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基于集合预报的中国极端强降水预报方法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
刘琳  陈静  程龙  林春泽  吴志鹏 《气象学报》2013,71(5):853-866
极端强降水天气属于小概率事件,其发生具有很多不确定的因素,预报难度很大。根据Anderson-Darling检验原理研究基于集合预报资料的极端强降水天气预报方法,利用2007—2010年中国T213集合预报资料和2001—2010年6—8月中国降水观测资料,分析观测与集合预报累积概率密度分布函数的特征,建立基于集合预报与模式历史预报累积概率密度分布函数连续差异的数学模型——极端降水天气预报指数(EPFI),并对2011年7月中国极端强降水天气进行预报试验。结果表明,极端降水天气预报指数可以充分利用集合降水累积概率密度分布的尾端信息,为极端强降水提供科学合理的预报,基于中国气象局(CMA) T213集合预报的极端降水天气预报指数可提前3—7 d发出极端强降水预警信号,随着预报时效的延长,预报技巧逐渐降低。研究还表明,模式气候累积概率分布的合理性将直接影响极端强降水天气识别能力。  相似文献   

开展多致灾因子耦合作用下的地质灾害研究对山区综合风险防范和可持续发展至关重要。在山区孕灾环境中,极端降水和地震是触发滑坡等地质灾害的主要因素。以往研究多在山地孕灾环境稳定的假设下,研究极端降水或强震单独导致的地质灾害过程,而对孕灾环境变化下的极端天气和地震致灾因子共同诱发地质灾害的关注不足。针对这一问题,梳理了国内外发生在山区的地震和极端降水共同导致滑坡等地质灾害的研究案例,系统总结了山区强震与极端降水引发滑坡等地质灾害的相互作用过程。现有研究已在地震和极端降水引发滑坡等地质灾害的问题上取得了以下认识:(1)山区地震可强烈改变孕灾环境,显著提升震后降水引发地质灾害的可能性,放大极端降水-滑坡灾害链;(2)地震对降水引发滑坡的影响随着震后时间的推移逐渐减弱,该现象可能受控于气候因素;(3)在全球气候变化背景下,极端天气气候事件增多,定量研究山区强震和极端天气气候二者“遭遇”下的地质灾害链将面临更多挑战。由于观测案例不足,针对山区地震与极端降水共同导致地质灾害的研究仍缺少定量分析,触发机理也需进一步明确。  相似文献   

气候变暖背景下降水持续性与相态变化的研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翟盘茂  廖圳  陈阳  余荣  袁宇锋  陆虹 《气象学报》2017,75(4):527-538
持续性降水和固态降水(或近地面气温为0℃左右的降水)都能导致洪涝和低温雨雪冰冻等灾害性的极端事件,对人民群众生命和财产安全以及社会经济发展也会造成严重危害。目前中外围绕降水量、极端降水事件变化等已开展了大量研究,但在降水持续性和相态变化的特征及其影响机理方面的研究仍显不足。因此,围绕降水持续性和相态变化的相关研究,对近20余年来取得的一些重要研究进展进行回顾。研究指出,在气候变暖背景下降水持续性和相态变化的特征在全球范围内表现出了区域上的不一致性。有关降水持续性变化方面,中国南方地区持续性降水过程及其产生的降水量呈现增多趋势,但北方地区呈现减少的趋势,而西南地区长持续性降水呈下降趋势。至于降水相态变化方面,中国南方地区持续性雨雪冰冻事件在气候变暖背景下总体呈减少趋势。这些变化除了与气候变暖有关外,可能还与大气遥相关模态、低频振荡及ENSO事件等引起的大气环流异常有关。今后应该更多开展气候变暖背景下降水持续性和相态变化的特征、可能机理以及其与气候变暖的可能联系方面的研究,以期通过相关研究深入理解中国降水持续性与相态变化的规律、成因及其与旱涝、低温雨雪灾害等的联系,进一步加深对气候变暖背景下中国天气、气候的影响及其机理的认识。   相似文献   

茂名市气候变化及其对农业的影响   总被引:7,自引:16,他引:7  
利用茂名1971~2004年的气候资料,分析了其降水、气温的年、季变化特征,探讨了气候变化对极端天气气候事件、农业生产以及农业生态环境的影响。近30多年来,茂名的年降水以年际波动为主,线性变化趋势不明显,不同季节的降水量变化有升有降,可能是其原因所在。年气温在波动中上升的趋势十分明显,年气温每年上升0.03℃,春、夏、秋、冬季气温的普遍上升,导致了全年气温的明显上升。气候变化导致了台风连续登陆茂名,高温天气连连刷新纪录等极端天气气候事件频繁出现,严重影响茂名水果生产及农业生态环境。  相似文献   

围绕海南岛热带气旋(TC)极端降水的特征及其成因,利用国家气象信息中心提供的海南岛台站日降水数据、上海台风所的TC最佳路径数据集和NCEP/NCAR再分析数据,通过气候统计、天气诊断相结合的方法,探讨了1958—2013年海南岛TC极端降水的空间分布和时间变化特征,并进一步诊断分析了极端降水产生的可能成因。结果表明,海南岛TC极端降水在西北部出现最多,东南部出现较少。从长期趋势看,无论从TC极端降水量还是从TC极端降水频数,TC极端降水的极端趋势均在增加。充足的西南水汽通量输送是产生TC极端降水的重要条件;当南亚高压和副热带高压相距较近,即南亚高压偏东偏强,副热带高压偏西偏强时,海南岛容易出现TC极端降水事件;在TC路径和低层风场结构的配合下,海南岛地形对极端降水的落区有关键影响。  相似文献   

中国和日本气候极端降水研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
采用气候极端降水分析方法,把降水时空分布特征结合起来进行研究,揭示了近40年中国和日本不同量级降水特征及变化趋势。同时分析了阶段性气候极端降和强的差异,并分析比较了我国华北降水不同变化阶段日雨量的变化特征,指出两者的主要差别在极端 水的量值上。  相似文献   

2007年陕西气候特征及影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陕西2007年气候的主要特征:年平均气温全省大部显著偏高,年降水总量陕北和关中南部偏多,年日照时数全省大部接近常年,冬季气温异常偏高,春季干旱少雨,夏季降水时空分布极为不均,多历时短、高强度的局地暴雨天气,秋季的长时间低温阴雨等。在全球气候变暖的气候背景下,2007年陕西极端天气气候事件频发,春季的低温冻害与干旱、夏季暴雨和秋季低温阴雨等极端天气气候事件对陕西的农作物的生长造成严重影响,夏季暴雨诱发洪涝、城市内涝等自然灾害造成严重经济损失,总之2007年属一般年景。  相似文献   

天气气候分析甘肃黄土高原春季第一场透雨的时空分布特征1- 8甘肃省 1994~ 2 0 0 1年极端干旱气候特征研究1- 11天水市 2 0 0 2年 4~ 6月降水、干旱气候趋势短期气候预测结果及成因分析 1- 16甘肃中部春夏干旱气候分析与预测系统 2 - 1兰州新一代天气雷达降水估计的误差来源 2 - 4青藏高原冬春季积雪异常对中国春夏季降水的影响3- 1秦岭邻近地区旬降水气侯及其大气环流特征 3- 8短中期降水温度天气过程区域分布的研究 3- 14河西内陆河流域的水循环特征 3- 2 1黑河地区绿洲和沙漠地面辐射收支的若干特征3- 2 9西北干旱区及高原上卫星遥感非…  相似文献   

<正>《"一带一路"未来极端天气气候预估研究》张井勇等著该书聚焦于"一带一路"主要合作区域的气候变化风险管理能力提升,回顾了"一带一路"极端天气气候预估、影响及适应的研究进展;评估了18个全球模式降尺度结果对研究区域历史时期12个指数表征的极端天气气候事件的模拟能力;对未来"一带一路"温度与降水表征的极端天气气候变化开展了系统预估;以瓜达尔港为例研究了当前与未来"一带一路"合作项目所在地平均与极端气候变化及影响,并提  相似文献   

利用1980~2017年厦门逐小时降水资料和NCEP再分析资料,分析厦门地区极端降水事件的气候特征,并初步讨论其成因。研究结果表明:1)极端降水事件的年发生频率呈现减少的趋势,厦门岛的减少趋势要比内陆更为显著。2)小时尺度的极端降水事件在较小尺度空间内无论是发生频率还是强度都存在明显的区域性差异,内陆地区在发生频率和强度上均高于厦门岛,但强度的平均值一致。3)造成极端降水事件的天气系统有4类,分别是热带气旋型、冷式切变型、西南风气流型和低槽冷锋型。随着城市抗灾能力的提升,对极端降水预报的要求也不断提高,基于小时值的结论可以为未来厦门地区极端降水事件的预报提供参考基础,进而提升预报的有效性和针对性。  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent progress in climate change attribution studies. The focus is on the attribution of observed long-term changes in surface temperature, precipitation, circulation, and extremes, as well as that of specific extreme weather and climate events. Based on new methods and better models and observations, the latest studies further verify the conclusions on climate change attribution in the IPCC AR5, and enrich the evidence for anthropogenic influences on weather and climate variables and extremes. The uncertainty of global temperature change attributable to anthropogenic forcings lies in the considerable uncertainty of estimated total radiative forcing due to aerosols, while the uncertainty of precipitation change attribution arises from the limitations of observation and model simulations along with influences from large internal variability. In terms of extreme weather and climate events, it is clear that attribution studies have provided important new insights into the changes in the intensity or frequency of some of these events caused by anthropogenic climate change. The framing of the research question, the methods selected, and the model and statistical methods used all have influences on the results and conclusions drawn in an event attribution study. Overall, attribution studies in China remain inadequate because of limited research focus and the complexity of the monsoon climate in East Asia. Attribution research in China has focused mainly on changes or events related to temperature, such as the attribution of changes in mean and extreme temperature and individual heat wave events. Some progress has also been made regarding the pattern of changes in precipitation and individual extreme rainfall events in China. Nonetheless, gaps remain with respect to the attribution of changes in extreme precipitation, circulation, and drought, as well as to the event attribution such as those related to drought and tropical cyclones. It can be expected that, with the continual development of climate models, ongoing improvements to data, and the introduction of new methods in the future, climate change attribution research will develop accordingly. Additionally, further improvement in climate change attribution will facilitate the development of operational attribution systems for extreme events, as well as attribution studies of climate change impacts.  相似文献   

Global warming is expected to affect both the frequency and severity of extreme weather events, though projections of the response of these events to climate warming remain highly uncertain. The range of changes reported in the climate modelling literature is very large, sometimes leading to contradictory results for a given extreme weather event. Much of this uncertainty stems from the incomplete understanding of the physics of extreme weather processes, the lack of representation of mesoscale processes in coarse-resolution climate models, and the effect of natural climate variability at multi-decadal time scales. However, some of the spread in results originates simply from the variety of scenarios for future climate change used to drive climate model simulations, which hampers the ability to make generalizations about predicted changes in extreme weather events. In this study, we present a meta-analysis of the literature on projected future extreme weather events in order to quantify expected changes in weather extremes as a function of a common metric of global mean temperature increases. We find that many extreme weather events are likely to be significantly affected by global warming. In particular, our analysis indicates that the overall frequency of global tropical cyclones could decrease with global warming but that the intensity of these storms, as well as the frequency of the most intense cyclones could increase, particularly in the northwestern Pacific basin. We also found increases in the intensity of South Asian monsoonal rainfall, the frequency of global heavy precipitation events, the number of North American severe thunderstorm days, North American drought conditions, and European heatwaves, with rising global mean temperatures. In addition, the periodicity of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation may decrease, which could, in itself, influence extreme weather frequency in many areas of the climate system.  相似文献   

The simulation of extreme weather indices with the INM-CM5 and INMCM4 climate models for modern climate which were developed in the Institute of Numerical Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences is considered. It is shown that the INM-CM5 model improved the simulation of almost all indices concerning temperature (especially to its minimum values) and precipitation (mean total precipitation, mean precipitation intensity) extremes and concerning consecutive dry days and consecutive wet days. At the same time, the simulation of indices connected with extreme heavy precipitation became worse. It was found that this shortcoming can be minimized by introducing the vertical mixing of horizontal wind for the large-scale condensation and deep convection.  相似文献   

Regional climate model projections for the State of Washington   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Global climate models do not have sufficient spatial resolution to represent the atmospheric and land surface processes that determine the unique regional climate of the State of Washington. Regional climate models explicitly simulate the interactions between the large-scale weather patterns simulated by a global model and the local terrain. We have performed two 100-year regional climate simulations using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model developed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). One simulation is forced by the NCAR Community Climate System Model version 3 (CCSM3) and the second is forced by a simulation of the Max Plank Institute, Hamburg, global model (ECHAM5). The mesoscale simulations produce regional changes in snow cover, cloudiness, and circulation patterns associated with interactions between the large-scale climate change and the regional topography and land-water contrasts. These changes substantially alter the temperature and precipitation trends over the region relative to the global model result or statistical downscaling. To illustrate this effect, we analyze the changes from the current climate (1970–1999) to the mid twenty-first century (2030–2059). Changes in seasonal-mean temperature, precipitation, and snowpack are presented. Several climatological indices of extreme daily weather are also presented: precipitation intensity, fraction of precipitation occurring in extreme daily events, heat wave frequency, growing season length, and frequency of warm nights. Despite somewhat different changes in seasonal precipitation and temperature from the two regional simulations, consistent results for changes in snowpack and extreme precipitation are found in both simulations.  相似文献   

The literature suggests that extreme weather experiences have potential to increase climate change engagement by influencing the way people perceive the proximity and implications of climate change. Yet, limited attention has been directed at investigating how individual differences in the subjective interpretation of extreme weather events as indications of climate change moderate the link between extreme weather experiences and climate change attitudes. This article contends that subjective attribution of extreme weather events to climate change is a necessary condition for extreme weather experiences to be translated into climate change mitigation responses, and that subjective attribution of extreme weather to climate change is influenced by the psychological and social contexts in which individuals appraise their experiences with extreme weather. Using survey data gathered in the aftermath of severe flooding across the UK in winter 2013/2014, personal experience of this flooding event is shown to only directly predict perceived threat from climate change, and indirectly predict climate change mitigation responses, among individuals who subjectively attributed the floods to climate change. Additionally, subjective attribution of the floods to climate change is significantly predicted by pre-existing climate change belief, political affiliation and perceived normative cues. Attempts to harness extreme weather experiences as a route to engaging the public must be attentive to the heterogeneity of opinion on the attributability of extreme weather events to climate change.  相似文献   

近50年中国气温、降水极值分区的时空变化特征   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
黄琰  封国林  董文杰 《气象学报》2011,69(1):125-136
在全球增暖背景下,当前极端天气气候事件频发,由此引发的气象灾害及其所带来的社会经济损失日益增加.深入了解与社会生活密切相关的气温和降水极值的特征,对开展防灾减灾工作有指导意义.文中用百分位阈值求算变量极值的概率密度值,从极值概率角度用系统聚类分析法合并站点,根据方差稳定性特征和变量最概然值的均值确定划分区域个数和对区域...  相似文献   

气候异常常出现极端天气气候事件和严重的气象灾害,对人类活动和农业生产有严重影响。锡林郭勒盟2009年冬至2010年春气温异常偏低,降水多,一些地区冬季的极端最低气温突破了历史极值。低温多雨的春季气候虽然为牧草生长和农作物播种提供了较好的水分条件,但异常偏低的气温造成严重的热量条件不足,导致锡林郭勒盟大部地区牧草返青期推迟了15~20天,主要作物播种期推迟了10~15天,影响了牧草和农作物生产,推迟了牲畜采青。  相似文献   

全球气候变化,特别是升温、降水强度增加以及极端天气气候事件频发,会通过影响重大工程的设施本身、重要辅助设备以及重大工程所依托的环境,从而进一步影响工程的安全性、稳定性、可靠性和耐久性,并对重大工程的运行效率和经济效益产生一定影响,气候变化还对重大工程的技术标准和工程措施产生影响。本文以青藏铁路(公路)工程、高速铁路工程、重大水利水电工程为典型工程阐述气候变化对重大工程的影响。青藏铁路(公路)沿线的冻土环境的热平衡极易打破,多年冻土环境一经破坏,难以恢复,气候变化已经使多年冻土环境发生变化,并且未来的多年冻土退化在全球变暖的背景下将变得更加严重。未来中国地区的地表气温、年平均降水量、台风等都将发生变化,极端天气气候事件频发,影响我国高速铁路的气候变化向着不利于高铁工程的趋势发展,将给高铁基础设施的服役寿命以及高铁运输秩序等方面带来影响。气候变化导致的温度变化、降水变化,改变了水资源的时空分布规律,对水工程和水安全在水量分配和调度、水资源利用和水文风险管理等产生影响。  相似文献   

利用西昌市北郊某观测站19742009年近40年的逐日降水资料, 采用通用的极端气候指数, 逐年统计各级降水的发生日数资料。采用气候趋势分析法、滑动平均法、多项式拟合法及Morlet小波变换等方法诊断分析各类降水事件的气候变化特征。结果表明:雨日、冰雹的减少趋势显著;总降水量、年最大日降水量、强降水日数R95%、中等雨日数R75%、雨季总降水量呈上升趋势, 但并不显著, 降雪日数的下降趋势也不显著;暴雨日数的长期变化趋势不明显;各类降水事件及极端天气存在一定的振荡周期。针对现阶段气候变化特点, 提出了应对建议。   相似文献   

近年来,城市气候变化问题引起高度关注。综合IPCC第一工作组第六次评估报告(IPCC AR6)关于气候变暖背景下城市对极端天气气候事件影响的评估,本文得到以下科学认识:城市化加剧了局部气候变暖,全球许多城市都面临更多更强的高温热浪事件;城市化使得诸多城市区域及其下风向极端降水增加,地表径流加强;沿海城市受到日益加剧的与海平面上升有关的复合型洪水的影响;城市污染物排放和不利通风的建筑结构加剧了区域污染,同时增加了地表的臭氧含量。预计未来城市极端高温、极端降水及有关洪水事件将更为频发,空气污染形势更为严峻,气候变化风险进一步加大。中国城镇化进程迅速,需要进一步加强气候变化背景下城市极端事件的观测、形成机理和数值模拟研究,以提升城市极端事件风险认识水平和应对能力。  相似文献   

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