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Seasonal and interannual patterns in the spatial distribution of bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) within a Middle Atlantic Bight estuary were examined using multipanel gillnets fished biweekly at 14 fixeds stations in the Sandy Hook Bay-N avesink River estuary during May–November of 1998 and 1999. To characterize habitats along the estuarine gradient, we measured several abiotic and biotic variables concurrently with gillnet sampling. Juvenile (age-0 and age-1+) bluefish were captured regularly during both years along with large numbers of Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus), which were confirmed by diet analyses to be bluefish’s primary forage species. The date of initial appearance of age-0 bluefish and menhaden in the estuary varied between years and may have been related to interannual differences in seawater temperatures on the continental shelf during spring. Delayed estuarine arrival of prey fishes may have contributed to variability in bluefish diets between years. Within the estuary, bluefish spatial distribution were consistent across seasons and years: bluefish were most common in areas associated with high concentrations of suspended materials and the presence of menhaden. Community analyses also indicated habitat overlap between bluefish and menhaden. Spatial distribution patterns revealed the consistent occurrence of piscivorous bluefish in shallow estuarine habitats that retained suspended materials and aggregated prey fishes. Foraging success of bluefish and other estuarine piscivores may be closely linked with the availability of these productive habitat, highlighting the need for future study of biological interactions and the governing physical processes.  相似文献   

A hypothesis was tested to determine if a relationship exists between rates of submarine groundwater discharge and the distribution of seagrass beds in the coastal, nearshore northeastern Gulf of Mexico. As determined by nonparametric statistics, four of seven seagrass beds in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico had significantly greater submarine groundwater discharge compared with adjacent sandy areas, but the remainder exhibited the opposite relationship. We were thus unable to verify if a relationship exists between submarine groundwater discharge and the distribution of seagrass beds in the nearshore sites selected. A second objective of this study was to determine the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus delivered to nearshore areas by submarine groundwater discharge. We considered new nutrient inputs to be delivered to surface waters by the upward flux of fresh water. This upward flux of water encounters saline porewaters in the surficial sediments and these porewaters contain recycled nutrients; actual nutrient flux from the sediment to overlying waters includes both new and recycled nutrients. New inputs of nitrogen to overlying surface waters for one 10-km section of coastline, calculated by multiplying groundwater nutrient concentrations from freshwater wells by measured seepage rates, were on the order of 1,100±190 mol N d−1. New and recycled nitrogen fluxes, calculated by multiplying surficial porewater concentrations by measured seepage rates, yielded fluxes of 3,600 ±1,000 mol N d−1. Soluble reactive phosphate values were 150±40 mol P d−1 using freshwater well concentrations and 130±3.0 mol P d−1 using porewater concentrations. These values are comparable to the average nutrient delivery of a small, local river.  相似文献   

Net ecosystem metabolism (NEM) is becoming a commonly used ecological indicator of estuarine ecosystem metabolic rates. Estuarine ecosystem processes are spatially and temporally variable, but the corresponding variability in NEM has not been properly assessed. Spatial and temporal variability in NEM was assessed in four western Gulf of Mexico shallow water estuaries. NEM was calculated from high-frequency dissolved oxygen measurements. Interbay, intrabay, and water column spatial scales were assessed for NEM, gross primary production (GPP), and respiration (R) rate variability. Seasonal, monthly, and daily temporal scales in NEM, GPP, and R were also assessed. Environmental conditions were then compared to NEM to determine which factors were correlated with each temporal and spatial scale. There was significant NEM spatial variability on interbay, intrabay, and water column spatial scales. Significant spatial variability was ephemeral, so it was difficult to ascertain which environmental conditions were most influential at each spatial scale. Significant temporal variability in NEM on seasonal, monthly, and daily scales was found and it was correlated to temperature, salinity, and freshwater inflow, respectively. NEM correlated strongly with dissolved oxygen, temperature, and salinity, but the relationships where different in each bay. The dynamics of NEM on daily scales indicate that freshwater inflow events may be the main driver of NEM in the semiarid estuaries studied. The variable nature of NEM found here is further evidence that it is not valid to use single station monitoring deployments for assessment of whole estuarine ecosystem metabolic rates in large ecosystems. The relationship between NEM and temperature, salinity, and freshwater inflow events could drive predictive models assessing the potential influence of projected climate change and watershed development scenarios on estuarine metabolic rates.  相似文献   

Analyses of Gulf of Mexico water samples indicate that methane arises from both biologic and thermal sources. Thermal generation of methane and other light hydrocarbons found in the water is demonstrated by: (1) the ratio of methane to ethane of less than 500 is below that expected for bacterial gases; (2) vertical profiles of hydrocarbon concentrations indicate multiple sources for methane, but not for ethane or propane; (3) the correlation between ethane, propane and butane is high indicating a common source, whereas methane correlates in only some areas suggesting multiple sources assumed to be bacterial and thermal; and (4) carbon isotope ratios. Hydrocarbons in the water result from seepage from the sea floor, and a relationship between hydrocarbons and fault systems can be observed. Petroleum production activities did not increase the hydrocarbon content of the non-surface water beyond that often found above petroliferous structures. To avoid surface contamination, analyses were made on water samples taken from near the sea floor. Special equipment for analyses was designed for the survey in the Gulf of Mexico offshore from Galveston, Texas, to Grand Isle, Louisiana, at water depths to 120 m.  相似文献   

Macrobenthic communities from estuaries throughout the northern Gulf of Mexico were studied to assess the influence of sediment contaminants and natural environmental factors on macrobenthic community trophic structure. Community trophic data were also used to evaluate whether results from laboratory sediment toxicity tests were effective indicators of site-specific differences in benthic trophic structure. A multiple regression model consisting of five composite factors (principal components) was used to distinguish the effects of sediment contaminants and environmental variables on benthic community trophic structure. This model explained 33.5% of the variation in macrobenthic trophic diversity (p<0.001), a variable derived from the distribution of taxas among nine original trophic categories. A significant negative relatinship was found between principal components reflecting concentrations of sediment contaminants and macrobenthic trophic diversity. Detritivores including surface deposit-feeders (SDF), subsurface deposit-feeders (SSDF), and filter feeders (FF) were numerically dominant at 201 random sites, each group accounting for 25–30% of total macrobenthic abundance. The relative abundance of SDFs was considerably lower (12.1±2.9% to 17.1±4.4%) at sites where sediment contaminant concentrations exceeded minimum biological effects thresholds (ER-L values from Long and Morgan 1990 than at sites sampled at random (29.3±5.7%). SSDFs were proportionally more abundant at contaminated sites (42.0±7.7% to 63.6±10.3%) versus random sites (27.5±5.7%), and the relative abundance of SSDFs was positively correlated with concentrations of particular contaminants. Benthic trophic structure was also found to be a function of salinity, where the proportion of SSDFs was negatively correlated with salinity (p=0.035, r=−0.223, n=326). Silt-clay content loaded fairly strongly on the first principal component, but trophic structure parameters were not significantly correlated with sediment grain size or dissolved oxygen (perhaps due, in part, to covariation). Results from laboratory sediment toxicity tests with mysids were predictive of differences in macrobenthic trophic structure in situ (i.e., mysid survival was negatively correlated with %SSDF; p<0.001, r=−0.292, n=326). Results from laboratory sediment toxicity tests with ampeliscid amphipods were not indicative of site-specific differences in benthic trophic structure.  相似文献   

During 1973 and 1974 seasonal abundance and mean total length of Atlantic croaker,Micropogonias undulatus, were investigated by otter trawl at 33 stations in South Carolina estuaries in relation to bottom salinity and temperature. Relative abundance of Atlantic croaker was measured by catch per unit effort at 3°C temperature intervals and 3‰ salinity intervals. Croaker occurred over a bottom temperature range of 9.0–31.4°C while occurring most abundantly in waters above 24.0°C. No significant correlation between size and temperature was found. Croaker were collected in salinities from 0.4 to 34.4‰. High correlations of size and salinity were evident in 1973 during winter (r=0.79), summer (r=0.82), and fall (r=0.94). In 1974, correlations were significant only during fall (r=0.76).  相似文献   

The dominant members of the freshwater zooplankton in the Sacramento-San Joaquin delta were those typical of temperate zone rivers—Bosmina andCyclops among the crustaceans andKeratella, Polyarthra, Trichocerca andSynchaeta among the rotifers. The estuarine or brackish component of the plankton was represented by the copepodEurytemora affinis and the rotiferSynchaeta bicornis. Abundace of freshwater zooplankton was highest in the San Joaquin River near Stockton, the region with the highest chlorophylla concentrations and highest temperatures. This was also the region least affected by water project operations, which alter the normal river flow patterns and bring large volumes of zooplankton-deficient Sacramento River water into the San Joaquin River and south delta chanels. Over a seven-year period, abundance of most zooplankton genera was positively correlated with chlorophylla concentrations and temperature but not with net flow velocity. OnlyBosmina had a significant and negative correlation with abundance of a predacious shrimp,Neomysis mercedis. Extreme salinity intrusion in 1977 reduced freshwater zooplankton abundance throughout most of the delta to seven-year lows. All zooplankton groups showed a long-term abundance decline from 1972 to 1978. In the cases of rotifers and copepods, this deciline was significantly correlated with a decline in chlorophylla.  相似文献   

On a series of eight cruises conducted in the northern Gulf of Mexico, efforts were made to characterize temporal and spatial variability in parameters of the photosynthesis-irradiance saturation curve (P mas B , αB, Ik) and to relate the observed variations to environmental conditions. Experiments to examine the importance of diel variation in upper mixed layer populations were conducted in July–August 1990 and March 1991. During July–August 1990, P max B and Ik showed significant increases and αB decreased during the photoperiod in both river plume and shelf-slope populations. During March 1991, no consistent covariance of P-I parameters with local time was found, although highest values of αB in the river plume were observed in early morning. Seasonal variation in P max B and αB were correlated with temperature. Spatial variations of photosynthetic parameters in the upper mixed layer ranged from twofold to threefold within any given cruise. Variations of photosynthetic parameters in the upper mixed layer were related to principal components derived from environmental variables, including temperature, salinity, nutrients, mixed layer depth, attenuation coefficient, and daily photosynthetically available radiation (PAR). Greater than 70% of the variation in the environmental variables could be accounted for by two principal components; the majority of this variation was associated with the first principal component, which was generally strongly correlated with salinity, nutrients, mixed layer depth, and attenuation coefficient. Correlations of P max B , αB, and Ik with the first principal component were found to be significant in some cases, an indication that spatial variability in P-I parameters was related to river outflow. Variation of P-I parameters in relation to depth and PAR were evaluated by regressions with principal components derived from depth, temperature, and mean daily PAR. For most cruises, P max B and Ik were negatively correlated with the first principal component, which was strongly positively correlated with depth and negatively correlated with daily PAR. This was consistent with a decrease in both P max B and Ik with depth that could be related to decreasing daily PAR. Positive correlations of αB with the first principal component for two cruises, March 1991 and April 1992, indicated an increasing trend with depth. In conclusion, relationships between P-I parameters and environmental variables in the region of study were significant in some cases, but variation between cruises made it difficult to generalize. We attributed this variation to the physically dynamic characteristics of the region and the possible effects of variables that were not included in the analysis such as species composition. Our findings do support the view that a limited set of observations may be adequate to characterize P-I parameter distributions in a given region within a restricted period of time.  相似文献   

Decapod crustaceans occupying seagrass, salt marsh edge, and oyster habitats within the St. Martins Aquatic Preserve along the central Gulf coast of Florida were quantitatively sampled using a 1-m2 throw trap during July–August 1999 and March–April 2000. Relative abundance and biomass were used as the primary measures to compare patterns of occupancy among the three habitat types. Representative assemblages of abundant and common species from each habitat were compared using Schoener's Percent Similarity Index (PSI). In all, 17,985 decapods were sampled, representing 14 families and 28 species. In the summer sampling period, mean decapod density did not differ between oyster and seagrass habitats, which both held greater densities of decapods than marsh-edge. In the spring sampling period oyster reef habitat supported greater mean decapod density than both seagrass and marsh-edge, which had similar densities of decapods. Habitat-specific comparisons of decapod density between the two sampling periods indicated no clear seasonal effect. In summer 1999, when seagrasses were well established, decapod biomass among the three habitats was not significantly different. During spring 2000, decapod biomass in oyster (41.40 gm−2) was greater than in marshedge (4.20 gm−2), but did not differ from that of seagrass (9.73 g m−2). There was no significant difference in decapod biomas between seagrass and marsh-edge habitats during the spring 2000 sampling period. The assemblage analysis using Schoener's PSI indicated that decapod assemblages associated with oyster were distinct from seagrass and marshedge habitats (which were similar). The results of this study suggest that in comparison to seagrass and marsh-edge habitats, oyster reef habitats and the distinct assemblage of decapod crustaceans that they support represent an ecologically important component of this estuarine system.  相似文献   

Coastal margins, especially the river-influenced coastal areas, are considered as active interfaces between the continental and oceanic environments, which have huge dispersal of detrital materials and heavy metal input. It is well determined that the fine-grained sediments are important reservoir for the accumulation of heavy metals. In this study, we analyzed the radiocarbon age, texture, organic matter, carbonate content, and geochemical compositions of two sediment cores (GM42 and GM44) retrieved in front of the Coatzacoalcos River mouth basin, southwestern Gulf of Mexico (~864 and 845 m water depth, respectively). Our objective was to infer the sedimentation rate, intensity of weathering, provenance, and influence of anthropogenic activities on heavy metal contamination in sediments. The radiocarbon-age measurements of mixed planktonic foraminifera for core GM44 reveals an age of 21,289 ± 136 cal. years B.P., which fall within the Late Glacial Maximum (LGM; 21000 ± 2000 years B.P). The calculated sedimentation rate for core GM42 (~0.013 cm/year) is lower than in core GM44 (0.022 cm/year), which is probably due to the variations in detrital sediment input and/or seafloor topography. The weathering indices such as chemical index of alteration (CIA), chemical index of weathering (CIW), and plagioclase index of alteration (PIA) suggested that the source area experienced low to moderate intensity of chemical weathering under warm to humid climatic conditions. The SiO2/Al2O3, Al2O3/Na2O, and K2O/Al2O3 ratio values indicated moderate to high compositional maturity. The major and trace element concentrations suggested that the sediments were likely derived from intermediate source rocks. The heavy metal contents indicated that the sediments were not contaminated by the industrial waste disposals supplied by the Coatzacoalcos River. The redox proxy sensitive elements such as V, Cr, Cu, and Zn indicated an oxic depositional environment for the deep-sea sediment cores. The application of discrimination diagrams for the geochemistry data revealed a passive margin setting for the sediment cores. The compositional variations observed at the upper sections (<30 cm) between the two sediment cores revealed that the type of detrital sediments supplied by the Coatzacoalcos River to the deep sea area is not uniform, which is also revealed by the variation in sedimentation rate.  相似文献   

Decades of offshore and inland petroleum drilling and production in the Gulf of Mexico and on the Gulf coast have provided the much needed energy and chemical feedstocks to the nation, and also have made an impact on the environment in the area. Our study showed deposits of contaminated sediment on the ocean floor around offshore platforms, old reserve pits, and dump sites next to many surface facilities and compressor stations. The substances found on the ocean floor and in dump sites are simple or emulsified mixtures of silt, hydrocarbons, and water. The cleaning of the ocean floor and pits is an economic and technical challenge. Hydrocarbons are from crude oil and chemical additions for various operational necessities, including additions of biocides, corrosion inhibitors, antifreezes, and coagulants. When the new government regulations lower the allowable maximum total organic carbon level to the 50 ppm range, these hydrocarbons can no longer be ignored by drilling and production operators.  相似文献   

The neighboring coastal plain estuaries of the Elbe and Weser Rivers in Northern Germany exhibit pronounced estuarine turbidity maxima (ETM). Common features and differences between the longitudinal distributions of salinity and suspended particulate matter (SPM) in both estuaries are compared as well as the mechanisms effecting them. Monthly transects of the near surface SPM indicate that the long-term variability of salinity and the ETM is mainly influenced by the freshwater runoff. The variability is reduced to certain characteristic patterns by application of Empirical Orthogonal Functions analysis. The coefficients of these patterns are then correlated to runoff and the resulting functional regressions are used for the construction of a statistical model for the distribution of salinity and SPM along the estuaries; for SPM this has not been successful.  相似文献   

Quantifying initial and wind forcing uncertainties in the Gulf of Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study aims at analyzing the combined impact of uncertainties in initial conditions and wind forcing fields in ocean general circulation models (OGCM) using polynomial chaos (PC) expansions. Empirical orthogonal functions (EOF) are used to formulate both spatial perturbations to initial conditions and space-time wind forcing perturbations, namely in the form of a superposition of modal components with uniformly distributed random amplitudes. The forward deterministic HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) is used to propagate input uncertainties in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) in spring 2010, during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and to generate the ensemble of model realizations based on which PC surrogate models are constructed for both localized and field quantities of interest (QoIs), focusing specifically on sea surface height (SSH) and mixed layer depth (MLD). These PC surrogate models are constructed using basis pursuit denoising methodology, and their performance is assessed through various statistical measures. A global sensitivity analysis is then performed to quantify the impact of individual modes as well as their interactions. It shows that the local SSH at the edge of the GoM main current—the Loop Current—is mostly sensitive to perturbations of the initial conditions affecting the current front, whereas the local MLD in the area of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill is more sensitive to wind forcing perturbations. At the basin scale, the SSH in the deep GoM is mostly sensitive to initial condition perturbations, while over the shelf it is sensitive to wind forcing perturbations. On the other hand, the basin MLD is almost exclusively sensitive to wind perturbations. For both quantities, the two sources of uncertainty have limited interactions. Finally, the computations indicate that whereas local quantities can exhibit complex behavior that necessitates a large number of realizations, the modal analysis of field sensitivities can be suitably achieved with a moderate size ensemble.  相似文献   

Fisheries catch statistics for temperate Western Australia are considered in conjunction with life cycle data to elucidate the importance of estuaries to the commercial and recreational fisheries in this region. The data are used to discuss whether the term estuarine-dependent is strictly applicable to all species of finfish found in abundance in estuaries. Between 1976 and 1984, 96 species of finfish, 7 species of crustaceans and 12 species of mollusks contributed to the large commercial fishery in estuaries, protected coastal areas and open marine waters of temperate Western Australia. The mean annual weight and monetary value (in 1984 terms) of this fishery was 21,355 t and $A151.3×106. The contribution of the weight (4,340 t) and value ($A3.7×106) of the estuarine-dependent species to the total fishery was 20.3 and 2.4%, respectively. Estuarine-dependent marine species frequently use protected inshore waters in temperate Western Australia, and have to do so when they occur in subtropical regions in Western Australia where there are no permanent estuaries. Even the semi-anadromous Perth herring and some species which are estuarinesensu stricto in south-western Australia complete their life cycle within the marine waters of this latter more northern region. Since virtually none of the commercially important marine species in temperate Western Australia can be considered to be entirely dependent on estuaries, and a similar conclusion is valid for many species of marine teleosts found in abundance in estuaries in temperate waters elsewhere in the world, these marine species would be best regarded as estuarine opportunists rather than estuarine dependents.  相似文献   

Discovery of the Chicxulub multi-ring impact crater came as a result of oil exploration surveys in the southern Gulf of Mexico. Subsequent studies on the Chicxulub impact and the Cretaceous/Palaeogene (K/Pg) boundary have revealed links between the impact and hydrocarbons, with implications for the K/Pg global environmental and climatic effects, as well as for oil exploration in the Gulf.  相似文献   

Bottom-water hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico has increased in severity (duration, frequency, and intensity) since the 1970s and has impacted the less-mobile benthos ever since. From September 2003 to October 2004, the macrobenthic density, species richness, community composition, and vertical distribution were studied at a frequently hypoxic station, C6B (28°52.10′ N and 90°28.00′ W). The polychaete-dominated community was approximately three times less dense and diverse in post-hypoxic months compared to pre-hypoxic months. The lowest oxygen concentrations in July 2004 did not significantly affect the infaunal community as predicted; rather, the response was observed 1 month later after a longer, low-oxygen exposure. The opportunistic, hypoxia-tolerant polychaete, Paraprionospio pinnata, population increased in July 2004 when other common species decreased, thereby maintaining pre-hypoxic densities. Determining the duration and severity of hypoxia prior to sampling rather than at the time of sampling helps to better understand benthic community responses to hypoxia.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of motile cells of the toxic dinoflagellateGonyaulax tamarensis Lebour were monitored in estuarine waters of Long Island, a region with no previous history of shellfish toxicity. The population distribution was patchy, with the species detected in 40% of 115 estuaries examined during the spring bloom season. More detailed studies in four estuaries indicated that the dinoflagellate was most abundant in the headwater regions, with concentrations falling to undetectable levels at the mouths.G. tamarensis cell concentrations did not exceed 105 cells per 1 and often remained an order of magnitude lower. In several instances, population growth and accumulation ceased under seemingly favorable environmental and nutritional conditions.  相似文献   

Two discriminant-function-based multidimensional major-element diagrams for the tectonic discrimination of siliciclastic sediments were recently published from a coherent statistical methodology of loge-ratio transformation and linear discriminant analysis. These diagrams were constructed based on worldwide examples of Neogene–Quaternary siliciclastic sediments from known tectonic settings. In this work, these two tectonic discrimination diagrams were first successfully tested from Holocene (<0.0117–0 Ma) beach and deep-sea sediments from the Gulf of Mexico. These diagrams were used to decipher tectonic settings of 11 case studies of the Precambrian clastic sedimentary rocks (~512–2800 Ma) from Argentina, USA, Ghana, Spain, Norway, India, China, and Australia. The test and application results obtained from these discrimination diagrams were generally consistent with the geology of the Precambrian source areas. Therefore, the two multidimensional diagrams can be considered as a useful tool for successfully discriminating the tectonic setting of older sedimentary basins, which may consist of one or more tectonic assemblages. Comparison of results of this study with the previously published tectonic discrimination diagrams is illustrated and the probable reasons for some inconsistent inferences were also discussed.  相似文献   

. This paper deals with the extent of contamination in sediments of the southeast Gulf of Mexico. The concentration of elements (SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, Na2O, MgO, CaO, and K2O) and heavy metals (Cu, Cd, Zn, Co, Pb, Ag, Cr, Ni, V, and Ba) were determined. The elemental composition of sediments is influenced by the Grijalva–Usumacinta–Terminos System at the east and the Tabasco lagoon system (El Carmen–La Machona) at the west coast of the study area. Concentrations of Ni, V, and Ba were anomalously high at some sites. Oil production activities in the vicinity of the sites may be responsible for the high values. Correlations of metal concentrations to elemental composition were performed. No significant relationships between metals and elements were found for most metals (p>0.05), suggesting that metals are not significantly associated with naturally occurring aluminosilicates, iron hydroxide, and calcium carbonate minerals of sediments. Other sources such as organic matter may be contributing to the total concentration of metals. The comparison of metal content in sediments of the southeast Gulf of Mexico with metals of the other areas of the Gulf of Mexico suggests that it is relatively contaminated with Cd, Pb, and Ni. The probable causes of contamination are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A broad-scale survey of seagrass species composition and distribution along Florida's central Gulf Coast (known as the Big Bend region) was conducted in the summer of 2000 to address growing concerns over the potential effects of increased nutrient loading from adjacent coastal rivers. Iverson and Bittaker (1986) originally surveyed seagrass distribution in this region between 1974–1980. We revisited 188 stations from the original survey, recording the presence or absence of all seagrass species. Although factors such as accuracy of station relocation, differences in sampling effort among studies, and length of time between surveys preclude statistical comparisons, several interesting patterns emerged. While the total number of stations occupied by the three most common seagrass species,Thalassia testudinum, Syringodium filiforme, andHalodule wrightii, was similar between the two time periods, we observed a change in the number of records of each species as well as changes in distribution with depth.T. testudinum andHalophila engelmanni occurrence declined in the deepest areas of the region, while the number of stations occupied byS. filiforme andH. wrightii increased in nearby areas. We observed several localized areas of seagrass loss, frequently associated with the mouths of coastal rivers. These results suggest that increased nutrient loading to coastal rivers that discharge into the Big Bend area may be affecting seagrasses by increasing phytoplankton abundance in the water column, thus changing water clarity characteristics of the region.  相似文献   

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