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Several theoretical models are currently available in the scientific literature for evaluating the shear capacity of both exterior and interior beam-to-column joints in reinforced concrete (RC) frames. A reasonably wide set of those models, based on either analytical or empirical formulations, has been summarised within a companion work. The present paper firstly presents a wide database which collects results obtained in about two-hundred experimental tests carried out on RC joints. Those results are employed for assessing the above mentioned capacity models by considering a set of experimental data much wider than those usually utilised in the original formulation of such models. Accuracy and reliability of the various models are measured by quantifying some statistical parameters actually describing the relationship between the experimental evidence and the prediction of the various capacity models under consideration. Three relevant classes of joints (namely unreinforced, under reinforced and code-compliant) are considered with the aim of emphasising that the various models perform in a rather different way when applied to those different classes. Finally, a possible recalibration of the various models is proposed with the objective of enhancing their predictive capacity with respect to both the database as a whole and the three classes of RC joints mentioned above.  相似文献   

钢筋混凝土框架柱双向受剪承载力分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文分析了矩形截面钢筋混凝土框架柱斜向抗剪强度的特征,研究了双向受剪承载力计算时确定折减系数的方法和截面限制条件,对双向受剪承载力计算值与静载和动载试验结果的分析表明,双向受剪承载力计算公式和截面限制条件对于矩形截面钢筋混凝土框架柱设计是偏于安全的,可以作为钢筋混凝土框架柱抗震设计的参考。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new set of probabilistic joint shear strength models using the conventional multiple linear regression method, and advanced machine‐learning methods of multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) and symbolic regression (SR). In order to achieve high‐fidelity regression models with reduced model errors and bias, this study constructs extensive experimental databases for reinforced and unreinforced concrete joints by collecting existing beam‐column joint subassemblage tests from multiple sources. Various influential parameters that affect joint shear strength such as material properties, design parameters, and joint configuration are investigated through tests of statistical significance. After performing a set of regression analyses, the comparison of simulation results indicates that MARS approach is the best estimation method. Moreover, the accuracy of analytical predictions of the derived MARS model is compared with that of existing joint shear strength relationships. The comparison results show that the proposed model is more accurate compared to existing relationships. This joint shear strength prediction model can be readily implemented into joint response models for evaluation of earthquake performance and inelastic responses of building frames. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The seismic response of non‐ductile reinforced concrete (RC) buildings can be affected by the behaviour of beam‐column joints involved in the failure mechanism, especially in typical existing buildings. Conventional modelling approaches consider only beam and column flexibility, although joints can provide a significant contribution also to the overall frame deformability. In this study, the attention is focused on exterior joints without transverse reinforcement, and a possible approach to their modelling in nonlinear seismic analysis of RC frames is proposed. First, experimental tests performed by the authors are briefly presented, and their results are discussed. Second, these tests, together with other tests with similar features from literature, are employed to calibrate the joint panel deformability contribution in order to reproduce numerically the experimental joint shear stress–strain behaviour under cyclic loading. After a validation phase of this proposal, a numerical investigation of the influence of joints on the seismic behaviour of a case study RC frame – designed for gravity loads only – is performed. The preliminary failure mode classification of the joints within the analysed frame is carried out. Structural models that (i) explicitly include nonlinear behaviour of beam‐column joints exhibiting shear or anchorage failure or (ii) model joints as elements with infinite strength and stiffness are built and their seismic performance are assessed and compared. A probabilistic assessment based on nonlinear dynamic simulations is performed by means of a scaling approach to evaluate the seismic response at different damage states accounting for uncertainties in ground‐motion records. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

RC框架节点核芯区剪切破坏——抗震性能试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过2个梁端屈服后节点核芯区剪切破坏框架节点在低周反复荷载下的加载试验,研究了节点的破坏形态、承载能力、滞回特性和耗能能力.结果表明:节点经历了核芯区开裂、梁端屈服、核芯区通裂、剪切极限直至破坏的过程;在极限荷载时,节点核芯区剪切变形引起的梁端位移占梁端总位移的比例约30%;构件具有较强的耗能能力和变形能力,具有良好的抗震性能.  相似文献   

模型化方法对钢筋混凝土框架地震反应的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结构非线性动力分析平台OpenSees具备丰富的材料、单元、模型化方法等分析选项和强大的求解功能。在OpenSees平台,对按我国规范设计的八度区二级和九度区一级典型钢筋混凝土框架结构进行了一系列罕遇烈度地震作用下的非线性动力反应分析。通过对分析结果的对比、判断,并结合各种模型化方法对结构地震反应的影响方式进行解释,从顶点侧移、层间侧移角、基底剪力、框架塑性铰分布等方面揭示了不同单元力学模型以及箍筋、板筋对结构整体、局部地震反应的影响规律。  相似文献   

Since most current seismic capacity evaluations of reinforced concrete(RC) frame structures are implemented by either static pushover analysis(PA) or dynamic time history analysis,with diverse settings of the plastic hinges(PHs) on such main structural components as columns,beams and walls,the complex behavior of shear failure at beam-column joints(BCJs) during major earthquakes is commonly neglected.This study proposes new nonlinear PA procedures that consider shear failure at BCJs and seek to assess the actual damage to RC structures.Based on the specifications of FEMA-356,a simplified joint model composed of two nonlinear cross struts placed diagonally over the location of the plastic hinge is established,allowing a sophisticated PA to be performed.To verify the validity of this method,the analytical results for the capacity curves and the failure mechanism derived from three different full-size RC frames are compared with the experimental measurements.By considering shear failure at BCJs,the proposed nonlinear analytical procedures can be used to estimate the structural behavior of RC frames,including seismic capacity and the progressive failure sequence of joints,in a precise and effective manner.  相似文献   

The use of a new type of reinforced concrete (RC) jacket for RC exterior beam–column connections damaged by seismic excitations is addressed and experimentally investigated. The proposed jacket has very small thickness and includes small diameter steel reinforcement. This jacketing applies at the joint region and at a small part of the columns and the beam. The main advantage of the proposed thin and locally applied jacket compared with the commonly used concrete jacket is the fact that its application is not restrained by space limitations, and since it slightly changes the initial size of the elements, the building's dynamics and seismic behaviour remain practically unaffected. For the needs of this study, 10 exterior beam–column joint subassemblages were constructed and subjected to increasing cyclic loading. Later, the damaged specimens were locally retrofitted using the proposed thin RC jackets and they were retested with the same load sequence. Three different specimen configurations with various amounts of shear reinforcement in the joint area were examined and two types of jackets (a) with light and (b) with dense reinforcement were applied. Test results indicated that the seismic performance of the retrofitted specimens was fully restored and in some cases substantially improved with respect to the performance of the same specimens in the initial loading, since they exhibited higher values of load capacity and hysteretic energy dissipation. Discussion for the conditions of the use of the examined jacketing technique either as a repair or as a strengthening method is also included. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new FRP retrofi tting scheme to strengthen local beam-column joints in reinforced concrete(RC) frames.The new retrofi tting scheme was proposed following a preliminary study of four different existing retrofi tting schemes.A numerical simulation was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of FRP-strengthened reinforced concrete frames by bridging behavior of local joints to the whole structure.Local confi nement effects due to varying retrofi tting schemes in the joints were simulated in the frame model.The seismic behavior factor was used to evaluate the seismic performance of the strengthened RC frames.The results demonstrated that the new proposed retrofi tting scheme was robust and promising,and fi nite element analysis appropriately captured the strength and global ductility of the frame due to upgrading of the local joints.  相似文献   

结构抗震设计的基本原则之一是保证"强柱弱梁",但汶川地震等大量实际震害表明这一抗震设计目标并未能很好地实现。针对此问题,已开展大量研究,探讨了楼板、填充墙以及梁、柱、板配筋等因素对形成"强梁弱柱"的影响。本文则从计算模型方面,即结构分析中广泛采用的模型、精细有限元模型和楼板与梁分别考虑的模型,对梁柱内力影响进行了对比研究。结果表明,计算模型对梁、柱弯矩比有较大影响,是形成"强梁弱柱"的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

在不考虑结构整体扭转的前提下,假定异形柱框架结构中的异形柱为单向偏心受压且为弯曲型破坏,给出了异形柱正截面受弯承载力和异形柱框架结构楼层受剪承载力计算方法。方法简便实用,与试验结果比较吻合。  相似文献   

Recent earthquakes have confirmed the role played by infills in the seismic response of reinforced concrete buildings. The control and limitation of damage to such nonstructural elements is a key issue in performance‐based earthquake engineering. The present work is focused on modeling and analysis of damage to infill panels, and, in particular, it is aimed towards linear analysis procedures for assessing the damage limitation limit state of infilled reinforced concrete frames. First, code provisions on infill modeling and acceptance criteria at the damage limitation limit state are reviewed. Literature contributions on damage to unreinforced masonry infill panels and corresponding displacement capacity are reported and discussed. Two procedures are then proposed aiming at a twofold goal: (i) the determination of ‘equivalent’ interstory drift ratio limits for a bare frame model and (ii) the estimation of the stiffness of equivalent struts representing infill walls in a linear model. These two quantities are determined such that a linear model ensures a reliable estimation of seismic capacity at the damage limitation limit state, providing the same intensity level as that obtained from nonlinear analyses carried out on structural models with infills. Finally, the proposed procedures are applied to four‐story and eight‐story case study‐infilled frames, designed for seismic loads according to current technical codes. The results of these application examples are presented and discussed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Evaluation of shear strength of rock joints subjected to cyclic loading   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Variation of the shear strength of rock joints due to cyclic loadings is studied in the present paper. Identical joint surfaces were prepared using a developed moulding method with special mortar and shear tests were performed on these samples under both static and cyclic loading conditions. Different levels of shear displacement were applied on the samples to study joint behaviour before and during considerable relative shear displacement. It was found that the shear strength of joints is related to rate of displacement (shearing velocity), number of loading cycles and stress amplitude. Finally, based on the experimental results, mathematical models were developed for evaluation of shear strength in cyclic loading conditions.  相似文献   

混凝土平面框架节点核心区不存在直交梁的影响,可以应用碳纤维布直接进行加固,以增强地震作用下节点核心区的抗剪承载力。根据足尺混凝土框架节点低周反复加载试验结果,对碳纤维布的增强机理进行了分析和讨论,并在此基础上提出了实用的加固计算公式。  相似文献   

The column-to-beam flexural strength ratio(CBFSR)has been used in many seismic codes to achieve the strong column-weak beam(SCWB)failure mode in reinforced concrete(RC)frames,in which plastic hinges appear earlier in beams than in columns.However,seismic investigations show that the required limit of CBFSR in seismic codes usually cannot achieve the SCWB failure mode under strong earthquakes.This study investigates the failure modes of RC frames with different CBFSRs.Nine typical three-story RC frame models with different CBFSRs are designed in accordance with Chinese seismic codes.The seismic responses and failure modes of the frames are investigated through time-history analyses using 100 ground motion records.The results show that the required limit of the CBFSR that guarantees the SCWB failure mode depends on the beam-column connection type and the seismic intensity,and different types of beam-column connections exhibit different failure modes even though they are designed with the same CBFSR.Recommended CBFSRs are proposed for achieving the designed SCWB failure mode for different types of connections in RC frames under different seismic intensities.These results may provide some reference for further revisions of the SCWB design criterion in Chinese seismic codes.  相似文献   

框架边节点组合试件90°弯折钢筋锚固性能的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过钢筋混凝土框架边节点组合试件在反复荷载作用下的试验研究,对试验现象进行了较全面的分析,着重讨论了90°弯折钢筋水平段锚固长度变的化对锚固性能的影响,  相似文献   

RC框架结构直接基于位移的抗震优化设计方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨了静力弹塑性分析验证过程中遇到的几种情况及其产生原因,指出建筑结构设计方案在基于位移的抗震设计中的重要性。从框架结构的侧移模式出发,导出结构一定性能水平的目标顶点位移,建立结构目标顶点位移与等效位移的关系式,根据位移反应谱,由等效位移推出框架结构在各性能水平的目标周期。然后,由pushover曲线确定结构刚度退化机理,导出结构各性能水平相应的自振周期比例关系,根据结构各性能水平自振周期与目标周期的关系确定结构最优设计方案。通过例题加以验证,说明了此设计方法的可行性。  相似文献   

Assessment of the seismic performance of existing structures requires due consideration of both aleatory and epistemic sources of uncertainty; the former being typically associated with the randomness in ground motion records and the latter with the uncertainty in numerical modelling. Using a numerical modelling approach calibrated to available experimental test data collected from the literature, the uncertainty associated with different modelling parameters for existing reinforced concrete frames in Italy was quantified via an extensive numerical study. This was done to quantify the propagation of modelling parameter type uncertainty to the overall dispersion of the demand parameters typically used in seismic assessment, namely peak storey drift and peak floor accelerations. In addition, the impact of such modelling uncertainty on the median intensity and dispersion of the collapse fragility function was also examined. From the results of this study, empirical values of modelling parameter uncertainty were quantified with a view to being used in the assessment of existing reinforced concrete frames with masonry infill designed prior to the introduction of seismic design provisions in Italy during the 1970s. Comparing these empirical values to those available in the literature, it is seen how the fundamental behaviour of the frames differs from more modern frames with ductile detailing to the extent that values available in guidelines such as FEMA P58 cannot be reasonably adopted for these structural typologies.  相似文献   

The AISC Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings (AISC 341-16) provide a testing protocol for qualification of link-to-column connections in eccentrically braced frames (EBFs). This symmetrical testing protocol was developed by conducting nonlinear time history analysis on representative EBFs designed according to the International Building Code. Although the testing protocol is intended for qualification of link-to-column connections, many research programs have employed this recommended protocol for testing of shear links. Recent numerical investigations on constructed EBFs and archetype models showed that links can be subjected to one-sided loadings with significantly higher link rotation angles than the codified limits. A numerical study has been undertaken to develop nonsymmetrical loading protocols for shear links in EBFs. Pursuant to this goal, 20 EBF archetypes were designed according to the ASCE7-16 standard. The main parameters investigated were the link length to bay width ratio (e/L), number of stories, type of EBF, and the ground motion level. The archetypes were subjected to maximum considered earthquake and collapse level earthquake as recommended by FEMA P695. The results showed that the history of link rotation is single sided and depends strongly on e/L and the level of ground motion. Nonsymmetrical loading protocols that depend on the aforementioned variables were developed and are presented herein.  相似文献   

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