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1987年9月,我们进行了一次详细的调查,确定了东库克海峡(Cook Stait)中腔吻鳕的卵及稚鱼分布与水文状况的关系。由于地方性风的原因,当地的水文结构非常复杂。南塔拉纳基湾(Taranaki Bight)水占据了库克海峡北部和中部的大部分水域。克劳迪湾(Cloudy Bay)沿岸水被河水冲淡,并由于库克海峡峡谷上升流进入克利福德湾(Clifford Bay)和开普.坎贝尔(Cape Campbell)南部沿岸,使克劳迪湾的沿岸水向近岸呈羽状伸展。东开普流水体出现在库克海峡峡谷水深200m附近和陆架外缘。开普.帕利瑟(Cape Palliser)南部的深层混合说明,该地区有一股反气旋涡旋。叶绿素α浓度与混合层深度有关,它在垂直分层的表面水体中最高。腔吻鳕卵在库克海峡峡谷内最多,该地区是这种鱼类著名的产卵场。小的腔吻鳕稚鱼(2.0~3.9mm)数在卵高密度集区和开普。坎贝尔附近最多,而较大的稚鱼(>10mm)在近岸区最多。根据刚孵化出来的稚鱼的分布情况来看,腔吻鳕卵随着当地的上升流进入开普。坎贝尔的近岸地区。  相似文献   

Hoki (Macruronus novaezelandiae Hector) year class strength (YCS) varies substantially from year to year. We examined associations between YCS and climate variables including the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), satellite sea surface temperatures (SSTs), synoptic weather patterns, wind speeds, and the depth of the west coast, South Island, New Zealand, mixed layer. We evaluated the predictions of a model developed 2 years ago to predict YCS of the western and eastern New Zealand hoki stocks from similar climate variables. New predictive models were developed using updated data. Strong year classes of the western hoki stock were associated with cooler SSTs, a negative SOI, and westerly or south‐westerly flow along the west coast of the South Island. We accordingly predict a moderately strong 1997 year class and weak 1998 and 1999 year classes for the western stock of hoki. The current model cannot predict eastern stock year class strengths with confidence.  相似文献   

The chemistry and mineralogy of the sediments of Lakes Rotoroa and Rotoiti, South Island, New Zealand (41° 51 S, 172° 38 E and 41° 50 S, 172° 50 E respectively) , were studied. In general, the cation exchange properties, element concentrations, and mineral compositions of the sediments show little variation between samples from each lake. However, some nutrient concentrations, notably exchangeable calcium, magnesium, and potassium, and total nitrogen and sulphur, are higher in sediments from weed beds than in sediments underlying deeper water; iron and manganese concentrations tend to show the opposite trend. Concentrations of exchangeable calcium and total nitrogen, sulphur, manganese, and iron generally decrease down the sediment profiles from the sediment/water interface. Differences between lakes, notably higher concentrations of illite and of the elements potassium, aluminium, titanium, and zirconium, and lower concentrations of calcium in the sediments of Lake Rotoiti than in those from Lake Rotoroa, are probably due mainly to the different geological settings rather than to differences in the diagenetic processes operating within the lakes. Mineralogical analyses indicate that the lake sediments are derived mainly from the valleys of the major inflow rivers rather than from the slopes at the sides of each lake.  相似文献   

Growth of the bluenose, Hyperoglyphe antarctica (Carmichael, 1818) from the lower east coast, North Island, was determined by counting growth check rings in otoliths. One growth check ring appeared to be laid down each year, so this technique is probably valid for aging bluenose. Female fish had a significantly higher growth rate than males. Comparisons of samples from three sites indicated no significant regional differences in growth. The von Bertalanffy parameters L8,K, and t0 fitted to back‐calculated fish lengths were, respectively, 81.1 cm, 0.308, ‐0.627 for males, and 86.1 cm, 0.308, ‐0.384 for females.  相似文献   

Flathead mullet Mugil cephalus and freshwater mullet Myxus capensis are important components in South African estuarine fish communities and fisheries, but there is little information on their age and growth or age validation. This study validated the periodicity of growth zone formation in sectioned sagittal otoliths and scales of fish of known age that had been at liberty for 10 years. For both M. cephalus and M. capensis, the number of growth zones counted on otolith sections did not differ significantly from the known age of the fish. There were significantly fewer growth zones on scales than the known age of both M. cephalus and M. capensis. Growth zone deposition rate could therefore be validated as annual for otoliths but not for scales of the two species. It is recommended that future ageing studies focus on otoliths rather than scales.  相似文献   

Rhabdosargus holubi is a small (maximum weight=2.4?kg) yet important fishery species in the estuaries of the south-east coast of South Africa. Little is known of its biology and specifically its growth rate, which is essential for sustainable management of the fishery. We examined and counted the opaque zones in the sectioned otoliths of 134 R. holubi to determine its age and growth parameters. The otoliths from two recaptured fish marked with oxytetracycline confirmed that one opaque zone was deposited annually. The species reached a maximum age of 18 years and growth was adequately described by a von Bertalanffy growth function of the form: Lt = 358.1 (1 – e?0.24(t+0.77)) mm fork length. There were no significant differences between any of the male and female growth parameters (likelihood ratio test: p = 0.3). The growth was slow (omega index: ω = 86.56); however, despite this, the unique life history of R. holubi may provide a degree of resilience to heavy fishing pressure in estuaries.  相似文献   

Growth of the red gurnard, Chelidonichthys kumu (Lesson and Garnot), from Pegasus Bay, Canterbury, was measured during 1966–67. Otoliths were used as an indicator of fish growth; mean length‐at‐age data were obtained from back‐calculated fish lengths at the time of formation of successive annual rings in the otoliths. Growth in length was found to be adequately expressed by the von Bertalanffy growth equation :

lt = 52.0 [1 ‐ e0.406 (t‐o.291)]

(where lt is the fork length in cm at age t). The length: weight relationship was:

w = 78.56 × 10‐4 l 3.072

(where w is the weight in grams). From this relationship, growth in weight was described by the equation:

wt = 1469 [1 ‐ e‐0.406 (t‐0.291)]3.  相似文献   

The food and feeding habits of hoki (Macruronus novaezelandiae), southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis), javelin fish (Lepi‐dorhynchus denticulatus), ling (Genypterus blacodes), smooth rattail (Coelorinchus aspercephalus), silverside (Argentina elongata), and small‐scaled notothenid (Notothenia microlepidota) sampled from the Campbell Plateau in 1979 were examined. The importance of prey items in the diet has been assessed by an ‘index of relative importance’, which combines measurements of frequency of occurrence, number, and weight of prey. Hoki, southern blue whiting, and javelin fish are pelagic feeders. Hoki preyed largely on natant decapod crustaceans, amphipods, and myctophid and photichthyid fishes. The main prey of southern blue whiting were amphipods, natant decapods, and euphausiids. Javelin fish fed on natant decapods, amphipods, and small squid. Seasonal and regional differences in feeding, and dietary changes with length of fish were evident. Ling, smooth rattail, silverside, and small‐scaled notothenid are predominantly benthic feeders. Ling preyed on natant decapods, macrourid fishes, and small hoki. The diet of rattail comprised natant decapod crustaceans, opal fishes (Hemerocoetes spp.), and poly‐chaetes. Silverside fed almost solely on salps. Salps, amphipods, brachyuran crustaceans, and opal fishes were the main prey of small‐scaled notothenid.  相似文献   

Dinematura neozealanica Thomson, 1889 is shown to be a synonym of Echthrogaleus denticulatus Smith, 1874. The male recorded as Pandarus armatus Heller by Thomson (1889) is probably E. denticulatus The latter species is redescribed from Thomson's specimens.  相似文献   

Pseudocycnus appendiculatus Heller is described and recorded, for the first time from New Zealand, on Thunnus alalunga (Bonnaterre, 1788). Pseudocycnus spinosus Pearse, 1951 and P. thynnus Brandes, 1955 are thought to be synonyms of P. appendiculatus. Other species previously placed in the genus are discussed and the action of Yamaguti (1963) in removing them to other genera supported. It is suggested that the family Pseudocycnidae Yamaguti, 1963 cannot be differentiated from the family Dichelesthiidae Bassett‐Smith, 1898.  相似文献   


Rough and smooth skates (Dipturus nasutus (Banks 1841) and/), innominatus (Garrick &; Paul 1974)) were aged by counting growth bands on X‐rays of thick sections of vertebral centra. Band counts were imprecise, but there was no between‐reader bias. Age estimates were not validated. The oldest rough skate was 9 years old, but few were more than 6 years old. Females may live longer than males. The combined sexes von Bertalanffy growth curve was Lr = 91.3 (1 ‐ e?0.16[t + 1.20]). Half the males matured by c. 52 cm pelvic length (PL) and 4 years, and females by 59 cm PL and 6 years. The oldest smooth skate in the sample was 24 years, but longevity probably exceeds that. Females appear to live longer than males. The combined sexes von Bertalanffy growth curve was: Lt = 150.5 (1 ‐ e?0.095[t + 1.06]). Half the males matured by c. 93 cm PL and 8 years, and females by 112 cm PL and 13 years. Smooth skate are late maturing and long‐lived relative to other skates, whereas rough skate are early maturing with a moderate life span.  相似文献   

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