脏、肝胰腺、腹节神经是病原体感染河蟹的主要靶组织器官;河蟹具有重要生理功能的鳃、心脏、肝胰腺组织发生了严重病变,使其功能遭到破坏,这可能是导致河蟹发病死亡的病理学基础。  相似文献   

利用组织切片及超薄切片电镜技术对患“乳化病”三疣梭子蟹的鳃、肝胰腺、步足肌肉、心肌和性腺5种组织进行病理学分析。组织病理显示:乳化病的病变性质为变质性炎症,主要病变部位在肝胰腺,其病灶表现为水变性、脂肪变性和细胞坏死等症状,步足肌和心肌表现出肌纤维断裂、浑浊等症状。超微病理显示:在肝胰腺和步足肌组织中有大量细菌,肝胰腺细胞结构损伤主要表现为微绒毛损伤脱落、线粒体坏死、溶酶体增多及脂肪滴变性,肌纤维断裂、溶解,血隙中血淋巴细胞受严重侵染。  相似文献   

罗芬  陈礼强  康斌 《海洋与湖沼》2011,42(4):488-494
应用光学和电子显微成像技术对黄颡鱼鳃的表面形态特征、鳃小片血管分布及其内部超微结构进行了观察。结果表明,黄颡鱼鳃耙呈长锥形,鳃弓表面具棘状小刺,鳃小片呈褶皱状,镶嵌排列在长条形鳃丝两侧。光镜可观察到鳃小片两侧红色的入鳃和出鳃动脉以及中部片状毛细血管网。鳃耙、鳃弓、鳃丝及鳃小片表面均被扁平上皮细胞覆盖,其表面微嵴形态结构...  相似文献   

长江华溪蟹输精管的超微结构与精荚形成的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王兰  堵南山  赖伟 《海洋与湖沼》1996,27(4):373-379
于1993年9月-1994年8月,对采自安徽省宁国县的长江华溪蟹,利用电镜技术,并结合组织学和组织化学方法,研究其输精管的超微与精荚的形成过程,在于为深入研究华溪蟹的进化,受精生物学以及种质保存等提供必要的基础理论依据,结果表明:精子分别进入输精细管,被上皮细胞分泌物所包围,随着精子在管中的后移,分泌物不断增多增厚,最后将精子包围成团进而形成圆柱状精荚;精荚由精子群、精荚基质和精荚壁三部分组成;精  相似文献   

本研究对成年雄性孔鳐(Okamejei kenojei)的生殖系统进行解剖学和组织学观察,结果表明,孔鳐的生殖系统主要由精巢、附睾、输精管、储精囊、间质腺、鳍脚腺和鳍脚组成。其中孔鳐的精巢中的精小囊,按照成熟度依次由中心向小叶外周辐射状排列,其精子发育成熟过程根据精巢支持细胞的位置、精小囊的大小和精小囊中的生精细胞所处的状态可划分为7个时期:精巢支持细胞未迁移期、精巢支持细胞迁移期、精巢支持细胞定植早期、精巢支持细胞定植晚期、精子变形期、精子迁移期、精子聚拢期。变态成熟的精子最终每59~64根精子组成精子束进入附睾。精子束在附睾中经历“游离-聚拢-游离”3个过程后,最终储存在储精囊中。鳍脚是孔鳐的外生殖器,主要有鳍扇、扇盾等结构组成,它与储精囊相连,是将精液输送至体外的器官。  相似文献   

Caribbean spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) settle preferentially in macroalgal‐covered hard‐bottom habitat, but seagrass is more prevalent in Florida (United States) and the Caribbean, so even low settlement of lobsters within seagrass could contribute substantially to recruitment if post‐settlement survival and growth were high. We tested the role of seagrass and hard‐bottom habitats for P. argus recruitment in three ways. We first explored possible density‐dependent regulation of early benthic juvenile lobster survival within cages deployed in seagrass and hard‐bottom habitats. Second, we compared settlement and survival of P. argus in both habitats, by comparing the recovery of microwire‐tagged early benthic juveniles from patches of seagrass and hard‐bottom. Finally, we assessed the relative abundance of juvenile lobsters in each habitat by deploying artificial structures in seagrass sites and compared these data with data from similar deployments of artificial structures in hard‐bottom habitat in other years. More early benthic juvenile lobsters were recovered from cages placed in hard‐bottom than in seagrass, but mortality of the early benthic life stage was high in both habitats. In regional surveys, the mean number of lobsters recovered from artificial shelters deployed within seagrass was lower than in any year that we sampled hard‐bottom, indicating that fewer lobsters reside naturally in seagrass, particularly large juveniles >40 mm carapace length. The greater abundance (and likely survival) of juvenile P. argus that we observed in hard‐bottom habitat as opposed to seagrass, combined with previous studies demonstrating that postlarval P. argus are attracted to, settle in, and metamorphose more quickly in red macroalgae, confirm that macroalgae‐dominated hard‐bottom habitat appears to be the preferred and more optimal nursery for Caribbean spiny lobster.  相似文献   

本文是对中国对虾黑鳃、褐斑综合症进行病原菌分离和人工感染试验的报告。经细菌学鉴定表明,分离菌分别为海弧菌Vibrio pelagius Baumann和溶藻弧菌Vibrio alginolyticus sakazaki。人工感染试验显示,海弧菌是引起对虾黑鳃、褐斑综合症的主要病原菌,溶藻弧菌的合并感染导致对虾败血死亡。此外还应用电子显微镜对分离纯化的病原细菌进行了超微结构观察。  相似文献   

Behavioural deficiencies in 4th and 5th stage hatchery‐reared lobsters were examined using time budget analysis and predator trials. Hatchery‐reared 4th stage lobsters were found to behave differently than wild‐caught lobsters and differences existed between hatchery‐reared lobsters from different sources. Local hatchery‐reared 4th stage lobsters spent less time on shelter and suffered higher predator rates in laboratory trials than both wild‐caught 4th stage and lobsters reared in a hatchery in Maine. Fifth stage hatchery‐reared lobsters spent significantly more time in shelter than their wild‐caught counterparts. These differences may be attributable to the lack of development of proper predator‐avoidance behaviour and need to be understood and corrected to maximise the effect of enhancement projects.  相似文献   

Southern rock lobster Jasus edwardsii varies in shell coloration throughout southern Australia. Predominantly exported as a live product to Asian markets, price is influenced by colour with prices higher for dark red than paler coloured lobsters, which are discounted. This paper explores spatial and depth variation in shell colour for the Tasmanian, South Australian and Victorian fisheries using catch sampling data. The proportion of red lobsters decreased with depth and was prevalent at depths less than 30 m, whereas paler coloured lobsters dominated the deeper depth ranges. The depth of transition where 50% of lobsters were classified as red showed a weak trend of increase with latitude from southern Tasmania to northern South Australia. Under quota management, lobster colour was a significant driver of fleet dynamics as fishers target areas of high price per unit. Consequently, catches of pale lobsters from greater depths remain low despite the high catch rates in these areas. The colour price differential varies seasonally (higher in summer) so fishers increase supply of pale lobsters during winter. Discounting on colour equates to AUS$6.67 million/year for the Tasmanian Fishery alone, which indicates value from management or marketina research to reduce discountina.  相似文献   

以褐菖鲉为实验鱼类,以其鳃丝EROD为研究对象,进行了室内鳃丝EROD活性测定方法条件的摸索和现场海域石油类污染监测的初步应用研究.室内EROD活性测定条件摸索实验结果表明:褐菖鲉鳃丝EROD活性测定的最适pH值为7.8、最适温度为35℃、最适鳃丝用量为18.8±1.9 mm;在鳃丝总长相近(约20 mm)的条件下,剪切成2 mm长的鳃丝片段与否对于EROD活性无显著差异;反应50 min内EROD具有较高活性,随后呈现下降趋势.2次厦门西海域污染现场监测结果表明:褐菖鲉鳃丝EROD活性与海水石油类含量具有良好的正相关趋势,与对照组比较总体上具有显著的差异.因此,褐菖鲉鳃丝的EROD活性测定方法与褐菖鲉肝的一样,能够作为生物标志物应用于现场海区的石油类污染及其生化效应的监测.  相似文献   

Captive rock lobsters (Jasus edwardsii) were able to open and eat live dredge oysters (Ostrea lutaria) by progressively breaking away the shell edges with the mandibles and walking legs. Oysters are probably of only slight significance in the natural diet of rock lobsters.  相似文献   

Indicators of abundance for American lobster (Homarus americanus) based on 8 years of trap catch rates (catch‐per‐unit‐effort, CPUE) were evaluated. Volunteer harvesters recorded count, sex and size of lobsters captured in standard traps on a daily basis during the fishing season in coastal Nova Scotia, Canada. We examined the extent to which standardised CPUEs of prerecruits predict the future catches of legal sizes and explored spatial patterns in the abundance of lobsters of different size and reproductive status. The standardised CPUE of prerecruits was correlated with legal size catches in only one of five areas examined. This area had a strong signal of incoming recruitment. Improving the capacity of prerecruit CPUE for predicting legal size catches several years later most likely lies with model incorporation of variables associated with catchability. The spatial distribution of catch rates showed that the area with the highest historical landings per unit area also had the highest relative abundance of prerecruits. The spatial distribution data point to further areas of research related to recruitment processes in lobster in coastal Nova Scotia.  相似文献   

Seabed mapping, spatially referenced trapping, and mark‐recapture methods have all been useful tools in ecological studies of lobsters and other benthic animals. Here we integrate the three methods to evaluate local population dynamics and movements of American lobsters, Homarus americanus, in coastal fishing grounds in Maine, United States. The study was conducted on five study areas of different size, and used two different sampling protocols. At one site (1 km2 in area) we used a monthly mark‐recapture sampling interval over a 6‐month period, only tagging a subsample of the catch. At four smaller sites (0.3 km2) we used a shorter‐term approach, sampling at 3–4‐day intervals for a 2‐week duration, tagging the entire catch. Tagging data were analysed with a modified Jolly‐Seber model adapted for continuous sampling to estimate population abundance, gains (immigration), and losses (emigration and mortality). Side‐scan sonar surveys of the seabed combined with diver‐based population surveys, stratified by substrate type, provided an independent comparison to mark‐recapture‐based estimates of abundance over the same areas. Spatial referencing of trap catch also allowed us to relate catch rates and lobster movements directly to seabed features. The longer‐term tagging data on the larger study area provided abundance estimates that were more consistent with the diver observations, and estimates of gains and losses statistically more robust, than those derived from the shorter‐term effort on the smaller sites. The flux of lobsters followed the well known seasonal movements on these fishing grounds, with gains and losses from the larger study area ranging over 1000 individuals per day, and an estimated mid‐summer peak density of >65 000 lobsters per km2 (individuals >50 mm carapace length). This approach may lend itself to broader application with the American lobster.  相似文献   

Instances of morbidity amongst rock lobsters (Panulirus cygnus) arriving at factories in Western Australia (WA) have been attributed to stress during post‐harvest handling. This study used discriminant analysis to determine whether physiological correlates of stress following a period of simulated post‐harvest handling had any validity as predictors of future rejection or morbidity of western rock lobsters. Groups of 230 western rock lobsters were stored for 6 h in five environments (submerged/flowing sea water, submerged/recirculating sea water, humid air, flowing seawater spray, and recirculated seawater spray). The experiment was conducted in late spring (ambient sea water 22°C), and repeated again in early autumn (ambient sea water 26°C). After 6 h treatment, each lobster was graded for acceptability for live export, numbered, and its haemolymph was sampled. The samples were analysed for a number of physiological and health status parameters. The lobsters were then stored for a week in tanks in the live lobster factory to record mortality. The mortality of lobsters in the factory was associated with earlier deviations in haemolymph parameters as they emerged from the storage treatments. Discriminant analysis (DA) of the haemolymph assays enabled the fate of 80–90% of the lobsters to be correctly categorised within each experiment. However, functions derived from one experiment were less accurate at predicting mortality when applied to the other experiments. One of the reasons for this was the higher mortality and the more severe patho‐physiological changes observed in lobsters stored in humid air or sprays at the higher temperature. The analysis identified lactate accumulation during emersion and associated physiological and haemocyte‐related effects as a major correlate of mortality. Reducing these deviations, for example by submerged transport, is expected to ensure high levels of survival. None of the indicators tested predicted mortality with total accuracy. The simplest and most accurate means of comparing emersed treatments was to count the mortality afterwards.  相似文献   

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