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The exotic marine‐fouling polychaete Ficopomatus enigmaticus (Fauvel) is recorded and described from New Zealand. Its sudden occurrence in New Zealand around 1967 was marked by its ecological prominence in estuaries of Whangarei and Auckland Harbours, as a nuisance species on submerged artificial structures including pleasure craft and power station intake pipes.  相似文献   

Lugworms are important members of the macrobenthos of sheltered intertidal sediments, and this study assessed the abundance and distribution of Abarenicola affinis in Otago, southern New Zealand. Using a faecal cast:lugworm ratio (1.00:1.09) revealed a patchy distribution across inlets, with an overall mean abundance of 11.1 individuals/m2 (range: 3.8 to 21.3 individuals/m2). Distribution patterns varied among inlets, with lugworms mostly confined to the high intertidal zone, but spread across all intertidal zones in one inlet. The lugworm habitat was characterised by muddy to medium sand (55–233 µm mean grain size) with low organic matter (< 2%) and chlorophyll a (1–12 µg/g dry sediment) contents. Depending on the inlet, lugworm abundance was related to sediment parameters, indicating that their distribution across Otago inlets is habitat dependent. The present findings also indicate that factors other than those measured contribute to A. affinis distribution and abundance patterns in this region.  相似文献   

Abstract. The serpulid polychaete Ficopomatus enigmaticus (F auvel , 1923) builds huge aggregates in the "Sacca del Canarin", a brackish inlet of the Po River Delta (Italy). Distribution, structure and development of these 'reefs'. together with their associated biota, were studied by field observations and settlement panels from 1977 to 1979. Some aspects of the serpulid biology (settlement periods, tube growth, life strategy) were also taken into account. Ficopomatus reefs influence in many ways the brackish-water ecosystem: they form the main hard substrate; are major sediment source; help in regulating the trophic status of the lagoon; and act as refuge for many invertebrate species.  相似文献   

Settlement of puerulus‐stage New Zealand red rock lobsters (Jasus edwardsii) and abundance of the first three juvenile cohorts were measured from 1981 to 1989 near Halfmoon Bay, Stewart Island. Puerulus settlement on subtidal collectors shows great annual variation. Juvenile abundance, estimated from the number caught in annual diver collections, shows less variation. One‐year‐olds appear less vulnerable to diver sampling than older juveniles. Abundance of 2‐ and 3‐year‐olds is highly correlated with puerulus settlement 2 and 3 years previously. Survival between puerulus and 1+ stages appears to be density‐dependent, but survival of older juveniles does not. Size is inversely related to abundance in 3+ females but not in the other cohorts, suggesting density‐dependent growth between ages 2 and 3. Puerulus settlement rates and processes on shallow inshore reefs appear to be important in determining recruitment strength in this species.  相似文献   

Halosaurus pectoralis McCulloch is recorded from off Gisborne, New Zealand, and from south‐east of Lord Howe Island, thus adding a second species of the order Heteromi to the New Zealand fauna.  相似文献   

根据在中国近海采集到的标本,描述多毛类环节动物一新种——中华竹节虫(Sabaco sinicus sp.nov.)。该物种标本在乌沙科夫等(1962)报道后一直被错误鉴定为钩齿短脊虫(Asychis gangeticus Fauvel,1932)。我们基于以下性状将该种描述为一新物种:项沟和前三个刚节具深棕色色素点;刚节4–6的腺体分布特征;肛前节无刚毛;肛漏斗喇叭状,背侧小叶呈扁盘状;具膝状的背刚毛、表面有或无螺旋刺毛带的细毛状背刚毛;腹刚毛为排成一列的鸟嘴状齿片刚毛。钩齿短脊虫和该新种的区别在于前者身体无色素点,肛板背侧小叶呈三角形。自1950s以来,该物种的分布区已经从长江口以南海区明显向北扩展。  相似文献   

Notolabrus fucicola Richardson, a large common labrid inhabiting shallow waters around New Zealand and southern Australia, were collected monthly (December 1996‐February 1998) around Kaikoura on the east coast of the South Island, New Zealand. Their diet, temporal variation in prey and gut fullness, and ontogenetic differences were examined. N. fucicola is a generalist predator, the major prey items being bivalves, amphipods, and crabs, which varied temporally in their diet. There were size specific changes in their diet. Small fish (100–180 mm) ate mostly amphipods and isopods, whereas larger fish (> 180 mm) ate mainly bivalves, crabs, and gastropods. There was a temporal variation in gut fullness but no significant difference between sexes.  相似文献   

This study aimed to contribute to conservation management of reefs of Serpula vermicularis by increasing understanding of the factors influencing larval settlement. The study was carried out in Loch Creran, which supports the most extensive known development of S. vermicularis reefs in the world. Settlement plates were deployed to examine the influence of season, depth, reef density, substrate type and orientation. Monthly deployment of plates revealed settlement of S. vermicularis to occur predominantly from mid-June to mid-October, peaking in late August to early September. Settlement of Pomatoceros spp. peaked much earlier, in late May to early June. Deployment of plates at different depths revealed a marked reduction in S. vermicularis settlement intensity between 6 and 12 m. As this corresponds with the deeper limit of the peripheral fringe of serpulid reefs in the loch, it is suggested that this limit is imposed by a depth-correlated settlement response, rather than reduction in available substrata. Comparisons of various substrata showed a preference by S. vermicularis larvae for a slate over a scallop substrate and no evidence of enhanced recruitment to occupied or unoccupied tubes of S. vermicularis, suggesting that gregarious attraction is unlikely to be a factor causing reef formation. Settlement onto the upper side of a horizontal scallop substrate was found to be insignificant in comparison with the underside or a vertically orientated scallop. Evidence for the role of light in controlling the depth and substrate-orientation preferences of S. vermicularis larvae is discussed. Based on the results of this study, recommendations are made regarding remediation of areas suffering reef damage.  相似文献   

Laeonereis acuta (Polychaeta, Nereididae) was collected in an unpolluted (UP) and an polluted (P) site at the Patos Lagoon estuary (Southern Brazil) and maintained under control conditions (UPC and PC, respectively) or exposed to waterborne copper (UPCu and PCu; 500 μg Cu/l), for 48 h. Four groups (aaUPC, aaPC, aaUPCu, and aaPCu) were also pre-exposed for 48 h to ascorbic acid (aa; 0.1 mM) before copper exposure. Histological and morphological alterations, as well as oxygen consumption changes were evaluated. Independently of the sampling site and the pre-exposure to the ascorbic acid, morphological abnormalities were evident in more than 80% of worms exposed to copper. Conspicuous histological changes (coeloma obliteration, cuticle separation from the epidermis, and absence of dorsal vessel) were also observed. In addition, PCu worms showed loss of the digestive epithelium and coiling behavior. Similar oxygen consumption values were observed in control and copper exposed worms.  相似文献   

本文描述了于1959年采自中国黄海和东海锥头虫科刺尖锥虫属一新种——中国刺尖锥虫Leodamas sinensis sp.nov.。本文详细描述了该物种的形态特征及与近似种的区别,并编制了刺尖锥虫属Leodamas Kinberg,1866物种检索表。  相似文献   

Shells of commercially valued bivalves in New Zealand, Crassostrea gigas, Perna canaliculus and Pecten novaezelandiae, are damaged by blister-causing Polydora polychaete species known to be close in morphology to the widely recorded oyster pest Polydora websteri Hartman. Recent New Zealand occurrences are here confirmed to relate to two species, P. websteri, and a second similar species, Polydora haswelli Blake & Kudenov, a new record for New Zealand, previously known only from Australia; the two species are described and compared. The worms have limited distributions, with P. websteri confirmed only for Pacific oysters (C. gigas) in northern New Zealand, although prior reports indicate it may also occur on scallops and have reached the northern South Island. Polydora haswelli has been found only in northern New Zealand, occurring on subtidal mussels and scallops and native oysters (Perna canaliculus, Pecten novaezelandiae, Ostrea chilensis), as well as co-existing with intertidal P. websteri on Pacific oysters. The worms are not present in Foveaux Strait O. chilensis beds, a major source of past oyster exports to Australia. The history of mud-blister worm outbreaks in Australasia is examined. While trans-Tasman exports of live oysters from New Zealand were commonplace during the nineteenth century, there is no evidence that mud-blister worms were present in New Zealand then. The earliest reports only date from the early 1970s and only from northern New Zealand, whereas a century earlier in the 1870s at least one of these pest worms had become widespread along eastern Australian coasts.  相似文献   

Growth of the bluenose, Hyperoglyphe antarctica (Carmichael, 1818) from the lower east coast, North Island, was determined by counting growth check rings in otoliths. One growth check ring appeared to be laid down each year, so this technique is probably valid for aging bluenose. Female fish had a significantly higher growth rate than males. Comparisons of samples from three sites indicated no significant regional differences in growth. The von Bertalanffy parameters L8,K, and t0 fitted to back‐calculated fish lengths were, respectively, 81.1 cm, 0.308, ‐0.627 for males, and 86.1 cm, 0.308, ‐0.384 for females.  相似文献   


The tetrasporophytic ‘Trailliella’ stage of the red algal genus Bonnemaisonia is reported for the first time from the Southern Hemisphere. Here we describe a bloom of the tetrasporophyte of B. hamifera from the mouth of the Waikouaiti River, Karitāne, South Island, where it occurred as thousands of free-floating tufts up to 1?cm wide in shallow water, accumulated in windrows on sand banks and beaches, and in the water column at depths of 10–12?m on the adjacent open coast. Gametophytic stages have not yet been found in New Zealand. The material collected to date is strictly vegetative, and reproduction occurs via fragmentation. The identity of the New Zealand samples as B. hamifera was confirmed by both morphology and rbcL sequencing. The abundance and floating dispersal of B. hamifera suggests that it is invasive and will become widely distributed in New Zealand.  相似文献   

The Bay of Banten is an example of a shallow-water reef environment adjacent to an eroding delta system, where corals survive in turbid conditions. This study investigated the hydrodynamic controls over residual fluxes of terrigenous sediment in the bay. Observations of wind, waves, currents and suspended sediment concentrations in 1998 and 1999 revealed contrasting dynamic turbidity conditions influenced by tides, monsoon-driven flows and locally generated waves. The most sediment-rich suspensions originate from the shallow coastal margin of an inactive delta, where waves resuspend sediment and small creeks discharge freshwater and sediment. Because of coupling between monsoonal wind, throughflow in the bay and wave height, when wave-induced resuspension peaks seasonally during the northwest monsoon, an eastward throughflow prevents the nearshore reefs in the bay from being directly exposed to turbid water masses generated in the eroding delta. In inshore waters, tidal asymmetry and the spatial variation of current amplitudes cause residual sediment transport, largely depending on the availability of erodible sediment. In the center of the bay, where there is a patch reef complex, the tidal and subtidal currents are weak and therefore here there is a zone where sediment accumulates.  相似文献   

The complete series of phyllosoma larval stages of spiny lobster lasus edwardsii are described. Eleven stages are recognised from specimens captured in plankton samples collected along a transect extending 185 km east of Castlepoint, North Island, New Zealand between July 1969 and December 1971. A table of distinguishing characteristics and a key for identification of stages are presented. First stage larvae occur between August and October and last stage larvae about 15 months later. Mortality through the phyllosoma stages is estimated to be 98%. Early stage larvae occur mainly inshore in Southland Current water in the upper 5 m, and later stage larvae occur more frequently offshore in East Cape Current water at 40–60 m depth.  相似文献   

Dinematura neozealanica Thomson, 1889 is shown to be a synonym of Echthrogaleus denticulatus Smith, 1874. The male recorded as Pandarus armatus Heller by Thomson (1889) is probably E. denticulatus The latter species is redescribed from Thomson's specimens.  相似文献   

Emerging organic contaminants (EOCs) in New Zealand freshwaters are not well documented for regulatory assessments. We collected water and sediment samples for measurement of 26 EOC compound concentrations at four waterways within the city of Dunedin (Otago province). Compounds measured ranged from stimulants and depressants to pain-killers and insect repellants. Sampling was conducted before and after the student ‘Orientation Week’ at the University of Otago. Most compounds were below detection limits in all samples. However, caffeine, carbamazepine, cotinine and DEET were all measured at concentrations above detection limits. In general, concentrations of EOC compounds were ~20% higher following the influx of students to the University though student effects varied by site and additional sampling is needed to better assess temporal variation in concentrations. These data indicate that some EOCs are present in New Zealand freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

Pseudocycnus appendiculatus Heller is described and recorded, for the first time from New Zealand, on Thunnus alalunga (Bonnaterre, 1788). Pseudocycnus spinosus Pearse, 1951 and P. thynnus Brandes, 1955 are thought to be synonyms of P. appendiculatus. Other species previously placed in the genus are discussed and the action of Yamaguti (1963) in removing them to other genera supported. It is suggested that the family Pseudocycnidae Yamaguti, 1963 cannot be differentiated from the family Dichelesthiidae Bassett‐Smith, 1898.  相似文献   

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